The Oshawa Times, 2 Jan 1959, p. 18

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A5--Real Estate For Sale 45---Reol Estate For Sole |45---Reol Estote Por Sole (45--Real Estote For Sole |50--Articles For Sole [50---Articles For Bole ME OSHAWA TIMES, Vridey, Jonvery 3, 1959 17 Bobi Cony Groom bungalow, sil con (TEN acre parcels, oll Teanion Hosa XMAR speciale' Toilet sents W198; | GUNS, ammunition snd bu ! nd ' ood West, 86000, Terme, W Mehvizy, Renl sluinicss 4 wilete plies new snd used. For the best desl 0 A e yeniences, large lot and griage, go . ¢ 4 : E ; ' Zz x ' ' HOI IDAY SPECIAL Whithy Location; aise & good five Too or, # Prince Bueet, BA S2512.° Jand ' y ; ris on ae Frovineial Ties, 48 Bond tek bupgsiow, Bil conyEnis 4 of We wr garage, V0 down, WW. Meh a alas A f pop KAMION ¥ecord players, biAl spd | wr, Owhews RA 32512; Whith ) . - - eh #4 wi are all here Bt the Lowest prices Pon PETER FEDDEMA ie 4 have 1 the mest orsces A LOW down payment, fiver Er BEAITY ' ent elevivion, 918 Bimeoe Sireet North : o ment, Hveroom bri it Phone I " in beautiful bungalow, natural fie piace rawond| REAL ESTATE BROKER HIGHEST prices paid tor used furl snd tiled floors, ofl hesied, # v GUITAR spd ce 4 5 naw Lire sell and exchange. Contact lonces, Earsge, centrally wepied y ¢ on ( J ' eb 0 ty Vurniture More 19 Prince mediate possession, Phone RA ©8188 4 es north of Bowme , Phone R Sireet, Phone KA & WILLIAMS pianos now st & price youl Hillsdale Terrace ro | i wes mts es si hs ren 0 ' FAIR od N GENC 60 1 me 4 ol new. BA rr p.m. WH y wrvice, Fiee est imaies, Orde all services paid for RENTAL AGENCY hukicholiiihed ¢ SRED Tire ie ; gp Mow Aor early delivery, Chale and tale ROADS CURBS AND GUTTERS Our fee Is less then a " 9 w hous . Gonditeh Biase: fiA aw. réntels. Cleve Fux, 413 Blmeos Horth : ' p A y- vacancy, only screened | x a Faw i WATER STREET LIGHTS ney, ny en x0 MOTOROLA viliimalie & 0, 00% py AN in good emaition, Terme Tay hind y 4 hdd 34 4 4 we arranged. This wstrument hast suit (1d r Viable for chu or eh, Phone RA LE SEWERS (storm and sanitary) Feglty (Oshawe FEMINEERFE! Styled for the housewife 5 plans Hor Jmeos 24 ! ild f ad. shata i to choose from - / pair, town water, ip. Dew sinien 495 up, Larges igo, Lego! Notices a re spansiiie for any ENGINEERED Built for the man of the house COMBINATION d ta only $10.00000 [g, i | ji F y ' ly oie 1 can 1 my wile fromm thi PERSE -APPEAI From $1.034 down and Mp, WINDOWS " " 4%, Eninpisiel aR : toned wf Nn idawien Ws DIRECTIONS --. Rowland Road Fast-betusen Wi | fete Sandy) "CANADIAN FIRMS DEVELOP REAL ESTATE q DOORS, AWNINGS { son Road and Ritson Road | 7 y f ¢ y { wot If ' BEST FOR Pa | ) 00 os Mi gid A 3 f An sll-Canadian, $12,000,000 | building on the site where plans ( designing and engineering sre CALL RA B.B 571 Wa hove sevsral bts for wale, | WARGAINS Hansa Bie | residential - resort development | are formulated for making & | all done by Canadian firme, Whitby MO 8-489) | : Of 4 Linet | #9 is shaping up on New Provi- | suburban « type subdivision of | The Bahamas have no income oe 8 4 as « # iy OMe G8 OW 68 35 J Wi ls, ) | | ps ea Tor Manufeetured In Whitby » dle h Fond dence island in the Bahamas, | 4000 acres, After two years of | tax