The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1959, p. 9

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Fur, FIN AND CAMPFIRE | Belleville Macs Have By JACK SORDS rd | #e EAL S388 2 al R y, IM ry rh 4 Toe vy [] ShERTS WATCHING YOU FROM A AND WiLL RETURN AS COON AS FU LEAT wis monies | |ated with a whopping 7-2 victory HR YOUNG, SHE (8 + By JACK SULLIVAN Canndian Press Stall Writer There were times in the past when Canada sent a bunch of fuzzy « chinned hockey playing kids to Europe and no one wor. ried about them, They dazzled the | Kuropeans with footwork and won as they pleased, | But those days are past--since 1954, in fact, when the Russians made thelr first bid for a world amateur hockey title and eelebr- over a Toronto East York team shook Canadians, even those who Plenty Of Experience cup team, added four ations) 1W0, st one time lined up with Hotkey League players and much of the credit for Whithy's victory went to the old pros, Belleville learned from Whit- by's planning and playing-cosch Ike Denyes and assistant manager Billy Reay did considerable shop- ping around, When the team left Toronto Sunday, it was a con siderably #t hened outfit from the club best 'Kelowna Packers of the Okanagan Senior League for the Allan Cup last in the final game, That slapping spring There's an old pro for every Detroit and Chicago In the NHL, Indianapolis, Buffalo end Hershey in the AHL, Lamirande broke into the NHL in 1946 with New York layed with New Haven | Ran A lidebrasd, manager Drury (SUE FAVE NUR Ll oboe Hockey League the last few years with Chicoutimi, Shawinigan, Trois Kivieres and Quebec, At centre, there is 31-year-old Johnny McLellan, an eight-year veteran of pro ranks, mainly with AHL clubs, Hildebrand, also 31, patrols right wing, This is his second {alo and Toronto to Chicago, New York, Bul, Spelling Hildebrand is S1-year- old Lou Smrke who broke in 1045 with Dallas othe US, Hockey league. He tao" layed wid Spine of Geo. Congrave Has His Fight Over Half Won DENVER, Colo, (AP) -- The test battle, of course, was ust In staying alive, George Con. grave, a courageous young Cana dian, has won that, Since then there have been los. ser battles -- learning to walk again, to talk, to rend. to count, to. tell time, The 22.yearold Al. bertan, once a husky, fasi-skat. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Yuesdey, Pebruory 3, 1959 § AT You don't need a detective to solve that car problem! ES A. 11 your own ear is laid up -- or perhaps 8 bit on the shabby side snd not quite dependable -- take thal business trip or vacation in a shiny new car as private as your own! All you need Is your driver's license and identification to GO TILDEN! 1t's less expensive WBA! DISTANCE L wouldn't know a puck from a 'shin pad Now, with Belleville McFar- [lands in Europe In search of the world amateur title, a tip of the year &s playing coach of the team and he's had plenty of pro ex- ing hockey player, mastered! these too perience with New York Rangers, His right arm still is para lyzed and he neads a brace on hls right leg in order to get around, What he 1s excited about now is that this week he will crack his first college textbook in more than two years. With the help of a private tu. thon, hE or 3 onto Maple Leafs of The National Chicago of the NHL, Cleveland Hockey League and Bulfalo in the In the AHL and Montreal Royals hat should go to the crocks| American Hockey League, Bellin the Quebec league on the team, These are the old celebrates Ms 34th birthday | Youngest of the old pros is 2 pros who won't panic when the March 13, just two days before Yasr-old Pete Conacher who was dedicated Crechs, Swedes andithe tournament ends, ou ed by Buffalo Bisons of Russians put the pressure on.