we] BITOTE FOI DEIN (Some EU| SHEIN FUI SUIN (VOTRE! BHNIE IWS ONIN (TETRA) SHEIE CT BRIN TESEANEI REISE FW BRI (RT AUTOMODIIE REPOITS F108 GINAWA Time, Tusrdey, Pobruawy 5, 1909 13 "Voom brick, Wossiand and Simene ELEVEN ac.ve on Wilson Round, sewer $1008 DOWN four hadroom ho House, nw convenient to schools, churches and water, HA B4476 25 mediate possession. KA 50119 i e n . bus. Price $1390, Phone BA 57h brick raneh #vla home, args BUNKER Welghts, brick thied + hid LIST WITH CONFIDENCE gniRiise Tra 50--Articles For Sale 50--Anticles For Sele LBA, A, | W101, \andscaped, Mix fooms, | he 108 m DngRlow, Eerege, on ares 1ot, ' 3:6 ok and coil water, Shree --------------_---------------------- fed" on quiet residentisl lok ond the new FIAT td hn A hone Bok [1 ented "Yigat Horn, iy "48800, | 4 Close to nd Cantre ick Avenue, Phone man i ene 2 2 | IL N REALTOR For economy end Ww S | King Street Ll we % dai Phone BA 5130 A---- | performance inter- ea soniones, ie ge LLOYD REALTY '= W. OSHAWA, RA. 5.3406 | | ANDY NAGY'S ; ong toupi. ho charts. RA is | INSURANCE REALTORS | 335 BLOOR 31. W, OLD AND NEW HOUSES--FARMS BODY SHOP AYMINUMA WINDOWS AND DOORS LE ks f bed, a OPEN EVENINGS | CRAWFORD McCULLOUGH | Ai Se 20 CUMTOM. DOPE AND Crosk i Ea WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING |80--Articles For Sole Nassat Mrest id WHITBY CONSTRUCTION LTD 4 i (MISTRRVIELD bid chats, wine, Wi RAILINGS Interior and Exterior LIGHT housekeeping room. ram: aa of se LN ' ' BA $1792. 14 Kuwe Breet Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures vase Congral IDEAL FAMILY HOML URED washing machine, in good wo oF apply 9 A Birest East, Ll [7] i omfort gonvenis oly 4 A LST S| wh weve, Saris OPEN FOR INSPECTION W| LSON R ealt on elas" Hp LES EVENISS SALES LTD, i Xr 100 ranch & INGE LE (wo Indies, Phowe A ARE oa gt | 6-room Bungalows situated on Burns Street O rd es nbn) st 15 PRINCE ST RA 5.4632 # 0 with ftached garage YURNIBRED bedroom, a oii] low with ane gh ld Good condition, Phone B H laundr room " Housekesping, for business girl or gen| 16C, 100m, l6unary ' 7" vaniss, R 2707 [é : teman, ef Ra sons i lois he rein, 7 yo WESTVIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ~-- RA 5-6588 WE pay highest price Jn he oly hor in Sry, RA Wy Howe, RA oh hii 3A yam NOVEL II fenno ond large lo 4 used furnitiire. Protly's Used Furni oon i ) LOVELY badroom for genie auick on this genuine bargain, WHITBY EVERY DAY wind tenanis check Oi | gg gest Et es Wanted {ire wae, WA 3.3411, 444 Simave boil [REPLACE "hove did damaged sorake UBED washer parts, 15 WF wider, 88 Only $15,800, Call Doug ; awn Times "For Repl" Clasnified ade GUNS, smmunilion snd hunting sip (10076 With wiiaft, pew wind panelled up. Repairs to ali wri or | tape . 2 --~ . hd ' ' 4 ' SMALL store, wood business corner! Hurst, RA 8.5123 (2nd street south of Whitby District High School) Dial, RA 43408 10 olter your veesney plies new and sed For the hast dest |40t Dhe pair ell, Coll WA BOWS, She |E8, SIRaiamIand recond ion rig with three or four ¥oams HIRE #ecom & Lin town see Dominion Tire bore, 4 NTEREO, Expert conversion of your Bowmanville 4 Close to South GM, bus stop | NHA MORTGAGES 0) Wond Bleeel Want, RA S451) present WIFI or tape recorder to i pi An, Chae bt Pacific AVOTIS "nt HIGHLAND AVE H USE FOR | eres Sales and service on all Ger 80 1a 8150 allowance for vour oid (ele | CIRC Tanges, all makes ebin:| § jus 3. WwW > man and Domestic HF) and sisrep| VI0m on any pew Electiohoms, A: MODERN three raoms, with pris §-room brick house, plus 3 OPEN EEKENDS | $ 8 8 8 SALE? Dini S00 Tree Appramens, 30 Bond] equipment. Vor information phone Osh: | mire, Vielor or Westinghouse st Wark | vale bath, suitable for single or double room basement apariment WWE representative, Heine Rottschalfer, why Television, 018 Simeos Birest necupancy, $55 a month. 