ym NEW OFFICERS OF CEDAR LOD At a recent ceremony, held in the Oshawa Masonic Temple officers for the ensuing year were invested and Installed by Cedar Lodge, No, 270, AF and AM The new officers from $63,879 In Fines Were mound left, are: Rt, Wor, Bro, | Bro Farrow, secretary; Bro Riley, senior warden Bro. EK. L, Elliott, wor master; Bro J from E.F Jd. F Wor shipful G w P ( ceremonies Pritchard GE Jobh Jemence Wor 3 bro A , No. 270, AF, AND treasurer Back row, from left: Wor. Bro 1 director of ( immediate pagt mas Burch, junior warden and Wor..! ter; Bro, Gi. K, Branton, senior Imposed During Year Police" Chief Herbert urged ppl selves to a police career a then all oung men to occupation in Oshawa In hi annual report "A police career ing city can be both and challenging," he future is bright and the sec rewards worthwhile The continued expansion of Osh in this grow I'h sald tion and the comsequent ind in added services demanded the police department made 1958 one of its busiest years The chief paid tribute to every member of the department fo assistance in compiling the com prehensive report, He the department's pacity work and painstaking re ( ource 1 ( rease of cribed for| TWO LABOR DISPUTES Flintoff along with the fifth and juvenile stimulating led awa both in building and popula | ggid staff ol I'he Also to lad officers of police little and the var Both it has were and departmei's head all the civie probation COUrts lous police departments heen our pleasure to have work: and during the violence with during the year." of "1 desire to acknowledge my ported aid he his year for the Alex ( and ad Hall, QC, ice during of whi share extended sincere appreciation to the commissioners I'he chief thanks and hoard of police courtesy and guidance extend He also cited given by 1958 of #7 sonnel A fo ed during the year the willing assistance the radio and press taker There were two lahor disputes | abo management ch as police 2 gave extra most | and one part constables and an as resigned during d the police de and Villin trike damage no or urity indebtedness to Crown Attorney $63,870 IN FINES In 1058 $63 $30,606 76 #7 I'he authorized police department MM. This five schonl cro time eivili in th fulness as a constant source of which required specin] attention ment strength at year "t pride APPRECIATION VOICED Specil thanks were given Wk Deputy Chief D, ¥. Ferguson an other department heads for their «ieontribution throughout the year, "1 would he remiss in my ties," the chief did not express my to His Worship Mayor Lyman A Gifford, the council du continued appreciation members of for ied oqf 1!place special patrols in the area : he eluded Cars from the police department continued "The hotel waiters strike caus: | the police the most concern Harley being in the downtown area with! The four two 1957 model Harley vidson motorcyeles 1958 moael Davidson identification f | labor dent wmrtment to co-operate Incident a in janitor tan cit Dec made paid in fine the pel nara Fi end edan and. one l Ie al The department's motor equip In a 1958 department pedestrians and mass pleketing, took fingerprints of 66 prisoner 46 At times it became necessary 10 and visas "However," he pointed out, prisone 'only one charge was laid during ments sels M( I's made thelr co-gperation citizen" It was later withdrawn, bered 161 of Photograpl taken accident were of fingerprint Woanild Remodel | Will Study 'Downtown Area New Type entire block off Rezone the area of Oshawa, traffic at the four corner convert this area into a modern. shopping pliza This was the intriguing sition put before members of the Oshawa Junior Champer of Com merce at their meeting Monday evening by Eugene Henry {industrial development specialist Mr. Henry suggested that the downtown area is in of dramatic change if 1 a keep pace with the time He pointed to similar of the vhich heen out ir such American 1d Phi delphia and Boston, Mr. Henr) was directly involved vith the re development work omplishe in these areas capacity Speaking from in recent months pal officials, the do chant's association and