| On defence, there is 33 - year. the' AHL when he refused to re- ) They won't bewllder the Euro:lold A] Dewsbury and Jean Paullport to them from Toronto Maple|tor, he will start on a course of peans with blinding speed but! Lamirande, 35, who wes picked Leafs, The leftwinger broke into economics and bookkeeping al / M thelr general know-how and ex|as the outstanding rearguard in the NHL in 1951 with Chicago and University of Denver. He is the hangs ror perience should meen the dil-|the 1958 world tournament, Dew in the following seasons shuffled|son of Mrs, Jack Pattison of Ed:| PIREVOOD DON'T "14 | ference between a Joss and 8 win. bury, playing pro hockey since around from St. Louis in the:AHL, son, Alta ok Stoo: UI PLENTY OF VETERANS @ ut, HIND FRATVARS STMDICATH, dns The McFarlands are loaded) o wit old pros, just as the Whitby OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS ix i ii [whipped through the seven-round |pound-robin tournament at Oslo { y even Walt Sooft 205, Joe With an unbeaten string of ' Vv Mason 200 and | victories, capped by a 4:2 decision lover Russia in the final In the old carefree days, Cana tian teams simply packed thelr 1 gl and - hopped a boat for ; WOmin's hEh vx wire: shir | Vurope, There was no fuss, They Zeroos 7, Gray Beards 7, Bmoocher nin, Janet Pec 183, Madris | were expected 10 win and they The Oscars 6 and Mings 4 Gladman 180, Mavis Taylor 178, 164, Tom Cones). has high triple this uit Bouckley 171, 166, Donna Co week with B08 (250, 28, 215) next WAS jing 170, Onda Gunn 170 and Klaine Bill Baker 670 (230, 372); Bruce Dalton je) 160 076 (318, 213, 249); Mille Cornenl 069 'fhe team standing as of Jan, 29 is (a0); Don Brockman 660 (219, 213, | Doreen's Beauty Nalon 28, Kirikers 26 227), Warry Faye 656 (247, 21005 Maude |Npooters 24, to Tht. 2 ' Sub ine Morrison Gil Unes I LEY HOAD BION row Rar PRACTICE TILDEN | 48 KINO STREET ENT 1A 5:4000 NO ONE ELSE 18 il 4 DM ly ERIN oN 4 INTIALS, WHY Tg, NOT LEAL THM OFF OF | "REET BENCHLS Fe tT CAMPERS WHO hessssssszsoamas Migh boi ond economy y M ether in this beautiful Galaxie Club Vietoria, With the famous Mileage Maker Six under the hood, you oan get up to 24 miles to the gallon on regular gon... with plenty of lively performance as well! PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES Tony Lapel 218, The Starters and Dots Do ddities are|Stankovits 202 Al still ted for first place in the standing Ken Marden 200 ? with 18 points followed by B.Bobs 14] The women's high . . were May mpers 12, Taylors Satlors 12, Ernie Photieh oy 401, June 12, Tueky "19" 11, Bill's PI | arangs 10, Wigh Balle 10, Uy and Downs 0, The OK's 9, Bpuinik frie I'ayior 493, ¥ y i" O orl ' na 444, Eins ell 43 ry Bow Last year, the Allan Cup-win- ning Dunlops prepared seven months for the world champion. ship at Oslo, They broke up their MHranton wn 1 Simcoe Hall an Cleans Halph mith ane hy y tl aes. Basketball