ssurrection Explained ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred 3. Buescher | THE GOLDEN TEXT BIRR hin hiss i 5... Seriplure--Luke 20:27-40; John 14347, : Imitters on unauthorized frequen. a. id the offence 1s serious Can Cause Mishap au and could lead 10 fines of | dreds of dollars or imprison TORONTO (CP) -- A depart- The transmitters can be ob ment of transport official says in- tained in army surplus storés discriminate use of unlicensed here, army surplus radio transmitters! could cause disaster to ships and |aireraft 1 H.R. a, tic Aiberis. Ch . The hi |tendent of radio regulations for (the department, sald Thursday, vistodep: ons \ Jottctais are worried about the | (CHA A 13 46-50) 1 [number hi school student 1 of hig I Invite seekers after Truth land others who are using trans. nn : x to apply for Free Bible He sald that everyone lived unto God . y "A f literature. not the dead oy N [ : a a 4 Y NO OBLIGATION y § BYNG AVE, Write: rialn Sadducces, who denied that The men asked Christ this: Suppose Jesus answered: "The childr&g of fh ore Is any resurrection, came to there were seven brothers, The first world marry, and are given dn mar. a God of the living, 18 Pry sic. Certain scribes came to Him, saying, LA mars otits Sud. Javios 4 died. T% he died, Yn th d th fter that ne dared to ask Him wife, but no children, ti ther And then died. Then she died, In the And the resurrection J ar after that no o id 10 as ho i 4 "Lo i arr Jule any more questions, Luke 20:39-40 . 0 ? pl 4 i CHURCH thould take the wife and raise chil resurrection whose wife would she Af nor are given In marriage Pik pi VE Be. luke 2039.4 3 --, 7 Luke 20:29:33 ): 34-35 OR / Ake 20:3 n I f fren Lun » ik be? hohe , - ------ " I C. MORGAN . PASTOR Post Office Box 121 Jesus, saying that Moses wrote that married and died childless, Each riage a fey ulch 3 3 y 4 gan) fo, Saving . oh f } J the others married the same womap, counted worthy to obtain THR + "Master, Thou hast well sald An : i | PENTECOSTAL CHR AIAN isi -------- - a i , | DIAL RA 8.1318 | Oshawa, Ontario and he did grind in the prison] I'SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Samson's Strength Came Gi, im ime i 16 Aor So Be sin a : The Resurrection. | 1 AMM | s Samson's hair grew Sere] "He is not a God of the dead, but of the living." --Luke 20:38, M.--Morning WESTMOUNT : Resurrection Reaftirm Only From The Almighty weiss fil mes ms cots ne ds bio de tn" ube 03} 1000 UNITED CHURCH Philistines than he had ALL ARE WELCOME By. R. BARCLAY WARREN [300 foxes and tied them (ail to sain in hin life To Those Who Deny It | russ we peures suman tan itn wimg brand ve "550 22 svi our conan! THE SALVATION ARMY On Floyd ar Giobans S. v Minister: Rev, Wm, A. Gibb an a man with bulging muscles with "God tragedy always fol But the Scriptures do not support Among the crops of the Philis- | Walk: \ ' | ' By NEWMAN CAMPBELL and "In the resurrection, whose this view Pie had Solis a lines, When he was turned over ows, x we alk hy Jvicy with MA \ 3 Acor AND OAR STRERY Organist: Mrs. Willard Cook, This lesson will be rather dif- wife of them Is she?" for she had physical strength only when 'the '0 the Philistines by his country i 8 emg 2 JOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers ARCT. ficult for the younger classes wed each of the seven In turm Spirit of the Lord came upon 0€N he burst the bonds and slew trength HARMONY Band may possibly be so for thel How did Christ answer them? nim 1000 Philistines with the Jawbone 3 | A M,-- HOLINESS MEETING UNITED CHURCH 11:00 AM Folder ones, 100. "We have no evi- In His own wise way, He sald: - The angel told the wife of O' an ass wen Tainting from 4 dence that the dead will ever be "The children of this world Manosh that they would have a (Alva he eolisd Apion the Laid PRINCE ALBERT ? P.M ~EVANGEL ISTIC MEETING Rev. N. T, Holmes, BA, B.D MORNING: WORSHIP Jraised, or that there 's any life marry and Are given i Jour son who would begin to deliver 3d from Hie Nye Joviiome he 2 P.M. --SUNDAY SCHOOL and ADULT BIBLE oa, ' (Nursery during the Service) ier this, ecept the word of riage: But they which shall be jyeael out of the hand of the @FANE FEIFORIE wilte "gg CLASSES God, including Te glorious resur- accounted worthy to obtain that philistines, Judges 13:5 He wa His visit to a harlot in Gaza is By F. E. SMITH od Ross Metcalt, ARCT 9:45 AM. ' a dark chapterin Samson's life PRINCE ALBERT Fuchre Mondoy, 8.05 p.m.