and are the refuge for | 189 Scugog Street ' hati) 4 Hig Pd The project, sponsored by ine | progress, 70 peres have been | many wealthy Individuals whe Hs 869 | dustrialist £, P. Taylor, has its | settled with acre-lots selling for | ha fled thelr homeland to CESHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 5.6568 COI ONIAL | Bowmanville ing sR sit dg J o a headquarters at this modest | $20,000 to $40,000, Construction, | escape heavy | fter hours eal | Pho MA 3.3644 iby ¢ : Jock Sherify RA 137 5 B Be Nox 1290 ALUMINUM id feasts "Willer Geen cleaner 42980) PROPERTY SALE ho, 56) | hd hd Stan Ske RA 5.987% Doug Wilson iA 5.5628 , nee ¢ ' air, ais | ; i as oe [7000 Springhill People $15 000 DOWN | od Tur ' Usen ir Hial 401 immediotely re ry odin semen wae ri | Await Gov't Position on main street In Newcastle, turnover approximately ren and | , f property front $60,000 vearly, Many extras Included in purchase y ; Ontar ¢ By DON HOYT reason for optimism about the a month he Bu month price. Owner selling dus to poor health. For further ( - Aid ih ; : ndusts ies Canadian Press Sinff Writer future, There is land, labor, trans. family allowance for her son, The . \ ' BI? NS ' jon aeilities and ) { i I ) on will « ( n « { i hcl i se A 3.2404 an OR THIS FUTUREANM \ DR AM J ) PRINGHILL J Cl wrtation | I publi find on wil Informat «zie Addison at RA 3-24 any F oI \ LAS ) \ 4 " ' 4 lati Rallw 0] Seven thousand people of alls ces all necessary factors in | he about that for widows HEES Are marking UUme im: getting Industiy I'here are of 3 men I Hh mine time, Lioyd Ayers Kealtos " hy 4 Jy : C WwW FRIGIDAIRE Ker pin recondi f lon watiently while governments pon- (others, like 58 » year - old Allan explosion § a mantn, plus $10 $ | 000 DOWN BUNGAL J 8 H 8 ¢ TENDERS SECRE TAR " . decisions thst may mean Skidmore, whose future is bleak. for the young child and 85 for ] om bungale WITH bt: RA # ahi f 2 EA BLOC Kl life or death for this community Industries prefer - younger men. each additional child under 18 " any 80 dol Iw Ceramle bath A HH val 8 ARLIAN / IUILDINGS, ol tragedy Mr. Bkidmore worked 42 yeur V hants are feeling the pineh v : nen PEWR I IT( ONTARIO Ihe ant a promise to cng for the Cumberland Railway and of 2 mine's to until #8 new Industry 1s 8: Coal Compan ow he has. no $5 ( rvroll Less Aluminum windows hi ( ' . p Y tablished. Often thelr impatience' pension and litle chance of em- po i y wight from NH A RE SAI E } J 4 / R a brings ang outhursts al the ployment oly lant Keveral whe Ultra-Modern Sod law ; ; ! Nova Scotia and federal govern Little real hardship 1s antici Ii hE On A coms LOW DOWN PAYMENT i Oe (URSDAY, JANUAR ments for slowness po DAI here nll Apri Whe un. PADY 1 0's $0000 8 omplet But Mayor Walph Glvoy, Who co, i00 ment benefits began expir Year | it wis 24 per in twa years has guided the citi ' v of Colored fixtures mn i" wer cent n ie / | ' r fe Q9 ) / s throuuh 0 ! (I * " 8921 RA § , p he Ti I : zens thro Hh i" 4 RAIER fave ) " Simi fr J resident of that Look Sve. At 1 HY Tie I Workers (Ind) of i ' ) th Ii diffi ' istic ( hie ean hold . : 4 AED (ist d at BEE of the dead th onmiper niners | ( five or six $1092 DOWN bi \ r HOPI ali iF ton, a little life p . v } po b