The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1958, p. 5

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SPOTLIGHT By WREN A, BLAIR Officer Pleads For YouthOnFiveCharges A policeman who hel gather prosecuting was George Wookom,| Debrackeleer, taking the stand, ver the " Maes" 7 score, | al evidence against an V5-year-old ir pbs Crom Adomey; and denied any knowledge of the folie eos i poll A Bl ote, oo y Whithy Twp, youth, on Tuesday eth nereleer and Mathews ap [rank in ut the Vigor Ol or the gor going" Pete Wahando missed the game, visiting his home in| sood hetore tF court and asked penred without counsel, [Alls Shaler diet. He, wld South Poreupine for the Christmas season, hut Fred Eicher filled | for leniency for the bay who has ou paATROL, Mw Wl Mat i he hw Wm (lie Jeft wing spot In gresd fashion, That ine of Miersley, FAcher Plawded fy ve Miterent PC Morey. Richardson, of the re val driving Fads h Sat and Bamolenko garnered a total of 15 scoring points In the game Douglas honing oR of Whithy Detachment of the OFF, g stolen ear wher tinsel paper Young ag ig one jo 43 rameludoun, olen nd lua (etiied 4 (tpi with four assists mn y h Wy pe A § RR 2, Whithy, was PC John Pugh, id the count Sub, he had beet fol off the 1g "lon later, tically checked the entire Belleville team to a standstill, as hel formerly 9 he Yuiy Detach nth of Myrtle Station shout CAR. RADIO "HEFT skated in every direction hounding. the opposing forwards, Sid| ot 4 be 4 (Rowih na h 290 am Dee, 11 wien he ap In the charge of theft against] Smith pated a par MM markers and (the Duke) now has over 20) : TWD. hed the Wayside Erocery Welr, Sephenson and Matthews, | £00s (0 his creait diiring the first half of the schedule John Hen! Police Department v d . tH derson played ge steady game In the nets, supported by an sr The Belleville MeFariands fell vietim to 8 double defeat over| the week-end st the hands of Whithy and the Hull-Ottawa Canad lens, On Baturday night the ""Dimnies"' were In high gear and and fue ™ when slap the Bl [2] to guilty ne 4 resident in found on} 1 Mat } sald, he HIM ) are hi [ mn Later ownershin of 1 he sald $4.05 In I he sald \ I idmitted (a'ting on cash from the ¢' hovise GAVE NTATEMENTS Blatements made Deir and Vere Pik and heen reserved in the case of Plekering Twp charged with selling war-old Claremont Mary Kollar of appeared before "rank bbs In Whit lee court on Tuesday to wth 1 It Ber | Judgment has for two weeks a B6-yearold du Hguor to a 17 auth Ir Cherrywood Vag! by p TERY mit neny 1 with Chalmer hy Weir Tatthew pe John Viale and had Lalement wall ackeleer had side to 1okeler the stolen ear pled that Vel a flashlight at the Way © our read had Welr's Deliraekeloer's in the statement Cordon d Del d with parked south of the A A it 14 om the court elalemenls m night ne } theft a] charged from with het to an Omario Ant rule brother (ak om Weir and I thay He delned that he knew al that that the had Clare ' 11, ¢ it thet h Wayne Redshaw I hom foul! he 1h | ane aller al 11:2 i hye f Frank Povinsky Hn radio I en stolen Hillcrests Swamp One Hurt In Midland 14-2 4-Car Crash mn Hillerest posted win In A they swan Ruhurban act mo Hn 2] admitied driving dent) ine same evening il Alle he companion | irom a house, een I hockey oy " an ' ny was represented hy had given while game : When n [ phen on wa M, Heffer I chyn hy WHITBY PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Murray and Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Bpellen attended the Royal Alex: [were dinner guests at the home of andra play "Little Abner" last, Mr, and Mrs, William Hicks and Saturday, They later had dinner! family at the Town and Count Mr Paula, 4 ughler of her Mis, Paul Kalcer, eelebirated hevisnont the ( th hivthday on Dec, 28, For the! their families 0 un oA pavly as arranged don O with (he nllo Cecil] | Ain fon | Al nedle (Hl Ann Garrett, | | a brothers Joel and Ma ters 1 Mi Mi Ouillia, M Head,! of W giests al the Irs, John sleet Mi free! ga) him many da) Mi family homie side, fil day IH th got n ali they went to