The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1959, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Vobruory 4, 1939 =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Ei (8--Building Trades 14--Household Repairs (19--Personal 32--Articles Wanted ~~ |37--Male Help Wanted (44--For Rent | T--Accountants } 4 "sanded, finish. TOUR local chimney cleaner, cuz SPIRELLA, free brassiere, special Uli WANTED ~ Used sewing an with senior ATTRACTIVE, furnished Tooms sv (BOB CLANCY'S Ontarie Ace | must be in good condition p desiring to become pro able | Please Note | INDEX Services offer complete bookkeeping also refinished Free estimates, [neys bullt and repaired, gas nin, in | February 14, Phone RA 3-445], wl nu . L} 291 | fensions] accountant" Rapid me B10 (thle Tye lone. | #2 Park RK ed, Free est) | Deadlines now ect fi services for small business, 184 Bond (Call RA 8.1528, ___|malled, furnaces vacuum IF YOU are not living a full and happy E) |ment Write Box 321, Oshawa Tin { pu thi dil : in ett " I TO WAN | AD | Breet West, Room, | L Office RA 80397; | CARPENTER work, framing, trim. mates. RA 3.2097, 7 __ [life "because of Tension, Fear, Fru a ry, wuilable for hureh Lu A re [oom apartment, "third floor, col in hea |! 8 col | Residence, RA 3.7 ming, kitchen eabinets, NHA approved. [SEWING machine repairs in your tration, a Complex, Hypnotism can help, ern Times MEN, executive (ype salesmen, $360 | Prone he and water, #70 monthly, S epnirs. 'No jobs 100 120, (Also "seduce weidht, slop smoking, re {Write Box 501, Y Births, Memorloms, Cords of CLASSIFICATION | YALE, pe ~ Hinter "and Co, Big" ortho ag to Work uarantesd, hams, ali makes, 43.00, Call BA 39720, lieve nervous pains, gain confidence! NG furniture, We'll uy 1.2 Re. Per month plus. bonus. Intensive, one | Thanks = | Accounts, and muditors, Licensed Dk Sore Lar mr Haat, Instiuuite ALi ey washers. pianos, Y#Or (raining, no experience necessary, |WOOM for rent; #ingle eds, | Jadien or 9 AM. SAME DAY I| | ==Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy, 84 King Street) 7. |CATL Jou, RA 58018 for eareniry, | Kinical Hypnosis, Professional Bild: te. Wor top cash offer, contact MAFFied man with good education pre. KSDUemen, Apply hi 2--Baorrister Van, Ovnawa; BL. Yue, CA; T. ROCKWOOL Tasuinton. Glowing mel painting and handyman, 4 Dundas West, Whithy pai ves, ste FOr 1p Yar" ferred, Write in confidence to Box 440, | #00 DEATHS ~-- anv : Friedlander, B, Comm. CPA (ods, oll materials" and workmanship Cllrs repuied Tare) das West, Whithy, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81) Gunn Times and incite phone man | NEAR OCVI, Fassia] snd North Pion, 11 AM. SAME DAY 3--Chiropractor 57 HOPKINS and Company, Certified fully i Moan after 8 ree estim ered. Dew Our MAH {SELL ING furniture or cleaning "out | ber, |lorge four . room apartment, private DIAL RA 3.3492 4mDantists Public Accountants, 172 King trent) ong ~ooling,| "8 Bruce R Rig 78 Charles East, | WOMAN would like ride to Toronin {your basement? You will he PE a - ~ [hath and enir nee, 85, Also two : ROOM | S--Nursing Services East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 53500 ALL (ypes dwelling "rep ating IRA 3.7212 Phone RA 5.8084 after 7 p.m 27¢ | highest price when you phone RA PERIENCED MEN, entranen; L) dmant, private hath and b=Optometris = |siding, plastering and repairs, In. | The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simeoe | INEX [of rangetie, refrigerator, , 7=Survevors MONTEVT, Sontaith, Wibt aed Bo (evs, ev, 11d repaired. Dai RA £03011 5.... \ngruction |21--Personal Service Street Bouth, 20-24, SINGLE A 570 0,28 --u ' Chartered Accountants, license: is | Gordon May en Adon LL -- ------------------ {Two To SATIRE, ; {| 7o--Veterinarions tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Btratiord, Toronto: No Thal Rec Toom mow, Free esti. PRIVATE teacher, wtudent counsellor, sitting hurenu | Whe desire to bean u selling. | jy) heavy mF i inh | r Hon, J. W, Monteith, ¥CA; AB Mon | Diastering, erproofing, | 15 years' experience, Appointment only. ||jgp) xperienced Women [of aby nt CEDARDALE career, Must be free to travel |one' child welcome, RA 58031 or 331 8--Building 7808 4 teith, B, Comm, CA; G, W Wen, Ch te? all building repair RA 59168 Call RA 5-1054, for children or elderly Canada. Experience not ne-' |La Salle Avenue wt Smbullding Settle RF. Ligniiost; CA: Gaorts wh t ALL bing and heating supplies, HARVEY Dance Academy. Baton, (ap, Pop! } periods, res SCRAP cessary, full sales training |THREE room apRriment. priv a |0==Sharpening Service ewey, CA, RA 53527, 135 Simcoe stree 1] 40. | Royal Academy ballet, Highland Reg! {sonable ri Mrs. R | P , private en CHRISTOF -- Mr, and Mrs. Anthony || 8 Opportunities North, Oshawa | Phone RA. 53521, Harold 8, Sark, 1 ' hoy now, 424 King West, RA 86122 | (3-4021 Office hours, § pm. IRON METAL LTD given in learning to act with |trance, all conveniences. Apply B98 Christof (hws Betty Joyter wish io aii [ 11o-Busions hy " t WERGER ¥ KEL AND CO, hesting ne 2 ! 