23 Temperance! po. od driveway gnd garage Bafure listing, oll for an Kan [BA B 1460 mornings or evenings, ¥ ern North treet, Bowmanville A be sid 8 hd 1 PM. to 430 PM, salt up | umn television wela 1177 nd 31/7 com | Electronics, 414 Yonue Wires, Lorne, wp ING TTIW Bar LARGE room for wingla gentleman b6|. Borneski, RA 8.5123 1ady, with cooking privileges. Apply 66) - FULL ren Sve | 7 EXCLUSIVE -- YES, INDEED sige THREE rapm basement apartment $7, 00 4 ONE NHA MOR TGAGE Ding maching complete with Instrue Piles new snd used, For the best desl 51 Swap and Barter lights, heat and water supplied. Pri VARCOE'S RD h v LEAN 4178 a f | one, 8100. Phone RA B5465 Saturday , ate snteance. Call after 5, RA & on ( lose Hig have and €haen NEW HOMES -- NEW PLANS IN Large 3-bedreom homes In | IH Al TORS saris, Friday hefore 4 p.m. or 1 Bond ase Wer, ka he L} CRERTERFIVID, Tesivie Fr gl wa ant nly edd wi V agstest grow ngs wher 7.80 cooler, voundilier, tis machine, hex an SPACIOUS and bright three roam, up Immaculate, 2-hedreem bur one of Qshawa's fastest grow RA 5.6165 papi tue lar] COALE, Barons' Tor gusianiesd service 4. Sadr, Sola) hi a mag 4, ny furnished apartment, Private entianie alow, east of Oshe Med: | ing subdivisions, with all ses (amare "Wh if 4 as Mm Aualified technlcians for bl makes B00} oiooiies Wanted combination TV, tals, hath and bliin: euphoards, Pleniy | G910%, 868 ining. oe vices In and paid for. Close 19 ATHOL 57. W 5, push ton, $30; siectrie Krenning | free for AVE radios WABNRs | iotor or whet have you. Chinn's, Hill parking, RA 5.9634 wo em SOnveniances ' Jewels 16 schools, churches, bus ser [maehines, - Alemite, with Kress Suh, winarairy, anvet if $1 and smal | side and Park Road Bouth, KA 37088, THREE bedroom hunwalow, west of §9rage, large lof and best of | . : vies. See these homes now W60i and many other items vary Hie "8 y Ocnawe, MO BARS Whit 2e financing, Fer the discrin All the hemes in th modern development on Rossland Reed : ne! VOTES \ Hnanie Pr ane ol a 1k ' nes as : --- inate buyer, What more Mest are architecturally designed fer maximum living eomfert for cheng lots and designs CAN YOU HEI P? around every evening. Apply Fir PORTARLY Sroawriter $40; adding 52 Lego! Notices 4 \hehine with v J Total 45.--Reo! Estate For Sale could vou ask. Fer all de Every home features 3 bedrooms, forced air oil heating, laundry Call URGENTLY WANTED aoe Bireot both, WA {W210 [i Hoe hi ne Hi A tibia tails, call Doug Gower, RA tubs, front lawn sodded---=and best of all==individual designe, ; ny ' MOUTON (ur coal, wise 14, worn (hiss " IN THE GOOD income home for wale, 37 roms |g 6193 ANNE MacMASTES EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME |!mes Phone KA 87547 or 284 Guelun | BUROTRO™ refrigerators," oil makes a divided, five apartments, and LN ne DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $2,300 AND UP 4 " Hireel 27c completely reonditionsd, $day free SUPREME COURT single rooms. Private sale. Phone 3 td ' ; NORTH AREA [WILTON vig, #97 x 0 Cantinenial hed ig Tl Filial ei vel OF ONTARIO ' J 1) 1 dh vo] ; ¥oilv: Possession For Further Data Coll RA 8-1338 i with white heathonrd, RA 5.0000. 