The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 10

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| Ll 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, February 6, 1959 Mennonite buggies framed by | of-the-century look to this scene snow-covered fields glve a turn | outside a Mennonite meeting : ' Pretty, Practical hand at camp cookery would - eciricit ut- . ' ' know better: his fire would be Lighting Fixtures small and concentrated, barely W 1d R D . i Enhance Decor white hot coals instead of an in- : ou e 1SA S I ous You've spunk sonsideravie time Ie old Sitting Bull walked into When Thomas Edison died in|sible use for electricity in the 1031, it was suggested that elec- home, Actually, this is Just the trical power be shut off for one beginning. Let's take a look at minute on the day of his funeral. some of the exciting new de Can you imagine the chaos if the|velopments here or just around suggestion had been acted upon, the corner + No telephones for urgent or emer Color TV is already on the * gency calls; cars piled up at market, Today, it's expensive, to busy cross streets with no traffic morrow we will all enjoy color control lights; men and machines | programmes as well as black and | at a standstill; hospital services white. And in the field of televi-| endangered, Without signal- sys-ision there are more great ad-| tems, there would be no fire and [vances coming up. The picture police protection, no plane or tube which gets slimmer every | train controls. It was quite ob-|year may he done away with vious that we couldn't afford to|completely, Someday soon, we'll be without electricity even for 60 be able to hang thin TV screens seconds! lor, the walls, for 'wide-screen' Canadians use more electricity viewing. Magnetic tape will let | in their homes than any other us record sound and pictures to| people on earth, And consump- he played back at our leisure [cent more than the average U.S. jdong available today. The trend | knowledge of the contro, switches tion is more than doubling every In the kitchen, electronics has|household decade already made its presence felt, | In almost all of our homes to- New ranges that can cook a six- (supply the 70 or more electrical |ombination of rope and brass, | Instance, is more than a time and day, besides lighting, there are pound roast in 36 minutes, or a|"servants' now available through | on. sacs "and an exciting clus. energy saver! Knowing how and ot least nine types of electrical |nine-pound turkey in one hour, ajyour neighborhood appliance .. of three vinviite bubbles When to use this wonderfully appliances or "servants". You|cake In three or four minutes, |store y could say that nine is the very And nothing is lost in flavour, | minimum required by the average aroma or nutritipnal value, {the strictest safety and efficiency) In addition, ther i : culinary creation and a pot luck Canadian fandly. They are all Electroluminescent panels may (Loeing Ritried wi by oe Cand | variety ot Se ge batch of something. Nearly fool dian Slancaras Assogiation * pull - downs, You can find light. proof as today's electric ranges soon supply all our lighting needs, very familiar -- the range, refrig-| Installed on the walls and ceil erator, washer, toaster, tron, | kettle, vacuum cleaner, radio | ings, we will be able to decorate fidence more major appliances, ment any decorating period The homemaker who knows and un and television. Most homes have our homes simply by controlling | many more, with thirty being | the intensity and color of the light | nearer the mark, Large electrical |transitted by the panels, | servants such as water 'heaters| Now coming into use in some |proval before buying any elec. and dryers, freezers and dish-|parts of the continent is the heat trical equipment washers: smaller units like, pump, There is little doubt that clocks, fans, Hi-Fi, electric 'blan-| eventually the heat pump in some|tains a smooth flow of mater kets, coffee makers, food mixers form will look after both heating [to all parts of the nation. The land cooling in the home, | and sun lamps. The list Is long and grows longer--70 or more at The wonderful world latest count It would seem that those who surprises. Some of these advanc-| work on new ways of putting es are still being developed, many electricity to work for us must are now have just about figured every pos- of our leading manufacturers Year Of Progress For Mutual Life |P One of the most significant de- (ln the national economy. The velopments in the life insurance state should provide not more industry in Canada during 1958 than a social minimum on which was the trend towards mutualiza- the individual can build .as he Hon, H. L. Guy, president of the sees fit, Drift from expedien' to Mutual Life Assurance Company expedient must be avoided hy of Canada. told the annual meet- Canadians, he thought since s Ing of policy-holders at Waterloo, |x le to create a state-domi Ont.. Thursday ated society almost unwitting! The attitude of personal raspon sibility Is one that Canadians should never surrender, he de clared "Our policy-holders have had the advantages of mutual opera tion