The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1959, p. 8

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premarin v2 | pioiping Archer |FamStyBwey Acadian Cleaners Andy Bathgate = SPORTS MENU : , [Barrie Flyers |m: : | A] By Goo. H. Campbell Scores 'Perfect' [Move To Bay? 11iumPh In Ajax Catches Bernie Bunday afternoon, Walter Hutcheon of Toronto|remarkable score for the fair] BARRIE (CP)--A ie meet-|Cleaners journeyed to Ajax to victors, while Myron Mech hit for a v i SPORTS EDITOR woored a perfect end -- A #ix(9ex, A Bt, Thomas boy, Gene|ing here Friday will discuss Ways olay in Sourneyed 10 A cia five. to leave Ax trailing 0354, MONTREAL (CP) -- Bernie duction last week with three n . gold in competition here in|Harris, of the West Ly Bow: |of increasing attendance at home ketball League game and the! Ajax fought hack hard in the| (Boom Boom) Geolfrion's slowly goals and an assist and now Is Everything From Soup To Nuts' |Oshawn, this weekend, To topimen, is high junior with 406, |Eames of Barrie Flyers of the Cleaners, after a strong third: last quarter, Lo oulseore the win dwindling lead as the Natlonallonly four points behind the tied lihis off, he scored the highest] Thunderbird Bowmen of Osh- OHA Junior A, quarter rally, came home with ners 22:20 but this fell short from Hockey League's top point-getter leaders with hig points, He has total he has ever posted, & fine awa, who were solidly anchored) Coach Hap Emme, club owner, y 5376 victory, the lead the Cleaners had bull was fihally wiped out in lastizg gonls and 42 assists, BELLEVILLE fans gave thelr beloved Mc¥arlands a rousing], among the last place teams In|recently complained that dwindl-|" Ajax started out the game by up, Gord Sehmilde and To miweok's action and Andy Bathgate Mio Litzénbr Jd Cl sendoff st Malton over the week-end and there was all kinds of Shooting with the York County previous years, have captured) ing crowds were reducin the! jumping into & $x » point lead by Elevick split 15 points for Aux caught up n ids Aizen rier of Chicago banners waving, signs, ribbons, ele, while with the "Macs alse Bowmen and Toronto Anglersithird place In the mail match, team's financial backing and sald | oo ing the victors 24-17, Ted while fon Wilson hit for nine fr pune New York Rangers shar | so} went the best wishes of every Canadian hockey fan that they and Hunters Association, Waltland Dave Livingstme won a he may move Flyers (o North piotrowski and Gord Behmidke the victors dapped in three gouls and whopping seven-point production may resin the world's hockey tite, wrested from Russia lnst/has been a keen archer for aicrest as high score in bowman Bay next senson, divided 13 for Ajax while Kon! Acadians were led fo thelr vie o bp od voile hh last week on five goals and two | class, Mayor Willard Kinzie and mem- Wilson had six and Jerry Gelette by fon Wilse (der eoumed one Resist We NS pesists and took over fourth place Arena | ory by Ton Wilson und J eX F Vieounterpart right winger with| from Montreal's Dickie Moore, year ih the Whithy "'Dunnies."' Just to show that even a plane trip number of yours, a) hia vio, ha iis flog Wil ) , can take as much out of a team 85 # longer host ride, Belleville ter he was strictly a "bare how" resent Loam sand are ager A fi Cleaners \Gelette with 26 and 2 po J 4 1 ' OA etd 0 0" 33 the. Inst might nan exibition. game In Paisley. man. Since changing to free siyle|follows; Dunnville omen, 1006, |misvion have askod fans to attend "*f 107, C10 CICRSEE EOE RE EE SY Ios NLC Montreal Canadiens was scrambl|Liipenberger has 8 points on 24 Beotland and the "Macs" had to score a gonl In the last minute (using a bow-sight) his scores TAHA, 1672; Thunderbird Bow- the Friday meeting with a view." foo comebnck, as they CAGE COMMENT 4 A ing for a couple of nssists, gonls and 20 nesists, Moore had 8 of play to gain even o tie, That 1s good! Any mistaken idens that have steadily moved up to the|men, 1624; Bluewater Bowmen, to forming a booster club to Pro-| i q® Ave 2120 10 knock Bl ) wh Adin In the league's official satis-|22 count last week and follows any of the Belleville