X The winter program of the FUC is still in operation, and employes of the electrical department are engaged on the winter pruning of trees. As soon as the weather bet- ters, inspection of all 'existing equipment will be undertaken, it! was reported. Manager Woods reported that -{the annual audit is now taking place and this is expected to be| & completed at the end of the week. Finally, the commissioners ap- PUC DECIDES. | $50,000 Debt To Be Paid COBOURG -- Cobourg > Public siderable time, it was stated. Utilities Commissioners approved] A letter from the Ontario Mu- final paymentof $50,000 to the|nivipal Electrical Association ask-|proved electrical accounts of Ontario Hydro Power Commis-|/ing for the names of all commis-($3594 and water accounts of $479 sion: for the Ontario street sub-|sioners who have served 15 years|before the meeting adjourned to station. Total price of the sub-|and over, was read. Only one Co-|Feb. 23. ; station was $65,000 of which|bourg commissioner could admit -|$15,000 was. paid three months|of such service, chairman Mau- . : Induct Six New Members ago. Hoe io is name, i i ment was|checking, w e submitt to TS ns arn) pay to the/the OMEA which will hold its town for the issue of debentures|annual convention in Toronto this for the balance; but when the month, commissioners heard -Manager| APPRECIATION PORT HOPE -- Port Hope Bill Woods report that the elec-| A letter from the Cobourglbranch, Canadian Legion, BESL, trical bank balance stood at|chamber of commerce expressing|Monday night voted to support $89,706, with the January power appreciation for the new fluores-|the Red Cross blood donor drive, account of $28,306 to be deducted, |cent. lighting now being installed (after a letter asking help in ob, they approved a motion of Com-jon Cobourg streets was read. It|taining 325 donors for 500 pints missioner Robert Love seconded|was hoped, that all streets would|of blood was read at the Febru- by Mayor J. D. Burnet that the|receive the same type of light-|ary assembly meeting. final payment be made from the ing soon, commented the letter. | Four hew members, Ken Lees, existing balance. : Another letter, also from the|James Willréd, Don McQuaig. The application for debentures chamb of ¥ ce, asked|and J. H. McMillan were induct- will be allowed to stand, how-|that & water line be placed at/ed into the branch. ever, as the commissioners plan'the harbor for visiting yachts.| Albert Lowes, social member, expansion of the D'Arcy street Manager Woods was instructediacted as chef for the meeting, sub-station, which has been run- to report on the nearest line and serve: 60 guests a chili con ning on peak loads for some con- available. 'carne dinner. following the Rotary meeting in Port Hope Monday. --Oshawa Times Photo Frank Melvanin, superintendent | Eldorado Mining and Refining Corp., Port Hope and Dave . Bullock of Eldorado are seen HARRISON MILNE, manager American Machine and Foun- =~ dry Atomics, Port Hope, Rotary President Jack Sylvester, | Says Canada Has ' Reserves Of Uranium PORT HOPE -- Canada's ex- United States failed to renew con- hibit at the 'Atoms for Peace' |tracts. . ¢ conference in Geneva last Sep-| Mr. Melvanin said he felt sure 2 tember indicated adcouate uran- that American uraazium users ium "reserves for all 'future re- would negotiate again, and try to quirements, said F. Melvanin, get a lower price. superintendent of research and| Although the Canadian exhibit development at Eldorado Mimng seemed large with 8000 square and Refining Ltd., Port Hope, at feet, he said, it was small com- HOCKEY AT PORT HOPE There was fast action in the | Eldorado Refinery (eam beat th Mercantile league game at Port Matthews Conveyor 6-3 Picture score in the second. period, Hope Sunday night when the | shows the Eldos moving in to --Oshawa Times Photo Stewards and caretakers for flags for veterans'. plots. serving members of Ladies' Aux- the Young street building were] This Saturday at the Legion iliary. The dance starts at 8.30 voted a $5 weekly raise. Ceme-|Valentine Dance, dinner will be p.m. with music by Port Hope tery commitiee was granted twolserved at 7 p.m. with the men!High School orchestra. WEIGH THE FACTS AND YOU'LL BUY METEOR « WEIGH THE FACTS AND YOU'LL BUY METEOR * WEIGH THE ' ~ pared to the Russian and United a Rotary club meeting