the home cused et Cherrywood ht a ho'lle brand Minutes later, he sald vas Injured and ar ng Twp, Pollee $745 damage done the car and took him costo [ collid on enst, Tuesday Nedshaw the court thet he had the Ki p home and watched Benson go In with a bottle yl come bael NTOPPED BY POLICH / of the Plekem PCR, Fleming ! Ing Twp Police Department ud thet he had been pro nlong the rd son 1.05 hen all parked in front of the accused' I'he lod Wd, turned of t 0 and for I i fi ht wlopn into man Himuted far sleet Bilver 111, of Claremont, Mrs, OG, Hicks p Mr, TT. Brotherwood, of Whithy thelr came In the middle frame week Whithy third straight Tomeay nieht Midland 14.2, en Jun ( Whither Arena Hillores sin gronl riod nen Dundas ternn | orl 1" | attuned told also Iron | ded the Whithy hr seored fs ih in OHA hockey m Hn Arsenault, Part Hom to his left leg He wi I tar driven hy Alla Lindsay, 147 Gibb stro Pollea wuld a car hod Hivint I] sloop. * na 1] Tran fol Buye DD | Ie 1 Bi Jule ( ny of 8 Fra | around th n Kd ver 0 I M | on y vid Bush ane h Ba ih Con Mi n of eo, H and ' out Nr, and I ung | fem 4 ime n | singletons vv My il Hoh 1D ve the Midland gonlscorers ined lead in and ndded four gon | closing periods te capture ti, Both the Midland gon! Rock, Roll Driver Pays Damages Damages totalling sented hy heen awarded a und I'wp, man against another town i hip resident who "applied rock Gonead, and roll to his driving." Me, Jus Bastedo, Q of MeGibhon tee L. Landreville, in a written Bastedo, of Oshawa, In another judgment, granted Ronald Me: action fried at the same time intyre, of Rosebank road, dam: David Philp, of West Hill, a pa ages of $7671.06 in an action in the Goneau car, repre Frank Goneau, of Altona I, Fleury, of Highland ought damages from Me tn making the finding against Iniyre Phis latter Ld Wh Sin Goneau His Lordship states ol When His Lordship foun Gloneau's meticulous appearance Against Goneau [] the powerful Ce opening Lun Mr, and Mrs and My, and i] | 1 le ine he . Mi | ngey ented n I y ne, | Cian ( mwa hy the the tn ahoul ng Ene Mary | Hi | AL id lk, and Hamil man { we driven friend Cy of don vi | Don fie | v Qu Vir ' \ , i n a oy Plekering Hn, 1 nol slop | en lel hiel cond Bryant's ear 1h the 1 Sh 112 Oshawa Halely H in that In time od $10 dap oll Willlam n A I \ | the s101 Altona hou he | Jane and f ANC Wall nm M ) wi home of Kalar, of | IT It Fi ping the vehicle ond On questioning, he sald, admitted awnershin of th Hguor, after first claiming he dl formed It Inn ditch in front of the house, PC CUI Pegg, of the Whithy detachment of the OPP told of visiting accused's heme and finding Mguor and wine Turkey's Capital Shows Growth WASHINGTON Grey, of Hen dinn al I rees Mi wve returned ing the Ch Montreal with daughterdn-law, of Palace Hay Killen Ith Bethe) Mps, Herbert Bratley has re friends No urned to her home from the Osh returns of the' swan General Hospital where she pent the result of She will be ¢on or a | M n aller Killen si holidays and { north driving nt the nh Who | wl ry damaged to 1 Holl at $38, ly Foster Whithy, was third vehlel £100 damage, Worst i of the four hie) Lindsay's « It su tained Three Youths | Are Fined $10 Three distriet youths fell he fore the Liguor Control Aet in Whithy police court on Tuesday M was mm Ned had 1h front and esilmated and Palace tma thelr Mi cm \ the thi and al Mrs son and Phillip Oshawa Frank ented hy 1 Duncan Kelly, of from Donald celeh d Hottalt, ied h | H happy nearly $8000 repre Plekering of Greer damage nye Ciordon 110 Ash the drive His « Al ye \ oll damages sreest ol the fered dma Was AW repre several day Ie ind \ and Mrs spent of Mi and family Al Christmas and Mrs. John Gib of Humber len Keeleh and a fractured ankle the! fined to her home for Her many friends her a4 complete recovery Michael Visser will he eolebrat Many happy returns of the day ing his Oth birthday on Jan, | wishes are to Miss! His friends wish him many happy (Hadvs Charlton who 1s eelebrat: returns of the day Ing her birthday Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Crocker of Mr, and