The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1959, p. 5

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1 high of 5 members, | BROC Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 88703 Top Performance Men's Club Plans Dance | ou in 'more than 15 countries, the composition Is connected, Bt, John The Evangelist! was guest soloist for the Whithy Dunlops, Merchants Battle To 2-2 Draw |v co pee SEER There was plenty of action, both wri" hoo on Jan, 31, The certs, legal and Sbaiwisn, The fight be. president, J. ¥amonde was inl The association's final eoncert tween Treen a Wag 8 oir [the chair, Reports were given will be held Monday, March 23, best seen in hy Ys ' hi Thy the secretary, Jack Larkin, when the Solway String Quartet Py jouer there | Pinging and the treasurer, Nick Mor. will be guest artists, --d that was the way Bus Gagnon" Tasey. 1 W The program was indicative of sharp major" of the Merchants appeared to be | BAL arrangeman eT¢ Dudley's brilliance and outstand- delightful trying to carve up some of the made for the Pre-Lenten dance ing yuccess in a field to which Chopin's Dunnies with his stick, especial. |%0 be held on Fob, Jo Jol he has already made a memor-\ which brought to the surface hi Iy Harry Sinden, ; . , We doubt the auspices of the Men's Social shie contribution, true excellence, if he made very many friends i #Hatrmah Rany Baxter vith his actions here last' night, | #4 Ya Sons toy in args o He ,., We chatted with a number |b1¢ G8nCe An prizes, entative of fans after the game, some who i Bh Why ph Viareh 17." have played more hockey Ing uo" oangwments will be Whithy than Gagnon and they [oq oS 0 Toert meeting of 7900 * said they were ashamed to admit ma oa wh wir be held atl. Hayon's sonata in ¥ flat, a dif- that he was an ex-Dunnle, , gf van A's } rool fi That Is the way things go fn this 2 0 A Austin dls. ments, showed Dudley's articula- game of hockey and next. Tues oh bring ul Bde si tion and precision to be nothing day night's game should be a d " «duties in |@#s than amazing etalls for the usher duties In Tu "oe Gorman selections, served in the common room fol slzzler , In the meantime E will be the visitors, . the new church, The meeting ,.. hg? ' concert. wall Chevies wil don't forget the big one here on| th prayer. Refresh ¥ruhlingsnacht' by Bchumann- lowing the concert A capacity hear Ray Dudley, Canada's re- ity. nowned concert pianist in another He of his brilliant performances, ed modern compositions Includin pri : By CLIVY GORDON "Paper Doll, Rag Doll, Punch A tired but exceptionally game Whitby Dunlops teem, playing their fourth game (on four nights, \ battled to A Moai the wi fhe © Kingston Merchants oe Ia gl night, The game was highlighted ¢ by a fisticulf between Red Olsen and the visitors and AY Treen of the Dunnies, Olsen came out of the game right there and then as he picked ' up a minor, major, misconduct and game misconduct, Treen got a five - minute sentence for fight. =| ng ! Gordie Myles and Treen pro vided the scoring punch for the Duanies, with Roy Partridge and Ken Linesman doing the scoring for the visitors On Saturday night the Corn. for everyone, werman hymns) arranged by given him, Dudley played tw |waltz" and "Chopin's Nocturne' Ray Dudley, his WHITBY and DISTRICT Rey Dudley Gives {xd ion | audience filled the Liszt, and "Vinerailles" by Liszt, necessary noise in concert hall at the Ontario were further indication of the for- Whithy. {Ladies' College Friday night to'mer Bowmanville planist's abil-| ye bylaw, introduced by Coun-| fet played Liszt's "Mephisto 1 oriticized by Deputy - reeve {Waltz and explained to the 8ud)-| Gyerert Quantrill as "too Dudley, who has thrilled audi. ence about the poem with which (jye, the latter being pleasant lstening| if vou yell at your boy in othe Metro Conservation Author. In his final three numbers he| ' vl |played Rachmaninoff's 'Prelude og Fg be locke deputy. | Pickering twp. on Jan, 15 when in G major" and "Prelude in Groove Quantrill said, *'1 To conclude this never been in favor of a re. Ng the car, he said, he noted a worked in Toronto and intended program he played| yviotod hylaw of this kind," i "Ballade in G minor", Councillor John Wootton sald he He played two Bach chorales Answering a resounding encore |i, oonirol the