1" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Prdey, Jonuery 1, 1989 FABULOUS SEMI- ANNUAL DOLLAR SALE CONTINUES OF Joi WHEN HUHTING ) FROM A FIELD w , Snow Came Early BRIEF FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE BetNew Machines SPORT BRIEFS By JACK Sous : cunery ~ wn oro Bussies Were Victims { AP The non-profit champion Hogan (Kid) Ba Ottawn Ski Club, biggest on the received an offer Tuesday to de SILY DISTINGUISHED ROM OTHER GEESE BY It has installed mt Hts. Camp Manager, George Biddles, tenia (rick which the United Slates! When eit er Olmedo 01 GRAY UNLUERNEATH Vortune headquarters, in Qua |LIvely accepted, "Promoter Neg doubles team used to upset the Richardse was serving to Fraser het | mil | ph ce i {worth of sriidicisl snow » making? Europe,' Biddies sald, "I have and it is credited to the Aussies, | = OTHERE RA Nhu il no WRI oid him to go ahead with & ser.) 1 think the Australians used same side of the court at the| PACING INTO IT, time, Inches and inches of natural of a title sl Jn 7} GEESE DON'T LIKE snow began covering he pute wht defuna Ul (itis. Shia team. "I has been used bothlopen ares, Ocensionnlly they SELDOM TURN THEIR Ks TO THE WIND handy anyway club manager|iand and Sergio Caprarl of ltaly| Pro Pancho Gonzales suggested ONY one point " rvs return [John Clifford reported this week wil) take part in the eliminations. [It to the United States doubles during the Inst two sels " Kramer ex {made snow has heen of the fine Don Joyee|lrailing Mal Anderson and Neale and I was deadly, powdery variety, he sald, and|bas been named conch Weeh Vw Fraser af the Intermission The plained "But with the net man So the hoses, nozzles and water|star West teem in the National | backhand and the Americans won|He had to change the entire shot patch bare spots and stiffen the ankle Sunday when the Colts hent | snowless at this time of year, enas, Sp -------- rh ! PLYWOODS ! 4'x4'x "4" STANDARD AND WATERPROOF UNDERLAY ALSO 4 NOTTINGHAM Eng NA DA cle) ®) Is Still Useful World featherweight hoxing . ' o ' SANSA G00 hy Wh Co 'Their Own 'Tandem Tric TUE HUNTER'S FAVORITE WATER WL = EAS |eontinent, took no chances this!fend his title in an outdoor bout : Ie yenr lin Nottingham next summer, Hie] BIUSBANE (AP)-=The tandem, Here Is how the plan worked ACY HECK AND HEAD WITH | HITE-PATCHED CHEEKS, IT IS y gest offer| Australians In Tuesday Davis Cup ' s Gatinesy Hills about 15 King has made the biggest o lin the back' nd court, the other es north of here, some 820 000|"Ver made for Bassey's services doubles victory is an old one "| American would remain on the TICEABLE BREEZE, machinery fes of eliminations and If the sity ( th hoTIC J "oo Rg 0) nination 8 9 M5." y {, Aller the serve, the server| (4 A Then, veeks ahead of the usin! y nelly as. it DACK In the 208," sald pro|ne f GCO " Ais ites 7-78 ation works out satistactonly ba Kramer, advisor to the U8, would cross over to 'protect the TO WAVE THEIR BREAST | 11 i)5 [ 4 here and abroad, but Just on wuld (ake .ormal positions jus! FEATHERS RUFFLED AND | Hl, British ¥mpire ehamplon . h : wie But the machinery came In| Perey Lewis, Bobby Nell of Seo | certain oeenslons," [te eonfuse Vryaser, who made {after two days of testing | | players, Ham Richardson and| ""Wrascr has 8 very special way | The four fest of this year's sky REPLACE MARCHETTI Alex Olmedo, when they werelof hitting his backhand return BALTIMORY, (AP) J (deve d . the eourt, | "the tremendous traffic ot (hank of Baltimore Colts to re. device stopped Fraser's left-|on the opposite side of '| od Sree A ira aie we 4 place Gino Marchettl on the all handed