ever since this company was established 99 years ago, he sald, "We have always felt that LINKED PROBLEMS the mutual is the ideal form of "The common tendency Is to organization for a life insurance think of inflation and unemploy company. The record of this com- ment as separate economic prob. | pany is a testimony to its effec: lems he said The result is al tiveness, and to the sense of frantic search for ways to offset trusteeship which has guided the effects on employment of your digectors in al] their acts on anti-inflation policies and the in- behalf of the policy-holders." flationary effects of attempts to STEADY PROGRESS raise the level of employment Unemploymnt and inflation The Mutual Life has made turbancs in th halth of th steady progress in all aspects of are symptoms of underlying dis Its operations, despite the uneven turbances in the health of the economic conditions which have economy, very much like excess. prevailed, he said. New business ive weariness and a high tem amounted to $329 million, while perature in a human being." insur nce in force "has risen by| "prohably the most cogent rea $243 million son for confidence," he con. Rieder, vice-president tinued, "ls the way events of the manager, told the past year in the financial mar. ¢ that surplus earnings of kets have demonstrated to many $14,115,000 were the larvest in the 'of our public men that the company's history, Dividend pay- achievement of economic growth ments to policy-holders were $10,- with a high level of employment . 802,000 and total payments $34. involves inseparably the achieve 500,000. Total assets at the end of 'ment of monetary stability 1958 were $59 millio an in. Growth cannot continue for any increase of $38 million oe AH 1957. length of time at the cost of the Moitality was slightly higher integrity of the national cw than in 1957. Accidents are re. rency sponsible for half of the death . claims up to age 40, while in the age group 20 to 29 two-thirds of| CBC Asked For all death claims arise from accel: | dents, the meeting was told Commentator List FOUR ESSENTIALS OTTAWA. (CP The CBC has Mr, Guy outlined four essen- heen asked for a list of the com tials for a sound oational eco- | mentators it employed in 1958 on nomic policy: concerted efforts tolits radio and television network make sure that sound dollars will The list is requested in a series be returned for the money gov lof questions placed on tl 0 Senate ernments are borrowing re [orde r paper by Senator Gunnar affirmation of belief in the basle|S Thorvaldson, Progressive Con soundness of a free economic sys 4 rvative from Winnipe 4 tem; reduction of artificial rest gw straints on competition; and orderly epansion of internation. | al trade . Murphy, Progressive Conservative member of the] Commons for Lambton We \ 0 has placed a question on t mn M G aid that € ans! mons order pape ki on n indifferent to the ame of anv membe long run mplications of the Pa imentar Pre Galle on . growth of the state as a factor ployed by the CBC since 1055 of elec |installations; the Inspector glves practically any lighting job. With LIGHTED SIGN tricity and electronics is full of the final safety: checks on the drawing boards ferent Joh to do, but all helping us various phases of a lighting plan Electric Service League advises Live best electrically {to make a home more comfort | Another ald is a post lantern to 'Industry Recalls Birth Of Edison | February th to 14th is Nation- Week, this year, we salute the 7 lal Electrical Week, marking the world's most versatile servant {112th anniversary of Thomas| . . . electricity, Electricity keeps) | Edison's birth, Ediscs brought you warm in the winter, cool In electricity out of the laboratory |the summer, It turns night into) and into practical use for the day at the flick of a switch, It Vd benefit of all mankind He work- [brings you entertainment, cooks y > § led untiringly to develop the first|your food, does your washing maf practical electric light bulb, and [in so many ways makes your life with it, the equipment nceded to|easier and more enjuyable, Have bring it into our homes, FEdison|you ever thought just how inex founded an industry that has be-|pensive all these electrical ser- come one of the nation's largest |vants are, The average size liv- and most vital , , , an industry ing room can be vacuumed for |that has put the magic of elec- (about half a cent, With the flick [tricity to work in a thousand [of a switch, electricity does a ways that contribute to the|week's wash for the average strength and prosperity of the|family for less than a nickel, nation, An industry that con.