The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Pebruary 3 ded 1 CAPSULE NEWS Pickering Cagers Win an | Women May Get Games From Central "7 AR" EY WE. T Lay-Reader Post Pickering District High School SHOTS MISSED al rivals -- Oshawa (Collegiate po ow J » » , ' A Jumdor and senior basketball In the ghort overtime period,|and Vocational Institufe -- Ban-| = ; [tha Chutes, of Bogland 1b accept frm Sonschers Joma in May, teams took both ends of a double-| Nicholishen and Tuscon occ tam, junior and senfor teams, | 4 : Wom ing att iY Was I0ACO Folries Viehosh ho Laity of the church assembly fall and was sentenced to 18 header with Oshawa Central Col-|raissed before Kerton scored the|starting at 6 p.m. this Friday. | | : jate Institute Monday night at| game-winning basket for Plek.|VINEUPS -- JUNioRs 44 y : i 4 Monday, The house passed a re-' manths, L ering, Central -- Babe, Bell, Blasks, f ' ? A ur solution by a vote of 80 to 62 re-| In the close, hard-fought senior| Central's George Puller was|Dalidowicz, Dulny, Fegan, Hartt) | a wy. ; questing the convocations to eon-| ' NO ROBES FOR MAYOR tit, Pickering was driven to sud-|high for the day with 24 points, nolealy Ys "Vik, A ow ' 4 4 sider amending a draft canon to| TORONTO (CP)-City councl den-death overtime before captur-(Kerton had 13 for Pickering. | "nie dns "-- Keen, Dawson o. " : Me : 4 admit women as readers, Monday voted against garbin ing a 44-42 victory. The visiting| Garnet Watchorn and caplan| oq 0 "a ins crag, "Wood Mal Be v # ' / / Th / Toronto's mayor in ceremonis funlor team outclassed OCCI Paul Munroe each had 11 points coo 4 ' ' 7 / any vy a ; BRANDT TO VISIT robes. Rather than look like » 2.2, [tor Plckering. | SENIORS |X J i 6 Z y Z 3 OTTAWA, (CPL-ally gin "comic opera bloke" as one al- Down | In the junior contest that fol-| Ceniral -- Andrey, Clarke, 4 y ' / i mayor n, will have| derman put it, Mayor Phillips will time A po Mey! to lowed, Pickering walloped OCCI Py Remy Mikins, Merger ; J 7 LV ih i y talks with Prime Minister Diefen-| greet the Queen this summer In & ence ond was leading in the|42-23. Dave Keen scored 20 points ery, Nieholishen, Tuscon, 3 " 4 baker, Governor-General Massey piain business suit and wearing final minutes of regulation time, {OF the winners while Stan Dalid-| "Pickering -- Webster, Munroe, | | i % / nd _ EAerual Jasin Miniater his chain of. office, M. D. Nicholishen made two foul|uwicz had 8 polrifs and Bob Bell| Laycock, Pearce, Carlton, Moore, | © tii, viak 2 Sis ign 45 iva shots in the last minute of play|8 for the losers. Cummings, La Ponte, Watchorn| fg # Ho a Ay rives| PROTECT NEWS SOURCES to tie the score for Central, | Central plays hodt to tradition-land Kerton, | Pi , il 0) : wy Sees 4 OLYMPIA, Wash, (AP)--Legis- - pre ------------ ' / J by air at 5:45 p.m , Thursday | lation whieh would A ¢ ' y from Germany. rs Blood Bank Needs CITY COUNCIL | oA rose pon, (EEE SLE Strongly Stressed _ BREFS [gst A Ce AT | ER ERE The hump on King street east, | formation oltalired, Oshawa will have to donate 300 it will cover all Ontario by July, jet west of Harmony road, may| / % 1 A ¥ y J 8 h Tee 21 pints of blood per month if the 1969, |go as the result of a request by| , 1 y ' | § TH, | dist dion hong Xi TOWNSEND SUTS new Red Cross Blood Bank is to| At the meeting, Monday night, {raffle advisory council, Ald.| { Tw ' bi [Tidings. she served as pastor in| PARIS (AP)--Peter Townsend, be a success, {Don Howe, president of Oshawa|A, vy, Walker described the King y | ' 1 Imany Western Ontario Free|the unsuccessful suitor for prin- Ross Newham, director of the Red Cross, asked those present If parmon intersection as dangor-| / ; 4 [Methodist churches. Survivors in.