city ners, he that scheme could be dey - Youth Had Wine * At Dance Hall Brian Luke, 17, north was fined $10 and costs on each char 10 day tive of heing cated and ha strate ed guilty to the Magistrate | that the accused was present] suspended sentence Luke found in a local dance hall a quanlity wine all and huge propo i need 1 nature hae n ull same necessf carried entre a in a profe } hi experience th muniel own mer plan uch a uggested H consecu intoxi n magi plead on charges ing liquor court Monday, He charge S noted on va with noted projects 11 1 ional loped to 1s 0977 Ritson road downtown [logical , would the with clear headed, dynamic and con-| structive / thinking which. led "to the establishment of the cen tral parking lot on Athol street He such magnitude would require at least four "off street' parking lots of the type prevalent Toronto and added that these have to be within rea onable distance of four ners Mr. Hem nination would allow 1 people the il continued conclusion Involved move the and of ag foi now in with th Aged Monda for the a he cor pointed out that the traffic: from this peaple to eros side a of | an trained of tth ied \ Al store of the accident He sald he that of Oshawa was the most growing and held the future of any community ada that if the city advantage of this on one danger at from street without t the City rapidly greatest in Can It home Is to lake proper growth it must people concentrate on planning and de. their velopment particularly of an in dustrial nature which would take consideration project of ing nature which outlined 10,01 Jayede no he he the RESIGNS FROM STAMPS CALGARY (CP) Mevyn (Red) Dutton resigned as presi lent Calgary Stampeders of the Western Interprovincial Foot ball Union at the Stampeders' annual meeting Monday. He said that after three on the board of directors, he didn't wish to continue and 1 result re. luctantly" resigned, to direct his energies toward making a Cal gary sports centre a reality years as COMING a EVENTS Centre Frida baking, fresh rolls and 1" A pa Street February | IWALENTINE Tou Aireh, West Group & 2:30. Home cakes chen FERNHILL Jon An of four poty. Free EUCHRE alle stone Avenue, We A158 pom. Seven yp THE Pilgrim Players pres for the Prosecution'. King tennial Hall Wednesday pm RADIO Park nesday, Feb ubhouse A attend eh ] W Park One 20 %4 ( hruary 1) es A Witness Street Cen Feb, 4, 8 Ma Wed al the As ation ) at § n'clo Kinsmen Bingo TUESDAY, FEB. 3 Jubilee Pavilion FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES at | 0 Wednesda NIGHT Euchre Chapter Masonic OF Cards and under auspices OES Thursda | Progressive sunbeam A pm of Feh Streot ion Ma ple, Centre Good prize inch. Adm NIGHT ressive euphre Apm Christ Auspices Ath Sea Admission hn v Parish Ha Mathers 5 cents Seout Auxiliar TURKEY SUPPER United Church Show BINGO ed I ged committed { 1 d personnel y are He went along to point out of patient inconvenience who n Oshawa may emphasized that a project Ontario of 1} The proposal Sunny Kitchener night I'he Kitchener Proving madequnale date Vpsychotic chronically twilight surrounding The City for Oshawa holding election when a full didates has the ¢ vO new | for the nw 1e chronicall which ori Home Na to Oshawa | Lior I home I" \ 1 mentall ill aged per ol the number for a caring fo the of normal decirou yen and renit of St. Thomas a not qualified WHEELER AIR LINES STAGES TRIAL RUN on thelr arm ( fe for of 106 Enlarge sale tablishiment city the strike and that by a private breaking and allied subjects num Aged Home | a Kitchen nated i] he handed homie uy 1 point f d omn | the have ! ) and ons." isting IH | ane deriment aed of 1 upport ta el ng ul } m econd municipal late of can at | Oshawa Airport after making new trial alr PQ, St le f At Street ath the Hall, Bond February $6 Union Wedne B pm sday , | | at es . are 5 4( are the weglt! | Dow ni $ WI run of service Catharine t \ i] the between and O I proposed o right 0 Merchant's A Dor a | \ | to AM, INSTALLED Absent when the pleture taken R. A Stone, guard n Gg Britten C, Pen: iro M steward; Bro deacon and