Mrs, Matthew Kerr Hamilton, and Miss Beverly as & dapper teenager, the in: Al the sanclusion of evidence Wn e returned home after spend:|Crocker, of Toronto, were guesis|consistency of his evidence on Whithy, His Lordship asked all in Minden visiting!et the home of Mr, and Mrs, [this occasion with that on his submit written argu several ) W. L, Smith, of the same Wish al Rarbara R, Saxby, 268 Mar. quelle avenue ' Donna Higgins, 445 Phillip Murray Ave.; Tony Higgins, 260 Golg street; Darryl Dave fos, 504 Grierson street The first five persons to In form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to the Regent Theatre, good for a Weeks RON Sum ener mit against ented by road Creel extended TIM OAS TIE, WI, Sa 9 WH | N 1 1 | e Navajos Have New Life Attersley . On S ic R + + Boosts Lead n Scenic Reservation uc wm. Bobby Attersiey picked up five WASHINGTON The Nava With their horses, sheep, and(000 ear. And that was small, \pvints In his club's lone game fos, who form the largest Indian cattle, the Spaniards soon chang: (he adds, compared (o $30 453,625 this week to increase his lead in tribe in the United States, are ed the ahorigines' way of Ie, recelved from ofl and natural gas, [the OHA Eastern Ontario Senior staking out a new way of life The more settled Pueblo Indians| In 4 the Navajos set up 8A scoring race to 16 points on thelr arid, starkly scenie re- were subjugated, The Navajos|iribal council primarily to ap Leading the league in both de. servation, (withdrew to outlying canyons. |p ove an ofl and 7.5 lei.o, day partments, Attersley has scored Backed hy income from rich Both took enthusiastically to thelthe council serves as the tribal|2i goals and collected 36 assists ofl and uranium deposits, thelrinew horseback and grazingipar ent, assisted by the Unit-(for 5 points, tribal council Is co-operating with economy, |ed States Bureau of Indian Af-| The playing-conch of Whithy the Government to promote edu-| fn 1660, when the Spaniards|/airs Dunlops, $id Smith, is second {eation, better health, Irrigation severely repressed a Pueblo re-| ¥rom the common fund projects| with 21 goals and 23 assists for 44 projects and Industrial develop-lyolt, many Pueblos sought refuge|0f benefit to all, Among them are|points, one hetter than Kingston ment, : lamang the Navajos, With the|tourist motels, a low-cost housing Merchants' Moe Bavard with 17 the reservations drought sdded numbers, new skills, and project, a coal mine, and thelgonls and 26 assists, ond ey ei resiosk lov. the People became el Cr orwoTh Ha adin hn Tn Amr st oF rizona into ah and New "Hormidable raiders, AMous rug and sv 0 "| Fuesdny show An xiea ~ are still no paradise, But | Conflict was ineviiahle with the dustries, a bisa Belleville Mc¥arlands in fourt , slne the last named again pleaded | a , the tribe hus come & long way|, Navajo funds established a position on 40 points, followed hy PC Pugh, whose vestigations Parked Wn front of the sore, guilty, the first two plending tight defence In front of him, In defeat Jean-Paul Lamirande since $s shattering defeat by expansion of ih United States training centre. for farmers who|Kingston's Bus Gagnon with #7 fgured largely in the CASES eaid whe & chr, while # not gully looked as good ns any of the McFarlands who couldn't seem Ww westward-driving Americans in into Indian territory at the end will work irrigated lands, 'The points, whieh Involved three others, (od| (Co nasehicle was moving sway| Cpl, William Middleton, of the ket untracked all night the 1660's, Jot fie Manlewn WAI Jt aie funds held the needy, and pro-| John Henderson of Whithy still court that Matthews had | "we "oun He said thet hel Whithy Police Department, (old Sunday afternoon the TWul-Ollawa Canadiens, Ted by thelr [LIVE STORY TRACED | 4 1864 1 A vide clothing and supplies for|leads the netminders with a 2.08 hoes TOS Cooperative Wen oi onpeq (he sc ond car and found the court thet on Dee. 11, 6t| pew playing-eonch Connie Broden, whipped the Belleville In the December Natidnal Geo fendur. WW 35% wie, wviin pupils in reservation