The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1959, p. 7

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SEEK SALT WELL FOR SUMMER ROAD SPRAY driller Robert McMaster checks | dynamite going Into detonator | torpedo held hy son James, Seek Spray For | | | Summer Roads | constructed Standing hy truck a safe dis tance away from drilling rig, pound mite dn a specially Tuesday canislo which 1100 foot: (the bottom of the deep hrine well Into existence A third torpedo i six miles west of Port Hope In a les and a shorter fuse field on the Bebee farm and triggered the charge success The successful firing of the MI charge at § p.m. Tuesday follow.| The drilling ed two attempis In which hand McMaster and made dynamite-detonating torpe. hopes to he able foes falled to explode gallons per of The solution, 20 percent heavier than A ecolumm of rock dust, steam, pure water, contains calmium 'and explosive gases shot from thei and sodium chloride, and Is used eight-inch drill casing for seconds! for spraying township gravel afer the deep blast. The column poads during summer towered 30 feet above the 60-fool: The blast crushed rock for high drilling rig some distance around the well In the blast were about 500 bottom, creating a porous Area pounds of explosive, The (wo de (to draw brine for pumping. Sue | sonator torpedoes which falled to/ cess or failure of the well is ex fre were made by packing dyna: [pected to he learned late tolay View Port Hope 'As Lake Centre PORT HOPE A 00 charge of high explosive may have blasted an was dropped well was made © § dynamite company, Robert Caledonia 250 Roms to draw day brine Plane for a/summer and winter boat storage, new Port Hope Navy League and for construction and repalr boathouse were discussed at| of small eraft hy members of the ROSCC "Skeena" when permis: League and "Skeena" Sea Ca son was given the League to tear dels down a shack standing on proper A delegation comprising ¥, 1 ty on Mill street at the lakeshore, Barr, T. 8 Kershaw, and J. F A lmg-standing project, the Koye, visited Toronto headquar new boathouse, will be construct. ters Saturday to discuss area rod on land granted by the de: problems partment of transport, Previous| Monday + negotiations to develop the prop. voleed to develop Port Larty met disaster when it was by learned that bargaining agents, Port Hope Harbor Commission, other lakeshore towns during Do dd not own the land minlon Week The hoathouse will be used for § MERCANTILE LEAGUE - Leaders Take | Close Victory PORT HOPE -- Following were tthe results of the three games 'played this week in the Town Mercantile Hockey League CONVEYOR 6, ONTARIOS 4 Due to the Midget Spitfires Ix Ing Injury-riddied, the Juniors re placed them In this week's game but were heaten hy the Gravity team to the tune of a 64 count. | PORT HOPE might a proposal wa Hope a A lakeshore holding a parade of Sea Cadet Corps from centre Navy Chub Melvor got them started from Vern Lees, lan Halford tallied the second fram Ron Pills worth, and then Peter Bomeardo got the third from Melvor In the second half, Murray Far ell averted a shutout for the Fillers with an unassisted goal Harvesters had six penalties to one for the losers | Mathews led 4.3, entering the | YELLOW last period. They were led to the| ALWAYS 7, ELDOS § Vie L OW win by Bill Foote and Pat Hrere| Being unable to fee a full team ton, who each tallied twice {the eellar-dwelling Eldog drafted | Doug Yearwood had a goal and same players from the crowd, | helper, while a single tally went and gave the Hi-Ways a good run 'to Rill McMann and an assist to before bowing out Neil Wakely The Departinent gang were led Larry Rattershy led the hy Harvey Gordon with a hrace (With a goal and two assists of goals, Al Lewis had one tally + George Fenton tallied twice and a helper, singletons went to with Les Stevenson getting the Clare Howell, Norm Kelley, Rill rother, and Mal Stevenson an as: McArthur and Ron Rattershy hat Jack O'Grady had one assist Five of the eight sin-bin trips and Hud Downey two to the winners All Dark scared twice for the HARVESTERS 8, FILE 1 River of Gold boys, Tom Mix The league leaders grabbed a had one and a helper, and single 20 wad In the first half and then tons went to John Tower and Mur 'hung on In the second to post a ray Kelley. Geopge Fenton of the close victory In a well played losers had the only penalty In the fray cleanly-played game | | BOWLING NEWS | LADIES" ROWING MNT HOF n J's "Unconscious For 107 Days, Awakes TORONTO (OP A ald girl unconseious for 10 opened her eves for the fir in Taronte's H 1 for Children Tuesday linda Stewart of Nort} sullered severe hrain A car crash last Oct her father