The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1959, p. 18

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18 THE GIHAWA TIMES, Wider, Jemwery FO, TVRY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) COMBINATION | = ie ' Ny hh \ i" TRE nots WINDOWS il DOORS, AWNINGS, THE WR | 9:30 AM. TO 6 P.M, ST FOR LESS, 7 i fa OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT AL IARI "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" TIL 8 FM Whit . ' bo Spm pl) dim 7 io imran) 4 I hi i Bow he Manufactured In Whithy COLONIAL ALUMINUM 51---Swap and Bart WEERVIELD, electric eoen coin | enoler, rototiller, tle machine, box and cabin trailer, all kinds of plumbing supplies, Wanted combination TV, tools, motors or what have you, Chinn's, Hill: side and Park Road South, RA 3708 52---Legal Notices $50---Articles For Sale $50---Articles For Sale Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS---Interior and Exterior Fireploce Furnishings ond Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST, RA 5.4632 Les Bveniss, RA 3.2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5.8832 Don Howe, RA 5.0313 FTERED, Fxpert conversion of your|1966 GF _ electric ranges, automatic LL oy tape recorder to) clock controlled oven, ike new, Phone stereo, Sales and services on all Ger MO 83478, Whithy w man and Domestie HIP) and stereo] guiin ye" ono ti equipment, For information phone Osh: | op ome and four cha awa representative, Heinz Rottschaifer, complete, full size contin chair, two occasional eh ' rocking chair, All In good eondition 173 Gerrard Road North or phone RA a EH -- " ------ yy 'Columbia' Desk Encyclopaedia An up-to-dote volume that gives coverage of science, arts, World affairs ond many other subs jects, It eontaing; ® More than 1,000 Canadian entries ® 31,000 orticles ® 1,250,000 words NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL |} ELIZABETH BURGOYNE, Widow, |i deceased, "- | Taste-treats for everyone , , , "Jellies Supreme" An assortment of tangy, frult-flavoured Jellies, dipped In suger Flavours include raspberry, lemon, lime, strawberry, orange, 19 3dbs, ' ivierra BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 PHONE RA 5.737) Lirhdate Stretch Socks for Men Only ot EATON'S Excellent quality stretch socks of soft, warm, yet In a plain 6/3 rib; colours of white, wine, powder blue, navy, grey, lasting freshness, they launder easily, dry quickly, and fit comfortably, One size stretches to fit sizes 1 26 L 10 to 13, EATON Price, pair FATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 201 PHONE RAS.737) n 1460 mornings or evenings, Vern Fleetronies, 423 Yonge Street, Toronto WINE and cider barrels available, all wizes, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, | 8.6080 2 # Chureh Sweet, RA 37624 si: | COOK wave with twa oll birats Piges GUN: mmunition and hunting ap, and 45 gallon barrel, RA 3 Be plies new and used, For the best den - . fn town see Dominion Tire Klore, 48 aun. Ammunition an dunting hip, Bond Street West, RA 5.6011 plies new and us r | in town ses Dominion 'Tire Store, 8 CALL Barons' for guaranteed service: | Bond Street West, RA 5-6511 qualified techniciang for all make 4 models for TV'S, radios, w o,|B. F. GOODRICH Stores , Kelvinator refrigerat refrigerators, dryers, Hi Fi and small #8 appliances. Barons' Radio and Electric| Thrifty budget plan, RA 144, 426 Simcoe Bt ELECTRO ranges, all makes com 3 OR, tomatie defrost. pletely reconditioned, 90-day warranty REPRIGERATON, wl iby hed and from $30.80. Irvine Appliances, 80 Bond double bed, like new, Phone RA #5827, | Kast 718 Phillip Murray between § a.m and CART Tee vele TT aol 7 som aem ' WM pletely reconditioned, Free war CARGERT ection of used TV, many panty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap with new guarantee at Parkway Tele: pliances, 80 Bond Kast N vision, #18 Bimcoe Atreet North SROTGON Th guave. Raminaion "Wilk SELLING furniture or cleaning oUt puuier pump, $55, 22 automatic rifle your basement? You will get your Neh: | yoo ish 0 sss RA 5.8100 on ost pries when you phone RA LELIEL) The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simeoe 1] South SKATES, new and used. "Oshawa's No. 1 Skate Exchange' Used skates) $1 