The Oshawa Times, 7 Feb 1959, p. 15

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|45-~Real Estate For Sale |40--Real Estate Wanted SO =Anicles For Sale |S0--Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Pebruery 7, 1959 [43--Real | Estote For Sale |45---Real Estate For Sale An , #iX + room 'lapboard house. NEW grey Mary Maxim sweater, VACUUM cleaner repairs, - > unfurnished ' EVERY DAY 800d {enants check Osh- 4 STOREY, six - room income home, STOREY and a half © » v X A ; h 4 . I rooms, uck pattern, size 40. Bargain, girl's parts, attachments, brus ¢ F {1 " A nua Times "For Rent: Clasptied ida, Jo AS pif lot, Jeenteal: location Hon ig Bag a TL hard HOUSE FOR {figure skates, size 5. Apply 144 Wilson |teed rebuilt raachines. Estimates free. 52--Legal Notices 52--Legal Notices 139 S"s and Dial RA 3.3492 to offer your vaeancy one ' wood floor# throughout, large lot, with i Road South. 32a |Rentals. Vaccum Cleaner Repair Ser- al r, $35 monthly. RA 88130, 32f| a low cost, two fruit trees, immediate possession in | PORTABLE typewriter, $40; adding vice: RA 8:1081 anytime. fee room ment, private |§i600 DOWN four-bedroom house, im- Nwrth Oshawa, $12,700 with terms. RA SALE? {machine, 8 bangs, with visible total, SLENDERIZING treatments, Hi-pro., THE CORPORATION fo tnd Shtrance, I: | mediate possession. RA 80110. 27 LLOYD REALTY (5-5011, a [850. Both like new. RA 3.4434. [tein Heaith Foods, Steam Baths, Hh OF THE J a ---- | AE tore TT x T |Master vegetable an rul ulcers, et. MA 5.7888. Call ime. 3 HOUSE -- Bowmanville, ¢ ¥| Before. listing, coll us for on WESTINGHOUSE table top range. | REE - room eo and bath ARLY NEW [brick house, four Dedioomt, Daraweny idl ool ne, free advice, |Good condition, $70. Apply 227 Green Ag Health a 204 King CITY OF OSHAWA a # ' il furnace, full basement, ' » off Park Road h 2 4 na \vy duty wiring, central Park Bou- NE OSHAWA'S BUSIEST _ [floors, new ol ume a ren RISTOW and ids Avenus, 9H Park Rosd Sonn. 0 7 GOODRICH sare. Ties, Taier. NOTICE OF y ard, now available, $65 a month, RA fo windows, D lumber, 2 x 4, 3 x 4 inch sheet. VOL . . g doors, nsulated, heavy wiring, double on lcs, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. STREET CLOSING | po: 3 ad BRICK 8 ROOMS REAL ESTATE FIRM garage. Cash sale $13,000. 25 George jing and or Phone RA. 33883. (han | Thiitty budget plan. RA 5.4543. oa ned housekeeping rooms, INSURANCE REALTORS | Street. Phone MA 3-323. Je OLSEN CALL Barons' for guaranteed service. PRYER, 58 General Eleciric 3 ito: TAKE NOTICE that the -- DEMOLITION OF rivate entrance, also d | Wd enliares by. the day, RA Bao, AND APARTMENT PEN EVENINGS |G00D, income Bono and eight REALTORS (aualifieq Jnechniciany for a makes ana Wrinier" Five manne old. Value $0, Council of The Corporation BUILDINGS Btn ---- OPE single rooms. Private . Phone RA refrigerators, dryers, Hi Fi and small S¢/IIng $200. MO 8.2812. Ld of the City. of Os ne BOURG HREE Bright rooms, sink and cup. Double Gordae e LITTLE [s%4 RA 5-6165 appliances. Barons' Radio and Electric SMALL heavy 2 Moffal ove, $I| its regulor meeting to be TOWN OF CO 4 Fi bly] DoubleGoroge | DELIGHTFUL 1 BY, Hi mee. MSL LA 7 Ah) hen onda Fer ONTARIO A 877 30 HOME |46--Recl Estate Want ATHOL ST. W. MAND Overcoat. sie REE rox. | PIANO "accordion; 120 B | 16th, 1959 intends to pass ) re Land : oO frida oom, BRR V2 Acre L Comfortable 4. 'room' bungee (an EE Gf a7 -- Automobiles ¥ Sele en Eas WA pogo 3s $10 Per loca condition, ¥ BE 0 Ya er en. | SEALED FIXSD SUM TEN: ' ' wi orking couple. RA 5-1520. Ki ity) low i srth-west a. Con. |all cash or your equity, For quick sale|_ i BT 7, Jy TOT pr pa ing St. East (City ow In north-west are 0 Realtor, 26 Prince|'5] OLDS. four door | HIGHEST prices paid for 1 - OUR - room 9 venient to bus, and both sep- [%ce us W. McAuley Reablor, 8 Brea mechanical condition, clean threr |TV! 21-inch, €ood eondition. x HH ie HEY Pues PAN and Ortono Avenue (former: Tenders Secretary, Room hree - plece ba p entrance, orate' ond public schools. |3azn out. 3400 cash, or nearest offer. 