97h "0" Be HOUKF Bowmanville, two-storey a a fly. Tren 7 ROMS 4 BEDROOMS yy J wre] IN THE MATTER OF THE hrick house, four heding hardwaod RA B 23 p R afi R a 4H TY, 8linch, good condition. KA 8-849 LARSON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT floars, new oi} fuimace, full hasement sehofield Realtor fu 041167 5 100 CONDITION | " ) £( 950, CHAPTER windows, combination stern ) LOYD Bolghood Realte 1165 - R 6 . 1 OUMIE Tool refrigerator apariment| FIBRE. Gl ASS BOATS VF R50. 1950, ¢ storm 1 ' doors, insulated, he wiring, douhle THEN CALL YOUI 3 J { § 1 CASH BUYER WAITING wee Moltst stove, electric gd pot, | / ir 166 Warde, Cash sale S13.000. 25 George y GE fran, washing maehine A table, | / AND IN THE MATTER OF niieel, Phone MA 1.8 Fen 1 4 ; Ww. T. LAMSON | PRICE NO OBJECT | #1) tn good condition, KA 85868 #1 Open baron: and Weekends THE PUBLIC WORKS ACT REAL ESTATE i WINCH electric save. electric GuTpe a ' p { PLEASE CALL RA B.5161 | vaimim, won sxceent sontiion* a| B'OOKIIn Marine Storage | R50' 1950, CHARTER 323 IT'S NEVER TOO COLD | AND ASK Fi R MR. M yn] hy supply Ltd | AND IN THE MATTER Of | [ AND AS IR MR THE EXPROPRIATION BY REFRIGERATOR ! ] : - BROOKLIN GOLDSTEIN BEPRIGURATON. tiisimale dhivosl| PHONE 87 |THE MINISTER OF HIGH / / d (Fable at ke now Khohe BA obit, WAYS IN THE PROVINCE 5 saul fy Tih Phillip WIEny helween Am MN 4 R 10 MOVE WHEN YOU $978 DOWN, Jeauitully H GOLDSTEIN bpm " %4| Dollar for Dollar You'll | OF ONTARIO FROM JOHN SIX ROOM RANCHERS low, 4-pce. bath, living-din : LARGEST elation of used tvs A | Get A Better Deal on MUDREY OF THE WHOLE CAN GET A HOT DEAL ing room, 3 large bedrooms REAL ESTATE vision. 818 Bimeos Street North Aluminum Doors OF LOT 1, BLOCK 8 ON terraced garden, 75° lof . [NELLING furnit loaning out Wminum Lob THE EAST SIDE OF BYRON NA mortavas. An abs 13 BOND STREET EAST [Voir hasement! You wil Prag Aluminum Flair-Yent STREET AS SHOWN ON ri a ' ¢ - i 4 bi BF est price when you phone wnings Tir MBE'S A A ) 'hedroom bungalow, © ] lute borgoin buy at he i » RA 8 5161 Ihe Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simeone Aluminum. Storm Windows JNCRMEEL AND A REN, 4 : : heel p with large scer d Mis sacrifice your gair. Sat y y and Screens TOWN OF WHITBY IN THE ¢ b £ p ' Y 8 SKATES new and used Oshawa's ] | and fairly 6 | "a gapping Ce Real Estate Lid, Brocklin -- nn (NO. 1 Bate Exchange'. Used: AKA 4 fre fob Gorage COUNTY OF ONTARIO ure~=priced for today a! ),500, ( 4 Built by 291 -- i 8 up. New skates 84.08 up, Largest | re-Fabh Cottage AA BE16) 21.750 DOWN. Gutstandin 47 Automobiles For Sale [3] 11, "i shales MOE Cyle, 804 Stone: Tex Insulated Siding NOTICE 0 DO L : anding [dh PONTIAC, five passenger coupe, Mond Bireel East (Four different colors) '] ICE |! 1] J ply LT { $1,300 DOWN KAMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. LT! foray) lncatitn iy 10° 18180, Apply 212 Coline Brest "ou FURNITURE Bole = Wadichiie ui fo Parch Railing (aluminum TAKE NOTICE that the Min / ' J schesl gnd shopping n ex i FORD with '50 plates, Apply 564( 30 per cent! § pe ihiside, 800 y and wrought iron) ister of Highweys for the 5 reom bungalow with 3 bedrooms just around the corner from Coll Derathy Palmer well kept home, 3 Albert Bireel hy [4 he, dedratin his Province of Ontario expo ot. Hedwi Separate School. Large modern kitchen with a 4 4 bedrooms, Fully decor Me AURTING good condition, Phone (amps, 4 price! Col d end flo al prigted for public purposes piece bath high basement which has