nose," he asked" & | Cohen to open-the program. They more Chopin compositions and | mired to here" and "'Sanctify us by Thy Chopin selections were "'E minor yi said wife and cult selection with three move. mother were introduced to the wag too restrictive, "However," THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Vebrusry 4, 1959 ] Noise Bylaw 'Prospector's Gun zz eS ex Cogts Him $25 the town of A Frenchman's Bay man, found | Accused (old the court that he in possession of a sawed off 22 had just purchased the rifle, has been Mined 125 and |Suomenic rifle thal day and costs for having such & weapon. shoulder pack. He said that he ox ded guilty in the Peterborough area and glefl members voted four to three | Defore Magistrate Frank Ebbs in| pected to carry the gun as pro- lor Jack McAvoy, was strong. [Ravel's "Ondine" and Villa Lobos in favor of the bylaw, thus neces." !0Y police court on Tuesday. |iection against wild animals, such Robert Speakman, an officer in| as hear, [t id that he had been t MH jo ar us ik = esidential district after 6 pm, |My. #4 on pat- was tender pri is Gs? vol on the Valley Farm road, in|by Crown Attorney Alex. C, Hall, QC, Accused explained that he ", | Litating the Mayor 10 vole, | have he noticed a parked car, Check tity of 22 fon, eRe Di esd, had 8 telt such A _|appeared on scene and at he was married and one jun via Yast dod. 070 denied that he had a 22) child, ; pifle. Latsr, he sald, he found the Crown Miorney Hall told the 0) uy, ldn't . (rifle in trunk of the car, The court that no evidence oe au a1 Pg LAL barrell had been sawed down to|anything sinister in the nk | ere "Beloved Jesu, we are Bcarlatti's Sonata, His choice of after 6 p.m." deputy-reeve Quan.|1ess than 20 inches and the buit|actions, In addition to the fine, the gun had been sawed off, leaving only, ie was confiscated, Mayor Jermyn said he voted the pistol grip handle, no because he agreed the bya audience by Dr. 5. L. Osborne, ly, wai "[ agree some parts of it y {principal of the Ontario Ladies' gnouid he used," He told Connell | an aces ar e College, Tea and a lunch were jo. soAvoy that § could be re- "introduced later, and then next Tuesday night the Saturday night when the Corn- were served by P. Kingston Merchants will he back A All be the visitors, ents ' ote a ae Pa i Tal a fy emit | WHR COUNCIL BRIEFS nies, as they still seek their first or 1A Treen, No, 2 Fine 3 Youths ON Care, Control Judgment has been reserved Department, He said that accus for one week in the case of an ed was intoxicated, No win of the season over the Blair were, . | ar mops an bu Ses | Have Games Night === f ingston goalie, managed team, Lynn Davis, the Kings [1 FTILL SMARTING tremendous second period that SUMMARY | . Ratepayers Association asking of $3500 was ref | The Merchants were #t11) had all the earmarkings of play-| tal Period | At High School town council to reduce the wood nance committee th trouncing off hockey, but there vas no scor-| limit In their area to mph, Smanting fom the 12 Srouneins)o The Dunnies took the lead 1, Whithy, Myles, | A most successful games night ooo orarred to the traffic com handed them last Saturday nigh! ing bY; Jr, in Kingston hv the Dunnies and once again at the 355 mark of Attersley, Tree it they had fire In their eye right the final frame as Alf From win # Kingston, 3 ig ge, from the first whistle, Myles played a standout game for the agian, Coly : he started the ball rolling for the Dunnies hit the mark with Myles| Penalties Treen, major for Home and Bchool py er he-| tersley getting the assists fighting, 17.25 Dunilen 48 Je Hiced 5 Sole the nA oY y ' jor, misconduct and game mis: ners for bridge, euchre and num- pudget $1000 for Christmas dec. zoning bylaw, {erous other prizes 7.10 was held at the Whithy District ives by council at its meeting Mr. Wiggans that he he permit High School last Saturday eve. wqooq4.0 night 18.31 ning under the auspices of the 4 Association an a lot he owns on Byron street teams Is rising Ia ) | all the scoring and the fans cheer. 