GOVERN Mi NTH ACTIVE n outlook fo . i ONLY 2 LEFT y y H Ih ernments ave doing [fr OU0ek {G2 pringhili sa hey : he # M0060 ck to ng nn a sale epted 4 everythi in their powe he 1] LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOME! Marine 3! HIGHWAYS |i "an interviewer, "By spring| i mired by people ul ore than 4,000 feet | : ! ve'll have an industry We'll re World ep J ay they will learn Dec. 19, Jan, 2, 9 caver and mayhe be a betler SOME. BITTERNESS trad to stay here Men Yap nd yh Among the older widows there are encouraged by the federal Oltors have been received from 18 Ditters Irs. Harold Raper, government's promise to give the ndistiies Interested in Whose 86-year-old husband was town every consideration as a full hout If | y.. Other \ hopefully on odoin are studying them. care cute her ldyear-old son Liar all SEVEN ROOM HOME, ANY TENANTS WITH LOW i" are thi Oy oe pat iabh "How do they expect a woman provincial government surveys ) A # ; d 5 . v to hear twice the load she had and sludie Industrial Estates WwW CAN » CA RA \ { ] 4 h t y B00-0dd conl miners, unem ) I a ri AN HELP CALL A MclLAUGHL] Lv | ¢ 4 ,e e ra es ' Phe 4 By ir hefore her hushand died with| Limited, a crown-promoter, has ployed since the Dominion Bteel py room, 2:store shu h at prove ' . and Coal Corporation decided to Wa Jane money 4 youl Sel pilde $1,000,000 to help keep Call 4 nd faced J wai y : : st B thd shut down the last of the mines] Mrs. Haper estimates her com- Bpringhill alive through a new mb. Peth oF liv 4 J aad Ir ay [here and prevent move tragedies pensation payment will total $64 Indust 3 perhaps OZZIE ADDISON - RA 3-2254 | pith naturl tiupioce good sned dining room, modem i AGE MONTREAL (CP) ~ Chariaa Walk ork. Scores, an portage \ Year's hahy 100 R ton relief. Some, like Doug and celebrated h fq 0 YD A YI RS REALTOR PA ; ny Hy will . " h R Ky 0 Celebrated nis o vies, are planning now to start t ' | cake y fe friends, |" lve RA 5.9 BUY NOW bottle of brandy and a gloom Jowke 87, married and| Wf the wld vith one child, He was trapped Ani { ! | IY October when AND AVE ve Wt i nearly nine d in I OHN F. DE WITH | LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE A te world Is far worse [1610 0100000 1 OE J | PETERBOROL! 0A ih ' {pi bi used to be." [a ine, Killing 76 men. A soft and General Insurance f I A f a AINQNS are WOMe l4vink f even Up Limited) 34 Simcoe Street South or 5.658 If conte: areitt an ood to Dold: Idvivie, firm 0 pL Phone 3341 at 1 Hov one has offered him a 875 a « week | : 0 Dial : ' Hea ware varehouse Job in Toronto L | M f A [ ' J don't bulld houses like "I'd like to go and I'm ready MA 3.3950 ove Nal d te used to hald the former i, id Jewkes who will Everett Elliott | 9 ' I r ( ho came to Mont : T, ( ne 218 | } ime to Montreal ymake a preliminary trip to Tor Den, ¢ ( hone ér111 to, "They build with ou, early in the new year to IE Hmm I i Ji Al e walls are thin." t 0 p ) 47 Automobile y ) ' ' find an apartmen Pa000 ish : Bowmanvitia obiles For Sale 48---Automobles Wanted MAS Fenn was born at Sand: HAS EYE TO FUTURE "| i i i] ) A601) 7 8 \ 1h AACK II AOTORS wk bullding wagon AL 20 he hours by the Oct, 23 cavedn, The w ALLATATY Au ve. Rave up if : ed the IT, Barnum clreos-- af.yearold