|cess Margaret, Monday brought Blood Bank Service, sald, at pres- he could expect their support, lous especially with children on |elude a sister, Mrs. Jennie Ham-|& one-fran® Tibel suit against the ent, 4000 donations per week are Members from the Westmount | orogsing. There would be nol id V ov! 4 ba eo, A "itn of Oshawa. . Paris weekly newspaper L'Ex. needed from all Ontario to fill|Kiwanis, The Knights of Colum-ipoint in erecting traffic lights Dias 4 press, The newspaper published the requirements of the hospl- bus and The Junior Chamber of there unless the hump vere re. | y . / FARM MEETINGS last November a long article on tals. If one area falls short of Its| Commerce, speaking for their or- moved, he sald, 4 TORONTO (CP) ~ Two farm Townsend's courtship of the prin- quota, the whole province willl ganizations, sald they would back! conventons will: be held in To. cess and his life since then, Town. suffer, The quotas are calculated the clinic fully and would help in} URGE BLOOD DONATIONS y ' (ronto this month, the Ontario|%end asked one franc as symbolic on the basis of population and forming the committee, | Council is to urge all city em: A (agriculture department has an.|damages, the amount of blood used in that -- = ployes -- except PUC personnel| (i nounced, The Ontario Plowmen'sh NOMINATE YAREMKO ---- LL 4 : ik ? ht : Conlin Rink [cr %e for bi $9373 REALIZED BY MOTHERS' MARCH OF DIMES ey A LM a | { | Mr, Newham was speaking to [Canadian Red Cross Society, | a group of Yeprossniatives of the |which has accepted responsibility| officals of the Oshawa Kin- | be heard from. More than 300 | bers of the club counted the re- | from left: Mrs. H. W, Arml. |tario Association of Agricultural | JHE Monday night as Pro- Oshawa Red Cross, Osha in-| {for supplying Oshawa General| efte Club, which sponsored | Marching Mothers took part in | ceipts, fr pr Societies will meet Feb, 25-26, ' | ) , whi g ] ! é weipts, front row, from left, | tage, Mrs, H, Morrison, Mrs, gressive Conservative candidate dustry, service clubs and the hos-| | Livestock Commissioner W. "for Toronto-Bellwoods riding in . Hospital with 500 bottles a month.| Monday night's March of | the house-to-house appeal to | #5 ? pital. Onl Winne [Time off during working hours| Dimes canvass in Oshawa, re- | raise money for the rehabilita- | Mrs. R. Donald, chair- | J. A. MacLean and Mrs. Ann |watson also disclosed that 296! ine next provincial election, Re- These people were meeting to) will be allowed for donors, jored that $0373.27 was col- | tion of poliomyelitis victims, | man; Mrs, A. V, Pollard and | Robinson, animals have been entered for|s oC" hr iter Wardrope ad- bear Mr. Newham and discuss| | ected with two districts still to | Caught by the camera as mem- | Mrs. R. Wotten. Back row, --Oshawa Times Photo [the annval sale of beef bulls|y occas the" riding association , She ushabdar Rs mre rrmemeeee (March 4-5 in the Royal Agrieul-| cing [ A setting up a committee composed | NOT FOR SALE oe pem-- of men from the various organ- At uebec | The parks board headquarters| » . { . tural Winter Fair Buildings at izations. The Oshawa Ited Cross jon Park road north is not for C Convict Woman | Toronto, | LONG-LIFE FORMULA sale this year, said Ald. J. G.| Gy] Y ounci CITY AND DISTRICT BIRTH RATE DOWN 1, CRAVHROOK. B.C.' (CPY-s . 4 {Peter Bull, who celebrated his couldn't. handle this by ther - selves. It Is too big a job. Ken Conlin's foursome was the Brady, property committee chair- | PLAN APPOINTMENTS wy Of St Th ft OTTAWA (CP)--Canada had (1016 pirthday last week, enjoys The Sab vin will have to ar-| ava to win first round games In'ested n buying #. | . HEAVY SMOKE asked to produce his driver's U-| ore re) record baby crop in 1958 although| vegetables and drinks a é [the International Bomsplel at . ! monis f | Oshawa residents noting a cence he did not have it. | the birth rate per 1,000 of popula: | oar of apple juice a day but hy | An Oshawa woman, Maria De. tion dropped to the lowest point only rink of the four from Osh-man, Two companies ave Inter range appointments for the| a bec Cit Monduy The © y cont re donors on the day the mobile Quebec City on Monduy The Con. DESTROY 9 DOGS dense cloud of black smoke over 5 AMBULANCE CAL Dovid ®, ina Pe. ben stays away from alcohol and tob- clinic is to be in town, It will belo en Tnlands, Quo. by 8 score Eight dogs, suppece of hav Ald, Christine Thomas' fallure She dowatow Jomtien oF he o Five Lia an Su $10 i? oT et eu gas. a Pater, Who witdhed i necessary to contact a €lof 11 to 8 ' 2 ng contracted rables, were heldito be re-elected to the finance day shoned "The Oshaw a Times swered by the Oshawa Fire De-|the county Jadl "Thursday "when births at 472,000, up slightly from ay ng a Jost spe. on dopors petal. a The Oshawa rink skipped by by the Sof com Ee chalsraiiy wes Son if there was a fire, In. partment during the last 24 she appeared before Magistrate the previous record of 469,100 PIEDR 10. 1000 au) ov) pais 15 tn a He voom, 3 ipo loi to| Nick Jenkin lost 12 to 5 to H. O:{cleared. The department destroy-| municipal 2 Pn Tas bronghtl? tigation elicited the Informa: hours. All the calls were due to j* 8 Fhbbs on two charges of 1957 ried. Born in Northern Ontatle, Clark, of St. John, N.B. Les " r " % 4 A s honda tion that the smoke emanated sickness, © There were no fim: theft, he has spent most of his life donating blood, even when they| on , ed 9 dogs and 76 cats during another admonition on the heads)' ' . sorted | 8 4 HOPES TO MEET PM P know how important it is, Mr. Evenisa's rink lost out to Jacques the month, of her city council delegates rom\ a hand-fed holler at the|repor She was convicted of onel OPES Bic 8 B.C. Newham sald. |Glrard, of Quebec Winter Club, This one came from the Osh. Oshawa Furniture Co ATTENDED SEMINAR charge of theft from the T. Eaton| MONTREAL b Lwin Th No donor need be at the clinie|¥Y a score of 8 to 7; while Oscar PLAYGROUND DENIED awa and District Labor Council! ; bt Basu G. B. Thompson, 185 Skmeoe store, Oshawa Shopping Centre, Mooney, executive director the APPLE A DAY, NOW 101 snore than & hall hour, The clinic| Parker's rink lost 8 to 6 0 8 punning board would not ap-|\which said it understood the al-| IN ILLEGAL PLACE tN: was ameng the large num. Another charge. of theft from the Canadian Federation of Mayors| CALGARY (CP)--More than 80 team are paid expert staff The |ToWn of Mount Royal rink. prove a request by F. Stacey,/derman heading the polls was| Herbert Harrison, of no given p.. yi, attended an educational >, 5: Kresge store was dismiss {and Municipalities, sald Monday! fellow members of the Canadian 30 minutes include, registering,|, A Tink skipped by J. Smith, gyron court, for a playground for usually recognized as chairman|address, was fined $25 and costs) oooh seminar held recently at|™ the federation plans to ook A National Institute for the Blind blood. a 10 minute rest| Tom the Whitby Curling Club, the Apple Hill area as it consid: |of the finance committee or one month in the county Jail|TeSeATCH SEN NAT ACK TARCPLY &:| Charles Ellmes, of the T, meeting with Prime Minister helped Tom Willams celebrate glving ime for coff [fell before Gaston Amyot's Jac: |aped the Gertrude Colpus School! "We wish to strongly protest/on a cliarge of having liquor In a Ap 'Langeian VEImona "| Faton store, testified that hel Dicfenbaker and the federal cab-Inig 101s birthday here Sunday, pesca uh ime ff " 4 11y ues Cartier Club rink by a score iy playground theflities Inithis action in realising that this place other than his residence practic College in Toronto, observed the woman put a skirt Inet to discuss current prob: |Ar, Williams attributes his longe- . I the ps lot 16 to 7. The Amyot rink won|the area. But the question Isigross Injustice vill not be cor. Monday. by Magistrate F. 8 WELDING CLINIC {in her shopping bag, plus some lems confronting municipal gov-|yitw to "an apple a day, a good easier to get ko | he Licutenant-Governor's Trophy | elated to receive further consid. rected for this term at least,""|EEbbs. Charges of helng intoxi-| A welding cline, at which var.| other small items and walk out of ernments. night's sleep every night, and ms, when they wore Yin last year's spiel {eration ' ; "Vlthe letter sald cated, against him and James!i ng proce ses and tec hniques the store without paying fori _ . never eating between meals," othing to it. Nels Findlay, winner last year : | "We wish to make our feelings Duffield, also of no ven ad wi he demonstrated. is being them. Mrs, DeLaurelis claimed | FARM ACCIDENT SURVEY . m_-- -- 4 n in. md i re A revi (CP) -- E . 