The Oshawa Times, 24 Feb 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Wednesday sunny with a few Winds THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls ...... RA 83-3474 cloudy intervals; milder, southwest. Oshawa Snes Authorized As Second Class Mail de Not Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1959 Post Office Department, Ottawa VOL. 88 -- NO. 46 Pa, : A.V. ROE PRESIDENT, PM HOLD OTTAWA MEETING Officials Refuse Any Comment side the prime minister's office in the Parliament Buildings. Mr. Diefenbaker said there had been "preliminary discussions" |and that talks would continue {throughout the day. He said Mr. Gordon and Fred SIXTEEN PAGES : BM Khrushchev Says No = To Germany Meeting a rn of 23 on | MOSCOW (AP) Premier| The Western powers rejected move differences between the So-| / % Ma Limi, NOalorred on hare Khrushchev, emerging from two this proposal in their recent notes|vViet Union and Britain and thus Minister Diefenbaker on the pos. days of talks with British Prime calling for a four-power meeting reduce international tension. sibilities of alternate work for the Minister Macmillan, threw coldion Germany at the foreign min-| "The Soviet Union is prepared |! Roe plants at Malton, Ont. water today on the West's plan ister Jevel. fo conclude not only. an agree. Another conference between the ; : for a four-power meeting on Ger- ment on trade and cultural rela- two was scheduled for later to.|T. Smye, a Roe vice-president, 4 ! fire which destroyed a home for SMALLWOOD PREMIER nominees for the men are The-| odore Bikel, Lee J. Cobb, Burl| Ives, Arthur Kennedy and Gig Young. The supporting actress nom- inees are Peggy Cass, Wendy em. Two other firemen--both uni-| Cyprus' Makarios Now Ii "I have had very little ex- perience of self-government. In fact, I'm one of the most governed people in the world." that if the cancellation was post- poned last fall because of danger in the Far East an equally valid reason existed today for not ine terfering with the progam he cause there was danger in west- #8 ern Europe and the Middle East. formance of improved solid pro- d at Fort Churchill, Man., next win- ter to test solid propeliants. In the last year, the defence re- search board said in a statement, CARDE has given static firing tests to about 50 rockets eight inches in diameter so as to mea- sure pressure and obtain other related information before in- creasing the size of the engines. It said Monday's firing is a "notable milestone" in a rocket t program. It was the ev Gigi, already winner of awards {from the Screen Producers Guild and the Screen Directors Guild, | is expected to repeat in the Acad-| |emy Awards as best picture. | But competition from the other Gunmen Hold | Officer, (fight hang . |done for the purpose of em-|That is our ma around a bowling aliey in Flush. | Go To Detroit barrassing the government." [the government . . . year-old son of former Dodger | catcher Roy Campanella and 17 other youths were arrested Mon-| day after a gang fight. | David Campanella was charged with juvenile delinquency. | Police said he was a leader of| a gang called the Chaplains, who challenged another gang to a over 'rights" to ing, Queens. Police said the gangs arranged Don't go around snorting 'there ought to be a law." Consult a lawyer and you'll "Without warning, without dis. cussion with the industry, with. out any opportunity being given probably find there is. Avro Engineers d to discuss these matters in Par- LL hae liament . , . the prime minister issued his bleak and negative | JORN DIEFENBAKER statement of last Friday, a state- conclusion any fair-minded per-/ment that the company learned |son can come to is that it was!of from the columns of the press. jor indictment of CCF House said the government No hope was held out to the] Hazen Argue, {company last fall that the gov-|leader, TORONTO (CP) -- A United| GEORGE MEANY {in and were then black- U.K. Auto Industry Crippled LONDON (AP)__Britain's booming automobile industry --wiih thousands of export orders o.. the books -- was crip pled today by two unofficial strikes. Ford Motor Company sent home nearly 7,500 workers. Ten thousand quit in a sep- arate walkout at the Steel Company of Wales, a major sup- plier of auto steel. Flying Object Dashes Over Michigan EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP)--A flaming bluish-green object streaked over Michigan about 6:30 a.m. today. State troopers in lower and upper Michigan sighted it travelling from east to west. Radio stations had calls from citizens who also saw the object. : ) , SERS 4 Well, they say everybody has | wheels of cars during yester- problems when it snows, but | day's snowfall John had to dig yesterday's snowfall found CNR | in under the drive wheels of this vardman John Celitans, Port | Montreal to Toronto diesel pas- Hope, with a big job. While | senger express when it stopped other shovellers were kept busy | in fresh snow here for passen- digging snow out.from under | gers. --Oshawa Times Photo London Plasterers Return To Job LONDON, Ont. (CP) Union plasterers returned to their Job at the new men's residence being built at the University of Western Ontario this morning, signalling the end of a work stoppage that began last Monday. Khrushchev warned that any|yon with Great Britain, but also|g ill fully outline thei tio! many, violation of the East German| . 5 day. will fully outline their suggestions 4 : Khrushchev told a political|, 0 "0 "00 dispute over West|2 Pact of friendship and non-|§ The Roe aircraft and engine during the day to a cabinet com- na Ml od rally in the Kremlin that the So- poo. 00 1% FE red an aggression, ob. pact. he plants were shut down Friday Mittee comprising Defence Mine . viet Union, the United States,|, "=, aggression against the| _; DoR-3Bgress P of when the government killed pro-|ister Pearkes, Finance Minister FATAL FIRE IN HI Britain and France cannot dis-|u Pact rowers |said, could be for a term of 20 grams for the supersonic Arrow | Fleming, Transport Minister in, | f tioning 1 tion cuss German reunification be-|" 2 >a" Fact powers, (years but if that was not long BERN (interceptor and its lroquois en. | Hees, Labor Minister Starr and Three youngsters died in this | retarded children at Val Morin, | for ques'ioning in connection ause "this is a question for the| Referring to his talks with Mac-|enough, then for 50 years. "{ {Defence Production Minister '0% 3 Quebec. Shown are the ruins of with the fire, . AP Wiseshot oan German states themselves." millan, Khrushchev said: While Khrushchev was speak- gine: ob : appeared highly Hurley. the home. A man was arrested nd P Wirep! oto | A four-power meeting at the | "We would be sincerely happy ing in the Kremlin, Macmillan upset i, oy left nino, These ministers were present |foreign ministers' level, as sug-|if Macmillan would help to re-|was sightseeing. "I can't make any comment at|at the meeting betwoen Mr, Dief- 2 | "iT Fi hter Faces Charges: by the Wes ight in 3 Nild House all," he said as he strode har. enbaker and Mr. Gordon this e S crease Instead of reduce interna- | riedly by reporters waiting out-'morning. tional tension, Khrushchev said. LADIES STAR [] t | Khrushchev conceded that the four wers could discuss pre- | In Flames Of Mur der vention of militarism in West and * upports n gry or \'4 e East Germany. But he then re- scar 1ne- P . ] [ stated the Soviet thesis that re- . . = MONTREAL (CP)--Ice-coated dentified--leaped aside and clung irl S Death |unification should be settled only So" firemen combing smouldering fe to a Modlen sign until Jey Were |by the Germans themselves. ew nion n ITOW e a & . bris in the white glare of search- hau to safety wil a | n (0) 00 : lights early today recovered the|ladders. | Gerald Byron Feasby, Zivesr- [LEADERS OF WAR ALLIES WwW ST. JOHN'S. Mild, (Pe '] : bodies of two of their fellow.