and near-by gosls-per-game average, ted y/ $i hud Weir to be the driver and Ded am, he had qv stioned Weirl gouad 4%, Broden scored the third and eventual winning goal |8raphic Magazine an article en ie "(50 got gumner in| PUDIIe schools, They support - or Fig 7 he hao ane Md fir weketeer to be the passenger. and Matthews at the Whithy OPP| fay the ahs, Which brings us to an important situation, This (titled "Better Days for the Nava: ee ones 'of New Mexico, Seholarships for students to go b ou 7 wy i on Mobi He allowed them to proceed, office, Later, he- said, he had same Hull-Oltaws cub visit here at the Whithy arena this |Jos" traces the long story of these 4 on to Institutions of higher learn u an nvoy Bg LBL piety we he paid, and returned to he questioned fephenson at Wig! coming Saturday night, The Wahs have heaten the Dunlops In (Indians NEW YIELD ing across the nation, ossed rom home lo home Ver you. 1g find the cor gone itl home | three of the last four meetings between these teams, Nine Most scholars think the Nava-| The modern Navajo saga began In the National Geographle o- Ra Pro ram on evidence that the store had heen pon wang then they have added Broden and also Mike LeGace a tre. |Jos' remote ancestors straggled in 1666, when the tribe was es clety's hook on the Indians of the g He has assured me that he epered hy breaking the lis mendous forward in the Canadiens organization, who 1s eur. over the Bering Ben bridge from corled "hack home" to a 8,600, Amcricas, W, Langdon Kihn, OTTAWA (CP)--Norman Rol has seen his mistakes end will in the door, Then, he sald, he| At that time, he sald, Sephen.| Lomi naing Laval University in Quebec, Sammy Pollock [Asia hunted for generations In|000-ac e reservation, The aren painter and student of tribes| | we orm try to he a better citizen," sald alerted his detachment office and son fold him where the radio] gh s "has his club fired up for games against Whithy and (the Yukon, then gradually drift. (has since grown fo 15,000,000imen, tells this story: Gran, ersoetetary ol, Mata the officer had ~~ Weir Delirackeleer was, stating th (Jt had heen) geo Tu vet iven the "Dunnies" no end of trovble, Canadiens [ed to the Routhwest, says the acres, but the land cannot sus-| At a Navajo fire dance he once C0 © €TNAl AlAlrs, has "taken OTHERS INVOLVED Lopped sold to Varl Rogers, in Broug Wave won 32, 2:1 and 52 vielories, while losing a 10-4 1116 here author, Jack Breed tain even its present 75,000 peo: a blanket-wearing hrave glit Hote ot &Drotont vy Cuba) av Involved } with A short time later, he said, he ham, for 830 in those past games, Actually the Dunlops have lost only four | The People -- as they called ple tering with turquoise _earrings| CRC radi yam about ig Yed " £ "lf i } wo saw Matthews walking along thel He produced a statement byl oouioste thus far In the league race, and three of them came |(hemselves were cultivating] Hope for the future, therefore, aud silver-huttoned moceasing raid io program about the 17, of 14 Perry wird Welr, pos uen and took him in for Matthews In which the accused) Le lands of the Hull-OUawa elu, More than 1,500 fans [patches of corn and beans when lies in occupations other than The Indian remarked on the visit: h n Cubs, J - h erry Rd, Ajax, who tioning, Matthews, he said, [sald thal the three had ben Ci ossed last Saturday night's game against Belleville, and |the Spaniards first came to thelr pastoral, Already Industries havelor's Connecticut license Plate, Fa fer, the ambassador told a ple of i Buty 10 0 UF gqniited entering the store, He looking for a custom modell gop. oliil ehesring for more goals at the final buzzer, The land in the 16th century, They penetrated the reservation withland showed considerable know: |reporier he wrote to the depari: eharges Wy Ix Hraekelecy dd that he had driven towards radio as they rode r omd Whit-| ap nnies" would like nothing better than to hang this kind of lived In primitive forked -stick| jobs and royalties in thelr wake, ledge of the slate | ment saying the program was 17, of 3080 