4 = Ia wae where rig s x lu the Chateau, Trop the HONORABLE MENTION | known in the hope that the honor. dress, were dismissed held this Wednesday night by the hat fe pad for everything ex} TORONTO iar oan . | Gra gregate Bowl, who is ". able gentlemen who are elected | nadie at cep he skir Bot oll hd company has been co-operative, | a tonvill | Ontario Fire Marshal W. J... "0 i io' ill recognize thi ROTARY VISITORS {Canadian Liquid Alr Co, Ltd, o "I didn't steal it.' she stated, |tario agriculture department said they have been successful, set-(r*D cy ing the hi mvi 8 Club Scoit, QC, has complimented Osh.|10 FUDNC OEICH V0 ReCOBT ZO LEA) iiore ut the meeting of. the| CX Welding and Industrial Sup-\,, | of ont ow How tot in| Monday about 7,000 Ontario farm | ting up a clinic in an industrial| tis Year, romped to two vietor-| yy "Fire "Department for its/l S000 MHL 6 CREE TOONS notary Club of Oshawa on Mon. (Pies Limited, Grenfell St. fray at. CoN WIL BOUIN paople have agreed to act as re lies in the opening day's play. ' " the bag." / ~ plant. The employes were allow. Opening Cay' PAY: | showing in a fire provention week| (iui proven to be satisfactory." day Included Don Wyrozuh and HOSPITAL REPORT | His Worship warn her hus.|Portors for the province . wide| ed to donate during working contest In October. OFD, under(™ "Ati" Thomas' own motion Douglas Taylor, pupils at the, pollowing is th of thelband fo keep her out of th we [ATT accident survey starting or 0 Chief H. R. Hobbs, received an Sk an weenivedt| Oshawa Contral Colleriate Inst Following 1s the mapon te band. 10° keep t UIESE wrarch 1, The 12:month survey, | . OBITUARIES Monday, the letter was received awa Centre olleeiate Insti- ooh awa General Hospital for the stores if she cannot refrain from! HOw i HOSPITALS DEPENDENT honorable mention among munl-| sng fifed -- which ruled out any tute and Rotarian $ Ma | y 2 lon pall jmentioned in the government pro A (cipalities with a population of be- ise tasion hid b Rav." or Port Hen i eck ending Jan, 25 adm slons ste ng. | gram at the opening of the legls:| Two Toronto youths, charged ap -------- 247; births, male 18, female 28; [lature, is designed to determine|with robbery with violence and Waging gla GEORGE EWART DUNN [tween 25,000 and 99.000. Council rick, of Armor Heights and Stan 0: methods of collecting blood have The death occurred at the|Added its congratulations. tov Balsdon and Ken Cooper of "20. operating room i! Pui | WEATHER the causes, types, extent and cost breaking, entering and robbery been discont! ued Th hospitals Oshawa General Hos Hol Off | =r meee | H Pickering eed perating room 131; phy: of farm accidents In Ontario were each sentenced Monday to et 1 is rganists 0 | lotherapy 206 counties and districts, the Ontario Reformatory for two are completely dependent on this| Monday, Feb. 2, George Ewart _- _ ' SPOON PRESENTED | 7% IN 1°" TORONTO (CP)-Official fore- _ |vears less one day definite and BLAZE IN TRUCK DIRECT CABLE SERVICE |(ihree months indefinite, Stephen new system. |Dunn, beloved husband of the Minister Is * A cast. issued by the weather office Itowrrner nal: (Xa >' lo souvenir silver spoon was Yshaw. ire ras | CO6L lssued D) Tr we 1 4. A The blood must be collected former Hazel Christie, The de-| | Record Night Wei Pag a J ire Dunarument was, Iam. TORONTO (CP)-Direct cable|Carr, 19, 69 Baker Ave; and Kelth wil often. It will not keep more than ceased, who Mved at 434 Louisa . N ' i ef service } been | rated be-! " St., was In his 55th yes | ed Miles at the meeting of the Osh: gyish a fire a -eartage 2 | Synopsis: Milder air is moving service has n inaugurs James Little, 17, 169 Mayfair rvs Weds. At tie wid ol Fon ve Bus BY alathin Charg With So Riis Mish a fire in 8 coriage yuk northeastward from the Missis.