13 2 pm. to 7 pm Closed Thursday { staff on literary offer of na. |Hrew Street Ed pounce the birth of their son, Gregory || 11e=Business Opportunities CRGE Simcoe Street South, TUTOR, student counsel or, "yi Hae pam. cE IRON 'e METALS tionwide Brganization' whose |UNVURNISBER two rooms snd kik I / ountants and auditors, 184 King nee -- gy 7 Joseph, § Ibs. 10 ozs., at Wellesley Hos Wanted Pi East, RA 3.0221 FIRST class plastering and repairs Experience. Appointment only, "Lose pounds and inch by using PAPERS : : RAGS |" representatives * travel from cheneite, built-in euphontds with sink, pital, Toronto, February 2, 1959, | 2=Dressmaking 4 d 1enonnbie Phone RA 5-8702 world famous Stauffer Home Reducing Atlantic to Pacif C nable, Phone KA 5 i tic acific, Car sup |3==Gardening & Supplies | 2Barristers LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator [Pian For information, call RA 3912 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY Ala ) I THREE Tight Foams: a "i boards in kitchen, adults hin CLANCY ~~ Ray and Norms (nee hdd Hal as Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pr 4 -- Repairs ------ ancing School, Clough) are happy to announce the ar. (| 14=Household JORN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Bolici YNES | scrobatie, Friday and Saturday 5.343 | 1) 767 vival of a son, Dayid Raymond, 6 1bs, || 18 instruction tor and Notary Public, 184 King Street HA R school 4efopatie: RA 3.7283, {HAVE one-ton ke ruck for on RESIDE 342 2 iis Exceptional future Commis Phone RA 57767 7 ous. on Monday, February 2, 1059, stl | Sony [East RA 3.2260, NHA and private mort: BUILDING CONTRACTO! You drive or ver py $ vi sion or selary plus bonus te FOUR . roomed house, newly decors the Oshawa General Hospital, A brother|l 770 me oon gages arranged TL ' * Old. Hieons Alax 419 100 ANNIS STREET qualifying applicants ated, Apply § Edward Street, Ajax, 38 for Danny AT==laray To No TONEPI Pangan, GC Warrinar,| Floor rg 3 ig port OIL PAINTING FREE PICK-UP Mr. Letros, 67 King St. E, |THREE-room basement apariment for Solicitor, Money to loan, Office 144 made like new, Har JANE BLACK Slenderizing Suite 4 rent, 850 monthly, 54 Glover Road J BARRISON -- Jack and Betty (nee | | Bo--Mortgage King Street East, Oshawa, RA 88232; or tiling. Carpenter work al- Evening Classes Studie. S) ee, a, Rede | 28h Phone RA 57846 Rts Wish 19 2hnoupce 919. at |9==Personal Residence, RA 58-3405 terations, Kitchen cabinets udio, Slenderizing, . i J " - Wii: dish to noun ! . Cs . | / THREE . room apartment, heavy duly ayia, on Rerun nine, ? 20--Cart 398 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister] our specialty. Radio Park Clubhouse | ing, Sream Bath end Mas- Webbing's {wiring, reasonable rent, close tn: Shop: Mexico, U.S.A 21 =Personal Service and wolicitor, 20% King Street East CALL RAS 7196 sage, 45) Simcoe St, South, Rental Service WOULD YOU LIKE ping Centre, Adults only, Apply Pine M " 13 ll ree Cab 630 . HEEB = Doug ont Miva, ive Spr} Rode Repurs jTeiehonel Busigans, RA 3 4 = wd nS RA 5.9602 for Appointment, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TO LEARN re, 8 By Suen Win, RA and Alva » - / asa ra eacher wish to announce the ar val of their 24eeMarket Basket MANNING F, BWARTZ, Barrister, DODD & SOUTER ris | Open 10 a.m 10 p.m, FOR RENT | COTTAGE for rent in Manchester. Ses daughter, Karen Lome, b Oshawa || 25--Pets and Livestock Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan, Asso RA 5- 3138 AFTER 7 TVR i 282 K Sr Want NEWSPAPER | Mrs, Sarah Cook, 90 Brock Street West, on February 1, 1950 ie 4 So A / we --- Mn f General Hospital, A ia Paul. | 26efarmer's Column Broek 200% Kink Staset Bunt, RA on, PAINTS -- WALLPAPER 2 Rodio & spars - ag 873 { ? i 4 Many thanks So Dr. Moliveen 27=Fuel, Wood residence, Dial RA 34029, PAINTING & DECORATING Music Studio for oll Instruments |TV TOWERS completely instaiied, | RA 5-4 ADVERTISING: MODERN lari two (hadroom Apart g ' Li -- year guarantee, 505 no bolls, ' ' om, p HoKup, IRWIN -- Mr. and Mrs, Peter Tru | 78--Summer Resorts CREIGHTON, Fraser, Diyoas 0d CONTRACTORS Piano Tuning Vivets, ll welded, Al channel arias Ample Parking If you have previous ad- equipped with save, No