LI HEALTH UNIT REPORT Council Meets | Pat On Back For 2 ccs tas & HIGH SCHOOL BANDS AT AJAX ' 11 S00 Theatre Play ef fo Li i" isla'ad 5 BET PETTITT Nurses Required AtBowmanville wil iw Siu'. fit, ion 575 BOWMANVILLE ~ Town eoun- was congratulated by adjudicator, Mr. Ainsley, British actor and ofl Monday night gave the Bow. Richard Alnsiey Monday night producer, gd encouraging words As Work Grows manville Lions a grant to equal altar id he Jia: hn Any bi Bl for members of the east In the the taxes on the Tiong Commi 1 ne he ose oon] fonts Greek drama Monday night, He AJAX The annual report for|celved protective immunization nity Centre, There Is no charge va, will snnounes the festival winners the first full year of operation] in fact, the numbers show Wille to any organization for use of the! The festival, one of 14 In Can Wednesday night has been submitted to the hoard! sign of declining contre of divectors of the Ontario Coun During 195 a total 3271 of In {ty Health Unit (Southern Area) fants and pre-school children bl: Councii rejected a 'proposs) B H HORROR TWIN SHOCK SHOW!! by the Medical Officer of Health, |tended these clinics, On the sub: from the manager of Cream of | 'i: Dr, W, Erie Melean {Jeet of immunization Dr, MeBenn Barley Park to review the trailer! i a "rr The unit serves the municipal: sald that In 1957 there weve 25 park wiaw and change the (ax f gti "» ities of Kast Whithy, Whithy cases of diphtheria in the prov: from $10 per month (0 the same ; town, Ajax, Pickering Village, ince of On'ario with three deaths, pate as fn Whithy -- $1 per week Viekering Township and Uxhividge| The deaths oceurved In ohildren por (aller town, The population of the six\vho had not received immunize municipalities - according (to thei tion, There were no cases of polio y i [Vatest prvi is now 40410 per: in this area In 1956. A total of wer a Auvmonvile BONA 1808 infants and preschool ol guessing" the placing of more Dr. McBean noted in his re: dren atlended (he child health Viahts around the hospital, pos port the peculiar location of the conferences, all, of wham vere goo ey i aL Jou aren served hy the unit, By far immunized, AN of this reflects » Wis ork 4 i Varo arp {the greater population is within {large volume of work for a health own's Lighting system, was he | {the fringe along the lake shore|agency which has "heen esiab ol ona th aii bd hetween Oshawa and Pickering lished only 18 months SR toro Pdi oe pr Iperty com | MEMBERS OF THE AJAX | Shearer, G, Hill, B, Miller, R, | (edo, J, Stratton, G, Duthigl, ¥, | ¥. Derrane, D, Claringhold; B, foi, which 4 Undergoing nl Mownly shocks ave Made ol oo" High School Benlor band are | Cassan, R, Sloan, Becond vow, | Vickers, 8, Robinson, I, Peter: | MoKay, Back row, Reg, Daze, hplemve De rir areas of (well Bs checks of raw milk at shown in the photo, front Tow | Dr, K Lindemann, D. Ritchie, | son, G, Carmichael, Third vow, | yy 5 Kihy J MoKA, |Piokering township and Usbridge| source before pasteurization from the left, K, Gibson, T, | W, Wilmott, L, Kononov, F. | ¥, Smyth, J, Robinson, V, | aine y oy op e ense of Utensils and equipment 1s alse Duncan. B, Hogan, D Nicholl. N, Kerton, 4, Mer | King, §, Bastedo, Wi, Fahy, M, | P Draine, 8, Greer, D, Rapsey, (where there ls litle increase of pi to causing trouble hy clogging the i , y 0 } | " wilation, Three of the muniel| inspected, This entails visits , Watchin, T, Gleadhill, J, | Mahon, Nina Leyter, L, Bas- | McDonald, 8, Jones, L, Gillard, | B, Thompson, 1, Meek phlitios ave geographically solat- farms beyond the unit area drain and requesting the (ree be SPENCER 4 wy bts 95 y ; 11 | , le fl ed from ane another and from the prER X-RAYS