|tween Toronto and London, Eng-( Ave: appeared before Magistrate | An interesting 'record night"|awa Rotary Club on Monday. He "The truck was owned by the Gal id' recently he Osh p ts bint ; | $ alley anc or| by the Commercial Cable/y § Ebbs Monday for sent ' land Dell Dr th 3 hy 3 ' was held recently by the Oshawa celebrates his birthday this week. camage C . wall ¢|sippl valley in advance of another (land, \ F. S. Ebbs Monday for sentence, tionation proves. Those ra {and born Fig I "Ye Doodling Centre of the Canadian Coll tan Me 00. aa Yau loca i surge of cold air moving south-(Company in co-operation with The youths were charged with ucts are used to treat shock, se-| WS DOFn Ob SCUgoR 8 and. El RON] bod urn Of Organists at the home of Mrs BROTHERHOOD WEEK ot and 'Chureh street leastward through Minnesota and|Canadian Pac {fic Teleraphs. je yan, 22 unmasked robbery vere bleeding and Infectious dis: 3, Tooling to Oshawa, was 1 TORONTO (CP)<.Ontarie CCF G. XK. Drynan, | The members of Oshawa ser g : Northern Ontario. Snow in ad-Previously cables from Torontoiof the Avalon Dance Hall, King sases, Hse zsuslen. blood | employed by Ideal 'Dairy and tude Doni MacDonald has 8c-| Nambers brought thelr favor: ice clubs are planning a dinner STREETS CLOSED [vance of this cold air is expected |were sent to the company'sic; Ww About $200 was stolen, dy Bylo he Weston Bakeries. For the past 12 od SQucaton i nister Dunlop ite records to the meeting. They on Monday, Feb. 16, to mark| he follwing streets will be 0 reach southern Ontario by this Montreal office for relay. [and a watch and ring, The owner. ls free to the hospitals and the years he worked as an inspector pe] hig ing" dunag « crigle Weir from collector's items, | Brotherhood Week. The speaker|closed to traffic today and Wed. |eYening, changing lo snow flurries \ T 8 C [ES [Manager Theodore Lapine, who Joe patient does Bot ot General Motors [RHO operatic arias by Caruso and|will be G. Gaskin, president of|nesday for construction: Ritson| Wednesday morning. This snow| TOT 8 ARTS CAR, PIE p)....| Was asleep In the building at the have to find friends and relatives Tr Vo CULT oo cment of] Russian scientific achieve: Schumann-Heinck to modern, re- Mack Truck Co vond south from Bloor street east|night well be mixed with a) wJAYERTHORF E, Alta, (CB)=l0 "was bound. to replace blood that he uses. ) Tolt ad A {ments have challenged education|dords by the Festival Singers of . otreety 8 ® [brief period of freezing rain over Police sald they believe a five. "Here . i + Westmount United Church and . : to Wolfe street; Simcoe street] |vear-old boy who had been taught Speaking on behalf of the ac STARTED IN 1847 ... . 3 was a member of the men's club in the western world as perhans Toronto ASSESSED TWO FINES {north from Nonquon road to the extreme lower lakes [Yonr-Oi JOY WHO on ng cused, Keith Little, his father The blood bank service sta ted| % the: claret {never before," he said in a CBC! Emphasis was, of course on william Kenehan, Drew St. Taunton road east; Byng avenue| In Northern Ontario skles are|to start a car dled of carbon tet: 1m ba inning to wonder Columbia in 1847, It le church. {provincial affairs telecast N raan recordings i ag it A a Nr a' ne Mid » tonight with monoxide poisoning after starting| Stated: "Im beginning in British 1 He leaves his wife; a daugh:|? affairs telecast Mom: org recordings. and it was in-lwas fined $25 and costs or 10'at Simcoe street north: Russell] tonight possibly If I should be the one started In Harnilton area in 1949 Wa \ ° |day night t to compare the styles days on a charge of driving avenue at Sime street north; | ping to near 30|the family vehicle, Mr, and Mrs, | POSSTDS } » ter, Mrs. J. Wood (Mildred), and 1 | 1a " b lwho is before the court instead y til that it started "The agedv aped | 0 ww German . - . 4 ow Wednes y morning, James H. Loughran sald the fam. It wasn't until 1968 it § two sons, Donald and Jack, all The tragedy Is that, faced } Germant, while his licence was suspended. Woodiea avenue from Glen apn Wow, Wedneniey Zoning TILE bien dBi hay tar. of my son, Somewhere along the wreanists. in the Toronto area, They hope with this challen Dr. Dunlop Weinrich, Crozi Elaaser, Sch el H yo rom ! a of Oshawa. v ge, Dr uniop Inric rozier, klaaser, i He was also fined $10 and costs!street to Glencove street, | 3 Say i line I have slipped." - -- I1s doodling away while the Rus. weltzer and | s, on organs injon a charge of defective brake Streets will be kept open