objection te A a 3 : o dh % 4 g y " . f - - ' children, birth gid "Fenrir n 2o Fish TIN For Sale ara Wot DT Th For free estimotes call-- ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES i ied yw Rely 1V vertising experience, or 5a |" eliate possession " birth of a son, on aay, 1 Hal. Summ ' pil T050, at the Oshawa General Hospital Summer i Simeos Breet North, JRA 33448; TK Days MO 8.5231 New and Used Pianos SPECIALIZED radio and television WANTED | retail sales background, [vwo "fimished single rooms." with reighton, iF ' ' f i; 5 ervice n 0 ' 4 noKIin ) 3 J 30=Lost and Found Pram. CL Murdoch. WHA' mort. Evenings RA 5.7426 lew ond Used) service "All makes Fred Thompson there is an opening now cooking privileges sentra. two min, 31 Articles For Rent gages Arranged Full selection of all instruments SCRAP AND POULTRY | on the Times advertising [5.7237 13 Celina Street ad S., Whitby J2-=Articles Wanted GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar [ 107 Byron 5t. 5, 477 Simcoe Street South - 34==Auction Sales risters, Solicitor and Notaries Public, ~-------- - | i-- | T.V. AERIALS I, TURNER self for ° a between NEW x naom bungalow, oft heat, 35-=Employment Wanted 6 King Street East, RA 54717, Russe DONALD 1 Sold and Installed 'é ages o and 99 room, For Information, eall RA 3.2639. Jb==Female Help Wanted J. Murphy and James A 'MacDona JACK C, MacDO | For Fun, Popularity and Success | Moved and Repaired 1 : 1 | | High school education GERROW FUNERAL || 37=mole Help wanted Z 1. SALMERS. BA. Baristas, Soi PAINTER & DECORATOR | TRY DANCING | 20, aerial, $29 and up, RA 3-2043 | Rl Come in Non 1 TWO., or three » vam eitor, ete, 134 Simcoe Street north i | ply 645 Oxford Street 38=-Male or Female Help Wanted | nisi office RA 53741; residence, RA hanaing and Paintin You Can Actuall i A CHAPEL 39--Agents Wanted 5.5542 ig Paper engi mn 9 GO DANCING ROLLAND T.V, (collect) fill out an application [NEW large, four . room and bath 4 " MA ~ Barrister, Bolic | RA 13-4849 Si =| form now, Ask for Mrs, [basement apartment, large w . The finest service gt KoCopartunt rd fiers 314 $1mcoe South ( 59692, Resi. All fee Estimation 4 ARTHUR Ay -- -- | Kennedy in the advertis- | private heating and PK kindows, Irodigroty prices, \I--Room ond Bord Wanted | dence RA 80264 - 50 Nassau St. RA 3.7080 | DANCE STUDIOS T.V. RADIO SERVICE CARS WANTED | ing dept [bn Ty RA 8-6226 43--Wanted To Rent HeGIBBON And, Pittude, Dain, - - "| 11% Simcoe St. 5, RA "8.1681 [het X e-- BASEMENT apartment, three rooms 390 King Street West 4h=For Rent Hist mortgages, 20 8) : - i ANTENNA | FOR WRECKING | [unfurnished, newly decorated, heavy 45--Reol Estate For Sale North, RA 5356, Charles C. M PAINTING AND : INSTALLATIONS THERE'S [wiring tile floors, euphoards and wink SR Gy na bon, QC; Edgar ¥. Bastedo, DECORATING LEARN TO DRIVE AND REPAIRS Scrap Iron and metals A MAN'S JOB Thr Avivats, hath, Separate on. | A wl ) er lower 4 Real Estate Wanted HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barristers, : For Funeral Flowe b=Re Ah ne solicitors; R umphreys; Specialists in flooring. Hard SAFIN a 1 RD, Humph Specialists in g. Ho SCHNEIDER'S WAITING FOR YOU vwo "room unfurnished apariment, p Arrangements See #l=itimeblith Vor Sole g's oA wood, Sanding, ond Finishing ELIE Ring RA 5.7844 - f 4BAutomobiies ante LLB, 6 8 | | 5 ¢ oor Tilin F <Q L a: Cc | rivate hat kitchen euphoards, sink LEWINGTON 49=Automobile Repairs office, 5.1177; Res, RA fook or Well and Floor Tiling. Free Driving School SHAW IN TODAY'S CANADIAN Bee to appreciate. 242 Elizabeth Street 0 28 Whitby, 7 oney | . [3 . : off Louisa. RA 58106 FLOWERS Amenbing po i W, BRUCE Affleck, BA, Barrister RA 3-9206 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont, PARKWAY TELEVISION RAG & METAL ARMY ix To me, heated, hol wah ne Phone Sa Wop and or " Solicitor, 425 Park Road South, RA ~ | i ELECTROMHOME, cO If vou are between 17 and [families Avply 244 AR gd > $2-=Lego otic % ' A . RA 8.6211 -- RA 8.6212 TES 8.6704 A TTT rr 10--Sharpening § Service RA 8.5315 R.C.A. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, 35, ond can meet enrolment [FURNISHED sleeping room for 1 or} 24 King St, East, Oshawa CLASSIFIED AD RA GREER "and Kelly, "Barristars, Soll m---- : WESTINGHOUSE RA 5.2311 standards, think over what |PIBty of hot water; central; abstain (2 doors from Karns Drug RA 227 0] Residence phorss: J. M F% ' |16--Insurance ">: the Army offers you ers. 48 Brock Rirest Fant wn Store) 2s wos low [IRA aR, 00, Terence ¥ SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! ATTN Rois Tver va ow | The finest In television end B89 BLOOR STREET EAST Good 'pov. Fine prospects, | VEW bungalow, three bedrooms, partly Cash Charge | Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.5837; Duncan . | service OPEN SATURDAYS | A 4 furnished, ofl heated, Immediate poss 3 CONSECUTIVE Phillips, B, Comm. RA 81974 The most complete automatie 26 var cont, nine monihe to pay, or DIB Someone oa 3.3043 S JAY! Travel end adventure Loads (ion, Children welcome, Apply IN SERVIONS 2.28 248 | JonN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister . 57413 4 : {38 of friends n early pension, [Shakespeare Avenue ih Y grinding equipment .In Osh. [5 35 Employment Wanted OPPORTUNITIES NOW in {SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi IN MEMORIAM 4 CONSECUTIY 278 = uy {and Solicitor. ial. Bimeoe stint, Norn. for sh ing Hond- 3 T BOOKKEEPER + accountant desires the. foll nes En Ela LER NSERTION | Phone R 0 ni ond. a LE . cot ] esl 16 following s man, in quiet home, Apply " 4 in hicks jb AF iio Ls A RONDE. Barris: Bol | owe r sharpening 7--Money to Loan FAST T.V. SERVICE part + time employment, Fully experi wing borne Street West i " A 2 i h ws, ndsaws (metal ond | CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. enced in preparing financial statements 7 - . -- Charge rete wil eppiy. Ho Ryo RA e760, iw Hivg( dows, Bo | ake Mortgage and agreements of sale From A to Z {and income tax returns, Write Box 448, THE CANADIAN NEW separate heated apartment, y C WOLODRYZUK -- In loving memory wood), Lownmowers, Skates, purchased, NHA mortgages arranged Guerahieéd expert job {Oshawa Times 29 GUARDS |close, (0 'school and bus. Phone RA J of Harry Holodryzuk, who passed away Above rates apply only to ofl |p rhs and MacDonald, Bar. | Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur ee | |36--Female Help Wanted THE ROYAL CANADIAN [FOUR room heated apartment, pris February 4, 1083 ginal orders for consscutive ins risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public,| ote. STAN'S SHARPENING |q0ch Thers 1s a link death eannot sever,|| fons. Subseauent insertions ord 6 King Street East, RA 44717. Russel : - vate entrance, Pho 0 Love and remembrance last forever. | ! a later date corstitute a new. | Murphy and James A, Macbonaid, SERVICE, Cor. King & Burke, {FIRST and second mortgage, iT) CALL RA 8 5286 CLERK ~ Typist required for inter REGIMENT | Bona Eireot East one RA 8012, of Aw remembered by Nick and!| original order agreements purchased and sold, Hen esting position. Must be able to meet h Beatrice. Proteswional ang Business listings | RALPH 8 JONES. BA and Thomas H. RA 3-3224 nick snd Hennick, Barristers, 31 King OSHAWA ELECTRONICS [the public and handie cash etieiently.| PRINCESS PATRICIA'S THREE sia om Anartment, with, bath, 5 onth for 3 lines dal i , Street Fast, RA 3.7252 y heated, mn rool 2 K 1 y 3 Ay oy ant line § 00 p tors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5.3523 11--Busi 0 rtunitie " {APPLY in own handwriting to Box 441 CANADIAN LIGHT 15 = In loving memory of our | Each a na Mortgage loans avaiable, Bus ness pportu $c CLIENTS' monies available for { rat 23----Women's Column | m: . INFANTRY TWO room apartment, unfurnished dear father and grandfather, William || month 2 950 FER week National Greeiing Card [and second mortgages, Mortgages and | L . [YOUNG woman for inch counter, p | Day care for child If desired Phone George Lack, who passed away Feb Each Initial letter, abbreviation || 4 _ Dentists Co. requires 8 distributor for Oshawa BSreements of sale purchased Apply | BPECTAL =~ heat permanents, $6.80; excellent wages, paid holidays, conge: w ' [RA 8:3030 Me ruary 4, 1958 $ and ¢ sign, figure, count as © -- er [G0 TOQUITER 8 distyibUlor fOr OSMAWAIM. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary cold waves, 45.50 Page Hairdressing. [ial working conditions. Apply Patio THE QUEEN'S OWN ROTA Tai Rap Always Iemembred and sadly Tiss word, Box araos 1b¢ edditional | distrlet, on a part-time basis 0 begin Public, 264 King East, Osha RA 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5364 | Bar-Be-Cue, Park Road South at Hill RIFLES OF CANADA spring matte sult gentleman, 108 D, ), » J aw ings by " " side an Elgin Street East Harold and randchildren Lorraine, All Clossified Advertisements Open even $065 invested fully secured by stock, Lo 1 -- -- : Jara PB TA Ay AOFTaine: | MUST be in oy am. the any ol Simcoe Ktreet South, Phone RA 5.222) partial comhany financing ean be ar 24---Market Basket | 928 WEEKLY for wearing lovely dress Enquire now, er mail this TWO clean, furnished "rooms, - heat, publication, ce ure range eply giving background, ete, oy .