186 T™E wmawa nvm, Weenesgey, resruery 11, 1¥oy == THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Classified Number 37--Male Help Wanted RA 3-3492 aupoitstment. Phone D0 5 ir od TTI hey | Jiave ove or you! Box 515, Oshawa bathroom 35¢ |heavy Bi 3 BOY, TW for snack bar, room snd|orect: plus wages. Gordon Grill, Pick-|THREE - room apartment 4 heavy wiring, board Stc | ering, Ontario 3c prin se a AR EXPERIENCED truck driver for oil company, Write Box 618, O OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12: 19--Persone IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take Rumacaps and help yourself to pianos, relief from pains and aches. Ask your oe ah offer, contact |8-035! druggist. 35a)19 Street. Phone RA 8-1131, SEEKING to purchase. fos for Juvsie col- |32--Articles Wanted SELLING ii. We'll uy if. Re frigerators, washers, |44--For Rent solicitor for| TWO unfurnished rooms and » Fulton at RA/completely furnished; JT AY 20 Kine Sent Weak 15--Instruction LILLIAN Frio i Maren, Dance Educator: ool, ballet, tap, baton, pre- schon! Eh Fuiany and Saturday Masonie lemple, RA 3-7253. 8--Building Trades HARDWOOD f floors jad, a sanded, finish. Can WA aan (CARPENTER work, framing, .trim- ming, kitchen Pp. Alterations and repairs. No jobs 100 big or too small. Work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. ROCKWOOL insulation, blowing meth- ods, all and rk: hi 1--Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Services offer complete bookkeeping services for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Room 1, Office RA 5-0397; Residence, RA 3.7605. YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Co., Accounts, and auditors. Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; F, Friedlander, B. Comm. CPA. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certified Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5-3509. WERGER FRANKEL AND CO. countants and auditors, 18% King ||Street East. RA 3.0221. MONTEITH, Monteith, "Riehl and Co., tees, Ajax, La Siisthod, Toronto; Please Note Deadlines finds now in effect for Bi, Mamta, Cort of Tani A. SAME DAY THS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS A ALGER -- Dr. and Mrs, "Jan Ewart Alger (nee Joyce Cannon) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Timothy Cannon at Doctors' Foapital, New York City, on February 8, 1 A brother for Derek and Wendy. COWAN -- Ken and Adele are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Ken- Jath Royes: 8 bs. 8 ozs., on M February 9, 1959, at the Oshawa Gen. eral Hospital A brother for Paul. FEHRENBACH: Mark and Faye (nee Meagher), are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, 8 Ibs., on Sunday, February 8, 1959, at the Osh- awa General Hospital, A sister for Danny. MARTIN ~-- Ivan and Peggy (nee Simkin) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Scott William, 6 Ibs., 8 ozs., at Deep River Hospital, Ont. on February, 7 1959. ¥ STOVIN -- Mr. and Mrs, Allan Stovin (nee Elva Zarowny) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, born Monday, February 9, 1959 at the Osh- awa General Hospital,w eighing 7 Ibs. 1 oz. A sister for Debbie and Michael. DEATHS GAMBLE -- On Monday, February 9, 1959, Ernest Bruce Gamble, be- loved husband of Mary Jane Hicks, in his 70th year. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel, Thurs- day, February 12th, 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. 34b SOANES In Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, February 10, 1959, Stewart M. Soanes, beloved hus- band of Catherine Bull, and loving father of Mrs. F. Lovelock (Mary) in his 58th year, Service in Knox Pres- byterian Church on Friday, February 13 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn etery, The late Mr. Soanes is rest- ing at the McIntosh Funeral Home. 35b INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION OIL PAINTING Evening Classes Radio Park Clubhouse M, J. KIRKPATRICK Artist Teac RA 5-3138 AFTER "7 LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S Driving School 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-5315 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Feb, 10-11. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, March 3 - 4. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for app 21--Personal Service SEWING machine tle apa and service, to all makes, Elna RA 501. BABY sitting ey can supply re. liable experienced women for Davy at ting; also to care for children or elderly people by day or longer rea- sonable rates. Mrs. R. 8. Disney, RA 3.4921 Office hours, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 4.30. pm. to 7 pm. Closed Thursday Phone 642 Ajax after 6. FIRST class plastering and repairs, Phone RA 5-8702. po that * "Rec" room now. STOR Sati mates Hling, all building repairs. RA 9166, JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 50 Nassou St. RA 3-7080 PAINTING AND DECORATING Specialists in flooring. Hard- wood, Sanding, ond Finishing. Wall and Floor Tiling, Free - estimates, RA 3-9206 DODD & SOUTER PAINTS -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call-- Days MO 8-5231 Evenings RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby 10--Sharpening Service SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete automatic grinding equipment in Osh- awa for sharpening Hand- saws, Bandsaws (metal and wood), Lawnmowers, Skates, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE, cor. King & Burke. RA 3-3224 11--Business Opportunities DISTRIBUTORS required fo service on fa repeating product in the tobacco field. Men selected will be sober, honest, and have immediately available an invest- ment of $950 to cover stock. Part time jccepianle to start. No triflers please. Box 520 Oshawa Times 5b Times. 3c | WATKINS routes available, full or part allable, full or part a time. Phone RA 5-8580, RA 5-7767. BOY, 17 » it. J years, some Ping Ap eng Mii ds Jeuge an asset. Apply Box 441, Oshawa es, Rental Service TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 11==Business Opportunities I1a--Business Opportunities Wanted 12--=Dressmakin- 13--~Gardening & Supplies INEXPERIENCE MEN, 20 - 24, SINGLE Who desire to begin a selling career. Must be free to travel . Experience not ne- cessary, full sales training given in learning to act with staff on literary offer of na- ion whose representatives travel from Atlantic to Pacific. Car sup- plied. Exceptional future. Commis- sion or salary plus bonus to qualifying applicants, Mr. Letros, 67 King St. E, Suite 4, 34b LOVELY Dedroosr Tor ection Sik LOVELY bedroom gentleman i. Private ome: "Ww Formby Boulevard FORTY Dollars, near 282 King St. West RA 5-4873 Ample Parking WANTED SCRAP AND POULTRY I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD, IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG 8 JVETAL RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR STREET EAST OPEN SATURDAYS 35--Employment Wanted YOUNG German woman desires house. SSaning five days per week. Call BA LADY offers day care fo children 'n her own home. Phone RA 5-9843, 30f YOUNG man, 21, Grade 11 education, oui Sie Jb, en four years exper- es. arles ellon, Albert. RA 5.9414, 34 YOUNG man, with 10 years' Gi ence as shoe salesman and men's fur- desires position. Available im- mediately. Write Box 516, The Oshawa Times. 35¢ North, Oshawa. LEO GOODMAN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 8 College View Avenue, Toronto HUdson 5-6121 2--Barristers gid 8. JONES, BA, Greer, Assoc. lors 65 id Street South. 5-3525. Mortgage loans available. THOMAS M. BUNDLE. 2 ier, Soli- citor and Nol 26% King Street East. Phone ry inet, JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- tor 2 and 8 Noary Public, 18 18% King Street East. 3-2269. NHA and private mort- gages = JOSEPH 'P, Mangan, QC, Barrister, -|| Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 83-8232; Residence, RA 5-3405. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resi- dence, RA, 8-5373. MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan, Asso- ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA. Henry Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697, residence, Dial RA 3-4029. CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and Notary Public, Bank of Commerce Belling, Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; T. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. x Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort gages arranged. GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717. Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. Z. T. SALMERS, Barrister, Soli- citor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street north. residence, RA For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING You Can Actual GO DANCIN After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS 112 Simcoe St. S. RA 8-1681 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For Dorcas! service at your home, call RA 57 17--Money to Loan CLIENTS' money to loan on first $ mors gage. Mortgage and of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- oc! FIRST and second mortgage, sale agr purchased and sold, Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, RA 3-7232, CLIENTS' monies available for f rst and second mortgages. Mortgages and of sale Apply E. Swartz, 'Barrister and Notary Punic, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA ENT apartment, J Hugg rooms and bath, elt et Suit working Souple, sl private bath, oye, electric, 'frig, cups boards, laundry, TV hookup, hot water, Couple preferred. 904 Grierson Street- after 6 p.m. af TWO wniuraisied Toms, children wel. comes. RA 34t FIVE . room CERIN; located on Wicker Drive, $90 monthly. Phone RA 5-6252. He CLEAN, a four-piece room, Kitchen gi and heavy ow wiring. RA 85109, 34f [SHARE five-room apartment ith man and sons, furnished bath. , $12.50 He th 21 --Personol Sérvice 42--Radio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24--~Market Basket 25--Pets and Livestock 26--Farmer's Column 27-~Fuel, Wood i8--Summer Resorts 280--Hunting 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost and Found 31 =Articles For Rent 32--Articles Wanted 34--Auction Sales 35 Wanted 36--Female Help Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted 38---Male or Female Help Wanted 39--Agents Wanted 40--Cpportunities 41--Room and Boord 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real 'Estate For Saie 450--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted 4/--Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobliies Wanted 49--Automobile Repairs S50--Articles For Sale S51--Swap and Barter 52--Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc- ing, Stream Bath and Mas- sage. 451 Simcoe St. South, RA 5-9602 for Appointment. Open 10 a.m. - 10 p.m, 22--Radio & TV Repairs TV TOWERS completely installed, 1 year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, no rivets, all welded. All channel aerials in 8: easy terms. Kelly TV, RA 5-5121. SPECIALIZED r a 4 fo and television service. All maki Fred 157 Elliot Street. Call RA 3.9792. T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Moved and Repaired 20-tt. aerial, $29 and up. ROLLAND T.V. RA 3-4849 VACANCY FOR MEN FOR RESCUE TRAINING This offers interesting, pur- poseful work and good fellow- ship. Volunteers requested to | phone Civil Defense Co-Or- dinator, RA 5-1153, Monday to Friday for further informa- tion, Course requires 3 hours per week. 16 TO 19 LARGE CANADIAN FIRM REQUIRES TWO YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN Must be of good appear- ance, ambitious and will- ing to travel, No exper- ience necessary. Apply Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 and 3.30 to 5.30. Kings- way 'Motel, 695 King St. E. Eastern limits of Osh- awa Highway No. 2 Mr. Forester, Room 14, 38--Male or Female Help Wanted room, kitchen, lounge, TV etc weekly. Phone RA 5-5774 My s. UNFURNISHED two-room apartment, cupboards, sink, heavy wiring, separate RA bod entrance, One child welcome. 5-80331, 331 La Salle Avenue. FURNISHED bedroom, single beds for two willing to share. Central, Apply 68 te Street. .RA 5-7936. 3a fre stove, FP Avenue ss room ry all conveni. ences, pleasant surroundings, adults prefe. furnished or unfu a RA 5.4233. 34 ATTRACTIVE self contained upper du- plex, equipped with electric stove and refrigerator, centrally located. "RA after 6 pm. - 34 THREE room furnished apartment, suitable for couple, two men or i + Apply 72 Cadillac Avenue South. NEW seven-room house, suitable = two families, no small children, $118 a month. RA 5-1038. 32 FIVE room apartment, stove and re- frigerator, furnished or unfurnished. - Possession Mareh 1 Apply 13 Johm Street, Apt. 35 SIX room house for rent, $115 monisly, Phone RA 3-3779. SIX zoom Rosa exeiGHT SRF Sich location, available March 16 for six months, $115 a month. Welle Box 517, Oshawa Times. 358 ential Apply 26 34 MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE First and Second Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bough: sold and arranged on City and Farm property and Summer Cottages. $2,000.00 and up. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. T.V. AERIALS -- T.V.REPAIRS All-channel antenna, rust- proof material. 