FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE By JACK SORDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS When a couple of hockey play- ers suddenly get hot," nothing 'McIntyre, Sawchuk Pace Wings To Victory in A period to knock Cans- diens back on their heels, | and thes scored twice who was playing up to his old [time form, Henri Richard put Canadiens | even on passes from Bernie Geof. dly there was goalie can help their is--even when they're the Montreal Cana- Terry Sawchuk, who had just re- turned after frion and Doug Harvey, three seconds after Pronovost was pen. three games Iulsaing alized, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Canadian Cities Still Seeking 'PAN' WINNIPEG. (CP)--Alan MeGa- vin, chairman of ths Canadian Pan-American Games Associa tion, says facilities and publie | enthusiasm are the factors that (will decide which Canadian city will be host to the 1963 games, Mr, MeGavin, touring Canadian cities which have bid for the 1963 games, told a press conference Thursday there is no doubt that Pridey, Jonuary 30, 199 1 | HOCKEY'S BIG 7 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bernie (Boom Boom) Geoffrion | of Montreal Canadiens picked up | an assist Thursday night apd vubled his National Hockey League scoring lead to two points over runner up Andy Bathgate of | New York Rangers, Geoffrioh helped Henri Richard | score Montreal's only goal as the league - leading Canadiens se. cepted a 4-1 trimming hy Deion 24 HOURS through a shoulder Injury and who had played some of his worst games this season against diens, | Canadiens, leading the National Hockey League by 16 points, ran (into some aroused Detroit Red In the second Norm Ullman Red Win, igs in the night's scored on McIntyre's pass and as scheduled NHL game, The leaders: Winnipeg has shown most enthus- gl fasm, \ THE RED SNAPPER, 15 THE SNAP SNA A | SNAPPER MULLET SNAPPER, SNAPPER Ao YELLOWTAIL SHAPPRR RE gEAs se Wik VER ASSUME IMPORTANT ROPORTIONS AS A SFORT Fs H, HOWEVER, IT V/ILL HOLD ITS OWN AGAINST ANY SH ON THE TABLE, AVRAGE CATCH 18 IVE © 10 PONDS By BRIAN BELL | SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)~The United States finds out tonight | 'the world amateur bas- wn i @Ramplonship will remain | k the country where the game uriginated more than 50 years ago, | If Russia goes through with its announced decision not to play Nationalist China because of po- litical reasons, then the U.S, can retain the title by defeating a strong Brazil team tonight, The U.S. has a 4-1 record. Brazil is 81 with the U.S. and a none too strong Chilean team still on Its schedule, UP TO RUSSIA Should the Russians decide to take the floor against China, the 17.8. has no chance, It makes no difference whether the Russians win or lose. They now have a 80 record and the best goals for and against record which will de- cide the issue In event of a tle. SPORT BRIEFS FOUR CANADIAN ENTRIES | CHICAGO (CP) -- Thirty-two| rinks, including four from Can-| ada, are entered for the 10th annual International Invitational men's bonsplel starting today. The Hugh Sinclair rink of Mil. waukee, defending first event champion, heads the list, while Canadian rinks are from Union. ville, Windsor, Toronto and Ter race, B.C. BENEFIT FOR DOBBYN BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP)--An ex. bibition hockey game between | Buffalo Bisons of the American| League and a team made up of National League players will be played here Feb, 17 for the bene fit of Bill Dobbyn, Bison defence man who lost an eye In a game in Hershey Dec. 27. The 23-year- old's playing career presumably is over, PLAN SPORTS GALLERY TORONTO (CP)--Harry Price, president of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, said today six National Hockey League teams are considering financing a perm- anent sports hall of fame at the ONE, It was reported later the NHL, which meets naxt month in|C Florida, will almost certainly | agree to put up between $150,000 and $200,000 for such a building which would be open throughout the year, WINNIPEG TRIALS SCENE WINNIPEG (CP) The Cana dian welghtlifting championships| and Pan American Games trials will be held at nearby Transcona, Man, June 16 or 30, chairman Geo ge Thompson of the Manit- oba Weightlifting Committee an-| nounced Wednesday, NHL LEADERS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Standings: Montreal, won 26, lost 11, tied 10, points 62 Points: Geoffrion, Montreal, 59 Goals: Bathgate, New York, 25/ Assists: Geoffrion, Montreal, 39 Shutouts: Plante, Montreal, 7 Penalties: Lindsay, Chicago, 117 minutes y LARGEST AND. ER FAMILY, OTHER | If Russia Sk : U.S. Can Win Title tome ar re {knocked out A week Agog iin