The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1959, p. 10

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ENJOYING A happy moment at the Mardi Gras dance in the upper pictures are from left to right Mr. and Mrs, - Wil liam Kinsman, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Murphy, Mrs. Anthony Mardi Gras Pre Crand Finale To Winter Season Visiting Grand Knights and Civic dignitaries and their ladies were among the happy gathering dancing in St. Gregory's auditor- jum last Friday evening. The oc- casion was the 8th annual Mardi Meringer and Mr. Meringer, Miss Clair Mitchell, Mr. Jo- seph Dominik, Miss Helen Fer- encz, Mr. - Roger Babineau, Miss Dolores Bolahood and Mr. -Lenten Dance and Mrs. Joseph Szekeres, Mr. {and Mrs. J. L. Bajorek, Mr. and| § Mrs. H. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. F. White, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rowe, Me. .and Mrs. Bill Nott, Mr. and Gras sponsored by the Knights of | Columbus. Mrs." 'Clifford Harper, Mr. was composed of Mr. Russell Mrs. W. M. Millar, Mr. Joseph Murphy, Mr. Anthony Meringer Olesky, Miss Anna Hasiuk, Mr. and)! The committee under the chair- Mrs. George Gilewski, Mr. and} -manship of Mr. W. G. Kinsman Mrs. L. A. P. Bolahood, Mr, and _ and Mr, George Fairhart. Daniel Riordan, Miss Janet Hoolahand, Mr. Robert MacPon- ald, Miss Barbara Cochrane, Mr. William R. Ferguson, Miss Har- riett Hoolahand, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mowat, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Walter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baron, Miss E. Ferguson, Mr, Willlam Yas- manicki, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hous- ton, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hammond, Mr. Douglas Cole, Miss Mary Cal- nan, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. O. De Corti, Mr. and Mrs. The Mardi Gras was under the tronage of His Worship Mayor mini Gifford and Mrs. Gifford: the Honorable Michael Starr, MP and Mrs. Starr; Mr. T. D. Thom- es MPP and Mrs. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Love, Mr. and Mrs. John Brady and Mr. and Mrs. Ernert Marks. Prize winners were Mr. and| Mrs. Glen Salter and Mr. and} Mrs. J. Harper. Among those seen dancing were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Menard, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bonfordi, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ferenc, Mr. and/K. Toms, Mr. and Mrs, G. De 'Mrs. Gordon Dignem, Mr. and|Pratto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Powers, Mrs. William Cardinal, Mr. and|Mr. and Mrs. L. Zylka, Mr. and hy , Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Wilkinson, Mr. and , Mr. and Mrs. W. Lock-| Mrs. Donald Courtice. . and Mrs. John R. Fair,| Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jenkins, 5 Mrs. C. E. Brockman,|Mr. and Mrs. R. J. deBeaupre, Mr. and Mrs. J.-Maclnally, Mr.| Mr. Leonard Wall, Miss Betty La- and Mrs. G. Merkley, Mr. and voie, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Brain, | . Mrs. A. Meringer. |Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Gifford, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Roman- and Mrs. P, Hermansen, Mr. and | uk, Mr. and Mrs. L. Meringer,/ Mrs. Vincent Paul, Toronto, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mr.jand Mrs. Wally Armstrong, and Mrs. John Blencowe, Mr. and| Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mrs.- Leo Doyl, Mr. and Mrs. [liam Kinsman, Mr. and Mrs.| J. M. Ballentine, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holland, 'Mr. and Mrs. Orville Holland, Mr. and Mrs. V. Du- quette, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Samanski, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smyth. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harbottle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hekos, Uxbridge: Mr. and Mrs. D. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Johnson, Mr. nd Mrs. R. B. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Mi-| M. Spratt, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Morrow, Mr. drews. Mr. and Mrs. , Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Ralfour, W lowdale, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCar- thy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malloy; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bloye, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Conlin, Mr. and Ronald Oke. In the lower pic- ture are some of the distin- guished guests. -From left to right:. Mr. and Mrs. William Kinsman, Mr." and Mrs. Albert ONE OF THE many tables of interested spectators included Mrs. Donald Gabourie, Mrs. Donald Townsend, Mrs. Wil- Lionettes' Fashion Show Stirs Thoug Love, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gib- bens, Mr. J. J. Kelly, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus and Mrs. Kelly, the Very Rev- end Dean Paul Dwyer, Mr. T. D. Thomas, MPP, and Mrs. liam Perryman, Jr., and Mrs. John Bino. Standing, from left to right, are Lionettes Mrs. | George Paxton, Mrs. Sam Thomas, the Honorable Michael Starr, and Mrs. Starr, Alder- man John Brady and Mrs. Brady and Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Bawks. --Oshawa Times Photo Payne and Mrs. Norman Gow- er. --Oshawa Times Photo hts Of Spring Days Ahead and Easter Finery Simcoe Hall took on-#n. air of] The models were Mrs. Robert|like cap of multi-colored flowers chael Rudka, Mr. and Mrs. John|spring when the Oshawa Lionettes Schoenau, Mrs. Wilfred Britton, |made a nice contrast to the ; | held their Fashion Tea last week and Mrs. W. An-\with stylés by Millinery World: Karl J. Shaw | Releoming the guests were Mrs. Sa Gower and Mrs. Mrs. H. E. Norman m Payne. The fashion picture for spring Brownlee gave an enjoyable com- mouth-watering mentary throughout the afternoon as she described each item. |Mrs. John Norris, Mrs. John Kent, Mrs. Jack Anderson and| Mrs. John Mintern. Mrs. Robert Schoenau wore a two-piece wool boucle suit in beige cham-| pagne. The high-walisted look of] silhouette was suggested by| means of set in self |belt and two| button closing. With this suit Mrs. | LODGES AND SOCIETIES DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The Daughters of England Ne. BRONZE BROOCHES The earliest brooches, worn by men as well as women, were bronze likenesses of animals. DIETARY SUPPLEMENT for children and adults tes Jo Aldwinckle, (omen Women's Editor SOCIAL NOTICE Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tu esday, February 10, 1959 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Wan- namaker announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Dorothy |} Jean, to Mr. Loren Gordon Ste- wart; son of Mr, and Mrs. Lawr- ence Stewart, all of Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, February 21, 1959, at 2.30 p.m. in Albert Street United Church. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES| RUGS AND 50-50 CLUB The February meeting of the 50-50 Club dfSimcoe Street Unit- ed Church was held in the church parlors with the presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrand, presid- eg. 'the meeting opened with the |devotional period led by -Mr. and |Mrs. Wilfred Hamley. |- During the business meeting members were reminded of the March 14 dinner and dance to which guests may be invited. An invitation from St. George's Dou- bles Club for a dance at the Air- port on April 10 was read. Mr. Robert Holden reported for the committee on the infant care department. The committee was authorized to look after pur- chases and furnish the room set aside for the infant care. Mrs. William Trotter read a very interesting biography on the Reverend and Mrs. J. K. Mof- '| fat. Mr. Roy Morris introduced the Reverend J. Braham, minister at Scugog Island. Mr. Braham, who was born in Jamaica, gave an illustrated talk on the trip he- and his wife took back to Jamaica. Hjs impressions of life there af- ter an absence of 40 years were very enlightening. Refreshments were served by the members of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith's group. COURTICE H-S ASSOCIATION At a recent meeting of the