removed, was passed lo the wy' p 4 g: 7 i : A A 7 f three. In. addition, |" wa roads and streets committee for : : : 2 i : 1 oF (remaining 1h / a Through co-operation with he | wonsideration since publie health cannot fo ov Ontario County TH Association, | to mimicipal houndaries the Ni all persons connected with (he Counellior A.W. Mires ERNEST \ i Is he ViLaiAY prov) fing a Sons "i handling of milk have had the po0ed fhe counell place 8 press Hemin {) | ahle service lo people from Ad 2 Opportunity of free chest X-TAYE. [coi in the council ha hers 1 fvay 4 oent municipalities, Ole example, yi ery ersons have heen x-rayed slat BPO a y i le PULITZER AND NOBEL during the period July, 1087, to ove one wp or | B88I8L press representatives while PRIZE WINNING §TORY f J and no active cases of TH were ; ; \ { oll meet) IN WARNERCOLOR | Rend ember 1060, over AO per cent found, "Mie majority of thos BL coun meetings / : of the ehlidren attending the Ux: oeined were not from the unit | Lidge clinle eame from outside ATOR pe Dan Hem H) Counc approved payment of B IT | ? { [the ares Development of real estate in the following commitiee ae ON SAME RTAFF INCREASED some areas has preceded the ad. CONS Finance 81,361.04, moved] PROGRAM! A [ hy Councillor Ivan Hobbs and "™ Ii fi 1 rv Me publie health nuising staff vance of sanitary services, This seconded by Deputy Neeve Jack A RANK OROAMIEATION PRESENTATION J has created (wo problems; first was increased during the year bay , full time nurse and one!ly Breas exist without municipal Brough roads and sircets $10 ) Ia 1d) SIN hy one fu me n » 3 0 water supply and sewerage: in 90.50, moved by Deputy Neeve ' (part-time secretary for the new Jack Brough and seronded by Pry rk ref mda bri these the main problem 1s (he hy hranch offive opened in Whitby, ieag he mam hy wale hy Councillor Keith Lathangue; pub Merring FLORA ROBSON - DAVID KOSSOPF N BEAUMONT ( A letter from a Liberty street north resident, complaining that a tree in front of the house Is [wo Jone hurues Vy Aly iid adjacent sewage disposal, In the Mm ii v i 0 Hoved hy with in population second Instance there are preas SOunchior 0, TORRON AIK 1" the sanitation division the With an ample municipal water seconded by Councillor Keith Lia lumit ineveased the staff to (three supply, but without a sewage ais thangue; Heme tery $45 44, moved full-time inspectors, New develop posal, This siuation, generally, by Councillor A, H, Bturrock and mt sme Areas has increas. ITOsents a lesser henlth hazard [seconded hy Councillor 0, J ment 13 seine & vhut, where ground 1s unsultable Presson; police $81.60, moved wl ed problems of environmental pol septio tank operation, condi- Councillor Keith Lathangue and sanitation Hons give rise to a large mmc seconded hy Councillor G, J RABIES UNIT ber of complaints Presson; fire départment $110.42, |f Regarding rabies, Dr Mollean A pant time vonmiative velar, Moved hy Counillon Kon Nicks ~A |gaid that despite the facet that Inarian service was established and seconded hy Councillor Ivan | there Hat HE of of human early In 1068, This Includes the Hobbs: elvie and relied $566.99, | OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE rabdes in the whole of Canada, |inspection of meat hy a qualified moved by Councillor Lloyd Prom:| J , ai [this disease, with the apprehen: (veterinarian at slaughter houses (on and seconded hy Councillor | PRESENTS Aa : [1 ; a ( 4 ---- [sion and publicity which has been known to operate In the unl! Ken Nicks; Industrial commission | oy |aroused, has Involved (he health) area The equipment and sanitary $84.50, moved hy Reeve W, D,| AJAX JUNIOR HIGH School | Bignell, B, Cowans, Becond | J, Burleigh, J. Ellis, A, Fran. | § Durocher, B. MoNelll, T. [uit to a far greater extent than services of the slaughter houses jfiggon and seconded by Deputy : band, front row, from the left, | row, L. Hornung, R. King, 8, | cey, J, Ballard, D, Jennings, | Gadd, 0, Jankowski, M, Elriek, [any other communicable disease are controlled hy the sanitation) feeve Jack Brough Bi, Mitchell, E, Karstelovich, P, | Biloox, J, Smyth, R, Hunter, J, | A, Walker, M. Daniels, J, Gor | y-giinioon 8, Andrew other than tuberculosis staff u Nn Fohevaaria, PP, Ames, R, Cal Peterson, A Bell, N Boucher, | man, R, Combdon Hack po, | In August, free clinics for the In concluding his report, Dr I Jd, Crap, RB Hawkins, C A. Rees, J. Brown, Third row, R. Andrew, P, Kirby, C, Varty, Photos by John Mills immunization of dogs and other Melia drow altenion hi some B A ND or THE " y fo ed hy | serviees and facilities which could . domestie pels were organi Ww Wh NIN 0 T RIO REG! AENT SUSPENSE DRAMA BY CHARLOT TE HASTINGS ' ! Lib So th [vinelal winter works assistance|the Dominion Denartinent of At be fproved. One it 4 Vining program rieulture, Health of nimals | Ho ! y ervie r, Me a Eighty Students 1 er ty u Heeve W, D, Higgon moved branch (ean notes that where a muni 2nd POP CONCERT DIRECTED BY |the Hawkin firm be awarded the| = Fifty4hree reports of eases cloality plave wholly or In part HARRIET RAPLEY Storm Sewer [contract, His motion was second (where a human being hod heen the fees Jor mich homemakers Hot roh | hy Deputy Reeve J, B I, [In contact with an animal suspect.) Tei sement is 0 made in Form Two Bands oy ay wit the Brough [I of heing rabid have been In Jant by the Provinee, The BOON | HARRY MOSSFIELD ot Contract Let for the job was very competi |Vestigated by the wal Fete A hpi Mi) Savio " \ ; : y ) the allegations were found to he P| A wislon for finnan in the ai hr are, Song a plaved a Musical FUTON he. ny Jrifgi animal concerned has cial ald by the Pravinee, Thell 0,C.V.1. AUDITORIUM McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE Ajax High School are gaining alplayed a musical instrument be:| BOWMANVILLE The A, ¥ [third the o he elde y 4 3 O's 4 y 1 WD heen ordered Impounded or con: [!hird 18 the eare of the elderly musical education beyond the or-|fore (Hawkin Contracting Company] SELV-DENIAL CAMPAIGN [heen oh some safe place and Many of the older folk refuse to Friday, Feb, 6th dinary, The group is divided imo, Dr, Lind Is a graduate ldd, of Toronto Monday night h (eon . Junio and senior bands, com:|of Hamburg University, After was awarded the contract for the| AJAX = Bunday saw the com: (kept under observation. for 14 ah oar phi Mit 8100 .M, FEB. 1, 12, 13, 14 at 8:20 p.m. sing brass, woodwind and per:|giaduating, he taught musie at|construetion of the Liberty street mencement of a self-denial mis: (days, v prising hrass J An emergency supply of rables| stron sense of independence, Dr | Nen Tieetholders Admission I" cussion instruments, The first ap: the university until the outbreak south storm sewer system, at the slonary effort in the young peo | | MeBe ove | pearance of these youngsters in|of the second world war, He came regular monthly meeting of the ple's section of the Ralvation vadoine and fmmune berm was Mel ara a BLL i | N J ; hk ) ny ) 3 [¥ / i, year, | ObaIned, ad ol ga public at the 1087 commence:|to Canada in 1053 and has been town council, Cost of the con Army Corps In Ajax, Fac h al slong the unit had supplied vac. (would be of assistance ment exercises brought a stand:|on the staff of Alax High School struction of the new project which from February to the A ! Saturday, February 7==8:30 am, to 6 00 pm, ing ovation from the audience, alsince 1056 is expected to hegin early this April, the ehildren contribute joj doe for physicians use FEN Mordev. Tuesday. Fab. 9. 