Statistics Wert Amith #03 (210, 2031; Bah Glover wn' for vd with seventeen, Powers $01 (228) and Marry Norton 601 (251), |pouston and MeGuire have 15 so we Over 280 seores were Stan Turner should see the pins flying next ' rst fotalpoint 99 936, 200); Wa 245, Ernie Male and Phyl Wudson 243. (day, I some of the b Marion Thomas 240, Lily Rae and see our new pin boy It wa Helen Fisher 235, Kid Thomas 234, Ten |i pretty good #0 mayhe Phaw 293, Howard Read 232 Wyn ibe hack up there J Turner 231, 2011 Ted MeComb 231, "Ton Hie h singles Rae 220, Gladys Biekle 227, 804; Phyl and Mik MeGrath 2 oe 201, 2 al Migh triples ~ Jean a Johnson 304, 4 Mekos. 201 Pan] arry Dickison 650 and Service 18, 5t, John Cadets Those over 223 M, Wodnisky 284.0 LOCAL IMT LEAGUE [1 Monaghan 229, M, Charhols 244, B igh triples = L. Arp 640, R [MeGrisken 230, 9391 J. Diekison 241, D ard 603, K. Nichol 681, ¥, Watson 64, ui gon g7n, 1. Bucks 280, M, Mels Bolahood 236, 247; Berisult 221, M. 0.00 a.m Parts and Service " ¥. Claments 637, Welneoke 638, P, War. | 0ST Soay C080 Thy okinon 248, J. Molle | VA St. J hn Cadets; and 0:30 ] ela 631, D. Anelgrove 617, 1, Weard 613, (agp "y Dohnn 242, J, Planeta 332 and a.m Centre Street Cubs vs E. Westinke 600, A, Hafner 601, G. 72 'Moreau 252 1111's Badger } ( games of two-games eres: Centre Stree! n 66h ana Cub Bill's Badgers 12; Parts| Ford's new Gdlaxie combines Thunderbird elegance with traditional Ford economy, t's the Thunderbird-fancier's woy fo have his cake and eat it tool Have you been down to your Ford Dealer's yet to see the brilliant new Galaxie? Like everyone else, you'll be "thunder -struck at how much it takes after the Thunderbird , . . though it's priced just above a regular Ford hardtop. The first thing you'll notices is the smart, straight-line roof, with its dis. tinctive side panels and set-in rear win. dow. Then, take a look inside--who'd ever guess a low-priced Ford would be so Thunderbird-elegant! But then, who'd guess such an elegant car would be so economical! Up to 24 miles to the gallon on regular gas with Ford's Mileage Maker Six---the most powerful modern 6-cylinder engine in Canada! You travel as many as 4000 miles between oil changes, too, with the help of the standard Full-Flow oil filter, Even the muffler lasts up to twice as long--it's built of aluminized steel to resist corrosion from weather and hot exhaust acids, It, too, is standard, Thunderbird elegance? It's yours in the Galaxie! Ford economy? That's yours, too, in the exciting new Galaxie, See it at your Ford Dealer's soon! Games this Saturday, Feb, 7 ry I ' Rideout 601 | Teams standing Rolahnod 21, Bur N ' y High singles M, Smith 347, A, Pol paws 17, Dickison 17, Wrubel 16, Powers MINOR LEAGUE tock 207, M, Canfield 240, J, Killen 248,15, Mouston 15, MeGuire 18, Eyre 12,1 Firefighters Association | LTR 4) [Adasen 240. J MeConkey 244, Motheret 12, Ekker 10, Rolfe 0, Sua police Association 21; J. Waitiake 201, uayk 1ify 3 Bat: chan [Sports 26, CKLB 25 yen 218, 201; A, Cochrane 218, 1, Gere ACI TAN ff 217, Pommerenke 316, 8. Kattner 214 AUX, #1 UAW LEAGUE, STANDINGS J. Humphries 214, 216; D, Killen 207, No Soubies but some good singles \ 201, and elght lemons | Botiehar 300, oo" 20h A MCinglen = I. MacFariane 244, M, Sta. | Jaycee Blues ! "Ops y ter 240, K, Burrus 219, E, MacCabe 