up. New skates $4.95 up Largest selection In town, Drayton Cycle, 204 = Bond Sireet Kast railings, $1.50 per foot up; OHENT of drawers for sale, Phone RA aluminum windows $15 up $0750 MW doors $35 up. Free estimates FURNITURE fale Reductions up to Call enllect ATlantie 2.2152 #0 per cent! 3 pe, ehesterfields, $00 UR!) por pop A Ea AAD ANY BUILD THAT BOAT NOW , Wa prige! Colles Apringfilled Is sosy with a molded hull er boat kit, from B' to 24' All persons having «aime against the Estate of Mabel Elizabeth Burgoyne, late of the Town of Whitby, County, widow, deceased, whe died on or about the 19th day of December, 1958, are hereby notified to send in te the undersigned Personal Re- presentotive of the said deceased on or before the 13th day ef February, 1959, full particulars of thelr claims. Immediately after the said date the Personal Repre- sentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only ta claims of which she shall then have notice wo Babies' Bedding, Sleepwear A--Crib Sheet C--Golden Frou-Frou Baby Softly happed Pant. sriped border, $nug fit, 30 x 40", Small, medium, Pink or white, EATON Special Price, each flannalstte with pink or blue embroidered nylon baby pant, large and extra large, 1.39 D---'"'Babyfair" Gown-- Only at EATON'S flanneletta Approx Approx, 346 x MY, 1.29 1.79 B--Receiving Blankets hard wearing "'Orlon" .and-nylon Dated at Oshawa this 13th day of January, 1959 printed with pastel nursery fig ETHEL, MAY SPRUNT, or 38% 3 By her solicitors, EATON Spacinl Price, Messrs, McGibbon A Rastedn Barristers & Solicitors 20 Simeoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario ! "Seconds" of soft cotton | alaite gnily "Sanitized' for 10 x 40" 1.19 2 for 2.25 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 210 RAILINGS Beautify your home, protect your family custom made ron pink mm Fastens at bagh, of with blue EATON Price, each white cotton hand smocked trim NOTICE TO CREDITORS FHONE RA 3.7973 AND OTHERS THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS ol $e up! Rockers, h er chairs, 50 per an Fis Bunk beds, desks, cedar . luggage, smokers, hassocks, ete rastieally reduced! Easy terms a 'Home Furnishings 434 Bimeoe Street South Where prices are lower and quality higher or your money hack!" AMBITIOUS for a farm of your own? fas the Interesting offers under "Farms for Sale' in the Classified sec IN ISAAC BULMER, de ceased OA hd : I ALL persons having claims \ 'J . a ll [i Nl | ed ¥ W i : " » . See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway PHONE 1266 AJAX against the estate of the sald ISAAC FRANCIS BULMER, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Re tired Plant Engineer, whe died on or ahout the 13th day of January, A.D, 1959, are required to file with the undersigned solicitors for the executor, full particulars in writing of such elaims, on or before the 13th day of Feb ruary AD 1959 after which date the exscutor will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regord only te the claims of which he shall then have notice makes BUATAN free Bor all ib ' PAINT SALE Vaccum Cle Repair #1081 anytime 180 allowance for your old tele | - J any new Flectrohome, Ad miral, Victor ar Westinghouse at Park way Television, #18 Simeos Kiree! North AYER piano, Phone RA 8.0842 26h on hg as Call m Howard Street, after 4 pm ah J » Jumber, 12 x 12 x 25 heams 2 8 an eorner of King and 52--Legal Notices Chureh Brests 2 CEMENT mixer, good condition, $425 Tn a DATED at Oshawa, this 21st TAFPAN 30-inch electric stove, Norge on or J Oshawa, Iii 21a | refrigerator, nine « plece dining room . | - suite, 880, Phone RA 81895 ww CREIGHTON, FRASER | | ap: . FEPLACEMENT for all makes DRY NAN , | poi) odels for 5, radios, TV, | & MURDOCH, kd wa relrig d all small appliances adie and Electrie Lid, 426 Sim: vies, RA Entire stock ot great redue Gliddon's Spred Re 12 RA ton in price Satin, Spred Lustre, ete member the Richmond 5t 85.2851 location East, 5 Simeoa Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitors herein for the FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 3 ACRES PART BLOCK "C", , Routh AEMIdeluxe Gurney propane gas range all extra's, Phone RA 5.9583 LL NITTING machine in good condition tho or