| National Electrical Week has tinues to play an Increasing part | been officially declared by many in Canada's development -- pro-|of our Premiers and Mayors--a viding equipment for tourifths salute to the 175,000 skilled Cana- of all work in manufacturing for|dians of the electrico! industry! example, Yes, from forest and|whose products and services are farm to end-products electricity designed to serve the highly spe- / |clalized needs of our growing | S72 awwr pr of |butlds jobs." » RUA ; $0, during National Electrical |nation, Have you gota... 7 ; Thermostatic Oven Takes Guesswork Out Of Cooking In the golden days of the Old vels that are at their fingertips (Wild West, when men were men | Old cooks, too, can learn plenty and cooks were cools, the In. of ew weisles hat science has OR YOUR dians could always tell a tender. introduced into the ancient art of OLD-FASHIONED WINTERS IN WATERLOO foot Wom a real wood Junkers: ow seve de do ou ; From a distance of 10 to 15 your range. All it takes Is a few LOCAL DEALER minutes with the manufacturer's foot fom a real woodsman by cookery, house, just north of Waterloo, | attending Sunday service, | Ont, The buggy owners were | CP Photo miles, they could spot a tender- | foot by the gigantic flames lick- | instruction book and you'll be out ing up from the bonfire. A real|of the tenderfoot class in no time, 50 PRINCE ST. BONFIRE vw BASEMENT? Go Modern With For further information about the modern miracle of ELECTRIC heating contact EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS 00. Conia! ELECTRIC LIMITED RA 3-2248 56 PRINCE ST. RA 3.9633 visible, almost smokeless and | with the heat coming from a few | The future locks bright, the re-|home a pleasant and attractive|® suburban kitchen today he sources of a vast and important |place to live, Make the most of it could still tell a tenderfoot house industry are harnessed to help us {with the kind of lighting that {wife from a real cook by the size all Live Better Electrically shows your color and furniture ©f her "indoor campfire Top Let's now take a look at this arrangements to the best advan notch cooking still comes from industry today, In Canada, the tage--and, of course, the kind of carefully controlled leat The electrical industry supplies high- lighting that is good for your Small area of concentrated heal ly skilled jobs for over 175,000 eyes : |that the experienced woodsman people, It is a vital part of every| A dramatic new concept of |wught to obtain by carefully province and every community -- home lighting is called "'Inspira- nursing a few white hot coals is enabling Canadians everywhere tio Lighting." Simply stated, | available at the flick of a switch to enjoy its benefits, The elec-|th hieory says you should plan in a matter of seconds for today's trical industry Is diversified, with [for (1) general lighting, (2) |housewife cooking over an elec each segment having a particular |locs! lighting, and (3) accent | tric range place in the over-all scheme. |lighting, By switching individual| And just as the oldtime ploneer Ime utilities provide us with de: | fixtures on or off, you can there. had to know the right wood and pendable, low-cost power. As a|by create the lighfing mood you the proper wind direction In or result, the typical Canadian home (want, {der to build his camp fire, so the uses over 3700 kilowatt hours of | when you plan your lighting, | modern housewife who yearns to electricity each year or 20 per {look for the new "concepts and be a good cook can profit by a this year is to cluster fixtures and timing devices on her range The electrical manufacturers | ,vailable in luxurious brass, a Thermostatic oven control, for 7 which create a Far East mood in simple cooking tool ean mean the Product designs are sublect to decorating |difference between a genuine a result, Canadians it . " 3 result, Canadians buy with con ling fixtures to blend and compli. (are, they perform best for the t | | per. Capita, than shy ii Deve term often used to describe derstands the various types of look for the C.S.A, seal of ap-|™May of the new lighting fixture controls and uses them properly, i designs is "Transitional" which New cooks, especially, quickly means the fixtures will blend |and confidently can attempt com The electrical distributor main. with decorating of any period or plicated dishes that mother never rials | Style, would have dared on her old coal One group, called "Cordette range, once they realize the mai Jectrical * contractor makes the Casuals," includes fixtures for this co-ordination of lighting fix: Make it easy for your friends There vou have seven segments tures the home decorator willito find your home by installing f the Industry, each with a dif-|have no trouble in combining the an (lluminated address sign the | able, convenient, and livable. 'light the way to your front door Bowmanville i aperWins ANSWers Provided Weekly Award Blanket Question TORONTO (CP)--Eight weekly The matter of proper care for washing, wrap them securely in aewspapers were honored Thurs fine woollen blankets always has|to a wash cloth lay in the annual awards of the been a perplexing problem, Prob-| To dry the electric blanket Y ably there are as many different! drape it across two clotheslines thoughts on this- subject as there|a foot or two apart, It Is a good The Port Elgin Times recelved |e blankets. When it comes to|idea to shade the blanket. If an trophies for the best newspaper electric blankets, however, most|automatic dryer Is used, preheat | In committees of between 1,500[0f us would like to give up inthe dryer before Inserting blan- and 4,500 population and typo. |despair. The