20 ft. $24.00; 30 ft. $34.00; Rotor antenna $65.00; Towers $54.00. LEN & LOU'S T.V. RA 5-7844 wille MA 3-3942 BA, Dial offic RA 53741; GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service at moderate prices. RA 8-6226 390 King Street West and Kelly, tors, eh 7% Simcoe Street South. DI Dia RA 32278. Residence phones: J. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; Terence v Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8-5832; Duncan R. Phillips, B. Comm., RA 8.1974. BOWMAN David L., Barrister, Solic- tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5.9592, Resi. dence -0264. McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. Simcoe Street North. RA 5-3566, Charles C. McGib- bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barristers, Solicitors; R. D. Hotphtreys: Qc, G. = Boychyn, BA; W. Hillman, 6 King Street ry Phones: Office, RA 5-1177; Res., 3 or bck MO 8-2761. Money to loan, BRUCE Affleck, BA, Barrister and Soicior 425 Park Road South. RA 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone RA 5-3568 MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS Up to $3,000 fcr any good purpose, including down pay- ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts or purchases of any kind. No penalty for pre- payment, no bonus. For fast friendly service call SEABOARD 'DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. 29Y2 Simcoe Street South RA 5-1121 (Formerly Bellvue 18a--Mortgages WE HAVE clients monies for loans on first and second mortgages and pur- chase of agreements of sale. Louis S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh- awa, RA 3-4943, NEW PLAN 2nd and 3rd 3 CONSECUTIVE INGERTIONS 248 6 CONSECUTIV INSERTIONS 378 nN if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to orl ginal orders for consecutive inser- tions. Subsequent insertions ordered at o later date original order. Professional and Business listin, $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month. x na Initial iter, aohrey and ¢ sign, figure, d. Box CR The adationor hpi Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12, REGULATIONS-- The Daily Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of ony od- vertisement, nor beyond 'he price charged for a single insertion of 2.28 FAST T.V. SERVICE From A to Z Guaranteed expert job CALL RA 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS DELIVERY WORK $300 monthly income for part-time deliverys and collec- tions. Must have car or light truck. Must have $1,600 cash Reply giving name, address, and phone number to: BOX 504, OSHAWA nme fl For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone: RA 8-6211 -- RA 8-6212 24 King St. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karns Drug Store) IN MEMORIAM DUNKLEY -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Joseph Dunkley, who dled February 11, 1946, Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near, =S8adly missed and lovingly remember. od by his wife Amelia. NOBLE In loving remembrance of | 8 dear sister and aunt, Helena Noble, who left us February 11, 1957. --Ever remembered by Charles, Kay and Deni Lynn. constitute o new a -- attached | garage, oil heated, 128 Cadil- lac North, $85 a month, Vacant. RA 5-0332 after 6 p.m. RA 3.9210. 35¢ THREE - room apartment, built-in cupboards, TV outlet, private entrance. 269 Thomas Street. [ROOM in private home, very central, spring. mattress; suit , Elgin Street East. PARKWAY TELEVISION ELECTROHOME R.CA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television and service. 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 23--Women's Column SPECIAL -- heat permanents, $6.50; cold waves, $5.50 Page as Taresting. 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5 24--Market Basket FOR sale -- Potatoes, apples and tur. nips at 1357 Ritson Road North, RA 5-2929, J. E. St. Thomas. 25--Pets and Livestock REGISTERED Samoyed puppies for EXCLUSIVE, ESTABLISHED DEALERSHIP lich: ed Canadian com- pany hos an opening in this area for a reliable per- son (male or female) for an exclusive, established business dealership, No heavy work. Investment required $895.00. All replies will be answered. Please enclose phone number and address so that we can arrange an interview. WRITE BOX 507, OSHAWA TIMES 12--Dressmaking 36--Female Help Wanted WOULD you like to earn $40 per week, working evenings only, from 8.00 to 10.30 p.m.? We do! We are married ladies who do not canvass, deliver or collect, all our pre- ar. ranged. Phone Mrs. Brown, RA 3-2566. We. have positions available in Bow- manviie, Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin, and after Port Perry. Please write Mrs. J. Whalley, 1132 Ritson Road South, Osh. awa, or call above number. 