3. Whithy, Treen, Newton; ladies' low, Mrs. M.I7he bylaw committee received ihe association asking that some Ti { back to nor - A " ig ig fn A ne SoH od loud and strong as the final Myles, Attersiey 8.55 Harris: men's low, Mr, O. Atkin: pe request thing be done about distemperec the mark on a three-way passing seconds ticked off Kingston Line man 13.50 son, Numerous other prizes in . : dogs. play with Raglan and Colvin, ICE CHIPS, , , This was an. Penalties Tom O'Connor. cluding the door prize were won|, The resignation of George 0.99. Toppazzini, slash. by those holding lucky numbers {Bevan as council's representa. Requests for thelr annua That was all in the first period, other of those real thrilling ro slashing ! 7 The teams battled through a bust Kingston - Whithy games ing, 9.30; Colvin hooking Hillcrests Wallop | WHY Georgetown Here 17.43 Dancing was enjoved in theltive to the lake Ontario Con. Kranis from the Retarded Chil auditorium under the supervision servation Authority was accepted dren's of Mrs, ¥, Ing and Mrs, H [with regret, Mr, Bevan said busi. (Myers. A delicious lunch was ness obligations would not permit finance committee [served in the cafeteria with the him to retain the post, head table highlighted by a The new town engineer wil nated by Burtinsky's Florists, The many friends of Mra, Charl: | | aa Baker, of Kent street, are sor ry to learn that she Is in the thank Mr, Catherwood, Principal nance committee, at Hillerest school, for his able assistance with the euchre tables, | decided by council, | Council approved a request! The clerk was solidify their hold on fourth place night at Whitby Arena | and assure themselves a playoff. Whitby then enters a four-out-|, C= prompt recovery spot in the OHA Suburban Seven of-seven series with Brooklin Junior € hockey league Combines, The first game 1s In. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kzanoski, Fine Follows Georgetown was Tran-qullized |Brooklin Saturday, Feb. 14, and of #60 Byron street north, spent . 1 in the opening period as brothers the second game at Whithy Arena last week end in Montreal | 1r [1 SSau t Paul, Elmer and Herb Tran ex- Monday, Feb. 16 : pioded with three goals In the SUMMARY Three-year-old Debby Deks une An Oshawa man who admitted first four minutes to give Hill Ist Period derwent tonsillectomy at ® assaulting his girl friend while ovests 8 commanding it 1, Whitby: P, Tran (KE. Oshawa General Hospital, She 1s they were visiting friends in trio bounced back again| Tran, H, Tran) 1.94 now at home and making rapid White has heen fined $50 and the final frame to equal their] 2. Whithy: E, Tran (H, progress, Her friends wish her a costs or one month In Jal, Roy earlier performance and help in:| Tran, P. Tran) 8.08 speedy recovery, {Laffin, 30, of 446 Fairlight Ave, sure the win, | 8 Whitby: P, Tran (H. Oshawa, was sentenced byl Hillcrests were leading 40 he. Tran, P. Tran) fore the visitors broke through! 4 coming home shortly. They wish missioners, paring a report on the project, Whitby United Church Reports Growing Year Whitby: G. Luke tion Army held a most success: |, "orice aout on Tuesday, meeting of the Whithy United |tion and character training [ful rummage sale last Saturday form 7. Whithy: B, Lundemark pn Luke) 14.43 RN. Bingham town's second period ance, (G Georgetown opened and closed | 8. Georgetown the scoring again in fhe final (R, Coxe) * stanza as s McKay clicked for| Srd Period ly donated and also attended Mrs, W. Rusnell 17.12 entertained at her | Sunday In honor of Mr gested that she stay overnight/worship was conducted hy the life of the church are as follows of Brooklin, at the friend's house, minister, Rev, John M, Smith Young People's Union, home last| The accused, she sald, pulled A time of prayerful and grate: W's Couples Club, Choir ny y , smbrance was d Mrs, [her down the stairs by her haip|ful remem And for all the faithful adherents and (the Boy Scouts I ond goal of the fr nd! 9. Georgetown: R. McKay Charles Armstrong on the occa. And struck her In the. mouth, ig 4 oh a dir ; i fis Jerond Soul MA 0 10) od (F, Harrison) 1.12 ston of their 5dth wedding anni breaking her lower denture [enibars who Jad een tilken by| ou Sunday Seon) Yaport Wow. Between Georgetown's two goals 10. Whitby: P. Tran (F versary. Wishes for many mors ny Aecuied Jud : the ot sally gunng ie Pas yeu! oo ar Foiment 2 ! the Tr thers, assisted o Tran, H, Tran) 4.43 happy anniversaries are exten 4 ANC complainant hac ) e li sg . id lly how To ited on o. wn Hen) loa and Mrs. Armstrong agreed that