here last night. The 8000-square-foot Canadian exhibit at the conference was de- signed to sell Canada's, uranium rather than show new applications of it, The booth was ihe only one which showed actual samples of uranium. It was the first time some scientists had seen the metal, said Mr. Melvenin. Also on display was a Siates booths, each taking up 100,000 square feet. "The British, Americans, and {Russians all had working appara- itus on display which produced a {noise at intervals like 2 crack of lightning," he said. | "An added twist to the nerves |was introduced by the Russians | who rang a bell a few seconds | before their bang." The Russians had an excellent Curies model Cobalt80 cancer. , je] of their atomic-powered therapy unit, which he said was| i ehreaker, he said, describing the most powerful Source of radi- the competition between the two ation ever seen in Europe. A CUri€|oountries. The Americans retali- is a large neagure of radioactiv- atd with -a small, fully operative ity, used in catculating particle reactor, which visitors were and energy emission of 'materials. |;j10wed to work, and received One of these units has since/"operator's certificates'. . been sold to Red China by Atom-| There were over 5000 delegat: ic Energy of Canada Ltd., evi-'fom 50 countries at the confer- dence, he said, that atoms for ence, he said. The greatest ob- peace meet less resiStance at in- stacle was the difficulty of com- ternational boundaries than do municating through so many lan- mere warlike applications. guages. Commenting on Canada's likeli-) There were over 500 interpret- hood of developing new markets ers employed for the conference. for her uranium production, Mr, The list s heard a speech in Melvanin commented that even|one of four languages through in nations well supplied with com- earphones connected to a small, bustion fuels, there was growing|four channel radio. Or each of awareness of rising labor costs/the wavé bands was an English, ..for coal, and uncertain conditions| French, German, or Russian in oil producing areas {translation of the speech. He. said He said that Canadian pro-|the interpreters were seldom ducers hoped to enlarge present more than two or three seconds British markets, and to develop behind what was being said. new European markets. Asked | Asked later what hi: impres- later if it were true that Canada sions were of the Russian scien- 4 Sleady had an overproduction of [tists, he said he had met all . , he said' there could "He added; however, that no overproduction until "1963 none of the scientists had ever when contracts with the United said any more than necessary States ended, and then cnly if the when exchanging information, | Hope Township . Council Briefs : PORT HOPE -- Hope township; Council agreed to pay fire de- . road accounts for the month of partment costs of $555 to Port ' January totalling $7520 were pass- Hope for three fires dating back ed for payment at a meeting of [to August, 1958. The August call township council in Port Hope. cost $190, a November fire in Council decided to send roads Canton $205. and a December fire| E FACTS AND YOU'LL BUY METEOR « WEIGH THE FACTS AND'YOU'LL BUY METEOR « WEIGH 13M « Y0313W ANG TLNOA ONY SLOVS FHL HOIIM + YOILIW ANG TLNOA ONY S1IV4 = WEIGH TH EIGH THE FACTS AND YOU'LL BUY me Meteor Montcalm two-door hardtop, one of Ford of Canada's fine cars. One of the best things about the "59 Meteor Is the fact that you don't have to skimp to save. Here is the most beautiful Meteor ever built, the luxurious new Montcalm . . , a classic car in every sense of the word. And the beauty of it is that you can save money by owning it! The reason, of course, is Canada's most modern six-cylinder engine-- the Econ-O-Rpel Six. Years ahead of the rest, it has the extra sparkle of ; modern shortZstroke design -- the same principle that has made the Meteor ~~ Tempest V-8 a performance byword. And you don't save just because it's r Aa six. You save because it's signed to economize -- to give top performance on regular gas-- and Dever mileage, too! Performance plus economy -- that's a mighty fine way to save. And there are others: Every Meteor offers you a standard oil filter that extends oil life up to 4,000 miles. An aluminized muffler, too, that lasts twice as long, And Canada's newest, simplest and lowest-priced automatic-- Meteor's two-speed Econ-O-Matic drive. te employe C. McQuaid as delegate|at Osaca Polish Hall $160. for one day to the Ontario Good] Ken Crewes, Campbelicroft, Roads conference, Feb. 23, 24 and| visited council to complain that 25 at the Royal York Hotel, To- he had never been paid for a 12- ronto. Reeve Victor Wilson ex- | foot strip of land along his 80-rod pressed the hope that all mem- |property, needed by the township! bers of the five-man council for road widening. would attend. | Tax collections for 1958 to Feb-| | ruary 5 this year total 120757 TIMES BUREAUS Total taxes assessed were $141. 