heen partitioned and >3 ated, beautifully tiled flooring Aix AM he 87 up! Bpringhiied p the above mentioned lands en s ready tor completion, Easy monthly payments of $75, Call SCHATZ REAL ESTATE RA 5-846) er RA 8.5097 throughout including hase | "50 PONTIAC Laurentinn four doar, six tie Supt Roche Al UNRLODY | cs the 2nd October 1956; that om Goldstein at RA 8-516) Mary Hobbs er Mike Hreheruk ment, tiled, 4:pce. bathroom, [ekitner, automatic power siesring. HA |S JOLMME CRO ol 8 . hy on order dated 25th 2 aluminum storms, screens and | 5 06 Chante, luuname, amokers, hasocks, ete 30 Grenfell 51, RA 5.243) April, 19587, The Ontarie N.H.A, RESALE doors, fully sodded lor with (KLECIRIC range, 40") good fogition. | = all drastically veduced |" Eavy larms Municipal Board. fixed the : . WA | g 5.6560 | x NGO reasonable olfe refused i! Barons' me rnishings, Just the place for your children ta romp and play In safety IOHN KO REAL ESTATE RA 6569 full grown tre A fruly f Brooklin 7 i : Nn 4 Kaos Hireet South Where HA §2--Legol Notices compensation for taking the V bedroom brick bungalow with a family kitchen and a 4 piece John Zakerew ceptional bu! Gf 812,790 or oun kin wales, sping harness and Are lower and quality hgher oF your | sald lunds and premises and hath. One block off a bus line and clese te the nant 5 near offer, Sarak Real Estate |haots, aise Bh. Men's skates 6, 7, § and MOA0Y hack NOTICE TO CREDITORS | that the said Minister of The price is only $10,800 with a lew 'down payment . Lid, Broaklin 29) Card table wid chairs. Black Peinian AMBITIOUS for a farm of your awn! n f ' Highw ys has paid inte the LCHOFIELD INS AS RA 3.22685 or RA 5.0494 lamb cont, wie 16 IK, WA SATHB, 26/ Kee tie Interesting offers under AND OTHERS oifice of the Accountant for NASH Blatesmian, cash required ol ima for hale' in the Classified see appraival and free advice, {wietaly yvevunditionsd. Fries $day war Wink ahd sider ho wi To. ali | Frifkes, TV's, washers, Manos > ) A ps \ v t | h DOWN PAYMENT | RISTOW and (ut Mets. 'vue de ct Sift, SA C0 hp Ca io OLSEN BNITKING knitting machine and vib phi 2 Meal WA hi Firune wv, | Lioyd Reglt HA toed rebullt machines, Estimales free as enamel hot water Ie exhaust fan in the el older vay and take aver payment basis mb RIA il i bole UAB Hl de hd ater 4 | PRYIERIS ok Weniala Vaccum Clasnar" Wopale We1'| againkt the eats of Francis AND FURTHER TAKE NO 3 ¢ windows with ster ds 3 alum inus vine nytine | J chi N ! Joseph' Melntyre late of the front door heavy duty stove cehle and many ethers. DOWN MOREY, deluxe sedan, automa | oui Gina entmanin. HEPTR ! . TICE that gll persons entitled "A : | 849 wi 4 ANE | hi =e. 3 radio, washers, (0,000 miles, Bagrifioe he, Tawn of Whithy in the Coun d PAYMENT $1,549 with only ONE N.H.A, Mortgage SEE THEM FULL DOWN [share onsh, trade oF terms, Call HA tein Health ¥oade, Meam Maths Health tv of Ontario, retired hard: to the sald compensation ar ! ! ! . (1 A NEW! NEW! NEW Feb. 3.6 HA BAIR gif Hon In the Estate of FRANCIS | Je Warame Jeaunt of ibn 5 room brick bungalows---some with stone fronts---some with lot"m i JOSEPH McINTYRE aria the said compensation i CK custom VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes Ja walk out basements Exclusive North West Area. Loaded with ha BUI Justo hardtop, iin uae ren SATS with Interest at B90 ROT Qn | \ All persons having claims num fur six months any pert thereof must file 201 Master vege it Juiers claims with the Registrar of NOW BY CALLING RA 8-316), po PARK