the charge be amced with the lection " Pon: J Plection Ware Jia tolovy To scored three more Hillérest tal: Lundemark, G. Luke) 10.02 \ dropned If he would pay her et with oy val Ai "e N Gran or, w lies, Mol Brown added another 12, Whithy: Ken Roberts Mrs, C, C. Murty and Mrs, F, medical expenses, His Worship meeting, and with the approve) wig hs Li ; " 5 y The It " 1 divid (P. Tran, H. Tran 14.07 Love, of Oshawa, were co-hosteas- sald that the charge could not! the minutes, reports o 10 Fillison, i. Grobb, Ivan Law, pena io were well divided 3. Whit H Tr Pp es at a gel together dinner party (be dropned and levied the fine, VAFOUE hoards and organizations A, KE. Patterson, and T, Shortt and few, Whitby had three of the 13. Whitby Na ran 1g 10/held at the home of Mrs, Murty.| His Worship denied the ac of the church were then re: were re-elected, five Issued ( Tran r ran widge [i 1rs, James Heffering, of Coch-lcused anv time In which to|ceived Messrs, W. F., Davidson, J. A Hilicrests end their league ac: 14. Georgetown Prides rane street, Whitby, attended, = !ralse the fine These Indicated a year of Robertson, Ross Law, Gordon tion this week with a game at (B, Lewis, R. Falking growth and progress, The Session White and Dr. DC. MacKay Brooklin Saturday evening and' ham) 1948 pr. and Mrs, BE. A. MacMillan renort revealed that 128 members| vere elected, To the Committee entertained at a birthdav dinner were added during the year. The of Stewards - the following were BOWLING NEWS LEAGUE Thursday Section and maintenance enterprises Doug Rowden bowled a high'the United Church of Canada RH, Daniel, F. Quantrill, K triple of 812 in the Thursday! The Building Finance Commit [Eliott R. Crawford, Tan Hamer, . Have First Plans : ] section of the Whithy and Dis [tee reported receipts of $10,930.16 Morley Johann and Dr. J, Davies trict Men's bowling league last/and that progress was being and Dr. K, Hobbs, Of New Town Hal re, Pp and Mrs, W. J. Hainds sending $8610 for the missionary |Cullough, and the following were Maossrs, J, W. Clough ! ' [Vast Sunday In honor of their Committee of Stewards reported re-elected, Mrs. H, C. Phillips (daughter Ruth's 12th birthday, |= S---------- roceipts of $22.004.42, and the Miss Mildred Price, Messrs, Neil : Three Members Guests from Toronto were Mr WHITBY DISTRICT MEN'S IM, and M. Committee reported Murkar, R. J. Fleming, F. Me J of [elected Join Rotarians Three new members were In: Street School, Gord Grobb gave ' y AAP Preliminary ducted into the Whitby Rotary a report on the VON meeting he yong Club Tuesdi Increasing the attended ax a representative of \o.- club's membership to an all-time the club, It was announced the Ajax-Whithy would be held Wednesday, Feb made according to plan in the re:| Messrs. F, Ollen - Bittle and drawings for| Dick Adams also was among |duction of the mortgage. C, Freeman were elected Church hall have the top bowlers with a 786, Other] Woman's Missionary Soclety|Aunditors for the year 1959 bullding high triples were: Doug Allen sent $1,430.02 for the continuance] Omer Edgeley, on hehalf of the Alex. 730, 275; Myrle Reeson 731; Joe of their work, and the Woman's congregation expressed apprecin | Association reported $3404.81 had tion to Rev. and Mrs, John W new town presented to the committee, Councillor Rotary _ bonsniel gooiy informed council Monday [Trott 718 The new members are; Rev A night Wiig singles were: Fred been ig or te Jrojotion. o} Smith, church officials and staff, Stanley Armatrong; rector of '% hoi He sald the bullding would he Match 330; Jim Ross 307: RBoh|their work in the local church and 4 All Saints' Anglican Church, v Gunls ward Jortodicod " Ie constructed to face No, 2 High. Green 202; Ward Bick 200; Fd community ; tives and leaders and Sunday + Whithy: Jim Brooks and Art an we in Ven i) on wav and would be set back 60 Samanski 287; John Brueckle] Reports of the youth groups School staff for the splendid serv Conrad, wach was introduced to Pobbik, vata ' Sicke, Claue : foot from the road (204; Tom Beer 272; Jack Lee showed that the following pro. fee rendered in all phases of the the club by his sponsor, who Yivond, Doug Langmaid anc 260; Charlie Sawdon 272: Jim grams were heing conducted in'church work, , Councillor Scot 0 rec A gave a brief resume of the new