Courtice Home and School Asso- ciation, Mr. Garnet Warner, a explained that a good citizen not only enjoys the rights and bene- fits of citizenship, but -also ac- cepts his full share of responsibili- ties for 'a better municipality, a better province, a better county and a better world. Mr. Warner stated that' true citizenship was play .with others for the good of. all, A short skit, | | "The Average |Family," was presented by four students of Mrs. Aldous' room, Joan Dalby, Patsy Chumbly, Paul based .on- the will to: work and| TITAMINS, MINERALS, AND TRACE ELEMENTS "PARAMETTES" junior "PARAMETTE" syrup HMNITHHS gy NU-WAY RUG npRYGs and Carpet Sales 174 Mery RA 5.0433 [|28 King St. E., Dial RA 3-4621 | Reguler City-Wide Deliveries LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection Peterson, Garry Eyman. | Mrs. Jack Gay presided and reminded the members of the |annual convention which will be held this year at the Royal York Mrs. Thomas Gladman, [thanked Mr. Warner and {Grade 8 pupils. Refreshments were served Mrs. G. E. Adair and her com- mittee, ST. STEPHEN'S MC The regular meeting of the Mission Circle of St. Stephen's United Church was held at the home of Miss Joan Taylor, Wayne street. The president, Miss Marilyn Hendershot, presided. Miss Kay Wallace led in the worship serv. ice. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Dorothy Fish. Miss Joan Taylor gave the chapter from the study book on Alaska. The circle plans lo have a so- cial meeting on March 9 when Sr., the Hotel, Toronto, on Apris 1 and 2.| member of the Teastmasters'|mission circle members from Club of Oshawa, was the speak-\whithy and Ajax will be invited. er. He spoke on citizenship and| por' a mission circle project PERSONALS {the group is making a baby lay- |ette for Cold Lake Hospital in | Mrs. H. W. Sheridan, King| | Alberta, street east, is opening her home this evening for the Literary] Group of the Lyceum Club. Each member of the group which is convened by Mrs. H. G. Willes and Mrs. A.W. Harding, has been asked to contribute an ex- cerpt from an Ontario 'poet or | writer. Mrs. E. R. 8. McLaughlin, Masson street, was in to over the weekend staying at the Park Plaza. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards, La Salle Court, were honored on the occasion of their 47th wed- ding anniversary last Friday at a family party held at the home of usual cloche and sailor. Mrs. Jack Anderson chose a lovely apple green wool worsted suit. With the new hip length fitted jacket, bloused back and double breasted front closing. Mrs. Anderson's hat for this suit was a green baku straw skim- mer with a cluster of tiny white Speck ly formulated for babies! Breaks up phlegm--eases wheezing exching, new odven" | ture in fragrance! The vivacious, intriguing scent of Escapade In this modern spray cologne .. .s0 easy fo use, one touch makes the most of each delightful drop. The brill ant pink, plastic-dipped bottle holds a lavish 3% oz. for your long- lasting enjoyment. y. SHULTON - DRUGS | 28 KING ST. E. RA 3-4621 Mr. and Mrs. Monty Myers. Mr. Richards is celebrating his 71st birthday today. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. R. Bailey, Masson street, have returned from a vacation spent in Hallan- dale, Florida. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, chowers; anni- versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474 local 13. Mrs. Bernard Kinlin, Mr. and|1959 is a head-to-toe affair, a|Schoenau wore a classic cloche|lilacs and violets on #he crown Mr: R. Rorabeck, Mr. and Mrs. Properly ordineted and prey of sissol straw in [one of the and overflowing down "the back. J. G. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Charl- picture. 1iis wi be a year of new shades -- swee§ mustard. | Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wotton, Mr. les Hill, Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor, fashion, vomragiction. vivid =o Mrs. Wilired Briton wore aw Doles nz dark : hi and Mrs. W. G. Jamieson, Mr.|Dr. and Mrs. Robert Boyko, Mrijors and y ho id Tom ing tins] classic black suit in fool worsted. piece dress in finger print silk and Mrs. H. H. Armstrong, Mr.|land Mrs. J. O'Brien, Mr. and high ye a Sore rating with this suit Mrs. Britton chose worn by Mrs. John Miitern. The and Mrs. J. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Dignem, Mr. and; Eh & 4 iis le cou HTieTs Brain wide ' rippled-brimmed hat in|easy, hip-length overblouse with Donald Larkin, Mr. and Mrs.|Mrs. John Bathe. - ull ow, navy, greys and alli pyanders red milan straw. A half its wide bertha collar and fring- Paul W ysoskl, ye Dave Car or 2p Mes om dlsaraton, . th e : DIOS: | dozen large red poppies surround-'ed self ties featured a shorter a ul a ie see. Lid 2nd M rs. Tom 1 gf . 2 e suits this year the jack-led the crown. {long sleeve and modified back r. and Mrs. Fran oreen, Ernest Gillespie, Miss L. Salvas, ets stop at the hip bone line or| Mrs, John Norris was in a new-|peplum, With this dress her hat Mr,' and Mrs. Charles Lemaire, Miss Helen Ferencz, Mr. R: Ba-|jump to three-quarter walking|ihis.minute costume of tiny black|was a simply tailored cropped Mr. Marc V. Landry, Miss Paul- bineau, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rior-| walking length. They are fitted|ang whife .houndstooth check|cloche white sissol straw. Tiny ine Huler, Mr. A D. Monaghan dan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dris-|or boxy. "Waistlines are normal| washable spring cotton. With this|emerald green velvet ribbon en- Miss Diga Trin 4 Th Bhi Con TY; Mr. and Mrs. Terence and pinched in as well as empire suit her hat was of draped rose|circled the crown and gathered Doing. ye Rin Smith Me 20 Ms. Tussah op eigh. eres te eletInaku straw, the soft drape of to one. side. + MI. ly § fe f . ig, - a longer | vari ; Vera Nolan, Mr, Ronald G. Oke, four, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cur-|gloves. Necklines are low and yarigeted rose Shilo mo Mrs. Dolores A. Bolahood, Mr, ley, Mr. and Mrs. George wide, filled in with chiffon o f= ohn K Ww i ic and Mrs. Robert Turney, Mr. Suarez. [costume jewellery. HD Te ne and Mrs. R. E. Bligdon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harmer, your new spring hat will be|cropped jacket fitted easily and| Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Dillon, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lurey, Mrs. | piled with flowers or as plain as|the . set-in wrist length sleeves] Re Ce NE nes To. ou Mel mas fedora, ut § wil bejpished up to wese with fhe long F. E. Bourrie, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.|C. J. Roesch, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. : en Mothersil', Mr. and Mrs. S. Bone- Riordan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Slee-| ham, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Baron, /man, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Munroe, LADIES' WEAR Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cummins,|Mr. and Mrs, P. G. McDaniel and 33. KING STREET EAST Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawless, Mr. others. PUBLIC S A L DISPOSAL NOW GOING ON DRASTIC PRICE CUTS FOR QUICK CLEARANCE BUDGET TERMS STILL AVAILABLE Jim Gibbens, Mr_and Mrs. W. H. Boissoin, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yanch, FEBRUARY CLEARANCE 5 A L r DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES! DON'T WAIT... GET HOOLVENT DOORWAY PROTECTION [3 off your hands! THERE'S A BETTER WAY --AN EASIER WAY! HAIR STYLISTS Get an' exciting new coiffure to flatter your You can stop lugging thot features, for that spe- heavy basket of wet wash with 'a new automatic clothes dryer. Priced from 149.00 ® Choice of 18 Colors © Free Installation © Free Estimates NOTHING DOWN--24 MONTHS TO PAY! DON CROSSMAN ALUMINUM. SALES . PHONE RA 3-2219 | . Factory and Showroom cial day February 14th, ® We 'have "that expert touch that means so much, Conveni®ntly Located DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 71 CELINA ST. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL OSHAWA RA 5-4531 ° OSHAWA 94 BRUCE ST. of

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