The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1959, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdoy, Jonvery 7, 1959 a "hk wg i 2 is - * Ba ¥ oY F lout of a taxi, fell beneath the to ride a bicycle to school", she Oshawa A) vg v A / CHOOSES JAIL RATHER THAN PEACE Mrs, Mildred Slater, 24-year. old native of Brandon, Man, and wife of Toronto mathema- tielan David Slater, has decid. od 0 to jail in England than promise she will | keep the peace for a year, Bhe is one of 37 demonstrators are rested before Christmas for | taking part in a protest march | at 8 UB, rocket base near | Swaffham, Norfolk, England | She 1s shown here at home with her husband, 26, where she was given time to think over the good behavior under. CP Photo taking Treatment Of Ald. Thomas "Shameful," Auxiliary Says Ladies Auxiliary No, 27 of Local 22, United Auto Workers, bave drafted a letter lo Oshawa olty council and Mayor Lyman lord deploring what It termed "shameful treatment' of Alder. man Christine Thomas, The auxiliary felt Mrs. Thomas should have been appointed chalr- |years on the Fairview Lodge [project She was a member of the {Children's Ald Soclety, the board of the Victorian Order of Nurses |and did much to promote the suc. cess of the North Oshawa Skating | Rink, She ls also a member of the Board 'of Health, "We feel she Is the people's | | (everything to benefit and solve the problems of the people, | "We, as a ladles' organization, | feel, since she topped the polls, she should have heen given the chairmanship of finance rather than someone who has not even| served a full term on city eouns ell," | CAUTION OSHAWA PARENTS Do Some Taxis Carry Too Many Students? | ost it has ever been this year the chairmanship of Chariton, the banquet | od by the Oshawa | It was decided at a regular|children that can be transported | meeting of the Oshawa Safety st one time v4 taxis, | Under League Tuesday night that a let-| ots Onnows i AL KE ter he sent to the teachers of| a sign 4 {w | Oshawa public schools asking If |lotal accidents and deaths which Safely ague, in conjunction taxi transportation is used by the can be changed each week, The with the Oplario Bsfety Yaague children, and what times the sign was » by the safety | and the Transportation Balety pupils leave school, {league and i was decided lo re-| Association, |" This was 8 suggestion by Po. turn the samley to the Civitan will be {lice Chief Herbert Flintoff, whe Club to f out what | {stated that it was & police prob-icities are using for a text, snd Drivers and {Jem to determine whether or not'also, to find a suitable site for the invited to attend, A (taxis are overloading children sign in the city, |#00 people are , including | [transporting them to and from SAVETY PROBLEMS Ils Worship Mayor lLymsn Gil: | school, | Alderman Christine Thom a 5 ford, |" The problem was renewed when stated, "several mothers ha "| ARIETY SHOW I a Coronation school pupil receiv. contacted me asking if there Is y led & broken leg after being let an age when a child Is old enough| The banquet win ba bold ot he {rear wheel, A member of the sald. Ald Thomas continued, Mall, and {safety league suggested that par-| thers have reports | servi {ents are contributing to this dan. children of seven years are riding Church omen's group. A tated that if more bieyeles to school", | noteh variet ger, It was sia ] bie oe dy yl GETTING MARRIED? RENT YOUR OUTRIT All germ children are transported at on It was decided that this is alow the time, the fee per child is lower, problem for the parents, however, | s , Cluest speaker will be It was also suggested that a a pamphlet will be designed to|Mrs, Ethel McLellan, Director of letter he sent to the Oshawa Po. warn the parents of this danger. Women's Activities, Highway [lice Commission asking them to| The fourth annusl Safe Driver Safety Brunch, Deparérmant of {make a ruling on the number of Awsrd banquet will