miner plans to stay $16,000 asking ' mr . ont. Nine mis A oh was to hold a flaming in Springhill until he sees what acres workat 2 \ we mah haraal tH your ho | J 10 at pretty givls Jumped [the future holds, Mr. Murray per; B . p vw ms " a a opr WT A | Ougl father of three children, suffered ' Flymo ' : { f y I cond wife Bertha, 86, a leg Injury that may keep him §|2 5 k y P " ble A | y ( \ ) h i | \ eels apo following aoff work for a year . voter vis ' Itami y hele Verdun home. My Mast of the fellows I've heard \ " LS p 4 " W " » y "1 § BO . . / me with ow pow of, ¥ » Wh f vn moved Into a nearby of leaving have some place to ' tered, xe ondition. Ma ) 0," he says. "But nine of 10 able Wier, HA 83 i , $e thod of achieving long will come back if Springhill gets her CHEVROLET on't . signals I ITE er AVE I water, auie, | o NA 38840 Sarre base | EIB, Sti to ow 3% ALEX VA Globetrotting Canadian savy wired "We pe " ks ove So ei ey "ot Dons Parka And Mukluks ow oaks, Immacu fern gonvenl WIS] THY om RA 081 A ¢ \ 5,00 ! We. TIRANA Jar; TA ' By RUSSELL ELMAN Ipact on me that 1 decided there ), Price far ¢ vy - YONANNESBURG, South Afrlea!was a human story here to tell ; ye | a ; cp In 00 degree heat, Phil|people In other parts of the ungalew, west of Osh CRANFIELD MOTORS BRAMLEY MOTORS Al or) m1 Vorid."* he sald. "So Iv 1004 We SUDANESE STRO M PRAYS . Apa ) / ) Aud R Ie i. year ~old globetrotting ! he sal 0 1 furnace F/A 4:plece 3131 PARK ROAD SOUT} He a. Asien ho Pskimo's 560 out for Australia with little R NG AN R irds, hot and cold run RA 3.2284 ALES LTD t f more in our pockets than ow screens. Prica A RE w/ ) p I od parka and mukluks In ¢ I orranged USED CARS . h|€ {of 350 Johannesburg high boat tickets B.A, SERVICE 1271 SINCOE NORTH ; i a wh hool students Based In Sydney and and tile floors, modem kitcher RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN , 3 ' { * Installa trip-tease" in reverse bourne, the Allens spent three MOF PHONE RA ' as the high point of an hour vears "down under' lecturin | sereens. Prien arranged MG, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE . ; nr | ng lecture on the Canadian Are:land collecting Australian mater DAILY CROSSWORD od, brick, almost new bungalow In peci f AN¢ A 1547 ¢ In which he captivated his/lal, They arrived in South Africa Wa i cer I rtw ond tile SABYAN MOTOR thful audience and thelr|in July Y TIME \ 3 ( chers with Jokes, song, music In Allen's talks--he sometimes ¥ t SALES l TD $9u van bi 4 b nd his homespun philosophy delivers three a day he uses his . { tron \ f ! ACROSS A Storage niud A native of North Battleford, | saxoplione, eolor slides, a map of " 1. To dress crib il Wee » STUDEBAKER. VOLKSWAGEN - - - SALES and SERVICE 30----Articles For Sale AS Alle Ra sain his Way \ Arata and L waime Clothes and & gragment 4 Conclude 24. Buildin ngalow at Maple G 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH | VAOUUN "elonner 'renaiin, sii ' N Huse South Alvin 10/ing acliool/IG0/R 28 DIOPR: 3, XTH8 bY RIV 8, wow Hood fi. Flalitys additio valow a nla Grove, with " : Is about his experiences on the ing a brief rundown on Canadian 10, Afroraft man's Huilde V reom In hasement, Large OSHAWA, ONT " ata n : § of the "08 In the