The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1959, p. 10

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ANNUAL SNOW BALL HIGHLIGHT GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Group of the Street in the presi pre SUNSHINY lar meeting in of Simeoe is held nh Sargeant the tanley otional Herman * theme Mrs cripture and treasurer's Mrs, Roy Bun etter from a which the books and period Pincomhe The First Harry lesson VAs ere read I a thrilling Jamaica to ent cards ded that the group to take catering Aas formed of a recipe nemhbers are un yoar skit AKIng "The Two presented hy Mrs Irs. Lawrence H Me Led ¢ served bh M McLeod's 0 re K. 1] ilies AUX of the Auxili at the mas Kidd ith the presi Musgrave SOUTHMEAD PAR egula meetin Mrs Mil urer's ead hy Mrs e trea and n charge of IAW, report M Weng s. Maur and Ravine road vas dis Rymd char eet one ) lake ge grave report membership part tL to he held 11, at card DIary south ion of the busi Wn oaunction sale was Wf goods left aver s ha IW Was Dewsbury AAI won hy 10h Fred COUPLE'S CLUB lay meeting Centre of the Street vas held recent! dents, Mr, and Mrs ding. A com formed to make plans o- Fairview Lodge William Dear otional taking Spirit Club of pre d My n I'he of W wo G ke Fletcher Roard of the 0 COUPLES (St CLUR Andrew's) re United for it ehmreh hall Church h met Janu n the ng opened wilh a val period led hy My 1g which pre to Telia off the od new ed till need HN I anno next that own in 0 eon si i badminton Teething Troubles voter and wifter m os my upsets due Dry Babys Owa tle bien are good. and give prompt Own Tabie for on are hard and | Use " Ask yor Cet a r doror ac kage RARYS OWN COUGH SYRUP an iy AT upiet digestion hiss Seath pleasant. w an address contact club, and all who formation should Jack Rudniski I'he entertainment for January tainment and Robert Burns on the ¢ 200th birthday hy of his known dancing, under the Mr. and Mi Jack AAS enjoyed Me the evening Fred Getz King, Mr man, and Law k wood like in Mrs we commiitee he honored of his a few Square guidance of Lockwood arranged enter the club ve singing hest SNES committee charge of and Mrs Slanle Kins Jack in M and \ Mrs, ( and A OTE Mr And My eve Mrs ARVILLA MeGREGOR The Arvilla Knox held AUX, regular meeting of the MeGregor Auxiliary of Preshyterian Church was recently with the President Miss Grace Kennedy presiding I'he meeting opened hy Miss Kennedy reading a "New Year's Prayer, followed hy hip conducted hy Alex Me Donald I'he present ed Miss Madelaine Sinclair, a hy Miss Molly and Arthur Campbell, Mu Information of ( an given in an intere manner It learn that Indians in the wor Mrs ROIVI(F studs hy ited M h valuable madian In sting iwprising tn 163.000 2000 Sinclair the d WAS \8 there Are Canada dnd re serve ol bh group Refreshments Mrs Ler William Call S61 ASTRA GROUP Fhe regular meeting Astra Group of the WA of Street United Chiweh the Simeone held in \ As the ladies' parlors M Mrs. Bryce De i] otional the I'he ident Roe read the her Walle A pres Ide smith minutes of My of the Ra the Peelis em meeting andon vas In charge ¢ Mrs Prayer Miss Beth Tre Heard the Voice of and was thanked b Lambert I'he highlight the discussion hazaar to he November 6 Refreshments the January Rranton, Ars Mrs, Neville Lawrence MARGARET HART GROUP The Margaret Hart Group the Women's Guild of George's Anghican Church its annual pot supper al home of Mrs Mitchell I'he annual were given Showing a ful vear Mrs. J. J presented the following Presi dent, Mrs Fox, vice president Mag Donald Leonard Brash: treasurer, M Hai d RB. Armstrong Ways and Means and telephone committer Mrs. J. A Mitehe \ A | Powell, Mrs 1 FE. Rundle and M I. W. Mintern Mrs. Fox then president's chai Piper ni | dey Tohn dread Mrs, Stanley of | of held Iness wa for A Frida plans on hy Ra and vere served \rs Peel hostesse lohn ng of sl held uek the Angus reports