The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 3

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CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE BOYS' TEAM Costello, Gary | chief referee of the OCI, Costello, Gerry | row, Ron Hooper, Jol n Hentig, Gaateh, Joseph Smith, Bob | Terry Moore, Larry Michael, | Kemp, Rev, Wm, J, Newell, | Brian Prentice Dan Semenuk | pastor of the Christian and Mis- | Migsing from the pleture, Mi sionary Alliance and conch of | Cordell Darling the team, Robert Bowman, ' conch, Nine churches Mr, J lan Davis, Hooper, The Christian and Missionary Alliance Benlor Boys' team of Oshawa Church League are shown before a recent game at the Children's Arena, They are, standing left to right, Larry HOAR, John Gaateh, Ralph Former Oshawa Resident Describes Cuban Scene A graphic word pleture of con An armed guard, with a sub of ditions as they existed in Cuba/machine gun and in "RR" uniform thelr récently Is contained in a letter|stood at the foot of the steps volver received from a former Oshawa| from the plane and !Ined every! businessman who paid a visit tojone up while # dozen or the trouble-torn island when the stood to his rear, beside the Castro forces took Havana, leading to the Immigration office He plane ar Castro's headuarters, at rived in Havana, all the passen- time, was on the 23rd floor of (he gers were lined up besiae the air [Habana Hilton Hotel Entry to craft and photo I'hey that floor was denied to all but and empl later learned this is the standard his own trgops Arined guards and any practice to provide a photograph: and patrols surrounded the build od were b fe record of all alr arrivals for ing and the hotel swarmed with ed soldiers future refeence troops, The huge lobby was full duties, Busines Mey carrie in | "heardad one rifle tommy ind re tim Ww or ni hotel vith therm hey went he elevator more were packed and othr ue i had to vith a that their in and ride pr on door jeez over muzzle ing backs or wide says that when hl that t n dism I'he letter explain all elvi vernn ofiicin had be ery an anhed we vic hen Wn HUNEamiar i Wos Jit m !earried on by with arm Vire Individual a COMING EVENTS il to carry on thelr TEENAGE Radio Park Club dance, 12 EUCHRE, Valleyview elubhouse, Glad. banded and replaced by |tivities, but It r aber plus 0 Avenue. brid February 4 ab)" IV men who directed traffie, in El ro ee (art fe fata oS 0 WL, Vergennes | clear nothing was normal ome vestigated aoeldents and perform sion 10¢ ah ed other police work, FROM INDIA, rosewood buffalo horn One of the visitors fr Articles, copper-ware, hrass ware, em Cuba, wl watching broidered evening bags and Jewellery Ld Spiced rice, chutneys, canned tropioal fruits, Please call RA 07 m outside from hi saw four "R" mer treet eorne attempting moving ile hotel indow wot down at they w armed car slreet | Kinsmen Bingo | TUESDAY, FEB.10 on 5.201 a BINGO yhere halt an the along FREE ADMISSION front | seven teams in the junior divi assistant | with | into of the such w attempted to w trying nbhundantly cue the armed ing lasdings « LAW CHANGED | | Jubilee Pavilion EXTRA BUSES Coronation | Orange Temple 7 20 Games "Share the Wealth" $40 Jackpots to go $150 "" 35TH BIRTHDAY ' TO BE OBSERVED | March 8, 1060, | | BINGO Union Hall Wednesday, | 4th at 8 pm, 20 gumes $6 $8 $40 | | Saturday, Feb Regular At the Street Bond February the city maurks $5th anniversary the of Oshawa March # clal event awa ber ar village for | about the background and [ growth of Oshawa in the lssue of The Times to be published on Feb, 27, ol | Special to go 3b 1924 wan the proclamation for in the growth of Other dates t first post off ce 1164 interes offi this Osh remem Hid, ] , and six jackpots; share the wealth | NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM, at 'T. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled | anytime Door prize $15 BINGO Park pm WOODVIEW PARK MONSTER BINGO MON., FEB. 9, 8 P.M, $1,300 PRIZES including $100.00 DOOR PRIZES * JACKPOT NOS."53.59 RED BARN Bus town M77 K more tind articles | ALS SIGN DEIDERICK | MONTREAL (CP) Association, Sy Harman Friday, 8 Hall, corner of Bloor and Sim coe, 20 games $6 ond $8; five $40 jackpots Thursday that George Delderick; 22 fre Vander bilt University, Tenn, has signed John's | year-old guard m | Service to Door | vont 1 Mel aA tryout contract, STUDENTS' RECITAL Registered Music Teachers Association : McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY 'SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 8 P.M. | ' Joi WIN CURLING TITLE GRAND FALLS, Nfld, (Cm) Bud Fisher's | Wednesday | won the Newfound lon finals in Quebec month City VALENTINE BINGO SATURDAY, FEB. 7 16 PRIZES OF $10 ¢R * $40 $ | EACH OF $20, $30, $40 $50 SHARE SAINT G THE WEALTH REGORY'S AUDITORIUM MCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION AA vi N 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 10. DOQR PI Of RIZES a LUCKY CHOCOLATES EACH the Now amin lee annval 2 Th night are shown above, PRIZEWINNERS a | 5S LBS t ih Hy U's ay They | Montreal noted Alouettes football club announced the speed of the vehicle, and appa director of the W. K Kellogg | Corner Brook rink speed trap in this manner, and champlonship and will rep: one to man the timer and one In resent the province In the Domina car, or motorcycle, to stop the next speeding vehicle," BDoug Sutton Quits GM Suggestions | Bring $50,572 he sugyestion plan, Inaugurat [ullina, Anthony Brearton (2), od some years Bgo by General|George Chessman, Ralph McMac- Motors of Canada, Limited, Is a kin (4), Fred Sprager (2), Her | sources of bepefit not only to the(bert Fry, Frank Owen, Philip] company but also to the employes Maitland, John Wallace (2), wil who use thelr Ingenuity and me {Ham Eyre, Arthur Gray, Kenneth chanical knowledge to win/Teno, Real Ranger, Aubrey Laf awards, fin, Harry Sinden, Ray Westfall, The company has Just annot Fred Johnston, Henry Barnes, Hil- ne 50,574 i rcher, Charles Watson, | od that $50,572 was paid out last/more Archer, ; | vear for 1772 suggestions from its| John Monaghan, Gerald Morin, Canadian employes which were [Norv lle Sweet, James Mapple | accepted, More than a quarter of beck, i | a million dollars has been paid Parts aad Jorvice; Howard hn out since the plan eame into being lott, Peter Fish, Donald und in 1943 Eldon Perry, Alexander Ferries ot ; i ' p eonnr( To finish off 1058 with a flourish gt Kure v Sonar 8 (the plan paid its largest cheque Frank Lore ' of the yenr two days before West Plant Albert Westnutt,| ft ib " "Hl Tie aque for $1500 william Bassingthwalte, John Bu WD Ty a Tart } Albert MeGill, Norman chanan, ) material handling department, He a lord sitgested using metal racks eap Hida, Willien Hungeslor able of holdig several automatic Keith Rudkly, | Burdette transmissions during shipment Frank Proston Previovsly each transission was Pool avd Die: handled separately, on John Dwyer was awarded $000" Body Shop: Nicholas Pasnick terion, Knox Preshyterian, King [for his sucgestion for a conveyor nelson Bickell, Anthony Lupe! Street United, Christ Chureh, Hrom the drying oven to the gis? | gidnev Plowright, Ian Reay, Cf | The Christian Missionary Alli [tehle In the dielectric department. raed Dodd, Wilbert Jeffs, William ance, Northminster Unlted St, [Other big winners during the|Gepy Mark's Anglican, Columbus [month were Helnrieh aidenreleh | moim and Hardware: William United and Cedardnle United nm $110 ayard and Jim Sutton of pelves, Clifford Gibson, Wenry Oshawa Times Photo [the stamping plant who won $122. \wichman, John Finley, Edward Other awards went to the fol-| Malloy lowing | Body Tool Inspection: Meredith Jones |James Watson Past Leonard, Ralph Snelgrove.