grass coirt shots off the he had to shoot for the sideline pumps used to make ariificinl | Longue pro bow) Jan, 11 in Los|in five sels and he couldnt' do ft po = snow are coming Into use to| Angeles, Marchett! fractured his hase on Camp Fortune's hills-- |New York Giants for the league which are frequently almost Shamplonship, Both are defensive REMEMBER THAT GEESE Wiki Nor coms NEAR RESHLY- DUG EARTH, | APTER DIBBING A PIT; EITHER CARRY THE DIRT AWAY OR CLEVER LY CAVOUPLASE IT aa SE LOCATING A FIELD WHERE GEESE I 0, KETURN AFTER DARK TO HE YOUR PIT, DISOUISE IT WITH CORN ALKS, STRAW, ETC AND RETURN HE FORS AWN STAKE OUT WELL SCATTERED ECE AND YOU'RE OPEN FOR BUSINESS, CHANGE LOCA (Un OF THE PIT BACH GAY MAN "" YEAR LONDON (Reuters) Vasily Kuznetsov, the Boviet Union's European decathlon champion hos been elected "Soviet "8 man year for 1058" by Rus sian sports writers, the Boviet news agency Tass reports, | ' APTER WE INTO FEE Ontario To Have Nearly 200 Days Of Horse Racing TORONTO (CP) The Cana WHAT dian thoroughbred horse racing DEALING FOR PLOEN WINNIPEG (CP)wBoh Moir season will open at the Fort Frie [Jockey Club on Saturday, April 4. The Ontario Racing Commis 16-Year-0ld Preston Lad England's New Soccer Star i... 7 By M. MeINTYRE HOOD (on goal kicks," said Swindin, To "A¢Ing In 1050 Special to The Oshawa Times those of us who sat in the press The April 4 opening will be the LONDON A 10-year-old goal |atand, his actions on these were earliest In the history of Cana 4 year-old go simply a reflection of his eool d'an racing, The 1068 season keeper, brought up from the youth! confidence, But it ts evident that vpened at Fort Erie April 7. The elub wide hy Preston North End, | 4 new star has been born, thanks | 1950 session will end Nov, 18 at when (heir three regular goal: 1a the (njuries which put three Toronto's New Woodbine keepers were all unfit, was ve other goalkeepers out of business.| Two minor ehanges (n the eus sponsible for Arsenal's third home [tomary racing schedule are an defeat 1n a row in a thrilling CHARLES COMING BACK nounced by the racing eommin V4" to 4" Sheets of FIR PLY M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. 308 BLOOR ST, EAST RA 3.7333 sportscaster for the CBC In Win |nipe, sald In a radio hroadeast | Tuesday British Columbia Lions have offered Winnipeg Hue {Bombers $5,000 for aquarterhac) and halfback Kenny Ploen. Mol |said the offer from one Westorn {Interprovineinl Foothall Union club to the other was made (wo weeks ago when Wayne Tobinson (new head conch of the [ions, visited Winnipeg ONE DOLLAR OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY game at Highbury Park, By the| It can almost be t(aken for sion, The opening meeting at Fort end of the game, all of my col. granted that John Charles, of the frie will have 28 days, compared eagues In the press stand at the Itallan Juventus team, will be|with 24 davs (n 1938, The closing Arsenal ground were raving about (hack in English football by the meeling al Waondhine will the performance of John Barton, |time next season rolls around. He have 48 davs, compared with 46 who had never even played for and his wife and family are com-'davs In 1058 the Preston second or third team, pletely fed up with life in Italy, The schedule but who was piteh-forked Into one and Charles Is out of favor with! Fort Erie: April 4 ta May 8 of the toughest assignments any the Juventus fans, He was Jeered | (26 days); Old Woodbine: May 4 fe could face, In the second off the fleld In a recent mateh, [to May 30 (24 days); Woodbine If, he held the eager Arsenal It would not be surprising were he June 