|es given you as bonus, Just show 4 4 lights, wat frig and stove; hasin 8-3, Saturday 8-12. 5--Nursing Services to Fox 427, Oshawa Times MORTGAGES AND I es Rison rand eX orth. RA North American Fashion Frocks to coupon to; in kitchen; abstainers only; immediate LACK ~ In loving memory of our REGULATIONS m-- r-- een ji AGREEMENTS OF SALE |52020, J. E. 8t. Thomas |friends. No canvassing, investment or ARMY possession, Apply 224 Bruce Sire doar dad and grandpa, Willlam George Lack, wh 4 February 4 | | experience necessary, North American " Foun sm fiat, private entrance; Lack, 'who passed 'away February The Dally Times shall not be ANDEN GROCERY AND | Second Mortgages |25--Pets and Livestock | thon Frocks, Lid, 3423 Industriel RECRUITING STATION [§eiy wiring, Centrat, Apply 231 Arthur tl s 41 «Ever remembered by soninlaw asponsible for errors in advertise- First and Boulevard, Dept, B-2877, Mantreal 507 College St, fitreet we ' nent Jt wtherwi an | Aare S, ghter Katharine and grand. | "97 wh or I ner i hd NURSING HOME CONFECTIONERY ond Agreements of Sole | pprarEnTbany budgies, ready Tor MARRIED woman, between 25.35, mest Toronto, Ont [TWO Tarnished Tousekeaping FOOME, Oh, GLC sole 1 ( daughter Deni Lynn ng Orsartion. of any ade baughi 1 and arranged on | training, talking strain. Apply Mrs: in appearance, for part-time work in Tel: EM 6.8341, Local 277 |near Shopping Centre, Phone RA 8.4373 ' 1] 0 ond *n nstclled @ modern | + City and Farm property and Broad, 114 Elgin Street East snack bar, evenings and weekends 271 vertisement, nor beyond 'ne price Has now ins IN OSHAWA i any Cottages. $2 000.00 : | hon RA '5.0070 200 | |or 107 Fernhill Boulevard 2 Summer Cottages, 7 BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de Please send me, without eb. FOUR - room self-contained apariment, OPERATED ON | ond up fleeing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5.6321 [PART TIME waitresses for hanquets ligation, details on career op. |newly decorated. three-piece bath, one | | OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE ~~ |DACHSHUND pubs, registered, chat. Cllr urine nimbnme tl portunities in, the Canadian | a el MAGALUSHEN ~ In loving memory of our dear father, grandfather, and|| ShorGed for a single insertion of fire detection and alarm sys- nd, M vy ( t \Y sh hy i " p ies p Ye sy vii A Ahkoluiten iy us, And Glia, rater a) the ght tem, for. the added protection |Apply Mr. Funnell, Genosha Hotel. 28c child welcome, Phone RA B-4490 Li Peacefully sleeping, restin ify vertisin l ¢ ' ce plonship stock, four months 1 It n classification, of its patients, plonship ' ur MO Central Oshawa, completely pris The worid 8 weary troubl |! ap " ; . os adv oy ------------ CASH BASIS CORP, LTD view Boulevard, Pickering Beach, for elderly lady, live in. Apply 3 Army [Vale ed aitting room. kitenan, tolleh ant, n the cose © splay vi 4 ve | . | Phone Ajax 1087) 0! ! one / Couple only. Apply 149 Celina Street or Ins lence he wutfered, in patience he | ments The Times will not be held ANDEN NURSING HOME Will accept small acreage 112 Simeoe St, N., Oshawo EXPERIENCED |e gal secretary re.| Nome tee eee phone Whithy MO 8.3606 mt oil, eslied Nias Bom io. puller rponuik o for mora Space than (Licensed) with house and buildings, Phone RA § 3568 |auired, For appointment, RA Lt Address | Foun oa Aeron. TOTTIRara* 0 ls n veh ctu J OC | 1 '} ' " "EER : no more pip a lisher A KING ST, WEST close to public school, and in . rn oe Ls | tor, Taundry facilities, hardwood floors, --Always remembered by daughter The publishers & ' FOR sale lay, approximately 4000 y Phone Whithy MO 8.25% Olga granddaughter Jo-Anne, Paul and ico oll advertising matter Exclusive nursing home for Oshawa os down payment | bales, good quality mixed hay. Apply Age oy very central one Whithy i" on Hares 4 correctly but assumes no liability if convalescent and elderly peo- MON EY AVAILABLE Elmo Archer, Nestleton, Phone Black AVON CALLING NA ny inaccuracies in any form of (Men ond Women) Write Box 445, Oshawa T | stock B44 2c City/ Town ... REVEN © room brick house with ga. pie : 0 HOME OWNERS See for yourself, Women are uk 2 : rage, centrally located, RA WA118 3M ydvertisement are contained there GALUSHEN -- In l¢ Times. HAY for sale, 40c. per bale, W ; MAGa) Vang 10 loviss mamory Nurses and disticions in Ermey Pair Fh RA 5.8280 281 earning $2.00 or 'more an Province Yara a FIVE - room apartment, ground floor, father and grandfather, Bc! A hael) Magalushen, who attendance, Tray service, v------ 4 2 Up to $3,000 for any good WELL service. Wells cleaned out and| hour representing Avon a few | [817 Park Road South. For more ine | radio, T.V. lounge purpose, including down pay= | fuer 4 Cell tiles supplied, Phone| hours daily, Contact Miss E, Telephone flarmation call_Rh_Sid Ld passed away February 4 05 p ment on home, payment of |RA 8.0384 Oshawa | 'oO 5 J "with br ' terhrid RU 2-7567 be OT 14 [AVAILABLE March 1, kitchen wi Optometrists START consolida- ' re hiterhricee 5 Corer stove and 'frig, dining area, 1arge live We often think of bygone days, D li B When we were all logether, | ry The family chain is broken now elive oys : - | existing mortgage, DEAD (arm stock picked up prompily.