The Oshawa Times, 7 Feb 1959, p. 5

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( THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Februsry 7, 1959 § WHITBY SPORTS Scouts To Have SPOTLIGHT Monthly Drive By WREN A, BLAIR TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE | RE NEW ay, SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AND STREET OPENINGS Citizens desiring new oe d to supply Council with petitions signed the property owners rep senting two-thirds of the owners and 50% of the essessed value, Proper blank petit may be obtained of the Town Office and only complete blocks will be considered. Property al Improvement Bydew are charged of the cost of the elk and the municipality Those desiring to pay the sidewalk costs over o five-ysar period may hove the cost added on their tex bill with interest of current bonk rete, Citizens desiring. tirst agree to poy the street opening, © Whitby Boy Scouts will hold a has affected the finances of the paper drive on the second Batur-|local Scout and Cub groups, This AHA day of every month beginning is the only income the Scouts have Feh, 14, James Smythe, Scout and it must pay camping, insur-| The Cornwall Chevies (in the midst of a battle with the g | oo . enior. "A" fixture move into the Whithy arena tonight for a Senior A fixture nes 0 A " i [against the Dunlops, The Chevies have registered a violent pro: paper drive chairman announced ance, administration and other ex 4 5 4 today, penses for the 200 boys who be test with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association that they | / ! } have received no replacement for Dennis Boucher whom they Mr, Bmythe said the change long to Whithy's Scout and Cub allowed to join the Belleville McFarlands for their overseas trip,| V8 hoiig Made On Wa ver, chairman of the! ' ey would provide Cornwall with a replace. PAPEr Was heing thrown in : ver, esmrmed o Ls It was rumored that they would provi v P garbage than was being collected Whitby Seont Assoc, has urg {ment but so far none has been forthcoming, Tonight's game looms by the Scouts in thelr monthly | ed all citizens to support the mighty big for Whithy since a tie for first place is possible with drive | Beout in thelr paper drives a win, Trailing the Belleville club (now In Europe) by only _two| "Paper drives have not heen a "Som people don't realize the {points the local squad could tie for top spol with a vietory here! C05 Foe past few months, paper drives are the only source {The Chevies are now heing managed and coached hy Ray Miron, [wom ew on wasn getting sboutlof income the Bcouts have," hel {who removed Bob Bingley as playimg-conch a week ago, Bobby, percent of the paper avail said ! | Mtersley will be out to increase his league lead in the scoring able he pointed out Mr, Weaver also appealed to department, while playing-conch Bid Smith will return to the line" po, Ge na svstem the town persons interested In becoming [up after missing Tuesday night's game here, "Bmilly" has B. "aiviied into several districts/leaders, "We are looking for lend. | {mighty sore arm even yet, and Is undergoing treatments threel oq" coy" nnn witl be alloted alers and need the help, he said, | times weekly, Face-off is. scheduled at 8.30 and another good Sep district, The drive will cover all If anyone is interested would they | for contest 1s on tap. Matter of fact when has there been a had ! I the town please inform the association," he! one this season" Tickets are available at the Whithy arena box Poor success in recent drives asked {office pe---- - - THE TOWN AND COUNTRY , , , Heard at the Varsity-Whithy game In Toronto the other night , . . Bald one chap .to the other +. "where would you ever see a hockey game like this one , , , | "sald a bright Whitby fan behind them "In Whithy every Saturday night" , Belleville McVarlands won a 52 decision {over the Norwegian National team at Jodi Amphi Stadium in Oslo |Thursday night, This is the same stadium where the world cham: plonships were held last year, And already Norwegian press Is | proclaiming that Belleville are far inferior to Whithy's elub of last year, Well DON'T helieve that baloney, That's the usual Eu id 1k d must of the to have pened