The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1959, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jenwery 30, 1959 {River Right Conceded By Washington { OTTAWA (CP) ~-- The United |States has apparently conceded ito Canada a right which this 'country gave the U.S. decades ago. , Informants sald here Thursday |that the U.S, appears to have rec- ognized tacitly, If not publicly, hat. Canada is entitled to down- stream benefits on the Columbia River. The reported move was greeted White Dove 349 Holds Meeting By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- The regular meeting of White Dove Rebekah Lodge 7 Lodges were welcomed by ier Mackness, NG. Sister Bea'- (4, ODL, Lg amadls be More Strikes {re ; ue to weal ! During 1958 Sis = Alice Collins reminded the mbers of the euchre to] OTTAWA (CP) Canadian be h. at 10 Roosevelt avenue, workers lost more time through gan, "y at 8 Sa Kauck 4, | industrial disputes last year than No. 379, Ajax, was held Tuesd at the 100F Lodge Hall, with Sister Isobel Mackness, NG, pre- siding, assisted by Sister D, Rob- ins, VG, Reporting for the sick eommit- tee, Sister Robins said that a number of members' were {ll with 'flu, and Bro, John Hancock is confined to bed under the doctor's care. Good wishes were conveyed for a speedy re- turn to health, Sister Gloria Bailey, DD, and birthday greetings were sung for in 1957, the labor department re- Sisters Kifg, Moxam, Slugg and/ported Thursday. Williams, A social half-hour was| There were 260 work stoppages |spent, when Sister A. Woods and involving 107,497 workers and re- her committee served lunch, Sis- sulting in the loss of 2,879,120 tér Bovie was the winner of the man-days. This compared with {lucky draw. "1957 figures of 245 stoppages. gatimpianicatly in British Colum- Dia, ' "Downstream benefits" refers to a share for Canada of power (generated at dams on the Amer- |ican section of the Columbia from | ater fed down as needed from storage dams on the Canadian part of the river, The Columbia J|rises In British Columbia and| 7 |Nows through that province and 2 the U.S, pacific Northwest before "It empties Into the Pacific at As- 44%} loria, Ore, Vy fiiig A Cuda grained the U.S. down. " y , |stream benefits on the upper St. and W, Glen Lander, president, | K, Lathangue and W. A, Court | John River many years ago, The Absent when photo was taken, | enay, Joh ; A. H. Sturrock, W. H, Brown, |--Photo by Bowmanville Studios fF: Job Jia Ee TOA Nowe Glen Lander Pregideni/Chusch Reports EET Bowmanville C Of C 25.5 Thursday a group of Russian agricultural experts will arrive AJAX (Staff) Reports given Stratford; maintenance chair. here in May to study feeding t the annual meeting of the man, Michael Ticehurst; welfare, methods for poutiry and livestock BOWMANVILLE (Staff) W. with the construction of the new method whereby local Glen Lander was elected presi- store, and that all other town chants could assist in payment 4 total income of $20,785.79. There John Brooks; follow-up, W. Rob- mer- Church of The Holy Trinity show Mrs, Win Scarf; stewardship, dent of the Bowmanville Cham- merchants will profit, as It was for lots at a small cost was also a steady growth inl ertson; friendship, Roy Shepherd; ber of Commerce as its annual reported they have done in' Chamber receipts for 1958 held church attendance and Interest. leadership, Ernest Henry; mate general meeting held in the Whitby, |very steady being only $26.95) The number of services inereas- rials and promotion, Albert Suth Lions Community Centre Monday teports from Whithy sald none below that of 1957. On the other of, including weddings and bap- erland He succeeds HR. PP. Rickaby, of the smaller grocers have suf- hand expenditures exceeded ye- (jgmy, Lay delegates who has served as president for fered greatly, if at all, with the cepts. Increased activity in all church Dorothy the past two years, J, A, Bell|construction of the two larger' Other items mentioned In Mr organizations was reported, and Turner, was named vice - president and supermarkets, and that other bus. Morris' report included better, "Cp 0 improvement fund was nates, W. Robertson, director are 1 have improved shopping survey, billboards and started during the year, This Kent, Mrs. M. Hurtubise A. H. Sturrock,. W, H, Brown, The competition of new indus. other signs, Christmas projects, revenue was used to complete Maintenance committee, R. P. Rickaby, W. G. Pascoe. try is keen, sald Mr. Morris Centennial contributions, dupli several projects which had been © Pepper, Ken Smith, C. Breen, K. Lathangue, M. S./Bowmanville is at a disadvan. C8ticg service, municipal pork, left out of the original contract Cooke, Don Williams Dale, A 7 Hooey, W. Burk and tage, being adjacent to towns municipal planning, Ontario De- for the new church, |, Sidesmen capta ins, Victor W. A, Courtenay and cities with municipally own. Partment of Highways, the new For the first time in Ames, Roy Roberts, Mike Law K. N. Morris, secretary-mana- ed