12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednasdey, Jonvawy 7, 195 Toronto, Montreal Stocks TORONTO Conndian Press * eh Fadividend, swEr-warranis.) Industrials rights, Sook Abidin Acad At Acad Atl Alta Dist Alla Dist A " Burlington Bums x4 Can Cem Can Malt Can Perm Chl Bk Cm nt Bk Com an Brew Br Alum BAL A an ( Collieries Curt W Dredge lee Mach A dan Ol or ' 1400 wi Dom Flee wis 2 D Fadry y Dom Stores 215 125 180 AS 8110 Gatinean LU) G Dev #75 $3304 OG Dynam wd 25 862% Sing West Greyhnd Hees Imp Bank Imp Flo Imp Inv A Imp OU I Ae 778 Inglis Inland € Inter PL Int Prov Jefferson Kelly DA Lala A | Loh Gr Bpr , 100 Lob Ca Awts 440 Lob Co A 375 eo i i EY 616 S184 S40 MA 10% l si file "Mm NTH Tw V4 $10 10% 10% 100 §10fL5 10814 10814 8 bohly 68 " 100 814 i" 0 180 148 1M MS MEM BM aM Ri00 SIA 17% 3 20 WW " LL Tw 'N M Car 200 814% 1604 184 North Star 100 $134 1914 194 JN Star wit 88 80 100 100 100 CN Sar wt 87 Th 470 © 460 460 S144 14 4 M00 195 00 aw wm 4 NY 1004 ' "os ao HY 13% 100 10% 1 2 344 a 2 Hi 1 Bad 1 Molson Mont Lode Moore SNat Gree mr ' LU Hiv Ny 00 $1004 10% 100 1) 100 408 488 0 160 16M N 6 418 822 LI) Roe AV Can 1380 $12 12% Roe AV M4 p 80 4100 100 Rows! Bank 80 8765 Thi Suomi 15 $104 10M atl wi "i 10 " "i $3044 ERE [LEED LL si | 1 00 W/O 0 $A WG MM 2s Ty $1005 104g "n "Wo A) MO 4 04 13% Bh ny W Cop wa 00 "on Canada, Compan OTTAWA (CP Relation ships between American parent wompanies and their Canadian Bubsidiaries a somelime point of friction in the wider relation phip between Canada and the United States will be further dis cussed by the twa governments A communique issued Tuesday night following three meetings 24 hours hy the Canada -U 8, ¢ inet economic commitlee, an nounced that this subject will re Yeive a further airing at cahinet evel, on a date not yel deter ined Presumably ah the conferees will Justice Minister Fulton and 1.8, Attorney-General! Rogers TO STUDY SURSIDARIES } Also likely to he mre Canada's suggestions Yanadians be allowed ta partici pate in the equity stock of the Subsidiaries and to have a higge! Be, in their management and Jhat the subsidiaries he more freedom to hunt for pun markets The particular issue ra Mr. Fulton Tuesday made twa previous protests about I concerns an anti-trust Again that rajsed their sed hy suit Closer Consultation With U.S. In Business Canada OTTAWA (CP) he United States have a nd old closer consultation on @ bh ope ould hur the same to speed purhs good Kight high pinisters and gompleting two days an atmosphere de Ww ribed Canadian as ul oon anaounce I. Wheat countries every three pesolve greed \al each other led on time. ea ip reduc North Ameri at 0 ol against rank cabinet their ng deputies in of talks hy the 1 ean bh months r~Fx wi Sales High low il a.m. Ohige +h given | anada had ¢ and over an the tals a fea pl commer sien Le 4 1 4 ' 24 Bloek Weston B White Pam 150 Wiwrd A wi 100 Curk Ang Sha Ashes on C Paper Dupont Int Uni Lob Ine in Third CG Inv 22) 40% is Ld H's $30 1s 1 iA Oils » iL] LL] Acme Gm Alnx Am ledue Bailey 85 A Bailey 8 pr 14000 nh in nn rion $104 $2304 LL High Cr ' Husky (dn WO Cant Del Allenhes Dragon Mie Mae Peak Pet 860 500 1000 LL 1300 1950 B60 100 10 500) LIL] 1606) 1 260 FELL 1000 am 600 #950 Shh 19500 2900 2000 500 10600 2000 5) 783 #0 Highwood HB Ol Marigold Medal Mideon Mill City Nal Pete N Superior Okalia Pac Pele Petrol Phillips