1 to July 11, (36 days); Fort sharpshooters at bay, and made|to land with Manchester. United, [Firle: July 18 to Aug, 20. (42 some brilliant saves to help but a fee of around 85,000 pounds days); Old Woodbine; Aug, 8 to Preston to a 21 victory. His ealm, will be required to buy him back Sept, 26, (34 days); Woodbine eonfidence amazed the soccer orl: from Juventus, Sept, 8 to Nov, 17, (48 days) Mos, and he was on a par with BITS AND PIECES In Eng:| During (he last seven years On Arsenal's international goalie, land, it ls rumored that Bill [tario's thoroughbred racing sea: | Kelsey | Shandy, of Huddersfield, will son and yin vi wi have frown 1s bo [succeed Matt Bushy ay manager steadily, The 140-day season in Barto y be vishaost was not Ap of Scotland's International teams, | 1063 produced $1,856,200 In purses. | ow, Then he pranced down the|In Scotland, Tommy Walker of he 106 days of racing In 1080 fleld 1tke a young colt, embracing Tearts or Bobby Ancell of Moth. had 9,401,800 In purses, and hugging every player he met @rwell are favored, But no ap-| -- REMEMBER WHEN? . . regardless of the color of the her ointrent wil be made during] the present season , , , Two Raith) kag ait the fil Taced by a Movers players, right back Willie] By THE CANADIAN PRESS battery of cameras, arm in arm, [Folland and wing half John Hax-| Michigan State beat University with Kelsey J ter, are being eagerly sought by of California of Los Angeles 17:14 In vue of the most dramatie Rose Howl games In history three " Fnglish elubs, with Portsmouth, SWINDIN'S CRITICISM Aston Villa and Bolton leading in The Arsenal manager, George the bidding for them . A kick |vears ago today at Pasadena Swindin, praised the boy for hia|in the mouth has eost Derek Calif, Dave Kalser kicked a fleld diaplay, but accused him of what [Kevan front teeth and his goal with only seven seconds left fo termed excessive "Camesman: | West wich team mates|on the clook before * crowd of ohip", "He wasted too much time are now calling Mm 'Gummy', 100,000, The game was played | Jan, 2 since New Year's A Sunday » OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS PUSH LEAGUR 1 Men aver Ld wih handle. Harry Tou sandests were won Monday night | 1onghetiom we, gh wil h Mn Any with Niok's Billiards vaok: | (M11 Clayton Tae 87, M1 (00); Art New WILL BUY... One Dollar will buy a suit, sport jacket, pair of trousers, Yes, buy one garment at the regular advertised price, and for only ONE DOLLAR get another similar garment, Where else can you get such value for ONLY ONE DOLLAR, ...Come In Buy Today! Use Your CREDIT ! NO DOWN PAYMENT! MONTHS T0 PAY! i i gi! up the Torches for & 40 win and |AUman 864, 588 (834); Perce Neal 88, wa Glass giving Biliott's Rest Pike M3 CUH Davie M8; Allan aura 8 40 walloping. Kueh Shoes me 34; Glen Maunder #9, setting the pace, Wook thres points M up Down 314i Lean Parks Kemp's Radiator and pn the same | Fores Bent 310, 200 John Bint S08 Johansen Bul + managed to] 1emon Leagusi What happened te Evan's Loam & Gravel 31. Atan's|30Mme of our good bowlers this week! ing and Plokwiok Cleaners, Fred Coleman tops the list with #7, Rita for ssoond place, nN settled | Code Verna Haight 79, Helen Corb aething and Med ») man We, Gladys Clark " Eihel Wilson oo 10, Hamilton 84, and whom do we Mandings: Kueh Bhoss 101 BWR'S ing in the eellar, bul Blanche Norton arpening 14; Plokwick Cleaners 13 with ok's Billiards 11; Kemp's Radiator] 0) Ellett's Hestaurant Oshawa | fe 8) Johansen Bullders 7i Torehes| hand Evan's Loam & Gravel } ™ Vv ain, Yes.:. Oshawa Wood Products has been the PERFECT place in the past year to buy all your