Army Armstrong of Oshawa ouncillor Scott also recom: kid 268: B. Tarsman 258; Rill member's past New Cuvdon, PuNurview Al 2d mended that. a Rarce) of 1and Jordan 208; Vern Sheffer 257 FRIDAY NITERS | E . G ild T Don Tutt presented them with J¥sek [Hugh Hustler. Alax: ln Sorifh ot flenee nl Coe C. Sales 27: Al Hepburn 253; Barbara Sherman rolled the vening ul 0 the &Way Test and a copy of aidan Whitfield of Fast York. Public Library Board providing 7 owat 252; D. Spencer 252 high single for the ladies in the . the Objects of Rotary, They the hoard agrees to leave the .. ohm scores were: Legion Old Friday Night blowling league last ee oya im were warmly welcomed to the trees Intact and that the plans Sweaty 3 Donald Motors 0; fweek. She had a 236, while Fred club by president Ted Sims, who HIDDEN DROP for A new brary are suitable to Maer Six 2: Credit Unlon 1;(Stevenson was high man with! tna Al Saints' Anglican presented each vith a booklet! BURTON = ON « TRENT, Eng council Sees Kt Amateurs 0, ( ounty oan Church - Evening Guild Branch on Rotary and attendance op Luckily the owl 2; Oftenbrites 1: Firemen fligh triples were bowled by: paid their regular monthly meet place wa President Ted Sims reminded empty when the ground subsided \ : Hi Mowat's BA 1 Spencer Cari Alberta Hutchinson 624 and Fred ing lagt Monday at the parish \ members of the minstrel show in a parking lot in this Stafford M k R b | ) arket ! Dodgers 0: Red Wings Stevenson 660 (hall. The meeting opened with | practice heing held Wednesday shire town, revealing a 30-fool oc e e S { Club Bayview 2; Coca Colns 1. Scores of over 200 ere PERI prayer hy the president, Mrs. J! night at 645 pm. at Colborne well holding 16 feet of water y ' TRICE anrg Maved hyo Alberta Hutchinson, [cpa warth, Reports were given WHITBY DISTRICT MEN'S 3000") od Stevenson 206, 280; oo ire anermare Meg. ee LEAGUE. Ab Samanski 207, Bill Fulton 246, |quvd and the treasurer, Mrs Seize Station | [ | Wednesday Section Chris Robinson 217, Glen McLean py, | MONCTON (CP) Rearded, D. Denver had the high triple 236. 213 Mation Graham aon, || 8 ia ! WHITBY "rebel students seized control of [In the Whithy and District Men's| jack Scott 202, Bill Gryllg 298, | lembers were thanked for CKCW-TV here Tuesday In a howling league Wednesday see-[205; Wally Polley 203, 243; John thelr Worle a Vv operation In mock raid tor two ¢ 715 were 2 wokv Snelgrave 999 | S0TVINR to the Vestry meeting Phone MO 8.3618 MOCK rai on last week with a 715 {Devere 232, Becky Snelgrove 222 The evening. hranch will be, The station switchbeard was Other high triples. were rolled Others wore Bill Burnside jammed with calls, mostly from by: T. Melvor 711, 37; W.!907. Grace Leonard 213. Bill' Snel oatering to the Rotary luncheon frantic parents. One housewife | Polley T10: I botont. TOR Tarai ph , PA Do {during the month of March rar m \ oLsewife il Frank Sweet 706, 'grove 200, Al Fry 206, Barbara ' sald hor youngsters were "fright. 275 Sherman 236. Jim McLean 250 nda the convenership of Mrs . . ened to death Ron Chills had high single In Glen Rorabeck 220, Jane Myers | Wilson for the fivat week and 5 [3 Benefit Night For Station switchboard operator [the 250 and over group with 202.1214. Andy Mvers 214. 216: Rob! r% Charles Rycroft for the Tanet Dujay was too upset to con. Others were. Fred Wallace 287; (Sherman 204. 202 {second week. Other conveners tinue work after the half-dozen D. Melntyre 285: Glen Dooke| Lemon League Relle Grylls | 2° ta be aphointed for the re.| WHITBY GIRL GUIDES armed students wearing Khaki 283 Doe Dafoe 277 George 88, Lloyd Bradley 81, Grace Leo mainder of the month [ yy The next meeting will he held shorts marched into the TV studio Hodgson 277: Al McHaMie 277: Inard 86, Robert Brown 87 16 at. the parish hall at Huntley 268; Les Reed) Team standings Black La. on Feb Wilks 257; John Clarke bels 8, Hoop Las 6; Braves 5; 8 pm. in the form of a social Tivindale 2064 Shamrocks 5; Red Caps 5; Sim. When a colored film will he) scores were: Bathurst ple Simons 3; People Eaters 3; shown entitled "Sceptre and the Oshawa Wood Prod 1: [Painters 1 Mace", showing the most recent! on a prearranged plan with the Harold station management 0 W A student acting as Cuban 255; J rebel leader Fidel Castro told TV| Team viewers: "This Is a