streots op municipality 50% of the cost -- -- It Is requested thet petitions be in the hends of the Streets Committee Chairman before February 14th In order thet the € | m budget for thelr expenses, oy ly DATED ot Whitby this 30th dey of Jenuery, 1959, SIDNEY R, CORRELL, Chelrmen, Streets Committes, 7) {United Church WA Evening Two teams have been selected Group to shoot for the Canadian Civilian|Whithy Baptist Church Ladies' Ald Andrew's Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society R s Win CLUB CALENDAR ang | . | 1] d Whithy Baptist Church Explorers Fina oun Emmanuel Reformed Church Ladies' Ald final round of the Whithy Rifle United Church Fireside Evening Club's team shoot with a score of Auxiliary Group WMS ond with a score of 3812, Fund Committee D, Pile's Liniment Squad were House of Windsor 10DE caver i Coyotes fourth with 3737 Church Young Women's Group NOW Medical Science BUARANTEES fo The high juniors now firing on! Faith Baptist Church WMS ---- HT M, Newland, 09; D, Hewis, 9; Auxillary WMS J, Cuddy, 96 and J. Brown, 9, TUESDAY | 100; M, Barker, 9 and D, Grant,| ple's Association | THAT Whithy Baptist Church CGIT Boughman's Rangers won the vimy Ridge No, 630 LOBA 3634, J, Minty's Stripers were sec: Cancer, Pollo and Tuberculosis third with 8767, and J, MeQuay's Bt. Andrew's Preshyterian | | rrr Try -------- Dominion Marksmen targets are; United Church Senjor Evening High seniors were; C, Greenfield, Faith Baptist Church Young Peo: STOP # years as the Red Wings did in thelr 5:0 loss In New York Thurs: pine arranged Is a smorgashord sup: qo {per to be held on Mareh and it iy reper poem woes sind Win Puts Jerry's Into Semi-Finals acceptable to offer hot food as well, Details of this supper will |be announced in the press | Tentative plans were made for (a Day of Recollection to be held | {probably in April, Arrangements] were also set In motion to hold a Four Enroll With Gi¥l Guides The rd Whithy Company of Girl Guides held.a meeting at St Bernard's school auditorium last Thursday evening with the enrol ment of four new Guides: Brigid rummage sale and a home cook |Ing sale Immediately after East Jerry's Men's Wear thimped lod, John Ellis tied the score 10ss| A metrong, Marla Bardoul, Clare Cobourg Rideaus 8:3 Thursday |than three minutes later and Preston and Annie Wyst Ruth Group of $t, John's Angll (Rebekah) | Kinettes Club {Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux, THURSDAY Salvation Army Women's Home League Brock Street South Home and | School Association Whithy Garden Club Almond's Home and School Asso | | can Church [| Unity Club Past Noble Grand | | i COUGH REMEDY This new DIRECTED cough remedy travels through your blood stream to the cough cone trol centre==your (}Zone----and stops ordinary coughs right where they start, No habit- forming drugs. No harmful or, The annual bazaar, which will night to win their home and home Jerry's never. looked back, Gary| The captain, Mrs. W. Allan, ed nL. Smytaural gous OMIA volta 17 Stinson made it 2:1 Hout the mid Presonied the Ty > ith | Be ite 86 brid way mark, and counted his sec: |tenderfoot pins rs "0X, FRIDAY ploce wil be anncuneed later. Jt nd move ino the finals against ond goal of the fray after Con camp Adviser, wan sled bressn at Salvation Army Youth vaonind ; el 2 ' ore, |the meeting and showe 08 0 dinner some time In April and it| Whitby went into the final game bug had tion the weory scoring 108 hogy l | A Ne AUNDAY 4 is hoped that a hobby show may (with a three goal margin gained | p er ml oa BUNDAY a arranged In conjunction within their 96 victory posted at Co. With the first of his four goals mb follow ha 'hurch Young People's ciation ofter effects. Safe, effective and pleasant for children too! os | Dad ges t ng Guides, Union r Kinsmen Attend Lindsay Contest Eley of the Whithy Kinsmen Club travelled to Lind for the an op Quar Renson Kinsmen en members Thursday night Barber say nual Zone "'( tet Night held at the Hotel with the Lindsay Club acting as host Representing the Whithy club as its quartet entry were. Murray Silver, Doug Taylor, Jim Gat shore and Lawrence Spellen, Six clubs competed in the event with IPRESS." In the tournamen' game Whithy beat the Norwegian