--Youth Group Organist and Cholrmoster CHURCH SCHOOL erection of our lord," | am, quot world and the resurvection from {o be a Nazarite, drinking no ¢ : : " fing Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, author the dead, neither marry, nor are wine, neither was a razor to He escaped in the night carrying was played at the homes of foun Tuesday, 2:30 p.m --Home League (Women's Meeting) Junior te Senior . ate . gy J Neighbors 3 N jven In marriage; Nelther can e upon his head. It is an the gates of the city with him, me mbers of the Good g \ : oof Peloubet : Belect otes, in his ¢ . oe a on oy he single. but the first step to his downfall ( lub Friday. Mrs. H. Jeffrey had Wednesdoy, B p.m Prayer end Praise Meeting, 10 a.m. -=Sunday Schoo! 2:00 P.M Na h y 4 wl be ake o fo love four tables, and Mrs. GG. Skelding : o had been taken. He fell in love four tab H I 11 a.m.--Kindergarten Class CHURCH SCHOOL ! VRS sanded! N v Philly . MEMORY VERSE handedly kept the Philistines in ith another Philistine woman, and Mrs. I. Parkinson each had tates BE -- 11 a.m ==Morning Worship Nursery to Primary % A y 4 awe 4 timulated hope among 5 "He Is not a God of the dead, but of the living Luke 20.38 nr oiling ate pe AMOR lah. To her pleading and five tt ------ ---- - First he slew a young lion that tears he yielded" and revealed Winnors were: Mrs. W, Vance | 17 ERIE ST, DIAL RA 5:3872 REV, R, E, DARGAN, Pastor c " " ed ) the secret of his strength. While ladies' high: Mrs, G. Beacock, A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Your Community Church roared upon him, Later, from iis : asleep with his head in her lap low; Mr. W. Heayn, high gent # Fgh Bi awe A Mintroduction to the younger they die any moe: for they are equal unto the angels; and are carcass he ate honey and shared scinnses \ : : 3 1a oy He also says, In his study of the children of God, being the'it with his parents Then he slow a Pap uel cul Li pk Milton Heayn, lov our lesson. that "faith Ii the res- the children of the resurrection." 50 Philistines when his bride di wn Delilah sale - Ie 1} Mrs, B, Fear is reported re FREE METHODIST rn tion itself Is denied today by Luke 20:34-36 loved the answer to his riddle ines be upon {ice amson, | ; covering front her recent illness ) . . ® 1 \ ide ' arose in confidence avin H hen she wa a patient in most of our intellectunls, and by| We think of Jesus, our Lord, as Later when his bride was kept * 550 h rip hh : She larger number of scientists it a ny ™ gente an but he from him by her father he caught ; in $0 on de a Otel times bes Memorial Hospital, Port Perry er ree ni 3] urc fore, and shake myself." He wist Aly and vrs. Allan Bonnell and 10 AM. --SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES REV. S. C., H. ATKINSON, Minister ¥ Let us study carefully Christ's could he righteously angry on oc ot that. the 1 " {oe hava h n hat the Lord was departed family have maved to Myrile MRS BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader Swords and keep our faith In whal caglon, His wisdom when thi He also said that God "ls not (rom him The Philistines took Sunday School superintendent 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP THE EVANGEL He says Palmied. to the foolish question was put to Him a God of the dead bit of the } him, and put out his wve and KF. Martyn has announced a so g The Sadducees belonged 10 He sllenced Hix questioners, 40 Hiat ing: for all live unto Hime" LE brought Wim down to Gaza, andscial evening Fiiday when there 7.00 P.M. --THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 11:00 AM CHURCH SCHOOL AWARDS aristrocratic priests of the