Penfound n Bro tyler was deacon; Bro. ¥ senior steward found, chaplain Penfound H Sliter Wo Bro were "Our object formed counetl to a degree unqualified sol tions in Oshawa," J | inner and Cieen, Jun ion Junio J. A ) Times Photo - A Port charged Hope man h driving Wak ontenced Lo and toxicated da mint the | court cost in ot jail ditional 10 da IF] ed da 1h | nyo th a parked station Ritson 0'In titehe on I outh owned Jack thre pa avenue Of Korol In his chin Gren 14 uit of nger, Tony received Hs head as a 1% accel dent K guilty 1 16 and to the ealed rol pleaded not | can make nation per Ie ilcohol In ' { | par hou hlood speaker tarian I, J of the club's committee Wa } ( up Hall amount of blood vith be ol deny Cr 1 Att ¢ Alex t t th commented i a ileohol in f 0) { vould eorrespond 0 pint rean heer this and « did tween nim I'he itement K ACCUS not ( 0 impound month and his wpended for one no ir was al re for three " | | | I's licence is | in intere In the things Also advise vould traffic CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS and hes I istrict birthdays our clinic Cong ition dent 1 And who hrating today Frank nori it price was won hy Kirk 218 Oshawa Blvd ---- Shetler, 1508 Wolsey Popel Sandra Avenue | Land mes K Andre oot Olive 151 ol \1 nn REDUCING? THE HOMEWOOD HEALTH STUDIO offers you the best, Completely private cabinet sty team baths and f men and and reducing experionged ine \i) tree William auth treet street Mar 100 Chat n 150 Gibbon 4 Cl Will Gordon id NH approved sidewalk total 1 n \ Tami sewer O'Reill Danny nue treatments under struct, 204 KING ST, EAST PHONE RA 8.0511 for a LIQUOR PLERISCITE | OAKVILLE (CM) Residents of this town midway between To ronto and Hamilton will vote April & in a plebiscite on liquor Hounges |} ton, "106 ne a ower to be laid which Braemm on al a oo Gar len | S30.625 undo ment with the of 20,166 feet Tibo to he constructed oni? ona $05,765, Pri will $62 frontage pul pal a son A total walk | reels vale 0 to for Apred City oul hie Inn of current the Sixth a cost of share per foot al owners $2.66 tract Happine he o | Starting Tonight!! ENQUIRY CLASSES The Catholic Church And Its Teachings For Catholics and Non-Catholics TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 257 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA Wows ' Oshawa Chamber of Commerce ("solicitation which are made tool The Ontario Minister of Plan land the matter were to be| Capital costs of this type of This was disclosed up his mind about Oshawa's re- er o ovine h p er cent hy the provincial governs p the federal-provincial artner In 4 / Rovern , re ; {telephone campaigns -- Presum- =... 5 00 neard Monday that Municipalities are not required The new bureau, he said, would| On Jan, 30, however, the minister Because of the high cost of con:|proportionately reduced from full thi it " "is fo eliminate Bn Acre it asked for the land on™ * lim provincial partnership organist mittee. -Peaded by Ald, Christine Teed low-cost land as a conces: eligible for tenancy. Rents are query . sisi . . E Kl 1 . C ] | the 1r ine Plans 10 $ suggested the city might consid n jal, Mon future i SLI hy John country", Mr. Sharp said, The In (he later communication! nye middie of June was dis: AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS vagon partment of Citizenship and Im: thing [pect to see the go-ahead on the Oghawa regional airport, now nd his Genosha on Monday y Garden Pool arines with stops at Oshawa and 4 . ' a eke on the) arly vouidente of Canada werd have to he improved hy alr strip the ed his audience to extend the|tion and industrial strength of the ficial of the Wheeler Airlines, of well as having its runway lengths as thes a great contri-was underestimated, Today Explained ning at the meeting of the O8h-|fving in to Oshawa, under govs Grindley, chairman and a population of approximate. [fact that progress has heen made he aocommaodated | members was voiced Presi- of the nation, In considering the day night the audience forgot the joes were first made, in Mayor [than just a local municipal area Sharp