Walmu Whithy the townline he saw the hy mn Weir's ear, On Cochrane] game on Hull, hut It will take great effort to pull that |hogans and were yet to hecome Mr, Breed points oul, Ineome| "How come?' asked Mr, Kihn | "highly offensive' to the Cuban who pleaded not guilty to foun erukes Weir car and BL, sald the statement, they 4 "4 re " weavers and silversmiths, They|from uranium and vanadium! "I went to Yale," smiled the government and people, f uiser over those speedy flying Frenchmen " y . charges; and Cordon got stick In the snow, The ear, fomd such a radiy In a parked had never seen a horse mines brought more than $1,000,-| Navajo | At Toronto ¥, 8, Hallman, CRE son, 23, of 1187 Brock id PC Ttiehardson. was one car and he (Matthews) fook | THE TOWN AND COUNTRY , , , Meanwhile the Dunnies have {director of English networks, cons Wha - pleaded ot ! hich had been stolen from an (rom the "esr, 'Then, said the an away game Friday night In Belleville, No doubt the "Maes . | » | ceded that the Dee, 1 broadcast charge against him Ontario $i Whit statement, the radio was given will he out for revenge In this one The Kingston Merchants | Mike R dd (gave more prominence to the as Weir, Debiraekeleer In the car to Btephenson, He sald that ¢ are really flying (hese days, and have won four of their last five arge 1 OW, | 0 en pirations of Cuba's rehels than ta thew reed | ix anol: of of the three was to get onedhird games, Their double win over Cornwall on the week-end shove the government position, He said end entering the Wayside Food guq by flashlight of the proceeds of the sale of the "Chevies" into the league cellar, Kingston blanked them 74 a > : : a scheduled rebroadeast has heen Market at Myrtle, on Dec, 1), (Weir olulmed the radio, home Saturday and dropned them again hy a »2 score right in 1 e re cancelled The same three re charged flashlight, Matthews Faking the stand, Stevhenson Cornwall Sunday ws" Gagnon didn't play in either of those (tw (®) 1 l 10T He sold the program Projeet with hreaking imo the itt p shot eald that the three were heading games, being sidelined hy an injury received lou vevl In Belle KINGRTON (CP) Appoint | 30, was not cancelled ar the result Bervice Btation st Brook) ™ for # friend's on the Grdiville Kinuston plelied up "Knohhy' Clarke whe had hey ely | : [y { ) { ois Of the protest but that after cons the same dite " concession when Matthews asked en his outright release hy Cornwell, and Clarke registered five detachment, sald 1". A he arrived ment of Donald foutter ay sports sideration "its repetition could The " 10 get of the ar ihe points aeainst Wis former eluly In the two. week-end games at the home early that same editor of the Kingston Whig not he Justified," orate Te Also Ae intersection of Cochrene Bt, He Toronto Maple Leafs blow an excellent chance to go ahead of the morning and knocked on the Standard effective Jan, 1, was 60: iiwe took a careful look at 3 ot Io whe Ww Aros Weagn Back Hawks, when they registered only one, of a pos dor nounced tod I Robert D ware! il iid that later when they drove ( A : it ay hy he and found it Is In no sense meant Yared e on High down Cochiane Bf, they came sible four points against the Hawks In two week-end encounters "Wha's (here? he quoted Mrs. owen executive editor, Mr, Bout-|to he an over-all appraisal of the ; in Matthews with the radio Charlie Burns scored his eighth National leaare onl for 1 Kollar as asking lar weds Michael 1 whole situation--just a profile of They are under Ws arm, He sald he bought | trolt last week , Chicago are also (aking of bringing Roy Kd "I want to buy a bottle ofl'er succeeds Michael J, Rodden, a revolution," of a car it from Matthew { wards up from thelr Caleary elub , , , Wad a nlee Christmas eard fquor,! he said he told sports editor since May 20, 19044, ! resident for $10 and sold it to hi from Ray, and he asked to he remembered fo all the ""Dunnie' Then the door was opened Mr. Rodden will continue to Wel Matthews ir far And we had quite a nlee endneldence hannen Saturday im, he sald write his column, Sports