{ Traffic accidents were down residents marked the birth of | ' noticeably in most parts of the Canada's newest city anada New Years Lve arin MR I al Ag Po 4 kept many at 6 ™ OSHAWA Tus, Prdey, Jonvery 2, 1999 | Noted Canadians ' Die Over Holiday By THE, CANADIAN PRESS Holyoke, Mass, --Jack Doyle, eather - which home Barrie, an industrial centre 50 north of Toronto, had a celebration as its 20,000 SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES miles #8, a fiery major league baseball player and manager in the 1830s Sees All-Night Parties double and Hos Almost 1,000 men attended Gov BOWMANVILLE drinking tended to increase the number of house parties, Roman Catholic churches were crowded for midnight masses with the central observance at Notre Dame chureh where Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger celebrated the mass It was much the same in Of tawa where clubs closed early and private parties held sway he noise-making which wel comed the New Year at Montreal was swelled by the sounding of ship's horns by 13 foreign ocean with vessels trapped by ice in the har celebrations at St Nfld, bor. Four government icebreak- vhich had 17 inche fol pent the holiday trying to lowing by freezing rain which dis: bresk a channel - through the rupted transportation gt, Lawrence River to open Montreal reported a quiet nig Sorel, 60. miles down 10 p.m. curfew on night el WHY PAY MORE? Cheech These TT Shop and Outstanding Values Save at A&P Anniversary Specials Reg. box 153-BAVE & King Size Box 1.49 Reg. 2 tins 360---BAVE & 3 15-02 tins 49: New Year's Eve celebrants at London, Ont, had to make all night parties out of it when freezing rain turned streets Lo ce and immobilized traffic Most of them didn't mind 9 a bit but two thoughtful guests at one house party produced skates from their car trunk and glided home without a spill It was one of the few unusual incidents as Canadians welcomed 1959 in the traditions] manner at parties, reunions and religious services Weather also ernor General Massey's New Year's Day levee the chamber on Parliament Hill Mr, Masse 71, favoring a right shoulder bothered by bursi tis last autump, shook hand with his left hayd, saying "Happy New Year' or "How do you do to enéh person Individually Prime Minister Diefenbaker led the line At Moncton elderly celebrated the Bth reunion of the Flat-lron Gang formed in 1809 by 21 young men oludged to meet every New Irvine Malcolm Harry Thomson Livermore, Call, --Gayland W Laack, 27, linebacker with the i Philadelphia Fagles of the Na i tions) Foothall League and for merly with Saskatchewan Rough 4 rider 1 Winnipeg James, WH, one ] FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVYILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 if you have not received your Times phone your corrier boy first, 14 you are unable to con. i tact him by 7:00 p.m, TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI A L] 77. of Toronto, | AW calls must be placed before Sol pig yg the Gang's last two ing 0 p.m. «7130 p.m. Only member chatted over = old times and went to bed early 8 In Senate FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX it you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 Eddie (Dynamite) of Western Can ado"s greatest fullbacks in the J Ws and "Ps with Winnipeg Blue 4 Bombers and father of Gerry James, current Bomber fullback Shethurne, N.S, Charles W 1 Wyman, 76, who blld hundreds of dories for fishermen in the At lantic provinces and New Eng land slates Toronto Freedman, 57 Vreedman, president of Allied Theatre Limited and mother of theatrical producer Bernard Wil Ham Freedman Barry's Bay, Ont, Msgr, Peter B. Blernacki, 71, pastor of Si Hedwig's Roman Catholic parish since 1914 Toronto past president Canadas Council B'th Lodge Canadian Held By Cuba Rebels Columnist Says Colum Cu 0 mer y hich interfered John's of snow Year's Five er 84, and Dr wife Mary Cohen of Benjamin frozen LU valer river nt al quiet] ub senior K.astern B'Nal Saul Kaufman of the of the "MR. 1359" OF PICKERING TOWNSHIP J He is