34's --- Community Furniture Stor ly Russell Avenue) os shown 6630, until 4 pm. ES. Time on ie, session, No Jail children, J lock from Shopping Centre, immedi. JONES Only $9,500.00. Carries for fad Lloyd Street after five. 291| COOK stove, fuel and wood, Fane Street. Phone RA 8-1131 on Registered Plon 167 be- | RA 5.6397 kl - s Avenue, RA 5-4 i only $70.00 monthly, Call | WANTED TAR rate walled, 8 SV SE 5) pe > e150 siioaie Tar Sour sid eis, FUECTRC ~réfrigerators," all makes, tween Wilson Road South WEDNESDAY MARCH 4th ames i "front room, Doug Hurst RA 8-5123, [Street West vision on any new: Eleciiononre, ele. | fcompletety o£ Sonditionsd; day ale ol ° point ety Fe! 1959 tte, D 4 ¢ hy ot apd ot Fag Wh REAL ESTATE Lloyd Realty Ltd [2-50 acres with lake front hon METEOR coach. Special, $99. RA mira, Victor or Westinghouse at Park, (ances, 30 Bond East. 20% west © tison Roo for the Demolition and Re- Slee i Alain, private sntrance ? age between Whitby and Port RRR LL Eos Th a {1958 WOODS 15 cu, fi, deep freeze. LAND toke furfher wotice moval from the site, of diss 184 Beatty Avenue. 101 Simcoe St., N., +o. |'58 PONTIAC station wagon, excellent | eee | Value $400, Sale price $200. Call MO ake d buildings on the prop- emer | RA 5-8412 or RA 8-156 H Private buyer, Write: {Value $ p used bu 9 prop ope. Private buyer. |condition, $2650. No trade, cider barrels available, ai) 20f| that at the said meeting the ; wa J] COMFORTABLE room, suitable for RA 8.5123 (52820 A INE lt Sag barrels available, 8)3.29%, ! lng erty formerly owned by the lady or genlteman, close to north GM. 3b] Box 433 i: BS Church Sireet RA 370% "*|31 INCH console TV, $125; baby ear:| Council shall hear in person ate of TF. Wall ony sits reasonable, Call RA 8-1072, 291 | a Hits | LIST WITH LLOYD The Oshawa Times 3 OLDSMOBILE sedan, automatic| me on Vid dbb, riage and car bed, $12. RA 51053. 29| or by his counsel, solicitor or uated on the North side of transmission. radio, sound body, $329 GUNS, ammunition and "hunting sup- sup PONT SPAR : cash, 249 King Street East, 31¢ plies new and used, For the best deal USED tires, most all s ares $3 up. B, F. agent any person who claims University Avenue, being part MODERN, three - room self - contained » | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER : > 3 32 |45--Real Estate For Sale |: er ee i tOWn S00 Domigion Tire Store, 48 Goodrich Store. RA §. that his lond will be prejudi- ¥ / 3 us |B" chevrolet ~ coach, A-1 condition. Bond Street West 5.6511 TTT 3 id of Town lots nos. 219 Ritson Road South after 4 r 4 p.m. dle + | EASY spin dry washer and floor pio cially affected by the soi ond £, Block 1 in Cobourg, Epartment. Available February 15, RA BUILDER'S pm WELF . contained, three - room apart. | -- ay CHESTERFIELD, 3. 0 Burk . haa . fue set, red ander, in excellent condition. ul low who lies to be ploy building. RA 58150" 30 SACRIFICING LIST WITH CONFIDENCE AW MERCURY Sedan. Come and ral e dark greeh, Very god condition: Phone Sires. RA 5.7743, bse ond who applies Ontario, _apartm 8 OPEN TO OFFERS [an 4 er 8 transportation, call {RA Ln. 3 BOATS, motors and fra ors, new wa . Specifications with tender TWO unfurnished rooms ind Miichen, [A or 3 2am. French Stes}. er paris, HP molors, $5 used. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, . DATED at Oshawa, this form attached and tender en- com: letely furnished: close to s FROM 1 CHEVROLET coach, A-1_condil aig {i Rep to all wringer type. wash. Bond Street West 24th day of January, 1959. velope may be obtained on Apply 206 King Street West 30f tr) Ritson Road South after 4 p.m, 30¢ lers. Guaranteed r washers, " A COTTAGE, two large rooms, winter. 