High CELEBRATING alias / wo he Dunlops rapped 2 viola evils " ; A Be phenson 20 fet, Willa, tt Raniine: " Rings dd ve LB Righgh HOMEMADE. WINE ways, thice days a Wook fealink a I Hie ' He then told of searching the Mr outter with the Whig BIRTHDAYS baionam room by room, and find Blandard since April Jas, has An a4 hottle of something ini heen assistant sports editor since . a i nearly every room, When all the May, 1057 by pngritulations, and he JM represented ionor had been ene 1 as @ Before joining the Whig-8tand Yishes 00 ly in res hibits, it Included a full bottle ard Mr, Rodden was a noted foot who are celoinating bivthda of rum, a part bottle of rum, ball coach, hockey refgree and today and New Year's Da ve three full bottles of heer, a part sports editor of the old Toronto Those celebrating A RL a bottle of heer and move than a Globe, Ie coached 27 champlon:| (4.0700 Doug Kel pit half dozen bottles of homemade ship foothall teams, including the Emerald avenue: ny vine, Included in the wine class famed Hamilton Tigers who un De 216 Park 4 d tht wis a five-gallon gla s jug, about der his guidance won four diy Strvel BY Fb Aa A half-full straight Big Four champlonships BVenHe! gi Wid bind Mrs, Kollar told the court that|[rom 1027 to 1080, an unprece:| we ion "aus ia™ roan he lived alone at the farm and dented feat, and the Grey Cup| i kha i ! a , . > Turpin, 644 King street east; operated 8 alone, She sald she twice, He was also one of the top Terr Nak 2 4 i ' he or : Ww ¥ adm : Pov erry Parkin, 182 Cadillac hiv horse. some ducks, National Hockey League referees ' Mra, } y B14 IRIE ' Over a 10-year span, south Mrs, Lloyd Ralter, 12 Beet Wr te cullar. she Christie avenue; Mrs, Fred Ihe allar, ny, 8 y 1 . sald, must have been left there| Anson Ge Hany. Buia Jisia; Ron hy her hushand, who died In| I'ToOwW Debra Ander | J ¢ y ! raon, 830 Anders Aa He son avenie; Fre Savile, 8 + NW . fe Church. street; Otto G, Young, on there are no lights down | Is Opposed For 741 Rowena street . Wy Iwavs take a drink" slie Those who are celebrating iy a 4 oy Ee ola S R birthdays on New Year's i" h : Day: Peter Exley, M1 Cre " | ' de work withow- }. wd had] cugog eeve rar avenue; Allan Bailey, 24 any Visitors that night and also BCUGOG TRLAND (Staff)--The| Gone et Wot Als dented that she had ever seen township of Scugog 1s to have its MRT a" a imiph Benson In her Wie before the fist election In approximately 10 Rily Wiiama, #71 Cue ip trial, She also denied that PC years Pin ; Ph dP ne avenue; Ktafford Coss Smith had asked to buy a hottle| Township Clerk Ralph Milner| way, RR 8, Oshawa; Randy and she had opened the door 10|gaid this morning that Milton Stewart, 70 Gibbon street; him |Demara will contest the reeve:| Shirley VanSlyke, 484 Mitchs- I looks to me like a frame: shin with Anson Gerrow ell avenue: L.F, MeoLaughin, un, he Jou an reserved for! The following qualified to econ 706 8imeoe street north; Mrs, ' Jit i + this int test the four council seats: Alvin] R, C, Rint, 127 Celina street; wo weeks La |Heayn, George Smith, TMarence Carter and Ceell Fralick, all present members of counell, and |AMyvin Teno, Murray Rurnfield and Glen Hood, a former school trus (ee The election will be held Mon day, Jan, § Voting hours will be from am, to A pm {mi today } ing counsel to Fast-growing neon signs flash across the eve his week he Is We ning sky, and Ankara's Hghts HELP HARD-LUCK FAMILY daughter and son-dndaw, James King, of 300 James street, | examination for discovery and in men! ned writ the police court, all his actions ten judgment in the case prior to the accident, all lead to]. Kyidence In the case had heen the conclusion that he had ap-that Melntyre had been proceed plied rock and voll to driving a'ing eat down the hill towards vehicle on the highway the Rouge river bridge when he 1 would even go further than met Goneau proceeding west ascribe to him some negligence He sald that he observed Goneau There is even an element of wils/pull over into the easthound lane fulness in bringing about that eal: [then swing hack to