be the larg: | Transport, Toronto, Ontario, | | Fi Osh The Hiri one fil be | ) s yw OBITUARIES |rine AWA . | Ths following streets will be | { Ritson road south from Bloor MR, ORVIL J, TUTTLE Man Sus end ao canto Wolle street; Glen: Mr, Orvill J, Tuttle, who died J castle avenue from Clengrove Bt, Tuesday In the Oshawa General . to Glenbrae street; Bimoos sireel | Hospital, wae a well-known figure License north from N road to Taun-| {in the aomabily industry, hav- lon road at; donites Mia a ing been active In It for more) pou anvitI® (Staff) -- A lomoast Oe | than hall o sentry his sppren-| DOATIE before Magistrate R, at dimase sirest soviy; Tovumach | ticestdp In Oshawa with the Gen Santer, in S0vmanville Police Orchard View boulevard st Sim. eral Motors company, after B, MacDonald, 150 Burk "® street north, which he maved to Detroit Jo aw) street was fined $60 and costs or| StTe0ts wil be ant open by the {sume a position with the Ie 4 # departmen anever {Auto Body Company, He was one phy idy on a charge of impaired possible, Emergency conditions, | kd he original "employen of thy Provincial Constable R, 1%, Mich as Be ean 18 ot on oompRAY. cars Mr. Tutide Whincrop said the night of Dec,|(uire the closing of streets not on or Juny J : the| 26 he was called to investigate an| he Shove lst, was the general manager of the accident on Highway No, 3 af Wilson Body Company in Detroit, Newtonville. He found the "= Mr, Tuttle was 77, He was pre cused's oY nad yelled Over deceased by two brothers, Frank ond after crossing over onto the and Charlie Tuttle, both we1l-| che AUST STOLE Bil Rd known Oshawa figures, [had heen no apparent reason for The deceased is survived by quo 0", "0 Ider, MaeDon- his widow, Mrs, R, Tuttle, the| 14 was described Dn . is former ase Janae o yp" hy Constable Whinerop (and Mrs, 1. L, Wilson, ¢ '| "After hearing the evidence [pu stew east, Oshawa, 8 ,uuine MacDonald, Crown Attor- ot ney H, R, Deyman, QC, told the Funeral services will be held|oour te' aooused wan fortunate Friday, Jan. 9, at the Jamilton: jy dig poy ill himself Hoffman funeral home, Grand| d River, Michigan, MRS, ANNA R. JOSEPH Following a lengthy illness death occurred at the Ford Hos pital, Detroit, Mich, Jan. 2 of Anna R, Joseph of De troit, mother of Mrs, Adele Bola hood, 228 Bruce street, Oshawa, A daughter of Mr, and Mrs, M Nemy, the deceased was born in Mount Lebanon, Syria, As a child she moved to Caracas, Ven Friday, | Magistrate Baxter, when pass ing sentence issued a warning to the accused that he was ng the minimum this time due to his me would be different, MacDonald's driving (was suspended for a period of six months, BORN INTO BLAVERY LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)~Mrs | Betty Howard, a woman who was cleaned, pre ectly fitted to you! good driving record, hut the next licence STORE NAME MEN'S WEAR Ltd. 74 SIMCOE N, Here's fost old for 0 pinched budgstmshop the bast balm 10 ante he squesse, Weve & Heroiul ob volves In supar- foadete lower ot of 0 uid prebirirgrrhes Hes, Fine foods of fulr prises 0 combination That's mighty herd te best=but mighty sory bo buy" of IPROULE'Y Suggestions ond Specie! Values for Jan, Bth, 9th end 10th, CHOICE PORK Tenderloin SELECTED SLICED : Breakfast BACON FRESH LEAN BONELESS PORK HAM ROLLS 23 SWIFT'S = SKINLESS . ¢ th. Brookfield SAUSAGE ,, 48° » 48° SWIFT'S PREMIUM Sliced or 35° HEADCHEESE "3. w. SELECTED SLICED , 149, CELLOPHANE PKG, (+ SODAS 1s sis. 29: Sockeye SALMON 2 = 89: PEANUT BUTTER - 119 FRESH MEATY PORK HOCKS SWIFT'S PREMIUM SALTED GOL D SEAL FANCY RED 4:18, "= _CIRCUS NAR 4+ w Man of the finance committee In HAZEL FARROW, Recording Secretary, |®Wels, where she lived for five/born Into slavery, celebrated her ol 10ist birthday today, Mrs, How: CER tre Jit OR rd sve he doo, emamber ho much' about slavery 'Because I Jomph aa Jed tute ins, her [wo too little to do much work," Br laves on Gaur, Mr INFORMATION