9 WIL ON R |' FORD Viion truck. Phone RA Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.2053, "L. R. BARRAND opplication tor the Departs "Szed, ofl heating, furnished; on bus 8-6919, 30c| Bowmanville, hae RAILINGS City Clerk ment of Public Works, On- line RA 88125 30c| | "55 BUICK century sedan, automatic STEREO, Experi conversion of your | ' ' tario, Room 6527 East Block LOVELY bedroom for gentleman in OWI! PAYMENT | |transmission, custom radio, two tone present Hi-Fi or tape recorder to| Beoutify your home, protec Parliament Buildings, Toronto FULL DO p---- 9 private home 444 Fernhill Boulevard UALIFY Ired and white, with matching uphol- (stereo. Sales and service on all Ger. | your family -- custom made THE 2, Ontario, and moy be view- RA 3.7070, { IF YOU QUAL ery, No down payment. Only | mam and Domestic HiFi "and stereo railings, $1.50 per foot up; | ed at Room 6527 y _ Ho an Heusen -Motors, ng Wes equipment. For information phone Osh ' . . LARGE room for single gentleman or 6 7-ROOM awa representative, Heinz Rottschaifer,| Oluminum windows $15 up; | BANKRUPTCY Any tender is not necessarily " Bi 1 FORD Judy, with cooking privileges, Apply i WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING anh a He mt snes | RA- 8.140 mornings or cvennge. 7 ers| - doors $35 up. Free estimates. ACT accepted, fair, $175 cash. Apply 378 Mitchell or Electronics, 423 Yonge Street, "Toronto Call collect ATlantic 2-2152. Parlioment Buildings, Warren Avenue Bf | 3 THREE - Flow Shari comic RANCH | Ja 8:8738 before 8 p.m. 30c SELLING furniture! We'll buy it METAL CRAFT PANY | | om ANY furnished. fn new home Suitable for Toronto 2, Ontario, Ir furnibe Phone RA 8.172 21 BU NGALOWS 5 CHEV. station wagon, A-1 condition, | ¥'1d8®s, TV's, washers, pianos, stove aia 3s on are on Whgon, Add cONBLON. | ete, For top. cash. ter ontace 19 SALE BY TENDER February 4th, 1959, BRICK house," per Tat mir Fenn SPLIT LEVELS Plows: Ra a0. | 0 7% | prince Sireer Fours £5 in.) BUILD THAT ONTARIO FARM, J.D. Millay, King Sucst Eat. Yuoue BA sain. Sie FINISHED DELUXE \E4ad of iy eangees, Tt madmen, aac and wiodela for washers, ration, Ty BOAT NOW | OA Devore oY Niees Phone ' FURNISHED room, "gentlemen only 7 t Can |Telrigerators, Ranges and all small $4.50 per week, Phone RA S29. * RECREATION iy ais Ra aamewer 4 300 | appliances Barons' Radio and Electric Ontario . . o TWO furnished rooms, heat, lights WA SHOPPING CENTRE -- RA 5-6588 pr 7 io | Ltd. 426 Simcoe St., South. Is ecsy with a molded hull or SEALED TENDERS oddressed igri ge BUR ai ca ROOMS OSHA SHO B JoNTac ao Che four-door | ANTTURE Sale -- Reductions up { fo| boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See to Charles Lee, C.P.A, | -- [30 per cent! 2 pe. chesterfields, $89 up!| Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. Trustee, 67 Yonge Street lac Avenue South. RAMA HOFFMAN radio, etc. excellent condition, No |¥ e SAesteH nlc j y ustee, ge 5 f ac COLO f | 335 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA, RA. 5-3406 trade. Phone RA 53870. aud pe. set, 34 up Many D up} 3 pe fioor | PHONE 1266 AJAX Toronto 1, Ontario, will be u ey . basement "apartment EN THREE - room KITCHENS '51 G.M.C, half ton ry new paint, lamps, % price! Coffee and end tables, | Oy te viene heated, "hot and cold water, three-piece $395 sh, If look} f | ] p t CRAWFO RD McCULLOUGH | oe 'truck, don't. oil this ee nal Yat ey salrenses -- SRLS up to 2 p.m. on the 19th day joe, Rs p s LARSON of February 1959, for the 0 ds Meet bath, Close to Shopping Centre. Apply $67 MONTHLY CARRY 579 King Street West 28f . and recliner chairs, 20 per cent to 40 h (subi to th |"58 BUICK Super, automatic, power Per cent off! Bunk be desks, cedar urchase (subject to the cone with three or four rooms living accom: | oy 00h) South on Park Rd D brakes and' power steering. Sst 'Droge Chests. luggage, smokers, hassocks, FIBRE-GLASS BOATS ro of the sole herein- modation, Close to South GM, bus sto ; . in Apply 538 King Steet Easy 32a|-- all drastically reduced! Easy terms 7' . 