Mrs, Fleming was thrill Mrs, David Flem ed to learn that she and the who reside in Pickering | baby are the winners of man The father | 1a valuable prizes donated by the Plekering Township | merchants of Ajax. The baby's I'he baby has an | name Is Shayne Kirk, who is two Photo by WASHINGTON (AP) Drew Pearson savs the rebels of Videl Castro are for $100.000 ransom A Canadian who is the Cuban man ager for Clint Murchison, Texas millionaire Mills A spokesman for the United | States department said the de partment has not been informed lof any such incident Pearson wrote in his syndicated column for Ehursday's sewspap ers that the rebels four days ago abducted Adam Bessarabia whom he described as project manager for Murchison's Hana banfila hydro-electric project, 10 in rebel-held territory Pearson sald the ( 'anadian Em hassy In. Havana notified and that Murchison iad received a note demanding $100,000 by 5 p.m, Thursday Murchison hack a not These adoring Year's Day the son years upon the first haby Adix Hospital parents gaze nist ban holding of Mr. and ng Genernl v born In the and Pickering nie a con Welghing in st 7 pounds and 12 ounces, the Ii tle fellow arrived at 745 am New Year Ushered In With Bang Over World window In the Vat and gave his blessing pilgrims and below in St In 1959 on the force brother hle police oil Anniversary Bakery Specials Baked In A&P" Jane Parker (#7, 24-02 ple) PINEAPPLE PIE Jane Parker (8, 24.02 pie) LEMON PIE Jane Parker Orange CHIFFON CAKE wi 9c Jane Parker Reg. loaf 1B0~BAVE Bo BREAD Whole Wheat 2 24-02 loaves 3 3 Reg, B80c---BAVE 10¢ each 49: Reg. pkg 290-BAVE BAR COOKIES 20949 Jane Parker Reg. pkg 29¢--~8AVE % FUDGE COOKIES ~ 2... 49: A&P STORES OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS 'til 9 PM. John elder Premium SUPERSUDS Alymer Choice Sliced PEACHES Allen's Choice Quality Reg. tin 31o--BAVE APPLE JUICE orn 291 Frozen Foods Fancy Quality, A&P , 36s phkg--BAVE STRAWBERRIES 3 50: © 51 Reg. 2 for 370~BAVE Ts 3 12:02 pkgs 49: Own Bakery by Master Bakers Reg. B6o--~BAVE be och @9¢ Reg. A00~BAVE Ae wc Se 69¢--~BAVE 10 Reg Is to at his study lean palace to 15,000 | gathered Square Hijinks among the big-wigs saw Yugoslavia's President Tito become the ile and soul of an all night revel with Indonesian Pres juent Sukarno on the holliday Isle of Ball Russia's Nikita drank his usual variet) at a Moscow party Introle cow By THE CANADIAN PRESS (filed The was ushered In pay with the world overthrow tles and and other from pranks to prayers bh Highlights of the violence were the rioting In Havana which fol lowed President Fulgencio Ba tista's flight; anti-Communist in cendiary bomb throwers who se fire to the Bulgarian legation buildings in Brussels, Belgium; a small race brawl and a separate battle between American service men and teen-age hoys In Lon don; and at least 100 persons In Italian hospitals after an orgy of fireworks, pistolfiring and bottle hurling hy celebrants But millions more spent a rela tively quiet Year's in ehurches and with thelr families, Their thoughts and fears like those of Austrian Chancellor Julius Raab who told his small nation In a New Year's radio pleas and ushered In 1950 by let tall ting off fireworks, firing pistols "1 am convinced that In pres: 'and hurling crockery and empty ent copditions there can hardly windows at the be a worsening of the (Interna. stroke of midnight. Many of those tional) tension." hurt were in the ts helow In London, penitent Pope John appeared Thursday Fulgencio Batista Ousted From Cuba Ry THE ASSOCIATED PRESS io ma fine for New that got out of hand IN FOUNTAIN fined for paddling in fountain, Six helmets stolen Year Year's cele y throughout a president's PADDLE in Cuba, pitched hat bottles In many observances New a marked by tourists Peter's ban bration BIRTHDAY (¢ Cetetration 1859-1959 il (i EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! and MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE continued saying he to kidnap Pearson message ransom were I) had thelr Jane Parker FRUIT STOLLEN