most succes Runs slate of officers Donald § Mrs, Angus J reta i look over the from Mrs, F ( and a short busine meet followed decided 10 Vas that Spring rummage sale of members have specia table Spring hats are asked to good hats After the husiness an enjovahle| selection shown hy and \lrs of slides was A Mitehe Whittington colored A J wp MAKE YOUR WEDDING APPOINTMENT NOW Ireland Studio 21. Athol Rt | # By --_--_-- A MEMBER OF the Oshawa | eluh and held at the Hotel Gen. ( Tenacris Among front Jack osha on Saturday night those who attended were row, left to right, Mrs Ski Club, Mrs, Gordon Pierson, was crowned Bki Queen at the snow Ball, sponsored by the Oshawa Ski Club Holds Dance For Visiting Competitors, Friends Snow will the reign next year As Rall Skiing gola dance of and who vias Queen for inthe The erowning ce Hotel conducted hy Frnie ( (renosha In conjunction WIth for the and | the Southern Ontario Men's Four ohards Wav and the All Ontario Ladies' ayiended a Alpine Championships ing skiers All competitors and od th Viv they guests of he wore winners of the main Dshawp the dance oi. and several spol which Piecadilly mented nat Hl prizes were also presented J an extent tha 1 poe A A glance al the dining room was pressed into sen A ! vide additional seating showed the distance many ol Vics: 10 pre 4 "off and skiers travelled ( Aci) na make the meet and dance Bryce A ided the typ standing succes The Snow the Oshawa held Saturday, January 31 Room of the SeAsON remony Ai I" Ri also i Piccadill nme fLvening An club president, who welcome (0 all vi and their friend sinng and Mrs. Kenneth Solomon friends Club crowded vere for the door dance to such hook thi guest als to an oul Brown's dchestra pro of musie that a ski crowd loves, featuring, polka and Paul Jones with the usual fox trots and an occasional waltz A feature of the evening the crowning of the Snow Queen lovely Mrs Pie who holds the Ladies' Down hill Championship of the Oshaw Ski Club the LODGES AND SOCIETIES COURT CHARLENE Court Charlene, 11750 dian Order of Foresters recent Nister and My Ontario Oitawa Duguotte I'hese included Mi MeConville, London Donald MeCloud lose Marie Sault Ste. Marie, Ont; Mr, Rob ert Gooch, techmeal chairman southern Ontario 8ki Zone, Toron and Mrs others Golden Jubilee Ch, February Meeting meeling of the Chapter, 10D} Adelaide House My Dougla presided, The minut the secretary, Mi and treasurer's re Elgin Munday secrelar read letlers the teacher echapten's Island i Mr Mis wa vhen Gordon ato Gooch; and man VHS popular eholee The February Golden Cana. held Helen | high Harry | E.G Juhilee as held at I'he Regent ingmaid vere read hn V. Walker port hy Mrs Educational Stanley King thanks from pupils of the school on Georgina gifts of hooks candy alt Christmas stated that 25 and flag folder distributed to local and ( Mrs her its meeting nstalled Mm Rrother Rrother I'wining wa vice chief Phinn, ass Drage Hrother I'wining tet deputy wished her office I'ange iste] hy Mr Phinn presented Sister with the medal of high chief ranger and the hest of luck in her Hrother Phinn pre Effa Ferguson with district deputy hh of ais and fou ne the sented Sister My 10D} had King En calan her chief past also ranger's medal de heen Court Rister As I'he presented vith ation of her district Ferguson A cofiee table Immigration inadianiza Frank Tuy port of the Canadians HA appre AO ton convener Lime spent as dept uhmitted Christmas tea for n held In Whitby member ney gh chiel ranger Ihe visiting ( now drop Dumbarton, ( Bowmanville Oshawa I'he Charles Hury on I on Court ours were and thanked the vho helped on this proj ¢) ourit Venture and Court Wl ect Christmas nl to two nee \ William Gibhie, film announced that the film vill held at the Pub February 3 and 4 Raldy HAVE A annual hamper Ae also 8 Vrs ener festival lie Libra Mis port Broth Hrother Edward Oshawa Hroth antford and HUest