25 ; By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN -- | "watch for Model Heme sign '36 CUSTOM, Royal Dodge sedan, pow- 424 Simcoe Street South. "Where prices Open Evenings and Weekends lowing assets of the Ontario AUDLEY -- The WA 1 . J ¢ ] WE met at Salosma On ODOT ve cr steering, automatic transmission. gre lo 4 quality high xT a A : i ' FIRST IN OSHAWA - | 3olesmen on Property over OPEN FOR INSPECTION radio, 42000 miles, Excellent condition. | money back: oo ° Y™ Brooklin Marine Storage Farm Supply Company, Bank- Itha home of Mrs. Chasles 11 CUBIC foot refrigerator; apartment | | SMALL store, good business corner N.H.A. MORTGAGE | , Ste at door. Apply 274 Pacific Avenue. 28f to Loke, turn left on Stone | Br er fe Ea tr ditions of the sole herein. Weckend RA 5-4272. 321 1upt, consisting. Oft-- Clemens Wo ' : Supply Ltd, pt, 9 © ednesday evening Special self-contained new [ MURRAY WARSH 6-room Bungalows situated on Burns Street 3° METEOR, fair "condition, radio. size Moffat stove electric. coffee pot. PHONE 87 PARCEL 1. Stock-in-trade |Vith president, Mrs. James Cowie Best offer. Call RA 53403 after 6p.™. GE fron, washing machine, 4x6 table in the chair. bachelor's apartments in @ a vv | 1" 1 very good location, available REAL ESTATE | WESTVI EW HEIGHTS SU BDIVISION ee 381) in wood condition. RA 8.5388. 27( ------ Gommen to ol univ herd Many aclivities were planned, { c v/ 49 AMERICAN Rocket 83 Oldsmobile, LARGEST selection of used TV, mans < ware store, intlycing * [including a World Day of Prayer April 1st, 2 WHITB Y hydromatic drive, radio. heater, di: with new guarantee at Parkway Tele BUY NOW AND SAVE enimal medicines, paints, service at th 1 | Write Box 409, si ------------ Yeciosl gna, Sempletely overhaul vision. 918 Simcoe Street North, hardware, automobile sup. orvice ig rou ar church i istri i | Street Bast RACK. p20. 3 Colborne Spy LING furniture or cleaning out| Peterborough boats, Evinrude lies, insecticides, barn sup- ey lA Oshawa Times (2nd street south of Whitby District High School)¢ Street East, RA 5.7142 ag BR ASI BR igen Mi i Boo lies, insecticides bey su The annual supper will bs held rmesm-- plies, feed including harley, 27. N.H.A. MORTGAGES |S VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, radlo.|est price when you phone RA 5.81 win'er storuge on moters. storter crumbles, hog mine |Feb. {Phone RA 3.2600 after 5 p.m. Apply |The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe 732 Simcoe Street North. 20f | Steet South, | Boat storage. Foctory op- eral and chow, and fencing The east group led the worship you OPEN WEEKENDS {53 FORD convertible, radio, duals, USED tires, §3, up, Terms, Dominic1| Proved, Service centre for having an Inventory value |service. Mrs. Bert Guthrie said believe | [$599 cash. Apply 194 Church Street. 31f Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West | motor repairs, Open evenings of -- $4,000.75. a prayer, Mrs. Frank Murray 1 P. M. to 4. 30 P. M. '6 BUICK Tudor hardtop, fully G.E. refrigerator, automatic defrost, re.| Gnd weekends, . read scripture, followed by com- equipped, quick sale required. Details -- (volving shell. Canadian Be rauty electric] yap INE STORAGE & SUPPLY PARCEL 2. Machinery ond |ments by Mrs. Frank Puckrin, o angetie, Bo.h t dit Cali i i i shone 33. Ax pari nes. Of LIMITED office equipment, including | Mrs. . H. Guthrie led in prayer. with children over 12. Pri : -- ricés are going up | 5 CHEVROLET Ralf ton Piekare ver] if d- Apply: -- h going up | INCOME HOME--$1.40n POWN BE RL NM lo PIV AP, Yoo! | FW seeiforiel drones, sav Ti blue Brooklin, Cnt. Phone 87 Reno Duplicator 0n¢ ss ri Gutlrie Showed a fim. The 21 _GIBION STREEY = then Only 7 years old, brick, excellent location, 472 rooms down with Van Heusen Motors, 149 King West. 20( and yellow. RA 8.6193. of or irventory: value of Tr Yup eva PAR = / 4 1- BD 4 nd sink, '53 FORD, no down payment, only $31 CHESTERFIELD and chair, wine, $35. | ' large rooms up with butit-in rds and sir EO a yom i Dollar for Dollar You'll $1,100.00. AE I oS of ey ve 4-pce. bath, 2 [LOYD REALTY | BUY GOLDELL | extra stool, hardwood and tile floors, oil heating, garage, land- |;guh;" 52 Oldsmobile, 'only' $27 ber USED washing machine. in sod cond. | Get A