Officers 'ok 4930. Shown wbove Burgess, of Dunbarton, right sports director Art Cocker , , The Dunlops beat Stouffville Clippers Int, "B" club 14-2 the gang sang, ete, Lot of fun for all The Dunlops move on 10] Association of Marksmen trophy Branch of the Canadian Legion, {was held in 8t. Bernard's School diens, The Leafs doubled the score on Montreal 6-3 in Habtown|V, Boughmer and H, Sonely oY Chant Ihe new commander succeeds work meeting manville Branch; Poppy Chair. Chairman of the rally was re During the meeting, presidents president of Sunderland James outlined the past year's accom Harry Inkpen, president of the community poppy chairman, Nat Hercock, be to try to establish an ex-sery of the most important service or- ment of the evening with the as Stars mest Lindsay Saturday at of the OMHA and many of last Port Hope winning first place attend these games and support ville, Minden, Oshawa, and Peter National team 12:6 and that's the last we've heard from Norway ate tie mombets of the vecy Oshawa Times Photo (other night in Stouffville, Proceeds from the game went fo the Hull tomorrow for thelr first game against Bammy Pollock's erew|The Sporters J. Fraser, 8. RIS Al, Burgess was last night elect. on Feb, 3, with the president, Miss Thursday for the Leafs third win over Montreal since New Years spares eld Oia Unita Charl WA Willlam Beaton, of Oshawa, Last man William Beaton, of Oshawa; tiring Zone Commander Willlam of the various branches in the MeGivern, president of Ajax | plishments Whithy branch. Unable to attend! He also noted that during the who reviewed the results of last'icewomen's group in this district ganizations in the province sistance of two able volunteers Whithy Arena in the Ontario year's bantams are on the Midget the local lads borough WHITBY NAME NEW LEGIO until yesterday, So don't think this has any real significance on five with the District Command: ! Blanding, left to right, are Lions elub and their work for crippled children, "Dunnie" forward 'CWL Plans For | in almost & month. Strange thing, the Dunlops have lost enly sev:|Landimore, C, Greenfield, ¥ wi 0 ; 'ome roppe a2 p time dee New he first round 4 Grace O'Connor, in the chair , Clinton Comets dropped a 3:2 home overtime decision to In the firs y ed Commander of Zone F of the Ved Burge was Depty-Zone and sports chairman Art Cocker, Beaton. Assisting him was Dis Hi iter Ao James Hightingale, president of District Commander Knack stat was the president of the Uxbridge past year a branch was formed years's poppy day in all the| Later, he conducted the elec Minors Ente Minor Hockey Association play team this season B R EY) C Phone MO 8-3618 {ropean press about this time of the year, Last winter the Dunlops (defeated the Norweglans 5:0 prior to the tournament, Headlines Last night in Whitby, mem- | er Seated are District F Com- | Deputy-Zone Commander Ab Bollevile's chances Kingston Merchants return here at the bers of Zone F, District F, of | mander Lou Knack, left, and | Mavin, of BowmanVille, poppy arena Tuesday night, Last week these clbs battled to a 22 tle Bob Hassard (who lives In Stouffville) treated the club to a sag : Z Y J after the game at his home, Hassard played the guitar, Bid Smith| Leg on Lone " ame Special § . | Officer. pecia upper en games all season and yet five of these have heen to the Hull Warberton and J, McQuay; spare ; aval S ~ The regular monthly meeting of | 1€AM Toronto Maple Leafs would probably have an easler|Marksmen team Is: I, Hall, M, |All Saints' Anglican Chure The keynote of the me rk Haven on Wednesday night, New Haven remain In third place, week the Marksmen fired against WEDNESDAY Canadian Legion, He and her Ld fing AS Naas i two points behind Johnstown and eight points behind Clinton the Deep River, Dough Heads and Whithy Red Cross work room executive members were electec ; ¢ ple " Commander of the zone Other officers elected were Deputy-zone of Oshawa. A zone, membership ehoirman will be named at a later trict F Commander Lou Knack of Trenton were Ed, Rundle, president of . Bowmanville: Len Mitchell, presi.| = Art Cocker, who was re-elected Port Perry: Frank Hollingshead, ed that the Legion is now recogn president of Claremont; Al 8imp.