for midnight Wednesday: ' day Sent gud Ta James. o| "His worshi Tre mmented: Chi f P i Mov, H. Tanser (Greta? of Val O i nlis fla. foo ortir O17] hi hans of De Sold Monday by Magistrate F. S.llocal traffie whehever possible It bake th y igh ow he | Apparently A) pri bed "dur "offences of this kind are getting couver;: Mrs. D. Simon (Addie) around the sun." Choral music was represented Ehhs, Kenehan was woed by Emergency conditions - such as|today and We nes ay, Sr |d | to be ov A 1e raises of Detroit; NEY. Lealand (Jean),| The CCF leader sald Dr. Dun In selections by the Glasgow Or-|a police constable for driving weather could require the cloging|@inning this afternoon, p ssibly ing the night and went to the car ste al Fp hn WTI of Minnesota and Mrs, R. Woods lop denies there is a shortage of pheus Chol ? the Festival Sing without his headlights on, Wheni of streets not on the above list mixed with brief periods of frees SENTENCE POLICEMAN sentence", h id "and t " . " vacher tanndian €0'8 and the Hollywnod Preshy ing rain tonight, changing to SENTE i POLICEMA! sentence', he said, "and to my S awa 00 (Betty), of Whithw: three broth./tedchers while the Canadian [ p SRONT Svar b og 4 ; | Will fue 20. Teachers' Federation states more terion Church Choir snowflurries Wednesday morning,| TORONTO (CP)--The seventh|estimaticfy this was a premed- {ers, Willlam, of Tucson, Arizo- : On states more {_mperature,|of 12 policemen to be tried here|ltated cfme, They ceme from | . o | o ' John Smart, chairm: the 'a | hd Little change in [na; Harvey and Carl, of Detroit/than 40 per cent of Ontario's or oan on " ~ St gins x. os Winds change to 30 today, east/on charges of theft, recelving Toronto to Oshawa for that pur ale QUFOIS [and four gran children, David|teachers are unqualified. Sin BB TL ore ll 1 0 15 Wednesday : stolen goods and shopbreaking, pose." and Robert Dunn, and Stephen] The province was spending less Members and a most Interesting "Georglan Bay, Kirkland Lake was sentenced Monday to three | ---- . \ y 2 | 4 . 4 evening was enjoeed hy the : N It was noted In the fifth annual and Patricia Woods. {on education than any other prov-|y nv of organists pres [North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy withmonths in jail when convicted of reoort of Oshawa Police Chief] The funeral service will bejince except Quebec--2.8 per cent : h F | ) J 's clothi; J Paul | ' 4 Ft Tarren. Fonarsh 4 y ent [snow ending tonight, Sunny with|thelt of men's clothiag, Jean-Paul} bind agin Li fg The RIOT gig Rigi is gig Bi = I ishermer, ) ATINS ictal in colder Wed Burke, 20, ls the fith ponceren] DID YOU KNOW bi clad ud | | = way, Winds southeast 20 to 30|to given \ erm, Wo 8 Is were on duty dur-|i'eb. 4. Rev. W. G minister |r; YEN FOR PARKING neuday. Winds sout 0 others Welw scan | Jutery rola were v lof oS Ray. Ws , Risa As. " A | OR FOR I ARRING firs OTTAWA (CP)---Party differ development bank would be the today, northeast 15 tonight, light/others Were quilted but still A total of 9884 children are will conduct the services. 'Inter lia only meeting wo or $ Dron oo Pao pe F. Japs Best erces in the Commons havi di solution to the current prob. W winenday. Rabuskasing: Cloudy, ace departmental trial, | supervised dally on their way to ment will be in Oshawa Union cost of education. The remaining into oneration here, Motori of jS01vEd. 11 favor of giving lam lem with ihr A a this afternoon. _ TO REPAY CONACHER | that for only 95¢ . . . you can and from schol, There are 220 Cemetery. 60 Dre wert 5.708 Bo tre sib Ee RoE meter 10 ors and fighermon more credit to Larger oredi and feody de our and din iid, Wenn TOA HER nl eniov a. FolkGevrse - Busiane crossings under safety patrol] ipality." lyen (about 2.7 cents) jemi Hull yo curate processing were vital and © y i ar »'Markovie, 31, who pleaded guilty § Men' : be y. \ as i ; wsal § on. day, sunny, clouding over in the Markovie, 31, who pleaded gullt) en's Luncheon from 11:30. supervision with one under police] ELBERT JOSEPH BOWMAN |--- -------- seit hadi But, ilmost universal sup-/it would be difficult to accom afternoon. Winds north 15 to 30|carlier to illegal possession of lf 5 or in the Main Dining | y p ort Monday greeted a private i $ ore | supervision and 21 under adult] The death occurred suddenly | por plish this if both industries were $6,000 belonging to f r hockey % o W'S 1OSO roing @ v Wednesday afternoon, | $6, yelonging to former hockey member's resolution wrging ex: handled through the same chan. "ake Huron, Lake Ontarlo, NI-|s'ar Charlie Conacher, was given! Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL supervision, There are 417 safety Monday afternoon, Feb, 2, while| RA Hig ary 1 patrol boys and girls. | seated at his desk In the General! erm ar are [tended credit for Lhese DPImAIY nel, ror. suspended sentence Monday and : | producer rou entral de : agara, London, Hamilton and Tor | nee y A The chief noted that Constable Motors south plant, of Elbert, Jo- |Procusers through a Seat al HoH. Ws JL. McMillan (L-- Welland) 40" &ondan. Hamilton and Tow, fred to make restitution. Thel sald "because of the high cost of | eginnng this afternoon, chang-|=" - J. MacDermald, who 1s in charge seph (Al) Bowman, 56 Somer . J od it the pi of school safety patrols, spent ville street, Mr. Bowman was in : doubt were raised about the pros, pinery and other equipment| : tednes many hours lecturing at home his 56th year. Believed Chea posed method of administration. it is necessary for Po family (€ to suowilurries LA Yodnes. and sohool clubs and service] Born at Kitchener Feb, 4, 1901, | J. W. Piokersgill, Liberal mem| pnt 10° consist of more acres so| Gay TMOMIDE, tte pangs 20 clubs during the year, He was|the deceased was a son of the her for Bonavisia-Twillingate inf "aquinment can be amortized oper Te: hibig Rn Bag aotive in sports and worked with/late David and Maud Bowman, By DAVE MCINTOSH [Which is capable of starting a Newfoundland, and Harold Dan-| oo yonger term," to} it ay, Iv clo a. THE FOOD PLAN THAT young members of the school] Ralsed In Edmonton, Mr, Bow-| Canadian Press Staft Writer |r.ajor epidemic unless the com forth (PC---Kent, Ont.) hoth ex-1™ op 70 (oacted credit for i ii non " Rin o ey this ~ safety patrols and other children man entered the employ of the] OTTAWA (CP)----An officlal his: munities were almost totally dis pressed doubts about administer, Soyo oaig" dorage and pro-| Livi oe py "Wednesday | HAS PROVE N ITS E LF in baseball and hockey. (McLaughlin Carriage Co. there, (tory of the defence research| organized first ing a pr n for both fagmers| oe meilities, and more real: 2 Scan Mah Li thi "and! Adult schoo! crossing guards When the company merged with board suggests that it would bel "The real danger to be feared and fishermen from one agency. ron "ise on fruit and vegetable mom 4 Tr Winds Y south and the locations they are re- General Motors, he was transferr-(almost impossible to apply any from the employment of biologi- RESOLUTION DEAD imports from the United States sig gli day, iwi Bw 15 Spoasfole a ML Ada a ho yg ey for 3 Sars He i agreement{cal warfare is rather that enemy | The resolution, sponsored by which were flooding the Canadian] Wednesday. Ai ih WINTER X, yentworth edar He was then transferred to the to germ warfare, |agents might be able to infectie, © + 1 ee Tp market befor ' {an en W, : i a; H. J. Amey, King and Maritimes where he travelled| e Just-published history says|small groups or key individuals." San Hi A Ke 4 ti am ii Ku bern the Canadian crop) Forecast temperatures | Contre streets: J. Archer, Crom-|widely for the firm. Following|"micro-organisms which could be/LAB AT KINGSTON Tal at M ay 4 th a a ---- i TOW tonight, high Wednesday: | well Cloverleaf; A. Beatty, Holy his marriage in 1926, Mr. Bow-|effective biological weapons are, The Defence Research Board's | nt the i) of the i Ni Wi ' Windsor .. 20 20 Cross school; S. Blair, King and man returned to Oshawa and relatively easy and cheap to pro-|largest laboratory is at Suffield out a Sole 4 Sidhe gh ii A Skid I t Rg ei Db | Keewatin streets; H. Colleran, served as an engineer for 32 duce, while no practical method Alla, and it Is concerned with nee How arons hid id o uto 14s into London hd 20 fod Come and see how a Food Club oper Hulside and Park road south: C.