and. another ded The girl Aurroundings hs not spoken aad She pial two week Pp inn After Are nine Y splta nh infu 19 in h § seemed aw {In the cel was IMPROVE SURWAY PARIS (Real W start this vear on two n jects designed i on the Metro, the Welem w } Ale ~ ni CRT ¢ Paris subs wigh service a The southern suburban congested terminals ay th | residents starting May | standing, | ond of three, falled to explode | holds fuse straight to show tor. | to detonate 300 pounds of ex pedo before friend drops it down | plosive placed at botlom well easing, This torpedo, sees | 1100-foot hole Sneyd Heads High Scores | Recreation | At PortHope James McMaster, of PORT HOPE -- Tom Clark had [ as LONDON hia dust for few seconds, BOA drill Mg as Colimn of ted rock tinued towers third blast over torpedo final! 1] hottom This spray of dust com NICE FIGURES" (AP) Bix Chinese ish ton Oversens fromm train (TT: ( Brit heen flown herd a six-week come Iu routes of the rls have three Chinese good education ure," fong Kong for dialects, Ie Far | 0) mn 161 Urges Council |-- Curb Town Pets AT C0B00RC IMonday night by United Counties THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednerdey, Pobruary 4, 1959 7 rr. | COBOURG -- A sample dog hy: | 4 law was submitled 10 goon 1SSe clerk Ken Symons | In #8 letier to council secom panying the bylaw, the United Counties eounetl urged tighter eontrol on sll family pets which] ; ! of could e rabies into the home, [8 uid carry rab DE an Northumberland commitiee of Particular attention was focus the Canadian National Institute sed on dogs which have a habit loo oe Rind was held st the of wandering far afield, and poicich Hotel, Cobourg which are lighle to pick up dis {ease more so than other animals! James Kinney, the (reasurer, indicated $2301.27 had heen spem | TIMES BUREAUS [oughos_be phat, Yoo tia COBOURG (vention of blindness, The annual Gi, McAuliffe COBOURG the Cobourg and West campaign for operating funds al 'most reached its objective of FR, 2:-5439 $200, The amount collected was \82406,75, or about $200 short of the goal, Contributions are sull being taken hy the treasurer, My Kinney at the Bank of Montreal on King street in Cobourg R, J. Padden reported all sight less persons im the district had een regularly contacted during Promise End Smoke Nuisance COBOURG -- Abatement of the I smoke nuisance In the west end The armual meet | of Cobourg is expected shortly when General Wire and Cable in | lstal » special Incinerator at a of almost $4000. The &an | eost 1 nouncement was made (o counel Times Staff Photos Alrways Corpora Officials who selected the sialled In the very near future, ford, and Mrs, WR, Lazier, A, ( and a nice fg Monday night by Councillor J, M Lees. Hitherto the smoke from the factory, generated when plas ties are burnt off wire, would spread to clothes lines In the * West End left drill rig blackened from top to To satisfy property owners in the west end, the company agreed some time ago to burn refuse at night, but complaints were received concerning the acid fumes The new Incinerator, when in ¢ said they each had to speak will not only burn waste but will| Blackmore and L have a hurn all carbon and other deposits in the smoke hefore I leaves the smoke stack the past year and received many services Talking book library service, residential care, home teaching, handicraft, and supplies and Chilstmas cheer weve supplied In addition people- with falling vision were given eye care Officers. elected for the year 1060 were as follows: Chairman J, G, Inmlop; viee ehalrman, A i, Willmott, QC; secrelary, Mrs Willa Cook; treasurer, James Kinney; commiitee members In clude Miss J, Reynar, Mrs, D Rolph, Mrs, R, Conlin, Mrs, F. N Blackwell, Mrs, R, Manning, Mrs Chas, Hagen, Mrs, BD, Brad GG Vraser Representatives of the various elubs and organizations are, Busi ness and Professional Women, 1958 Target Mrs, L. Young; Kinette's Club, Mrs, RB. M, MacCoubzay; 1ion's, G. 7, Knifion; 2th COD, 14, Col, I, H. Deyman; representatives of the various rural areas are: Bal timore, J. R, Fraser; Gores Landing, Mrs, Wallace, Har: wood, Mrs Johnson; and Hosenenth, Archie Camps hell L n Mrs - yy _- HOSPITAL AID PARIS (Reuters) --An internae tional Wood hank hes come inte force under suspices of the Comell of Vurope, Belgium, Tree land, Norway. and Sweden ha already vatified "the agreem and seven other countries pre ia process of ratifying it for speedy transportation ne ross national houndaries SOUR'N SUNK _ $0 LIFE LOOKS PUNK? Then wake up your liver bile and find life worth living again. If your liver doesn't pour up to twe pints of liver hile into your sysiem wery day your food may not digest you suffer from