af | ¢ Ito work | its seattered ei A TELEVISI ON LOG Logger Strike if ly a Toronto, Montreal Stocks tre oe mtr Bit chur schoes 11) MAYItIIQE fie vt i eco Net "im WURTY Channel 2-Bufisle WRENTY Channel 4~Buffale A t Fi The company recently turned TORONTO pi 4 Boek Sales Wigh Low a a wi gains rm down conciliation hoard proposs Slark Bales MWigh Low il a.m Chigs Wloek Bales High low ie m Chige 1 1 1 ng for a five-cent wage hike , M Grevhk mn | Banque PC 560 $15 ah ; ) By he Canadian Viens C nl IAs a im Ld Ld Soh Wi ua HIDAY EVENING LE "Hw vm " " CH. Pete 1600 350 3 "350 + I Lule i 1 Bang PC ris 480 vd 4 | or PM Wrestling The Christophers | GRAND FALLS, Nid. (( PA ver a two-year period and a six 1600 3 Gunn 70 $17% 11% ip #1 #5) ¥ ""n Re tr A iho 2 Gunnar wis 5 5 get Fhe 4 4 The are iors $-NHI, Hockey Command Periorm. [strike of nearly 7.000 Newfound hour reduction of the present 60- om 126 | 1! h 2 4 2 Hidden Pages 2H PM ance } 1 loguer sche. po » / Sard I 1 , and loggers was scheduled te \ we Husky 2 $194 We +h Hard Rock Bran FL] nasa Bowling ine Tile Tastee |oane. [4 fuled to be: hour work week without loss of i gin today against Anglo - New: (ake home pay ( 1} € Husky wie 130 75 28 Har Min BA Onl 4 ! Pun to learn 8:00 A H J rm owl 3 Cont Del 5 80 #0 +10 Headway BC Power M18 Rowling foundland Development Company ' Loggers now get $1.05 an hour, ' I Ins VIRAWA Limes, rrsey, January x, 179Y Tarant) Sark Exenange~ian 1 fGuatations in cents wn) marked § 04d lot, od Exdividend, srFx PENS, Abr warrants | ' Int Ran 3 Can Cem 165 5 1 a4! Thres Sicoges Cartoon Party Chamher of Com Industria H ie Hae ot Irish (ep b } | C Bank Com 175 bi FM Fonthall merce A pulp and paper producer They want $1.22 5 ' Fong 3 h Mighty Ma Hq' | ty Ww ral $0 Jase Fxpl Bink Crs 830 Aighty Mauss i id 100 P.M Field director Jeff Hall of the i Net ' ; p { . Sirk Sales MWigh Law 11 a.m h i Pn dimirke 4 Brew rin " f Innner Date Theatre 118-Grand Dutchess { rh 5 whe ' " ) $ Brave Theatrs International Woodworkers of 4 ' y Kerr Ada Calan 10 820 9 Z-Wid Bill Hickock di PM » fiat 7h 5 295 208 ' Gr Pinine 0 2 i ! # College News J , \ A fom ' Be #mhe y L Cdn Ol 1% #i% b-Travel Time : ; America (( ors i 21% 21% Home ON A 40 2 amin p 4 +H CPR ¥0 824 wim PM in Penaatie Guilty or not Guilty AMErica IL) sald the logger K ] 1% Home O11 B27 Ia Inentie; News Film Featurette voled 08.6 per cent in favor of 1 igo Mo AAR I Can Pot pr 100 $1314 14h PM | 4 He ong $e "mn wu ' 2 Weather Mayor Reports striking to back demands for f 1 I "HR y Womber 1006 Con Mand 8 xin) $A zw) N b-Foothal) ii my Meda 2460 Crown Zell A #25 $2) ibd SALURDAY EVE 1180 PM higher wages and a shorter work Marks Massacre' 12.40, 4.00, (1 [ ; Colonel Bleep / adsl Bi n Frdry 5 841% ' PH This Is The Answer oo on 4A MI City om Du Pont TA 0ib FM TOS ountry Calendar eek, . 7.15, 10.35 p.m, also '"Trapere Chamh News Beat the Cham | Talk Back o y y or T 206, 5.26 B50 p.m, Last coms Noh Hh as Cavain "rind 4 Bea . amp ompany general manager 7 I LEERY Ford UR 945 8 Foundation B50 | | L L3 ab FM Sports Page I h 1 00 . ete show at 8.40 pm lth r Neo pr Pid " . Gan Dynam ' "wv m | 1184Rin Tin Hin Playhoise R. Moore Lath. rial ow f Pp home ' Haita 48 1 hh y 7 7 ' Name That Tune ww ¥ 146 P.M | A ' 4 oo Peta 2040 ; Plamen 1 wy Jom Oi AH 6a-Newss Bporis 11~Blories of the Century Pooisll {outcome of the vole. The firm |Plaza The Defiant Ones", parma Mw In 0 : Hud Bay 1 rea ph IM SwTBA + Viol NPM, has no agreement with the unfon| 1.53, 