Paris Returns To Pretty Frocks PARIS (AP)--Becoming clothes re back in style The extremes (of exaggerations are out This Is the big fashion news so ar from Paris as the second dy of the spring season started wil |a handsome, natural line showing 4 |by Plerre Bal main Out of Balmain's ocean pearl (theme springs: a slim-waisted, 'slim-hipped silhouette with shell- fl shaped cuts and beautiful pearly 1 colors TRADITIONAL FOR SHROVE TUESDAY You won't have to call the | pan - fried sausages, plenty family twice when they learn ® Sit 1 food hos Bis easy Sed 18 waldiy 1 lunch or supper on Shrove tender golden _paficakes with the year, Tuesday and' often throughout Like other designers, Balmain covers the knees Shantung is obviously slated to |be the rage of the new season {Balmain used it In many colors J chicken; % of 2 1b, broller, choice lof: baked potato; % cut oblong; of carrots, beets or squash; choice of: green vegetable-aspar- agus; string beans or spinach; butter; % pat (total), Dessert: fruit, fresh, canned or frozen or: cheese: 1 oz, wedge, Tol calories for the day---965 ---------- KEEP IN TRIM Suggested Menu For Dieters Subject To Food Allergies By IDA JEAN KAIN a Lunch (310 to 385 Calories): Overwelghts who are allergic] Hot vegetable soup, 1 cup; to certain foods have asked what|cholce of: Swiss cheese on slice to substitute for milk or eggs, [of rye; lettuce and mustard; or wheat, tomatoes, oranges or cab-|8rilled cube steak, 3 oz.; on thin bage--stable foods in reducing|slice toast: hot tea; small serv- menus, |Ing of fruft-(50 calories) Let's tackle the egg problem| Dinner (400 calories): Proteln| first since they are plentifully in-|chofce: liver-2 slices; or brofled cluded in most diets. If you have| eee 1 true allergy to eggs, at break-| CANADA'S LARGEST ORGANIZATION OF INDEPENDENT FURNITURE STORES BUYING A RUG? Before You Do , . , See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES |NU-WAY RUG [nen usm iast substitute lean meat if de- sired--Canadian style hacon is Jean and hearty. On alternate mornings, cereal with milk (not cream) can be used. Luncheon or dinner eggs do not pose a prob- lem for allergy dieters simce any| lean meat, fish or fowl or cheese may be substituted to furnish needed protein Figure this way; an ounce of cheese, an egg, a glass of milk, an ounce of fish, lean meat and fowl, each furnishes 7 grams of protein. To keep on the safe side, your daily diet must include one gram of protein for each two pounds of ideal body weight CAN BE DODGED Please List Us Under for Prescriptions Lovely Family Proof Arborite EASY TERMS SELECT VALUE 3.7001 STEP TABLR OR MATCHING COFFEE TABLE Beautifully wood- -grained Arborlte occosionals In expensive ooking ol Walnut', "Mahegany" or Oak', all highly resistant to alcoh cigarette burns, most cleaners and a great dJeal of hard usage, 3-plece Matched Set of One Coffes ond Twe Step Tobles. ONLY A sweet milk allergy can some times be dodged hy substituting buttermilk or powdered milk, If milk is out, step up the calcium and protein by having an ounce of cheese daily. If you are al- lergic to both milk and eggs, have large servings of lean meat and fish to keep protein adequate Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein and low in cal- orles, Now for the easy allergy sub-| stitutes, The cabbage family may be replaced by any green or yel- low vegetable. Tomatoes, oranges | and grapefruit are interchange. able, The most numerous requests for special diets come from the, diabetics. Since their diet must eonform to their individual carbo-| hydrate tolerance, the doctor's et must be followed. It is es-| sential that the overweight di- abetic reduce. Here is a sample menu that avoids most of the common foods | The professional dispensing of prescribed medicine is the very heart of our business--the se:vice by which we are best known to the public and physi- cians, May we, therefore, suggest that you list our phone number under "'P"' for Prescriptions. Call on us for Emergency Prescriptions Service. We will hurry to your home, pick up the prescription and