CLASSES She leaves one daughter, Mrs, Regarding THE CATHOLIC CHURCH & ITS TEACHINGS hrated in 8t, Maron's Church, De troit, on Monday, Jan, 5, Inter WHEN: MONDAY & WEDNESDAY EVENINGS ment followed at Mount Olivet TIME: 8 P.M, | CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulyations and best wishes to the following resis dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays today: Luke Rlenstra, 308 Chests put street; Mrs, William Ba. dour, 159 Annis sireet, Eu gene Gaver, 374 Baldwin street; Fred Leyden, 261 Jar. vis street; Charles R, Reesor, Port Perry; Mrs, Merlin Dowson, Port Perry; Fred Ayers, 442 Louisa street; C, R, Mcintosh, 152 King | street east The first flve persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day with receive double tickets to the RA 3-3611 » (ii ws SPECIAL K CEREAL... 25° TOMATO SOUP 3: 34° LIQUID CLEANER .. 43° Everyday low prices RED AND WHITE INSTANT COFFEE 37 hu 8% Jor MAJESTIC PEACHES Tn 28° CULVERNOUSE Asparagus Cultings 12.0, 33 Time KOUNTY KIST GREEN BEANS 2 4 28¢ LIBBY'S KIDNEY BEANS 150m, 25¢ Tine DOG FOOD 15.08. 23° Yine DOG MEAL Tin yo 19¢ 4 : roLIPSE io 1015 € Vegetables 4 PASTRY FLOUR 49 SWEET JUICY SIZE 1308'S Sunkist ORANGES :: 33: CRISP FANCY PACK 6-qt. Basket 59: 10-0Z, TINS CLEANING AIDS 10¢ OFF «= CHAN SPEED COAT Self-Polishing Wax Pint 45¢ Tin dc OFF -- SHINOLA FLOOR WAX 141b, 35¢ Tin 20¢ OFF VEL LIQUID "i 88° 10¢ OFF -- PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Giant 67° Pkg. 5¢ OFF AJAX CLEANSER Giant Size 43 PASTE WAX 15¢ OFF w= * Lab, 54¢ view of her experience on council] choice of this city and has done " 4 and the poll-leading mandate she| = -- -- won at last two elvie elec| . 2 Accidents | TEXT OF LETTER Following is the text of the let. . ter which was forwarded to coun- A M dar whic re Minor Ve the it df gong the, Two minor accidents were In way city council and you have... i ap." , dealt with Alleman Christize vestigated hy city police Tuesday Thomas. We consider she is real-! At the Intersection of Simcoe ly the people's choice, {south and Lloyd street, a ear| '"I'iree years ago she was sec: driven hy Gordon Nobes, 277| ond at the polls and led the polls|L@keshore road was in collision | " with a ear driven by Douglas Wo 34 Dusk ive years Neshitt, of Brooklin, Damage to at a TSS eh IAR ch cary whaled WR. | chalrman of this committee in| A car driven by Stanley Skea 1088, She was vice-chalrman of |274 Baldwin street, was involved| the finance committee in 1087 and | In an aceldent with a truck drly 0 1088, chairman, In all these en by Richard Gaudett, 277 Ritson] positions she made wonderful pro. road south, ress, | The truck was undamaged, but "Mrs, Thomas promoted low- the Skea vehicle was damaged to oost housing and in 1058 she was|the extent of $380, No injuries a member of the home-for-the. were reported from either accel pged committee working for some dent, New Sport Sedan | In Chevrolet Line |Remanded On General Motors of Canada to hardlop" as it Is more popularly | Ass ault C ount " day announced the addition of alknown, Is patterned after the two few four-door hardtop sport sedan door hardtop, in which side win BOWMANVILLE (Staff) | Stephen Whitehand, #0 Scugog to its Chevrolet Bel Air series dows roll completely ' into the wh atticlels sald the new car body, The car affords extra. eing Introduced because of ordinary visibility and a light, street was refused bail and re. v customer admiration for the dis. airy appearance, y g manded one week In custody MRS, JAMES CAIN tinctive hardtop styling currently| In 1959 Chevrolet overall design. when he appeared Tuesday hefore| The memorial service for Mrs offered exclusively as an Impalajthe sport sedan 1s two inches Maglstrate R. B, Baxter on a James Cain, who died at the To Sport Sedan. The new car makes lower than other el Alr models. Charge of assault causing bodily ronto. Hospital, Weston, Sunday, available the same sport