10-4 6 compliment that was repeated In| On Feb, 16, the two bands will[month will he $22,224 70 the fund to. ald missionary work| THREE THR CANES onday, Tuesday, reb, ¥, -4 pm, to 6 pm, 105 | give . 3 raise y . > ahroad " . we | - give their first concert to raise Rixteen tenders were received Three new cases of tuberculosis 0 SS n Nights of Performance==At Theatree=7 The performance was stitl more funds for the purchase of new W-|for the joh and the Hawkin Com ooourred in the area during 1060) F R MI ED ! 0 ghts of | MAN eA eatre pm. appreciated when the audience stiuments, The concert will fea: pany's was the lowest, Work on HURRIED CALLS T, W, control 1s at present car: P A PERS 9 GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 Box Office at Henderson's Book Store was informed of the battered con: ture familiar ght musle as well the new storm sewer will he done LONDON (Cp Londoners vied out hy the unit together with dition of the Instruments when as two original compositions by [largely by unemployed Bowman. made 304,400 emergency teles/the Ontario County TH, Associa % given out to the band, The full Dr. Lindemann, Mayor Willlam|yille citizens who are hired in phone calls to the fire, police and Hon, who staff the many x-ray IN AJAX iy a" must io Jo dials atric. Parish and Miu. Parup whi be conjunetion with the federal « pro- ambulance services during 1058, files vid dire te ak 3 " took the time and trouble to'when they present their concert pected that the unit wil take Tio Mey o thee your H 0 Mu E aver the greater proportion of this . . . BOWMANVILLE POLICE TELEVISION LOG [jimmie w we] AJAX TAXI - . CHCTLTV Channel Ti=Hamilion CRLIIV Channel 6=Taronte ii irois foiihollt he are for PHONE FILL-A-CARD DOORS OPEN DAILY 12:30 P.M. Chief Reviews WORTY Cann S-bt WOENTY Comer not ren oi one | AJAX 333 I ! N a 0 Up to December 81, a total of || AN sells must be placed before 2450 children had recelved im 7130 pm, Md . ! TURANAY BVENING | =Capt, Kangaroo 6=Hape Around The eqar S Cc 1V1 hoo PM bon AM Hun munigation, The great majority WeTheatre, Hparts BBurs and Allen v Hinyhoy [of these ehildren had received pe S=Whistle 'Town 4 Fopeys's Play t= Fun hs Learn BOWMANVILLE A total of hicle accidents investigated dur { FA rn Pl HE Hoom b=Thiee Stooges le HOA | Tomorrow's Nos, #17 males and three females were |ing the past year than in 1067. As| #=Thies Flooues "it AM 8 Online y iy TO | LINICR RELD [ Her story was truly a charged. In Bowmanville magi: a result of these accidents the in AL : Pistrint Attorney Onion weatrw | man nization of preschool ehil J B-7 0-73 glrate's court o the town police Jury rate through tratfie mishaps] "Trea ** * | 8-My Little Markle oh dren an nals hy ofriod au " i during 1058, The tedal of eharges doubled, This reversed the tren CL | won AM f= Migkoy Mase 0 elintes which ave combined y was 477, or 48 fewer charges than found elsewhere in the he ae JmBither ime ert Che oF WNoney Sotiris HOURA (with the unit's child health oon ; § GAME NO. 1 in 1067, Police Chief Bernard R. [as preliminay provincial figures | = Dnner thie theatre | Wn AM B-Henkil Lancers Kitney told the town eounell Mon: show declines in injuries and fa:! %=Waady . Woadpeeker | 88=Treasure a PM devotion that moved the day night when he presented his talities [0 AAI Godfrey He Theatre) Newsi {diptheria and tetanus toxoid 1s N N G smallest of the small. the ! - =Nowsi Theatre; ith AM Weather provided free of charge, In Jan annual report | "It is hard to understand," sali Weather F=Marning Devatlons | t= Karly