The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1959, p. 8

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A 'BEST-SELLER FOR A fancy, practical apron is a | type print; finished and trimm- wonderful gift and go easy to | ed with double fold bias binding make, The one pletured here is | If you would like to have direc made from one yard peasant | tong for making the CLOTHES PERSONALS | Among those who will be at Miss Margaret Hart, individual] The second annual "night of tending the Knights of Columbus services secretary and Miss Mar: cards" held recently under the Mardi Gras dance on Friday are lon Foster extension secretary of auspices of the St, Christophers' Dr, and Mis, John P, G, Maroos: the YWCA of Canada will he | Parent-Teacher Association prov ts, Dr, and Mrs, Clifford Kell, joined by Mrs, H, B, Armstrong, ed to he a successful event, It Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Jack, Mr, Miss Margaret Pellow and Mrs, (was held in the parish hall of and Mrs, Allan Yanch, Mr, and| Donald Tansley of the Oshawa ®t, Mary of the People, The Nev Mrs, James (dbbens, Mr, and YWCA in a panel discussion on |erend Norbert Gignac welcomed Mrs, Gardner Willams, Mr. and the place of the YWCA In the those present and announced the Mrs, George Dignam, Mr, and! community, following the annual prize winners Mrs, Charles Balfour meeting next Tuesday evening, Mrs, John Brady, general con vener, and Mrs Max Coleman, | You are invited by the Boclal PIN APRON, Just send a stamped, self-addressed envel | ope plus 10 cents for handling, | PTA Card Party Successful Event J YOUR SPRING BAZAAR to the Needlesgaft Department [1he slim bodice featured a scal:| of this let No Chibert, spencer, Margaret Corrigan, Marion Ban tions inerman, Mrs, Hose Kehoe, Miss Mary M {Door prizes, Mrs Mrs, R Nadeau 3474 | Woman's Editor Diel RA 3- Jo Aldwinckle, [8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 4, 1959 | HOUSEROLD HINT A baby's souks, after washing, Among those attending were should be at least hail an in Tennis Club Holds Skating Party wy wd Wry, ford ' alg, yy longer than bis fool, When buye The members of the Oshawa Mrs, William Eastwood Mr, and | 08 socks, remember, to, to ale Tonle Club hid 8 sunting oarty Mrs, Alan Canning, Miss Jo anilow for normal shrinkage #04 recently on the newly formed Stare, Mr, Ted Houek, Miss Anita / " { skating rink st thelr clubhouse | Atterstey, Mr, John Preston Mr or ot, growth of the Dany' her party commitiee, arvanged (hel Although snow fell most of the Harvey Moyer, Miss Carol Win day and the evening unr not ideal field, Miss Marlene Barton, Mr more than 100 attended and en-|C. Phillips, Miss Lian Beamish (Bill Brent, Mr, and Mrz, Kenneth yor, ond ---------------------- joyed themselves fo the full, (Miss Louise McKay, Mr, and|Smith, Miss Mary Lov Ts Quite # number also danced in Mrs, Peter Patterson, Miss ( (Mr, Edward Hines, My the clubhouse Britten, Miss Christine Oleznik, Stone, Miss Ruth Yeo, Mr, Miss Anita Attersley, social Mr, and Mre, Fred Vox, Clare Bh eve, Miss GO, Holtman convener, and the members of 'Keith, Miss Shirley Coulter, Mr. many others, Mulder-Gatchell Nuptial Rites Held In Double-Ring Ceremony Centre Sireet United Church [ald green taffeta fashioned with | was the selting for a wedding on/a sebrina neckline and bracelet Saturday afternoon, Jamiary 31,/leigth sleeves, She wore a match when Lillian Anne Galchell was ing juliet cap and carried a cas gold and white earna- | united in marriage with Gyshert: cade of 1 Jou Mulder. " ' tions, The bride who la's graduate of My Jan Milder of Georgetown class "5A of the Oshawa General or hest man pedi brother, and | ota, dette ri ert Wr Vel, | A ¢ r. Lavern Gatchell of | of Oshawa and the bridegroom I] ri I the son of Mr, and Mrs, Jan Mul:| The reception was held In the dor of Myra Holland, Canaan Lion al, whee the son performed the double ring; des vier Yecolvad