313. In 1957 tax bill was $131,146. COBOURG George Finnie, Welcome, was| . re-appointed warble fly inspector.|G. McAuliffe FR. 2-5349 2 rabies control bylaw suggested » | y Counties Council was deferr- | ed to allow Hope councillors to PORT HOPE ! reappraise what may be a declin- Jain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 ing rabies situation in the town-| | ship: | | Dairy Contest BRIGHTON -- The Northum-i A committee composed of Earl berland committee, composed of Drope, Paul McKinlay and Glen cheese producer's representatives Cole were appointed to plan a| Hector Arnold and Marshall West| twilight county event-at which the of Campbellford; cream produc- [local competition will be held in er's officers Glen Cole of Bewd-|June. ley and Earl Drope of Harwood; | Application forms are available Federation of Agriculture presi-|from hers of the ittee dent Alex McComb of Colborne and the agricultural office at wd junior farmer officer Paul Brighton. RfcKinley, met with chairman The Northumberland winner in M. T. Napper of the dairy branch|1958 was Mrs. Stuart Grger of and secretary Ralph C. Banbury|Fenella. of the County Agrienltural Of-| The girls are judged on a basis fice to plan the 1959 Dairy Prin- of efficiency, cleanliness of uten: cess contest. Isils, milking time, appearance It was pointed out that the con' 2nd deportment. test has become an important fac- In every one of sixteen. Meteor models, including 'the classically beautiful Montcalm, you can save as you go! Isn't it time you started AI oe ------ aa RR i sm" WE PEALE er A a a Se dairy producer and consumer, tor in good relationships etme Hope Will Buy It was agreed that each mem- ber of the committee should con- tact a suitable farm girl between the ages of 17 and 26 years to take part in the local county com- petition to be held in June. Applications from interested girls to >nter the Northumberland county contest should be made to the agricultural office at Brighton by June 1 The cheese producers' organiz ation donated the entry fee of $25 for the county winner going to the contest at the Canadian Na-| tional Exhibition next summer. This will pay travelling expens- es for one girl from the county. The cream producers have of-| fered a prize of $5 to each of the connty contestants and the whole milk producers organizations of the county were asked for $5 eac to present $25 to the county win ger toward her uniform equip- ment for the Toronto event. New Equipment | PORT HOPE -- Hope township | councillors last night approved a {motion to purchase an electric [Welder and single-stage air com- pressor for use with township saving? Your nearest Meteor dealer has all the details--and some inter- esting facts about how much more Meteor offers, /VEIGH THE FACTS -- Five greal series available with 6 or V-8 Meteor versus "the rest" --af your Meteor dealer's soon. NIAGARA 300 + RIDEAU + RIDEAU 500 + MONTCALM + STATION WAGONS I Certain features-illustrated ov mentioned ave standard on some models, optional at extra cost on others equipment. Monday night's special session was called to conclude business started Friday morning when by {law 1332, for subdivizion contral legislation, was passed Last night deputy-clerk Hector | Inch reported to Reeve Victor Wilson and council that mimeo- graphed copies were ready to be! mailed to residents owning prop. | erty affected by the hviaw. . Under the Ontario Planning Act he 'new bylaw requires that resi- dents in the area affected must ALLE BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LT. 1271 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 be notified of the chauge of land YOUR FRIENDLY MERCURY =LINCOLN - METEOR DEALER . - } status. I ~~