revolutionary (No, 1 2: ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY STARTING AT 7.30 P.M. movement, We have taken con:|Alseo 2; Ramblers 1; Jokers 2: visit of Queen Elizabeth in ALL SEATS -- 60¢ trol of this station." He spoke for|R and R "ransport | Munns| GOOD FISHING Canada | nearly 10 minutes Press 3; Millwork Builders 0:1 ROLLESBY: England (CP)In! The meeting closed with . Only Joe Irvine, studio program All Sweets 2: Grand Union 1:!a halt-dav's fishing in this Nor: praver- by Mrs. J. Crawforth TO SECURE TICKETS APPLY AT BOX OFFICE director, and station manager Canucks 2: Old Sailors 1; Has folk village three members of an Tea hostesses w ore My Fa Fred Lyons knew about the make. | Re Bathurst No 2 1; Black angling club janded 250 pounds of Speers and Mrs, Charles Ry believe raid before It took place |Angols 2; Firestone 1, pike. croft . . quest from the Park Visia| Town Planning Board's budget For Obtaining 0 | ted to build a five-room cottage he aoe of 21 Whithy Chamber of Commerce Council said the lot was not of Donald Ferguson, 18, of 600 Hick. '*5day. Olsen, minor, ma- The following names were win- asked council in a letter to sufficient size to comply with the ory street, Whithy, and Terence! PC A. Summers, of the Whithy sult was jailed, t ared as if the Dunnles conduct J orations for the town this year. | : mark the 17.256 mark, the BLA for another win, but 2nd Period Bridge: Mrs, E. A, Falrman, |The matter was referred to the| It v4 agreed a a pO A tie 17.20 math, the were Sueded foe another win, ooo None L iwint Mrs. P J oat Mr, A. Horack, property committee, The € of C Pati. Vita Swim Ratwpagery peared before Magistrate Frank [the ' y "War / les ~ + elbowing, Mr. J. A, Bran 180 requested a Joint meeting ' rouncll w ly got thelr money's worth as|from a local forward and went in Penalties ASOT Puch ladies' hi M 7 also req "in, rate n 4 | el ' J y " " ) g a dog catcher, The decision the riv. between these two lo best Henderson who was left 12,17 tichre, ladies wh re with council to discuss the Hawk- '" : " he alry like a rocket al alone on this one. That was 3rd Perlod Beattie; men's high, Mr, W. J.|ug Peddlers and Traders bylaw, | Was In answer to a letter from Association and Whitby arden Club were referred to the, 4. "of" the 'same department, | $4 Accident Puts Carrer Service beautiful flower centre plece do-| The Whitby Industrial Commis. have an office where the VON ed in the vehicle, Two of the [sion's budget of $0000 was pre- currently is and notice to vacate)... "v. caiq The association also wishes to/sented and turned over to the fi. will be given the VON, It was 4 coiirell, 3 | instructed to Oshawa General Hospital, but bile Utlit p) il the Ontario Municipal Whitby Hillcrests walloped thelr final game of the schedule ha to report that she is mak. also the members who donated from the Public Utilities Com. write i 001 } { to|being hosts to Midland Monday |M*PPY . (food, card tables, ete, mission that the salaries of the Board advising it the town Georgetown 104 Monday nigh ng ing progress and expects to be meer | ahpirman and commissioners be has not dropped plans for a side raised to $400 annually for the walk on Henry street and the), toxicated chairman and $300 for the com. town engineer is currently pre : a.39 The Youth Group of the Salva {Magistrate Frank Ebbs in Whit. The annual congregational the interests of Christian Fduca. been named honorary president a dispute arose when she sug church organist, Mrs, J. Beaton, !lowship and service within the four Women's softball, Mrs, Lott was | AOTS named secretary of the union in observed Men's Club, Ladies' Auxillary of group and organization exect:| trate Frank Ebbhs in Whitby === | waiting for the {when his ear | from PC Morley Nicholsen, of the Oshawa man charged with havin | yc, "DO, told the court tak Three youths ran afoul of the Me care and control of 8 motor ye appeared on the scene and law this week when they were Vehicle in a private driveway. offered to leave the accused st Council refused a request from .onvioted of purchasing or other- Dean E, Corbett, 24, 80 Chadburn [614 Dundas street east, where he street, pleaded not guilty to the gaid he lived, and take th wise otal I hil id wa) e lved, a e the car (wise obta ns Jar vii Thomas | "Maree before