RD. § OSHAWA LAL Homewood Health Mudie, 204 King ware merchant, wha died on J | [1080 CHEV, sedan, S078 cash, or best Sipent Kast, RA 80 | or about the 27th da of | n { offer. Excellent sondition, Apply tim of abou y ¢ the Supremes Court of Ons H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE LOOK ! $2,000 DOWN PAYMENT 1 [gi Fa Vie, aun | Go THO, we eared to | Ine Supreme Eourt of on ' MA 4 i hi send 10 the undersigned, on or ' 6 rooms on ene floor, fully completed and decorated, nak and tile MW OHEVROLET Hol Alr, power sleer Ne v hefore the 20th day of Feb EE 5 y. $0 g | y TWO dressers, attached miro two h 13 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-5161 tigors, extra mw 1 kitchen with plenty of cupboards, L-shaped [ROOM OLID BRICK IN: other extra's, onl 10.000 miles 0 Bibi one eprinEiilied box | bef re ihe 40th day of Febru, ruary, 1959, and thet all 8 ing and dinir ) 4 piece colored and tHed bathroom BUNGALOW. "All CONDI [like now: NA LAG alias ® Ra BH ypiciann, 30 Innes wiei une Kieoiro | Ory, 1959, jul particulier such claims snall be adjudis > * Weis a : . a TIONED HEATING DIVIDED AM RUIOK Super, automatic pawer home humidifiery Philea floor model writing of their clgims - p , . \ p a, 4 he ' } [ool Tapit ; f ! A if wilh vi heating Joundry RASEMENT LARGE LOT sOREing, power brake, Just broke In! radio. KA B-7414 Wel and after the said dale $0iag upon A Ha faneus '] | ) cher arog ant ar 2 wale \ | | ' py i us ceLennan Ir A GOOD Vv L A. PROPERTY i 9 hehe garage nd arge J RA Mod via 4 PRIVATE DRIVE EXCEL MY Ting Strat Kaa TWO pemetary plots in the garden of executors will distribute hi ( hers } 0; il . 5 80 aa limits, for self inspection call Sid Martyn i h i : CUNTOM hulle car vadion, elaetrohome| Rugged | ross, Mount Lawn (eine wot. i \ ambers a sno de Full price enly $9 500-~taxes only $150 yearly, Located LENT AREA WITH (oid neon ora airarajme Hutu fron \ assels-of the said estate hav Hall en Morday the 2nd day veterans' subdivision, this solid 2 bedroom home has been w $1 500 DOWN SCHOOLS, SEWERS, BUSI Bond Sireel Weal Fach Mh with peypatial cure: Torok. ing regard only fo claims of of Marth 1907, ai the hey inte ' high \ ay built and beautifully maintained, An extra 80' building | & room ranch style bungalow, featuring large rooms, family ET ALLATATE Auto Insurance, Bave up (al B, F. GOODRICH Blares, (res, halle WHICH they shall then have of 10:30 in the forenoon included at this low price. Act fasi=--gall Stan Skea at RA 5 kitehin whh omale Bhi Ma : | : J per oon, Nine monte te pay. For jah, Kelvinator refrigerators, weiavision, | 10160 and will not be liable DATED wt Toronto this 13th or after hours 'RA 5.897% ) \ | Fy » hh 3h \ org u ng ream ark living CALL MR, McMULLAN perianal service sb your home enll BA Phi budget plan. HA 5 4648 far uny claim of which they room good hedrooms piece bath, forced air with oil heating Vand shall not then have notice . . p b a i URED 1 HOM # won Bh up, B [ k N.H.A. RESALE attached garage Ii 190 tot wih Shade tree foe ated out Aart of | RA 5 8831 Jan gio aver Cone Yh now, JAED tend, most hif aiken 83 uy Dated at Whitby this 15th PARKIN IN SARDINER, . [ imi \ rie ( Ca | 'asters R ( x p i whhutte V 0 I ) r 3 \ 3 RS CADILLAC AVENUE SOUTH RA 5 A163 han uhhh walle, diveotional signals, radio, pri | WHITE console, electro sewing mia: | day of January, 1989 and CONLIN . - evenings 14167 [Vately owned, 81188. Apply RA A-8000, chine, Knnis plang, Lloyd baby oar ThE TORO! TO GENERAL 8 " Ar room