ly [to go through with an alleged re {match agreement. {been served on the fighter and' Machen in one round [tor a 64-55 victory over Chile|can stage the bout anytime be {the court and 350 policemen es- 'Blue Bombers one pla Stamp (] volved, go to the Stamps for halfback Jim Morse, 23, pork and punting duties, LAST NIGHT'S STARS : Jack Melntyre of Detroit Red | -- . |Wings, who got his eighth and PATI LAK 1 ~] Ag! -- or SP Wings Thursday night and were defeated 4-1 right in the Mont. real Forum, Canadiens hadn't lost to the Wings in nine previous games this season and only last Sunday |trounced them 7-3, But a couple of | Wings playing at their peak threw all the evidence out the window, - n:nives AND SAWCHUK First there was John Archibald He also made 38 saves, a year - old left| -- |Meinty who had seven times In 34 games, 9T WAY TO CATCH Is ey ki FISHING, PLENTIF| THE WES i) fi Nhe BOLF OF MEXICO Tie ROCKY BA Boo FEET IN ef DEPTH A ol Ao: HRAveL IN HE) ED FAS "a FORIOUE AION EaE Rea CUT BAIT I PEST FOR DV (rd By JACK HAND | NEW YORK (AP)-The "sec: ret" finally is out, Heavyweight! Shamplog Floyd Patterson in| BALE going to fight Sweden's Tngemat/ Johansson. Some 10 days ago promoter Bill| '90 per cent made." iy was all set but the signing. After prolonged negotiations by a " staff of legal brains, the two war- Basketball Federation have an- [Sa finally signed Thursday in nounced that all of Russias the shadow of the smorgasbord They beat the U.S, 62.37 Wednes- |day night, Officials of the International| anadiens, peri was coming at full clip He made |his selection to the first all-star team at mid-season over Cana- diens' Jacques Plante look like good stitch out over his right eyebrow in the first scored only | [novost got Detroit away to a 10 Thurs- lead In the first period on a pass | night he sot up Wings' sec-!from blue-line partner Red Kelly, > Patterson Will Fight Ingemar Johansson |Cus' secret fights in the gym. | heralded as a sure million dollar|champ, However, thought of missing out on such a been assured the threatened suit bonanza by losing the title before will be no problem, opened Canadiens turned on the pressure But at 9:06 McIntyre, a Brus. sels, Ont,, native, got relays from Kelly and Norm Ullman and beat Plante. Eight minutes later he did it again, on a play set up by! Ullman and Gord Howe, The win moved Detroit past Boston Bruins into fourth place with #4 points, one more than Bruins and two less than third. All-star rearguard Marcel Pro- place New York Rangers. No games are scheduled until Saturday when a full weekend slate begins, He stopped picking, despite a five Plante himself was ne slouch, |ards can be met. 1Fdwin Ahlquist, Swedish promo-| The Johansson match Is being| ter and adviser to the Furopean Rosensohn and ate' by D'Amato, whe has no all concerned claim they have Johansson, first Swede to box | for a world ring title, is a hand some 26-year-old with a 21-0 rec. ord as a pro, with 12 knockouts, He vaulted into the No, 1 con Papers have| tender position by knocking out Eddie Machen, by Johansson in is suing to force Pre 5 wil; ig hy Dkig d it they do |at a Swedish restaurant, Should the alr force personnel| The date and site are to be representing the U.S, win the title] named within 30 days. At the| it will be an unpopular victory moment, Rosensohn says New Chilean fans, dissatisfied with the York and Los Angeles are the| elub's poor calibre, let the Amer- winter book favorites with Color- | jeans know it ast he U.S, rallied ado Springs a strong third, He {tween now and Sept, 30. | Within the next week or two, CHEER FOR RUSSIA | Rosensohn will visit Philadelphia, The fans peppered the team Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Color- with paper, coins and fruit and ado Springs and Los Angeles, yelled 'Russia, Russia." There is one slight problem, as Police escorted officials from far as Rosensohn is concerned The contract permits Patterson corted the team out [to take another fight before Jo With no college or AAU club (hansson And there is no such teams available, the U.S, players|thing as a non-title bout for a were selected through an adver-|heavywelght champ tisement published In an air| Cus D'Amato, Patterson's man force paper asking for volunteers. ager, says "Floyd will have a| sharpener one way or another That could mean an April match | with someone like Brian London as promoter Harry Levene of Thursday night WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! NEW INSIDE DOORS (seconds) ALL SIZES -- NEW PLYWOOD and LUMBER M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. 