| Flames ate through the build-lold Oshawa-born auto assembly| Khrushchev i aoa Ron {Premier Smallwood was to leave| OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-jof the government any plan to workers who died battling one of ing for more than seven hours|line worker, will go on trial IniSoniel Pred ee A» of all] HOLLYWOOD (AP)--The spot- nominees will be stiff. They are|for Grand Falls today with the|ter Diefenbaker says 14,000 work-|take the place of the CF-105." ; three separate fires in Montreal and left but a burnt-out shell ofiLos Angeles, Cal. next March 17|of heads ol aa waged war light was on the ladies today in|Auntie Mame; Cat on a Hot Tin|unanimous blessing of the New-lers on the CF-105 Arrow jet in-| wy. "ruecot ver delivered hig" Monday night. \What was a thriving businessifor the 1958 murder of Charlotte those nations k out alHollywood's annual carnival of Roof; The Defiant Ones; and Sep-|foundland legislature in his bid to|terceptor were dismissed Friday] MI: Die Jive Edward Normoyle, acting as-|block. A combination restaurant Trosper, Hollywood pin-up model.|zzainst Hitler to worl ou Oboars larate Tables. [form a loggers' union indepen-by an employer who knew the blunt indictment of A. V.|Roé sistant director of the depart. and bar occupied the two upper| Feasby was charged last De- treaty with Germany. | For the first time in years, In supporting categories, the|dent of the International Wood- project was finished last Septem. near the end of a day-long «rier. ment, and Fireman Jacques Dau-/floors and on the ground floor cember and pleaded not guilty there was no clear-cut favorite : workers of America (CLC). ber and who was trying deliber-|gency debate on the final tas. delin were killed when the roof|there were four commercial when arraigned at a Preliminary INCE PHILIP | among the woman nominees. Not He announced his union organ.|ately to embarrass the govern- cellation order announced Fri of a burning Harte storey ole establishments, Beawing. He igh Deen held in| PR |a tinted, hair separates these izing plans at Monday's opening|ment. (day. A ah town building collapsed under|se porapp onda . Sumy Jui Boi Lost ERNED' "si of the legislature. Later he asked| A. V. Roe (Canada) Limited) Paul Hellyer, former BIH 4 A party of 11 eating in the | Angeles Cr gery ooay Fear MOST GOV |, Elizabeth Taylor (cat on a 20 the people of Newfoundland in a| "had no FH ierstanding what I pte a moved American Spaghetti House atl,y icy former Oshawa resident.| SINGAPORE (AP)--Prince |Ti0 BOW), Sas oli Kerr radio-television address to sup- ever nels night. "Its|the debate, described the deck the time and the restaurant's| "peaghy divorced in 1956, is the| Philip isn't a very free man, |Want to Live); Debor Hiller, Martha Hyer, Maureen|port him in "saving Ni Comm: y Baga Lt i easy, dive This tie p 1s Ty * |(Separate Tables); Shirley Mac- his terribl » attitude in letting out thousands|sion as 'cruel, heartless and ine staff of 25, Inge Seis hd b father of an 11-year-old girl. he says. Laine (Some Came Running): Stapleton and Cara Williams. (land from this e win a : g vatier | credibly e 2, safety down a flight of stairs at| ginoe hig separation he was em-| At a dinner here Monday, 1 {Aunti- ODDITY FOR G | H. Landon Ladd, pres G sia "the "only oY aula ithout - and Rosalind Russel ec ODD y ANNE bs. . 3 90 The the front of the bi we dis. |Dloved intermittently and worked he blo. Singapore's . rd | "Alex Guinness, tast years 05. TWA Disheiet 3, wi Roy J ¢ YL Mvinity Said THe Jjdifficulty Jahon. flames - were : e as an the men. the story Is«dif<isar winner, was nominated for J thout 5 i 1i / je o acted wi giving adi B . dur - storey 'ce. |) Te u wo ie hoi colony internal self-rule, then |, on: pavid Nive and Spencer (the best screen play The Horse's Work & Jadie Fig ho Vacton Ja consideration fo what should be against! 