| East gL | | A A v Monday night and early Tues- da THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising RA 3-3492 All other calls ,.,.....RA 83-3474 he Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Light snow or freezing drizzle late tonight and Thursday, cloudy and milder Thursday, Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy VOL, 88 -- NO, 5 OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1959 Authorized As Second Class Mail Fost Office Department, Ottawe THIRTY-FOUR PAGES tT tee | i A SERVICES ED BY AIRLINE 20-Ft. Snowdrifts Strand 300 In Que. MONTREAL (CP) Garages, restaurants, hotels, and homes in Napierville, Que., were jammed | today with travellers stranded by {snowdrifts on the road between Montreal and the United States Snow piled as high as 20 feet clogged highways leading to the New York state border, 40 miles {south of Montreal, | Ii was estimated that some 300 travellers, mostly U.S, citizens, were stranded, Some 70 families were marooned In their homes elsewhere in the district, | Crews were working furiously to clear the roads Automobiles, buses and trucks floundered in the wind - driven snow along highways 9 and 9A INapierville, 25 miles south of 4 Montreal, seemed to be the spot GHNADIAN PRESS (the stranded motorists converged lon after abandoning. their ve [bicles in the snow, They appeared to be in no im mediate danger of freezing or starving, The 70 families, how ever, may he running short of food and fuel and may have to depend on the snow for water, FOUR BAD MILES Most of them live on a four. mile stretch of road between Preville and Brosseau Station just south of Montreal, Many have been dependent for their water on tank trucks from Mont- real since Bt, Lawrence Beaway operations lowered the table and dried up their wells They have been without deli veries of food and fuel since Monday About 150 men, women and |ehildren were huddled in a gar age-restaurant at a crossroads, floors, tables and in booths, near Naperville sleeping on ji To Cyrus Eaton CENTRE SECTION FEATURES SALES In today's issue of the | Times appears a 14-page sec- | tion devoted to the Oshawa Shopping Centre, its theme being the 'Gigantic January Sales" to be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, J, F, Schmitz, admin- istrator of the Shopping Cen- tre, planned the section, in conjunction with members of the Shopping Centre Associa. tion A ANASTAS MIKOYAN Stop On Route Buffalo-Montreal Wheeler Airlines Lid, Mont- could play a large part in this gi (real, one of the largest and old-|type of development, est air transport companies in| He said, "At any existing pub Canada, is studying the feasibil-|\luc airport which Is necessary # ity of a plan to use Oshawa Air-|for scheduled services, my de- {port in a proposed Dorval-Buffalo'partment will be responsible for alr traffic service, |the financing and cotrudtion of . 0 er. | runways, taxiways, lighting sys. il ve Sus ldicaton vat tems and aids to navigation that |start about June 15, Oshawa|™May be needed regardless of who would be one of a chain of ter. may operate the airfield, minals which would link Kings-| Mr, Hees noted that the DOT |ton, Oshawa, Malton and Bt,|did not propose any change in its Catherines enroute Montreal | policy regarding the provision Dorval Airport to Buffalo, {of new hangars for airline or Passenger, air freight and air| private use, This will be left ei- mail possibilities are being stud. ther for direct airline action or for fed, The company suggests a 14-|development by private enters hour round4rip dally service, prise, "At municipal airports served by scheduled services, we have hitherto been prepared to make grant towards new terminal buildings based upon a proportion ED LICENCE Russia's Deputy i wiecer sos anes win a ' Plans Visit proach the Air THansgont Board for a licence to operate the ser. o . ho vice. The municipalities and the sce "Ihe Tuinister added {airline will have to approach the| ™ wits completely abandon. Department of Transport Ye (ing this approach, we are now in. | (garding possible improvement of | aiined to feel that it would be | WASHINGTON (AP)--Russian Present facilities, sounder if we continued to make Deputy Premier Anastas I, Mik-| Eugene