Jew- they. dared not ask Him anything ys never forget this o Hin hound him with fetters of brass; will be skating at the rink 'WHO SAID SO?" Primary, Senior Sunday School meets In 5.5. You are always Welcome eof Hall ot 10:30 sish church. The high priests at further. The scribes, usually His words. in St. John 14:1: "Let ne sthe head of the Sanuedrin, werc enemies, sald to hm, "Master, your hearts be troubled: Ye be ] The Church of the. L ight and Life Heur hdl " LISTEN EVERY SUNDAY 900 CHML at 9.00 AM Beginners, Kindergonen, Nursery ot 11 am Sadducoes. ve ew Th 4d Thou hast well sald lieve in God, believe also In Me. THE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH { -- - | 7.00 PM --THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR ¥50, to trip Christ, thier enemy, -- § hey asked Him what seems to THE SUNDAY | 4 4 rid uid " The | | pus raicuious avestion, They | GIBBONS STREET || BROOKLIN The Tabernacle of Unity hos we - : Fins ae BAPTIST been raised, regard ve not one || The Christian and Missionary Alliance Lue, If any man's brother dle, hay. ving a wife, and he die without BAPTIST another as strangers of one #children, that his brother should CHURCH ; Richmond E. between Cadillac N. end Central Park Blvd. tree are all ye t fruit ond of PASTOR=REY, Wm J, NEWEL PIANISTe=MR, T, FARMER PEEL take, his wife and ralse up seed Pastor ) : un to his brother," --Luke 20:27:28 " TOWNSHIP HAL ane bough the leaves. CHOIR Bite TOR--MR, W PE . : Rev. A. G. E. Mitchell A ROOKLIN. ONTARIG oni "eh fia S P Ch h - a "CONTRASTING PERSONALITIES" t. Andrew's Unite urc / { QUESTION STE 4 For Furitier: into IPM. | ® "The Bopthl' 9 A Dancing Girt MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D, "I'VE GOT A SECRET" Now here Is the question they po " Wi bd sus: Th asked Jamis: IEG Wor 9.45 AM 9.45 AM OSHAWA BAHA' COMMUNITY n Evening oF Binie Teaching Lvangeinm, Organist. end Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M, Ehrothers, and the first took a wife SUNDAY SCHOOL Sand died without Slides he Bible School UN ve od elo 293 Gle ¢ Phone RA 3.3281 10 AM FAM Y BIBLE SCHOOL 0 DE . or Tor bi Seer slenview 10 ol vely Singing Bible Stories ® Interesting Features 1 1:00 AM --I {OW G D GUI S Us Faecond bother took her oe | . avife, and he died han je bird 11.00 AM 11.00 AM 11 AM THE LEVITICAL OFFER & THE LAMB OF GOD Jed he and dled; the other : s ! - AM . OFFERINGS HE LAM if Furothers in turn did che same and yi rainy Sahn, wm BHCRAE 7 TWEDNIOAY bP BIBLE STUDY AND TRAE 7.00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN i died. Finally the wife died, ° NEW! : ST. ANDREW'S CHAPEL 7.00 PM 7.00 P.M even -- | p------ | REV. G. TELFORD WILL PREACH, ANGELISTI MES Evening Service Haigh i Ml 0 GRACE THE WONDROUS SAVIOUR at ot aarvice DIAL CKL B OSHAWA SERMON ILLUSTRATED BY FILM STRIP LUTHERAN || viroms conomuy || ou vos cone sre SYRY SUHERY ATOR 41S 1 GOSPEL HALL Ea CHURCH dh i THE RADIO BOYS pdwily, | ¢ - sg ------ -------------- . _-- ---------------------------- of the Christian Reformed Church l 150 Albyrt § ; m-- | CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Past ¢ on the oir ove KLB ¢ ary 1 1959 I Carl A > artechner pt if 1081 CAPRI IS CHURCH Rev. Warren G, Dickson, B.A, Minister 1 ) (CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) DIL J HEAR THEM? IAL N Noi, | Mr. R. K, Kellington, Organist and Choir Master 0 A 812 HORTOP STREE] 3 3 AN Rev. N Frank Swackhammer, B.A, Minister " 10. 00 A M SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 00 p o van Mrs. M. Joyce, Director of Music - MISSION BAND AT 11 AM, SERVICES | y " y Sp 4 11.00 AM.--"1 JOHN, THE BELOVED DISCIPLE 9.45 AM hb { 1:00 AM THE PROBLEM Conducted by | SPEAK" SUNDAY SCHOOL ™ JESUS ; 0% Vy / T G WILKIE (3rd in series of Pre-Lenten messages) . . 9.45 AM --SOUTHMINSTER CHURCH, 1109 Ceder St, 10:00 AM 7:00 P.M.