The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 2

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F 4 TE CUNAWA TIVES, Misey, Pesrsery §, YOY PUBLIC WORKS FUNDS (CP)~-Public works|ing for unemployment insurance appropriations for Ontario in the commission--to complete $100,-| 1956-60 estimates" include 000; Preston--publie buflding--to| Public Buildings: Belleville complete $200,000; | public building ~ to complete] Stoney Creek--public bulldings| $750,000; Bracebridge public| $60,000; Stratford -- public build-| building -- to complete $100,000; ing to complete $400,000, { Brantford public bullding--addi-| Harbors and Rivers: Barrie-| (tion and alterations--to complete wharf extension $62,500; Bayfield $300,000; | dredging $42,000; Cobour | Elliot Lake-public bulling-4o dredging $68,000; Collingwood complete $250,000; Goderich--pub-| breakwater repairs $140,000 Fort | lie buflding--40 complete $160, William harbor Improvements 000; Guelph--pubitic building--to $350,000; Goderich redredging complete $100,000; Leamingion--| to . complete $35,000; Cirand | publie building -to complete $50,-| Bend--harbor improvements $86,-| 000; 000; Listowel public bullding --~ Ad-| Lakehead--towards harbor im {dition and - alierations~to eom- provements $300,000; Leamington) iplete $25,000; Morrisburg--public| dredging = $150,000; Nanticoke] | building $50,000; Niagara Falls-- | Creek breakwater { OTTAWA repains--to {building for unemployment insur- complete $32,000; Orillia - wharf| lance commission $50,000; Niagara $30,000: Oshawa--dredging $79,-| |Falls-- improved accommodation 000; [for government services $200,000; Perch Creek --channe! impiove | Oshawa - bhullding for unem-| ments federal government's ployment insurance commission | share of cost $26,600; Port Arthur | to complete $150,000; Paris harbor improvements $100,000; [public bdlding to complete! Port Bruce breakwater recon BRADT OF WEST BERLIN Fol escrito 00 Mavor Willy Bradt of West | just after their arrival at a | Diefenbaker, Governor General BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | Berlin and his wife, Ruth, take | nearby Uplands airport, Mayor | Massey and External Affairs time out for a coffee break at | Bradt is in Ottawa for one day | Minister Smith, He flies to the RCAF lounge in Ottawa | for talks with Prime Minister | Washington Saturday Student Charged Fi | With 'Blasphemy' | I | . Paint Damage | FORT 8T, JOHN, B.C. (CP)~ and competition (CP) KITCHENER (CP) -Otto Kauk |A boom has come to farmers, and Alberta buyers fx bringing 'llumbermen and the petro chem: them better prices WOLFVILLE, N.§ Ajour society a reversal of values, Oshawa Gets $150,000 For UIC Building | federal genior arts student at Acadia Uni-|and we should all be reminded who poured red paint on a white versity whose article in a campu newspaper has brought a charge|Jesus and his sacrifices of "foul blasphemy' from the un of the true values expressed by 1058 convertible The first par: was a discussion car Saturday, | was remarded one week out of {custody for sentence after he was {versity"s president has been told between two mythical students iniconvieted Thursday of damaging | to leave town Robert Fiander of North Syd which they take a flippant attl-la car without legal justification] tude tows pietures of Mary, or excuse, He pleaded not guilty, | ical Industry in the country north, Tom Copeland of the Peace River in northeast:| rancher, orgm tockmen here ern British Columbia land got them bringing their live: | The area's inhabitants are see [stock to town on the ng a new world of markets | each week for loading directly opened as a result of the Paeific|into PGE cars for shipment, Now Eastern Rallway bridging temporary pen being red are built "Every day we are getting in rates on new com-|matched these rates for stoc) modities and new quantities," Mr {through-bllled from Dawson Creek n | Broadbent said to Vancouver via Edmonton When they returned to the car, A a result, a new. schedule of | Their former rate was $1.96 {they saw No Parking written in| or vices and rates, effective Feb "The farmers say they've ne {red paint a foot high across the|is is being published, There will had it so good," sald Mr. Bivad dents, ls affiliated with the Mari-| "Who?" time Provinces Baptist Conven Brigitte Bardot, . Man tion, haven't heard of her your relig Editor Donald Angus of the/lous life has been sadly ne weakly Athenaeum as sus. elected' pended from his job Thursday by That's funny, ' |dow of the shop. 8Bhe and her i You gaughter ran to the store where the sale was In progress, quiries for Je! I'd have sworn Whatsername."' "Oh, Him, I guess he got tired, of all those smelly old fisher. men." Farmers and ranchers north of the Peace, until last fall, had onl} They could truck to scinded an eariler recommenda tion that a board of censors be named to pass on material for the newspaper, The article appeared in the) Jan, 30 issue in two sections un Mrs, Davies sald Magistrate A, D, Barron in re. manding Kauk sald: "You can't(one outlet take the law in your own hands, [Dawson Creek, 50 miles south of You just can't go around throw-|h for shipment to Edmonton [via Northern Alberta railways, or Bugle Ordeal | Brings Award The second part of the article is a poem entitled The Grim Sal ) } vallon, 13 lines telling of Jesus' \0# paint on cars, re der the title Paradoxically Speak . a truck line would haul all the, ; . ing. look of mercy towards the thief way to Edmonton -- about 350] TORONTO (CP)----Mry Alfred dying on a cross beside him | WEATHER miles | Dunn of Orillia, who suffered MEANT AS ALLEGORY | Fiander said he wrote the art! Last year, the PGE arrived in|through the bugle practices ol Flander says his article fs apicle with "the best intentions Fort 8. John and today farmers| Premier Frost and his late is, in fact, pro [ TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts isin the area are having a wonder. | brother Cecil, has been rewarded [sued by the public weather office yl tyme. Their livestock freight | for. her Batiente., nt her a {at 5 a.m rates 'have been cut, they have a| Premier Tost sent " he | Synopsis: Extremely cold pew direct route to the Vancouver framed copy of a photograp ) tha {weather prevails in Northern On-| market nearly 1,000 miles away nppeared in a Toronto newspaper |tario today where overnight tem. | (The Telegram) outlining his Heredi Feed, Heredity allegory meant to convey that] "The article "there is steadily taking place in!Christian." TO GET DISCIPLINE Must Train peratures dropped to 20 to 30 de stand on the Red Ensign as the grees below zero, In southern re offic inl Canadian flag 7 z gions of the province the circula I'he photograph shows the pre {tion remained mainly from the mier and his brother in army unl form sitting in front of the Red nr ; " hove mn [! 4 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) not to accept," he added. He ad. TDOVe 20 degroes this aft (CP The dif.!suffer through the young men's CALGARY " 4 1 1 range near "Give me a home where a child vised parents to take a stand '" : 0 actic WE his parents are willing to|against stealing wearing and ernoon. Skies are mainly clear|ference between a good and bad|bugling practices Kx r ' to|agal v. 8 throug 1 . t inldalry cow is O61 anng accept him as he is, and try to all that is wrong hroughout the province excep in|dalry cow | 70 per cent manage y the snowhelt areas of the Lake ment feeding and 30 per cent and \ k| Huron and Georgian Bay regions heredity, says Dr, E, F, Helzer where frequent snowflurries are of dalry husbandry, occurring Ur ty of Wisconsin A trend toward moderating "You must have a goal have a few good rules and stie there!to them, Do not have too many sald Do not have so many rules understand him. Where he knows he is loved for his own sake There Is the home where $s no problem of discipline," Woman Dragged, | Pinned Under Car department ors! He told the Alberta Dalrymen's| rule Dr. W. F. Koeber, addressing|the child does not know which one ' 2 temperatures will reach Ontario|Association experiments have BRANTFORD (CP Bowmanville Home and School/to apply | hs A . or i y Association at its regular month , RORY ver the age group you Saturday, ahead of a disturbance/shown the use of the best avall-(vear old woman was dragged 150) eris and instituted on a complaint |.) hn vas movin rough British|able oding sto . ot then pinned beneath her ' lv meeting in Ontario street'are dealing with, A little child that was moving through I ritd h| ble breeding stock resulted in|feet and hen pl : at! hes! school Wednesday vants to help you. It is much Columbia this morning. Snow|a milk butterfat content increase driverless car Thursday after sh Dr. Koeber is inspector of spe- better to have a carload of broken spreading out ahead of this dis-|of about 14 pounds a cow a year. |left it In reverse geax and got out cial classes for the Scarborough dishes than to \Zriore his pleas turbance is likely to reach the| Good milking practices result!to spread sand beneath the spin d A fry se ti Uo lextreme southwestern section of tna 33-pound butterfat increase. ning wheels board of education and from 1955/to help, It is his way of showing . " ' : d Ly R Ontario Saturday evening wood feeding practices added 24) Mrs, W, C, Hunt was taken to to 1958 was chief supervisor of his love for you, Love must be special education for the s am e/two ways, If it is only yours for board. He recelved-his BA from him, it smothers. If it is only his Western University and his Docs for you, it is cold | tor of Pedagogy from the Uni "If there is no reasoning, and hospital with injuries to her right leg, arm and head after she wa size; (rescued by a passing motorist Iwho used a Jack to lift the car Regional forecasts valid - until pounds of butterfat, Other impor midnight Saturday: It management practises are Lake Erie region, Windsor: |! of freshening; herd {Sunny with cloudy intervals and calving Interval and housing int versity of Toronto, Dr, Koeber shuwing two sides to gxerything,|®, few brief snowflurries today. | was the organizer and first prin-|there will be no discfplne,"" he| Clear and cold tonight, Saturday, | cipal of Variety Village, a voca-|warned sunny, clouding over in the aft-| "Develop a a of humor, Blowing your top has no mean. "Where discipline is concerned, Ing if vou are always blowing start early, Do not walt until the your top. On the other hand, al-| 8 tn oR hd child has reached the age of ways being humorous makes it| south west 15 to 20 Saturday | m seven or eight and expect him or ible for the child to take Southern Lake Huron region, | aces 0 1S) 1 her to change," he advised you seriously," he said, {London ¥ Variable cloudiness and "Set a good example. Remem-| M. A, Slute, principal of fender with a few snowflurries to- ber the child came into the world tario street school, introduced the 48Y: Clear tonight. Saturday) Helpless, depending entirely on speaker to the capacity attend: sunny with moderating tempera: | his parents, It is up to them to ance. School Section No. 9, of tures, clouding over in the after teach Mim what is right and Clarke township, was represent. noon. Winds west 20 today, light wrong. What to accept and what/ed hy 20 delegates. tomigat, southwest 15 to 20 Satur- Ti. qo orers Lake Huron, out Civil Servants Protest Slight 'By Government tional school for handicapped |ernoon with snow beginning in! teen-age boys { |{the evening. Moderaitng temper {atures Saturday, Winds west 20 hecoming light this afternoon and INMPOs Redpath"s and Mr, Wans.| comments were TORONTO (CP) Sharper, Mr competition from countries with brough's |Canada's mineral producers, the the press in advance of dellvery {Canadian Metal Mining Associa-| Mr, Redpath {tion ras told today in addresses | vice president { its annual meeting Lid. said that in general 1950 of Dome Mines | . . | Flu Epidemic land colder with snowflurries t B. Redpath, association pres: was a year of adjustment and | |day. Saturday, sunny, elouding| dent: sald | consoldation, Towards ifs e nd lover oh } "| "Many countries some of however, there was unmistake lover in the afternoon. Moderat.| In Guildford Ing temperatures Saturday Wind| GUILDFORD, Eng. (Reuters) |west 20 today, light tonight, south An influenza epidemic was re-|west 15 to 20 Saturday. which may be described as un- able signs of an upswing, with developed are known to have|explovation, prospecting and imineral resources in abundance|claim staking all showing greater ported Thursday In Guildford.,| Lake Ontario, Niagara, Hall. And many of these now are being (activity, Various development: The Royal Surrey County Hos: burton regions, Toronto, Hamil. | developed |were laying foundations for fu pital said only emergency cases|ton: Mainly sunny and cold today| 'In many such countries pro-|ture mining on an extensive scale ' TORONTO (CP) -- The 25.0 ne mule ale § o I a ree The 3.50. arc being admitted because thelexcept for a few cloudy intervals|duction costs, and particularly] The recession, he commented, or hy gad [hospital is full, Of the staff of|and one or two snowflurries. Sat.|Wage rates, are only a fraction of Called into activity restrictive of Ontario has protested to Pre 3 " ave bec and protectionist forces, and the mier Frost about the provincial to which we have become I {108 nurses, 18 were ill and sev-|urda | V, clearest Instance was the imposi | moderating | those {eral doctors also were sick sunny with over hy accustomed in North America, [temperature, clouding vernment's "high' disregard' ' . 4 #0 ne 4 g oR ---- | OVONINE, Winds west 15 to 20 to-| 'Mineral resources are real re tlon of quotas by the United for representations made .by the |States on some Canadian metals #ssociation day, light, tonight southwest 15/sources only if they can be eco. | v al as 1 : nomically developed otherwise and iwnerals | . R | | Saturday, 'In a statement containing | Man Injured Northern Georglan Bay, Kirk. they remain mineralized but un.| Features of Canadian mining in dgerpts of a letter to the premier, {land Lake, Timmins-Kapuskasing profitable and unmineable rock, |1958 outlined by Mr. Redpath in , | Source; ney, N.S., sald Thursday that Christ's mother, and the erucl-l Mre, Harold Davies told the Great k ; ns ; J President Watson Kirkconnell had fixion of Jesus court she and her daughter, Dar the Peace River last summer ' hete and. rmanent of ocky ards! ne suspended him and ordered him| At one point the conversationilane, 17, were in & hurry to get| Corloadings on the pravineialty ill be built In the spring to leave Wolfville within 24 hours. goes 4 to a sale, Unable to find a park owned ! Gill set 8 Tor ore. In 10 1 [SET RATE He sald he was waiting for a de-| "Say, buddy boy. Where'd You|ing space on the street, they went ut Comet al Mana w i.5 rout he POE sst-a rete of $40) cision by the hoard of governors get all those. candid shots of Mary|into the lot beside Kauk's barber V ghan Paul say. it 1 just a|from Fort 81. John and $1.45 from | on a formal expulsion Ww hatsername? , | shop. aug i J a) he ls xpected Dawson Creek to Vancouver, Af. Acadia, a co-educational univer-| Whe you crazy boy?) She saw Kauk shake his head hex ping W gong al Beata sity of between 800 and 1,000 stu- That's Brigitte Bardot at her and smile through the win us A livered, the NAR and CNR Canada Mineral Trade | Kiwanians Port Bruce--repairs to retain ing wall 835,000; Port Burwell- dredging $200,000; Port Colborne ~breakwater repairs -- to com- plete $00,000; Port Colhorne---to- wards harbor improvements $50, 000; Port Dover--pler reconstruc- tion $150,000; Port Hope----dredg- ing $52,000; Port Maitland--towards repairs to pler $200,000 Port Rowan-- hreakw at € vr extension $37,000; Port Rowan -- dredging $57,000; Port. Stanley harbor repairs and improvements $260,000; Puce River -- channel improvements government's share of | week's regular meeting, in an im- under Induct 3 The three newest members of Kiwanis International, ine ducted as members of the K'- wanis Club of Oshawa, at this pressive ceremony the chairmanship of Vern Walker, chairman of the elub's member. thip and Kiwanis education com. mittee, Sponsoring members of the club miroduced the new eandi. dates and this In Heel! wes a highlight, Kiwanian Dr, Murray {Townsend introduced F, A, "Tony" Mellvesn, of the Cana. dian Bank of Commerce; Kiwan- ian Ken Jackson introduced Dr, R. E, Cox, local dentist and Ki- wanian Murray Maidlow was re sponsible for the presentation of Frank Harris, the Oshawa Club's new pianist, | repairs to plers $34,000; Wheatley--towards harbor im- provements $120,500; Whithy--4o- wards harbor improvements $200,000; Wiarton--whar{ $37,500, Barber Charged P@CICE River Settlers Experience New Boom between B.C tons of freight, an increase of | pointed out that through this pro}- nearly 4.000 over 1957 Lumber traffic jumped nearly Mr, Broadbemi sald "the Carthoo lumber mills have had a year of same day [almost full orders with the mills|Some suitable site working two shifts." Other traffic moving south in. cludes grain, particularly from vson Creek, to domestic mar s in B.C; sulphur from Tay 10 miles south of here, where It is extracted from natural gas at} lon the head of Westcoast Transmis-| line to Vancou butane from the gid livestock: and soon ex port grain from the four new el. slon Company's ver; evators herve INCLUDES MUD | Northbound traffie includes | drilling mud from Wyoming for| oil wells; water pipe and ofl-well| March 1, some 6,000 tons of steel, Piggyback freight--the carry. ing of 40-foot truck trailers on special Nat cars--is running six to nine cars a week and Is grow-| jumping off point for far-north| trucking ou the Alaska Highway The area is booming with the railway service increasing daily. "Building a service Ix quite a job when everything is new," says Mr, Broadbent, 'but we are try ing to do it by making our ser. vice consistent and reliable." Scalp Specialist Firm Charged three years | Summonses were served on Floyd A, Orr, secretary of the| {Frommes Company of Toronto service. Limited, which has its headquar-| ters In Philadelphia, Police sald three charges were laid following an Investigation or- by Dr, Joseph Silverberg, a To | ronto skin specialist | Charges are concerned with al section of Criminal Code apply ing to publishing an advertise {ment containing an untrue, de: ceptive or misleading statement | such as: "this is the first and| only 100 per cent successfult reat ment for male pattern baldness." | | | J lion Estimated mineral production | con- {of $2,122,000,000 was down three Oshawa and {lower production costs ts facing/tained In texts made available to|per cent from 1957's record-the the Ontario first post-war year to show a de: | who 1s executive cline Metal production was an estim. ated $1,142,000,000, down 1.5 per| cent a "creditable result" in view of lower prices, | | Uranium became Canada's) leading mineral with estimated value of $200,000,000-more than {double that of 1957, | Nickel output -- which previ. | lously held first place fell | [from $250,000,000 in 1957 to $167, 000,000 in 1058, partly because of reduction in response to market | conditions, and partly because of | a strike, , old mines fared a little better | because of a somewhat smaller premium on the Canadian dollar, tand the Increase in government] assistance | the association sald it, in com I hod regions, North Bay, Sudbury "Every time increased produc. [cluded dany with other provincial and| n CCl ent {Clear and very cold today. Satur. tion eostswhether imposed hy - pominion groups, Is convinced Ida, sunny with slowly moderat- the demands of organized labor! the only answer to its problem| An Oshawa man was treated ating temperatures, clouding over|or by 'increased freight rates or is legislated bargaining rights. Oshawa General Hospital Thurs.|/In the afternoon. Winds north. other factors--rise above the eco !In a meeting with the cabinet. night, for injuries sustained|WeSt 15 today, light tonight, nomic limit, potential ore re érves shrink and our heritage of mineral resources is diminished southwest 15 Saturday Forecast temperatures dan. 20 the association requested) lary increases that would cost|'™ #0 accident on Richmond the government more than $15,- street west Low tonight, High Saturday V. C. Wanshroug! Viee-pre | hig yncontiy id the I Police say that Alexander|Windsor y ' 10 2 dent and EDIE: i ne-bre hg Male --- Age _- 30-40 years . The statement sa ie letter Flight, 40, of 86 Brock street west!St, Thor 25 p assocts 2 H h ' ¢ t nas 10 25 the association, stated J te Mr. Frost refers to the pre-iwas crossing Richmond street! London 3 25 | 'For the mining industry, as Salary range $3978 to $4720 9 | nt } 2 ler's reception of the associa [near Church street, whe: 9 <! " 5 3 : . thon submission, It sald the board|struck hy a car He or a Wingham . 10 25 or he PR ig 2 igies so of directors ,was "shocked' by|injured leg. The . car failed to!Trenton . 5 2 ops i AHGRaTY Jess Fil the premier's remarks which!stop ~ St. Catharines 10 25 or Yoon enjoyed n the fm Must have some experience in oe obviously intended to imply] Flight described the car as al llamillo 10 as te" Bost ve rs ie on writing only giving particulors ere was little hope of civil serv-(M47 or 148 Oldsmobile. dark Muskoka : " oon $ at Com lon for world sonal date, references, to ts receiving cash overtime pay- grey. The licence on the car Killaloe 1( market is keener now than since RR 2d Istarted with an "A", he sald. |Eariton 2 8 before the war." Gy Assistant Welfare Administrator for CITY OF OSHAWA Commencing March 1, 1959 | this or allied fields. Apply in of experience, complete pers SONNEL OFFICER, Hall, Oshaws, Ontarie. |and copies of the club's bylaws and constitution of Kiwanis Inter. inational, together with a pamphlet, briefly recounting the {formation of Kiwanis and fits early h y Following the ceremony, presi: dent Ken Smyth welcomed the three new members into the club and pointed out that in the near future, they would be placed on varied working committees, Kiwanian Jim MeCanaghy of the East York Club, sales promo: fiom manager of the Ford Gum [Machines in Canada, was intro: duced to the members by Kiwan- lan Walter Famme, chairman of this committee, The speaker ject, the Oshawa Kiwanis Clu {had raised considerable monies in a 70-year-old |7,000 carloads to 24,032 in 10568 and | the past year and ured that each {member make an attempt to lo- leate one or more machines, at | in the city, {With just a very little more ef. [fort, this project can be worth $1000 a year to your club," he sald OBITUARIES FREEMAN C, GARDINER Freeman Caniff Gerdiner, 620 Richmond 8t, E., died at Oshawa He is survived by his wife, the/of a radar unit former May Jay, two daughters and three sons, The daughters are Tuque, Que; Edward, Belleville; and George, Peterborough, He Is also survived by two sis ters, a brother and 12 grandchi). dren, The sisters are Mrs, John Grant and Mrs, Wm, Lane, both of Belleville, The brother is Clem Gardiner, Belleville, Mr, Gardiner was born in Belleville, Dec, 15, 1889. His par. ents were the late Mr, and Mrs, Caniff Gardiner, He was predeceased by a frst wile, Marie Anna Belanger, Dec, 2, 1010 Mr, Gardiner worked for the Canadian National Railways for more than 20 years He lived in Oshawa three years, | Before that he lived in Belleville | |General Hospital, Thursday, Feb. | 5 | | | QUEBEC BONSPIEL Oshawa By LEO LeBLANC - Canadian Press Stall Writer QUEBEC (CP) -- Three of the top four trophies in 's 46th international boneplel were to he [decided today, Only one rink was still unde foated as final play Freeman's Pointe Claire, gone through six con. secutive games without a loss, Freeman's rink took an early lead Thursday in semi-final eom- petition for Chateau Tro f slipped to a six-end four al te then won out by an 8 4 score over 11 consecutive victories, Other sem! - final results in. cluded Carl Bastedo"s Burling. ton, Ont, rink victor by a 10.7 score over Ted Duchene's Quebec Curling Club in Chateau Play and Cartier rink winner by a 8-5 score we Jack Kennedy's Barrie, Ont,, ONTARIO SQUADS WIN In Francois Jobin Cup sem! final play George von Zuban's Sudbury team ented 8.7 Chuck Thorn's Quebec Victoria Rink and | Oscar Parker's Oshawa, club) downed Bob Metealt's Toronto Royal Canadian 8.4, CAPSULE NEWS PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A report to the police commission here says more speeding charges will be contested after Ontario's driver demerit system goes into effect, The report by traffic Sergeant Bert Howden suggests purchase to check car speeds because 'we must be very sure of our prosecutions due to a student judicial committee but 1 as Mary bli og ye | Windshield Her daughter became he a new daily freight service, a|bent casings; 30 carloads of cement for| M7: Edward Wardhaugh|the new demerit system." a meeting of the full student led?" sshd did angry and scribbled lipstick on|weekly stock train and new pas-| The PGE loaded 90.403 cars| ohyilding the Peace River Al|(Palsy), Belleville; and Mrs council Thursday night ordered "Who died?" the shop window, senger schedules, last year, 5,000 more than In the|acka Highway bridge; 50 cars to/Vohn Ha wran (Marguerite), VACCINE SHOT DAMAGES bis reinstatement. , . | Kauk ran out of the shop and previous year, and shipped 42,600 5 port St. Job jealer who Peterborough MONTREAL (CP) -- A Super. a know, The Son of Mary A y ON " | ; a Fort St. John auto dealer who ] pei The student council also You know poured red paint over the hood, ONLY ONE OUTLET f has them all sold; and starting | The three sons are Wilfred, La./lor Court held Thursday that Dr, L. G, Huard acted with neglig- ence In insisting on going ahead with a Balk vaccine Injection while a child, Carroll Cardin, was "In a state of panic," The needle 'broke and the arm was tempor. arlly paralyzed, The boy missed school for a year, The doctor and City of Montreal were assessed $3,000 damages, LIVESTOCK KILLED STRATFORD (CP) -- Loss was estimated at $40,000 Thursdays when fire destroyed a barn on the farm of Peter McTavish about olght miles east of here, Lost in the blaze was 60 head of catile valued at about $14,000, cause of the fire was pot determined, POLIO DOCTOR DIES VANCOUVER (CP)=Dr, David Andrew S.ecle, 40, past president of the Canadian Foundation for The body ix resting at the Arm-| poliomyelitis and Rehabilitation, west so that the full impact of| | , m T y . [this cold wave did not reach as| Key Factors [Ensign in 1013 | TORONTO (CP) A soulp| far south as the lower Great | Both served overseas and were | specialist firm was charged ote | ar Y . Lakes region, Temperatures in . | wounded in action, A citation on) Thursday with placing false or anc LaTuque, P.Q. |Southern Ontario held near 15 In Dairy Cow |the picture explains that Mrs,| misleading advertisements in Tor| and are expected | Dunn lived next door and had sarronto newspapers during the last| strong 1) lee will be held in thw chapel, meral Home, The SerV-idied here Wednesday, He was one of a small group which, in Saturday, Feb. 7, at 2 p.m. Rev,|1048, started the Canadian body Clinton Interment will follow in Oshawa Union Cemetery, MRS. DANIEL KENNELLY Mrs, Danlel Kennelly, of Co- A 63 [dered by Attorney-General Rob-ja1i died at Misericordia Hospi Hailebury, Feb, §, following a short illness, She was in her 46th year, Mrs, Kennelly fs survived by her husband, Daniel, of Cobalt; three sons, William, 281 La Salle Ave, Oshawa; Robert, Oshawa: and Thomas, Cobalt, She is also urvived by five grandchildren, Mrs. Keanelly lived most of her ife in Cobatl, where Requiem High Mass will be sung Sunday, Feb. 8, at the Cobalt Catholic Church, WILL PERFORM Young local pianists will per form at a recital Saturday eve- ning at 8 pm in the recital hall of the McLaughlin Public Library, his is the second in a series of three recitals sponsored by the District Branch of Registered Music Teachers' Assoclation, Roman Cross will conduet the!which now has chapters in all provinces, Dr, Steele was born in Hamilton, CAR THIEVES SENTENCED OTTAWA P)=Two 14-year: old Ottawa boys, one convicted on 13 car-theft charges and the other on eight, Thursday were sen. , John {tions qualifisd Ci Creighton's Dartmouth, N.8.| yn J, P, Fortin's Quebec Jacques |Ldeutena Curlers Score 6-8 Win |cost--to complete $17,500; Ron-| Following the introductions, denu (Erieau)--towards boat har: chairman Vern Walker called| Crelgh » had iravelled side by| In the Holt Renfrew semifine bor $100,000; Sault Ste, Marle-- upon past-Governor A, ¥. Coul H™ Adon gi n oy NElals, J, Sugarman, Kingston, wharf repairs $105,000; ter, who in turn fo euchiyr ly time 8 rink has fin lost S: SlcConnel) Sudbury, Sutton (Black River) -- peton- of the three new members their! JL, Ol JOE 8 TEL UA Tlie, K. C, Conlin, Oshawa, won struction of training wall -- to| office lapel in 1087 the Campbell broth. i8 match In this bracket, Sugar complete $20,000; Thessalon-- luncheon - identification buttons! * Wik Bie Sask, ran up Bellerila A , Whitby and J, In second nl - Governor's G, von Zuban was ousted, but O, Parker wis victorious, H, ard bowed out, W. Reid, Kingston, was elimin- ated in the Val 4'0Or trophy quar ter-finals, ing Trophy, Ontario winners were G, Tamer, Walkerton; D, Abowd, Smiths Falls; K. L. Bertrand, Midland; and L. J. Tviness, Oshaw Police To Assure True Speed Radar tenced to an indefinite period the Ontario training school - Bowmanville. Judge John R, Me Knight sald #t was the greatest number of car theft charges ever {to come before him in a single case, MORE BAND CONCERTS TORONTO (CP) -- A $25,000 budget for an expanded program of summer band music in Toronto parks was approved hy the eivie parks committee Thursday, It will provide about 40 perform. aces during eight weeks, A harge will be used as a band: stage In west-end High Park with the audience lining Grenadier Pond's shores, CANADIAN TO PRESIDE TORONTO (CP) « A Canadian will preside at a meeting of gir guides Is Cuernavaca, Mexico, Fob, 12.23, She is Miss E, H, Os. Western Hemisphere the World Associs- Guides FIRST UNITS ARRIVE PORT SAID, KE - First units of the Royal Canadian Drag. oon reconnaissance squadron an rived at El Arish in the Canal Zone Thursday to join the United Nations Emergency Force. They will replace Princess Louise's 16th Canadian Hussars who have spent 10 months along the demars cation line, WOOL Scatter Rugs Sale 1.50 each NU-WAY RUG [ 174 MARY 87, RA 51208 THE FOOD STAN B 1061 RAVINE ROAD 65 UNDERWRITERS HAS PROVEN ITSELF OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE CHAMBERS PLAN THAT RYNING RA 8.5358 FOOD CLUB RD. OX. 9-1188 272 ALBERT ST ELMB 'FARMS CHOICE QUALITY WHOLESALE FREEZER PRICES ® BY THE QUARTER o HINDS OF BEEF FRONTS OF BEEF ....\.' 48° WHOLE OR PORK ® OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 PM. @ ELMBROOK FARMS CUT AND WRAPPED, LB, BEEF offered at CUT AND WRAPPED, LD. o8* HALF CARCASS 34° RA 8.1244 Wl! ------

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