The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 12

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12 TVET OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Pebruery 6, 1959 [foot 10, weighs 178 pounds and is| Some 20 per cent of the doctors something about i, much Ifke the] OTTAWA HEADLINERS ® a i In Years old. He [ends only questioned admitted that mdre patella he deplores. OTTAWA (CP)--The Broadway C 1 I es a ie Nn TECTed Shan four years had passed since tor iaen Js set 0 te oe; comedy team of Olson and John- Lag and neglect among doctors their last examination. treatment five years or more Son Will headline the grandstand is serious when it comes to their And when a symptom does crop after the first symptoms oc-|sliow at the 1959 Central Canads Gi V 05 Quality Sym bol own physical examinations. up, the doctor may neglect to dolcurred. * "Exhibition Aug. 24-29, hd [} The electrical industry -- in its| Medallion Home standards call] In the case where the particu- efforts to help prospective home |for ample enough wiring in allar Medallion Hom. is outstand- buyers -- has come up with an home to serve even the heaviest|ing in its use of modern house easily. recognizable symbol to electrical loads today, yet with power, lighting and appliances, a identify homes guaranteed to con-| capacity to spare for a family's Gold Medallion often is awarded tain top quality electrical capac-|future electrical purchases, for|In these truly all-electric homes, you ity and equipment, |years to come |electric heating usually is a dra- This symbol is the Live Better! Scientifically planned lighting matic featurs Electrically Medallion, and also is a "must" in Medallion It Is easy to recognize a Medal want the whenever it is displayed in con-|Homes. This means that, as a|lion Home containing all the most nection with a home, it means Minimum, the lighting must offer needed electric fixtures, because ; best electrical that the local electric utility has/a high level of general illumina- an actual Medallion usually is examined the electrical confent--[tion, "mood lighting" for leisure permanently -- but unobtrusively the wiring, the lighting, the ap-|occasions, "work lighting" for|-- affixed somewhere to the (a- equipment pliances --. and pronounced it ex the kitchen and other busy areas/cade of a home, or imbedded in cellent for today's 'advanced of a hom. the driveway, walk-way or steps. modes of living Finally, a basic number of elec-| The buyer of a Medallion Home For Autos Railroad dock. but automobiles pendable electrical planning week, takes 2! weeks vacation a/blamed for the development of So far, more than 170 electric/ year and had his last physical nervous tension, insufficient exer. LIVE BETTER a Electrically 7 v « 4 " > ; This Medallion ~certification|iric appliances -- to make a thus has a built-in testimonial to SETTING UP HOUSEKEEPING IN SPACE program started early this year, home's kitchen and laundry "al-lits electrical excellence -- lasting ; cannot be handled there, i hy A service road crosses the top utilities throughout the country examination 18 months ago. |cise, inadequate or incorrect diet, Is. aniad : n 4 but already many thousands of Most run themselves" --- 1s a proof that His home is electrical This artist's conception ant! | space: The basic #tructure of wad Bready have been inspected Medallion Home speciftention, [IY up-to-date, this year and for To Cross Dam of the dam, part of the St, Law have established "Medallion" He fsn't the best example to and lack of time for aitention to rence oOWET pap ol ) " quality standards, suited to the follow to good health. ,, |personal health." F proj tastes and needs of local home Many U.S, doctors just don't-- SOME WORK 80 HOURS cipates an intermediate stage |-the station. is the propellant in the establishment * of an | tanks of the U.S, Atlas missile, OGDENSBURG, NY. (AP At the lock, in the Canadian p,vers. Local builders are en- or can't practise what they| In a coun 'her Mayor Lee W. Keyes says he will portion of the St. Lawrence Sea couraged to follow these stand. preach. That is apparent from a| week fs pin A Where tie 30-hour THE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION frek Lermisson for Stamos Ww ay an official gaid kL would be ards in the homes they build. For recent survey of 9,400 U.S. physi cent of the doctors reported they REPRESENTING OVER 135 OF CANADA'S LEADING MANUFACTURERS --~ EMPLOYING 80,000 SKILLED CANADIANS : ju a nd possible for automobiles to use a those who are interested in buy- cians by Parke, Davis and Com-|worked 80 hours or more a week ocks into Canada while ice pre- drawbridge although the bridge ing an "electrically sound' home, pany, Detroit