--PILGRIMAGE '59 : Lutheran Hour; CFRB | (7) STOP WHITBY. TOWNHALL TONIGHT AT 7:45 PM of Forest I EVERYBODY WELCOME AT ALL SERVICES THIS 15 THE LIFE WORRYING ! PROGRAM WITH A PUNCH ' Channel 11 4 PM ® Youth For Christ Chorale, their first appearance in Whitby ; RL. BOOTH, ® Thrilling mi vocal and instrumental | 4 OF TORONTO TIT TV TIITS oo 3 wt 3% sour tH vee wine LSLINDAYST7 P.M | NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH ® |f you are be THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Adan fee | SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD KNOX ST. PAUL'S Next Wetk Rally in Mairi Tanale, Ovave MONDAY-7:30 P.M. trouns recor MINISTER -- REV. H, A. MELLOW, B.A four blocks frem King St WILSON AND ROGERS - te me ee EE ORGANIST -- MR, J. R. ROBERTSON : bias na ide Bergh Allan, B.A ' A VERY HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL ot 0 dinate he Vg SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS -- 9:30 AM. AND 11:00 AM. iwi ad Glas rook Vite omni os con wis CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I-- | 11:00 AM. --"THAT ALL MAY BE ONE" LAYMAN SUNDAY 930 AM FIRSY CHURCH 64 ( ol BORNE ST. EAST 7.00 PM. --"FRIENDLY HOUR" (in the Ladies' Parlor) "THE CHRISTIANS CONDUCT" 11:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY sCHoOL--9:30 AM. "|| ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA "9.80 Tope, J CHAT OVER CRUD TOGETHER WITH GOD" ' . St NDAY SERVICE 11 AM, SUBJECT: ME PETER GILBERT ALL DEPARTMENTS "SPIRIT SUNDAY SERVICES 7PM : Wednesday evening meeting at 8.00 o'clock includes ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH testimonials of heating through Christion Science Centre and Bagot Streets SIMPLICITY J 2! : ! IF a | . - READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE ov. Clirton D. Cros. BA. LTH RA 5.2386 | Kiln Street nite Ghurel MR. G Monday. 7.00 pm. to 9.00 pm 11,00 AM Tuesday and Thursday 2.00 pm, to 4:30 pm QUINQUAGESIMA . EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS 9:00 A M---HOLY COMMUNION MORNING WORSHIP : 11:00 AM.--~MORNING PRAYFR -- REV. C. CROSS REV, MERVIN A, BURY, M.A, B.D. Minister a Mr, Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist w------ ---- -- 7.00 P.M, ~=EVENING PRAYER = REV. P, TRANT P G N Youth Department Nursery and Church School 10:00 a.m, Baby Creche 11:00 am. SIMCOE STREET CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH 11:08 AM.--REV. JAMES A, FRASER, B.A. " Rector: TH " on -- Phone 5.579% : : / ) by H 1 I ( J H Rect The Ven. 'H. D, Cleverdon Solo: "Deep Down In. My Heart (Ackley) CALVARY Barts ; ) ot A Sr aon ee Down I My $ / Anthem: 'Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring' (Bach) CENTRE AND JOMN STREETS n 00 A Yh is 5 i, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH AFFILIATED WITH THE FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES . - - « " OF CANADA "THE VICTORY ROAD" BA" He Sig at Ere in ea ay SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH UNDER DIR OF MR. JACK HOOPER C p [3 ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with tlie World on its heart, ECTIO EVERYBODY Wi OME WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. I Incumbent' The Rev. R.A. Sharp RA 5.7064 : Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.CM 8.00 AM 11:00 AM, == 7:00 P.M Rm 00 AM HOW IS YOUR HEARIN I Y ARMOL IH N Of MERL OF EDINBUI GH, SCOTLANI iad PEAKING AT BOTH SERVICES King Street Pentecostal Church ST. MARK'S CHURCH alo IR: y Brin ho 8 ! RD, NCRTH ON BEURLIH 11:00 AM. GOD'S BUSINESSMAN er REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT : di TN THIAN 1 : 215 PM CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS FOR YOUNG 176 Beuling Ave Priest in Charge PEOPLE AND ADULT 7:00 P.M. THE POWERLESS STRONGMAN 7: 00 P. AM EVANGE | IST 8.0¢ 11:00 AM 0 7.00 P.M. --JOINT SERVICE IN ST. ANDREW'S CHAPEL. DR, GEORGE TELFOR 9:45 - BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 10.00 A M--SUNDA la M -~MORN|NG W ST. THOMAS CHURCH, BROOKLIN ROA SCHOOL | ) AN MORN | termediate { Young People. pecial invitation to the ttish people af Oshawa t ) \( Al L Sf RVICE Q IN ER, BA BI TM ECTOR 0 fant yred the Memorial Hall MASONIC TEMPLI "ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY"