BALLOT FOR SUCCESSOR TO DOUGLAS SUTTON | 4 pm, No reason was glven | for Mr, Button's surprise de- cision as he preferred to walt until his successor was chos en before making public com ment, Albert Taylor and N, V, Wilson, each of whom is a Lo It's election time at the Uni- ( team, Balloting was carried ted Auto Workers Hall as Lo- | out at polling stati'ns in the eal 222, UAW members cast | UAW Hall and at General Mo ballots for thelr choice to suc- | tors of Canada 14d, North and ceed Douglas Sutton who has | South Plants on Friday, It resigned his post 'as head of | continued today with polling the Local 222 top negotiating | stations scheduled to close at Chamber Plans Bureau Curb Certain Canvassers will ived the Chambei mmerce's OK the bigs hou checked out by thelones reg "Good morning, mad: m- of ( you be Interested in Often this Is a launched at housewl men or authentic er would have been 2 bureau, This Involves filling a One of lengthy questionnaire which Willi manaces require a lot of Information about! pgp the particular charity, Includingpqn, from|the amount of expenses to he de ducted from proceeds, ex actly what ds will he d for, the organiz dotall out t door-to-door Is the the com not have must have nuine pitch by legit char i holder end If he cepre dot In Oshawa he 10 mate sal ity canva Often it | ami an office ped! The advice er of Commerce up a business pro | be suspicious, [sc + buresu is "try|tion degree un to the citi mercial and resi not gro the proec age of the of Its and many Dyhawa. ( which | fore enter ith him abou officer nn membership other par tieulars FULLY INVESTIGATED Yo of shady! 10 satisfield that it Is a lecit Osh organizat with a legill to alm cause, it will recelve a let ter authorizing It to go ahead tent chart The 1 pubMe will be the campalgn formed of the fact Furthermore, advi the cham This processing will also enable par don't sign envihing unles the bureau to advise oroanizations ihe gale and his company and-out ks wii alping If another charity is planning ah have been thoroughly checked and turd have put Sitting Bull appeal at the same time, thusi, ia voi Are sire a be JAE PUL nH avolding too heas with the te 0 ome compa I) 1 pint alumir lons being te on o day spokesman non-exi ns whose not always put to the avowed purpose as well as out A 1 made In | according soleil awn ehamber They $ organizat fn the and ne mm produst In lesman gener: \ cover ~ ' yroceeds are man of 8 you ean rms of the doc rod to y a call on the! nomnly pthc ument vou are ! hh year merchants are | Tran lesmen having * v Vi wwelully seresn es advertising space sales: cences have been earefu -- od by ad entinig ah vast ma: led by both the chamber and the tion, But it SAVE many a mer lority of them coming from ont of police. Bona-fic fe ronresentntives " chant and householder a dollar town. They mention all kinds of of local orcanizations, who do ne and a tear circulation figures, many of whic a leence, ean usually b This is how it will operate are fnlee Merchants will not contribute In fitore elther goods or money to charity will he fully campaigns unless the charities bureau and only the Whitby Wrestlers Beat Peterborough 1am The protective bureau Is not the complete antidote it. Is not Ricionded to, to he: Aid M al HL sion cnn ent I require trosted Faith | nt men it such ~ Heated th authenticated base oll Inve enterprl fellow hy 1 ns ( 1 of scoring n the m are a five points bout win for a decl if the boul District High! The re ults team took an- follows, In ard © the Ontacioj are awarded f¢ tourna- a pin; three points Coll-llon; and points lat ls draw 95 pounds Greg Hane! by, pinned Ken McCall, 103 peurd Ray by, pinned Dave Olmstead, ner 112 Whitby Kenner 120 pounds---Randy Scott, Whit first by, was pinned by Gord Barnes ead Kenner, recorded 127 pounds Ron Cooper, Whit | ime be, 'pinned Roy Sargeton, Ken. ne | 133 pounds--Glen Brooks, 'Vhit pinned Don Russea, 'lenner 138 pounds Jim Treen, Whit pinned Paul Tompson, Ken The 5 bool wrestling School | wre bh thpni Kenner ate of Peterborough 40-17 Vv A n-ea 1] wid sa Whithy bors hand Ken I the first de In three years compete 1 gh sting m e k or 1 feat tive wo LL] Whit v the Kenner Rex Whit of Ken restlin Although | William Quan Dave Cornish pounds pinned year of atr mrmina r( thelr first Whit thelr n cor on clearly tion to keep t \ cord intact, From the Whith, \ bout after bout was the Whithy ipremacy evident Whithy dozen bout bout wa det doe howed bout BEN STEINBERG Plans Talk On Music An unusual lecture-recial on the of clent times to the wut four of the was ong draw defaulted. Of wins, 7 were by pins to D Clutehey his team Is deter a good account of the Ontario High ting I'ournament London, Ontario, A fervent advocate of high schoel amateur wrestling, Mr. Clutchéy ed his conviction that the team would probably win 1 titles and good chance in the The re by and one the Whithy According Whitby coach, mined to give them elves at School Wre Feb, 20, at hy ner 145. pounds Whitby, . was More, Kenner 154 pounds pinned Gary Bruce Clairemont pinned by Dick Whit Ken Bob Correll, by Henwood, ner 165 pounds Wayne Whitby, and Llyod Thomas, ner. battled to a draw 175 pounds---John Tushingham, Whitby, gnined a decision over tion, Roger Hubb' Kenner history Jewish musie from an Brooks, Ken conducted present will he Ben Steinberg at the Oshawa Hebrew Congrega 144 King Street East Thursday evening, February 12th The heavyweight hout went to| Fred Harrison of Kenner, by de.| Mr of of ault, Whithy not having an eli-|Toronto's celebrated cantors, has gible contestant of Jewish musicology ENN Whithe several stand a very team standing to substantiate his for three the Whithy are as undefeated bout Jobless Youth Is Given Break of 237 by individua on ords ceo statements ter f any re Steinberg; son one vere In 0 yet research His lecture is highlighted by his own vocal {l-| made a career ino | his versatility in musical instru lustrations and playing various {ments, including the shofar (ram's horn), the challil (flute), the accordion and the plano After receiving the major part of his musical training at the Tor ronto Conservatory of Music, Mr Steinberg led several choirs in loronto Synagogues He spent four yoars as Director of Music ot Forest Hill Village South Prep School and has directed the Ha milton Jewls Centre Choir in suc cessful. public ap A re cital on the cantata, "Seven Gold en Buttons, hy enstoin, now helng prepared. Mr. Steinber served Holy Blossom Temple Toronto, for past seven vears pre their Director of Ing that he was in trouble, He said that shortly afterwards, a friend phoned to say that Cuiz madoa had cut his throat, NO USEFUL PURPOSE Dr. Nicholas Ostaflchuk tes fled that he had taken the cused to Oshawa General Hospi tal, where sutured three cuts in the man's throat, He said that the tuts ¢ not serious. He he apneared added that the man -appeared charg with at mentally well, but "very depress is Worship ed on ended and Ale Hall, QC, vin peeful po " Czlzmadoa, 19, Ave, came to Canada Hungary two years ago then he tried several get a job, but was turn because he is blind in Leslie Beatty from Since times to ed down one Des throat has ti a pairing, Czizmadoa cut his Feb WAT ANCeS he § y youn Eobs heard immigrant In we ha ly the ently co Hebrew Gilbert Osha My re for a th yn Plan formulated wd Con ( I may be criticized fi attitude but that is in this case Placing Crizmadoa or Nein th Mouse re wl | ed if) onli f this nated va this jon cild be re a corneal fford thi not get my opin regat Rew hairman currently uspénd Gala Onon a ' od tence mi say='"1 Just wapt a Job ( i 1 1 f [8] ¥ ou ~d phone call fram ham, Feb 2 work Detalls will be released shortly Sullivan of R( Tobacco Men! | | Want Own Directors PORT HOPE---Representation by significance was urged Wed- nesday night when members of Durham nnd Northrmber'and| branch of the Ontario Flue Cured| Tobacco Grower's Association requested the proviz:ial body fo allow them extra voles on the association's 'marketing board, Durham and Northumberiand tobacco growers may be isolated, it was stated, desoite the fart that their production and rate of development is anything bu! insignificant, At presen' the local group chooses a" five-man board and one directo" fo erve wi' ia. | ton and Barrie growers. "hel association feels it is important enough now to deserve a board of directors to vovern this area, | Meeting In Port Hope 'town hall, the association re-ele ted McNall Irwin, Morrish, presi. dent: Roy Foster, Kendall, vice. president; and H, K. Long, Port Henne, gecretary-Areasurer These officers were ratified by the following new directors: DA trict 1: Clarke and Mavers townsh'ns and west: George Van Dam, Roy Foster, P. G, Newell, Chnrrl'on Bilger District 2: Hope [townshins: MeNall fam Frew. Joseph Omar Malfalt District 3: Hamilton township rnd east: Ralnh Atkins, John Balley, Albert