8.45, 5.36, 7.25, 9.25 p.m, Philips 1700 Mi yh i ! Imp O1 Li " 4 ails ru 3 fsanne Fie {on Bowling and could hire non-union loggers Last complete show 9.03 pm, FOve pw ip Toh I] id Lig unin | . Bh of. F " Lig i M 4 H-"Theatre hw FM An Eng aig) gi ! Ind Are 278 pr uh 19% § imo {1=Tennessee Ernie a Ci " ¢ [ I 1 : "w Heal MeCoys 8 Yesterdays News Tioyalite ) #4 y ' Int Nickel ih he | 1 Ti Mord | a | 1 Inter PI #0 40% Colunel Flack reel AVIng Reypnire ] f ¥ 250 H] Reacus § Mr. Fixit Bio FM The Most Man J Miteh Roh A #30 1] 5 Ww rM sdb PM 1 nila { hureh Rally Mont Loco 100 17% Leave It To Beaver News; Bports wen Hearing Ww d rf | Pi 4 N Bt Car 210 168s Hin Tin Tn Tm PM, izen's Forum on L] u [1] ure Noranda 710 #5 82s A Hit Parade Kifleman | Big News "08 Tran 0 7 i : hi ¢ i ? § h 4 I [1 y 4 2 gi%0 PM 1 ann 178 Var Pein 1227 ILE Buckskin Ivanhoe J E Fil d ! Cur { ' p 3 - i Roller Derby ver me tn (his " Page Hern an A] 4 aw PM U of B Round Table Weanne ' as ) 1 a6 5614 Herw's Duffy African Patrol 6 Heritage Wolecalta ITY ] a h Aiki 364 34 Ellery Queen OPM | Ses Hunt Giie CLARK y W Dee win 1 y Mylatng v Fruckiown 11~The Vise wn S00 FM, | covimrmg de] planing A ¢ 4 Royat Rank ! a FM Saturday Da This 1s The Life JAMES CRAIG er oy Yaranas > if pt ] iy 1g 10) Plouite Family $8 People Are Funny Twentieth Century ' oh LANCASTER CURTIS didi Ld A iy, A Jackie Gilenson Ferry Mason | Where we Stand Joni om _ ya RE ho om en, Laurel and Hardy po , 101108kioioA 215 HA A Oldsmobile Show NA82- Perry Come a PM in Congr ton ly > Kini Can b 2 | " AMF M Rev. Hoherts Tor-Dnm Bnk 2 0 Wanted, Dead or Alive Howling Stare Yor Bk ria lH 360 ¥ 4 vin rm AA a " Trans C PL, #17 $20'% 2 Phil» 11 8=-NHL, Hockey h-All BLar Theatre Triad Ol 70 470 vi FM b2-fteve Canyon | hon ¥ MW Country Hosdown 4~Gale Blorm 1 8-News Magniine » of Lave wen PM 7 Paul Winchell Canadian , ae weaver, #2=Omniti 4 full of Jove B2-Cimarron City 4 College Quis Abiter wo #.M We FM hs PM, Ang NA 0 J 165.2-Cavaleade of = Gunsmoke | Lassie [] redie 5 » ' Sports Wilh P.M 7 1ane Ranger Cdn Pow f Ihe Live up 1.8-King Whyle 6 Frontiers ( f Aper : nm F.M | we PM &LAmateur Hour Jom Bs ? ' Person to Person 11--Man Behind The hon PM " fs Mo 4 A neh FM Badge #-Bobh Cumming 1 ann Mt . fol Coleman 8 Naked City Sut. Preston WA RAR 2 Fight Beat But Baone Meet the Press Warld ! |] . 5 I" Jw PM $=Bilunt Serves nic I 00ZING! 2nd THRILLER | PAE Cay gen NO Ss | a nl Sie ne | sumMY, stinering "I MARRIED Rufinan 141 ; Ly | $ave | SCREAMING HORROR! A MONSTER Bonny vi hi) Premiere Perform Late Show 2-Bishop Bheen The FROM 0] 1 1000 Lk . pid | Julletie 0 PM, i L " SL 5 n Feature Just Musle 1 Love Luey , b Cartier Que ¥200 2 Pas | a PM You Asked For It y . nyelnn ) I 1 Wrestling December Bride 80 7 y Cone Q Yell 1000 J L y aston 1 BM T 140 vie in Blood-Curdling Nig 10 ' BALUNDAY ll of Londe 0 "woo | ayhouse d ndon #40 BRO an 2100 AM AM NY Confidential TPM, | " : 4 Hollinger 700 A Popeyy's Playhouse | | Showtime [ Rumpus Room . Wa y Averick Ist Uran LL Labrador ! ov AM ' ' i ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Merril) 2400 AOR, HH Momtgary A000 4 AW Amulet W J oN Ohalaki 1000 hi AM Let's Open The Noor MONTREAL oa curt kehitros | {iat Gen The h i wenan 000 ! | wih AM LEAL By. The Canadian Fr Paudash 0 ? / Ah AM hii m The Naked City ONTINUOUS FROM LPM + SAT 12 MOON Montreal Mock Exehange--Ian 8 Porians 74700 108 5 an Theatre ru Lida (Quatationg In cents unless marked §) Portage wis 628 nm AM rm ADDED " (reel