nearest offer. RA 87103 | CHINA cabinet, and matehing table Phone RA 5.0485 Me | Thomas Kelse CREIGHTON MASON and Risch plane, new cond PLAN 4R0 ton, Also electric radiant heater, near semper Pano CR Officers OL EL Re-Elected executor Chosen by men , , , and appreciated by their wives , 4 Wear For Boys B - Lined Denim Jeans Reduced to Clear y denim jeans 1 eatton flannel Rugged Everyday A - Cotton Flannel Satonla Shirts "No-lron" Shirts Only at EATON'S boa catching weight ent tiannel, and nf For Men Superh products, handsomely pocke suavely masculine! See the and more, EATON'S | 1) an vegetable and fruit Homewood Health Studio, Street Fast, RA A0411 WIGHERT prices paid for used furni ture, also sell and exchange Contact| C aunity Furniture Store, 19 Prince Phone RA ALIN USED washer parts, 'a HP motors, 88 up. Repairs to all wringer type h | ars, Gibarapteed reconditioned washers | Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 2088, | Rowmanville AELLING 204 King! SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- By MRS, C. MARTIN ERS will be received by the Tenders ecretary 6630, until 4 pm, ES Time on WEONESDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1959, tor the Purchase if all and singular that cer LESKARD The January " meeting of the Leskard Woman's Association "was held al "the (home of Mrs, Robert Chater with Mrs. Martin presiding ¥ 1c lat t Mrs, Suteliffe was in charge of auires |i ni the devotional period and Mrs Vaughn gave the tople, The Scripture was read by Mrs, Sut cliffe It was decided to serve lunch after the congregational meeting al the church A layetie for which Mrs; Chater will purchase materials will be made Letters of thanks were to he sent to Don Tennant for deliver Ing a bale to the Fred Victor (Mission, and te Mrs, Raymond Chapman and Mrs, Fred Yeo for their help at the Christmas Eve service Lunch was served by Mm Chater and Mrs; Thompson, [CONGREGATION MEETING Toe Jougrogational meeting | was held in the Sunday School Section 8 The Public Works roam Thursday evening, presided Act, R50 1950, Chapter over hy Rev, Basil Long 123, as amended by Statutes | Reports were given for the of Ontario 1957, and will he church, Sunday school, Woman's subject to the approvol there Association and affiliated WMS of hy the Lieutenant Governor All officers were re-elected for in ( {the next term Room check patterns make these # f a good for a with hays, made ng n "Santarl " raed Hotd wearing na nfarized") Travelaire Goes whore he goes, Convenient plastic case containing: Plastic bottle of cologne; after-shave lotion; deodorant; and pre-electric shave; 4 miniature Arden for Men hand 00 Set 'ais ' bl ¢ Insting g fi sl and lined with hrightly ehecke yin fr nfora \ ) sports type cloth f inting fir finish; + styled with short | i ' tw itt tn wear single 1 lo. In to 17 sey Id BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE RA 5.737) little od with hraast wicket tain parcel of land, lying and , " the Tawn of Ajax, Province of Ontario, and be ing Part of Block "( Plan 480, and is said to he hound ed by Station Street on the South, Harwood Avenue the East, and the C NR. right of the North, The of this property are 500 Feet x 250 Feet more or less frash M enllar. Predominating shades of for extia warmth, Styled with, 2 side and | being In : hip pockets, seams have hea 1.79 : i, 2 for 3.50 2.99 the g [ EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 232 5.737% Good Quality Coco Mats Below usual price Heavy duty mats which, when placed at the entrances to your home, help prevent mud and dirt from being tracked into the house. Made from good quality coco fibre with a tough, brush. like surface, strongly bound edges. Approx, 16" x 27", 0, hrowr | fit 410 14 buy It stoves act, 19 duty stitching With furniture! We'll Fridges, TV's, washers, plano ete. For top cash offer oon Prines Street. Phone RA A110] | USED tires, most all sizes #3 up. BF Goodrich Store. RA 5.4543 | HAVE baby furniture And at Kragy prices hahy prams, sun visor, mud guards, $34 hahy cribs fll panel, teething rials; adjustable halt price 450 Chrome | high ohairs, $4.88 Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street un AENSATIONAL savings January sale. End tables