players had that when they got on the other | point where he has entered the|1800; Windsor Bowmen, 1746; mote interest in junior hockey, point off their lend, Jerry Gelette lw ys bey bo j i | a: eatly ties, released Monday, each has with 51 points on 26 gonls and 28 ideo the Alani, paying bockey wae erly 'Gon 10 be "cupola for he Ir tm Week Ki Bowne, TF, Cedar Dt, Hp, G0, 4 SG ured In, 1, ith sone uncanty gn rc are wont 1D vn wiped me] sa sigh the SOHONS business. of winning hockey amos and so ee A Dsluva. ites, Bill Per Ye Albay, gh Forest CY|getior A Teague, says he fn think: Mhooting for the victors while DI i Joon 'Wilson, Gord Sehmidie| CUS he has _ scored mon Jean Beliveau of Montreal, with ting in shape for the big tournament, They better had come home! Among the local hol; th hy. 1606; Be J Tor n Soman, he of dishandin, senlor chp Gord Sichmidke sank eight more, qyy Colette gonls, 28 to Geoffrion's 2 {m goal and threo assists, ran his with the title--hecause the way Whithy Dunlops promptly started | WAS Wh man or ie ony City Fan Bowen, i WADE nd taking up hind offer to|for Ajax to leave the score road ACADIANS--Wilion. 2%: Tooth, The burly Boomer, disconsolat- total 0 48 points and remaing en the Macs" were he for Europe indicates iH 42, closely followed by City Archers, 1603 and Cane move the Juniors to North Ba {ing Ajax 43, Acadians 3 tian Are "ely In the 'throes of a scoring safely in sixth place; Behind him, to roll when the Mace were h nt oinos| Norm Danforth who posted 476. dian Lakehead Archery, 1436, Officials here ned 1| After the halftime intermission, 11: Toying, 1} Balter, 1h DICKID-l ony jig potted only one goal with 45 points, fs ted Sullivan of ~ quite clearly that the "Dunales' will be fur out in Wish BOSEisiarvey Armitage was third with| Local bow benders are again i are opposed fo) ATT be came to Me, an son, 11 Gelotte, 21; Kain, 2,/Uike hae BO lr smes. He|New York. The Ranger cen Jong before we listen to th] sville-Russls Jame R. | present | el ith Cameron 464, Dave | notified of the benefit shoot, for the move, they completely dominated the Fouls -out-of-18 lin Moutreats gis New. York. ¢ ay centre indications ate that ¥ the ~Duinles stay "on the ball, |dvingstone 436, Bryce Smith 974, the family of the late Dave Wal: play and outnetied the losers 26-11 ATAX -- Mech, 13; Dickson, 9; 18, I ig He Dose [or 9SSINS, SOiad. Sit Sona" a We ab win another Allan Cup victory this season, [511 Wallen 353, Del Wanamaker ters, The date, Friday, Feb, 6; SPORT BRIEFS BY ke. the load, Al. Dickinson Plotrowsid, 13; Schmidie, 24; | Wht ha on , h Wh L ale ss, Juoving from 10th to seve Not only is The Oshawa Curling Club an extremely active |#0, Bob Galpin 320, Mike Chil-|time, 7.80 pam.; place, Mac Klerick, # Bibeau, 10, Fouls 12-8 0, ongue's op gonl-getier enth place sports centre these days, I Its own activites, but is Indi. derhose 818, and Harry Evans Gregor School at Coxwell and | Circus will Not {oni of 25 | Vie Btasluk of Boston Bruins vidual members are rapidly building up a reputation of being | 192 Sammon in Toronto, Tor BOBSLEDDERS Officials -- Dave Kelly and Leo, Gordie Howe of Detroit Red|put together a 1-3 count and with "good bonspielers," Herb Robinson, skip, "Army" Armstrong, |" Norm Danforth is still well oul we | §T, MORITZ, Switzeriand (AP) Y Kelly: timekeeper, BI Mikias, Wings matched Bathgate's pro-'44 points is still In eighth spot, Al Preston and "Bucky" Luke won second prize in the Port [in front for the season with an |Art Tyler of Weston, Mass, and Qust N. M Rangers - . n J Perry 'spiel on Friday-Saturday and five Oshawa rinks com. average of 474, Cameron took | G d H Tom Butler of Vista, Calif, won peted in the "VieeSkip" honsplel at Orillia on Saturday, Bill (over second place from Living ordie riowe the two-man hobsied derby sun These Playoffs | Holland, skip, Dean McLaughlin, "Preem' Whiteley and Vern stone, with 455, a 6 point lead . day while two other Americans TORONTO. [CP its Vou FOR PERFECT CH 1 RECEPTION Walker won (wo-win honors there and other rinks included | Armitage, in fourth blace with Bops Fontinato Jarrowy_sespud iSury isi Ro Mh A oi A the, skip, Al Wilson, Reg, Smit) d | Butler; 2, Is ind ahead Perry: woken boll sei wring 1018, ! wed o ) EE. J mal hd Tove. | wats he Asin Jag NEW YORK (CP) ~ "He pe.