lot, sd=FxAlvidend, sr--Kx Sg AT 1800 WE 2 ' ih i th SAT. MAT "PONY EXPRESS IN COLOR WITH Enis, AWE x WATEARIY, | ue thn: ie § A ei , ' ' CHARLTON WESTON Que Amel 1000 X 2 f Head » : 1 AL RI 20 f ) ) Mou } ph Industrials a Tver Tn a : ; Lamp Unio My Auer A in ool (an 0] 2 [3 vita Salen y UN. Oils 00 243 Md I yi ih nk Hon ayhouse 7 1 } Dateline Alfred Hitehooek potinee Museum 1h A An Sales to 11:30 an Induaty 21.5004 wie an 1 24,900 } hing (Jerry . . Wi FM man. , trying to escape from the law and each other! CBC Montreal, Union US. Properties InCuba |wiids roifil gE May Be Seized By Rebels : vm jit, ordi A pal 1 Ha AM Sports HAVANA (AP) Rebel leader All industrial and utility enter A dh J A=iate ancw idel Castro's last announced Prises to Cuban workers hattan Muste 7- Rishop Fike 3-Late Walch Music nm FM MONTREAL (CP) Long dis:| The CBC said it Is prepared to| About 00 CHC employees TLOM puyairopm cally for the natfonaliza: | 4. A publie housing and rural , ' ( fi BM | LOO vie salons about A dispute between recognize and. meet the produc: Seven unions decided the produc. fon of U8. wtilities and sugar electrification program J 2 Zero 1960 ta The #114 HC Montreal and 74 television ers as A professional association, ers. plese nes wid ho a di estates in Cuba §. Liberation of Cuba "from the ' } M Hid PM t any other form spected, and the word went ou A . Y ' od 3 J y Ihe bearded guerrifla chieftain egotistical interests of half a &--Camera Three published his program in 1958, dozen business men ee ended here early today hut stressed tha reached of recognition must he referred to other union members no Agreement Only about A CHC-Montrea ducers' walkout, sup to the corporation's board of di . hi CR a onired rectors employes. most of them admin. While in exile In Mexico, It called : 6A Send up N Indu trial ta ruc ers et he rai ale fuss W we ogi WANLEY KRAMER presents sv disrupted norma Gerard Lamarche. CRC di istrative and supervisory ere for Ni) t ; ion and Increased social securl nie an hal » Ke Red 0 TONY CURTIS w SIDNEY POITIER mand radio service here tor for Quebec and French lan vork Tuesday out of a staff ol I. Natl alization 0 J. ina ALWAYS CONFIDENT . e oa id no. after " ar hv es of the CRC and gage network, sald the corpora 2600, The maintained a radio ok) ne on wey vali in oA Castro never doubted that he 0 1 e n i Ai onal one ph "hh yn ) oF 3) | NT NES ng and division o Mer ican-0w nes ! ! f or the fi ime in its history A ry . ) y would win the victory over strong TH E organization talked tion had "advised the producers and television broadcasting se I ly on films, tape MUEAI estates among Cuban peas last fall, Normally It does not re Tuesday night. It it would guarantee them a reply ice based large man Fultencio: Batial \ the producers had by the ex cutive committee of the recording and programs ants y gencio' Batista : rel t lates gard road operators as a 'party Wn changes In a hoard within 10 days following switched in from Toronto, Pros 2 Confiscation of all properties Now 32, the husky, 6-foot, 2inch in railway matters, but this time os ots were for a similar service acquired through "corrupt gov. leader Is a professional rebel who! 607 AWA (CP uckers have It allowed them to be heard ADDED TREATS! PART OF MANAGEN NI ada) ernment In their atte to) 10 MAIL Hinge ay "THE BLACK FOREST" He sald the CRC alwavs con WORLD'S THIRD LARG RST life. He has been involved In re jy; i holst some Eenerally meant to IN Yethnicolnt