| Chassis Plant: Richard Malik Charles Hall, Arle Glashergen, [John Neate, Ronald Wilton, Tvan | [Francis Freeman, John Pratt, Ormiston, James Kinosman, Rob [ Act ravers [etewart Jarvie, Harold Cook, Janlert Armstrong, Jame, Nanler | Dryers) lis DePratto, William | Bdward Teer, i James MacFar | Horry Gi 'ane Wilhert Ireland Ros Handling Hodes, Gordon finvanson Baker Shingling: Don Harris, Thomas Strawbridie Krom Engineering Purchasing 0 y Black Dales Richard Nichol slon and five In the senior, are represented in the league Approximately 200 hoys from the ages of 7 to 12 participate in the church leacue The churches are St, Paul's Preshy- | Raymond Hatton nh (2 Hibbard od to h out the Ie bravery The Queen's Commendation for expo struln throug ( ( quel Vi recently ded to Paul A, Smith, 701 Phillip Murray Ave Oshawa I'his 1s In recognition of ery during the 58 Kismet ere Mater Kennet} Fdward Fd | In \1 ind ¢ Arthur Bru Maldman Maintennner od conlne { go exhibl f 5 won in pervising ¢ om harkation of Nancy Love Standards; Newton Kissock Industriel Relations: Joan Jonn Chesebrough HELIvY Georee Daniel Crawforth, William Sim Musson Morrison, Douglas hore of Cay | fr tive ( om the Peter Beeching, Joseph Aq [Kelly | rescue ter to weleet vivor for two ol Jit wk fd fd QCV Principal rina oo NOMA Speaker 26 fect of a H00-foot cliff raft? M concerned malntennne iN § the of over 14 the dance to bray hel three, ue of the crew! "During embarkation the bi Tne n Ie November, copier hed to halanee on | in 1955 hee 1g deck of {ave had ! 100 freighter ( nl reef Liberian dendly I'he thes ind vith truck | ahout 4 feet Ni Breton could n Wore n \ om ( iw per { roc } Island v wi of 1 smith wimnpe welieo ( Before Mn } Wa Al Aves ithin A navy helleonter landed on the deck four times to res 22 crew members, The whirling blades me ant feet of the eliff dur Smith's norms! ith 1 raft or | pitching 0 the of nds " February Chap Man. alr grou The speaker at the wallet meeting of the Lakeland ter of the National Office be agement Association will he [George L, Roberts, BA Sc. prin. I: {eipal of the Oshawa Co'leglate for and Vocational Institute, He will m peak on the theme "Our Inte { Obligations to Educa meeting will he held nasha on 'Thursday week helleopter ( within se n spite or Wie | ! eparte, end rea Involved he volunteered part of thy resoue crew "Able Seaman Smith showed! Mr, Smith ent 18 a Initiative and skill In main copter maintenance tenance of the alveraft, which was Kenting Avietl The citation sald; nt pre | man be] lonal The Hotel GG ht of | = A natlve of Newlound'and, Mr Traffic Cases iin i ies Are Fewer Here [tion he remained on the univers staff for a year to teach ens Later he was assocl an engineering firm During the past year, there number of speeding char years on engineer have been fewer cases tried Inn these three Oshawa Traffic Court Unfortunately court author! cannot attribute this to any| improvement In driving habits In the area ! Magistrate TF that much of the decrease In traffie offences tried in 1058 is due to the change In law regard Ing speeders, which was brought about early last year, Previous ly, he said, It was not necessary for "a policeman manning a speed trap to stop a speeding motorist, The officer merely the licence number and lon." in Wl ne {alty ated with lala for several ing projects With the onset of the depres lon in the early 1930's he re . . . turned to the education field and| GEORGE L. ROBERTS His Worship added that during/completed a year's training at the Canadian Teachers' Federa he latter part of the year, when/the Ontario College of Education tion In 1058 and this year is a the (driving charge wasjand then Joined the staff of theimember of the advisory commit ruled invalid, the number of OCVI, He was appointed princl:iee of the Canadian Commission traffic oharges W fain ree 1 oon the retirement of A, E.fop the United Nations .Fduca {duced he "where ¥ jill tional, Scientific and Cultural ver of ean § drivin Mr, Roberts was president of Organization, ram: AT BOWMANVILLE 200 Present At Big Stag : ROWMANVILLE (Staff) --Two or $500. Numbers were drawn in {stints of waterfowl , ™ . ""One-man police forces such asi ) hundred members and guests of (Kroups of 10, The holder of each Uxbridge, Port Perry, and Pic. eusen sald it was not uncom: powmanville Rotary and Lions|tenth ticket drawn was given a kering village cannot operate a Mon to see 5,000 Canadian geese |e : as atin a flight over flyways In the bined service club's annual stag hay Jumpetition, joa Bib cast two officers are