|ized by the heads of many servic branch, the other branch in Zone'ln the Quinte district by former servicewomen., He suggested that branches of the zone, Concluding tion of officers for the zone Ms address, Hercock stated that Hypnotist Fdwin Heath, of Whithy Minor Hockey Assocla offs, Game time is 2.30 pm Last season the Whithy Ban Chances for both clubs look which includes the privilege of good and the Minor Hockey As: heing hosts next year, Other clubs NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7.9 P.M, SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 lin the Oslo papers next day read "DUNLOPS FAIL TO IM the Canadian Legion, elected | 0 ou 7006 Commander Al | chairman William Beaton and here in a game filled with excitement, fights and what have you the ukelele, and George Samolenko the violin, The rest of the | L A member of the Dunbarton the Catholic Women's League|time making the play-offs if they only played against the Cana- Barker, D, Grant, H, Boughman Wi Ged of Ale (| WN I . : pt Sid Abel sald he has never seen a Detroit club look as bad. In the Sportsmen against the Porcu. St. John's Anglican Church WA [| at a zone rally held in Whithy theoming season, The first event [ Commander Ab. Mavin, of Bow date PRESIDENTS REPORT dent of Oshawa: Richard Bartley, sports director for the zone, also son, president of Dunbarton; and clubs at THE service club In any Also reporting was the past a good project for the zone would he felt that the legion was one Whithy upplied the entertain flon's Midget and Rantam All tams went to the Ontario finals sociation has urged everyone to taking part were from Bowman Get More Out Of Life-- Go Out To A Movie A NEW MOTION PICTURE MASTERPIECE FROM THE BRITISH STUDIO THAT BROUGHT EXPECTATIONS AND OLIVER TWIST sO VIVIDLY TO THE SCREEN GREAT HAAN TATION PREIINTA Vara DIRK BOGARDE DOROTHY TUTIN CECIL PARKER x& Sovepley by 100 clang OO Produced by MTTY | MX Dovid by RALPH THOMAS ------ Also... Bug's Bunny - Sport -- Nove Ity " " he 208 Re mrenne! COMMANDER AL. BURGESS this which ¢ event The education convener, Mrs W. Hurley, and her group, will present a play at the March meet ing Miss Mary Phillips gave a re sume on the reading of two hooks she highly recommended "A Nun in Red China" hy Sie ter M, Vietoria of the Maryknoll sisters and "Crown of Glory" hy Alden Hater and Seamus Walshie At the close of the meeting re freshments were served hy Mrs M. MacDonald and her eom WHITBY PERSONALS and Mrs. Peter family left F vacation to he spent they Mr and Van Hoof in Holland vhere will visit their fam ilies On Sunday and Mrs treet, will be celebrating his 7th birthday. His many happy returns of the day of Mr of Dunlop Ben LaHaye friends wish hm Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wyalt, of Lee avenue, will entertain a group of friends on Saturday eve ning at a Valentine dance, The guests are: Mr. and Mrs Adey, Mr_anm™™ Mrs, Don Banks, Mr angi irs Edward Maunders Mr, #hd Mrs, George DePratto Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ockenden Mr, and Mrs. Tony Vandyke, Mr and Mrs, Peter Vangils, Mr, and Mrs, William Rowden, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Church, Mr, and Mrs, Gerry Gravelle, Mr, and Mrs, Colin Sutherland Rev. Father A. Quesnelle will be guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Holy Name So clety meeting to he held at St Bernard's school on Feb Mr, LeRoy Switzer, of Lambton Mills, was a dinner guest at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs, Wm. Simpson, of Henry street Mrs. William Hicks Burtinsk; , Miss Louis Rurtinsky,| Miss. Ann Pest and Miss Donna McLuban visited Mrs. Albert Keith, in Maple Mrs, F. W. Marsh will entertain the members of the executive of | the Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE at her home on Monday, | Mr. and Mrs Miss Mary David Sallis, My and Mrs. Fred White, of Whithy and Mr. and Mrs. Art. Gill, of Oshawa, attended the funeral of Mr. Ed, Gill who passed away at the Private Hospital, Lindsay. In terment was at Gooderham ceme tery, Mr. Gill was the father of Mrs. Sallls, Mrs, White and Mi Gill LAC Alex Brough and his fian cee, Miss Beatrice Hill, of Tillson burg, spent a weekend