Better Deal on PARCEL 3. Accounts receiv- |W. Guthrie, A game of euchre scaped and decorated, Income from upstairs carries. Full price menth, Van Heusen Motors, 149 Kiny gon Apply Nonquon Road last house J RENTAL AGENCY | West. lon north side before five points 8 Aluminum Doors able having u book value of has been planned. | $14,700. Qur fee is less than a ve: | BUY NOW. x 1050 CHEV, sedan, $275 cash, or best (0 iNCH GE. range, deepwell pres:| Alumina: FloirVent -- $5,900.15. Maureen Cook, Ajax, and ereenid ond ve. 1/, 0} offer. Excellent condition. APPlY 1195 ure coker, automatic oven. mans co idle concy orly screened. ond re N.H.A. RESALE 52% $2, 00 DOWN Wecker Drive 27t'tras. Good condition, Phone RA 3.7292 Awnings PARCEL 4. Lease to premises Soya thr yEiadents lieble tenants, Li H | . - - i : owest priced home Immediate possession on this 2-year-old brick bungalow on Gy CHEVROLET, A-1 condition, $195. nm Aluminum Storm Windows to run for four years with bioyd Sealy uravie) Lud. pis Seugog St. Featuring large kitchen with doulje stainless steel |R 33101, 3b WE pay Bighest price Ta the city for um the rentol «minimum of sisted las week 2 Alley shud mcoe 3 . 1 ky : eX ecials -- fim ion furniture. P.etty's sed ur g Superv A . Ge RA 8.5123 sink, loads of cupbcards, built-in breakfast ndck, 3 bedrooms, EXTRA Sv fal oon Hiliman stati ture Store. RA 3.3271, 443 Simcoe South Pre-Fab Garage $100.00 per month end a |x pratt, month, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Darwin, To- Souls. maximum of $150.00 per 45_--Real Estate For Sale ing. * Full price $12,400 (vacant now). $1515. Small down payment or trade, pletely reconditioned, 90-day warranty Stone-Tex Insulated Siding ronto spent a week at the home MODERN 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT | At 1¥ Gibbon Street. Imme- diate possession. Adults or that | | i of oil heot- | 3 oe North-west Oshawa living room ond dining recom, 4-pce. bath, forced oir flow, radio, two-tone, $1393; '57 Mefeor,| ELECTRC ranges. all makes com. Pre-Fob Ccttage wo years on balance. At Wellman rom $39.50, Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond | LARGE brick country home, situated (GOLDELL HOMES! INCOME HOME -- $2,500 COWN RA 3.4431. Melgam (Four different colors). Tenders will Ls received for o Mis. Darwi's parents, - Mr, 5 and Mrs. G. K. Pratt, on No. 12 highway, midway between 5 F A SL 3 # : 4 FORD, sacrifice, take over pay- IQ 27 oom. Perch Rail lumi the above parcels separately {hitby and Brooklin, One acre of land V4 tures : AL V USED television sets 17° and 21" com crch Railing (aluminum y Near new 62 rcom brick home with many ottractive features, ments. Phone RA 5.8579 3M pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day 'war and wrought iron) or en bloc. All tenders must hone Brooklin 641 R 15 after five tor | "1 5 + a -- -------- " Appointment. IN 4 rooms down with 4-pce. bath, 2}2 rooms up with 3-pce. both, | 5 Gurek "super," automatic power ranty on labor and parts. Irvine . Ap be accompanied by a marked LOT on Colless TIL ToRTI0 Sewer and hardwood and tila floors, recreatien room complete with bar, oil steering, power brake, Just broke in. pliances, 50 Bond East, at he b! HARLE 0 LOT. on College Tl, 10x10, sewer and BRAEMOR heating, completely landscaped with patio, All this for $12, 330 King Street East, 0 C00 rrr HOLODY fhe Faves to Ch Ne | ueen's Principal EVEN pe ----------_---- 0.00 on't hesitat J lot ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up fo . , complete with instr. Pu " : ELEVEN sca on Wilson Road, sewer 400.59, Dent hesitate 0nd be lone 30 per cent Nine months to pay. bor ions, "410. Phone RA 88303 suturdrs| ALUMINUM SALES 7 ihe amount verdered, whith | Will Be Honored - = | OL personal service at your home ca anytime, Friday before 4 p.m. or even - wi e returne e tender SEVEN . room brick house, ofl heat GARDENS $2,800 DOWN ------ N.H.A. RESALE 5 70. 