required, |p low , night and dinner in the Lion g|'et Was last to be eliminated anc | past, Now this is a rarity, He community Centre Thursday Won $200, Four others, who de- sald radar beams may tend to|yjunt {cided to split the prize rather o break up the instincting habits of| During the evening, an elimin./!han carry on for the whole The magistrate noted that the'waterfow! atlon draw was held, with a prize mount, each. won $75, They ' were, Roy Turner; Bert Parker, Nick Knapp, and Bob Reynolds Entertainment for the evening was supplied by Des and Jimmy | Railey, a song dance team, | George Norrish, planist, and Les| Barker, who drew cartoons of members of the crowd Lion Jack Brough, chairman] for the night, welcomed the guests, Committee members in| cluded Lions Bob Kent, Fred] Cole, Jim Bell, Bill Burke, Glen] Lander, and Wally Braiden, and Rotarians Dr. W. Rudell, Tom Rehder, Frank Jamieson, Don Morris and Bill Thiesburger, 5 GM Vets Are Retired Five employes of the Oshawa plant of General Motors of Can ada, Limited, retired on pen ston recently, The five had given a total 19 years' e to the camnany I'he enjoying are Willian, municipalities dur Ing 1058 had dropped considerab ly tes 8, Ebbs sald carel 1] as a although said a charge le MIGRATION INTERRUPTED BATTLE CREEK, Mich, (AP) summons was mailed to the per son In whose name the car was registered radar defence Installations along Under the amended law, His the flyways of Canada and the arabia aid, the police are res U.S, may harm migratory in quired to stop the speeding car | ¥ | R R. D, Van bird sanctuary sald Thursday Wire Foret "eri, hve + LIER ol Lem emnloves, who are now| their leisure moments H. James 0 yvears' sevvice MacLennan a sistant manager, 21 yvears' service: Per ey (Masson, truck body, 40 $75 decided not to continte and years' service; Edward Lo Scott, | split the anount to get $75 each, maintenance, 13° vears' service leaving Seith Billet to plek up (and Frederick Wainwright, chas body plant, Duncan M traffic are, left to right, Roy Turner | and town clerk Bob Reynold wie won S78; Bert Parker, $75 $75. The prizes were won In an Keith Billet, the la. . to be elim elimination draw for which $300 inated, $200; Nick Koapp, '$75; | was offered, The winners of the [negotiating commitiee since 1953, | {the UAW Hall at Douglas Crossley ! lout from Mrs, H lubs were present for the com. prize, until only five remained|" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, February 6, 1999 3 New Election Is Under Way Douglas Sutton, chairman of Local 222 United Auto Workers has resigned his position, Announcement of the 40-year: old Sutton's decision was made lute Thursday by Cliff Pilkey, president of the 10,000-member Local 222, Sutton declined making a for mal statement until Sunday in order not to interfere with the election of a new chalrman, He reasons' as the basis for his resignation | Two nominees for the vacated | post, Albert 'Abe' Taylor and N. V, "Nels" Wilson are describ ed In a UAW pre-election leaflet as "sincere trade unionists." | Both are negotiating committee | members | More than 9000 Local 222 mem: bers are eligible to vote In the two-day election which began in 10.00 a.m. fo day. All Local 222 members In| {good standing, who are employes! in the General Motors of Canada [Led unit, will have a vote, Secret {balloting will continue through | Saturday and the new chairman's Iname will be anrounced over the | weekend, | Kennel Club Names Officers The Ontario County Kennel Club met recently at the home of Mr, end Mrs, M, E, Whiteside Oshawa, when officers for the lensuing year were elected Officers for 1950 are: M | Whiteside, president; H, F. Por ter, view president; Mrs, H, F, Forter, secretary-treasurer; Mrs Hoss Souch, trophy secretary; Mrs, H, F, Porter, show secret. wry: Willinm Clark, publicity and Ross Souch, show superintendant The club iy planning a champ onthip show to be held in Osh. lawa In July, It is hoped to in- clude obedience classes In thi show, Judges have already been selected | The club would welcome new members to Its meeting which {are held on the second Monday {of erch month, Information ab: the club way be obtained I", Porter, 213 Rox: borough Ave., Oshawa or Ross Souch, 098 Carlyle Court, Osh awa CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations: and best wishes to the following res! dents of Oshawa and distriet, who are celebrating birthdays Today: Gerald Suppelsa, 1205 Cedar street; Idris G Stacey, 57 Orchard View Blvd ; Ricky Whitmee, 553 Oxford street; Mrs. Mary Giles, 100 Warren avenue; Mrs, Maureen Rudka, 6564 King street enst; Ann and Freddie Fleming (twins), 741 Ritson road south; Mrs. Donald Clement, 192 Stevenson road north; Mrs, Gladys Delby, 878 Ver. dun road; Kenneth Sherban, 120 Agnes street; Anthony Lupel, 493 Ortono avenue; Walter Rohrer, .141 East. haven street; Mary Bogaard, RR 2, Oshawa. The first five persons to In. form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "Inn of the Sixth Happiness." A polling station at the UAW Hall will remain open from 10.00 am, until 8.00 p.m. today and reopen at 11.00 p.m, tonight untk 7.00 a.m. Saturday, Between 10,00 am, and 400 p.m, Saturday a polling station will be kept open at the hall, A polling station at the GM North Plant will he open be- tween 12.00 and 1,00 p.m, and 3,30 and 6.00 p.m, today. At the GM South Plant mem- [described "personal and other bers will be able to vote between 1200 and 1.00 pm, and 3.00 to 6.00 p.m, today. Polling stations will open again between 11.00 p.m. and midnight tonight and will reopen between £2.30 and 6.30 a.m, Saturday. SERVED AS STEWARD Mr, Taylor has been an active member of Local 222 since 1943 when he Joined while working for Ontario Steel Products Co, Lid, He served as a steward in the paint shop and in 1053 was elects ed committeeman in the primary hardware department, Mr, Taylor was elected dis- trict committeeman In 1956 and continued In this post hy acclam- ation through 1957-56 A member of the Canadian UAW Council, he has attended various conventions ond confer. ences In Canada and the United States, Mr, Wilson is a Local 222 dele- gate to the Oshawa and District Labor Council and the Canadian UAW Council, He has served one year on the local entertainment committee, He has been zone committee. man In Department 11 and chalr- man of the local sunplementary unemployment benefits commits tee since its Inception Chairman of the GM unit and vice-chairman of the (op negotis uting committee between March 10556 and March 1958, Mr. Wilson Is currently worving his third term as district eommitteeman for District 5, | Dart League Games Close Eastview and North Oshawa were the big winners In this {week's CRA Nelghborhood Dart |Loague games, They defeated Woodview No. 3 and Woodview No, 1, respectively, by 4 to 1 scores, In the other gnmes Rundle Parl and Southmead Park defeated Fernhll! Park and Storie Park, respectively, by score of 3 to 2. Players who doubles in and out of 401: R, Harmon, M. Breeze, Art Graves, VI Graves, Doug Clark, June Wyatt, 0, Clark, J. Houston, G, Bryant, M. Wilson, G. Parker, Dave Rae, Marg Roe, Tom Rae, Harry Fayle, Don Me- Millan, Bill Clark, Boh Germond, Bille Perryman, L. Cornish, Roy Cornish, BIll Perryman, Nels Johnson, Vi Mason, Esther Adalr, Ray Adalr, High three darts in 401: John Wyatt 140, Malsle Breeze 101, Harry Fayle 100, Ray Adair 100, Term winners of baseball: North Oshawa 77, Storie 84; Fern- hill 88, Eaxtview 83%, High three darts baseball one Inning: Ross Mills 8, Ray Adair 8, J. Houston 5, Ralph Hopson 8, June Carlson 4, George Parker 4, Bill Clark 4, Lily Rae 4, Peggy Fayle 4, Harry Fayle 4, Dave Rae 4, Nels Johnson 4, Roy Cornish 4, Team standings: Eastview 4, North Oshawa 4, Rundle 3, South. mead 8, Feruhill 2, Storie 3, Woodview No, 1, 1, Woodview No. 2, 1, Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E. -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Sat. Only! LEAN, SLICED BREAKFAST JB 2 lbs. WHILE IT LASTS! ACON 69- FRESH KILLED BOILING FOWL uw 87° HALF OR WHOLE SMOKED HAMS LB. 49¢ $a =Qshawaw Tunes (sis plant, 25 years' service,

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