and fully serviced industrial offices, the register of coming ih th hurch operated with rence, Tom Staples, Ken Smith ger presenting his annual re- sites which can be offered at|Cvents, tourist information, the years, teficit i J cinema na Craig Reid, Arnold Grenke, Rob port, sald that 1968, when the bargain prices. Other towns also welcome wagon and the Welland OU pei Hund - ith A vardens ert MacKenzie, Tom Clarkson, town celebrated its centennial, have citizen - owned companies to Canal tolls : . He ' gn the next year the Ruggles Glerman, Robert had seen much accomplished finance and construct factory AWARDS OF MERIT py ome 1 iti will continue to Thompson, Bill Wright, Al. Suth Because industrial and com. buildings Suc cess of Stratiord| rhe yb tink Jopi, rescaled pone positon Sy board: Ernest Henry mercial development is the town's along hi line was outlined finest store window at Christmas| Appointments and elections John Cameron, Mrs. G. Pepper, | mont prosaig Soed, 4% because " Ie BEY he for Bowman was won this year by Mrs. R. were as follows: rector's warden,'A| Sutherland, W. Robertson, of e amber najor ro J J the Centennial, less emphasis and ville to take the bull by the Kerr. The trophy has been pre- Harry Wogden; people's warden, Betty Wichlow sented three times now and was|Tom Houghton; vestry clerk, (Great Chapter: Al time were devoted to Chamber horns and get up our gumption donated by director E. T, Bant- Mrs. Gladys Pepper; treasurer, (A. V. Price, Robert matters than normally, he sald. [to organize a commiliee to work (ng {Kenneth Hodges: asst, treasurer, Nellie Wogden, Audrey "Your chamber is dedicated to on (his, and get Industry for| Awards of merit are presented Boy ce Blundell: auditors, W.|' Scout group committee: George the advancement of the civie, so- Bowmanville, to commercial or industrial Braithwaite and David Gove: en: punn, Maurice Duthiel, Roy Rob cial, agricultural, commercial| The Chamber's interest in traf- firms who have either improved velope secretary, Mrs, J. Suther- apts, (has, Manley. Roy Shen and industrial welfare of Bow- fic parking, particularly in the|the exterior of their place of busi- land. herd, W. Robertson, T. Hough manville and district, In pursu- downtown area was referred 10 ness or expanded In some way Chairman of sidesmen, Ralphiton, Harry Wogden ing these objects the chamber by Mr. Morris, He sald it was| This year four such citations AJAX TEEN TOPICS has worked In close co-operation through a Chamber committee were presented. Companies hon- and harmony with other organi- headed by A, H. Sturrock, acting ored were Brookdale-Kingsway rations hiding similar Interests, on behalf of town council that Nursery, the Toronto Dominion "Where organizations did not the public parking lot in the rear Bank, Higgon Electric 14d., and exist, your chamber initiated and ©f the fire hall was established. the Goodyear Tire and Rubber | | | By GEORGETTE DUTHEIL against Whitby High, Ajax girls | AJAX--This year Ajax High again lot both games Inthe is trying something new| The Ajax bench looked rather | | | sisters from Whitby and Picker- SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANYVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 1f you have not received your Times, phone your carrier bey first. If you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Colls Accepted Between 7 -7:30 p.m. Only Hy i. NEW EXECUTIVE OF THE | (back row): E, T, Bowmanville Chamber of Com- | director; W, G, Pascoe, direc. | J, A, Bell, vice-president, R, P merce was elected Thursday tor, A. 1. Hooey, director; M. | Rickaby, past president; Ken Picture shows, left to right | Dale, past director and C, | Morris, secretary - manager, Banting, | Breen, director, Front row: LOANS $50 to $5000 without endorsers or bankable security -- 10g A (0) 8 a 17:8, (3 OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON 117 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-6541 JUST ARRIVED! A BIG SHIPMENT OF NEW Westinghouse AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATORS AT NEW LOW PRICES Mrs Amy alter Stanley to Synod, Houghton, Mrs Roy £hepherd Janting, | Incsses Rol ob Jack several Sutherland Rowland Shepherd Safety Council Reports At Ajax thet the views of a representative group bers present Ajax Safety Coun. taking tags to every house in the tion of Dr a A re roa om ---- % carried through various projects Mr. Morris suggested more Company Presentations were of its own," sald Mr, Morris parking lots should be built in{made by. past-president R. P Many chamber projects have Bowmanville and suggested alRickaby been undertaken at the request of town council, and others under-| taken on its own Initiative In the| hope of directly assisting council in formulating policies and pro in the field of music, Last yeariempiy due to the recent attack for the first time a music night of fly. but both terms played vas presented by the music stu- hard and did their best dents with each class playing