Ponder Prairie Of Provo Gas Quonto Hanger Riehwll Hocky Pets Rovalite Rovalite pr Sapphire Bout Recir Fres Bpooner Blanwell Tidal Trans Can Triad ™) {/ Cansa v 4 tn Mis Wavne WwW Cdn OG W Decalta Carb Dalhousie Agnes Algom Algom wis Am Larder Amal Anacon Ang Rouyn Ansil Apex Res Arcadia Arion Al Barnat Baska Belcher Beveon Bins Bicroft Bouran Boymar Brunswick Bulfad Bult RI Brunke Aan Astoria dn NW an Erin in Met Met win hih Jae hime ach Will Coldstrm Chenison Den wis Discovery Halliwell MS 800 iy B00 10300 1850 00 1000 $00 2400 3000 Le 254 50 100 #1 0 500 3500 202000 00) 1000 Hi "w v 5 LU an RRL] Wy LBA] wo nn La] LLY 5] ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ' " 10 ih} 9% 1 m w LE} bn, LILI. 1] 10 Vat 103 19% LIL] 0 ih full All Faleon Fatima Fron 1 hl #70 1] LL] TA "i LELEN ) Headway Heath Hollinger: Hud Ray Ind Lake Insh Cop Iron Ray I Waite "a ns iL brought by the U.S. justice de partfnent against eight Canadian companies as well as their par ent US, and Duteh firms I'he department maintains that General Electric and Westing house Electric Corporation of the 5 and N,V. Phillips Gloeilam penfahrieken, Netherlands elec tronics firm, operating through Canadian subsidiaries, conspired to restrain trade hetween Can ada and the US. In radio and television receiving sets The suit claims restraint of trade was carried out hy organ zation of a Canadian patent pool which prevented importation into Canada of US. radio and TV sets Finance Minister Fleming chairman of the committee meet afterwards at a press conference that a decision whether the lawsuit against the Cunadian companies would he dropped was a matter for the government added later that no stale ment in the communique can he regarded as a commitment hy ther country alter cles I'he ing, said 8 He to its pol meeting also reviewed ar of on American Canada's the give impact ana vheat N ma Move \lin sad Hime A hethe Ih will lead Ameri te mination of An Curbs ml hat « o on dé anadian Was against joint agreement antinued oil ration and i e sol Canadian eomolainta national agreement is reached Li Ld 80 Lu Ld a0 "" 19% wy nn a 04 0% 9 18 MN WH 195 "a nh U.S. Discuss v Relationship' (and speed the depletion of dom. CHCRATV Channel WKBW.TV Channel T---Buffalo W WGRAY Channel 2-Bufisle TELEVISION LOG H=Hamilton CBLTTV Gy e iron ore resources y were joined hy V, € Pin Ma of Toronto, manag ing director of the Canadian Metal Mining Association, who sald Canadian producers would "greatly regret and deplore' any step that would restrict the Amer. | ¥8, Steel Men mary own stwme Dregs For # Cc yo Cell [8]! y in 1 ? th hentie; Sports | can 01 6-Hope Around 'The (VR Sn Cdn Pel Fiayhouse Cockshutt Fun To las Coghlin Three Bloogne Cop M and # Ab PM Con Olas Children's Crown 7411 A CRI en's I Brides Dn adr bam Tar Dom Text Da Pont Fam Play Fondation Gaines 6G Dinam wd G& Waren Gl, Paper Home ©) Home Oil Hud Bay Imp Inv Imp il Imp Toh Ind Acerp Ind Ace wis Inind € mg Int Nickel Int Uni Inter P 1, Tinquois pr Labatt Muss 750 MeCall 125 Molson A 8 ¥IK0 Molson Bn 200 Mont |oco Morgan N Bt Car Noranda Ogilvie pr Page Hern Powell R Prem lon Price Br Que N (ian Que Pow Roe AV (¢ Hollend B Hoye| Bank Hoyalite a, Corp Jack Fawr wil a.m Pra Mh ~W 1100 A Hig Li ' too ™ 41 ad Pad "mm PAA LL) 2 Selitene WEDNESDAY PM, Johurks oe FM, Jowsey Kerr AAA Kilem wis Kirk Min L Dufsuit Lake Ling 8h " ns u