52802 ings after 7.30 266 30 Grenfeli St, RA 5-243 is not accepted and forfeited" TORONTO (CP)--Dr. W. A. ing, heavy wiring and oak floors, large - ji eee -- re - = e 1 .W Box 508, Osh: Times. 3b Large 3-bedroom brick bungalow on Sharbct St, basement com- CHEV. mo'or, will fit '49 to "53, '200d 11, JP motor, new, $60: portable air -- to the undersigned os liquid- : lot. Write Box 508, Oshawa Tim (Stevenson's Rd. N.) arge edreom brick burg in Ha Te To nel ie, IE ator. WEY 460: porlifie sh 51 Swap and Barter a Pred. hor is |Mackintosh, 64, vice-chancellor 81X - room brick, Rossland and Simeoe Pletely - tilec with recreqgtion room: ond. 2-pc. bath, 4.pc parts for Chev. Brooklin 603R12. 3lc 's5, push-button, $29; electric greasing CHESTERFIELD, electric coca cola omages e tender Is land principal of Queen's. Univer- area, convenient to schools, churches up, forced air oil heating, decorated and landscaped. Full price BE a ----=--=| machines, Alemite, with grease 'gun,| cooler, roto-tiller, tile machine? nd| occepted ond sale not com- | sity, was named as Queen's rane nd us. Price $13,200. Phone "A ROSSLAND only $12,800.00. $60; and many other items at very cabin trailer, all kinds of fot pleted by the purchaser. The of-the-vear by the Toronto branch REE HT REE CRANEIELD MOTORS [reasonable prices. Come in and look supplies. Wanted combination TV, tools,| balance 's payable upon clos- lof the university's alumni asgoci- Eee Rule 2 ACRES PLUS DWELLING | 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH [arma mie, Seni ly 7 si mln or she Mey ok SERGE | ing or muy be orange [08 y ed on g residential street. 9 Frede MANOR L : | i ad A ---- -- with the undersigne : A jck Avenue. Phone Bowmanville MA Excellent spectacular property for small builder, location RA 3-2284 SKATES, new and used : {| 52--Legal Notices The award, originated three 3.5147 Cedar St. 6-rcom insul brick heme, oil h 3-pce. bath, | USED CARS 9 ate lsxenang a ---- Adjustments will be made in |vears ago, will be presented at a [$1 up. New skates $4.95 up. Largest i Jonn 8. Se ---------------------- - ossland Rd. W.) garage, (sewer and water), .f il price $12, 900. B.A. SERVICE LoTR li eh TR ost Leon 8 Finley, | 10 Tomervils the inventory (Parcel Na, 1) | formal dinner next Tuesday _in L} | Bond Street East o« to shorts and longs only. (the Toronto Granite Club. | - ---- GDS ntracted in b; i BROOKLIN FROM GROCERY STORE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, | (oa inious tor a farm of Jour own? | wife, Winmitred A Fimey withow my] The highest or ony tender It is for recognition of services MORRIS, M.CG., WOLSELEY, th int " ff der writien consent, on or after this date, : Excelent turnover, owner selling due to poor health, loads of | RILEY SALES. '4 SERVICE I or Sale in the Fo I February 6, 1950. -- John §. Finley. 3lc Shall Det lecassorily be we to the society and directly or in- . AWN ( A J ipme: ncluded in purchase price, stock ot invoice, living = | tion, - directly to the university. $975 DOWN. Beautifully $1 749 DOWN J3uipment | oven for Inspection on Thurs. Macki i ! quarters consist of a 7-room brick home, attached garage. For | (ONE HP peavy duty 116.220 voit o P urs- - | Dr. Mackintosh, born in Madoc, De nyt / I further particulars contact this office. | SABYAN MOTOR trie mond 8 arpa, 5 ecelve on S 9% Jevbruars 12 95% from (has enn vice - chancellor and aie " or | a-ton steel box trailer, $60. 8-inch table A . y ap- principal since 1951, He was act- 0 31 bedrooms, \ ALE LTD. , 1 HP motor, $65 | N c i A : : 4 ori i 75" og Name your own down $ 1 5,000 DOWN | TL SLio.. hw, Pore olor, Js8 compiete, | wa G t b M th ig With, the wnder 37 derety minister of finance jn N.H.A, mortgage. An abso- payment if you qualify, Restaurant ond living 'quarters, spotless condition, en main street | SALES ie SERVICE tn. 70 Glovers Road e S on S i Bh lute bargain buy ot $11,875, . in Newcastle; turnover approximctely $60,000 yearly. Many ex- | 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH VISCO nd pad 0 x 12, carpet The i |sweeper, used 3 iz eX w