mut finished desk, $10.50; spring filled] mattresses, $14.08; bunk beds, com | plete, $54; portable radios with hat tories, $10.90; floor coverings, 17 cents per fool; modern tridites, $6.69 Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street Mh FLECTRO orey wires! of strain TACH wa en white soaps TATONIA Value, on neh will sell Other shaving products include: PHONE RA 5.7073 way on dimensions PHONE RA Atter-Shave Lotion each during our} A M0 wal | certified to the for at amount company cheque Treasurer of least 10% offered must ac each tender, Cheques will be returned to unsuccessful bidders payable Ontario Men's Cologne of the : each Men's Sony box EATON Special Price, each 1.49 PHONE RA 5.737) all makes M0. Any free! Irvine Appi refrigerators completely reconditionad WATTANLY from S60.50 ances, 50 Rond Fast This sale will be pursuant te FATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPY. 2112 LARSON ce < 1a) FIBREGLASS BOAT The exciting beauty product by FATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 272 Open Evenings and Weekends uncil Brooklin Marine Storage | Supply Ltd PHONE 87 BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors budget terms. Free winter storage n motors Boat storage Factory proved. Service centre motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & LIMITED Ont Pt EXTRA! FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Storms ap for UPPLY Brooklin ne B7 Doors dows Railing Screens, Win Awnings and Parch NOBODY BUT NOBODY ean heat our qualit 'YY and vontes installation CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5.2431 Anytime till 9 p.m, | Plans were made to re-decorate the church under a committee composed of K. RB, Duvall, R Chater and N. Ralrstow Rev. Mr. Long closed the meeting and members of the Woman's Association served lunch prior to a social hour, PERSONALS Mrs. Angus Loucks is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Rowman ville > Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin Allan visited Mr. and Mps Young in Toronto Saturday chael 'peturned with his parents for a holiday Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ruth visited Mrs Toronto Legal description of this prop erty, Tender form and tender envelope be obtained n-application to the Departs ment of Public Werks, On tario, Room 6527, East Black, Parliameny Buildings, Toronte 2. Ontario, and may be view ed ot Room 4527 may The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted I. DD MILLAR Deputy Minister Department of Public Warks and Art Mi grand Ontario Chater Parliament Buildings, Rassnett in Taronte 2 ntarin 23rd, 1959 LILI 31¢/52--Legal Notices TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY TENDER FOR TRUCK CAB AND CHASSIS CLOCK Noo 4 ton gived until | 0 1959 1 he rec FEBRUARY 91h aled Tenders w INDAY and Cha is, approximately Model 9200 truck Further int ond mation with hox | wnihip office, MURRAY Brookling Ontanie, ML, ROS od Superintende Brookling Ontarie, of care "Congoleum" Gold Seal Linoleum Runner - Reg. .75 yard Handsome, 27" wide tloor covering for halls; attractive on stairs, too. Discontinued patterns account for the outstanding saving; excellent quality runner stays fresh and bright with a minimum Predominating colours include green, grey or wine EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 27) EATON Special Price, yard 49 PHONE RA 5.737) 43" x sun porches, etc 79 approx and one that saves you money, too ! handsomely styled divan that opens to a comfortable bed ---- very suitable for small apartments, dens, [he divan and matching chair are well sprung, and covered with sturdy cotton repps in a wide choice of colours EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 27) 2-piece Davenport Suite Much below usual price! Truly a space-saver A EATON Special Price, Sofa and Chair, 2-PCS. 98.5 PHONE RA 5.7373 Shulton . .. "Beauty lce" A moisturizer and astringent in one ! Helps ta ensure a clearer plexion clear, as it tightens pores FATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 softens as it moisturizes; refreshes smoother, younger coms solid moisture' is sparkling 2.00 PHONE RA S707) Beauty lee Boch

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