dered producers part of man Montreal is the world's (th volutionary movements in the { West of out-ol-pocker. expenses for A Plus "DON'T AXE ME agement 'and the Canada Lahor largest television product Surplus Produce Dominican Republic, where Ba Phe board of transport commis. Particular haul plus a little profit Relations Raard upported the centre, ranking behind New York tista took refuge, and In Colom: siopners, in a decision made pub. Some of the western rate slashes offer and that receipt of adequate information ne " has been in revolt most of his heen rebuffe sil a slate ade ahou ew when the producers applied ard Hollywood, It Is the world's I F bia lie today ruled that heavy On & variety of commodities ' of F TLL n uture In 19047 he Joined an expedition slashes in some il rates in the ran to more than 50 per cent ¥ ne ra \ 1 the | for certifi On SeVOra VEArs largest contre eachi-langun WANT RECOGNITION NT woduetion M to the Dominican Republic almed | four Western vs legal no pro provinees are lega ears wo recognition Meurnand Quirion said mo inws or atriiaved Frenen language. May Be Reli@Ved ai overthrowing the dictatorshin and mat ft wit not order them | «ERERRRREERN,. CRC their recen prevented employers. recognizing ation I'V channel CROFT and of Generalissimo Ralael Trujillo {changed h / il JH cp " ) the Associa: a union whose members were as: radio station CBV, both in Ot JLkid 1m ¥ nr 3 aaa The expedition was a failure and| Canadian Trucking Associa C ow § oblem o 08 J teurs (CCC as sociated with management tawa, were expected to he most p pale ling) A Tarp " use Castro escaped by: sea tions, representing ahout 7,000 in Mont Phe produesrs walked out when affected. Almost their entive | i gradually he reileved hy Na highway transport ¢ om panies rising population, says Dr. H. LL, JOINED RERELS \ \ J hroke 'down Mond hedule originates in Montrea Palle eo of te federal agrienl In 1048 Castro appeared in Col had claimed before the hoard that [ 0 N 6 \ | R 0 ture departmen ombia hefore the ninth Interna BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT In 1957 butter and skim milk tional Conference of American Foe TTY Y | d) 4 Hydro Output iu wr if didi bh pin in COUNTRY MUSIC Exonic SPEETAC ON Peat Moss Make In Canada told ob dhretol A (aro: groin America, He joined hb dR gi S w= NIGHT w= Oriental ® DINNERS 2.500 000 HP Sfereice Tlouind J te On hiked He later gained his free y TO RADIO ARTISTS and " BANQUETS ' ' Yet in 1958, a year of high con! On July 26, 1063, he led a Canadian ® LUNCHEONS . OTTAWA (CP Ontar and sumption production exceeded bloody but unsuccessful attack on CH UCK Di hes Booming In Que. Quehee paced Canada her consumption by only three per an army barracks in Santiago de H 0 il] . § ® CHINESE FOODS weatest annual no Ase cent, he sald Cuba, capital of Oriente province hydro «= electric gent 1 i Prof RM. G. Marshall of the at the eastern end of Cuba FOR i UNE ' Wf undecomposod roots of spagh- © IO amounting \ OAC eseconomie department sald = For this attack from which 1 0 A) JAKEQUY / LA00.000 horsepowe v thou \ 26 1\ ment' gel wim and other mosse a in he thought the two-price system his "26th of July movement' gets FILL A CARD RDERS vA- And His ern hes damp regions Most of the hog Phe total was more than 500 000 of the Ontario cheese producers' its name he was senlonced to 16 CHUCK WAGON BOYS WT OUR ( , apd and the ce power above the previous marketing hoard might prove a years in prison, Freed when