Magistrate Frank for the remainder of the night, Robert Strong, 19, of Scarboro, PDs in Whithy police court on|ingead, he told the court, the accused objected and as a re Lilyd Cottrell, 16, of 1014 Byron|Detachment of the OPP, told the| Defence counsel R, D, Hum» fri north, Whithy, were each [court that he had been driving phreys, QC, argued that the inform the| "sos and costs when they ap- {past 614 Dundas street east, on|charge should be dismissed since night of Jan, 11, when helit stated that the accused was "|Ebbs in Whithy police court on|heard a car horn sounding, In- alleged to have had the care and 4 vestigating, he sald, he found a control of a motor vehicle on the Strong was also fined $25 and |car parked in the driveway and a highway, In this case, he sald, |" Strons the car was in a private drive |costs for being intoxicated in aman on the seat, with his knee public place and Cottrell was against the horn, way, fined $10 and costs for a similar! He said that he wakened the Crown Attorney Alex, C. Hall, || offence iman, the accused, and tumed QC, argued that the part specify. | Cpl. William Middleton, of the him over to the Whithy Police ing the highway could be deleted, Whithy Police Department, sald] =" a _--. EY yt that he and PC Kenneth Ed- | were investigating a car which | was in a ditch on Victoria street, | | when they found four youths seat- By Feb. 28-Mayor ] » DriverInJail | = iu wer removam get letter drops we may have A Pickering Twp. man who mail delivery by the end . of While they were on the scene, [Was Involved in an accident re-| February," Mayor Harry Jem they said, Strong appeared in an- sulting in " dasnage. hoy heer myn told Council Monday night, alled for one week for driving| nravor Je Both officers testified that all While Intoxicated, Donald James "0p gid NS er three youths had been drinking Mills, 31, of Old Forest Road, | ij, Post Office Department ad. |and that Strong and Cottrell were was Ialled for seven days byl ico" wen what would be (Magistrate Frenk Ebbs in Whit-|y >of Tem whet > rk Hi mene (BY police court on Tuesday, can begin in Whithy, PC Charles Whiteside, of the| The circular stated all houses Whitby Detachment of the OPP, must he numbered and street told the court that he had in-|gigns erected. Its major point vestigated a rear-end collision at|was the installation of letter Garrard Road and Highway 2 drops, were Ferguson | | other vehicle, PWSU Honors Whitby Woman 5," ir, Ask Water Taps Mrs, Flo Lott, of Whitby, has ote, tie tal Y At Coronation Pk. A member of the PWSU execu- another car, eausing damage of tive for the past seven years,|$4. He also stated that Mills was of the Provincial Women's Soft-|wmills was ordered to pay rl Coronation Park Development {ball Union, Mrs, Lott shares the costs or serve another seven Committee Monday night asked : pr . iy' [Church was held in the assembly Baby Band, Mission Band, Ex | ) T] Nate [ ) ' . Mn «their defence to light the lamp In| (G Platt > 17.4810 Levi Reid in charge assisted 8 ¥ dibiog) Plater oh of 178 hall Wednesday, Jan. 28, com: plorers, CGIT, Brownies, - Girl[honor with Ellen Fairclough, |days, His car was impounded council to Install four water ont. the first minute of the middle nd Perlod tim. imcoe St, 8, Oshawa, told the , 4 ; ) : Minister of Immigration lets at Coronation Park f > Gord Luke and Bill] 8 Georgetown: R. McKay hy Miss Diane Harrison and Jim ona obs and Laffin had mencing at 6.30 pm, with a pot- Guides, Wolf Cubs, Boy Scouts Mrs Lol ow tol for three months and his licence lets at Coronation Park for the oni BR ¥ A nal roling| gh iil b gmy Reid, Lieutenant Zwicker pif ic 00 fo dn at 218 luck supper. Mission Circle, Junior Congrega ok ony Jax wie awed to drive was suspended for six purpose of watering plants, for Whitby again as they count.