speaker Were con ol guson id, Brother from Court Harry P from HB tine Smith from Court lamas Hendel Wl, Brother er Ted Sister Chi Snowdrop Al Court wining hest office Io he on nn Kime of the recently and, thanked the mem hridge he bers for M ent thelr GJ Polrier vill conf the [ODE Square Dance held Frda March (ntario |} ih hall memhers and Co-operation the hed Nistor vho the ol IK In het new lowin the DUS ye on 20. at ne rel hment od QUEEN MARY Mary | held 1 ere sel LODGE Ange the ng recrea tion 97. plans nake re informed ol to \y reminded and mall to Mis. J Queen No urged member LORA the ( "thy Kilton presiding Devotional exercises were nel formed by Sister Bett, Atkins, the film entitled "Can sister Reverley Gars l'ogether Mis film tiated and welcomed \ Commonwealth countries dif Lodge rered greatly on many | Recent developments have strain ofl positions but the the Queen and the principles which her Empire stand which each 1s a part (1B together for the of all the world Asks Scholarships For Figure-Skaters KITCHENER da should aceomplished figure skater Marlene Lichtl of Kitchener I'he 23-year old Miss won the Western Ontario Niagara Peninsula championships in and passed which servations earl Douglas | members to heir Kelly Mi © LEY meeting angmaid he wonation Temple with mistre Evelyn and Sister Gertrude Logan mn Ww 8 Ni te sure nominating forms hy January Al We explained Stay! in the de was into ues Wa and a Susan Havre! reported Annie. Toms Winifred Smith were Ick list Draw tos were donated hy Sisters Charlotte Griffin, Keitha Cleveland, Isabel Reid and Cora Gardner and were won hy Nis Retty Atkins, Isabella Ker: and Ann Rutt Sister Heryl Vole opening home I'he next will be held on February Sisters terhonse allegiance to Martha on the for ol all ight good ag ers Khott thanks Vas given a niece ol fon hey meeting SOCIAL NOTICE MARRIAGE M (i the for a bingo Om cp scholar Can offer hips to] SA \ Liehti And dance 158, | senion 1957 and examination the women wn Mile Arriage of Mi accomp Saturda I'he rand wy has L LO announce m pul her among more I odanghte Carolyn shed of skaters Kartiseh r 1959 Edw lanuary 1 ard on federal governmen contended, should set up a fin Interior Designer DOROTHY WILSON une (Saciety of Intevior Devgners of Ontario) Invites consultation in connection with Interior Decorating Furniture, Fanrics, Roas, LAMPps ACCESSORIES AND RENOVATING By appointment onh TerepnoNe WA, 3.6722 RALMORAL Lor AVENUE mto 1, OF WEEKEND SKI MEET nl Wife Bested By Mother-In-Law In Effort To Cut Man's Diet a one do about Mrs, Allan Willlams ) Lynda Jeff ek Jefe In { PU Allan detire jeant Juek Oshawa Times Photo [] PERSONALS Kir hor h Pere ANC oh Ie | I'or on Drew "ey dm Vi mn the ma hat the veekend have Ie i tele nal Ln a On He list Lamm le hel adopted yo eph Kery Ire mittens and porte were given by Mrs, Albert (] on of \k Mi Helen Willard announced that the ul held al Gunn and I udents the Mi Kiturday Mr, Erie fat atm Mrs and Arthur J. Drew Ire r at Or i 1 wer | NH J] i ol vould he lin Library a fam par Hd thelr BH | art | hee ( the ( Inn m ul then Conse of nin T pei on theory al 1 Mi Ie ted tamil meeting mmedinte | You are in to ied hy send in interest, New the Kocial any little of teas Anm and go acceptable no charge HA and Vii who was only Also relative Department ol Wprise ns Inte onto om 1 his parties, showe niece and OrEArie coming ont Viv Turiel I'he Ta and pri n are nlwn il for Wid, lo ver ile and J hich there | legar of Columbo Mrs, Di n Cannin My, Pg i I fe or "telephone grand ) whiter hi and Mi rence Yi in Glover A 1.06 \ ( Tach denn pal onl ng preside lentine honored he | i Vi al Id h Honniers Lo} ) I cid on Ir. and Mi their tho oe wel on Salurda Lhe 14 WMS Fehruar inder spices of the mil Cinjests | of for the am oi town have clionate reel on Gira from M F'orontao, nodamie lardi dance Pele Fran) Mr Oh phane and per Coming