Show ary only four monthly | | 19 31 46 62 ightiest of the Ighty! The Highway Tratfiec Aet aes|the Chief, "as we don't have the bs Rurly how oF J AN [} M Wh atlon olinie ARAL A p \ . : shih A . R ol News 0 \ willow Bodel Jackson i 1 TALE L " counted for the majority of the liquor outlets In this area that! g gy King be Price In Right ET [area, hy December a total of 11 \ 34 49 65 pte miracle of love and {ferences in the area, At these {elles whooping cough vacoeine, charges coming into police eourt could he blamed, In fact acel CAL) I Love buoy B-Nows Sits A Great Life v Ha AM &= Tim MoCay rast heen entghlished to cope) 38 51 6 h 3 tor an 1 re! he compared to 136 In the previous or are down, This same trend is Wl PM d=Top Dollar SMoet TIES [pated that there would he a de 0 year, The Liquor Control Act evident to the Ontario Provineial| s-Beagal Lancers Ai=Concentration | A=Leave It To Beaver| One in attendance as an ever : 55 68 came second in the number of of: Police here and also veverses |& #=News, Wealher Hin NOON A0=Nowni Wonlher Inereasing number of children re per ERLE A) | 42 5 70 g 6, 4 News AN WRAY | gga In 1037 there were 38 charges. cent of all motor vehicle ace: | NPM | §8=Tio Tae Dough iii 4 EY The Criminal Code of Canada ac: dents are caused hy defective) 8=Tanloid I ean ti H=Family Theatre TIMES BUREAUS f 45 58 75 oointed for 48 charges, up six roads, five per cent hy defective| Mere ROAKSr Of the f= Tahloig | p " B= You Had a Million Maokons Hatdors ] Municipal bylaw charges were DY defective drivers TA RM {4 Nowe Bowen pam ohn MN y OSHAWA COMMUNITY 183 33 83 nN oh hi 4 \ unk oxi ? P=Perspoctive Play Your Hunoh 4 Jo ! ) ! L§ down considerably last year at 40) Fraudulent oheques cashed by "fermen pd=dt Cod Be yon | TA BM in Mills Ajax 426 CONCERT were charged under the Juvenile time and effort in 1088, On two, =Danna Heed Hin PM ' They Nik BOWMANVILLE A Delinquent Act, up one from 1957 cases penitentiary terms were | S37 hraimet Hall Mar Theatre | a Disney Prosenis resent Woman & story 1 S=Wiibithirds S=tiviting Lah | 80=Wakon Train Rae Hopkine Ma, 3.7282 hraaenhy ou have unti 3 pm. the following last year, with a total of 178 as dents in which liquor was a fae ond I Peter Lind Haves Mig A With the demand. It was antiel: | fenders with a total of 7 charges, [the provincial trend. Four 3h U=hanures Bus Duke from the previous year motor vehicles and 91 pes cont | t=Aniie Oakley te Ww oem | t tren House A AX 37 60 54 as compared with 108 In 1967, Six merchants took a good deal of v- Cheyenne =hoarel far Tamavrow | |e Neiiher ASSOCIATION 35 §7 and clht charges resulted from handed out by the convieting Jus NPM ETE day to phone If you have a full card 24 INSTAR Af 48 the Revised Statutes of Ontario, tice, On another case, as a result 11, 6b iont Page Liberace {= hi oo huilie BERMARD 1220 Binge (Sunday oxespted), Complete A Man Called Peter! up seven from 1087 of diligest and prompt investiga hallionge Matinee Leave 101% Reaves playing les appesr on the bask of ol pling 4s id Climb The | on Ang --% 9 §8 Bddie Fisher Ve Mi WORT Adventure ( APPOINTME? AUTO THEFTS DOWN Jn, 8. Hole ' i . Was brok: | ¢ Ann Nother No " wi ohne diventure { QUEREY IN NThuies Al Baritane of Lyrig Opera avery Binge card Habe Mound P ather ¢ CLLR. | 8=Mid Day Mall . | + Tghest Mountain The police department urges ') $-thevy Show i Py TW late OF the Quebeo Clty daily of Chicago Bonetit of plaints recorded at the Police, J ho v WPROS | "0° Wyatt Bap H=Movie Matinee 0mm and Hwy (NOVEDADER LiAction Catholiawe || yn Auditor Station last year, of which '624 the Mevohans not to cash 4-To Tell The Trin PTI + Teankdown haw heen apnainted managing ed. || '™ Auditorium of 0.C.CL ARMY, NAVY AND were major and the remaining o ou " i refer them to the § ma MN ! Du Miss Hrooke A=Brice 1 Right tov, Lowls-Philinpe Roy, formerly Simeoe Street § AIR FORCE VETE 586 minor, The auto thefts were DANKE The department has in| "gUECHRR oo won ni Week aditardn = ehdef and managing . RANS cut In half in 1950, to nine. all of Sted an escort service from | dave Godtey Day I Court I= Daiwa Resa editor, remains editortn-chief Wednesday, Feb, 4 IN CANADA the merchant's place of business nw eM Jimny Doan VB Musie Hall | ' 8:30 PM, which were recovered, ih hi A prec Yepored to the bank and encourages mer. Jobat Helen Neville The Millanaire . aol hot af wikicl ; chants to take advantage of the ¢ Red Skelton Musto. Hing Frontier stolen eight of which were recov: gonvice 5 B=Hoh Cummings NOWs ¥- Avena SUBSCRIBERS ered hy police, The heyele theft We PM hue Coaking G30 Bal Masterson is down six from the 1037 total PISTOLS REGISTERED | P=Aloan Theatre House Party D0 Pant Shaw THE TIMES y The town police also recovered! Revolvers, pistols; and auto |b §; 41 ohians Hauia Hagdia " Wn EM elght cars which had been stolen matic pistols registered (n 1958 , 10a PM A ny ee hat BOWMANVILLE OWOSore There was a total of 1,180 gom A Nursery Sehoal | Honing in other municipalities totaled 68 The Chief Constable! 118 Press Conference LLU | fo Have Gun WIE Travel the . don rex a ol Fodahn Daly he OWE Miss Hooks | RR : tier wosis reported uaiow rina who way, have Thn| it BY ppg | 1000 Ave | $413 wT] pom widen areas avo ETN CURT JURGENS ROBERT DONAT whe g pe of weapon in thelr home! 3. maid Venture Doctor Malone LoSiaries af the Contury BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST U | AL ! VICI | value to $13,162.60 as compared or office thal they must be re Wh PM Era diig, wi \ M wiV OF PM | to $3.008.42 In 1937. The value of registered. The new registration T= News: Weather; at Be TAX! SERVICE PHONE RI T™HE INN OF THE SIXTH recovered stolen property recov. effective in 1988 Is a permanent pati N A De Yo v ; 4 ' ered by police during 1988 was type of registration rather than 14 TL, ! Ry fhese' Rows Now We athe STEVEN S TAXI Vi $1,745.40 as compared to the 1937 the ald plan which called for ve. Weather, Spork " A iit 9 m HAPPINESS value of $3.02 registration every Hve years ! iy % au Ls nN p hl *™ MA 3.5822 1] \ \: VR Has Wa In hreaking How n ne, HPA Summing up his Fepopt the 8 Viewpoint Amerioan Bandstand | Waniner. Spans It you have net received your BIG HOUSE pi charg Chief ney he Chiel sald, "1058 was a busy amd PAL Panty Play ham BYRNE - aR § : a nn MaNALL CINEMAS "» COLOR Ww BD i council a close wateh had been most successhul vear. 1 would lke u foley Far A Day I Times, phone your carrier boy IS THE BIG THR! LER! RICHARD GOLERN y AREGE - Dg Lu kept on overloading and 14 dif: to pay partionlar thanks 10 Ihe sedate 'WBN fish, If you are unable to con EYER: GRAY -------- LAL \ 0) V wy ' - ferent firms had been charged Council, the citizens at large, the ®-Jack Paar Popeye he tagt Nim by 7:00 p.m ADULT Y 1st Osl with overloads wp 0 13,500. Bowmanville detachment of the HK rN Howdy Doody | NE ty ' + 4 hy thawa pounis, This type of enforcement OPP and the various other de dia No AM Trois " th Fath a N Fw TELEPHONE TTEVENY YAN) Jntertainment 0] 50 BIC IN d Showin s! Is necessary so help the life of partments who extended cooper 88-1 Led Thies Lives | + Edie 'of den oh : Calls Accepted Between seis : the town's roads says the Chief. ation to my department during WELNENDAY WRB NTARAY ~™ Bdaek Paar T:.7:30 pow, Only 0h AM LW AM RL RASA swindon 5 vy A There were 38 more motor ve | 1908, | ad=Today Theatis: Sports The Unexpegted