commented that no nation Of the contripution being made them in the construction of a MARKET SURVEY region as far east as 1 of her . : of building great [1950 and September, 1957, 1300 vised one made of cement, Others route pattern is presently under of Peterborough and west to the truly Canadian concept p pier | y an vestment of $13,500,000 and em. plastic. With. blackboard <and| At that time the facts and fig-|ital expenditures involved in such College Class Referring to the fact that the of four automobiles made sincelfor each which was very neces: transport hoard whe have author. (the lighting and an equal amount the United States, Mr, Sharp saw other lands, It was also mention.|two pounds of water He stated that the mayor and|for the department of (transport the Oshawa Missionary College pean countries had moved Mo ing their first year in Canada, [nual banquet which is to be held such a project and have accord: | GOVERNMENT PLEDGE When court proceedings were of Canada and for that reason] Mr, Sharp urged his audience John Clark, of Torento, willl pledged that the federal govern: am glad to see these people take given every opportunity to make that they may he absorbed into moving pictures as he comments| . f for regional airports eligible for ou to attend community at large the group of Hortleult:| Drink For The t one people, to a common goal fecy 14 He hoped that the Oshawa community life, 1mm igrantiriermingling of racial strains group of the European tour which one week for sentence {In magistrate's court on a charge plans for the proposed develop: bridge between the old and new | centuries, In this way there would] A bus tour of the charge tives of the airlines would be ys {gradually to their new surround I'he undercurrents of our an- the Association and hrochures of Walter Lebanovich, which was they have already commenced and political life of the fu The door The accused drove the vehicle of thinking and one deep loyalty [the sign was worth more than| darne ree bias", commented Mr, Sharp UNUSUAL OFFERS | [to turn the steering wheel around | a free kids want ad program 12 or 14 bottles of heer and three City Council Monday If you need the services of a estimated cost of $152 658 Five Hungarians, ranging in ad to locate the best qualified i {of $40.75, street, Toronto, were convicted on) ad Magistrate F', 8, Ebbs Monday, Fiesor and Alexander Stadi all tor Mission, Toronto, was stolen Bi | HHOward, wis stolen from the Gen ' ¥ Artes » hendod on Highway 2 near Co why they committed these of. because we wanted to get to Hall "Why did you leave Hungary" ---- has set up a ""husiness protective [frequently in and out of the city". ning and Development is appar | reopened project ave horne 75 per cent council Monday, Ald, F quest for a 48-unit subsidized rent ment, Profits and losses are ship, which finances low-cost {ably for funds had come to on Jan, 22 the minister, in full recovery rental of each unit|(c make any capital outlay, They he able to keep a check on them. asked the city if it would he will struction, land and services i|iaxes, to match the rental she ieita- Which the homes would he built | It was pointed oul in the lets] Families whose joint incomes Oshawa Thomas, was directed hy council slon to secure subsidized hous-|hased on 20 per cent of the gross NO REASON GIVEN ohn Reorol minister gave no reason for fail A e P 0 : fa he important role which im- "Their cultural traits can en- ef A land assembly project in r r gressing Ki sha lial offic of the ( premature disruption of ethnic COUN il was asked if it would re closed aa th ionl il | h arp, Maison officer of th § osed A 16 earliest possible 1s his (alk Mr, Henry indicated by migration, in an address to the porpNTIAL proposed, scheduled, air services| nder the management of the Ons Montray Mr, Sharp, who | the Toronto island airport, ac ' ontrave ¢ a overeat by the. larger popdla |Hghting and the additions of tele hand of goodwill and fellowship! United States, For that reason the Dorval, P.Q {ened from its present 3000 feel ta bution to the future. The with a