| tween 8-9 am, 42 Sarance | | oom, Iarge bedroom with twin BLL amines wil 1 oreen ¢W TOCK, Oporto rant |MMEDIATELY | fon of debts or purchases of (Bhine cot: Bowmsseisne A SB| Blea Toromis 19: One. |38--Male or Female [16 room, ore bef wil fin Zo us he hai Dot fone away, May Be Jobless A ae Be re amatien, wed. Fri ' re | any kind, No penalty for pre- [Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone . : | Help Wanted |TV outlet and washing facilities, nA Just entered God's eternal home I" RTRATE . Invalides examined at home, RA 5.8143 ¢ payment, no bonus, Fuel Wood F. | 81073 or RA 5.3815 STRATFORD (CP) Many Disney Bidg., 31 King East PART TIME STEADY For fast friendly service call 27 ems) IMMEDIATE [OPPORTUNITY for {wo aies Tobie: iniciop North, four and five room WOOD cuiting by bus sew and chain a Ih initiative for nationally | op iment, all convenlences, Call RA And left the gate | daughter Stratford youngsters, supplement. | DELIVERY WORK IN | SEABOARD saw. Snow plowing. Phone RA 89727 Advertised product, Sales "experience RANI, TL TORYGNL and grandehll | ino" their "weekly allowances by 7--Surveyors | preferred but not essential, Call - - working as part - time delivery poNALD BH. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land THIS AREA DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 30--Lost and Found OPENING Jn hatare 30 or MORaw 44036 THREE . room anartment, thiesete WEEKS ~ In loving memory of our boys, may find themselves unem- Surveyor, 316 Alice Street, RA 36881, 29% S oe Street South han, ire, On H |rard Road, RA 8.6080. . ni ainoth A 4 hs . : No selling. Age or experien: 72 Simcoe otree Cl LOST -- $38 in green change pu EXPERIENCED telephone solicitor for ---- dear mother and grandmother, Kitty Inloyved as a result of a magis- 6G. T. HORTON and Asso On 9. Age perience RA 5.1121 Saturday in vicinity of Shopping Ce for an Experienced appointment, Phone Mr. Fulton at RA[APARTMENT on ground floor, four who 'passed away February tra " taro Land Surveyors, Profe En X Str No identification rate's decision here ro Lana Survey not Important, Car or light p tre and King Street. No identifica . 8:0951 rooms, three-piece hath, stove, refrig: ttl A M Olive Clarke w fined $10/ 000K, 70 Harwood Avenue South, (Formerly Bellvue [Pension badly needed. Write Box 450, Office Clerk " nt Hon separate entrance, on Masson i8. KOOY When We Woks Ut rears 4 Airke was Z Alax, Phone RA _p0l3) truck and $950.00 cash re- | [Oshawa Times . NEATLY dn d, reliable men or|gireet Immediate possession, RA 5.5060 Tm 8 y o 3 2.4 L As Tuesday for employing a 12-year: =," LoNEVAN and Associates, Land quired, Could be handled by [1 Mortgages m | _-_ women with references and preferably ; | LOST = ring, fraternal, keepsake, Re Owls | : old child in her store. The charge Surveying and Engineering, 13 Bloor | LOST ~ ring, HH With general offic knowl: |same sales experience for delivery Oshawa, Ontario, RA someone presently employed, WE HAVE clients monies for ioans on ward, Phone RA 3 i 20 adge, experienced cashier, typ. |Full or part-time, Apply in person only (ONE or two giris ta share apartment " ! was laid under the factory, shops Athent East, | first and second mortgages and pur-|yrRKRAL reward for black bag con 148 xp bookkeeping i at 31 King Streei East, Sulte 8 © 20f| with young lady, 198 Greenwood Street, with one we oved "0 dear ind office building act after Miss 0% Write Box 443, The Oshawa [chase of agreements of sale, Louts 8, |taining film lost by delivery boy Find, PART-TIME three dave a week,| A 3322, 9 + 2.30 pm Me ky have to Clarke's delivery boy fell oft his|g__puyilding Trades Times, [oa A ogy, ina Strat East, Oho viease pn re wa Sait, Torome| APPLY BOX NO. 502 [party good at figures, neat wi Se -- God planned ieyele while working and broke 2% ud 3 ¥ " 29 ance. Apply Box 342, Oshawa Times Hin arm PLUMBING snd heating pipes, fittings, ® MONEY "available for first and second . THE OSHAWA TIMES ONE BEDROOM emembered |," ixtures, new and used, changing