constipation and life hardly seems worth living! That's when you need Carter's Little Liver Pills, These mild and gentle vegetable pills stimulate the flow of bile, Your system starts working. naturally and the world lnoks good, Remember, If life's not worth living It may be. the liver, Keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hard, Only 436, the HHO with Beech ( "* " A strong B03 triple in C Bowling League this week ommission ingles of 336 and 257, Na went 288, 230-705, George Corbett PORT HOPE -- George Bneyd a5) 251.600; Ada Hills* 237-674 vas re-elected hy acclamation a8 [ois Brandwood, 204-0608, 1 ou g chairman of Port Hope Recrea perguson, 6B, Hon sion Tuesday night! Peprguson leads the high aver fourth consecutive gga for men with 216, while Dor othy Austin has an average of 19] commission to head the ladies will Bowlers over 225 Smith: secre. Halford, 260; John ( mer; and Mary Donaldson Faylor Myr, | Beninish, 234; Ned Smith replaced the late Moss Ted Fulford, 231; Hewson last year, and this year #20 replaces him as vieechalrman In his first year on the eom- . mission {s Bleve Jex, recent eoun ppointe 0 ell appointee, replaces W, Wiad Other members are Dy P k B d Mans for thi sen lor ar S oar eltizens' aetivities discuss COROURG ed, There are now 201 pensloned prosser and eligible for participa Commi fo serve a term With him on the In 1069 Carl were Tan Hills, , 247 246 Mar Powr 294 Ross Russell executive he vice. | chalrman Lay Mrs Boyd treasurer Jack Yka W. A. Heberle and Boh Rriden year's were Councillors Fd Al Perfect have heen appointed members of the ton hoard of parks management of A committee was appointed 0 (the athletic field management attend an annual east-central hoard of Victoria Park wne workshop, this year held for| The area designed as an ath recreation commissioners at 14nd: | etic field is land surrounding the say, Feb, 7, Purpose of the meet. [Kinsmen Wading Pool. It. has ing Ia to show commissioners heen designated to qualify for a how to improve local programs, grant under the Community Cen With Carl Smith and Mrs, Boyd | (res Act, The annual grant would Upper expected a delegation amount to $1800 from the pro of other Interested eltizens vinelal government New Idea Gets Big Box Order The Canadian today ahead for Cobourg de Is | COROURG Division of Flectrie annduneed more work lie Cobourg lepaing and General | water-proof that The only way the box troyed was by burning people, with a new order for am: being cut up with a power saw munition Ix Production peo Ite unusual strength comes ple started this week on from the "sandwich eonstrue 2000 of the boxes for the RCA tion of laminated plastic, glass hringing more than 1000 man matting and glass cloth, The lay hours of work to the plant ors are moulded together under The box was developed in Co [high pressure | bourg In 1066, and showed the! The outstanding design of the way to a completely new field of (hox netted Cobourg a top indus moulding, 1t was a first venture trial award In early 1057. It was into glass-enforeced Polyester definite triumph for the engin moulding, and it attracted con: eering staff of CGF siderable attention from - the! The new order augurs well for whale industry a broader market for the box, Nothing like It had ever heen state CGE officials, Medical sec doveloped before, It could support [tons of the armed forces are con a 2400 pound load without eol-'sideving it for carrying supplic PAGES Suse ar CANT ot J CSI i tir po ok SENECA AS 1, TSE y AR ol wre TW fo was completely and weather proof could be or X OH work al PTE TT i ph TT Ta dE SE ty of Ny Neca Pn) ii (EN HAE . h " i J x ™ 0 PLASTERING a ancient ane Ll AS SHOWN BY PLASTER WORW AT LEARY 4.000 VEARS OLD AND STILL IN EXCELLENT CONDITION IN EGYPTIAN RYRAMIDS AND IN COFFIN DECORATIONS, " / EE UN 7 THE & PRINCIPAL TOOLS OF PLASTERERS TO-DAY ARE PRACTICALLY IDENT) CAL IM DESIGN AND SHAPER WITH THOSE URED IN ANCIENT EGYPT, YO FIND A PLASTERER, LOOK IN TMH YELLOW a u ---- 0/0 You KNOW 2? MOVIE MAKERS NAVE AN UNUSUAL UBER FOR PLABTER- IN SNOW STORM SCENEKR, LOOKS MORE LIKE SNOW THAN, SNOW! VERY NEED, POR SYN TNE rg ves) «i 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Bargains are always available at these great events, but at Millwork and Building Supplies, a sale is not necessary. The bargains are always available here. COME IN TODAY AND INQUIRE ABOUT LOW COST The REAL wood panelling of sculptured loveliness, 'The Factory finish that is baked on", Easy to Mandle 16" x-7' and 16" x 8' Panels , . + FOR YOUR REC ROOM OSHAWA MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES Ltd. RA 3-4694

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