at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Brough, of Brooklin Mrs, J. Gartshore is opening her home on Monday to the members of the House of Windsor Chapter 10DE, | Frank | bourg Wednesday evening They meet Bowmanville here|clicked for ow of a/middle frame and added a pair ' Thursday in the first game home and home total goal series for the Lakeshore crown and the period right to enter the OMHA Eastern Ontario playoffs, They play return game at Bowmanville Sat urday Cobourg gained the lead at the two goals and John Ellis and PAdee two minute mark of the first per< Andy My®rs each had an assist Minor Hockey At Port Perry By MRS, CHARLES NI PORT PERRY Hockey league Week In Perry took place last week, Mon and handed second defeat ended 3-2 the | | n came to town local lads their A I'he game favor of Uxbridge Wednesda) night. of the schedule of game row the when a night was week was arranged starting at 7 pm Four League took part ended in a 1-1 tie Bruins and the Haw} scored for Hawks and Pickard fo) Bruins In the second game Ranger ust edged Telcos by of 2:1, Barry Beare and John Raines scored for Snooks for Draws held for hockey ticks donated hy Whithy Dun I ps with John Chocaowski of Dun mes presiditg. The winners were Grant Dawson and Glen Sweel man the House Hirst game the from I'he hetween eam A KCOrY the Telcos were The boya selling most booster and the following donations are sticks donated gratefully acknowledged ping won hockey by Toronto Maple Leafs Ihrough the efforts of Col, Me Brien and Whitby Dunlops man ager, Wren Blair, other sticks were supplied Top seller was Billy Hall, the next best salesmen were John Reba, Dennis Short, Ronnie Short and Raymond Hillier During the Midget game the, main attraction of the evening, | the big 50-50, draw. was held and| Gordon Hawes, Whithy drew the lucky winner, "Sam Jockson In the Midget game, Uxbridge MeNenly Al ur the scoring REESOR Uxbridge and on Saturday mom The Minor ing the week's special activities Divisional Port were wound up with games being duced w plane for aqay night the Uxbridge Rantamg eight years of age Nn Mark main Larry full Clam R ( Bi \ lan " Rangers and Rickey Pro League LL} 18-minute mark, the only goal In the t the Susan Miller, Jacqueline Mar |. Evelyn Hickey, Claudine] 1 the final minutes of the last| Marlow, Ronnie Allan, Wgtricia Bloye, Teresa Steffler, Catherine Kahn and Carol Ann Herman, Re freshments were served by Rita Borg and Joanne Kortekans who were trying for thelr hostess Hear Review At Almonds WA Almonds Woman's Association held their meeting on Feb, 4 with the president, Mrs, Loyal Pogue, presiding. The opening hymn was "Take Time to Holy", Mrs, Newton, secretary,| then presented the executive's Guides Have suggestions for the coming vear opened the in the third starred with sel uy Tushingham for Whithy Ron Slack sists, Mike Gray John ame ree a Be [ TWO WAYS TO FAST COUGH RELIEF Dr. Chase new DMM. cough remedy in liquid or handy tablet form. Your druggist has It==better have it handy, tool Theatre Night ions ami se The local Girl Guides Associa; Spring Tea tion held its annual. Theatre| "Mes, Percy Pascoe in charge of Night last Wednesday evening at davotions opened with a poem en the Brock Theatre. At the In titled "Memories", Mrs, Norman! termission Mrs, H. T, Cook, new Woods read the scripture Corin Commissioner, Intros thians 1:19, Miss Cameron, the Mrs, G. Gregg, who pianist, gave a very Interesting the hoys from si to thanked everyone for attending yeview on the book 'Black! In such numbers to support the Moses" f {wonderful work of the Girl The meeting closed Guides Lord's Prayer WASHER layed hy Minor with The Little top scorers to date are League: Scott Rollo, Lon Tom Hocking, John Wither Stew Sebrew, Reg. Manns MeNenly, Rus Stephens Howsam, Tom Patterson Walker Tan Cook, Bob eson and Howie Chapman alse drew the tickets as follows: Merle MeConnell, Amn Hen stock, Laura Roseburgh, Marilpn Short. Linda Young: Georgina Glendenning Eleanor Burge Karen Stevenson, Mrs, Peter Pro League: Dale Roare, Barry Ottenbrite, G Ockenden, Sheila Dale MeNenly, Rog, Plek: Doneey, Mrs. Henstoek, Richard rd, Bob Lee, Tan Fulford, Wayne Carter, Jacqueline Marlow, P Graham, Powell, Brian