|years, |of disarmament inspection would [biologleal and chemical warl: I ly Tt [Wingham ...oeerre, 18 a D i Meat C A Dummitt, Mary street school: A.| Mr. Bowman was a member of be likely to detect their nanufac. research, Similar research Is es na 1 ie y Telephone Booth {Toronto 2 » ates, Demonstrations -- Meal Cutting, $. Dean, King street and Ritson the Oshawa Christian Science (ture or storage." ried on at DRB laboratories ¢ i'r A Bollanger Sugita | Trenton wa 18 25 Etc, Ten Nights -- Jan, 26-30, Feb, 2- Rd.; C. Dean, King St. and Har. Church, | The 248 - page book, entitled Kingston, and on Grosse lle inj Yd ii vd isha Arthur Whiteside, 28, 212 Stey. St. Catharines .... 20 30 Feb, 6 -- pm, to 9 pom, -- Two mony road; F. Foote, Simcoe| Predeceased by his wife, the DRB, a History of the Defence the St. Lawrence River near Que Pe do 2lobmient bank would con enson Rd. S., found that a ear Hamilton verees 20 3» Blocks East of Warden and Lawrence street south; F. Haddleton, King|former Helen Edwarde, in 1053,| Research Board of Canada, says bec City OO lille. all foderal will not fI* Ivo a telephone booth, | Muskoka ..civiieee. 10. 20 Ave E $ 3 x Killaloe ... " 15 . oe Gibbon streets; H. W. [be leaves a son, David, of Osh {virulent bacteria could be disgem-| During the war, the Kingston od actal a facilit Monday, when his vehicle skid , St. Gertrude's awa. inat y ss- laboratory develo a method" oy a {into he intersan (BATION crevevraves 0 wemskerk {inated by means of guided miss. laboratory developed a method ws of Interest would be kept/ded into a booth at the intersec.| ia # 2 i OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE: School: W. J. Huhges, Queen| Also surviving are three sis-|lies or aerial bombs or spread for large - scale production of |," wid the bank oxnenses tion of King St. W. and Thorn. (Sudbury Stan Bryning 1061 Ravine Rd. RA 8-635R expected to clear temperatures drop | Also surviving are four sisters, Flizabeth, North Oshawa: J.[ters, Miss Miriam Bowman |clandestinely by enemy ag:nts, | Lotulinum toxin. The botulinum yw ii4 be borne by federal and ton's Rd, N EE --_---- --a--: Kelly, St. Joseph's School, North|Mrs, Harold Sheppard (Mary) and NUCLEAR DANGER WORSE virus has been responsible for No ineinl neencles working in| Whiteside, a constable of the| Oshawa; A. P. McDougall, Sim- Mrs. William Holloway (Margar-!| However, the history, written serious outbreaks of food poison Provincia RR avy orang in Ontarlo Provincial Police Des| wOooL eve street north; G McNally. et); a brother, John, all of Van-/by Canadian Army historian Ma). ing eoOperation Wil if \( ment Whitby, pulled to the Simcoe and John streets; H.lcouver and two grandchildren. (D. J. Goodspeed, says the threat! Five different types of this bac. EXPRESSES DOUBTS north side of the road to use the Scatter Rugs Pastuk, Cedardale school; 8. O.| Torne B. Bonham will conduct of nuclear weapons is a 'very teria have been detected and the! Mr. Danforth, whose riding em- telephone booth, but could not Sale 1.50 h Reid, Bond and Church streets: the funeral service at the Me. much greater' menace Kingston laboratory developed a braces farmlands and Lake | ton due to the slippery condition ale Js eqe A. Twaites, Albert street; J. Van. |Intosh Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m "In any country which pos. method of oduction of toxolds fisheries id he { n it all'of the shoulder "skidding into the NU-WAY RUG derrwet, Louisa and Simcoe Wednesday, Feb, 4. Interment sesses well-organized medical re- which protect against the only certain that the consolidation of booth , SALES 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. -- OX. 9-1188 streets and G. W. Vandermeer, will be in Oshawa Union Ceme: sources, there is probably no common botulinum toxins to at-'the existing credit facilities un There was no damage to the | yyq MARY $T RA 5.1202 | 4 : » fiold and Louisa streets. {tery Iknown biological warfare agent/tack man der an agriculture and fisheries vehicle 3 .

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