The uy Ll] LX Ld pr Todsy #7 in w 80 2 4 mA Dr. Christi Popeye Trouble [2] Favonia Dr huss Newsreel neat LL) Mouse Hound w A " ' i Mickey A Huekieherr Dinner Dale Larada wis Lyndnst hh ha wh wo LR For Thentre; News Wenther Karly News Co Mantime Martin Mataleh Meintyre MeMur Ment Mets Uran Midrim Milliken Min Corp More Ore Mt Wright MultiM Show 1080 A Treasure Kinep ah FM, News Tim 7 13 FL ® "a "mn "wh "a 710 LL 50 M0 LL rin wh 100 A LJ his A T=Morning Hwa T-For The | Ba=Frice Is 41 Love 1180 A Peleg Concentra 1000 500 1000 1060 1006) ian Vn A Mel'ny "Ww rm Meet Lorraine Leave It To Reaver News Wenther hbk FM News 1. F Theatre 7 52 on New Ath {a New Deibd N Dicken N Goldvue N Hosen N Kelors Newlund N Mylama Niek Rim Nipissing Noranda Norpix Noveyne N Rank A550 Northap 200 Norsp A wis 400 North Can H00 Norvalie 3000 N Bea 00 Oba 1000 Okun 1000 Opem A75 Omiskn 1000 Pamour 1000 Patino AN Faymast #500 Pick Crow 1100 Pow Rou #00 Preston i Pronto 150 ue Asent 1680 Vor-Dam A Chik Mo Trans € PL Acetined Que Lab Un Steel | h Hal Masterson o Metal LL] Wehh Knap vu Lot Senet Ravrork ww PM Roche fan Francisco sand Riv Boxing Sherritt Have Gun Will Trave Sil Miller his Your Iife | 118 Blanleigh Circle Theatre / Banigh wa Mm, Ld Blanrek Close Up 4 Weeluy Flight Bteep R Official Detective Sullivan Ws P.M Surf Inlet Wenther Bvivanite [ Teck H Temas Tiara Trans Res UitShaw Ln Fort Ventures W Malar Family Tabloid Commentary Mackenzie's Film Feature 106 PM "Wa Wanther | &-Bearch for in FM FAA Lawrence All Disney Presents Guiding Wagon pean 1.00 Union Pacilis Liberace iw rm Matines Leave It To Beaver Movie azz Khow FM Mid Bay , Blories of the 4 Movie 180 Our Miss As The W Film Feat IX In Me 1} oh s For Raiders Your Could Flay be lf 1000 an mh 106M) 1R000 Star 1 ge Cent and Harriet } hhow Price In Right wim Youth Took Heed Hall Millionaire wa PM, Frontier Ur Da Ment Hmmy Helen 180 Music News Home Con House Par 1a r NIraR) PRU J Douglas Heat The Today Is Big Payol LR Open Wha bo From Verdiet | 4.0 Donna Ne ¥ 4 Beat 1.4 Ahites Ang Nfd Beld Cort Dredge « Paper Con Gan Dom ng Ford A MR Dairies MI Rice NQ Foy pr Que Phone Que Phone RB Shop Save Trane Mt 1100 4 0 100 Boy [7 wn To00 2100 Kh 13700 WM) 1000 6500 150 aro M00 4000) a0 50 B00 $500 0 1000 wie f I [1] Ll LIEN LER SIR Sling [} LL] 5 M8 LUE 1 150 #20 on Ai 2425 #13 Mines Augustus LT] 1 | Alspope 1000 20 \ Ant) oniap 6 H Sports Hm 11854 Ld Wantnar, Sports Pliny house il A Viewpoint | hMhock TL "Hw Late na 10 0 7 v vl rm Bugs Buns Amerioan 1 Queen ferinls rm 5 " Ly ' 1 # Popeye Maggie Count | LER LI J es of feel rm Show 4 Yard » I'he # ol ' Sur Tale Rand Ore Bateman Richuase Bonnville Rornite Burnt Cala Cal Fd Calumet Canuba Chih Jae Cleveland Tinlsan Fatima Futurity Gold Age Gunnar Hollinger Int Ceramie Meintyre Mid Chih Montgary New Cal Anglo N Jack 1 Argus N Spring wm Argus M0 pr / NW Amulet ; | LE] Ashestos Norsyne »" ! 