MV nl and from on Ho Tame Frank My Lands ay Mi My Hed Hei A Mi an ( RN M [ist holirg a and tario Ne A Ocal io neetl fl] hn Spratt the home Osha L Je i" ind ice Waotton Wirtiee li My all A and Mis and Mrs Whithy H M les of ener thre h Ki I Ire fl and Scotland and to the In I Congre of Orgn Westminster Abbe presided and secre! ugh nation d at HOUSEHOLD HINT new fastener con 0 strips of pile vhieh cling securely ed together A clothing 8 merely of | asurer's pre lon TA Stanley Galea introduced 1 Fern ONNY OSHAWA BABY Walt marth « old Waller G Wally | AB randson of \u Me Lend and \h Harvy Petronishin o Photo bh lohn F Mis Oshawa Hormshy seven and \h treet and Arh wean \ There's An Easier Way! --A BETTER WAY! N - ~ /[] Priced From 149.00 Wh wi DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ten INE United mother see Knights to her Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 3, 19 Drum Majorette Must Have More Than Curves TORONTO (CP)If you want (fo he a success Hs A drum majoretie or cheerlender you must have a strong character as well as the "ususl aftributes," says Marie Parkes of the Univers Toronto Parkes LJ Associule see retary of the Studenis' Adminis trative Council snd secretary Editor Dial RA 3-3474 he sb v MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL treasurer of the Women's Athletie Association at the university, Sinoe majoreties and cheerlend. ers first etaried to perform st Mary Haworth: What can A hushand and his sho won't cooperate Dear mothei with the s planned meals" My husband has heen Unhappy for over a vear, \rying to lose a! final eight pounds, to bring his weight down 10 pounds, As recommended hy doctor, to guard against bh blood pres sure and heart trouble ailments that run in his family, (His father died of them, and also had 172 his ih a dighetie condition) M hushand welghed around 100 pounds when he married, Bul | am careful about fats, and pre pare well ments, al ly on Hime 80 hi weight 1s hi blood . pressure in good health now hig balanced down; and ton: and he However, he er's, several times way home: and always happen hie nsed moth A week, on his she "Just ing ed needs stops al lo have some tn I" Just when he In lose welght hand hal Sure! considerate fore his main on A diel and trying to lose on he Kno to feed him menl VANE on, is should POON POON WORRY I feel I've stood hut Mike I'm tive and Isn't Important i's Hide things that puncture diet, T know brought ms elght do pounds, a few hard, and hreak and again ean onl} { long enough fen Hut SAVE overly I ha 20 Years ago ing diet time and lead ta failure Shouldn't my hushand stop he childish? And shouldn't his that what she dn ing is had for him? to me? He says it gives her plea but 1 am made he the I am templed to protest hut hate My tied, Please ise RK is sire fo villian n seem ad 4602 SIZES 1414-244 | ii.3 | vhen " ' For Half-Sizers Ry ANNE ADAMS You'll lo he slender flattery of this step-in with its trim, tah detatled neckline, Proportioned to il hantung print. Tomorrow 's ow topper choose nen, or new pattern: Easy Printed Pattern 4602: Hall Sizes 1! I Hi M0 pb 1 Miu Size 168% requires 4'% yards Aineh fabric Printed divections on each pal part, Easier, accurate Send FORTY CENTS (00 (stamps cannot he this pattern. PI SZ NAM NUANKRER ANNE ADAMS Imes, Paltem Ontario spi Cents In coin led print DRISS Send order I'he Oshawa Oshawa al fon plainly SEY LE AD Dept | DIETARY SUPPLEMENT | for children and adults too FITAMINS, MINERALS, AND YRACE ELEMENTS "PARAMETTES Junior "PARAMETTE" ayrup "PARAMETTES 28 King St. EF Dial RA J.482) Regular City-Wide Deliveries Bldays And irritating hands Varsity football games in the 1920s she has had a part in their selection At the University of Torenio the girls are chosen hy 8 small committee of students and it Is nart of Miss Parkes' Joh to see that consideration given in eharacter and department as