con y ' Ww proach ' Ae mves shaped and th nire horsennwer ah I \ K I ( nig Pp * \ k about 10.8 nin he as deep as 25 feet coord vear of 1954 «aid a vear better system than price sup. gress granted a political amnesty Featuring 0S SPECIALTY 3 ' ond port issued today by the ports 0 ywlitical wisoners Castro heed Lo Becatise of the ampy land ON repor | ae cal | ast DIAL | f » heavy machinery cannot be used enartment of northern affairs preps is no doubt it has put later fled to Mexico, There he be JIMMY AND JOHNNY | od RA 5.2543 Phe. moss is cut with wide spades, And national resources thousands of dollars (nto the poek- Ban plotting the campaign which THE SHEY BROS, oi jo piled to dry and then moved hb I'he nerense \ Sinai «of cheese producers, he said resulted in Ratista's flight to the \ y ew heel act and light ersepower as contrasted with " y Dominican Republic New Year's er ------ OR On mriculdura § Ne ho ig Mier ~ ey Hy ATK LL TARAM0 in 1054 It amounted to a ote in R. Culp, heay of Day. TOMORROW'S 0} OPEN 7 AM. TILL 2 AM the growth of the IL] I ory : a Jump of abont 10 per cent and y . ton department N S. 19 KING ST Ww aE ain ¢ qualities of absorption RHE oF ant The a Sugkestid there were four roads H Us : EST t | Id taken rey : OSHAWA make \aluable as a so vhich In he use of fing methods and the use « i : not expect tt 0 uid B 13 B 15 ghinery to baie the moss ital wii NEY everal vears dl negation 4 - . NS X t he mos now ix marketed in J tit ) eibdrind peat h INE expansion plar /} a GAME od ob of cent y 4 th and deal Se Moss can absorb ang bh dd, like a \ small plast bags and distrib sponge, about 13 pounds of Canada's 1 n ¥ capa | a uted) to chain stores throughout oo, " city now is 22 476 48 horsepower em ers Ganada And the United States. | "on ht is. not processed OF ONAUATer of fensihle tu (& OEY MORE OUT OF LIFE GO OUT TO A MOVIE! Gardeners huy it to mix with oo cially ther ince / hine Istulintior i 1 on " | I tai wo. Tn ng. SS Je, rie, ws Wma are Slated To 18 30 4 611 DN BOE CRYIN Le mus and promoting growth oa s0 have large quantities of the Moss 18 use wopacking bulbs h mf Nar bo \ N | \ and roots oor nt and Mi a Ruwiauian : ia ret A 1 A 4 iN "c Oven Debate Course Meal 21 52 63 i WW, Nl \, se 11 also has value as poult I 00 NO IH TE (i a ' . fra | RU the OTTAWA (CP Warner Jor (\) Or A 26 53 é4 New Canada Firm ss Tums Light Snack 27 3 JY WALLS sulption ) ! 1 ' he IK» ¥ ort ¢ anservative com 29 51 production of t Jnarke 4 woil hoy i | nembi from \anitoha Be alo Ltd. chmpletan he. final Ad Que. have heen chosen to CHU) A'S 3 30 45 59 nin rkod i ; J oy BY oR ) mn dob Bi Sevan 25 54 fer, stable bedding and even m n the ne Ne As Purehases forme \ e lament starting Jan, | . 55 Stee { | Prime wr Diefenhaken Ae ate Tues | cahinet Snel 7 CELINA ST. Luu seis writ # pas: os Joven meetings eantin + Binge (Sunday excepted Complete Ga INEMAS COR] nent preparations for " " al rules he A weak preserivions tel 7,0 LHS SOJIS" {imme cue, teow 32 Ve Savy he ison, 40 won Manit . \ her constituency Benetit of ramet | we Serve The Best | canon eration COLOR CARTOON - SPORTLIGHT IED had hi : a Ais ured Mont Coffee In Downtown OF THE BLIND FEATURE TODAY AT ---1:30 - 3:30 - 5; :35 - 7:35 - 9:40 As Much as Bid un X \ 1 Sey he Commons seal wa Not affiliated with the CN.LB : od 1 wy \ \ RL Ale \ ean Lesage after he 3 26 0b 26 2 Xb 2b 26 2% 2 2b Peal moss is an accumulation pected to start early ir \ powe became Quebec Liberal leader hoo 2 2 2626 2