deliver the medicine to you with all possible speed. Call us, too, for prompt delivery of sickroom nec- essities and health goods of all kinds. "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Quy & Jowell LIMITED to which dieters are allergic, Breakfast (255-260 Calories): Mixed fruit juice-5 oz. strips; thin slice toast; pat; or hot or cold cereal; milk, fee, black, choice! of: Canadian style bacon-2 large butter; 4 | whole % cup; sugar 1 tsp; cof-| | OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free' AIRFOAM Plus Double Springs A fine quality suite THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jonsery 30, 1959 § Just picture it In your home with all the grote of Its curved . the gentle over the attractive angle to the smart turned legs. . . . and it was built for top quailty. The one of the most durable in Another special purchase value at RUTHER« (oast-fo-Coast Chrome The Greatest Value Ever i In Triple-Plated Chrome J With Wrap-Around Chairs \\ And Inlaid Arborite fi FIVE-PIECE SUITE EASY TERMS . Special Your cholce of subtle eolor combinations In @ genuine Inlald Arborite table top (centre extension) highly resistant to heat, stains ond wear. Extra-sturdy Wrop-around chairs In heavy- weight plastic febrics to match or harmonize, 3 MINUTES OPENS A BUDGET Fashionable Room Groupings... True Economy at Choice of chesterfield or bed-daven- port that sleeps TWO ot no extra cost 2-Piece Living Room Suite in Genuine Wool Frieze Modern, yet stately In every line, this large, roomy suite reflects real living room beauty. bottom line, the graceful seamed curve on the low back hang of the arm , . . this suite wos not only built for looks , . . fobric Is the most modern In design end color, quality and it's been carefully sewn and tailored into @ supreme creation of the chesterfield craftsmon's art. FORD'S, 179-30 TERMS SPECIAL PURCHASE Folding Baby and Carry Compact, sturdy . folds up In a Jithy, Exactly os Illustrated, all-steel construction throughout, A reol value, pee ATRY pv highlighted by modern luxurious styling Here Is a sulte with a flair to Its styling that made It a standord dur- Ing this year's showings of the new styles. Just as shown, It's large, roomy and luxurious in appearance and comfort , . . a symphony of angles that will make It a delight to your eyes . , . @ winner of com= pliments In your living room, Here too are all the fine quality features you went , . . luxurious AIRFOAM . . ., full Innerspring construction « + + brass ferruled legs . . . satin ebony showwood . . . @ beautiful selection of decorator colors In high grade, quality fabric. Feature for feature you would expect to pay much more, See It for yourself today! ACCOUNT ROXATONE™ SPECIAL 2 quarts of ROXATONE* 3 MINUTES OPENS A BUDGET ACCOUNT' plus one quart : | ane (1 - = " ROXATONE Sealer a > |i "Silver Mist Mahogany plus a | aa | BEDROOM LUXURY NEW aT A PENNY-WISE PRICE ROXATONE* INNERSPRING MATTRESS AND SPRING INCLUDED ONLY at all $09 ROXALIN 95 DEALERS! (Regular $10. Valve) It's EASIER to use ROALIN products! NEW TORONTO, ONTARIO * adjustable spray * 3 times: faster Show plece ensemble sclected by Rutherford's to give you a beautiful bedroom at low cost, As you can see, it's a rigidly built group, presenting long-lived pieces in the clean, modern form you know you won't get tired of. Large é-drawer double dresser, chest and full size bookcase bed with two sliding panels, all as sketched in rich but beautifully light Silver Mist mahogany tone, with strong steel spring and inners I} spring mattress of excellent quality for as little as @ few certs a day. 5-piece Double Dresser Group 199-39 TERMS OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 SAME DAY DELIVERY FREE STORAGE * fits on paint can ROXALIN OF CANADA "um TED 154-156 Simcoe | STREET SOUTH 1 Block South | Oshawa of Memorial Park | Dial RA 5.6559 PATTE'S PAINT and WALLPAPER LTD. Over 85 yeors at 85 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 5-3529 FREE ESTIMATES ON ROXATONE WORK Or we have all types of do-it-yourself rentals, including spray guns. | |