184 Alla N A Rare M A LIE) Rank Mont 3000 10 Rank NS 300) ms Banque 1000 100 Ranque P( 2000 104 Angque P( A400 ™ "hone wia 2532 m0 JN 10 bd Tenmao (ark Pulolo Yukon Con LO A400 LL 1000 HO 800 200 AON 12500 1000 A000 10400 700 1100 11:00 a.m. §77,000 MONTREAL The Canadian F Mack Exchange (Quotations In esnts anle pOdd lo td Fudividend, rights wFr warrants) Industrials 1] Nigh I aw 4 1] ' ' ' Bales lo Hil Montreal TORONTO (CP 14 regional drama festivals lead. [t [Ing to the Dominion finals [ he re tonight with one of the short 1400 {ost programs ever for the Cen 100 tral Ontario region | 124 4 [ Ian VY marked § srk LU ongens | Ld "ns " 13% a0 wh Ll) 0 [At Hart House Theatre tonight 2000 [British adjudicator Richard Ain 1100 | ley will begin to Judge the merits 1000 of four acting groups entered in 2000 l ly 1000) the Jan. 7:10 sually | there are six entries the festi val in the University Toronto theatre The 13 across ( Mack . Abitibi Algoma Alumin Alum HH | 1] 10H 7 festival al of 0 ' 4d Li LEY 3 10 Ohalskl Okalta Paudash Phillips Portage Portage Prove Que Cobalt Que Smelt Sherritt § Dufault Steep RN Tache Tarn ih Expl wl Tian AH 1'n Oils 16) 842 Weathurne AAD BAA Westville 1210 44 U0 498 (RL JEL} Qil Wells Used As Heat Chimneys Abandoned the national advisory commitiee Western Canadian oll wells arelon geological sciences research being used by science as "chim-| The report given earlier Rl evs' to help tell how much heat Mines Minister Comtols was flows from the earth's interior made public Tuesday and details and whether the quantity varies how $30,000 in research grants is hetween plains and mountains being distributed to 10 universi This heat flow 'remains one of lies the most uncertain, yet import | The committee put in a hid toy ant, of basic geophysical data,' [a Increase of $25,000 to a total ol SAVE the eighth annual report of $73,000 but, {t was learned, this 18 heen refused by the govern {ment which approved an extra obligations, Canada gave Assur gis o00 a Year ago ances It doen not intend to US| The heat-flow project is being the legislation in "either a din: onduoted by the University of eriminatory or an arbitrary man: aiheria's Dr. GD. Garland ner.' {and Is drawing $1,000 in assist 6. Canada also would eonsult!ance, There are 24 others for the or the impact of recent Canadian year heginning last September food import curbs, partienlarly and ending next August turkeys and frozen peas. Most of The largest grant is $5,000 to the curbs are linked with federal MeGlill to continue work on the price support programs. Roth behavior of silicates and sul sides agreed that incentives phides at high pressures and tem. | which increase surpluses should peratures, providing information be avoided on how ores are formed and 7. Canadian study would be rocks are changed given to an American proposal In a university survey, the re to set up an international devel. [Port says it was apparent that lopment association affiliated with [there were more than enough World Bank. Purpose of this|S¢ holarships for brilliant appli would be to provide cants, there were not enough tor underdeveloped countries with a 'sizeable proportion of men of ong-term loans on more gener. '088 abilily but are worthy ols terms than available through ®f fi! 0 advanced training {the world bank 100 regional festivals anada will be held from April 11 when the ¥ competition. ends other 128 190 125 20 LE] rs ON a6 at ) tn Ontario [now ern King Compeling Ita take part Drama L] ol in bl! 2M ton Wi on 2000 404 Aon 2000 | #1000 8! ARO 17 | i] 1340 2 for the a chance Dominion al Toronto's Raya Alexandra Theatre May 1 are the University Alumnae Se Club, playing Yerma, | hy Garcia Lorca; the Norvoe Players in Robert Ardrey's Thun [der Rock: the Curtain Club of Richmond Hill with Marcel Avme's Clerembard and the Hay lequin Players presenting 