population' of 17,000,000 awa Junior Chamber of Com: ernment. instrument flight rules international service ly 25,000,000 would seem more] At the meeting of the Osh-ai0ng these lines since the an He said; "a regional airport is dent James Skinner nation's economic growth immi-| cold weather outdoors as Kenneth | cjisrand's inaugural address | In the case of Oshawa this would Canada in the vast- hy newcomers to Canada, Mr,|garden pool Mr, Henry emphasized that a serve a I'he proces ' i p Tor 18. Wit in progress and a|had established their own bisi-| could' be made of wash tubs, bath way which, it 1s hoped, will he Metropolitan Toronto distriet," ning to emerge | g J und ployed more than 4000 native Ca- chalk he demonstrated the prop:|ures would he available and|A project might he somewhere in C Oshawa district was first devel 1046 had heen purchased hy peo-sary when one realizes that foriity governing the licensing of for the beacon, receivers and a parallel in that, in recent years, |ed that approximately $275,000,0000 The president, Lloyd Johnston, other civie officials seem to be| Personnel required to operate this |attended the trate"s court|the det, T jes of these i" e mony United Chureh| pport iended the magistrate's courtithe district, The lives of these... oo mon GOAL n the Harmo nit Wreh|ed the airline thelr full su He stated, also, that Transport completed His Worship Magis: [their problems should be clearly to nurture the democratic way of take the members on a tour of ment would hear the hurden of f life of the!the Canadian way of life and so . : y | ife of the anadig é on the tour which was taken last [such grants, where sc heduled alr While at first the langnage har It ural members Joseph Yvan Semoneau, distudy would fulfill these require. gooups set up their own cultural (similar to that which had taken is heing conducted this spring and of car theft hy Magistrate ¥, § {ment were still in the planning vorlds, Their organizations per. be neither assimilation or absorp: States which will last about three| The accused was charged with| working in the Oshawa area om ngs cesolrs are being enriched to the trip are available from the Iparked on Arena street, The esti-| work along these lines in 8, ture, The emphasis must be on Mrs. Robert into a parking sign by eity hall s0 that we will live together as [the car." » Lillian Goldstein, Tuscon Trunk Sewer 5 Admit Theft two or three times before the | to offer her services as a "ple | or four glasses of Whisky to mnitary and top flight worker, place an The Warne Creek itary AEe from 17 to 25 years, who gave person. Dial RA 3.3492 now for ol Lid, [two charges of car theft ang re Joseph Pap, Istvan Ka plead gullty to both charges and ind in Oshawa, Another eral. Motorg south plant parking bourg fences they stated, through an fax to a hoat and go back to queried Magistrate Ehbs, P % "eo | ] . Te iven By Mini ster bureau' to deal mainly with ently having some trouble making The minister pointed out that |" the federal government and 28 tedo, QC, said a large number of gi" no ieot hor " ) ' " ne in the same ratio, proj housing, now required that the s [the chamber's attention, fect, said "no" to the application, [Should not exceed §70 a month, | accept payment in leu of taxes the chamber in. INE 10 charge less than the $2000 wag hecoming difficult to meet|gidy provided hy the federal: The low rental housing com: ter that many municipalities of- do not exceed $4000 a year are . , S S Immigrants Monday to study the minister's family income, The Jan, 22 letter from while in ing to agree to the request, He wospend an{migrants will play in Canada's! rich the cultural life of their new stead ed in an accl nadian Citizenship Branch, Dec groups would not be' a good consider its asking price for the qi hy "wich Oshawa could ex | hat it was quite clear that the received Rotary Club of Oshawa in Hotel UNDERESTIMATED hetween Dorval and #®, Cath tario County Flying Club, would titches in theme "Canada's Heritagy | . . cording to Eugene Henry, an of [communications equipment As Building " " ( tential