M, Henry, speaking on|a grant, but base the grant upon oyan took off for Cleveland today behalf of Wheeler Airlines Ltd.,|the capital cost of that portion of on a 13-day coast-to-coast U.S |sald the airline would use the the building which we expected | tour, facilities of the Oshawa Flying|to occupy for our meterology, aly Mikoyan had nothing to say as|Club to the greatest possible ex-|traffic control, radio aids and he left by Capital Airlines, tent, "Local people would be em-| other essentials," Behind Mikoyan were two days ployed Wherever Juasisle for Aer. OLD COMPANY of probing of the U.S, attitude|Vicing, selling tickets and other Wheeler Airlines Ltd, was es. toward the Berlin crisis, He will|{related jobs and Jonding fees, tablished In 1922 and has grown return to Washington Jan, 19 for| Probably about $5 a flight, would to Include many different types talks with President Eisenhower, [Pe paid," he said, of planes from small EE hey At that time he is expected to es Hours n sd the Jvpoied ger bush aircralt to f-passenger press for some U8, counter-pro Trans Carada Alrlioes zs It would cagriers and large airliners, It posal te Soviet demands that the was a big carrier when allies clear out of West Berlin, {Pe & feeder line and not a trunk ly Wa dhe Bis. tant ning radar J A Soviet sources in Berlin said (ic7Vice. He noted that in the was being built in the * Tuesday night Mikoyan was pre- Uiliad States, trunk 4 Jog de- Avctio and is still engaged in ker is seen here shaking hands | by the local chapter of the | Donald, chairman of the 1959 | inaugurate this year's cam: | EW YORK (AP) -- Mrs Mr, | 0 ) Motu TT Er Sawa Timer Picture from the sight of new mothers ® Cold ents 1ightly was kidnapped from a nursery y | Threat In she should leave at once, from the atmosphere of seeing The weather office sald the baby at the naval station hos |myangit Commission Generall/fants," Dr, John Mollica said. unders' connection Able soblfing," he added, ' 4 e 80 miles from | with ai | wpe ' ' Kidnapped Baby's Wade Hampton, Toronto in- | this year's March of Dimes | ettes, holds Mrs, Timmin' | Hampton was principal speaker gn, (Pl t P| with Mrs, W, J. Timmins, Osh- | Kinettes club, Mrs, Joyce Mac- | March of Dimes for the Osha- | paign ase (yn. to page {Frances Chionchio, 26, is home {with crying bables, Friday night, only 2% hours after 1} akes Off Snow Subway Issue "I think she would be better got day yester, pital, Both are doing fine, he M er W, E. P, Duncan, says hears other babies crying i hin of he St b reet Wi with an all- ean Xonge nwa dustrialist and prominent spea- | campaign, which is sponsored | wheel chair while Mrs, R. A, | at dinner given last night to | Mother Goes Home | three for story.) ' awa's Marching Mother for | Lean, president of the Kin- | wa district, looks on. from the maternity ward---away . . " 1 | Resi nation | She returned Tuesday from St | Peter's Hospital, where her child birth, Her doctor said he decided off mentally if she were away TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto|other new mothers and erying in- "(he resign charges and goes inte almost uneontrolls three hours Trom cosy oH be pro n piHvine owplows dug' i out a vasf network of roads bur- EE day tao pry tat southern Quebec, st Naa, filled highways leading from whe died 16 minutes |: The Toronto weather office re. Montreal to the New York State after reaching hospital, ment Tuesday during a stormy ported at 1 am. EST that no/Porder, stranding 300 travellers| The Newfoundland highways! two-hour meeting called to Inves- snow of any account was ex-|at Naplerville, Que. Seventy fam- department reported its snow-|tigate charges by former TTC! pected anywhere today, Temper- ilies along the 40-mile stretchiplow crews had encountered!chairman Allan Lamport that atures were scheduled to rise a!Were reported marooned in their drifts 12 feet deep. {there were hidden mistakes and few degrees from the levels that homes while plows worked round| A ragh of fires in ;the Mari-| bungling in building the north broke records in scores of centres the clock to open up the region. times caused an estimated $250,. south subway, Many of the people who sought 000 damage as the mercury took! Mr. Lamport resigned as chalr | y. |shelter at Naplerville, 25 miles a nosedive Tuesday. man of the five-man board last|d diary because my mother had The coldest spot in the country south of Montreal, were Ameri-| New Brunswick was about the Week after declaring Clive Sin- kept one, , , , I wanted the assur Tuesday night was Mayo Land. cans who became bogged down only place where more moderate lair and J. Ardagh Scythes, twolance of individuality ing, Yukon Territory, which re- on the highway, | weather wasn't expected today,| TTC commissioners, refused to and substance that ported 68 below zero, The warm-| A United States Navy spokes: Fredericton's Tuesday , high of |Support his motion to put Mr. gave me." est was Vancouver--which 10st/man at Argenta, Nfid., where zero broke a record set in 1883, /Puncan in charge of a proposed Tis Mary Astor explaing. wiv out the previous night to, of all|the snowfall reached 26.8 inches, White River had no rival as|Cast-west subway on midtown, o kept a daily record in her places, Northern Labrador--withtold how Mrs. Catherine Jewell Ontario's coldest spot Tuesday Bloor Street. | heyday as a Hollywood star, In a reading of 37 degrees. of Kilbride walked seven miles night. The reading there of 35 be- 1936 the diary _-- through deep drifts, then gavellow zero compared with the |Miss Asior says were forged Mr. Duncan made the state Claimed HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- "I kept the diary| {a monster that threatened to de-| told id ~ 30 2 Men Injur In [birth to a seven pound, two ounce below at Kapuskasing, H NUDE PIN-UPS produced one of filmdom's most ed i ---- . -- | "The diary was a consolation indecent magazines on Vin. gers struck a hydro pole at the the press confer: iq {vour me and my friends, and, \ : ence a magazine dealer remove a Donald Casey, suffering from say the chief unsolved problem in ' from facial lacerations {fly will depend on how soon we! with big muscles." tody of the girl in a divorce. Miss | blazing scandals, And now it has Whitb c c h ON NEWSTANDS {helped bring forth a frank auto-| itby Car (rash Mlen In Rockets | vcs WHITBY (Staff) -- Two Toron- A (and a reassurance. But when it cennes' newsstands intersection of Anderson and Dun. worst of all, Marilyn," | 2 . | display of nude feminity from . facial lacerations, sending men cruising among the] No man has yet flown in a his newsstand, two elderly |. Marilyn was her four-year-old Police said driver ot the car Soviet scientists expressed this|have assurances he will be able Astor sued for custody and a was William Edward Barton, view Tuesday as they reported|to return safely. | Turid battle seemed certain, | biography, My Story, The actress writes in her new city eouncilman says he Is | to men were injured when the To Visit St 0 181 ars Marvin Miller said that das St. E. Tuesday evening ik a Treated and later released was planets is how to bring |rocket, physicist Anatoly Blagon-| women came in and asked {daughter by Dr, Franklyn of 254 Winona drive, Toronto, cosmic rocket Mechta still wase : uban Politica urge (AP) | book: quitting his campaign against auto in which they were passen- a > > eal RA ania while he was suggesting that In Oshawa General Hospital is MOSCOW (AP)~--The Russians Sciences g Mr. R. Stordy, who al flered them ruvov said, "How soon he does . i Thorne, He had won legal cus. r, Stordy, who also suffered | aaain i ' [ for "pinup pictures of men ) § Barton was uninjured. speeding toward an orbit around the sun. One physicist, Prof Vladimir Dobronrarov, com Mary Astor Diary Forgery Thorne was armed with his ex wife's diary, | The diary was locked up by {the court, but a purported ver and reality sion was leaked to the press, It featured a 'box score" of Holly wood's famous males with purple comments Miss Astor claims the hoot legged diary was a forgery, It with additions was faked by a well-known fig- (tone instead of substance, leav- ure diary who appeared in the real and feared the conse-| quences, So he showed a phony one to Hollywood bosses, hoping he would force her to drop the suit, She refused. Miss Astor's book sets a high in confessionals by show business |was no longer in my possession|personalities. She tells all, from tered its Berlin policy in lit was suddenly