'Mary Chase's Mrs, MeThing Mr, Ainley, this year's prelim |inary adjudicator, saya he Is {eager to assess Canadian talent He urged a continuing and In ereasing interchange hetween the RAritish and French cultures [ ""I'his Is your heritage and It 18 | 5,000 HOME FILL-A-CARD TOMORROW'S NO'S, B-10 0- 73) | GAME "H" o BING 61 3i 34 62 36 63 38 64 41 67 44 71 45 74 35 75 40 70 37 65 42 39 L} here in Festival Phone Build Prod w A400 500 1000 Fndry 44 » " y SAA ARM "0 () L} Mis ™ "Wo EN) LLL) Kk Om Arew Rrit "A rn CL) AL) 1130 ndustrinin 8,800 oils am 104,500 Kalen tn ia Alu mines and OTTAWA (CP) rangements made h last sum mer whereby the US. govern ment undertook to consider on case-to-case basis the granting of licences to parent U.S, compan ies to relieve them from the pro hibition against transactions with Communist China insofar as their Canadian subsidiaries are con cerned A year ago Ford of Canada ap parently wanted to export some vehicles to Red China. It could not do so because its parent US company was bound by US re gulations banning sue h ship ments Mr last ments Inter Eisenhower Fleming sald that since summer vhen the arrange were made hy Prime Min Diefenbaker and President the US. has granted several' licences to US, ¢om panies to enable their Canadian subsidiaries to export to China When a reporter asked whether this meant Canada had to go Yeap in hand" to the U.S every, time a Canadian subsidiary| vanted sell goods ta China Mr. Fleming said this eountry had not lost "one iota' of sovereignty the to association 1s who - 52 53 57 51 59 54 55 20 21 26 27 29 30 25 19 17 24 28 until we IF you : 12 1" 3 13 15 22 1 among ory September study i ( Tastice ors should now ahine! #hoke Minister # \ General hold talks on US three, hig electronics hose subsidaries operate a pal in ( I'he US IS BO ntention of intring men, probahly and UN Roger will | The two countries alse kept an {eve on Furopean developments oC ar e leurrency convertibility moves should make things a little better In. a 1300-word communique! BY THR CANADIAN PRESS that took - about honrs to! DeCoursey Hrewis Minerals SOonvertibility has removed i Joss $368,998; 1957, net loss major suppliers and buy: the financial justification for dis. ¥203.873 An international and he followed by A under ther - moves hy the countries markets Broek (Whithy) I'he Key Canada and O25 Last concluding that recent European Net Earnings for North American exporters g prepare, the ministers said Lid, year ended May 31: 1934 he curbs were imposed last opiminating against dollar suppli Ak : THEATRE GUIDE concerned to provide non<iserim show 9 ton their S no the | PALOIY | ACORSS from ' ull eared Complete the back of pm. the have a pred on You hav lowing day ta pho Binge Sunday exe playing rules appear every Binge card nrne four pm oom pm goods pm prosecution of plete and other countries At a press conference after Nr said goodbye to US. Plasa ~ Secretary Robert An 153, 3.45 | American ast complete companies I'he Defiant Ones J RR pm SOW 908 pm Fleming I'reasury ders i \ the ( is pool nada 3 Woe ol Beonetit of | econ . |CANADIAN FEDERATION | nat aad OF THE BLIND "La0 Not attiliated with the C.N.I.{ pEroup | vas asked the UN ropean on and his afd anadian manisier b A ested to} DIMEN s lash Hak § hele the US { Lp \ the Ame ANS lata Canadas {international wade mi partic between \ | \l m Last com | ° show at 9.30 pam ough \ deve \ Al L le « Fon and Britain. 