THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Pebruery 7, 1959 § 'Mothers! ... Here's Great News! -- take advantage of these | mw 2 SENSATIONAL OFFERS ... by The Oshawa Times! 4 p Just Secure (2) New 4 Month Subscriptions to The Oshawa Times . . . ||| Just Secure (2) New 4 Month Subscriptions to The Oshawa Times . . . and you get this and you get this JOLLY JUMPER | JOLLY JUMPER jor only 3.40 BRONCO (Jolly Jumper Retail Valu) iia Al for only 6 15.95 This Jolly Jumper is a scientific exerciser, A abhi ' baby of three or four months has a natural i J | J urge to kick and hop about, Jolly Jumper now © ol y umper Bronco makes it possible for this urge to be satisfied ) . to the maximum, It is a valuable aid to mother { . . as a nursemaid and baby Is eager to be in the retail value Jolly Jumper at any time leaving mother free to attend to other household duties, It's Safe : . +. It's Fun for baby . , . It's Educational, You can get this Jolly Jumper ord a FREE y 24 portrait of your baby for only 3.49 with (2) ! . Four Months Subscriptions to The Oshawa Times! Here's the toy that youngsters from two years old to eight will really go for. YES! They'll really love THE JOLLY JUMPER BRONCO. , . its a sensation with children every- where. Can be placed in bedroom, playroom or garage . . . it's sturdily built to stand lots of hard wear. Easily fastened to ceiling or wall, Your boy or girl will love it! Don't miss out on this sensational saving! Remember you get this Jolly Jum- per Bronco for only $6.49 with (2) four months subscriptions to The Oshawa Times. HURRY! HURRY! - ++ + This 8" x 10" Silvertone Portrait of Your Te Baby with JOLLY JUMPER. . (Portrait by HORNSBY STUDIO -- 3 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa) HERE'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO CASH IN ON THESE FREE OFFERS! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET A JOLLY JUMPER qr a JOLLY JUMPER BRONCO is secure two (2) NEW 4.month subscriptions to THE OSHAWA TIMES. It's just that easy! All subscriptions must be NEW subscribers, who have not taken the TIMES within the past 30 days, Orders are subject to approval, acceptance and verification by. THE OSHAWA TIMES, If the paper is to be delivered by carrier boy you DO NOT COLLECT ANY MONEY, If you should obtain a subscription which is to be delvered by mail in Ontario you collect $4.75, outside of Ontario $5.75 in advance and include it with the order when sending it in. Allow about ten days for notification that your JOLLY JUMPER or BRONCO is ready for you / Send Your Two New 4-Month Orders in the same envelope and enclose the remittance necessary to obtain either the Jolly Jumper or Jolly Jumper Bronco. Orders Must Be Taken on the Order Forms Printed Below--Mail Your Orders toc THE JOLLY JUMPER OFFER, Oshawa Times Circulation Dept., Oshawa, Ont. «+. As These 2 Offers Are For A Limited Time Only ! Jolly Jumper Order Form Jolly Jumper Order Form Jolly Jumper (Bronco) Order Form Jolly Jumper (Bronco) Order Form Oshawa Times Oshawa Times Oshawa Times : Oshawa Times | hereby order the Oshawa Times delivered te my home for a period wereby order the Othowa Times delivered to my home for a period : of 4 months or long@r. | also agree to pay the carrier boy the reaule C mont r longer. | also agree to pay th ef | } equ! reontis 6 ot sa oto B } boy the regular of 4 ww or longer, | also agree to pay the carrier boy the requl p . y oF ) apre Ray the carrier the regular of 4 nths or longer. | also agree to pay the carrier boy \ y J ¢ ¢ ! 3 h ey y ular weekly subscription rate | understand the person who secured my week! rption rote understand the person wh \ \ ) 0 fecur ( ph ne se 1 C he n Lal M weekly subscription rate. | understand that the person who ied we cription rate, | understand that the per wh ured order is using it te obtain a Jolly Jumper Bronco trom the Oshawa reer is using it t btam a Jolly Jumper Bronco from my order is using it to obtain a Jolly Jumper trom the Oshawa Times my order is using it to obtain a Jolly Jumper trom the Oshawa Times. Times ¢ | hereby order the Oshawa Times delivered to my home for a period | here rder the Oshawa Times delivered to my home for a period Subscriber TTT SS ON SR ae DR ie Subscriber Subscriber Address Address : Address City or Town City or Town. . Subscription taken by Subscription taken by Subscription taken by Address Address wl oa Address Address City or Town ; ¥ City or Town : City or Town Cog : City or Town