styling! The roof 1s flat and overhangs harm, Jan, 4, In her Tdth year, was at a more moderate price, the rear window, Whitehand Is alleged to haye|he!d at the Armstrong Funeral] E. J, Umphrey, GM's vice.pres:| Features of the two other beaten his wife Suzanna on the|Chapel at 3 pm, Tuesday, Jan, ident and director of sales, sald sedans in the Bel Alr series are night of Dec, 4, Mrs, Whitehand market soundings have Indicated otherwise incorporated, Luxury|ls still in Bowmanville Memorlal| Rev. M, A. Bury, minister of A strong buying sentiment for the interior appointments and up-| Hospital, King Street United Church, con- model ducted the services, Interment , holstery color-keyed to exteriors| Crown Attorney H, R, De: | o vy H, K, Deyman, was in Mount Lawn Cemetery, SOME on DISPLAY dl {are points In common, Body iden: (QC, told the court the victim's| The pallbearers were A, Huet. | Production has already started tification includes a full + length, | family did not want Whitehand Bill Patrick, H, Sills, Wes, Nore: | and some dealers will have them stainless steel molding with a de: around the home as they were worthy, Willlam Patrick and D.| In thelr showrooms in a few days, pressed white central area and very much afraid of him, Patrick l The sport sedan, or "four-door the Bel Air name In script, {same ------------------ -------- FUNERAL OF ILECTRIC © LIGHT BULBS for 79¢ BROWN BEAR NO, 1433 Lhe COFFEE ".., 89¢ AUNT MARY'S i 18° Values Galore HOT CHOCOLATE 1h. 4Q¢ : 15¢ OFF -- MOTHER PARKER' vo, 97° Cherry Pie Filling 15-08, 36° 25, 40 end 60 Wert WHITE HONEY BARLY RISER 14h, SLICED BREAD 7¢ OFF «~~ BORDEN'S Tin 3¢ OFF == STAFFORD Tin 15¢ OFF MIL-KO King 1.99 Size Makes 24 Quarts SHIRRIFF re FREE PUDDING - When You Buy Three AN 4 Mrs. Kuhler was a daughter of the late Mr, and Mra, R, Dickson She had resided in Oshawa for the past 10 years and had spent Dr, G, Telford of St Andrew's United Church, Interment will follow In the Unlon Cemetery, 13 of Shopping Centre Edition in to-day's Times, The Theme and the 6.30 p.m, Friday time of the 1c sale was not spe- cified for the following stores. an early period here hetween 1000-14, She also lived at Moose Jaw, Bask, and Bashaw, Alta, She Is survived by two daugh-| ters: Mra, Singer (Annabella) KRESGE'S BASSETT'S FAIRWEATHER BOND CLOTHES DISC SHOP YOUNG AGES JACK FRASER STORES SWAN'S HARDWARE TAMBLYN DRUG STORE FAMILY FAIR Regent Theatre, good for & [and Mrs, J, Dunn (Wilhelmina),| four-week period, The current Clay, N.Y.. one son, Robert, | EDNA ANN HATS ZELLER'S FABRIC TOWN Cemetery, Detroit, MRS, ISABELLA KUNLER Mrs, Isabella Kuhler, 86, dled at Fairview Lodge, Whithy, on WHERE: ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM four-week period. The current Room 1, 190 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa action Is e eluctan a, rN, | Debutante' i dono, Taal, 1. and bw REGISTRATION Wednesday Jan, 7,8 p.m. stmt greatgrandeniaren | EVERYONE WELCOME -- NO OBLIGATION HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS SEIGNEURS SPORTSWEAR Tuesday, Born at Joneshaven, Scotland, she had been living with her daughter, Mrs, E, Singer, 237 Huron street, , rmront Tuner flame where | CLASS CONDUCTED BY REV. W. O'BRIEN a Sy RA 5.8444 Due to a Mechanical error on Pages 2 & ON PAGES 2 and 13 ARE ON SALE FRIDAY 6:30 P.M . [LLL] AS LONG AS QUANTITIES LAST! -------------- - 70h, | IT SPY APPLES BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU--SMALL ENOUGH TO APPRECIATE YOU | YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE tp ABOVE 18 CHEVROLET'S | Canada as the result of cuss | class, The Rel Alr Sport Sedan pew Bel Alr Sport Sedan, lntro- | tomer demand for a foursdoor | is two inches lower than other duced by General Motors of | hardiop in the moderate price | Bel Alr models and offers ex cellent visibility and a light, | alry appearance, |

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