217, Bolahood Sports 1 Lemon League A. Baxter 01, E 3 Smith 203 d Nip Newhall 96, J, Killen 99 1] Saver, 1, KE, Smith and N. pirefighters. Assoc 1 il h "Ww Second section wandings A Groups | Sputniks whitewashed Ramblers, CKLB Loafers 13, Instigators 18, All Stars 10. Groanharnet whitewashed Toppers: [Police Assoc, "4 Misia 9, Suckers 8, All-in-One 3, B laioonioumn whitewashed Lucky Six this Saturd Feb, 7: Group: Tryhards 11, Kighthatls 11, Cel | eae ook two points from Jeits, ames vg 3) Ye i 1ar Dwellers 10, Beginners 10, Jumpers: Team standing Moonheams 10:00 am, == Police Assoc, vs. 9, Hawkeyes b [Wputniks 7, Toppers 5, Aces b, Green: |Bolahood Sports: and 11:00 a.m hornets 6, Lucky Bix 4, Ramblers 2|_ CKLB vs, Firefighters Assoc, WEDNESDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL [and Jetix 8 Fl BLL lot A " \ XK A ocr Jupp, saviad ott wh, tout FRIENDLY 0 | Mundinger 61, points, Bo the Fight ix on heading into This is the starting of a new set Hon, YR 41, the home streteh of the sohedule A renl yood starl tee, 42 WE had to Sanding ~ CPL 4, Sarnovaky's Body Whitewashes, Huby LA ny Toi eis Lovell 4, bowler this week op s Jacknon's 4, Jury and ae Sinules Nn, Lane 224, N JT Sms © Fra AharL3, Tonk oh tot 18 d df MacMillin 201 gaten 3, Tony's Warber Shop 1, Ruddy | Mula Hoops whitewashed Sputnika Klee, 1, Bennet Paving 1, Kinlooh's 0,]gixers whitewashed Flying Saucers Dunlops-0, CTC 0 and Koolvent 0 Lulu's whitewashed Hot Khots and 4 VAN Tigh triples Hank Sarnovaky Wi? Damiels whitewnshed Strikers 12:00 noon Ontario Steel "A's (293, 201), Joe Vascos THO (270, 30D) 1| Lemons 1, Borrow 94, § Wilson vik. Mundinger Rube Gay 764 (398); Nora O'Reilly 761(03, P, Gillette Ai, A. Forster #5, B Hea , 5 . v BCT lent TY Li Paterson To Luts 12,| Officials for the morning In #100 Gerry Wickey 741 (383, 390) |D, Cowle 63 and kK. Franklin 5 cluded Art Goodall, John Bob Gardian 738 (255, 20); Mob Miller| Team standing = Hula Hoops 3. Six Matthews, Walt Bathe (represen. 118 (330); Paul Shody 711 (272, 880); [ers 8, Lulw's 3, Dumbelis 3, Rputniks 0. 40g Oshawa "Y's Men Club; Will Barta 708 (304) Norm Treen 706(FIvIng Knucers 0, Mot Shots 0 andi ofp Be yy (308) Mughie MeLelland 708 (305); Don [Mirikers 0 hl ¥ - --- 1 Lounds 609 L. Kudia #97 (279); Tony | Constante 600 (206); Nay Mann 684 (76) Orville Atkinson 079 (250); Ned MeDermald 671 (261) Jack Rrightman A790 (ano Gord Hudson 669 (352); Ml Rerwick A0K Jack Anderson 067 (383) 1 Al Shortt 60d (208); Bob Gallag her 044 and Rill Lawson 061 High singles Steve Narta 277, Nar old, Cornish 373, Ken Daly 249, Moe Fenton 248, Don Henning 267, John Beneingassl 904, Bruce MoGregor 200, Nill Hayward 250, Les Smith 250, Jack Welsh 230, T, Masters 257, Bill Watts #1, Curly Jackson 380 and Marry Keyes 283, ", Bolahood L PTS. LL] ord-priced ¢ Ontario Steel WL PTS. Ontario Steel "A's 5110 Anderson Mundinger ), later 208 and N. Mundinge - i "Ontario Steel "B's Jaycee Rockets hd Game this Saturday, Feh, T: NO.1 STOVE OIL For Delivery by Metered Trucks PHONE . . . VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5-1109 { MO 8-3644 AJAX 550 \, (70) MEN'S MAJOR Lucky Strike Grill pleked up the only shutout when the grilimen took advan tage of the shorthanded Dove's Fina Station entry, the servicemen bein without their top bowler, Doug Nard ing We doubt very