building needs. Oshawa Wood Products goal for 1957 is to maintain the high standard of QUALITY and SERVICE which has been kept through the years. YAYURL Team Banding: Aafety Mas WM, Pin Plokers M, King Pins MM, Robby Ping . must have heen oo mueh 34 Head Ping 8 and Pin Heads 11 rstnas Cheer loft In he have fron in Single: Lloyd Moody 344 Mh, because aot tea many ALL HK Ray MeAvey 847, Bill Carrigan good scores, Tn the triple alesse A asa John Molaughlin 878, Lloyd Moody Ousrawaty lod the way with 84 (370), 410 and Charles Cameron M66 lowed by MH. Mecohin 718 OM, J band 104 (300), G, Halnes 658 and Oliver 003 | BRODEN NAMED COACH In Whe singles A Bruee had WTA GITAWA (CP) Forward Con Wamiyn #7 and P. Meleh #0 Twe fell to the Lamon League, WN [Nie RAroden, a member of two Brown 9 and MH. Holmes 9) | ond hoekey cohamplonship wun vv meerews (END, TL SRE ae of Hall-Ok Team Standings: MeCarl's 10, Hous: (P0000 . ' 0 MeKinstry's 8, Gllmour's' § ve Conadions pi find OHA ~ in's A, Boorman's 4 nlor eastern division, Rroden Ladies Mah slogle wen Wg oi played ' ith the world amateur arial 10 ALTRI riele Be ohamplon Whitby Dunlops ana ™e Ladies were not 10a then helped Montreal Canadiem YM this week Hatt 180, Alice to the Stanley Cup, Canadiens mour 1831 a Jackson UT had hoped to acquire defence My and Mis MoKInstry gave dds pa or Ae ladies oud Nien's ma ac Jollen, former To! fhe ONLO pla Leafs star, as a play Ing-coneh but doctors have ad gh singles for the evening Ladies' was wan hy Allee Gilmour with vised Bolton to ata, out of hockey | until next season | EXPORTA am CIGARETTES M8, and the Men's went ta Llavd Corson 300. Mav we say eongrAtuN Mana to the Winners And many (hanks wm Win and A Men's Carson A122 C168: 188 1) same, 02 standards went ta Llny 1 Wh triple #R9 \ a very good ® selling hgh Wve A feeling the wet dawn to husl NO DOWN PAYMENT UPTO 3 YEARS TO PAY BUDGET TERMS MORTGAGES ARRANGED rE Your Building Headquarters For '59 shawa Wood Products LIMITED Yord, Malan Ofifiea and Showroom Mh ie [| The ni Women Are § Wea In the New Now we on Al price aroun Me 0) red he wan ve ope hh A bb A bh b&b bd bbb bd ba) Gauth Bonus Heat Reclaimer! ARITAY W MN MOTOR ON AND I ALCONING RUE TIA Huse | \ a - 10 1 Ne CRA APPROVED WAT NOAM com An * Nowe FARIER MATOR J Paints 1 Michels anes LM Baywelln taneh 2 WH Over fw ager MA hare 811, P Ralands Tem famon Le Alda Meleod © tanra MeKinley # Bo ce MBB | A MeQuade "Rah #14, Nine AOR, and FURNACE afore ArTIR THE BONUS HEATER CAN BE INSTALLED IN VARIOUS POSTIONS SAVE DOLLARE FROM FLYING UP THE CHIMNEY DELIVERS CLEAN DRY MEATY WHERE YOU NEED IT FREER OF FUN, COSTE COLD BASEMENTS, RECREATION ROOMY, PLAY ROOMY, HALLWAY CANNOT RELEASE SOOTY OR GALEN GUARANTEED by Gouth Electiie OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M, TAILORS OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M, JD owyrown | NTOWR (eA Lak "a I Team Mater OV AM, Wests way | 18 and Wh ALRERY SIREEY { The Niariings Are Wiking » ahead Ww Nappy Ga Rear ors Hawks Standing WURCH LEAGLY » Mode! 10! Single Unit 49.95 Model 101A Double | 69.95 Call or Drop in for Further Information Stan's Sharpening Service ied r tor Oshawe Aut 2» & Distriet 4 Cor. King and Burke St, RA 3.3224 AANA 1 Models te Choose From ! € nit Downtown Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST, S, RA 8.1617 COURTICE----RA 8.161) BOWMANVILLE, MA 3.2130 AJAX-ZENITH 2.9600 DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 PM. . LR Evelyn & 16 SIMCOE ST. S. (OPPOSITE KRESGE'S) »y i den, ar, NN Litile, 303 Only five aerated? Bia week Be men Wi Gard or Rl Gra BABBABDDDADBADBADBDA A a. ~~ "a y WA