|0Ut of control down the mile-long Madison Bquare Garden when the Aste for and ~-Demand the Genuine Langinald, slp and rinks sipped by Narola Wrowniee and (Wallen, who east past Jackson! aeranaed my nose," was the la gain, Jan Houhirw of Lake slreun Furnig onl ok, Vii Frans Rel ur, but ve, revel we avews helt etm ele yeston. into sixteenth spot, the remainder |conle explanation that Lou Fon 4 , , » rout Lake NY. sul i ne ho p oy 0] ona ) ALL CHANNEL nel, hv" an 0 obins, together with Elgin and Dor (of (he standings are unchanged [tinato, defenceman for the New| oiph y y " League playoff games on homie othy Munday, won one-win prizes In a mixed bonsplel at New vived the hrakeless ride down the jee this year by special arrange ANTENNA The results of the first mally © . » market on Saturday also, Three rinks were in Haliburton over |patoh sponsored by the Hunting Jo i Raugecs, gave Monday for|irack, narrowly managing to|ment SEE THE the week-end, with Paul Michael, skip, Newt Richards, Jim p " of Omar ; keep from crashing off the] pq. Wl Watson told I he kent, i, Pol Michal, wl: Not Mieka, unt "ie" Archers of Oniaro onto wan solos 10 Dw. oe, Cosh 1 wan 10 ron NEWS GDEGTAGULAR ,. , SENSATIONAL | oifvemence Fred Pordham, sin en trriaon, eve Piper and dhek Glove "Fle lube have entre (C8 Gore lowe, viv ver" wickny APPOINTMENT per mat intend of dir on i | Direntuee a Me ore U ing on Fave aya a these matches, and the four high os Ws A Natit Role ' PRIROIT (AR). Detroit Fiert oor of the Gorden if the Hang The new Becma 59 Is an Engineers Buy one and your friends will think smbodiet the cutie en e of fala ank. TUo oy est scores from each club are ! {Sunday announce AMEN! | ges make the playoffs, This will ing masterpiece and Is rolling to the you have & new set! Yes , , , and Boone dnote, hie A Bg yy A Tey Nie" Witin entered in the team ovent. In Sone 3 dg many ought Loviof James A. Campel a hadi permit them fo ft the mat and greetest sales in Canadien TV an. you'll wonder why you put wp with famous Beoma ene ship; Alor Mackay, Boh Patte, Ed. Disney and Ken Conlin, dividual archers are classed by aa ately delend, 0 twee president o eo ot Thar put In fee for thelr home games, tennae history, People ore emaxed the jaw, ghosty, week reseption ginsered dipole, ' skin: Toss Latimer, Val Mette, Roy Whittington, Claud Phipps scores and styles into four class Fh ; o oy Ro, ompany, Lom . n 4 | In other years the Mangers at IV's brilliant performance on chon: you hed before, Get our descriptive yn Lu Ne _-- i ny" : Be vif) 4 ilk 08 expert, bowman, archer,|the two at Madison Rquare 1040 and has been business, nile nels 2, 4, 6, 7 and 11, iterature, Ask your dealer todey! and Oscar Parker, skip; Clare MeCullough, Cec, Blephenson, I 8 4 | on {have played what would ordinay y! oy possible, Bert Neil, Bill Ridgley and Les Eveniss, skip, Here at home, and yeoman, gen | unday ih hr daclaimad mavager since May, 1 [ily be home playoff games on op lop man in the province 1s by Ranger coach Fh Mason as TOP VENCER position lee ' ' P ' " , hy" Id fodn : a ihe Ouwn Ludlow atl = iW Trevi bousp'sd \eday Clurence ji hred of foromy Avg "he ben Tht a oon ih 'l TORONTO (CF) Ronald Rice, ENGINEERING Beama TR-3X Trap ven ' tarted to sign up for the poputar ans [Jers and Hunters with fd, Wanda Art Coutier ane Appar tried, University of Toronto student, TOP . bly i resent dave poh, mia Hists he thine two | Michener of Dunnville Bowmen is lo cripple each other 20 years gunday won the Ontario Junior REMEMBER WHEN ? LL' LIMITED og Sh A INTrenency special events have heen posted on the bulletin honrd and loading the ladies with 464 -- a ako Rangers delented ~ Red men's foil championship spon: TY THE CANADIAN PRERS 76 DENSLEY AVE, TORONTO 15, ONT, ful In rejecting the Ch, 3 (Barrie) {Wings 54 sored by the Ontario Fencing As Tony Canzonerdt was in the firs! wn thet Arion, Heady tueption | ¢ 9 | . Fontinato apparently became sociation, Walter