Viaene, Leo Me-| Donald. "To Tell Aspects THE FIRST PRIMARY read- ing workshop to be held in Osh- and Cavan awa was sponsored by the OsM- Irwin, Will Hensgens, Reading Assocla- tion Friday afternoon in North Simcoe School auditorium, A gecond meeting in conjunction with the workshop was International negotiating committee are contesting the election, Over 9000 UAW mem bers are eligible to vote, The result Is expected to be made known over the weekend, Oshawa Times Arena Has cal 222 member, Photo, awa and District Council of the | held | ™! OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, February 7, 1959 and the entire | delivered program will be duplicated | next week end at North Sim- | coe School In order to accom. modate the many teachers who have shown interest in the pro- Ject, Miss M. K. Harvie, for- mer reading Consultant to the Toronto Board of Education, this morning lectures at each | Jordan, meeting, She will return next | week, From left: L. Savery, | supervising principal | of public schools in Port Hope, principal of North Simcoe Who Acted as chairman and Dr, School; T, R. McEwen, West | C. M. Elliott, superintendent Durham inspector of public | of Oshawa public schools, hon. schools who Is an honorary | orary president of the council, president of the Oshawa DCIRA; Miss Harvie; W. H, Oshawa Times Photo, Ability To Read Held $453 Deficit Canadian Theatre Child's Greatest Asset event of special Interest to A financial report of the Osh a Rha in the district Is plan. g Arena Commis. ned for Monday, Feb, 9, when the on shows that revenue and ex. |Ontarin County Chapter of the b enditure for 1058 were very Registered Nurses' A soclation § close to the ameunts predicted at of Ontario will present Donald G coining of the year Davis, co-producer of the Crest 1 revenue for the year was! Theatre ¥aundation, Toronto, Mr, . swnenditures tn Davis will address the combined This n groups of the ol regular monthly meeting 1038 In MeLoughlin Hal, Odawa General Hospital, at 8:15 p.m + the opening of the Crest Theatre In January, 1954, Donald Davis, 8 forme mons gor of the Straw Players of summer to k | hat ocen bled a prominent position In the nadien theatrical s ene # th his brother, Murra Roi hn gilded the policies of the Crest Theatre Forndaticn and established a leading permanent Canadian re. per. ory company Th's wa Chil!'ren' the Tot onme ho defleft of rir ey their breakdown of follows rial Is n n ne skatine | ' rental and 0 ne $500 m. the city tine fre netoe Hat Ne $1315 and ren 1059 budget Dressy meoting, " I a Thurs. dev Tha budaet for 1950 was anpro ved for submission to Citv Covn-lyoeiing group ¢ Thesplans hove 1. The comm n deci 'sA thoy gimulated and educated publie "All pg=in need the $5000 grant to [nterest in the Arts generally meet expenses and a'med at the deve'onm Avena mancoar, Wm. Smith. of Canadian culture, Art sa'd monev- wi'l be nesded favlfienmp hy means of the thentre nrinting general rennirs and re Recognized as one of sur fines r n overhay! vs, Donald Da nun ry s"atement It wa so aved for the first three season ne pdm \ the x nl Ont om the some month Shakespearean Festival, In Gr y cha'rfan suger 1 Britain he has acted witha to vond, cold Bristol Old Vie and the G'n wensther Citizen's Theatre. and p'd, "at a re In the London Jrodicton of | Acenoclotion exee. I. Pri Gl Cnc { Jark Noxhorongh the play Lit, especially for mi ' Il Dehpe ! Donald end Murray Davi, and and ret minor hockey thelr sister, Barbara Chilcott In addition to his responsibil DONALD G, DAVIS ing leading ro'es In several plays t at the Cre t Thet atre, he ) t n of su lon performance In by conten slag Cre teley the ch at 'port te Monday ming Mt vi dine Vth Y oul certain asp {oda pl \ peak on theatre ling ¢ } con Ji ) re { inter le f ov ne olin tiey ( me m d a fow favorite tiions from y hn he t ng ceremenies of any lite Suspend Term Father Of 3 Appearing before M S. Ebb, Friday, for Oo charge of stealing a saw, Keit of Pembroke, was plac uspended sentence' for rature I'nd'e business the arising from mana or! report, it wa that the arena manage to Guelnh, this year, to urse In business man at OAC course will "last a week eoncerred with azcounting hudaetin CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Con wishes dents of who are noved sent take he a « wement This and Is and Pr 1Ristrate sentence on Rose, father of three children give no explanation of "I was out of a He sald that he | | could | | d pi money | | action he Hse job," Jriuliticns and beat had to the following res Oshawa and istrict celebrating birth days this weekend Those celebrating are: Stanley Grills, to pay rent on an apartment He said he had left Pembroke because 'there are more today E2800 unemployed there", RR 2, (lem and itles as co-producer and assum has M0 cls of a The officer 1 from the sale of the saw he b than The most Important asset aof when a child is child can have is an ability to|read," read, It Is essential for progress|pysT METHODS in every sub'ect except mechan-| lea! arithmetic, finding a child's | This was the opinion of Miss|jevel and described how a teach.|13 and 14 M. K. Harvie, former special|op could best encourage pupils in| teachers from Oshawa, reading consultant to the Toronl: (heir reading in her lecture on!ing, Port Hope Uxbridge Board of Education, who lectur [De termining the Child's Read-|Port Perry came to the two-da ed members «f the Oshawa and Ing evs felt cach child event on a voluntary basis District Council of the Interna |shoufT™ Fe trdated as an Indivi- Awa city teachers will make u ready to, It was originally planned Approximately to hold one workshop but the res. ponse was 50 good a second had Miss Harvie outlined means of|t0 be. scheduled and will dupli- proper reading|cote this week's program Feb, 50 Picker and y Osh Pp tional Reading Association Fri-lqual according to thelr own ab.|most of the attendance at next afternoon at a primary ding worshop In North Simcoe hool auditorium Pointing om that implest of Jobs day re ( [ty In order to produce best re. Week's gathering sults By being aware of aloy TSIDE COMPETITION child's' proper reading 'level and N eH in touch with stumbling blocks lis Harvie viewed dialong the way, a teacher could Interest as proof that kn wledue of reading, Miss Har:|imnrove the child's ability in a|®T¢ trying to teach vie seid, "It 1s not a Olimanner which would avert reme learning to" read any more bullgial reading making it vital, In a country Mike! The prolect was the first pri ours it is part of a child's nor mary reading works hop attempt varied other Interests, mal development." led by the Oshawa and dist wl The workshop was She added, "I would like tojcouncil TRA and was well re [opened by T, R, see parents and administrator celved, | Durham Inspector of publ trust Grade 1 teachers' opinion) w, HW, Jordan, supervising o|sehcols who 1s an honorary pre principal of public schools in ident of the Orhawa and Alstri Port Hope and DCTRA president, |councll, Miss Harvie was intr sald he hoped the workshops/duced by C, A, Holmes, publ could become an annual attalr, CARRIED ADS | 35 YEARS AGO | The merchants carried tisements in a feature edition of The Oshawa Times 85 years ago on a very fmnortant when Oshawa became a ely Felt Brothers, Karn's Drugs, Jury and Lovell, Can. nines Men's Wear, Mitchell's Drugs, Marry Wilson John ston's Men' Wear, Ge Meats, Flintoff Hardwar Ward's Department Store Watch for the 35th anniver sary edition this event which. is to be published, Feb 26, by the Oshawa Times even th reouire better tha case creased competition from ou side media such as television an Two Parents « Subpoenaed ' Ontario Bill When Ronald Barratt, 16, of lekering Townshin wes eonviet ed by Magistrate F. S, Ebbs on a vagraney charee Iday, neither boy's father or stenmother wern "interested enough" to at tend court | The father will be In court ovever, next Tuesday, when it comes up for. rentence,| Magistrate Eb} lssned a sub na for the father to apneny teble John Pugh of Pick-| townshin police told the| that he had found Barratt vandering around the West Rouge ing eentre, He sald that the told him he had an argument with hs parents, and left home ed that there are| children in the boy's ham, Following Miss Harvie's between 5.00 and 5.45 pm. T delegates then retired to Nort minster United Church for di ner. They returned at 7.15 ar held a question and answer di cussion with Miss Harvie The delegates reassembled th morning to hear a second ure by Miss Harvie (itled, Ing Problems in the Grades." Individual cussions were open question lod with Miss Harvie Acting as leaders |eussion groups were Fells, Ajax; Miss Woosley, by: Miss M, Adams, Miss Madeline Kelly, Mrs. DesRoches, |\'iss M. Hall, McNaughton, Miss B. Cain, following adver | the nee officially ston di a pes group followed by and answer n rl the Mrs, N Whi of ( ering court 1 chor of Bowmanville; Whithy