Ju ao] ceremony, The wedding music " kor er taf was played by Mr, Ronald Kell ig ney " gana Se ington, who accompanied Mes |S pink cloche felt hat, Or [Rowald Jotiingion wi bog C7 hid" ehrysanthemuma comprised | Given In marrikge by her fa Jub Cokie. Auliting wig tie ther the bride wore a full length vo "spider of Georgetown, fn a {gown of frost white imported {8% gown of figured ose red | | Chantilly lace over net and satin crepe, with & close fitting hat of | ack sequins and a corsage of white pom pom chrysanthemums Vor the honeymoon trip to Call fornia, the bride wore a shesth paper, requesting Leal: [loped V neckline and lily point| 8.702008 sheath sleeves, and the hooped skirt evept into a circular (rain 'A erown of satin filigree held her 0, R, Gay, Mrs, J finger tip veil and she carried a dress of bright royal blue French Mevenson, Miss cascade of white and gold earna-| wool with a feather trimmed matching yvelvel hat and a grey Miss Ruth Coolidge, who grad-|fur full length cont, Her acces Kenny, Beity Dowson, uated last year from St, Joseph's sories were royal blue and tan Cliff Noesche, Hospital, Peterborough, was maid and gold carnations comprised Mr, Sauveriof honor, In a full skirted waltz her corsage. On their return the Hength gown of chromspun emer: couple will live In Oshawa, > Mi Janet J. Byrne, SEMI-ANNUAL WOMEN'S SHOES Dress and Casual SHOE wima'198 | CLEARANCE 4, FINAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL SALE MERCHANDISE e FOX'S FINAL CLEARANCE ee FOX'S FINAL CLEARANCE o Mrs, Elizabeth Wilkes Hoey will president, received the - guests, Department to send In any litle | return to Oshawa on Monday to| Refreshments « were served by| Hema of interest, News of teas, Hive a demonstration of silk (Mrs, Harland Willams and her surprise parties, showers, anni. %Creen printing to the members | committee, versaries and comings and go. the Lyceum Club and Wom: | The Jie winners were: | ings are always very acceptable On' Art Association, Years ago | Euchre, Mrs, Joseph Jordan, Mr, | and for which there is no charge Mrs Hoey, who now lives near | Patrick MeGarry, Mrs, A. Butler Please write or telephone RA |Guelph, taught the Oshawa Chil- Mr, James Jordan, Mrs, John 33474, loca) 18 (dren » Art Class, Tea hostesses Cardinal, Virginia Bond, Mrs, Ed-| [ed be Mest AY Argtrong and yard Dullon; bridge, Miss Jane| rn ', Larmer reland, Mrs lewis Laverty H | 4 y Yi Marion Y Boyd | out at tow Mrs, H, Henry, Mrs, H. Brain, | ' J | m guests at the Mul: (Miss Gwe 8 5 E ' B k Ww d der-Gatehell wedding were Mr, toy sn Laide, phim. laa and Mrs, Harold Bull, Port Hope; |Mrs, 1. F. Ben General: ' rvine roo 8 e Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ransherry, prises. Amgen. General drew Mor Brent United, Church, was Prono; Me hd Mey Boh Cons | {irabey, Mr Bob Smith, Rita La scons of a wedding on urs | + VEE croix, Mrs, O'Malley, Mrs, J day afternoon, January 81, when| (atchell, and Mrs. James Gat: Dodds, Mrs, L, V. Brennan, Shar Marion Yvonne Boyd, daughter of Ohell, Burketon; Mr. and Mm, lon Harland, Mrs, M, Beaupre, | Mr, and Mrs, J, W, Boyd of Tom Gatehell, Bowmanville; Mr. |My, Richard Lack, Barbara Hol. | Orono, was united in marriage And Mrs, Doug, Bull, Iehmond (land, Dorothy Lee, Mrs P Yih Fivine ¥. Brooks. son of {HL Mr, ait Mrs. Bob Scott, Mile, Mr. Bill Andrews, Mr. } Mrs, George Brooks of | i 2004 eekw, Dorothy Mo. | Harrison, Weston; Mr, and Mrs ighlin, Marion | Jownanvils. The Reverend N, T Earl Cooper, West Guildford, On [Law -- Dwyer, Ivan| The bri ' tario; Mr, and Mrs. Jan Mulder | INDIAN STORK . de wore a street length | and daughter, Peggy, George. The adjutant bird of Northern gave of Cartion ite alk or town; Mr, and Mrs, Cecll Thomp India, a wpecles of stork, stands 4 + HIDOW son, Peterborough a8 high as five feet ngth mittens complemented the short sleeves, A Swedish pearl] Mr, Beverly Heard was erown with rhinestones held her of ceremonies at the Mulder shoulder length vell and she car: Gatehell wedding reception at the ried a ecolondal bouquet of pink|Canadian Legion Hall, last Satur sweetheart roses and lilies of the day afternoon and evening, valley, Miss Isabelle Borley, nursedn.