Snedisch of the of his two reigns as world light # som bln on_ihannes on H BRIGHT. BITS; 0 hawa City and District Softball Asso Red Wings Call Up incensed when Howe whacked | Musketeers Fencing Club, Tor Weight h husplony wim he flat SOLD BY THESE DEALERS elation tear are reminded that there's an important meeting) Kddie Shack's ear with his stick. [ronto, placed second ened challenger Billy Townsend / fp 4 , : - pe 8 200onds TV ENTERPRISES INT SA SERVI called for Union Hall, 7.30 p.m, this Friday and a full turnout of Rock Defenceman As Fontinato came up, Howe| === or ------ |of Vancouver in 65 seconds, in a AS Mit Boa CNE TY ANTENNA INDEPENDENT SALES § 18 ce representatives is requested GORDIE. HOWE clipped Lou u : 4 pinned his arms and let go with M . flgh al New York 28 vears ago Ph RA 3.3053 Oshawa Oshowe Ph. RA 3:3043 Ph MO 8.208) Fontinato the other night and has since heen declared the myth] EDMONTON (CP)=Rookia deg ynnereut that dislocated one Ottawa Buditorium tonight, Canzonerl ator (hat fh GRANAM BROS OSHAWA TV DEAN KELLY TV & APPLIANCES ieal ""hare-knuckle champ" of the NHL--he broke Lou's nose with fence nan Lou Marcon of kdmon of Gordie's Movers 1 lost the title to Barney Ho THA" | ers and left the | 19 361 Gibbon S51 83 King 8, W, one solid ¢lip ANDY BATHGATY, has been a long while malt: ton Flyers, second-place club in New Yorker's nose at a grotes.| May Close Doors regained it after Ho h retire f $31 Ajax Ph, RA 8.8180 Oshawa Phone RA 5:5121 Oshawa ing the grade but he tied Boom Boom Geoffrion for the NHL {the Prairie division of the West que 40-degree angle. trom the division ( h _-- scoring race leadership, over the week-end THE ORFU willlern Hockey League, has been | OTTAWA (CP)-=The Auditor Iytelded it to Lou An bers in 10 f change ils name, They're going to be an "International" organi: called up for a week by parent , Rove gets away With MU} m, once a centre of hockey and| = zation, following the acceptance of a couple of US, teams, at|club etroit Red Wings of the{ 307." Watstn oan ee He con other sports events in the cap thelr meeting last week-end ELSTON HOWARD has heen National Hockey League Otte pitahen. He's oh: ital, Is in danger of closing down In the interest of advancing motoring safety in this area, wo are conducting a concentrated tires given a hig salary Increase by Yankees and the New York wri Marcon, after workouts, will| Controller Sam Berger, lawyer | fers have named him winner of the Babe Ruth award, as out: join the Wings Thursday against|things lke this for years hut the ry awa Interests that sold the tanding p of the 1056 World Serie DON NEWCOMBE New York Rangers, Flyers gen. referees won't give penalties to Auditorium to a group of pans checking campaign... to help reduce accidents re« sulting from worn-out or damaged tires, We invite your co-operation in this great safoty campaign. members are signing up fast ond his two brothers, have heen acquitted on thelr charges of eral manager Bud Poile said Howe," and Hamilton businessmen a yoar Yatroclous assault and hattery ,, "RED" DUTTON has resign: Monday Marcon's temporary pro-| Fontinato mused over Howe's ago, sald Monday the bullding | ed. after a three-year term as president of the Calgary Stam: motion results from an injury to|fighting abilities, "He's not bad, will be repossessed and 'prob peders football club HAMILTON TIGER-CATS have given Warren Godfrey, a regular De. not bad at all" the dethroned ably' closed unless payments are coach Jim Trimble a five-year contract, troit rearguard slugger said ruefully "hrought up to date, Senior ORFU Is No More LONDON, Ont, (CP)--~The sen. for Ontart Rugby Football Union may have seen its last days un der that name Sunday representatives of Can ada's oldest foothall league, or ganized in 1082, met in Buffalo with Rochester and Buffalo, N.Y, interests, and it was decided that # the two American teams are accepted hy the league the name of the group ould likely be changed to the International Foot hall League The league will know within 30 days if the Rochester and Buffalo teams will he admitted to league ORFU President Gordon Gil