pharmaceutical 1n fact 35 per cent worked 60 "i! vents normal ferry operation on was not built for highway traffic. it would be well to check with firm hours or longer a week. . the St. Lawrence River The nearest bridge across the Si. their utilities -- to find out where! The survey, quoting statistics| The typical U.S. doctor is five! The ferry that connects Ogdens. Lawrence is 40 miles from Og. Medallion Homes are located in from the American Medical As -- - - - or -------- burg and Prescott, Ont , has been denshurg the area. sociation, says TCE RROEERE RR by Electrical Service League and [100 years to come. Atlas space station 400 emiles | left. A rubber nylon inflatable if merited -- awarded the ve the ear T Yeast . {Medallion to make sound home| above the earth The station capsiile which will form the selection easier for Mr. and Mrs vould provide an early capa living quarters: aboard the sta- |. |Canada . . bility for providing long-term | tion, is being removed from a And this Is just the beginning. human existence in outer | cargo ship at the right, In the vears to come, hundreds "lof thousands more homes will Good Examples . unable to use its regular dock at similarly. come to be known as Permit Asked Ogdensburg since a sudden freeze Medallion Homes -- for the guid earlier this week. [t has been ance of buyers seeking comfort' NEW YORK (AP) -- The aver-| "The responsibilities and long landing at a New York Central and convenience from de- age U.S. doc'or works 54 hours a hours of physicians have been LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY WITH FRIGIDAIRE 4% PRODUCTS FROM HOME APPLIANCES =... Ly ~ "Corpo Like a Queen's Magic... Pull one door...both open! As Push one door...both close! Jmm------ 30-inch FRIGIDAIRE RANGE with exclusive FRENCH DOOR OVEN Custom Imperial Model RCI=39-C-59 Saves you up to 10 inches aisle space! All these joy-of-cooking features! No stooping! Doors open together and close together. New Lacework Styling on the front! Radiant Wall Spacious oven is wide enough to hold three 9-inch Spatter-Free Broiler Grill, Easy-View Surface Unit pies on a single shelf, Controls. Meat Tender Thermometer. Kant-Slide y t ( t " It y fi | Griddle and Grid. Heat-Minder Unit. Speed-Heat Unit. Choice of 5 colors or white, eas p S yoll...c ec ICI y IS or you! THE STAR-STUDDED IMPERIAL PAIR You know electricity is safe, clean, modern! : Safe . . . What a marvellous feeling to know electricity is dependable, With "Plus" features galore worry-free! Household Hints Imperial Automatic Wosher Model WIC-59 Clean . . . just see how bright your kitchen walls and curtains stay by Q Olio» \ Makes anyone an expert in fine fabric care--lets you when you cook electrically. . . no blackened pots and pans, either! dial the right washing combination for everything. Imperial features include: new Wash-By-Fobric Selec Modern . . . electricity brings the modern convenience of automatic Keep paper towels handy : : for wiping spills off a hot ds omhe Load Selector: Automotic Soak Cyc) controls to lighten your work, brighten your day. fects; Munnar Loos Sesser, Mosel Sos glen y DTN Yous da range. A cold wet cloth Ring "Pump" Agitator far cleanest, most lint-free wash Safe . . . clean . . . modern . . . three little words become three big may start cracks In the ever, new Automatic Dispensers that rinse new beauty 7 8 i Ie Ione torr ra Tt aulorotoatr pie reasons why today, more than ever before, you get more out of life porcelain, Built-in Suds Water-Saver., Snowcrest White. when you get the most out of electricity. Imperial Automatic Dryer Model DIC-59 Imperial in every sense--makes drying os easy ond " automatic as washing, Rivals its talented Washer twin in worksaving "'you-saving" features like these: New i f ELECTRICALLY Heat Selector with Fabric Guide alongside for guess. * LRN free 'selectior Hluminated Easy-View Control Pane; Controlled Automatic Drying that shuts off when clothes Sonaled Muiciiatis Oring her shes of shin 2leinet the safe, clean, modern way Signal when time is up; Automatic Sprinkling cycle has ' ' clothes ready to iron in minutes; worksaving Wrinkles. er mr el NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK - FEB. 8th - FEB. 14th ALWAYS QUALITY PRODUCTS-- PRICED WITH THE LOWEST | ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH ...COSTS SO LITTLE : For further information on your electrical problems contact your electrical dealer or . . . 00 siucoe st. 5. ETB esas || THEPUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA H.F. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN GEORGE F. SHREVE, GENERAL MANAGER tors for choosing water temperatures, wash and spin

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