transformed into her romance with John Barry-|way. more ("he 'gave me love, affec tion, humor and, above all, beauty") to her long battle with | alcoholism, She also tells of finding herself through her conversion to the Ro- man Catholic Church, | Richard phvéd Lo lay a major new Berlin supplying. DEW sites, Wheeler' proposal before Eisenhower, The very #1 generated by feeder air- Airlines ferried Hungarian refus source fave 10 dotalls. ll Vink ale of Osawa A feos to Canada following the 1956 n Clevela oyan vis {rport (Hungarian upris 3 Canadian-born millionaire indus-(could not say today what im. . Peining trialist Cyrus Eaton, provements would be necessary In the meantime, State Secre.|if the service was Inaugurated, Krupp Emerges As tary Dulles and other American officials, collected for close seru- MINISTER COMMENTS N 1 St 1 Fi tiny all the demands, Proviace.) However, Transport Minister 0. ee rm assurances and hints scattered |(€0rge Hees spoke on alr. BONN, Germany (AP)--Alfried {by the old Bolshevik, {port development policy of his|gyunn the German munitions | It was their impression that | department In Quebec City Nov, king "of the Second World War, Mikoyan was here to plug the|® and indicated federal monies|),q bought out a rival coneern line: Make me an offer | 7 TT TTT and emerged as West Germany's Although he Jon a lot of things | C b L d leading steelmaker, fuzzy, they said, he so far has| Krupp has purchased the Boos come up with no genuine Soviet| u an ea er humer Verein with a capital of concession on the tension-packed | T S S 0 $23,000,000, He already operates |Berlin situation, Rather, any the Rheindhausen steel plant ¢ [change appeared to be one of 0 ee on, italized at $27,500,000, 4 a NEW YORK (AP)--The nine] With the two companies going ing the door open to possible con-|year-old son of Cuban leader Fi- full blast, Krupp interests now cessions only after some sort of del Castro has been living quietly|will turn out 4,000,000 tons of U.S, counter-proposal, In New York City, It was learned steel a year, After conferring for more than|Tuesday night, | The move was a further step two hours with Viece-President| The boy, identified as Fidel|in the growing concentration of Nixon at the capitol|Castro Jr,, talked to reporters on Industrial might in this country Tuesday, Mikoyan was asked hy hoarding a plane to return to|despite vigorous efforts once -exs reporters whether Russia had al-|Cuba, erted by the victorious allied any, He sald his fellow third-grade powers to break up German car. {pupils in Flushing, Queens |tels after the war, (didn't know he was Castro's son,| Krupp actually is under orders THOUGHT FOR TODAY |adding: to break up his 'coal and steel | "They didn't ask me and Ijempire, The Allies signed a |didn't tell them," treaty with West Germany under Daniel Glennon, a United Na:|which this divestment was te {tions employee, was with the boy|have been accomplished by the at the airport, end of 1058, Some people would just as soon have a hole in the head as an open mind, Insanity Plea Entered In Nurse Slaying VENTURA, Calif. (AP)---Mrs Elizabeth Ann Duncan pot guilty Tuesday to a murder charge in the her pregnant daughter-in - Her lawyer plea of not guilty by reason of insanity She is accused of hiring pleaded strangulation of| law. |! added for her' the! two mented ""A perfectly realistic founda tion for the development of inter planetary travel already exists and in the near fiture man can set foot on other planets," Sweeps Out Old Rule During the 62 hours and 370 960 HAVANA, Cuba (AP)-Cuba's,governors, mayors and council-/the political rights of all candi. miles that Mechta was radioing Information back to earth, Do bronrarov said, its internal tem rature and pressure remained ithin set bounds, The tempera ture had been reported earlier at 50 to 60 degrees. This means Russia soon will laborers to kill Olga Duncan, 30./know how to create proper cli- Authorities say she was jealous Matic conditions for men inside | LATE NEWS FLASHES ofthe attractive nurse who was bara' n ear Dauphin, Man, and came to California from Vancou- Ver A year ago. The elder Mrs, Duncan's law: yer asked that the trial be held outside Ventura County, saying public opinion here is inflamed