| ine Carolyn Jones of Sunmwh | charge of the Oshawa branch, | honor, Y| Victorian Order of Nurses, and Jovnad In foe blue silk organza. |iwo members of the Roard, Mrs ie Wore a feathered bandeau|Upiah Jones and Mrs, W, I headdress and carried a colontal ranch, attended the annual Souduat of Yellow baby Shyu meeting of the VON in Whithy \ eof the valley. | This meeting was of special signi Mr, Glenn Large performed the ficance because it marked the duties of best man {46th anniversary of the Whithy Following the ceremony a re. branch, The visitors were wel ception was held at the home of comed hy Mrs, B, W, Evans, Mra, E. J, Crummey, Elgin street president, The annual report of | oast, Misa Isobel Grassey, VON, was For the honeymoon trip ta Ot. |very Informative and interesting tawa and the Laurentians, the as she outlined the valuable serv. bride travelled in a royal blue lce of the VON to the citizens of | sheath dress with matching hat the community, Miss Mary Ann] and gloves and black persian Wickham, Toronto, was guest lamb jacket speaker, Tea was served and the On thelr return the couple will visitors were introduced to mem live In Oshawa bers of the Whithy branch FOX'S FINAL CLEARANCE eo i | INOW Medical Science GUARANTEES to 1 STOP 1». COUGH! 1 wm DR, CHASE "i nf ok Lil, COUGH REMEDY This new DIRECTED cough remedy travels through your blood stream to the cough con trol centre--your (}zone--and stops ordinary coughs right where they start, Ne habit forming drugs, No harmful after effects, Safe, effective and pleasant for children tool COATS FOX'S FINAL CLEARANCE HATS TWO WAYS TO FAST COUGH RELIEF Dr, Chase new D MMH, cough remedy In liquid or handy tablet form, Your druggist has Ibetter have kt handy, tool eo FOX'S FINAL CLEARANCE FOX'S | inal Clearance Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday BALANCE OF OUR WINTER STOCK OF COATS, DRESSES and HATS FUR' TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED .... DRESSES REG. TO 2500 ............. DRESSES REG. TO 35.00 i REG. 12.95 TO 25.00 FOX'S LADIES WEAR 2 LOCATIONS : 7 SIMCOE ST. S. -- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN FRIDAY NITE IONVIAVITIO TYNId S.XO04 eo 1 Price 1.99 One Price 3.00 All Sales Final| ® IDONVEVITID TVNId S.X04 ® FOX'S FINAL CLEARANCE ™ CE o FONVIVITO TVYNI4 S.X04 flmbrook Farms | CUSTOM CUT MEATS 1244 AH 272 ALBERT WHEN QUALITY COUNTS... COUNT ON OUR MEATS STEAKS ROASTS 89 u 69° Le, 5 9 51 PICKED FROM ELMBROOK FARMS CHOICE HERD OF STEERS * SIRLOIN * PORTERHOUSE * ROUND * T-BONE * WING GROUND CHUCK STEAK SHANK STEWING BEEF SHOULDER STEAK SPECIAL! MEATY! ROUND BONE 24.01, LOAVES 31° 45° SHOULDER STEAKS 69 FARM FRESH, TENDER ) BEEF LIVER u 45° EXTRA--Repeat Offer By Popular Demand! DIRECT FROM OUR OWN FLOCK GRADE "A" BOILING FOWL .. 29" FARM FRESH SIDE PORK 2 .. 98° SPECIAL! WHILE THEY LAST LEAN. MEATY NECK RIBS 2 .. 19° ELMBROOK FARMS SKINLESS WIENERS 35 FRESH DAILY Wi SAUSAGES FARMERS ny 29 SMALL i. 39° ELMBROOK FARMS LORN SAUSAGE MEAT 33" FROM OUR COOKED MEAT DEPT, CHICKEN ROLL 1b. 49° MAC. & CHEESE Ib. 49° COOKED HAM lb. 89° MINCE HAM lb, §8¢ HEADCHEESE Ib, 39° BOLOGNA lb. 29° EXTRA SLICED BREAD 2 EXTRA SPECIAL! THURSDAY, 6-9 P.M, NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER 49 WIRY, Len ar ihn Ih. Je ATTENTION FREEZER OWNERS! Let us quote you on quarters of BEEF, PORK, VEAL, etc. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 PM, Come Down To Elmbrook Farms For Meat That's A Treat To Eat ® LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN oo MON. TO SAT. EACH AND EVERY WEEK & © FREE PARKING r | IN REAR OF STORE \

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