| 6, Whithy: G. Luke 'M also took an active part, Mr pga gr, in Whithy, when the| Following a period of hymn ition American Softh. HA wd tl months, | Mra. Joyce Burns, represent. by ys "| ' Reid, as chairman, wishes tol, on' fo vied, She sald that #0 g1ng accompanied by the Adult groups which provide fel | Soltba SROCIALION | eee |Ing the committee, told council od a goal each to equal George Brown, B. Lundemark) 1.18 thank everyone who so generous § n for the PWSU, Active for many| |the PUC gave the committee an years in the {estimate of $600 for installation the outlets, She sald that presently members were carry. ing hoses around the park in an effort to properly water the plants, Council referred the request to the parks committee, promotion of | Nurses' Alumnae Discuss Reunion 1051 and served In that post for |three years, She was vices [president for one year and for| The Whithy Ontario Hospital the past three years has been Nurse's Alumnae held their advisor. regular monthly meeting last Other officers of the PWSU are| Monday evening at the home of [president Gar Landers, of Strat. Mrs. D. 0. Lynch in the form of [ford; first vice-president Lil{# social. A short meeting was Greene, of Caledonia; second held with the president, Miss vice-president Mrs, Jean Bur./Elsie Fernley, in the chair, The sss, of Toronto; third vice./Mminutes of the previous meeting [president George Polly, of St, [were read by the secretary, Mrs MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY [Catherines secretary, Shirley A Anam ink of th Wright, of Toronto; treasurer| Yor the capping e pre. [Joan Rapsavage, of Hamilton; liminary students which will Phone MO 8.31 I nnd advisor Marj, McCarnan. of Lake place on Feb, 12, the | if you nave not recelved your Times by 7 pm, Call BELL TAXI All calls must be placed betwoen 7 ond 7:30 p.m, lumnae will, as in the past, | - offer corsages and lamps for all] [the students, Tentative plans | R d Ch {were made for a pot luck picnic] e uce arge, . be held in June. date to appear in the press at a later Toronto, |date. Possibilities for a reunion| ---- ---- 1 [of all graduates of Whithy On Levy $100 Fine TIO TTT {tarlo Hospital were discussed, {This meeting would be held '» Friday and Saturday To all Children An Oshawa man, who police ye 1960 sald was Intoxicated some time The meeting adjourned and [after a collision on Dundas St. | tainty refreshments were served has been fined $100 and costs pone yociace assisted by Miss|| Tropical Fish and Supplies, All for Impaired driving. Horst H. Whitman, Miss M. White and |] Hockey Equipment, Skates, Skis, Nehls, 26, of 34'4 Lloyd St, Miss M. Pollitt, : : Toboggans, up to -- 50% off Hunting end Fishing Licences Issued, Oshawa, appeared before Magis. SPORTSMAN'S CORNER 108 Byron St, §, MO 8.4311 Whitby 'til 9 pm, police court on Tuesday. FIND BABY'S BODY Fdward McDonald told the] TORONTO (CP) -- Allan Day, court that he had been stopped Toronto parks department em. on Dundas St. at Brock St, |ployee, Tuesday found the froen ht to change body of a baby near an entrance struck from to High Park in the city's west| the rear by another car. end, Coroner Dr, Morton Shulman He said he looked out and saw ordered a post mortem examina: the other car backing away|tion, | him; The accused's Wife; ~ ---- insisted that the police he called Cpl, William Middleton and PC James Barter, of the Whithy TO CONSIDER BY-LAW OF Police Department, sald that | they came ur.on Nehls some time later, and he was the standing] In. a store doorway, nearly one block away from the aceldent| scene. They both stated that he, was Intoxicated at that time, | Take notice that a by-law for raising $50,000 under the provisions of The Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into considera- tion by the Council of the Township of Whitby at the Council Chambers, Brooklin, on the 23rd day of February, 1959, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening Open Fri, His Worship ruled that al. though there was evidence that | the accused was Intoxicated | some time after the accident, there was none that he was in. toxieated at the time of the] accident. He then reduced the) charge to impaired In addition to the fine, His Worship sus. | pended accused's licence tol drive for six months | Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry | ~ ot, iid laugh or aneeve without nr of Insecure false teeth droppin slipping or wobbling, FAS Perh holds plates firmer and more coms fortably, This pleasant powder has no | fim BOOBY, pAKty taste or feeling MWEN'L catise nausen, It's alkaline (hon-neld). Checks "plate odor" (denture breath) Get FASTEETH ad any drug counter, ! MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk.

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