area an Port Hope area. ¢Ix other family The officer said ected the boy's the stenmother thered' to come. to court and that his father "did not take * the trouble to get out of hed t peak. about him" "There's no sense us heating brains out if his parent that he had home, bu! "would nat conti 1 that To-day's the day you were going to start using Dr. Chase Nerve our Burketon George 119 Harmony Rd, N,; cia Ann Brown, RR awa; Tommy Lowry, lina street; Johnny 110. Walnut St, Whitby; Bill Lymer, 234 Bruce street; Franklin Kent, 1499 Lake- front, Oshawa; Mrs. M, Ev. enstein, 110. Alma street; Jimmy Leith, 231 Bloor street | w, Oshawa; Joyce H, Taylor, | 165'4 Olive avenue, | Those celebrating on Sun- day are Henry Veenhof, RR 4, Oshawa; David Hep. burn, RR 2, Oshawa; David Shetler, 159 Guelph street; | Carman Foster, 321 Centre street, Whitby, Mrs. John Waite, 'aris 3, Osh. 327 Ces Foster, WANT AD SOLVES , FAMILY PROBLEM When Virginia University announced freshman could not have cars on the campus, one resourceful first" year man solved his date hauling prob lem by advertising for a biey- cle built for two If you don't locate the things you want to buy, a Oshawa Times "Wanted to Buy" Clas- sified ad often solves the | problem, Easy to use and in- sds Hdd HARE Ll JAMES Scouts Need More Leaders A shortage of leaders prevents the formation of more than the present 23 Scouting groups In Oshawa, sald City Scout Commis sioner, J. H, Hare. He was speak |{ing to the Westmount Kiwanis expensive too, Just Dial RA [3.3492 won't bother to speak for him" Crown Attorney Alex Hall QC said, "I suggest that Your Wor ship Issue a subpoena to Barratt's father to bring him to court on Tuesday" The magistrate agreed. lee "Read. Primar the high teachers n {ever before because of the In. te d offielally McEwen, West le i 5) ct 0 ie athwol inspector for East Dur. lec. ture discussion groups were held he he n= nd (™ is te y 8+ N n pe dis 1. te Oshawa; Oshawa; Hedwig's; A, d Food to escape from Nerve | BOYS FIRED AT TRAIN | les, Fatigue - ? 4 ® PEMBROKE (CP)-Two juven. aged 11 and 14, will appear {in court here Monday on charges [of public mis . chief after admitting render EAT'N [to police they took a shot with a| [rifle at a CPR passenger train [its crack transcontinental, the | |Canadian--here on Tuesday. The| [shot shattered a car window and {came close to hitting the engl: Horack, Kent street, Whithy; [Clu sekly meeting n Irs. Helen Raizeene, 628 lub, weekly meeting held at Ade! {lnide house, Thursday. ineer, Howard street | The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period, The cur rent attraction is "Inn of the Sixth Happiness." Campbell Gains Ontario Final TORONTO (CB) Campbell's Toronto Royal Cana dians Friday night wen Ontario's] District 4 curling playoff and a berth Inte the provincial champ lonships at Samia next week Campbell's 148 win over Graham's Toronto Curling Mm six made pame He said Scouting is very active in Oshawa, There are about 2,000 |Cubs, Scouts and Rovers in the |clty, and about 180 leaders. | Oshawa Scouts are fortunate to {have the excellent facilities at] Camp Samac and their adventure {base In Haliburton, he said | Mr, Hare outlined, briefly, the aims of Scouting, He stressed the advantages of Boy Scout training for boys He pointed out that Scouting in Oshawa is "big business" and need the support of all Interested Garnet persons The commissioner concluded his remarks by saying the Boy Scout Association was here to follow the {Kiwanis creed. "We build", to {build better boys, CO-OP 285 854 Stu Club| mheatn sary round PRECOCIOUS THIEF MONTREAL (CP)--An [1-year old boy was brought to police headquarters Friday along with $10,000 worth of loot. the boy said semi-finals he stole from houses on weekentl Dixie, J. and - after The loot in Dowosview and |eluded television «et « fur Weston rugs and jewelry, The meet Paul Koz boy's (ather said hi mn told hin District 7A a girl friend him the good Hamilton Monday (because 'she has lots of money. ore ave and seventh vel District 7B playoffs advanced to the Fer the bin In rink nas HnNeces In the In three RA 5.7732 Graham mson of \l school radio Lithist Ll Catharine Ave RESULTS COUNT! Sold By: HOWE and MILLEN REAL ESTATE LISTINGS INVITED Meat Specials! Mon. Only! TENDER STEAK STEW BEEF 3. 1.00 FRESH MADE, COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 5.- 1.00 PORK CHOP . 49° SIRLOIN & WING uw 79° GLENWOOD COURT 67 KING ST, EAST