questions come: ket, It Is recommen led that turk- graphical excellence Does this need to be cleaned? If ish towels or some olher .non- The Midland Free Press was 0: how? what is the best way? shedding mateials be placed in| awarded a prize for the best ed Should 1 dry clean it? Should Ii the dryer along with the blan-| Ontario Weekly Newspaper As oclation Bir Shskong-- EST COOKING MOFFAT -- The Very Finest CANADA'S NO. 1 RANGE EVER SINCE GRANDMOTHER'S DAY 15 YEARS AND MORE see ve ALL NEW 1959 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY torial page and the award for wash it? Or should I Just hang It ket to absorb molsture and to front sage excellence went to the oUt to air? buffer the tumbling action | Leamington Post | The manufacturer's instruction| gat the machine to tumble for The Canadian Statesman of [10% usually will provide the right|io, or twenty minutes on high Bowmanville was Judged the best [Answers to these questions. Just|pe,i Then the blanket can be re newspaper in communities of [In case your instruction tag 18 moved and hung on clotheslines; more than 4,500 and the Winches. [10St, here are some answers: op plugged in to permit the blan ter Press for communities of un. First: Do not dry « clean y our |pai's own wiring to complete the der 1.500 electric blanket, Always wash | qryving. | An award for advertising was I! | Blankets should be stored in| won by the Renfrew Advance, |WASH IT TWO WAYS {the boxes they came In, or in | Whether washed by hand or In tightly-sealed containers for best \ . I] an electric washer, be sure luke: protection. Moth balls should Robin Hood warm water and lots of suds are never be used when storing elec: | used tric blankets, Most hlankels 10 When washing by hand, the (day are ade of mothproof fab | Gunman Makes citric ig should be well rics; additional mothproofing can soakéd; suds should be squeczed [cause damage to wires, through thoroughly for five min. ean reast utes and rinsed, Then the blanket 3 en . bie . : should be gently squeezed again, El t TORONTO (CP)--Phillip Kep- 1t should never be wrung to re ec rica pler, who told police that worry move rinse water, a over his robberies was giving him 1 n an electric washer, soap or )'4 sk Mikoyan ulcers, got it all off his chest and|gotorgent should be completely Wo B a sitken mo. ae a noived in warm water before D 1 oeere slot § #the blanket is put in the machine. or Ida eo ea The 34 - year - old gunman Soak for ten minutes. After this ol (OP) n of pleaded guilty Thursday to nine | nial Washing perivd the ma. WELLAND | ct hoi 3 whargos of armed ObberY, Clie of | Chine should be agitate or |Deputy Premier Anasta : fkovan attempted robbery and one of car|timble for one minute, and then has been asked J Wh \¢ pl ~ theft. He also said he planned to pin for two minutes, or until|Electrical Works Ze ] Aon Tua confess to robberies in Montreal water has drained from thejabont the a piuty i Nr and London, Ont., including two \ thorough rinsing in warm den! Min rome: J pl 521 which police didn't think he had) WV plus setting it to agitate A-canle jrem olny focal ommitted. He <aid loot totalled |'0r about a minute, and a final advised Mikoyan it i ay nl " |apinning of two minwies should | OSA (bill en "1 want to make & ¢ ast Complete the washing process, [Hersey 4 4 f of aL, i Ine 2 Sloan breast While most new malels of elec W elland can supply pipe, hd hie | Keppler, known here as the trie blankets have the plug i Sad in Fis heen ol 1 {Robin Hood bandit after he re |! teched into the blanket, older galty nh getting from th Tite | inet. 0 models have free-langin cord The cable said 300 Welland Tubes employees are idle due to nesday night, He Is also wanted | lack of orders, and as far as the by 'police in Western Canada, De SCURRY FOR SHORE union is aware there are no re-| troit and Chicago [ ATHOL SPRINGS, N.Y. (AP) strictions In Canada against sale He said he walked inté a To.[A sudden crack In thé ice onfof the large diameter pipe to ronto store and held up a man|Lake Erie sen' hundreds of fish: [Rusein turned money to two victims, was arrested in a cocktail' bar Wed. [and plug, To protect these when and his wife. But when he saw|ermen and more than 30 antomo they had only $5 I realized |biles scurrying for » Thurs-{ At Toronto Thursday night W f the people 1 n desperate | da Wd one got off {K. Bannerman resident of t t » keep the [safely befo nthe wind Page Hersey, sa ttissian of nile offshore der for tube ould he given the He was remanded un 13 this Eri Commun: same consideration as any other for sentence, A business order, Ch Liberal Terms CANADIANS KNOW MOFFATS. EST! Moffat Ranges continue to be the first choice of Canadian homemakers year after year, and this year they offer you features that are simply not available on any other range, See The All New MOFFAT THAT LET'S YOU DISCOVER NEW ADVENTURE IN COOKING "MANY MODELS AVAILABLE™"] PRICED AS LOW AS $149.00 WHY NOT TRADE IN? If you have an appliance that does rot fill your requirements, why not trade it in on one that will generous trade-in allowance Take advantage of our

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