Arkle, Jane Reynolds, louise Fddy Heayn, Gord, MeMil {imchard, Jacqueline Wales, Jim MacMaster and Steve Xneelika Eggert, Linda Willan avne Shirley Miller, Mrs, Hodgrove The local association - wishes to thank all the merchants who so. kindly donated gifts on 1eky OW Team standing angers 13 eleos | Little League Leafs 10, Canadiens 9, All Stars Hawks 10, Bruins 8 And Agpllances 118 Brock St. 5, Whithy MO 8.3707 HIGH ALTITUDE Ia Par, chief eity in Bolivia, Is Detroit § built at an altitude of 11.800 feet Minor Hockey League is still Among the peaks of the Andes elving substantial assistance Mountains Port Perry Lions Port Perry Star Goorge Davidson Ellsworth Kennedy Lloyd Smith Wes, Lane Harold M Kyte, Blackstock George Till United Church Service Club Rus. Ritson Col. Wim. MeRrien LOD} Scugog Ch Individuel Requirements $100.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 10.00 8.00 RORY Created To 4 MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 If you nave net received your Times by 7 pm, Coll BELL TAXI All sells must he placed between 7 ond 7:30 pm, STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works 318 Dundes Rast MO 8.3552 20.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 00.00 80.00 beat Port Perry 6:1. Nearly 300 spectators turned out ta, support the teams Friday night Pee Woes visited Will Retain Vice-Principal Whitby District High School Board Wednesday approved management committee mendation" to hire a principal for the high school Harold Elms, chairman of the management committee was authorized to advertise immedi ately for someone to fill the position My sald the vice-principal's duties would in clude teaching about 60 cent of the He also four teachers a recom vide Elms ne Lime told hoard tha would have to be the hired for the coming term | TOWN'of WHITBY and TOWNSHIP of WHITBY NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Mr, Hugh McMaster of the Township of Whitby has been appointed Dog Control and Dog Pound Officer for the joint municipalities of the Town and the Township of Whitby, By-laws have been passed by both municipalities providing for the capture and impounding of Dogs running et la AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR, Any dog in the Town and Towne ship found running at large and not under control of & competent person will be captured and impounded for a maximum period of seventy-two (72) hours; and a fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) will be charged for its rel + Following the 72-hour period any unclaimed dog may be sold or destroyed, All dogs must bear a tag at all times, WM, A, HERON, Reeve, Township of Whithy HARRY W. JERMYN, Mayor Town of Whithy Whithy Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Brock N. LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK ST, N.,, WHITBY Pastor; Rey, E. C. Corbett, B.Th Assistant; Mr, R, Roxburg 10:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) 2:30 PM AFTERNOON SERVICE (DUTCH) WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mis, W, E, Summers, AT.CM, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 10 A M 1) AM, SERVICES 7PM MONDAY, 6:30 PM, == Explorers MONDAY, 4:15 PM, WEDNESDAY, 8 PM Midweek Meeting 2nd and 4th SUNDAY NIGHT -= BYPU 9:15 AM Radio Broadcast CKLB 9:45 AM Sunday School Hour 11:00 AM Morning Warship 7:00 Evangelistic Service Pastor speaking at services Guest Soloist: Mr, Verne Wright Our both - CGIT PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 307 BROCK ST Fev N, WHITRY 0.'), Macht a St. Andrew's a -- Presbyterian Church BYRON ST: § AT ST, JOHN ST, 9:45 AM Bible Class and Sunday Scheel 11:00 AM Moming Worship 11:00 AM Junior Congregation 11:00 AM Beginners' Class WHITBY UNITED CHURCH REV, JOHN M, SMITH, BA, BD. Minister MRS. J. BEATON, ARC.T,, Organist 945 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM H. MICHELSON 7PM REV, HAROLD WELLER of Toronto MONDAY, 8 PM Ambassadors: Speaker Michael Zurba, of REV Christ Evangelist Manitoba MORNING WORSHIP Infant Baptism 7:00 P.M, EVENING HOUR "FAR FROM ALONE' Colored Sound Movie SUNDAY SCHOOL AM 1AM and b 11:00 AM. 0 Girly and 9? years and va Girly ya der 9 year

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