well ne -nhysieal. endowments The commitiee elects one drum majorette and 10 cheers leaders each season, Miss Parkes hecomes thelr gulde and chap. erone "The drum majorette can't be self-effacing, hut she must not he a show-off either," sald Miss Parkes, "Khe must have humor plus, because she may have to den! with tricky situations "Students al a university we are visiting may try to kidnap the drum majoretie "That inppened once when we isited University of Western On tario, 1 was able to shield the majorette, but some students told a cheerleader---she was only A first-y student that . they wanted to interview her for. the newspaper, She went a few yards away from the main group, the students closed In and spirited her AWAY MOTHER IY PAST I Dear HK Your hushand's mother) presents a study In ar rested development, in her ma ternal trafic with her son nowa She is socializing with him on the cookie jar level of influ ence, when she tempts him to eat superfluous calories, that play havoe with his weight and (he welght and the doctor's orders Khe has a competitive feeling that hy overruling your diel pal tern, and gelling him fo eal, as It were, oul of her hand, she | keeping the inside track with her hoy In a sense she is saying to him hy actions, If not in words); "Go ahead, he weak: enjoy yourself son; Mama loves you Just as you are, Come to me when you don't want to he strong; when you'd rather take the easier way, and quit the struggle for self-control,' Iisa Is her message, hecause she Instinetively contests your strug gle to change and improve him from the family-patiern thal re flects her doing MAN CONSENTS Your mother-in-law is not mak Ing a fair effort to keep abreast of the times, Her migd 1s stuck rut of yesteryears, She'd not face the facet that her grown, with fran another household and that you are a source of real help and strength to him, pro-| vided he will cooperate | Bo she blindly undercuts your devoled struggles to prolong his life; and he foolishly subscribes to her Interference, Their hehay lor in this respect is wrong, of course, because disloyal (eo you, and Just plain stupid. Each is be ing as childish as the other, in their exchange What to do right protest | Telephone her (rt ra SHE) ews VITAMINS IN CANDY FORM especially for children! son Is planted roots to A friendly seems warranted any day, lo say| in effect); "Mike is secretly dis couraged ahout his final eight pounds that he can't lose, Bul with your help 1 think he can) make It, And reach the weight his} {doctor wants, When he drops in| In you on his way home | please hide the fattening foods!" Sugeest tasty vegetable julee for him to drink, and celery or carrol sticks to chew on, as non sncial fodder, Surely she deny you this, If nleely asked MH, Mary Haworth eounnels through her column, not by mall or personal Interview, Write her in care of this newspaper forth | [emloric won't | § VITAMINS Including A, C, 0 and Byz In Candy form { DELICIOUS WILD CHERRY FLAVOUR modern way to giv sential v i for grawih ane n geod health, Vita Fags eonlal d amounts of § Vilaming wm 02 in della WIE 18 plement to ¥ tan PERFUME HAZARD HANOVER, Ont, (€m) three-year-old hoy here spent night in hospital, after perfume he sprayed on his face made him unconscious, The scent was #0 per cent aleohol RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG A vo the new ar lui CHE ( L] NDI woud or your ehildiy Buch child needs only ene Yite:Pop o doy! § WEEKS / $2 50 [) SUPPLY al your droggl Vita<Pops "with children they're tops" NENRY K. WAMPOLE & COMPANY LTD, PERTH, ONTARIO RA 3.4621 "EER Soles RA 5.043) | If You Want Shirts done to... a husband's taste... We always do your husband's shirts exactly the way he likes them , . . make them sparkle like new again! PHONE RA 8-514) ACADIAN CLEANERS 299 BLOOR ST. W, 131 BLOOR ST. E.

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