dif. With oniy 11 mem. The Boy Scouts co-operated by ferent selections. Under the direc at. Doneoan High School." The the pro Tunlors lost their game, but the and will pantams showed their usual Wednesday was grams MUNICIPAL ACTION now be an annual event [form In wirning In addition to Music Night an- 53 double victory day, avith each Hill ferred to the 195% municipal a v fairs by chamber obtained survey condneted AJAX Friday, the bovs' teams played 4 vhich Lindeman, grom was successful of citizens on such questions as cil was unable to hold its pro- town advising residents that the askin JETS, We Proposed m posed election of officers at a lane was in operation, Posters, proved public library, and the Meeting in the Community Cen present two - year term for town tre Tuesday coumeil, In each case the cham It was stated that reorganiza ber's findings resulted in deci tion of the cuncil last year was sive action motivated by a number of acci- "With usiness representing dents to children in the town less than 20 per cent of the/culminating in the death of an town's total assessment of land 11-year-old boy and buildings, and yet paying! During the current 'school year A almost 28 per cent of total taxes! there has not been an accident tape As an example Mr. Morris re f had been put up In stores all over, J "P P in stores all over other musical evening will be team winning against West lown advising motorists to have ,.aeented this month, The Band Collegiate their vehicles checked. The cam- Concert will be held Feb, 16 and _ ATION r palgn had been underwritten by the students who take music iri FED NATIONS Slug tion oluten * Nati Ll] a from grades 10, 11, and 12, in grants from the town, the Indus : Club of Ala 4 f J p y oA x High School recent- trial Association, and Teen wddition to the mgular band will ) § 2 Town present a program {ly took part In the annual Model aaarnbiv. hl en's Par Students are now beginning to A i iy Yale at Queen Pak work on polishing up new pleces | ae oy Bi on ; fs Leon's Fr and practising old favorites to It ening «Japan partic patel 'n be used in the program the various committees and ar , " rived at solutions for the compli-| While on the jbjest o the cated world problems. Delegates band, they an e Son nvited | 9 nirending the Assembly were Bob| Pickering High School Tuesday pany Georgette Duthedl, Janet ta play Stratton and Anne Scrose l The school dance held at Ajax The Simpson's representative two weeks ago was enjoyed bY |g. hig year have been selected all who attended, The evening from grade 12. They are Pam |was enlivened by a display of yy " Koy : ald | "rr ckers and Marvin MacDonald ' loaned by the During National Road Safety dance techniques, from Jive to|qy, yu yi) replace Bob Falby, who ager and also the town industrial City of Oshawa was at w for hg pres leases were hed charleston, demonstrated by the was the representative last year IW vy the coun N arhark © " A commissioner, Mr. Morris said he two weeks in June. Six hundred of Po Ey a oe! weachers chaperoning the dance, In view of the increased enrol Is giving assistance to the town's cars passed through the lane " he artic Tr ne carefy 1 A Ber | Next dance will be held Feb. ment at Ajax two representatives existing industries and commer during the period It was In oper: | oP u'arly Il. A simi (following the boys' basketball ne now chosen instead of one, cial establishments, and attempts ™ y o VET" Jar message was delivered from games which will be the finals o secure desirable new ones. | poxsonnel. from the pulplts of the different |for the Lakeshore COSSA cham. TALENT NIGHT AUDITION / SUPER MARKET : Dez ome! or 2ations it 20un churches in the town, and posters pionship | Auditions for the approaching] Ne re Jv onnercial ge qui. TB 4 ry ' il we Vere ip In" the stores, Also a Since Donevan High School 1s Talent Night will be held Friday, establisitmaents mentioned - at the partment gave time oa of. 218s ayn way set up at the en: plaving against Ajax that day,|The contestants chosen will re. ii ST i Tic ru Chore Cann boll i trapee to the advising the students have been invited, hearse and perfect in prepara- I a, , : d wa, drivers that WM was Hoad Safety for what promises to be an en- tion for the Interschool Talent Grand Union Supermarket passing through the lane. The waay In > Sods | It is ; . ' "ih } e joyable evening, Night to be held at PDHS Feb. s the feeling of the chamber Rod and Custom Club had, at the As 5 result thers ward ho» In basketball there has been| 11 that Bowmanville's commercial same time, run a driver testing y ) ac iN | interests will be greatly improved van lent by Labatt's ravers cidents in the town during the much activity for all the AJax| The Student Council has been 4 " PUT seven days despite bad weather, teams, boys and girls. In the raising funds through the sale of o|games at PDHS Juniors and Sen- school sweaters, crests, ribbons| SHORTHORN ASS'N. llores lost to Pickering. |and stickers. These articles seem | large quantity of reflective vas purchased by the coun. | of the entire town, it Is obvious involving Injury to any child in ¢!l and deposited at the police that a healthy business climate the town office, where it was placed on is essential to the town's econ Next meeting of the bicycles as licences were issued omy," he sald will be at the Community "Elmer" flags were ralsed at "It 1s to the credit of our busi- at 8.30 pm. Feb. 17. It all the junior schools and the ness group that they willingly that many will make a special separate school during the year permit the major part of their effort to attend or to send a re- and a trophy. was donated hy the membership fees to be spent on presentative to take part In the mayor to the Council for competi projects which are of benefit to work of the council Among 6c titlon among schools the entire community," tivites reported In his role as secretary - man A Safety Lane council Centre Is hoped wan manned by various Service set town 11 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR WITH Other activities run by servic clubs In the town included a teen-age driving competition | sponsored jointly by the Rotary whole, and may bring a few {Club and Teen Town, and a Safe ty Poster contest sponsored by {the Lions Club, with a view to ob taining a design for a sign to be [sot up at the entrance to the In the game at Ajax Monday to be popular with the students as a Birthday Party much-needed dollars into the cof fors of the council, | & {OTTAWA TRIP | | Students of grade 12 are busily, planning for the forthcoming Model SPL11--Freezer stores and sharp freezes 60 PUSH-BUTTON DEFROSTING New Executive LONDON An Ontario coun. ty representative, and a Durham county breeder were elected to executive positions at the meeting of the Ontario Shorthorn Club, Lance Beath, Oshawa, was chosen second vice president and John Rickard, Newcastle, was made a director In her annual report, secretary Mrs. C. ( Guelph, stated that 12 regional shows were held during the past year, with 149 breeders exhibiting 779 cattle Three of were Dual Pur pose Shorthorn shows There are 17 local clubs, rang ing from the Ottawa Valley Club in the the Tri-County Club in western Ontario During vear, 700 leather wallet ven to 41 and g ng completion of the It is planned to and Girls' Helfer he Canadian Na Grove these east lo th ith boys M er Club contest et are gi to the Clubs having the best all-round en annual | | activities during the year, the trophy went to the ° Tri-County Club (Kent - Elgin - Essex); with the runner up being the Hi-Land Club (Dufferin and Peel) Principal speaker during business session was W Sutherland, manager, M. F, ms, Milliken, Speaking on the 'Shorthorn steers in the § A topie of the Feed Short farm Maritime on their a group of §7 horn steers fed last fall On fall feed, they made gains marketed, 49 graded red brand top); five blue, and three com mercial, The carcasses dressed 8 0 per cent There is a of Shorthorn definite scarcity steers for the exist ing demand," he concluded, "and more commercial herds are a ne cessily A. C. Gaunt elected pre Crawford president, Lucknow, was with F L Oro dlation, first vice dent | town LANCE BEATH For Auxiliary Ottawa trip which will take place By GRACE MILLS In the middle of February. The trip will include grade 12 stu. [a AX i Canadian Legion dents of Pickering High School, | held a dinner and social Wednes-| Various 3 places of interest in day evening to mark the 1th|the Capital will be visited, in | birthday of the organization. addition to the Parliament build- | An exchange of gifts took place|n&s Students concerned are jand its presentation of a matched looking forward to the jaunt sel of Jewelry was made to Mrs Jean Grant who is leaving for § Georgetown shortly An invitation was read from [the Uxbridge branch for a visit in February Members wishing to go can contact Mrs, S. Eng lish, 8 York Street, or Mrs, A {Ward, 11 Tudor avenue, not later thm February 6. °' Comrade Hopkins celebra {her birthday on the same day as the Auxiliary, Birthday greetings were sung and Mrs. John Mills the charter president, cut the birthday cake. Penny bingo was played for an hour to end the meeting In the report of the last Ing "three names were from the executive: M F. Pu don, past president Mur Kay (Wilson, and Mrs, 8, English, FOR MISSED || 291/16" PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Tines by 7 p.m, call "AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m tes meets omitted Ibs. Spacious refrigerator section has Cold Control . « . gives infinite number of settings to suit all your needs. Cold Storage Tray holds 15 additional pounds of frozen foods. Other features: full-width Vegetable Crisper . . . Cheese and Butter Keeper . . . Egg Shelves. Tall bottle shelf on the door. Height-- 604", Width--30", Depth (including hardware)-- 219 MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA RA 5-4711

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