4 rx |General Motors plan uth- : . fl ions tonight. He s rem- P bg d yas Samaged aud gate near Los Angeles: y ed Tray. Sale cstaniitied a2 yas: Mouth. i 3 1 ier's Fc do not "in any way done to Replace He Arrow pro. this ~|several occupants & roomidg|" wigs Trosper, an attractive| Conspicuously missing were In-| affect the determination of the gram, He predicted a further 10,- for three years, House on the three top floors|irawberry blonde, was in her| Sig. edge 3 the. easy betting. grid Bergman for Inn of the Sixth| Tw to get a fair deal for the 000 to 20,000 families dependent we ; | , { : . i ; he order means Makarios.| During the blaze two other fire CUI We was found last Dee. 2.| |role as the pathetic woman mo- Happiness al Sd sereet Mery loggers. : oy Subsidiary industries will be -lcalls came in -- one from an|; : lester in Separate Tables and 3 ion: | The IWA went on strike against| . . bearded leader of more than 400, in the rugged, forested San Ga : Brando for The Young Lions | ill return to|apartment block fire in the west-|.".. Cong 0 Tracy, up for his third Oscar, . the Anglo-Newfoundland Develop- Mr. Hellyer said the cancella- 000 Greek Cypriots, w urn to} i n |briel Mountains behind Pasadena. | F Jean Simmons for Home Before i " "» his native Cyprus where he.was| central section of the city and the was nominated for his one-man|yrth SUE Frank Sinatra for ment Company Dec. 31 for higher tion spelled "disintegration" of Sous ero sud 43 sorcpentes's som Wster#'voe C gig In The OI Man and thelcon' Cime Ruming. + |124¢5 and shorir work wk, fe Sirah oY a ant leader errorists agains -| . ; - the British. g No casualties wale Feposted Ju anada Rocket CANCEL ONE ANOTHER ' |ployed by Anglo-Newfoundland at ans to the United States. Deportation orders against|either of the smaller ires but Poti Ithe time. PEARSON INDICTMENT > 9 t fire - fightin uipment Tony Curtis and Sidney tier, | Pp : ON Gifs Jeaden Ee VOR eine esupment o . who went through The Defiant dampanelia s mi 450 loggers working vi Opposition Leader Pearson sald Bishop Kyprianos of Kyrenia, |outlying districts to handle them | Ones handcuffed to each other, - , I P Mill Bog vA criticized the London |because the city's central equip- ngine 1 are expected to eanett each ing on al e Bowater 5 Pulp 2d A os agreement last week under which{ment was taxed to the limit. out of the running by virtue ol [land have also stopped work. Cyprus will become a republic;| Causes of all three fires has OTTAWA (CP)--Tie first suc-|peliants for powering research their well-matched performances. Polycarpos Joannides, his secre-|nof been Stermiisied and no esti dona aii ring ot 3 ue pian : xe Fifth male Qoiginee js Paul n ang ar | .f total loss was immedi- Cessiul : ae Newma | By om Papasiavios Papaga [Hate oF 8 duel : rocket engine. Totaling It is hoped to launch rockets Roof. NEW YORK (AP) -- The 15. THOUGHT FOR TODAY -- -- - ---- almost a ton of solid fuel, was |announced today by ithe Defence ? Research Board, MEANY Vs. REUTHER The engine, 17 inches in diam. |eter and about 17 feet long, was fired Monday at the Canadian { Ineas Truce nN Armament Research and Devel- |opment Establishment at Valcar- |tier, Que. The primary objective of the AF] ( 10 Hassle |investigations is to test the per- - first for a 17-inch engine and the » to meet M / ing|6FRment would buy the plane al-|should have continued the Arrow SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) engine provided a thrust of about | Man Prisoner |each ide OEY, Yi tikes from States firm began recruiting though Bundi ne biate 3 contract insofar as it was neces. AFL-CIO leaders emerged with 0Ca ' 20,000 pounds for. a period of 20 sue. No weapons were idly some of Canada's top aircraft in-(y "0 ooo largely because of the sary to provide employment of 2n uneasy truce today after a re. seconds. ; | MONTREAL (CP) -- Two gun: FIGHTERS NABBED '(dustry technicians today even as| oo citation in the Far East./the people involved and, if the volt Jed by w alter Reuther Plans Action Similar engines will be tested men were arrested early today |" police spotted a crowd of about, Samo:, grew for 2 En But the company 'continued to| experts advised against buying agains resident George at Valcartier in further studies to|after they held an Ontario pro- 30 b i Jac inl id \/lead its workers to believe that|the plane for the RCAF, the pro- Meany's one-man direction of cover a wide range of conditions, |vincial policeman and another |e port i Mar It sud_is- ited plants in nearby Malton i},ore was going to be a change." gram should have been discon- policies. . the statement said. Scientists also motorist prisoner for severa fighting, including Campanella (alive. : . [Representations were made but tinued "in the words of the presi- aL wast eléar Who i wot, n VIO, als |wer€ striving to develop mater- hours during a 60-mile trip in a were taken in along with 19] Continent Aviation a Engi | at no time was there ever|dent of the company, in an or- ut Reuther and other leaders of ; : i ials withstanding unusually high|stolen car. thers. neering Corporation of Toronto placed before us or any minister derly fashion." -- the former CIO felt their voices 8 z nase Neca ye ou Joes 2 temperatures developing within| A third man Is being sought. |" Co ela iF: tive others began interviewing turbine egi- would: be Jeflected mare 40 ihe i immediate action In opposition to Tocket engines after firing. [Police said he hitched a ride 10|who were under 16 were charged |sork wha DF thong he 15.80 po Jolicis of the merged, ,000, ; the government's move of clos- NON-LIQUID FUEL | Montreal Sh a passing or | With juvenile delinquency. The |r cers , ai Aer it Py : For one tang it apjenre ing down one of Canada's leading The CARDE establishment has ist Hier tie Sumnen § car sia [Seer boys were charged with|ang Orenda Engines Limited i . poly industries while unemployment is ignor: iquid fuels in its re- . {disorderly conduct, No one was i that ay a 0 n mesg 2 | at its highest peak since the war. search, pressing on with solid| Constable A. J, Warrener of the [injured in the fight, : Panis rey: oa within hours De "5. "meriores EAE] Re i Sure al lr $50 re aa 1 Oo 0 peso oe 0 Chapa, anos LE A i et Jobloms Wil Je along Te yes 4 $7 Hon arrangements for the re frucketry development possibili- lhe had stopped three nen 10F nd Spanish - speaking youths, freinGe nt ivy i opDE , : establishing of commercial work ties. {questioning about two miles south Campanella is a Negro. The i i won't be the Joass march of ug: before withdrawing defence con-| The propellant used Monday of Hawkesbury after he noticed other hoys involved in the fight 2am, the sole Project of the Mal employed Rewther rst Propos , : f tracts. {was made at CARDE and the en: |their car answered the descrip- were white. . I Douglas Oliver, executive staff Dut it Hkely: will be more J 4 vg | TCA, a company completely gine Sencd Jers, di [tion of one stolen in St. Cathar-| He og two of the boys picked [engineer for Continental, said in- ton of controlled by the government, is| In the flights planned for next ines. (up with him are members of a|terview teams would select 50 en. OO i" °F Olficials importing all its planes from Winter, the scientists hope to test | Const. Warrener said his atten- rock 'n' roll singing group--the gineers for the Detroit firm. He ny ? | Britain and the. U.S. Those | the reaction of propellants under tion was distracted for a moment | Del-Cords -- Who have appeared |said Continental needs such tech.| © REUTHER CHIDED [ : planes, the executive feels, could| "dynamic" conditions through|and one of the men fired at him.