Yukon and geography, Interspersed with [¥} r ! THE \ \ | ' i detector basket of TRL: RAndoiph 3.344) A as " pater 8 OR y 1 Australian outhack {questions to the pupils about 12. Correct Corridor the ar) - vie LLL 1) 5 . : 150, Mw of 1 : D Fstate B BEST WIDELY TRAVELLED south Africa | 28. Run away 7. Heathen Pat BUYING or SELLING ¥ NL) ince he came out of the RCAF| In the next 60 minutes he man and marry image PAIN | SAL E Al { MINI M IM0 he has travelled 500,000 ages to give a grammar lesson 14. Dancers 8 Journals log sled In the Arctlie, on sentences ending In preposi cymbals Networks : I ' m oe (i Rak VIN 16.9 TED CAMPIN At Almost Wholesa y : wand Australia, and by tions, a geometry lesson, figures! 18 Piece of shot 11, find anew : ' 0. MOTORS ' ! hip diva, Bombay and Zan: on Canadian automobile produc First i Timely 28 Romar 1, 8 ! x "a ak ¢ | now Is temporarily sta: ton, a survey of thé Australian Measure Ripped trates 04, Algerian NOBODY i MENT = One " hr } Y h i NOB( | ol Johannesburg with his! labor situation, a talk on the con (Jap) 14, Man's 20. Sand dunes seaport \ Jllamt (naw). vom alt ¢ h Hand ture. Girt) by enka hy hi I \ J NO B( DY t an attractive hrunette struction of an: tgloo and com Classify name (G1) , Warp-yarn \ hie! available sed a 2 ag nF nton, elght vear «old ment on South African rughy. Oc Melt #1, Simpleton Koga 48, Large snake baseinent ¢ } and Australianborn dawhe oa fonally he hreaks out into] 83 Isthmus of pre Ath ME in ; og Reng ! ( oO OR RENT I pidgin Afrikaans or into a popular « (Asia) J 4 y J y . ' a rst Come } t Ch ] / 2 ; plan to stay here about [800 An age . 9 . Organ of per v die ad | BOOM and ¥ One oF two gentle -y ( ' years and give talks In He closes his "show! with eolor v Phone MO Add10 Mur | ne v . WwW f B B | N ( J b) | 9 vo eltles and villages | slides on the Arctic and & vealls ; smell io . HARDWARE DRI\ E-IN Al V { \ \ inion ld Alten te imitation of a howling team Hlazed 282 King St. W ) \ partn ent AU of huskies From } d m nm ' I collect | smoke and drink an Indust Lieut. -Gen, Thrahim Abboud, prayer mat on fhe terrace of who recently took over power his home during a day off from Mel. | In the Sudan following a blood il duties on the Moslem home east of h \ Oshawa with ofl fur less \woup d'etat, kneels on his sabbath 1] ' a dey BUY ON NENG RA fe for a INVITED BY USSR CHICAGO \ Ciovernot 5 se at the! ¢ Sand Hawall have Those who fv an CH nia CRA 8700, 30 ; ; Allen gave u \ nav tanks HAA . le t ' 4 A ADC at. heen g Ru v th inherit 4 ] Nery: In god ec Winter Seal : Toute [summer, the executive secretary | 3% The White Y extmit West ¥ f Tn fA niMeNTS 48 Automobiles Wanted A K N A retracing the OF the | Wernor conference \OpIAT wt LARESIONE A . < | olel<) ( ™ wesda I . poses MO 8 | : n ' y orked hi ry indication 'e : WA tA ik 2 "Vartel m's Invitation w . 1) eple payment Wwaphone In ne I " \ I Inte ¢ ind piloted a plane wrial surveys. out of SEEING EYE GUN PAID F( ' J h O ) 0 \ nt. In 1951 he re ANCASTER op be A tye : North and trekked aid hon . nded Lh DOWN ¥ \ we \kla Hvin E FOULYRY alsa fo . 8 ' i Mghest marks ' . TORY 10 TRL ol MO #3488 W ' \ HIGHES recesses 1} tle ropped again Wf the

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