much If any olub could have stopped the Lucky Strike Grill boys who racked up a smashing ATAR team total, with Al Zweig, Moh Gallagher and John Mrico, all hitting big totals Ntan Hodgson was hest for Dove's Fina Station hut his effort was In vain due mainly to the supreme effort of for Lucky Strike, whe was al hext, with a 381 and a 38) bi being high for the season Holahood's Real Estate remained In BROOKLIN top pal hy winning two points from 282 the Ed Wilson Furniture club, the Real tors now top Lucky Strike Grill hy a small margin of three points Galdell Homes gained a little hy drop ping npn Pavilion for two points and the ®ldell boys are now Just one point out of a playoff spot, even If they ave on the bottom Oshawa Auto Trim lost a two to one depision to Henning's club, now known an Ritson Drugs, thanks 1o a new spon aor, Jim Janstos, who needs no Intro duction ta local sports fans The standing now shows «= Rola hood's Real Fatale 3 points: Lucky Strike Grill 33; Jubilee Pavilion 20; Dove's Fina Station 17) Ritson Digs 171 Oshawa Auto Trim 17; Ed Wilson Furniture 18; Goldell Homes 16 Individual high scores Al Bwelg BAT (OAL, 331); Stan Hodgson 779) Olly Jordan 711 Bd Rrown 734; Bob Gallag her 795; John Nrico 783; Gord Long 0 TELEVISION PUBLIC NOTICE It has come to our attention that there Is considerable unethical use of the Beoma name in connection with TV antenna. Besides ""Beama 213" and ""Beama type" there is now even a "'Beama 59" on the market, None of these types' are manufactured by Beama Engineers ing Limited, The GENUINE NEW Boama 39 is an ens gineering masterploce that outmodes all others for top performance in Southern Ontario, So please remember that for your protection, Beama is a registered trade nome which guarantees the best in television reception, Therefore, demand the GENUINE Beama 59, ASK FOR A RECEIPT FROM YOUR INSTALLER GUARANTEEING THAT YOU GOT A GENUINE BEAMA 59. Write wa for descriptive literature or ask your dealer, BEAMA ENGINEERING LIMITED 76 DENSLEY AVE, TORONTO 15, ONT, SIX or V'8 the savings are great! DAVE BLACK MEMORIAL TOURNEY DATEN T™he fourth annual Men's Event for the Dave Riack Trophy will be held al Lanes on two successive The dates will he Maren V Two shifts will operate on each of the Saturdays specified, (he first shift will start at 6 pm, and the second shift at ® pom. Each entrant will roll five games on the first Saturday and five games on the following Saturday, with the highest total pinfall deciding the champion for 105% Entry blanks and all necessary In Ringler Memorial Mator City Saturdays 0M and Main Maura INIA E or IOnIIOna are SIARAA I dome made panel oF err cov an hans.) Fehruary FOR OSHAWA & WHITBY DISTRICTS SEAWAY MOTORS 200 DUNDAS W,, WHITBY OSHAWA PHONE MO 8-3331 RA 3-4683 FOR BOWMANVILLE & NEWCASTLE DISTRICTS CARVETH MOTORS NEWCASTLE, ONT. PHONE 3251 formation will be available at Motor City Lanes on request. This annial event x open to All Oshawa, Whithy and all surrounding distriet howlers Oulof town bowlers, acceptable to the will be commities In charge also eligible MINED TEN PIN LEAGUY ) nen's high triples were Dan il, Moh Melugh 303, Wal A Ken Mar 1. Ge n |] Nevers » Nlankoy and Tony Lug The nEles we ¥ o Dan Thomson WT, Bob MeNugh a, pov SE ---------------

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