|on TV and cut a couple of rec-|nicians for a development pro-| ping economic policy. at least in i " The revolt boiled up behind the the committee stage Reuther | De made by the skilled workers at|elec.roic relays to ground ob-| Then all three disarmed him and 'ords, yet to be released. gram. scenes at the annual winter meet-|said if he couldnt run the eco.|VRO who built the first jetliner serving stations. forced him into their car. | ing of the AFL-CIO executive nomic committee, he might as' 1951, . . council here. It began when w, jacked by C. D. Howe, former! | mle ol: the zat AFL-- YO) op James, mastermind of Liberal policy, | | 1n ry Il ario | |from commercial work into de-| | Eltron + ssi Cor 02 man wet, pment ok wo oo) | ATE NEWS FLASHES CIO--for Ang a session o 1€ eration's CIO faction. The meet-| : : . economic policy committee While ing got so hot that Meany or The seriousness of this situa- the federation president was de- . y '(tion the executive contends, is D 1 B layed in Washington by a cold. dered Carey %o leave his seat and |eyen more important for citizens AZZ 133 V un h Mist . © one at the foot of the execu- 0 io ridi 'h 3 Meany was reportec angry at tive council table, somethi th of Ontario riding W D are Jipre | Riuther's uaemployment marehloerappy Cary refuse os Jened 1 Doe Hou Mike Bar. 3 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Nine. inches of soow fell at Per chairman of the eco-| Meany, Reuther and other fed- sible for this decision. : | The Stow-covered countryside Peterborough n the 12 hours 4 : ied ive o of Southern Ontario lay dazzling heaviest fall of the winter. Drift- ittee, rctorted that ration officials failed to resolve; The executive can see from i : Is nomic committee, i " \ A { under a bright, wintry sun today ing snow covered streets. There Meany never had attended eco- the conflict at two secret meet- present Conservative policy that r a 1 h EE i y . : . : --a welcome change from the were many minor accidents. nomic policy meetings. Anyway, |iD8S during the week. Some union|they can expect little help .in | st hick Mona 1 ix [FIFTY SNOW PLOWS the auto workers 'union chief|!€aders feared a blowup of the|their fight to protect the Cana- (form which Monday left six; IVI . : / 1 ¥ four- w ina. | dig i inches of traffic-snailing snow. Toronto civic authorities called id, as ehairman he should have r-year merged lahor organiza- dian auto industry. [ i 52 elatively 'f hand |tion. showdown session was| The executive board, at its Milder, sunny weather also pre- (out 42 salting machines and 50 a relatively free hand at "2 {held Monday night. | meeting, established a committee Yala today ves ol ihe fuow Plows to Jeep jratric arter-| : i |of three, composed of Cliff Pilkey, other provinces. The Maritime ies clear of snow. There were no CITY EMERGENCY Later, Meany declined com- Som provinces were expected to get|major traffic accidents but city i tary-treasurer and William Ruth- variable snowfalls with tempera- incidents included: PHONE NUMBERS peared Ey ome P-lerford, vice-president, to plan im-| tures in the 20s. Fire trucks headed for a con- nda ers mediate action on the AVRO clos-! The Southern Ontario storm|struction company blaze in sub- Nobody ever talked about cavsed traffic tie-ups in' cities urban North York were held up FIRE DEPT. R A dl d there are'small cars from the U.S. next and towns Monday and police re- for 20 minutes in snarled traffic. 5 DEPT. RA 53-6574 understandings now on things September, d th rious HOSPITAL RA tii where there were misunderstand. employment situation now affect. Eerous on most highways. Some found two hydrants frozen. Loss i side roads were impassable, Iwas estimated at $100,000. ment. Reuther, with what ap-(President; Russ McNeil, secre- POLICE RA 35-1133 Sting. Oo ae tfi a ing. the proposed importatien of ported driving conditions as dan-|When they did arrive firemen lings before," 'Ing the Canadian economy.

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