308 BLOOR ST, EAST RA 3.7333 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY | Other cities seeking the games Include Toronto, Montreal, Van. couver and Saskatoon, The inter. national Pan - American Games committee already has decided that the 1963 competitions will be {held in Canada i certain stand- block in Win- nipeg's bid for games Is the lack of ap Olympie standard swimming pool, However, a Man. Geoffrion, Montreal Bathgate, New York Howe, Detroit IMzenberger, Chicago Moore, Montreal Beliveau, Montreal MeKen ey, Boston tobe # sports "committee has 8 such a pool ean be built in time for the games, a |Spussss> |Sssaased Main stu Look at the outside of the Lark, Trim, compact, truly smart, Then step inside, Lo and behold! A fuxuriously appointed full-sized cor with ample room for six husky adults, Conveniently smaller than other comparable North American cars-yet priced $300 to $400 lower, Performance is breathtaking . . better than most and compares with the best, See this wonderful surprise package at your Studebaker dealer, me IARI by Studebaker surprise packagel SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. 334 RITSON RD, §, RA 3-346 London has been trying to ar- range. Or it could mean one of 'Make A Deal | WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Western In- terprovincial Football Union to- day announced a straight one-for- trade with Calgary with no cash In Herman (Eagle) Day, 25, will Day, a graduate of University Joined Bombers in 1066, handling both the quarter- He sat out the 1957 season with a kidney injury, He rejoined Bombers last year but was cut in favor of Michigan star Jim Van Pelt, Morse, captain of the 19056 Notre, Dame team, scored five touch- downs for Calgary In 1957 but only one last season as he was hampered by a leg injury. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Denver -- Zora Folley, 194%, handler, Ariz., outpointed Alex Miteff, 204%, Argentina, 10, Los Angeles---Jose Medel, 112, Mexleo City, outpointed Mario de Leon, 110%, Mexico City, 12, e--1 {ninth goals of the season and his seventh assist as Detroit defeated Montreal Canadiens 41, WHITBY LICENCE BUREAU ot Merry Donald Limited Open 5 Days Each Week and Saturday Until Noon vel... DIAL RA 3-944 We have a direct Toronte telephone Owned and Operated by Thomes 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHA FOR... For information regarding any form of tra- MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE e SPEED » ECONOMY s COMFORT "The modern way to travel is by air' Downtown Showroom 7 Hine tor prompt Airline Reservations BOWMANVILLE -- Meadows and Co, Canade Ltd, WA DIAL RA 3.944) Quality Materials ot Reaso Every Day. Home Improvement Division home remodelling, additions including all sub-trades, Free Home Planning and estimating serv- Two Modern Showrooms To Serve You nable Prices -- Complete and repairs HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS ! LIMITED 84 SIMCOE ST, S.--RA 8-1617 SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Main Office and Showroom COURTICE--RA 8.1611 7 Oshawa Telephones To Serve You MA 3.2130 ® DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY AJAX--ZEnith 2-9600 TILL 9:00 PM. © | TO GO! There's just 24 hours left to the end of our business yeor . . . 24 hours to dispose of broken sizes and items of seasonal merchandise we don't want to carry over. SO HERE GOES! From 6 p.m. Tonight To 6 p.m. Saturday MONEY SAVING VALUES IN DOVER QUALITY MEN'S WEAR DOVER SUITS CREE I A At These Prices You Can't Go Wrong Values to 69.50 ']€-90 BUT SOMETHING HERE FOR ANY MAN 449° CHEAPER THAN GOING IN YOUR SHIRT SLEEVES '18: 00 Jackets WOOLS Reg. to 24.95 COTTON CHINOS 17-90 Reg. to 29.50 ALL OTHER SUBURBANS LESS 20% Here's real volue for any man whe wants pants, Reg. to 1295 . ......vein 2 Pair For $15 SPECIAL TONIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. GOOD COLLAR REG, 4.95 SIZES BROKEN 369° SPORT JACKETS Reg. 29.50 and34.50 TS IN ALL 14 COA 4.90 PLUS FEW WOOLS PANTS 7.90 ® WHILE THEY LAST o STYLES VALUEF CLOTH WINDBREAKERS, 2.94-3.94-56.94 At these Prices don't otk questions, NE "T" SHIRTS Good quality, white, with round neck and 1 14 L} pocket, Reg, 1.50 SURDE WINDBREAKERS, Just 12 In this group, All choice skin; up to size 4a 12.80 IRISH LINEN WANDKER- CHIEFS, Full size, Direct from Ireland, 6.128 -- E-- TIES PAJAMAS 44 - 19% Broadcloth tlanne! At these Prices you'd ex ju, 3.29 pect dogs ~-- these aren't! Reg. 4.95 : "Como" Cardigans 7.99 and Choice 2-tone Orlon in the best shades, This shipment arrived too late for Christmas, Reg, 9.95 All of these items are from our regular stock. Cuffs free . + . other alterations at cost. Tonight and Tomorrow Only ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE eo Ae a She ESTABLISHED -- 99