35a ae pres A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister atid Solicites Jo Simcoe Street North. SopER. lee io GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717. Hussell J. Murphy and James A. ~facDonaid. 4--Dentists DR, G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. Open evenings by appointment. 259 Simcoes Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 5--Nursing Services ANDEN Sifice and book: preferred. to Box § 12 Ostavs CLERK - typist required for financial five days a week. Write Box 513, Oshawa Times. 34 WANTED -- Part -time worker Frida cafeteria, hours 4 - Please apply In person 9 am, 2 bon |for two boys, central, RA 8.1773, 35 Telephone Dietitian, RA 51322 for x ROOM and board for two, single beds, ther in clean home, good meals, lunches |5:, 34c MARRIED woman, age 25 - 35, to work | Packed and lau done, Close to .. Realt at RA 5-6544. Shopping centre. RA 5.1730 Lud. Realtare i. $18,000 full rice, $10,000 oy 1134 34f| Somerville Stree! 308 NEAR OCVI, ot and North plant, large four room apar{meat, private ath and $85. RA 5-9870. 41--Room and Board In| S0OM and board, the advertisements in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than ALMOST new, 3-bedroom brick bus- 34f RA Jparimet NOBLE -- In loving memory of a| mother and grandmother, Mrs. Helena M. Noble, who passed away February 11, 1957. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. that in which the actual error oc- cupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability if any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained there- in, God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it means to lose you, Mom, NURSING HOME Has now instclled a modern fire detection and alarm sys- tem, for the added protection of its patients, DRESSMAKING and alterations, 8-8701. 13--Gardening & Supplies LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden ing. service--lawns seeded, sodded, fer tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, roto-tilled, Sidewalk siabs, patio slabs Everything for your garden. RA 8.5753 ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) MORTGAGES $1 Monthly For Every $100 DY ot We guarantee our charge to be lowest rate obtainable. COSMOPOLITAN sale. Apply Mel's _ Service Station, Myrtle. Cc BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, in snack bar, part-time, evenings and weekends. Must be neat in Apply Wayside Snack Bar, Kingston West, 33¢c $100 MONTHLY Tor wearing lovely ' esses given you as bonus. Just how Nort! Fashion Frocks BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de- fleeing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6321. 26--Farmer's Column ROOM and board, seven days a eek, washing done. Apoiy 253 Quebec Stree! off Park Road Sou Sit NEW close to school and bus. Phone 5-9627 after 5. 504 Dunkirk, ROOM and board Jettiemen; good meals, single beds. 252 Arthur Street. RA 8-0723. SIMCOE North, four and five-room apartment, all conveniences. Call RA 56343. 9 am. - 5 pm. in No experience necessary. "North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Industrial Blvd. Dept. B-3629 Montreal. FOUND -- on Mary Street, orange and ROOM and board. Apply 235 Bryce Street. RA 8-1129. BEST in town, single beds, all es ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS DISCOUNT 64] Yonge St., Toronto WA. 3-0939 Open Daily 9 to 5.30. ai. | p.m, Evenings -- Tues and Thurs. tn 9 WELL service, Wells cleaned out and |deepened; well tiles supplied, Phone RA 8-0394 Oshawa. DEAD farm stock picked up Phone collect, Bowmanville, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. FRUIT trees pruned, experienced man RA ss conveniences, close to south GM. RA 5-4429. Apply 536 Street. ROOM and board, close to four corners and GM. Good European meals, RA 8-5160 or 29 Elgin Street East. ROOM and board for gentleman. Close to all south plants, home privileges. RA 3.3101. ipod and home privileges ORONO ORONO -- The afternoon Wom- en's Auxiliary of Orono United Ghurch will hold their meetings in'the evenings for the next three months. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mrs. Harry Bailey dear husband, Willlam Singer, wholand Mary Lynn were dinner passed away February 11, 1952. Slats of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Wat- Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, Iso His weary trials and troubles are | 50 past, In lence he suffered, in patience he No one will ever know. --Sadly missed by son Gord, daughter. in-law Violet and grand. Helen, Charles and Dougie. NOBLE -- In fond and loving mem. ory of a dear mother, Helena M. Noble, who passed away February 11, 197. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name, In life we loved you dearly, KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men ond Women). Nurses and dieticians in attendance. Tray service, radio, T.V. lounge. 6--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing in muscle anomalties, eyesight and glasses. Eveings, Mon., Wed., Fri., 6.8 Invalids examined at home. RA 35-8143 Disney Bldg., 31 King East. WINTER SUPPLIES ICE SALT WILD BIRD FEED NO. | SUNFLOWER SEED CROWN DIAMOND PAINT BIRD FEEDING STATIONS PIGEON FEEDS PET FEEDS COOPER SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 14--Household Repairs {REPAIRS 16 sll makes of wa | FYers, YROuum visaneis and as IF YOU are aot Tiving & full and 'happy | unified [111s because of Tension, Fear, Frus aut feation, a Complex, Hypnotism can help, Alto reduce weight, stop smoking, re. lieve nervous pains, gain confidence ste Consult Edwin Heath, Institute of Fihnieal Hypnosis, Professional Build. I 304 Dundas West, Whithy. Dally 8 p.m Saturday 10 am. 1 pm, MO 8.4832 Whitby wi Far service in town Tmmaciinie hans | tittortl, ry ing. Shirts skilfully Inundared Soeeinl tates for hotels, In atitutiong and clubs Funeral arders our specialty, Maple Cleaners, 504 Bimeos Sitest Bnuth. RA 5.0843; after hours, lle (ELIT) HAVE you » Arinking problem? Write Aleohulion Anotiymeis, Box 249, Osh awn Times white cat. Call RA 5.3286 at noon or after 5 p.m, 35a AVON CALLING See for yourself. Women are earning $2.00 or more an hour representing Avon a few hours daily. Contact Miss E. Outerbridge, RU 2-7567 be- tween 8-9 a.m., 42 Saranac Blvd., Toronto 19, Ont. MANAGERESS And fulltime Saleslady re- quired. For leading Child- ren's Specialty Shop in Downtown Oshawa. RA 5-1531 for interview and appointment, Immediate possession, elec. trically equipped, best loca- tion. Buckingham Manor. RA 8-8676 romptly. A 32679. desires part employment, 27 --Fuel Wood WOOD cutting by buz saw and chain saw. Snow plowing. Phone RA 8.9727. 30--Lost and Found "gold wrist watch, Inscription tole), board for uous hot water, Sn 241 Ritson Road South. 31 ROOM and board with Dutch family, single beds, 371 Elizabeth Street or phone RA 5-1632. 3 ROOM, board optional, in private home, Single or two share. Central. Phone RA 3-3231, 35¢ 43_Wanted to Rent FOUR or five-room house, reasonable. Phone RA 8-8044. FIVE or six-room house. Central loca- tion, by April 1. Couple with teen-age girl, Call RA 5-8609 hud 5 ud 33c YOUNG couple room apartment, by March 3 1. Within walk- ing distance of four corners. Wiite Box 510 Oshawa Times. TWO - bedroom, self - contained, un- furnished apartment for occupancy April 1, Preferably with stove and re- frigerator, Must be within walking distance of new Oshawa Times building, King Street East. Write Box 446, The Oshawa Times. 44--For Rent SINGLE room for gentleman, central. Apply 38 Nassau Street. 35a THRE room apartment, private en- trance, "all conveniences. Apply 592 Drew Street. uf BED-SITTING room in young couples FIRST IN OSHAWA Special self-contgined new bachelor's apartments in @ very good location, available April Ist. Write Box 409, Oshawa Times 19--Personal by LOSE pounds ead inches, b using World Famous Stauffer Home Redue- ing Pi For information eall RA In death we do the same, ~--Ever remembered by daughter Claire and son-in-law John. SINGER --In loving memory of my | vor NiO supplies (rubber goods). Mailed post paid In plain sealed en. LOST -- Lady's velopes with price list. § samples 23 vicinity of OCVI. tenia; 24 samples $1.00. Mall Order Phone RA B-8360, Dept, All, Noy Rubber Co. Box 91,|LoST -- Female fox hound, white, | Hamilton, on Feb. 28 black and tan, blind in one eye. Last 4 Phote 7--Surveyors DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5.6881 