essed | Canada ; | . to the newcomers to the Dominion potential possessed hy an In a talk given Monday eve [a minimus of 5000 feel if aireraft introduced by Ro. Canada is still sparsely populated merce, Mr, Henry stressed the ,n"a" cohedule service, were to fhe thanks of the suitable for the economic welfare awa Horticultural Society Mon:|nouncement of the proposed serv lone that serves something more Prefacing his remarks, Mr, gration was but one phase |Coates, of Newcastle, directed mean that the airport would an match y td natural ources. Sharp said that between January,| For a substantial pool he ad- market survey for the proposed Port Hope, novth to the outskirts nation 1s still aly begin. nesses, representing a capital in-[tubs, forty gallon drums and completed by the end of March.| Mr. Henry estimated that caps PARALLEL SEEN nadians, He stressed that one out er method for a firm foundation would he reviewed hy the air|the neighborhood of $50,000 for oped by people who moved from pla who came to Canada from each cuble foot there are sixty:|such operations transmitters, plus the annual pay The social studies class from hundreds of people from Kuro: was spent by New Canadians dur: reminded the meeting of the an: enthusiastic about the success of equipment in Oshawa on Monday people were linked with the future Banquet Hall, March 14, when|in its study of this question, Minister Hees has publicly y y ' l and V & y think y . a Bl trate | FEhbs commented understood and the hould be thinking among immigrants so Europe through the medium of | Accused ames these development expenditures Ia contribution to the that Canadians may advance, as vear hy | | services are involved pier limits their participation in| was Inevitable there would be an Mp. Johnston also reminded the King street west, was remande: mn Thursday [ments hut stressed the fact that and religious organizations as a place in Great Britain during the! reservations should he made soon Southern pins, He pleaded guilty to the|stage and that traffic represents mit them to adjust themselves! ton but coalition weeks Is also being planned hy| the theft of a vehicle owned by|the probdems involved and that weave the pattern of the econom- secretary » mated value of the car was $20, [Catharines ity ans a truly Canadian culture, way | | WANT ADS HAVE | Magistrate Ebbs commented one people without antipathy and | The accused sald that he had Ariz, tike, took advantage of wheels would move, "I had about f : taster, She got over 200 calls! h wo e 1C es drink," he sald construction 1059 at - Oshawa Times "help wanted" trunk measuring 4004 feel, 80 address of 138 Sherbourne expert help In preparing your uhdivls manded one week for semence hy Gergely Sarkozi, Agoston A truck owned by the Fred Vie vehicle dwned by David Ross lot. The five accused were appre When asked by His Worship mterpreter We stole the cars Hungary" 1 Propaganda guess,' they sald His Worship then asked them how long they have been living in Canada. They that they had been living her for about two 'It has heen too long sald said Voar they | "How were you going to gel back to Hungary, steal the boat?" His Worship asked "No", said one of the accused "We were going to try to stow away." Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall came up with a suggestion to tell them to and join the doukhahours I hear they are going to send them back. Right now it would be pretty cold to he a doukhabour though", he said g0 out west tion; ¥ Henry lon of Wheeler dertaking ofticial of Lines, the line un tidy of the ser Slocombe, man ( Flying Vi up en Air the Geo (8) here tor a tour of Inspec ONTARIO NATIVE | MONCTON, NR (CP) Ed ward C. Champ, 64, freight traf fic manager for the CNR's Atlan TOE died Monday, He was =Fhoto by Leeland Sudip [born at Branchton, Ont, | the Oshawa 1] tion with Airport in connee For Further Information Contact: REV. M. A. BERIAULT, 370 Simcoe Si. S. - RA 5.1909 \ the proposed sched. | tario I uled air services which would unt wnty \ 1 \M W arrived | pn Include Oshawa in the route ( on Mr, Heary