82 Unexpecied mi MRA ¥ AM, Captain Kangaroo ith Slory Chistian wo AM Dough Ka Mi Lave or Godirey Devotions Laie nd v Light 7 Matinee Dean Ringo rm hese rm h Roundahoy For "no PM Regional Drama Festival 'At Hart House Theatre The first of|golng to produce great things WBENTY Channel 4--Buffale Duty-Free Ore WAPHINGTON (CP Lead: costs of steel ¢ American steel producers are. All appeared at & one-day hears urging the U.S, tariff commission ing called Tuesdsy by the come to leave untouched the present mission at the request of the Ben {duty-free status of imports of for ge finance committee to study {eign iron ore competition in the United Stales All Indicated they opposed between iron ore produc ed in the either tariffs or quotas on the im- U.K, and abroad. The commission which come mainly from now reports to the Benate com. Weather Canada and Venerueln, on the mittee bul is not required to I Karly how ground such restrictions would recommend any changes in cus rn raise consumer prices in the U.K, toms treatment of ore imports, I Married Joan -- Early Nawgp 6.40 FM The Rifleman News, Weather Hah FM, News 7.00 Family 1 Tabloid he Lawman Iranper Feature T06 PM Perspective Mm Te TRUNKS. EVENING { p . | ry A lean market or result in higher M Theatie; hporis Whistietown Playhouse Fun To Learn Three Hinges bik PM Disney Time Woody Woodpecker | Dinner Date Ww PM } Thenive; News) I 1 6 4 2 M, an Playhouse Father 7 6 4 M rs | 1 ' Money 4 mM Hunt 14 M 4 EE HERE IS YOUR BIGGEST MAN IN THE ROLE THAT FITS HIM LIKE A GUN FITS A HOLSTER! L733 (OU0R wr ot pid M adios High 42 | 1 f L] re M Hayes ton Hinie 2 Film / 180 Faave It f-1iinl 999 BLolonel Finck Al Love Lucy 2--Jefferson Drum how FM Muse Mukers Zorro bleve Canyon December Bride "a PM The Unforseen Real MeCaoy's 5% It" Could He Derringer rm 7 penser | Huneh Be You Tomorrow Tine EAD Ti TH 0 MT STARTS THUR, LAST DAY: "THE DEFIANT ONES" ) AAAAAAA heatre 1A We ] 52 + 1.8 Malines q M Brooks orld Turns re y rt Millers Hoone we Karp Behind Closed Doors Zane Iheatre vs Rough Grey LL Riders Loretta Young Ford Show Playhouse 60 ttm FM Mars a Millionaire Explorations Bet Your With ¥.M Norm Marshal) Wan rm, I'rial of '08 Iohn Daly Palll Page H Men 10:48 Bports 1H PM V4 2 News Playhouse He Pm 7 # 42 4 " M King { f mM 52 fehont mM 1 Fuirhank Clock 1 Our 7 f " ¢ Life 2 Big Land and Sea Action Hits As Dangerous As rm Weather) . Frum Hoots A Runaway Jet! "NAVY AIR PATROL" w= IN TECHNICOLOR ww 4 Yours Sports 1 7 Randstand { " a Da » Viewpoint Feature \li SUNDOWN -- INTRA. CALTON ER ii 1uRRing hl Hight John Derek Diana Lynn Co "SLAUGHTER ON 10TH AVENUE" "WRITTEN ON THE WIND" LAST DAY he hilingual British actor and eacher sald J A as the book that sold 3,000,000 torrid copies! TAY 2 LOVE A STRANGER BOTH ADULT Entertainment LT pauty that roc ked | the world 0 0 11 : STARTS JODAY one OSHAWA AHowiNG GET MORE OUT OF LIFE [ele Be lVE ih fo BU WN" [e1"]] 8) IT'S THE "OPEN SEASON" ON YOUNG MEN! Titillating hilarity told In ticklish dotall) is win PERE CRESSOY + HELENE REMY « VITTORN LEANED Tmousn ALLIED ARTISTS A HURRISON THAT "MY FAIR LADY) Guy! RAY KENDALL THAT "LES GIRLS" GALI Adult Entertainment APR SH v 00: sharing SOHN SAXON SANDRA DEE ANGELA LANSBURY in laughing, luselous COLOR FEATURE TODAY I AT 30.3:35-5: Ra ek 22020 04 2 22k Je 2 2 2062 0 0