G. T. HORTON and Associates, On| tario Land Surveyors, Professional Kn. | gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, |PVI8Nees Bervics wins wnisend Ajax. Phone RA 8.0121. |1ehnigtan HA Boom CALY, Jus, BA S80IK bis ruspanis F. J. DONEVAN and 'Associates, Land | : Li y Surveying and Engineering, 12 Biooy P*MINK SRA Bakdy sien Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA] | FOUR Tooni chimney sibnhios him 5-5632. neve itt ni fopaiiad Wah lipings in | mailed, I Fras sell 8--Building Trades [mien HA 4 idl ro th ROOME wd, 8 Fini PLUMBING and heating pipes, filings, , hd seaied Asien is fixtures, new and used, cha 8ST Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer, Mr. and Mrs. James Kittmer,! Till God called him home to suffer St. Mary's, were dinner guests of no more. Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell. een in Brooklin on Feb, must oe 'Brooklin 54, Bud Wilson, FOUND -- Male Beagle hound, north of Courtice. For details, phone RA 3.9740. 3c 31---Articles For Rent ELNA rentals, RA 5.25 Straight Stitch and z8 Zag. RENT A FLOOR SANDER and FINISHER FROM DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. 5., RA 3-4425 DO IT YOURSELF! with the power tools and equipment you can rent at Stan's Sharpening Service (corner King & Burke) RA Five room brick bungalow, with recreation room, two years old, on Jasper Avenue near Cedar. Possession im- mediately. Bus at door. Call Pat O'Donnell. RA 5-6713 or RA 5-6544. Young Folks Shops 35¢ 37--Male Help Wanted LY POSITION is open in Ajax, in a ew plant, for a man vi good at figures and 'capable of making decisions. The position offers excellent possibilities for the Jutsre, and the man chosen will be take on production control, rid records and purchasing, Phone Ajax|home, young girl preferred. Centrally i204. 34f [located. RA 8-0404. Foil, rarhvaenn a WERT Eh nd Dial RA 54241, J, Foley. are ressanad Ealistastion sean [tand. Mattrossns rebuilt Oakaws ALL types dwelling repairs, roofing, | Be and repairs Chim. |Bostering Co. 10 Band Sires) wen | neys, new and repaired. Dial RA § 94 {isl RA 50911 p |G FURNITURE reps and reviphal dh ry, Bee our materials for re cover ae R. Dalton, 75 Charles East BEST APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA In new Duplex, design- ed for family living, 18 foot living room with picture window, huge of plumbing. VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED Repaired, new cords, tapes. DRYERS v ALL pi Plumbing | 5a Tan heating wipplies 1 1 Phone RA 5 arold 8, Stark, 144, plumbing, heating and engineering. 256 a rr Simcoe Street South. | PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, EVERYTHING in | ey coal, oil and! 15 years' sxperiencs. Appointment only . RA 88282 George Arm- strong, Timmins, who visited Mrs. John E. Armstrong have return ed home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rickaby, | gas; burners, furnaces and boilers 5-7481, Combustion Control Service, | Wilson Road South. five years to pay on oll and Has I RA 51084 RA | 25 WARVEY Dance Academy Baton, tap, | Royal Aeademy ballet, Highland Regi ister now 424 King West _RA 56 2 (TUTOR, student counsellor, Free pick-up ond delivery. Venetian blinds and window shades made to measure. 3-3224. Chain Sows; Floor, Belt, Disc and Oscillating Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric Hommers and many other tools. HEATING Salesman wanted, with ex- perience. A good opportunity to the right man. Phone St. John's Heating. MO 8-2387 Whitby, Jc FULLER Brush Co. requires three full FOUR room self contained ry newly decorated, three piece bath, one child welcome. RA 5-4490. af $85 MONTHLY kitchen with dining area, and door to sunny balcony. Two wonderful bedrooms, lots of closet CANADIAN | WINDOW SHADE 68 KING ST, WEST RA 8-015] 31--Articles For Rent WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Floor Sanders; time and two part time men for sales and deliveries. Phone Mr. Winn, RA -3219. 35¢ only HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts. Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- terations. Kitchen cabinets ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES our specialty. New and Used Pianos CALL RA 3.7196 (New and. Used) | Full selection of all instruments | 477 Sime oe Street South | OSHAWA COLLEGIATE of MUSIC | 31 BUCKINGHAM AVE. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Awde, Jean Awde, RN, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Werry, Gordon and John, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Smith, Sutton West, visited axparience Appointment RA 51084 32--Articles Wanted |PIANOS suitable for church or hall. | Will pay cash. State make and price. Write Box 501, Oshawa Times. COMBINATION TV radio and record player; furniture, tools, plumbing fix- tures. What have you! RA 3-7 088. 31--Articles For Rent Three-bedroom bungalow in northwest section. Fully mod- ern kitchen and bath, Decor- ated and spotless throughout. Five blocks from school. Call Jack Sheriff, RA 5-6588. After hours RA 3-3775. 34e space, tiled bathroom. This apartment, com- pletely electrically equipped. Convenient to public and separate schools, shopping and transportation. DRIVE NORTH ON WILSON RO/D NOKTH, FIVE BLOCKS NORTH OF KING STREET. LOOK FOR 'QUR SIGNS. ANDREW HAZLETT 3005 Bathurst Street RUssel 3-1733 Toronto "People | Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning | WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING? If you have previous ad- 15--Instruction | Simcoe North apartment, three rooms and bath, elec- trically equipped, heat, hot and cold water supplied, yeor- ly lease at $75 a month. vertising experience, or retail sales background, there is an opening now on the Times advertising staff for a man between the ages of 22 and 35. High school education necessary. Come in and fill out an application form now. Ask for Mrs. Kennedy in the advertis- ing dept, Belt, Vibrating and Circular Sanders; (we have a complete line of sealers and waxes); Circular Saws; Electric Drills; . V ) APPROVE CAMP Staplers; Blow Torches, Soldering Irons, Centrifugul Pump; Pipe Wrenches; King St. East, 8 room brick, garage, forced air oil heating, $100 a month, VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8-5155 or RA 5-6342 34b Power Trowel, and many other Tools, 'WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING 282 KING ST. W. dt nasa missed by his loving wife] Mrs. Alva Swarbrick has Yo turned to Bowmanville after visit- - ing Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred CBC Strikers ue, Arlene Neals attended the bride I" ' at the Weston-Stephenson wedding Seen Worst at the Manse, Enniskillen. Mrs. Frederick Bowen attend- ed the funeral of her sister, Mrs. To Destroy TV [Edward Stockdale, if®Toronto. pe hie McLaren has returned OTTAWA (CP)--Senator Jean. 1oMe after a month in Memorial Francois Pouliot said tuesday Hospital, Bowmanville. night that striking CBC whi] Mrs. Ray Carleton and B .J. M. producers in Montreal and their [Cain attended the executive teach- sympathizers are doing their ers' meeting in Port Hope Mon- "worst" to destroy Canada's day evening. French-language TV network. and Mrs. The Quebec Liberal also said| in the Senate that the producers felt their strike would create a "big bang in the province of Que- bec and that everybody would be impressed by their strike. "It fell flat," he sid. are indifferent to them." Senator Pouliot said a CB" art- ist had written "a letter to a Montreal Sewspaper stating that othe government has been trying to destroy the French-language Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. T°" network. Mrs. and Mrs. William Wilbur, "Those who are doing their|Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Cryder- worst to destroy the French net. man and Mrs. L. Hewison, Hamp- work are precisely the strikers, ton visited Mrs. Frederick Tam- wheher they are producers or Plyn artists," Senator Pouliot said. Mrs. William Davey fell and broke her knee and is in Memor-| ial Hospital, Bowmanville. 7 a = Mrs. Frederick Tamblyn spent] (CP)-- Rpg rE a the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mo-Kee, a United Church camp Russell Van Horne, Whitby. near Komoka, was approved by| Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton and Middlesex Presbytery Tuesday.|Carol, Don Mills, spent the week- To be built will be a $35.000 main |end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Merdith lodge, a $10,000 swimming pool. |Linton. and sleeping quarters for 56| Miss Foster, Oshawa, people, |Mrs. John E. Armstrong. Modern Instruction on Piano, Piano Actordion. Guit- or Phone Oshawa Mrs. Wright, RA 8-1521 Apartments now ready for occupancy. ar, Drums, Saxaphone, Clarinet. Results Guaranteed. visited | FOR FURTHER INFORMATION--RA 8-632] RA 3-4873