MONTREAL (CP)--Alfred St. aisles 30d further WOMAN CLAIMS $10.000 OSHAWA, ONT. °|Yves, 33 - year - old window-| 'be inspected on application BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) = A [SINGER treadie sewing machine, $15 Ds . Real Estate Ltd, Brooklin time, TEL: RAndolph 3 346) {Phone RA _3-9147 after 6 p.m. Jash jnakel, Friday i to the undersigned. {woman who has been on relief ' To a he | ha, id clai ly 291, o 54 CHEV. custom radio, four aox1s receiving $15,000 worth of bonds| DATED ot Toronto, Ontario, has laid claim to nearly $10,000 $1,750 DOWN. Outstanding ohn A. J Boloheod LLOYD AYERS REALTOR BUYING or SELLING [tires ove Jong type Battery: Street" identified as part of the loot from Ys 4th day of February, a eh, Yume buys found bs a comer location. Close to 30¢ | the multi-million dollar bond bur. 1 i » FUR coat, "size 238-40, glary last May in Brockville Mary Panek, 65, had accumu. | See schocls and shopping, An ex- Real Estate al, Persian Paw, lated the m i y : | el | oney during the last Yrematy well kept Homa, 3 RA 5-6544 | OZZIE ADDISON--RA 3-2254 ) TED CAMPIN rearananier MA 3055 tr vite "hes hms |, Loot in the robbery from the Senjarcin Loker, Esquire 15 years, apparently By saving large bedrooms, Fully decor- or 2 MOTORS 181, Bowmanville. s0c Brockville Trust and Savings, Solicitor te the. Trust {from small sums her children ig an Yly Jie vicoring H. Goldstein Real Estate | -- i res aa a -- | 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA SRE [Company Jet) SN at oH Hise [gave her and from welfare pay- Uust East of Wilson Read) COMBINATION | St. Yves claimed he was of- | ARLES ar AL Mb ments. S oanek oo ec | 1 Owner transferred to U.S.A, For information tras included in purchase price, Owner selling due to pogr health, lis sacrifice your gain. Satok RA 5.7272 | + For further information call Ozzie Addison at RA 3-2254 any- ment, tiled 4-pce. bathroom, RA 8-5161 y tile dupe. | BR )Q RA 3-4494, Res. RA 5-5574 000 aluminum storms, screens and KLIN : WI NDOWS fered $5,000 commission to in '* Toronto 1, Ontario. » went on an errand. It was in 48- Automobiles Wanted |a $10,000 bank loan using $15,000 figs bid imal worth of the bonds as collateral, doors, fully sodded lot With Great GOLDELL HOMES rel Til] $12 750 or | EARERRORE Wo wails cant | DOORS, AWNINGS, THE . 1Tye men told him they were hav- Ira reo Rel Ete | You eel Buder special €ATOWCIest rt BEST FOR LES | nt Income tan routes and a¢| DAILY CROSSWORD Ltd, Brooklin 291, | i in low end medium priced | CALL RA 8-8571 | not dare to make the loans per- omes, Nv sonally. MACKIE MOTORS Whitby MO 8-4891 "If it wasn't for the work of | ACROSS Bi > Pren intermediaries in the handling of | 3.Bullding 22. Couches EWES) | | | U b di IVI S 0 N Will buy good clean ears, Pay Manufactured in Whitby stolen goods," said Judge T. A. 1; wee DOF . addition 23. Tread [Al] S ; Siti Sol endgnnt COLONIAL , |Fortaine, "the big receivers and| Poly | &Bom = heavily fh | 8 x 8 i i ; jeven the burglars would run into Here in idyllic peaceful rural surroundings you will find the Trade up or down, [qifficulty re discouragement." bass ---- 6. Wary 9. Wan (slang) | | pow MAN to operat lease service stato -- outstan I lues f ) -- - ¥ A % MAX 10 operate or lease servi # station, FOR RENT -- Three room To mast outstanding home values ever offered to fit your budget NEW LOCATION ALUMINUM : I's Articles For Sale 100 7. Merit pli! ' 32a'a paper bag. a Try oye por HEN Perso ad Je in Apartment, ground "floor. Private en.| yet it's only minutes to Oshowa == Whitby -- Ajax -- Toronto, | En ZI Thindes Strect Wes ' i rane And bath. Baby welcome %o King Street Eost -- 1}. eps over Py Quaker 26. Lame hone Tironte LEnnex 1.2272 120 - he ences « Resor re. FOR Kale HT Di EY, ONLY $450 DOWN Formerly Varcors Driven | BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT REASONABLE PRICES | 12am 1oimeoort ie 28 Poe) FOR Sale Used bed, spring and! 3160 Independent Sales, Whithy Plara Passer " eavy ipe wrenche ( fe ; . 