brick bungalow close to schools. and shopping a N > . . Gall vine, two girls! bieyeles, all In good RUSTS CORPORATION arosters and Solieitors FOR RETIRING COUPLE RA 5.0104 | mention. hans WA. bdo I EE sORATC Fig better value in town. Fyll price only $10,500 for UE NTH Tudor hardiap fully | &9 GENERAL Blectrie con! and a" MeINTYRE ENTERED | day of Junuar 1959 Street, Taronie )¢ monthly carries principal, interest and taxe J 5 rooms rk saving kitchen with salting space, conveniently « [Fauna Aulek wale resulied. Details nfarmation call Jock Shenfi ai RA 5.6588, afte \ located dining raem with huiltsin china cabinets and mirrars ae 17 fA yi phone S400. Adux pombination | hile Haw oondigon 153 Bay Sires! OB No 244 31-3778 extra large living room with natural fireplace of stone, broad. | b J REPLACEMENT Sori Tor ai er ante 1, Ontario Page No. 536 LOCATION aom from wall ta wall mple drapes and matching valance L SABYAN MOTOR ao imadels tor washers, vais Exdeutars 51.59.00 i boxes, 1wo large bedrooms with picture windaws, 4 piace bath SALES LTD volrige ators, Kanes and. All & , ts the thing. This home has 2 badrooms and li vith ta full size high hasement, hat water with ail heating BUYING ) ) appliances Barons' Radio and Blevins . " : : Ld, 4% Biman Bt, NouIN TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY room wit itural fireplace and many other fea laundry tubs, ? piece hath basement, attached garage, paved STUDEBAKER + VOLKSWAGEN | WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, 8 euhle fortable living. Red rug brick and stone construe uated rive, beautifully landscaped lot, central ten, a home ta he . ' ALES and SERVICE " 2 fact [of ely landscaped, with a fenced yard. Completely proud ot and you nm pect tar yourself by calling Sid Martyn A NEW HOME ? 134 RITSON RD, SOUTH ht oe ssid bil [ENDER FOR TRUCK CAB I uminum storms and screens. Let me show you RA 3.9810 | OSHAWA, ONT ELECTRIC range, 40, good condition | able down pa t and terms. ( Bill N " 4 a Wauld you like to have your | | end : I YIN 8 Jn BRICK BUNGALOW new home custom bullt to TEL: RAndolph 3.3481 [NO ratsinahie" otter "refused. "Phone AND CHASSIS waur plan nel specification § rooms, large madern kitchen, living raem, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece if pans a / a | WHORERT prion paid fay used fami COMPLETE AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY ad bathieom. | ardwoed and tile flaors, nicely decorated : san . $0 font fon, ! H A ne | BUYING or SELLING UY te a And Daan, Contest aed Tenders will he received until 12 Q'CLOCK NOON ON DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1 700 dition, storms and scree large landscaped lot with fruit fravie Sram ron nenty oa UY ae AAR Ar 3 NDAY, FEBRUARY 91h, 1959 : lees. past ond laeotion 2:10 bus and schoals . reasonable darn area ad, water . . Far supplying ene Truck, Cab and Chassis, approximately 4.ten som brick bungalows, complete wih + : Eh hacyi on Sitse fa hut an johoeis, Muicnalie Son trée! lights all paid, conven TED CAMPIN " capacity iii ive and garages. Carry r er y } \ 8.8761 or ever IA Ff ] ¢ Gls and city by E 3 ' f the city RA 3-870) ' 0% RA 3:4162 f further informati pl ih MOTORS PAINT SALE Tenders to accept | GMC. Model 9700 truck with box and : 5 f infor n plea . oIst as tracdesin en new Cab and CI f CER p . al a7 " \ Entire stock at great redue \ Whasis. Further information LOCAL SERVICE STATION call 607 KING §7 OSHAWA and tender forms may be obtained at the Township affice | "TR | ust East of Wilson Rea von in price. Gliddon's Spred ' Complete ¢ ) mpleted Jtside oily ROBT. S. Mc CALLUM | I 4 HPA 5 RA : ha Satin, Spred Lustre, ete, Re Breoklin, Ontarie eq or : mar Oy hway, 2 bay with hoist, office Realtar, and General Insurance i member the location; 12 MURRAY ROBINSON ML. ROSS ne i " ed a H I heatin { y Ny on « - \ ew and mode ' heating. | d ossland Rd. W . Richmond §t ost, RA Clerk, Road Superintendent, v ot $3,000 down Call Sid , . CRANF If | RD MOTORS 5.2851 1%] 0 J Nal RA b , oll ' ro akin ntarin 4100 0 | 6407 131 PARK ROAD SOUTH - hid - # nin, _Gniarie, Ru BUILD THAT | DAILY CROSSWORD | USED CARS | BA. SERVICE BOAT NOW TEETH ITBY LASSIFIED | RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN Is easy with @ molded hull or ACRONS Kind of 22 Ordinal [RFS RN | MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, boat kit, from 8' to 24'. See 1, Wrink explosive number ory J SALES & SERVICE, | Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway § Powhatin's powder suffix JEN ALLA (IBA NETET RILEY VOR Sale -- Llavd Baby Carviage. «ll PON fen three ran Aparimen REALTORS FULL DOWN -- | prisone 6. Nowa 85, Tantas [BIER wi ius (AE cided Lon heat and In included. $10 per mon! dia 48---Automobles Wanted | PHONE 1266 AJAX | 10 Anxistisn oddess of lum HIT15 MIOTKTY NE ine, Bn dah hath od 3 Ay " PECIALIZING IN QUALITY HOMES LAKERNOWE Avie Wiecheis Want vais wen (11 Bay Window Ming (aym,) RE OTH a) a FoR Ren Thies roam unfurnished for wieeking. Highest prices paid. RA . 13, 0n the 7 Pigpens 26, Beasts ff LMS fl Tg Bit i 1 FR eli ge TR rh MA 1 CE INDIAN GIVERS ? PAYMENT Rh. RAILINGS | ocean Canadian of = (IHEREI AL condition. Phone MO A3i81 de 8977 sn | NOT us. We wer ike back our words of praise for this pe ' 2 Baautily your ha otect 14, Bln ay national burden ITN] Ol FOR syle Twa used Frigidaire re: FOR vent New six roam hu nie low . hy J gd _hungaitw. on rw wk Win ( HIGHEST PRICES ye iy AB 4 a forrect Fark (8A) tHe] HN figeralans tron hoy new ollawn hed fini Shed recreation roo Osh ot Heig y y block a x ¢ $69 MONT H LY PAID FOR railings, $1 50 per foot up 18, Before 9. In thin place 87 Miss . of ii s, M80 TV. 8130: twa: heavy (my oath NO b PRT ha Goi Tg : h 164 10 the heed iy 1am : aluminum windows $15 up 16, At bat, fn 10, Reason Torry, Youtordny's Anwer od clean cars. Trade up or doors $38 up. Free 03 timates baseball 12, Permit actress 88, Underwater fly stoves from. S39; gate lei Sop \ ! you ll be glad you d Is d THREE ow 1} nt 10 heated Wx fal sire wi 8, new solic eal table, 815i Rew chrome su roamed. ground floor, heate ) iY y | wi Liens paid oft Call collect ATlantie 2:2152 AT, Apricot 34, Shoulder 20. Bibllon) mines ? 5 now $44.50) erih MX apartment 810 Dundas stisel west ) . \ aloy ellent | ct, Hone, Wish' sit BRAM RS oS IE WE HATE TO DQ 17 cation, tow bh, use DODD MOTOR SALES METAL CRAFT COMPANY/| 44 ttM) {£omb hams (slang) Furnityre, 113 Byron South, MO 8451 [pA xNTING and decorating call Dodd But we can! re NENLORING the attractive price af this custom el 114 PARK RD, 'S ------ 18, Place form) 40, Droop 40, A alne OC and Nouter Paint and Wallpa } ¢ irandview Garder The owner has reduced the 1.9421 19. American 17, Weird 81, Affected of ooal A 9.6 CASH paid for used furniture, applic free estimate. § \ pric $19.900 with $7,100 down for immediate sale Regard " : : X (®) ON Indian 20, Masurium manners 41, Clamol Aa I Trey {Vata e! wor, 10 Ail | less ef price this property is a selt-selier, offering six and a hall