from {mortgages. Reasonable ra Fixed |[LOAT -- Lady's gold wristwatch, cor " Y f indcniidren. Under the act a child Is a per: septic tanks fo sewer a specialty 12--Dressmaking [brokerae fee. Lyndewood Tnvestments, ner of Ritson and King, RA 83376. Ne: | 33 Nie Qe Wo teeq™ (41--Room and Board APARTMENTS Sherry and Rand) on under 14 tons at reasonable rates nor rey | Brooklin 303 271 | ward n and estimates free on any ty DRESSMAKING and alterations; RA WANTED -- young man, 17.20, Grade|ROOM and hoatd for gentlemen, good bing. ial, Wi 34 J Yay, | 302 19--Personal 31--Articles For Rent 10 or better education, inter d in|meals, single beds. 252 Arthur Street Immediate possession, eleg~ the shoe business, No previous selling RA 8.0723 | trically 'equipped, best locas WEEKS -- In memory of a dens of pl : ther who passed away February DECORATIN Gand sign painting or al RA 5.2501 cman % New Plans To terations. Dial RA 8.0225 or RA 3.202 13--Gardening & Supplies [WHY suffer the agony of rheumatism FLNA wan, experience necessary, Sound future for vw rooms for, gentlemen or couple The sorrow the day would bring, The call was sudden, the shock Peacelully sleeping, Testing at last, Wf {pain, selatica, lumbago, when Ruma - hard worker, Apply In person 10 without children, Central, close to south tion, Buckingham Manor, A Sa gh AD LEN Rowlers' landscaping and garden PRI: BOOGCRS WWIDRROL TORR, BCS Maher 'shoe Store, Oshawa Sopot GM. Roard optional. RA' 8.0283. Apply Are. past PLASTERING and repairs, cement NE service ma a arn wahoo | your druggist 20a RENT A FLOOR Centre 0121 Gladstone pi RA 8-8676 #8 silence she suffered, in _patienc | plastering, waterproofing basements, |!lized, gardens y g " yhitencw she sulfere n patience Sto Great piamering . Srehway tling floors, | rolo-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs (LADY requires ride to Toronto, viein SANDER nd FINISHER | WATKINS Mute a full or mrt Room and board for gentleman, close y called lier home to suffer Workmanship suar d. A. Woods, Everything for your garden RA LEVEN] ity of Yonge and Queen. RA 5.6321, 28b ar | time, Phone R to all south plants, Single room, home more RA 8.311 (w BAR-L RANCH, Sleigh riding pata FROM | CAN earn 835 a week for part-time Privileges, garage, RA 5.7754 mn remembered by me mmeremt-- Will accommodate large or amal DO. IT-YOURSEL F | work, Vacancies for two full ime men ROOM and board for two, in elfan BEST i "lett Lakes Diversion GRAVEL WINTER Al HARRISON & KINSMAN | ant «ime. missin 50" a siek [ekch linea SHOpARE - Cong, APARTMENTS Ll [WAVE "you a drinking problem? Write | 3 3 AAS (TT i hv Aaron |Pnone RA 31m SUPPLIES Box 349, Osh.| 337 Simcos St. 5, RA ta follow divection, and can ROOM and board with Dutch family EKS -- In loving memory of a! DETROIT (AP) Representa n d away Februs Cement $9.00 per head. Road | Aleohalics Anonymous, h ee | WHlingG ' ! : fe who pasted away Febriaiyitives of three states and Great : 8.0 ICE SALT [awa Times | work 18 hours a week, For appointment [single beds, 371 Elizabeth Street or IN OSHAWA 'What would 1 give to clasp your l4kes shipping interests have out-| fine and coarse $8.00 per WILD BIRD FEED ANTE Rad vallovie vero DO IT YOURSELF! Box 34 The Oshawa Times 260 phone RA 81632 241 hand, lined new plans to stop additional] load, Be satistied = Dial NO. | SUNFLOWER SEED ale for all oceastons. Dances, parties EXPERIENCED auto hody repair BERT In town, single beds, all modern] | new Duplex design- our dear Kind face to see diversion of Lake Michigan water RA 1.5279 CROWN DIAMOND PAINT and weddings. Phone RA 5.0338 ul with the power tools end man, Also an apprentice with some conveniences, close to south GM, RA| d for famil It 18 hsaving amie, Ir welcome bv Chicago and Nlinois - BIRD FEEDING STATIONS [FAsTEAT service In town, Immaculate equipment you can rent at knowledge of the trade. * Phone Ra 54420, Apply 536 Lorraine Street ed for tamily living, That meant so » Paul L. Adams, Michigan at BO THAT REMODELLING PIGEON FEEDS odorlems diy cleaning, Shrty shlirully) Stan's Sharpening Service | hi y p | ROOM and hoard, home cooked meais,| fOOt living room with those who have such can tel) ney . general . ) R ) IG ' [1aundered. Special rates for hotels, in| rier K ke) RA |FULL or part time salesmen for ap | cman ac dation. Phone RA $3710 : ST Bl Bai ar mera i ald 00 THGLIRCPELING | WT vi Fol hy TA in, Kin ¥ Fue A ne i HT neo PAT pieure window, huge Lhe gre ay Hane conference alc uesday he : Apecin ple Claane imooe | 322 ¢ e I8 nowledge of heating An Asse » itchen with ni ol 48h on h Ny hand ould petition the U.S Supreme COOPER SMI ™ cO [Street South. RA 3.0643; after hours, Belt, Disc and Oscillating ig he nant appearing and any and GM. Good European meals, HA 4 deny to 9 Horace Weeks Court to grant the interested | HELP OUR WINTER 16 CELINA ST Loa hidibican : Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric [sive We will train vou. Good com #8160 ar 20 Elgin Street East area, and door sunny tates additional time to file WORK PLAN RA 3.2312 Hammers -and mony other mission. Phone RA 8.6841 a Roo! nd hoard for gentleman. Cio balcony, Two wonderful . - - o outh plants, home priv A hriefs In answer to Illinois' claim ELECTROLYSIS tools : I vi bedrooms, lots of closet CARD OF THANKS it needs more water for the Chic. NO DOWN PAYMENT 14 Household Repairs perfl hal 32 Articles Wanted [ROOM "and board for two geniiemen| Space, tiled bathroom, ago drainage district | | Removal of superfluous halr, --. {with Halian family, Apply 248 Verdun| T} . t Re d " | Kiteh CHEATERFINLDA rebuilt, recoverad | Murdulf II be in |COMRINATION TV radio and nim fon 2 A his apartment, coms Great Lakes states have asked| Play rooms, kitchens and fia new. Why pay mare? Our rates] Morie Murdutt wi [playeri furniture, tools, plumbing i LARGE CANADIAN FIRM | Road, BEE pletely electrically THE family of the late Wiliam |e high court to compel the met-| cabinets. No job too big or [are re Katistaction guaran. | Oshawa, Feb, 10-11, Phone [iures. What have you! RA 37 43----Wanted to Rent equipped. Convenient Red a Ny. express aincare re ropolitan sanitary di striet of » ton " rehulit. Oshawa. Up 0 f th TET hoe 6 and §, al | - : Rahing RR El Denfn npore, Greater Chicago to return wate: small, 36 months to pay holstering: Co, 10 Mond Nireet West Genosha Hotel on these dates [HANTRD: i pitt agg he 8 wl REQUI RES Iwo hedroain solt (Sontained, Un to public and separate urnished apartment for 0ooupAney offerings and 'me of sympathy inl, a hie {nate No payments till April 30, - [Dial BA 5031) for appointment + 4091 anc erihmmle 0 thelr Tecent loss 0 donp Tashand. and lo ! Ake Mi W an in ead of di | PHONE OSHAWA RA ROOMS papered, Sh up Painting ver -- - TWO YOU NG April | Preferably with stove and re school 3, shopping and loving f4 | th t Dr. verting it through the Chicago ; » ) I. aealed senmlens ihane 31--Articles For Rent {31---Articles For Rent frigeratar Must be within immediate| transportation Phiten hbors, initary and ship canal into the! 5.6937 OR AJAX 1266 s MEN TO TRAIN [tiie Kine Sreet" Kast, Write Box| DRIVE' NORTH ON WILSON rs : r f M - hullding, King Street AN rite Box N g ar '[linois waterway : kin ving Hr ata 15--Instruction 15---Instruction 446, The Oshawa Times ROAD NOKTH FIVE he Protowing ales Juve op. : - WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Must be of good appears |wacmenon apariment or Tight house: | BLO! iit NOR IH oF KING iversic i ! keeping room. Private entrance, area] S LOO OR © A CCR I Or he Er | ance, ambitious and will= |G *fiReee. King and Ritson. Write] SIGN ly Th 3 weenie projoria etm hudre| OSHAWA COLLEGIATE of MUSIC | pio Sarders; Belt, Vibrating and Circular Sanders; wa hove a | ing to travel, No exper. (text fmwss mn Bo en Lao eT lowering . it Lakes levels complete line of sealers and waxes); Circular Saws; Electric Drills; | 1ence necessary Apply UNIQUE Staplers; Blow Torches, Soldering Irons; Centrifugul Pump; Pipe Tuesday Wednesday and APARTMENT «STUDIO 3005 Bathurst Street association sald every inch|- 31 BUCKINGHAM AVE es : \ y RUssel 3-1733 | | | Scott H, Elder of the lake car C Iron of lake level means a loss Wrenches; Power Trowel, and many other Tools Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 ACCOMMODATION DESIRED +t specis Dr. Row of $2,700,000 in the es arning power nd 3.30 to 5.30 Kings- Musk be unuivel or effer des oronto thanks to the Radiator Dept. o an of the Great Lakes fleet Modern Instruction on Piano, Piano Accordian, Guit- / 9 3 or General Motors, © and the Gener 7' WEBBING S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN way Motel, 695 King St velopment possibility, Inter y Motors Co td, Mr. Milne, The . : . Phone Oshawa Tot RIN NORWAY ar, Drums, Saxaphone, Clarinet, Results Guaranteed E Eastern limits of Osh este ) term lease } Wad had abort 1.100.000 for ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING : No 2 Mr. | Hove s e wiite Box | Mrs. Wright, RA 8.1521 " awa. Highway N p n 1958, an sig CA | ins, 42d yom [Cd ap Vint cent over 1057, | FOR FURTHER INFORMATION--RA 8-6321 | 282 KING ST. W. RA 3.4873 ' Forester, Room 14, | 44 awa Time Apartments now ready for occupancy,

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