'and ? a at two outside MO R.2081 ! ane | (YOU QUALII Y) RA 5.5743 SELF STORING WINDOWS Te Vis Preste 15. aa Yesterday's Ansvep Probane gas tanks. MO 8.1833. 1710 WILE" poultry alse feathers wanted | NH. A, 6% MORGAGE CARRIES FOR $65 MONTHLY | ------t --rr--e---- : dent from ingredient x 34. Pigpen Eff She CM BE ng HA « | WiGHEST PRICES ALUMINUM DOORS LE FOR RENT -- Six roomed house, stove, - feature 3 In bedrooms, | | } i refrigerator, TV nay use, fi ie | FOR" Bale Chesterfield, (hres piers ! 4 rge bedrooms, lurge family kitchens, 16. Physical 18. Solemn 31. Prices (naut.) piece bathrooms (some tiled), huge welk-in closets, automatic PAID FOR FREE ESTIMATES ~~ GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP | motion promise 32 Finished 3. Make lace atlab y ho p able immediately, MO 8.3220 any. |Kreen.. Phone MO 84089 32a oil air conditioning, 75 foot landscaped lots (some fully sodded). 5 N 10. Negative 21, Roug| 33. Farina« edging te Jb FOR Sale 17" Crossley TV, match od clean cars Trade up or | FEMALE He anted -- Smal rts | in xe, $99.0 ndependent Sales ls down n cord lav 40. Sash (J. production fe ated Sm a Whither a "o ach ent 8 iat. COME AND SEE i Liens poled, VERN GLASS (O. LTD. 20. ot a Seons ppnt a) Garry Wright Electronics of Canada| pon=c d 1 Yi | . " " DODD MOTOR SALES 21. Publie Fe. 0 Ket fiver, Yor or pert rar io. inde THE FABULOUS STYLEMASTER" | 314 PARK RD. S. (1216 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6214 notices 3 T oiling and, atterstions. mew's| pendent Sales, Whitby Plaza. MO : BY THE HALLIDAY CO. LTD. "RA 3.9421 ALL TYPES OF GLASS WORK 22, Scatter R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South . : 25, Stop : _- Soy a ar Jue Tig Bs IT'S DIFFERENT 49--Automobile Repairs After 6 p.m. call 27. Openings APARTMENT "Tor vent, ~ heen. room | hoot To soot, ram, Hilleres IT'S EXCLUSIVE ~~ JACK McGRAW JOHN REID Sanat) and bathroom, available March Ist nd screens. newly ora C or p 28. Girl's 06 Byron Norn" Mi amp Ch | nd screens. "newly decorated, includ IT'S FOR DKW & FIAT | MOHAWK 8-4633 WHITBY RA 3.7679 OSHAWA nck ane FOR Rent -- Three-room apartment, *!tachments in Kitchen. MO 8.4735 Ful ; . 4 y i SALES & SERVICE SE 20. Music note heat and Jit included. $70 per month PAINTING and decorating call" Dodd | ully gecorated, aluminum storms ond. screen, of! g y ] 30, Perpl MO 83 28( | an wer Bain y ar oy fixity / a0. Perplexing : Su ry fas ANDY NAGY'S Winter-Seal pro 35. Beetles free Pn se arbi A000 noni he sl | COME AND SEE OUR MODEL HOJAES--IT'S oR, Such Feb. 23 408 King 51. W, -- ~ RA 3- 7132 37. Seine fork. 13 Biron out. Phone. M0 % SEPTIC tanks cioined "the wian| SO EASY TO BECOME A HOME-OWNER -- |A%Kne 2 -- ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS 38. Cleave : ris 308 chestnut Went Phone Mo nowy | MUCH CHEAPER, TOO. BRAMLEY MOTORS Kool Lite' Aluminun: Awnings a Monee DRESSMAKING, alterations, better d its, et de to sure Feb 26 7 : Be rMe lo Weasire -- MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION 1S LOCATED ON THE SALES LTD. CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE a SEpotit JORN' Service, oil bi NORTH-WEST CORNER OF HIGH S RAILINGS--Interi BES | CHAIN SAW | NONTHWET CONGR OF away 7 ND 12 1271 SIMCOE NORTH ANOS eh Si i your heating cost 1 St. John to stor Phone Walter Mittler--Brooklin 291 PHONE RA 3-4675 ireplace Furnishings and Ba thtub Enclosures 43 ale that heat from going up the chimney BIOIY- eithng " SONNE [=~ p fh Tool BRT | lale PHONE RA 3.4675 LES EVENISS SALES LTD. Mo Ale RVC Ei Tir] tht tows. wait sor we . SATOK REAL ESTATE | ais. | 78 PRINCE 'ST RA 5.4632 DOWN 189) gallons per load. Ph MO 80172 ¢ Cul ' . Heel I y t ay oats 43 a ed ur | Service end Sales -- MO | * ONTARIQ'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTOR a rs Pert et 1 tas Beri, RA 22707 Bill Golbraith, RA 5-8832 | 37 the eve Feo. 8! 8.3226 Whithv. Eh' alartranie tinasia smuinment. Dan Howa RA 5.0313

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