bride of London has indicated the teams have a 50:50 chance of be coming fulltime member PLAY AT DETROIT Last season Detroit Raiders he came the first team to par ticipate in a full season, This yeay Raiders will play a complete schedule of home and away games instead of the four-point away games of last season, Raid ars will play at University of De troit stadium I'he Rochester representatives have no connection with the men vho operated the ill-fated Roches ter Rockets ent n the ORKFU in 1086, The team folded in mid season and drew only sparse crowds at home Both Rochester and Ruffalo] teams have indicated they have home parks, with lights, capable of handling 5,000 fan No mention was made of any Watch for this card a | You may be among the 4 motorists out of 10 & who are driving on at deast one unsafe tire This card will advise you that a Qualitied Tire Inspector has safety Checked your tires Read if new Canadian entries, In the last| carefully << it could pravint a serious accident few months, Brantford, Windsor y nd Peterborough have been men tioned as possible new centres Queries were received from teams in Long Island, N.Y., Bos ton, and Jersey City, TOO FAR AWAY "The three eastern United States cities weren't even consid ered," sald Ralph Dulfus, presi dent of London Lords, "It would be out of the question to. even think about accepting such places," "The Rochester men seemed quite anxious to come into the league, and indicated they would be ready to spend from $100,000 aut? to $150,000 on a new team," Duf MILLMAN MINX SEDAN fus said, 1893 The league will hold {ts annual ' oe meeting, likely early next month, after a meeting to accept or re ot the two new American clubs A) . R ject the two new American club Trim, nimble and powerful --that's the new 1059 HILLMAN, With a larger engine for improved BRAVES' SALARIES DISPUTED RA EATIES RISIUTED power and acceleration, here is performance--hest in its class! There's stunning, clean-line styling Spahn, the highest paid. pitcher with Hillman, Deeper, cushiony seating comfort, unitary construction and ball-joint suspension in baseball, has Joined the grow t ing list of Milwaukee Braves not smooths any road, Wherever you go, you'll get poised big-car ride and Hillman's famous up to content with the salaries offered 15. Ne : + : Solent will: the dajarien offere Ah-miles-per-gallon economy, Discover for yourself ell the line points of Hillmanship, Test-drive eI ; » new 195¢ " 4 celved about $60.000 last year the new 1959 Hillman at your dealer's today! There are over 200 of them across Canada, supplying when he won 22 games, sald he | ; expected a ralse this year. Henry parts and service from coast to coast, Aaron, Wes Covington and Don i 3 LLMAN FO '59 McMahon have expressed simi! [ sentiments. y Lin | A) WINS DOG DERBY | ROOTES MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED + ROOTES PRODUCTS : HILLMAN + SUNBEAM + HUMBER QUEREC (CP)--Art Allen of Cedar Rapids, lowa, Sunday won the ' Quebec International dog sled derby hy Mactng. 1 rst in WELLMAN MOTORS BELL'S GARAGE : PAUL IRWIN MOTORS LTD. ol tan. Alle allman) (R, Bell, D. Bell) Mary St. E, Harwood Ave, | and third in the final lap. Allen Nongquon Road, Oshawa, Ont, X formerly of The Pas. Ma. lin RA 3.440) 209 Bundes $r atige iy, Ont, Alex, Ont, ished the final 3i-mile lap in tol hours, $0 winutes and 10 seoanda, Ageordipg 10 a recent surg THE Ties Get this sticker on your car Come in, Let us safety-check your car Checked today and place this emblem of safety on your windshield, IF WE SHOULD MISS YOUR CAR... Lom Firestone . TIRE-SAFETY INSPECTION STATIONS EAST END TEXACO JAKE'S FINA SERVICE King St. Host at Darlington Blvd RA 5.270) 449 Ritson Read South RA 8.0921 LANSDOWNE TEXACO RANME'S TEXACO SERVICE Simcoe N, at Lansdowne Shopping Centre RA 5.9443 1487 Simcoe Street North RA 8.1167 ORPWOOD TEXACO MoLELLAN TIRE and BATTERY 36) Park Road South RA 8.4011 38 Prince Street RA 5.1021 BESTWAY MOTORS FIRESTONE STORES Dundas Straet West, Whithy MO 8.4792 190 King Street Fost RA 5.6566 LL © $$ CS CNY CSS SS SSN --

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