against her. His motion was de- nied on a technicality but the layer sald he will resubmit it next Tuesday The court trial for Feb. 16 and appointed two pychlatrists to examine her, Mis. Duncan's co - defendants Luts"Mova and Augustine Baldon ado, won a week's delay in enter ing their pleas CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 rockets, Dobronrarov claimed, But the re-entry problem of getting man back through the |earth's atmosphere remains Vice - President Alexander Top chiev of the Soviet Academy of ' Flaming Car At Oshawa Firehall set Mrs. Duncan's Oshawa Fire Department came| Cardinal Leger Celebrates Jail Mass jup with a man-bites-dog story this morning. The central fire hall reported only one fire during Tuesday | night, and that fire came to the| fire hall. | J. Goyne, Stevenson road north, was driving through the city when the back seat of his car burst Into flames With commendabie calm, he turned his car around and drove it to the fire hall, where the fire was extinguished before it could type lcause much damage. new provisional government is/men in the island's six provinces |dates in the 1954 and 1958 elec Sweeping out local officials who|Tuesday. Presumably a new list|tions held by Batista. This would served under Fulgencie Batista of civilian appointees to replace bar even the opposition candi- and is reported prgparing a them was ready, although it was dates tolerated by Batista from/ purge of politicians who ran for not announced imniediately. the elections which Urrutia has office under the dictatorship The new cabinet was reported promised to hold in 18 to 24 Provisional President Manuel preparing a decree abolishing 'all months, Urrutia dismissed all provincial! political parties and taking away ONE EXEMPT One leading politician appar ently exempt from the political | ban would be former president Carlos Prio Socarras, whom Ba- tista overthrew in a coup in 1952, Prio fled to Miami and did not Tin Pan Band Visits Pope John {return until the victory last week FAM of Fidel Castro's rebellion, VATICAN CITY (AP)--An Italian radio-TV tin pan band which plays on washboards and wine jugs showed up today at a papal audience and banged out a clanging version of the Rome song "Nanni for Pope John. Numerous foreigners were among the 2,000 persons at the audience cabinet decrees would freeze the {private bank accounts of all Ba- lista officials and stop payment | on all cheques outstanding against the treasury. It was prob-| lematical, however, how much, this could recover for the govern. ment since the custom for Cu. bans profiting most from the government has been to bank in the United States or Furope Earlier Twesday Urritia's cab inet dissolved Congress, sus pended the criminal courts and Canadian Held On Bogus Money Charge announced it would rule by de GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, (AP)--A 42-year-old Canadlan is cree until elections are held, It ----" ™ % . held under $5,000 bond here today on his plea of guilty of pos was reported revolutionary | ' sessing U.S. counterfeit money and attempting to pass it in courts will be set up to try Ba.! GIFT FROM KHRUSHCH Michigan's upper peninsula, Joseph C. Marcotte of Spanish, tista, now an exile ir. the Do EV TO CYRUS EATON Ont S_charged with bringing 67 bogus $10 bills across the minican Republic, and other of white stallions York by ship, Soviet Premier Informed sources said other MONTREAL (CP)--Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger celebra- ted mass in Boreaux Jail Tuesday and paid social visits to 700 prisoners, Following a tradition as old as his diocese, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Montreal went to jail on the Feast of Epiphany. He celebrated mass, gave an informal talk, and ivsited the cell blocks to shake hands, joke and chat with the prisoners. I'hese three arrived in New | a gift from Khrushchev to dustrialist Cyrus | slan trainer Cloveland in | holds the horses. Their names | Eaton, Rus. { left to right: Konus, w hich Vladimir Fomin meana Cone; Naturskikih. which means Nature Boy, and Otklik, meaning Answer, --AP Wirephoto border at Sault Ste, Marie and having them in his POSSESS ficlals of - his regime may who sion last October, be charged,