Jans Parker Cocoanut cities ranging Ty hobbies pranksters Square's ent doe pay Fancy Quality ALP PEAS Jane Parker Daily Dated WHITE BREAD OUTSTANDING VALUE! A&P INSTANT COFFEE 6-0x jar L 5 ¢ 2-0x jar 39: per However sources in nothing Murchison Texas sald they "know about" the matter Khrushehev 15 Ottawa the external affairs of toasts department sald the Canadian which lasted |g hassy In Havana had ecorvm into the small hours, Of 1958, the 4 report that Bessarabia Soviet premier sald It had been (jve of Voxford, Sask. Is eh na battled ~ American London's Notting district, scene of race riots summer, and then attacked policemen and a doctor called to nltend casualties, Several youth were detained In Brussels Molotoy gasoline l'een-ngers servicemen in Hil Inst { 24-01 loaf 1 Hy of flaming cocklalls home hombs-crashed vindows of the Bul and gutted the staircase. No arrested or a volley MILD CUSTOM GROUND made through the arian legation central reported bullding's one WAS hurt Some of Italy's 100 injured were in eritieal condition HURL CROCKERY Itallans police safety were Ignored of bottles out slree revellers age, Batista's hand-picked sue. cessor won the contest for the presidency, Andres Rivero Aguero was. elected to take over from Batista Feb 24 he opposition candidates charged the election was rigged When Batista fled with him re Reka U.S. Fires Killed 11,500 In 1958 mer. Army sergeant wil Rati like a boxer, belleved himsell a dictator BOSTON (AP) least 11,500 persons In the man of destiny n His destiny on New Year's Da 3 States In 1058 and caused a rec Zaldivar of Spanish In ord property loss of $1,305,000 was lo flee from Cuba continue fighting to ve dian and Chines Jan, 000 the National Fire Protection bloodshed." For 16, 1901, In his youth he worked Association estimated Thursday She sald she was forced to go position as strong sald he idency battling as a sugar mill th rails The loss of lives was an estimated to the Toronto apartment by a brakeman EPOCOr's 900 greater than in 1057 hut Man to whom she owed §160, She | student clerk lower than the 1954 record of 12,-/ made about §300 a day but "gave Batista enlisted in the army in J about half of it to Mrs, Howard,' FA Ambitions fudied Steno: ye NFPA also estimated that i Yash And became SLENORIAPIET jile Canada experienced 620 fire 0 the general stall fatalities, a reduction of 20 from JOINED REVOLUTION 1087, It experienced a greater In that role he learnsd how the Property loss of $180,000,000 sant: New Cuban Leader Ex-Law Student OV oral revolutionary groups plotting the overthrow of President Gerardo Hy LARRY ALLEN HAVANA, Cuba (AP) Husky Ix-foot two, Fidel Castro voleed confidence from the start that his charged with jJuven and will be tried Aguero went tice July other insisted he was no ald He sald he hated com and - Communists to acted ta such a good year that "1 hate to (he rebel thwna expressed the hope that 19560 and the years to follow "will see us drawn still closer together In the great adventure which Is radio and television TORONTO (CPA 15-year-old Prime Minister Macmillan sald Vancouver call girl told a To Britain enters 1950 In a spirit of vont court Wednesday her trip confidence, resolution and hope. from the West was financed by a of Mrs, Bernice Howard, 22, of Toronto, who was fined $100 or 30 days for keeping a common hawdy house--a swank apartment {le delinquency later She told Magistrate J, 1. Pren she motored to Toronto last | rom west to east she sald when reached Toronto she aded to start working in "China see It end" "GREAT ADVENTURE" . Governor-General Massy In Ot . al 1r {called Canada His seventh annual New Year's er ay" Day message was broadcast by "I earnestly pray and hope that cries of cross-country armed 1059 may he a year of peace and Yo dups prosperity in all the world," She was testifying at the trial where the girl was found during a police raid I'he girl 1s with a hoy friend and an couple. Her hoy friend, she staged a series of holdups United town". as a prostitute but quit within a few weeks hecause she | making "only about $45 a! im out for the group root WAS Dpersu only posed controls onl) terrorists and uba's wellare He was born Fulgenclo Batista the ra Fires killed at main: { RO BLADE ULDER FULL CUT an BLADE BONE RE Vi day Hatista Negro the pre try from further 25 months he had against Fidel Castro, a 32 yearold former. law who vowed ta upset "the tyranny of Batista Hatista 0 become he had few sethacks off lo a running start as a re volutionary himself in the ol geants' rebellion' of 1983, He had to keep fighting, however ASSASSINATION PLOT A target for plots that included an attempt in March, 1087, to as sassinate or capture him in the presideniial palace the chunky ruler of Cuba once sald plant vely he only wanted to be loved by his people He called himself "an idealist but a practical one" and claimed eredit for many advancements In rural hospitals. education and publie works during the times he MERRY MENAGERIE -- was giving up () the coun blood, on been neKoeeper bearded way and he BAMBOO PICKLES C tips of tender bambon pickled and eaten in West Indies made {t the hard wa) Cuba's top man, but he ge The hoots ib once are parts of the ol secret autocratic ¢ Machado Machado fell in and within a month hia fellow government Martin became made Batista a then Batista made presidents Last Nov }, In marked by August, 1933 Ratista and sergeants took over the Ramon Grau San president and colonel, From and broke Havana, he led an attack on a military barracks In Santiago, the Oriente province capital, The attack was repulsed, but enemies ragged guerrilla force would of Batista hailed the '26th of eventually topple the dictatorship July movement of Fulgencio Batista Castro was sentenced to I'he 32.year-old, bearded rebel months In prison, then leader has never wavered in this when Congress granted an am 5b cello bag an election bloodshed and sabot California Best for Pies Ibecelle bag reverses lawyer parents tions Excellent for Eating H ation nt Kidnapning vhere and how he lel ahh hat tat In men and arms ha Rati ngth SIDE BACON ib vie 59 and melted into the nearby hills. start, but picked up momentum PIES plugged ahead, burning varkd racing champion Juan Fan 3b cello bag ) 2 Q. powerless b Q 31b bag 1.69 S$ r-Right lity M. 4 uper-Rig uality Meat Specials! EXTRA LEAN WHEATLEY BRAND, HEADLESS AND DRESSED ® SMELTS rove 2G belief since he and 81 armed com: nesty to political priscners, He ah panions landed one dawn a little went to Mexico and began plot For Castro, it was a return home even in the face of overwhelming from vears of exile odds and defeat after defeat shattering communi im Feb 23, 1038, from a hotel THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD, AP S uper Mea LOE wt EXTRA SHORT CUT Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Specials! more than two years ago on a ibys his hig revolutionary move Snow Wilte. No. 1 8sdé calie wrasond Despite repeated Ne HOLD KIDNAPPING v Havana convinced many YOU'LL SAVE ASP MEANS DEPENDABILITY ade heconu to ut-run tactics cribed Castro as a and a Communist. Fol former law student at the shares They pro him a fighter against! astio USED GUERRILLA TACTICS From the thick woods of east orn ( ta «le rim iha's sierra maestra, the 0 wled revolutionary waged ) relentless guerrilla war until he med finally had brought down the once powerful Ratista machine, Fr exile, Batista wrrilla hespect PARNN guaranteed through Saturday ro describes himsell as a! He advocates ampli-| security and a speedup AY \ not 1 Vindustreialization to ease the un \ t that plagues Cuba Wid reader of not drink, but 0 0 clgars a da gets along on us sleep a night ALL GOOD, SMOKED RINDLESS SWEET, JUICY, A&P BRAND, CALIFORNIA FANCY beach in eastern Oriente province lis movement got off to a slow FRESH CRISP, FANCY GRADE APPPLES, AAP BRAND, FULL FLAVOURED son of well-todo planter 3 5 C LIFL ER he audacions kidnapping of a's govern om ap) sald it was the moderate AT AP! January 3rd, 1989, tactics, for which od social ---- "He lives life to its fullestl™ aw student at the Lniversity