ONE MORTGAGE COMBINATI 2%, Rub out (aym.) 22, Nails 49, Chinese wre. 11d Byron South. Phone MO § 3 ams of gracious living at its best. Shown by appointment or | MACKIE MOTOI WINDOWS 5 24, Alm (Hoot,) 21, Doctrine 87, Warhled measure 1 Marehd, THREES roam apartment, in Whithy . . | 28, Jahn Apartment bullding, parking, TV outlet INCOME OR QUTGO ? CALL MR: KFLLY Will buy good clean cars. Pay DOORS. AWNINGS. THE Jurist ' AUY Wid sell Used NTniure GEN waging fasliities, mewle devarted PYRE wil ney ooh for etd 0 a" par mann, WA 13014 wi tie, Ang here a the anew 10 dollar miisegs RA 8.6114 off liens. Sell on consignment BEST TOR LESS 20, Algonquian U3 Rrock South. MO 44833 Maren | TRREE wom flat with haloany. sep Eig y lice i large. enough it least two : Indian eatvance. hoi water laundry: hol | ¢ pay | asen! ine $140 Trade up or down CALL RA 8.8571 MN. Property NRESIMAKING, alterations, © betray Mh SAITaAce amin, au 7 . or (a dresses, suits, ote made 10 meanive 8.9710 fram § ane 4 Whle Y I ers accommodation ; § ) . MO B4108 863 Byron North. Feb pant and Duan ad Between Liver WOBDE. AND WATER RA NEW LOCATION Whitby MO 8-4891 Ni AT, JOHN'S Heating Service, oll bur [PANT ouffing and alterations. mien LOLS AN ER 5.8831 We Meridtactared. i Whitby it Aer AION. SIVICR. INSIAIRUORS Cul and Indie's wear. drapery alteratin he em : x} . Bate: St -- | gy hicknan aur heating cout LAN Si Jana Ao dap RH. Macheasid, 1013 Contre' South ve i ark ( We ae hedrog » W T LAMSON | ( OLONIAL $8, Musio note that heal from KORE Wp the chimne 4 \ ob 4 y n ; bad Have a Heat Saver installed Phone tel ' \ | \ ving na REAL ESTATE LTD % | #7, Covered with 7 "0% LIVE poultey alse feathe \ . | eity lot | \ ne i an \ / wos 34 EOD a Pe i yd ary, wae | sevvited, gy lot and ha i ; : wrens | ALUMINUM 1 WATER ERVILE 500 gallons or collect MO 8.3408 Whith $ q § -- vr - 49 Automobile Re i \ (her) 1000 gallons per load Phone MO 8417) sEpyic | SERV y "Y'4 46---Real Estate Wanted pain a | 80 Statistls ture 130 "ena aren 3 SEFTIC tanta cleaned (he "Santa ERVICED LOTS = HART'S HILL WhiAN oo lana Vata ling aiter Ward AER wanted for ¢ by AOI Ih TEL } nm, Fob. 6 304 Chestnut West. Phone MO 82363 Ta builde My, variety of lots tor spring building, easy hinanc All ORSh OF YOUE equity i Alek al BRAMI t Y MO | ORE BUY NOW:AND § AVE diagram $10.080 full price. Terms, carries $43) Feb 84 ng on builde terms wo un, W. MeAuley Realtor, 38 Primes Nw | 41, God of the per month, tax included; six rooms, Alreel, Oshawa, RA 33318 Whithy MO SALES LY D Peterborough boats, Evinrude H bath, divided hasement. oil RA 5.616% . y han / earth Ha ped, sunroom, Call P. Them. b 69 A 5.3413 1271 S| AR Mates budget terms, Free | (Bahyl,) nea a4 Newel) mor CHAIN SAW aha a big! +) MCOE NORTH Winter storage on motors. 42, Nodes Plokering 143, Toronta EM 3.3425 ; f ux please co WANTED PHONE RA 3.4675 Hoat storage. Factory ap 44, Aphorisms N0700 full price. terms \ Custom: cutting availabl Hilda Ristow RA 5.3608 Ron Douglas RA 5.6165 PHONE RA 3.4675 | Proved. 3ervice conte lor DOWN tax included Brick tri ley r | sk a Ray 1 p RA 5.34) * Pe \ RA 5.4310 0.a \ § 5 \ ' \ evenings Ou plece hath ne a. "a : i Pea R il | : 4 E | 1, Apple center landscaped patie A il Qlse A514 ¢ Risto RA 5.0177 at \ 2 American Tharndyke, MO 54708 4 New e Hop | : ! Ni ; . Ker, Pickering 14), Toronto PM ! 19 ATHOL ST, WEST OSHAWA ! \ 2 : ir I »e 1226 W 280 \ | i : Halt ome ae $ ¢ g $ wie OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6508 arin RA Fob 3,4. 28a 28a