his own He lislon," he sald {sald that when the two bars were The action, evidence he ln g|ahout 100 foet apart, Goneau had heard in the Supreme Court in pulled back into his lane again Whithy this autumn, arose out of and the collision had occurred a motor vehlele aceldent on High Goneau, who explained that he way 2, at the Rouge River, on/had heen driving a car with a Sept. 12, 1047, Cars driven hy Hollywood muffler, trying to Melntyre and Goneau had collid: make it crack by gearing down, od almost head-on sald that two ears met him on In the action, Ron Molntyre, [the hill, side hy side, and he had thelr Mr. and Mrs, R. A, Minto during the holidays Mrs, Wm. Simpson {8 spending Wanda, daughter the New Year with her parents, Mrs, Douglas Craig, is celebrat Mr. and Mrs. Paul St-Laurent of ing her Ath birthday on Jan, 1 Trols "Ivieres, Quebec Hest wishes are extended to Mr, and Mrs, Loft Hill Wanda BROCK Phone MO 8-3618 HOLIDAY MATINEE THURS. 1.30 P.M, EVENING SHOWS AT 7 AND 9 P.M, of Mr, and Mr. J ® STARTS THURSDAY eo when all three were fined for purchasing or obtaining laguor while under the age of 21 vears Magistrate Frank Ebhs heard the ca es William Emmerton, 17, of Dufferin St, was fined $10 and costa or 10 days in jall on each oF two charges involving Heguor He pleaded guilty to helng toxieated In a restaurant in Whithy on Dee, 234 and purchas ng or obtaining liquor while a minor Kdward Sohorak, 20, of Watson St, Port Whithy, was fined $10 and costs or 10 days for pur chasing or obtaining Hauor while a minor, He was charged after helng found at a home In Whit wn Ankara, Turkey's Cinderella vap:| Ital, symbolizes the modern re public that has visen from the ashes of the old and defeated and discredited Ottoman Empire At the end of World War 1, Ankara was a straggling jumble of houses in the dusty heart of the Anatolian Plateau, says the Na | tional Geographic Society, lve years later Kemal Ataturk named (t the seat of government for the new Turkish govern ment born under his leadership, | Since then Ataturk's town has| boomed into a metropolis of near ly 500,000 people, [INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK The recent transfer of the [Raghdad Pact's headquarters [trom Baghdad to Ankara under he Turkish elty's modern | | sparkle as brightly from sidewalk cafes, restaurants, and theatres as those of any other big city's entertalnment and business sec tions OLD TOWN LINGERS On every hand In the new Ankara, statues and monuments honor the Republic's tradition breaking founder, Kemal Ataturk he most impressive is his hilltop tomb, dominating the skyline with stark magnificence, The city has ita State Opera House, concert orchestra, sports stadium, race track, and golf course, Rlocks of modern govern ment bulldings are either rising or have heen completed, The Baghdad Pact staff is quartered in a wing of the brand-new | | CHATHAM (CP) Service olubs In nearby Blenheim have set up a fund for Mr and Mrs Murray Ronson whose two sons, Murray 10, and David 9, were drowned In Lake Erie Sunday night, The tragedy came 10 days after a damage claim of $42,700 was assessed against Ronson, a Rlenhelm district excavating con tractor, because an elght-yearold Chathm boy ws hit hy Ronson truck, Insurance carried hy Ron son covered only $25,000 of the Judgment, four-week period, The curs rent attraction "Mard! Gras," in GOES TO SEE SARAH LONDON (AP) Sir Winston Churehill sat back in a theatre seat Tuesday and chuckled as he watched another Churehil] fly across the stage with the greatest of ease, The 83-year-old wartime leader went to see Peter Pan, at the Scala Theatre, His daughter Sarah plays Peter, the boy whe oan fly and never grows up, yl [William Mitchell, 17, of Port|!ines tb [were trying to play "ehioken." STEWART GRANGER BARBARA RUSH ANTHONY TER ~ LL] | | | The Adventurous Life HARRY BLACK ano TIGER THE ud DON'T MISS LAST SHOWING TO-DAY "The Song of Bernadette" ONLY ONE COMPLETE SHOW TONIGHT STARTING AT 7:30 «-- FEATURE 8 P.M, St 1H extend to A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR nent and Rotarians To Perry, was fined $10 and costs for purchasing or obtaining | Houor while a minor after he | Goneau and his passenger were {both {n the hospital a short time. | National Assembly House, Yet up in the hills overlooking the concrete, glass, and ohrome international outlook, It also high lights the Paot's present mis {aocldent, He sald he thought they . Melntyre was seriously injured R $2 000 land was In hospital 140 days aise $2,000 Whithy Rotary Club will Sam + To Be Sentenced vase local business and industry to raise $2,000 -- thelr share On Two Charges towards a new $8,000,000 resident Sentence will ho y 1 Mon admitted that he owned a ear In which elght bottles of heer {had been found by PC Arthur Whiteside, of the OPP DAY-BY-DAY hospital for evippled children at ed North York day on a Hastings youth whose Roy Howe, area chairman, sald 047 contained four bottles of al the club's meeting Tuesday D0er. two viflea and a muskrat that the Kiwanis and Kinsmen Donald Cooper, scheduled to be Clubs and the Jooal Ls lon "entenced in Oshawa police franch would be 'asked to help OTL Was convicted of driving form a committee to oversee the hile disqualified and having CAMPAIEN Haver in asplace other than a Rob Collinge announced the club a mn. : Frank a will be hosts to the Barrie ROWArY 0 wiithy police ami Club, Tuesday, Jan. 20, at which . time the visiting elub will lait rows Attorney Alex the Dunlop Plant. have dinner QC, told 'he court that with the looal olub and wateh Md been stopped In Whithy Dunlons in » Hon ele Monday evening Nell Murkar reported rifles and m' had found Wm a oused, tendance more than 20 per used, had a C. Hall Cooper Oshawa and the muskrat had Me a tied his driver's Whiley the heer v \ waisted a W 1% oi cont ve is ineeption in Septembe President Ted Sims congratul Acowsed told the court that he vice-president Herh Cole and heen hunting arrival of a danse foxes along the back roads from meet ing Hastings and had come to Elliott and Erk Oshawa the evening to visit of Oshawa, KK \L view: and Allan Milley "he | ! hele locked ence SUS PENSIO aad a friend ad on the were Jones Down (Hues s the Charles n A end he hriad heey rifles are hw eo muskrat of the oar entin closed With the nen \ Pie | gi of "Auld Lang Syne', on Whe Www AT EMMANUEL CHURCH The Emmanuel Reformed Chureh Whithy Ladies Ald Society gave three Christmas programs, the first one at the Anden Rest Home, the second at Whithy Ontario Hospital and the third one at Falrview Lodge Me program consisted of Christmas carols, reading and (hristmas meditations Gils were distributed to all attending On Sunday, Dee Ing a candlelight service was held CREDIT UNION MEETS The Oshawa and Distriet?Credit Union Chapter held their meet last Monday evening at King street sohool, The guest speaker was fram the Credit Union League of Taranto, A film was hown and question and answer period followed Refreshments were served hy the Whithy nittee with Mes I Neyo Mrs Go Manns Sr MeVILR, Christmas in a on and 21, In the even [nomer, For the Baghdad govern [ment that replaced the over thrown Iragl monarchy last" sum mer has remained aloof from the alliance Representatives of remaining members, however, will be on familiar ground In the new pro. provisional headquarters at An kara, The January, 1088, meet. ing of the coalition's councll was held tn the Turkish capital Present were delegations from [Britaln, Turkey Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan, Though the {United States Ia Pact member, it sent repre sentatives to serve on military and economio committees From world-famous officials to everyday tourists, visitors oh year find Ankara more and more | changed, | Little | houses clusters of suburban reach farther Into the hrown Anatolian hills New | homes, apartments schools, | hotels, and shops have sprung up With water fram nearby irriga tion works, parks and gardens defy the region's arld ellmate Thirty-five years ago, Ankara hed no street lighting system, At night the town was as dark, one traveler wrote, "as the inside of A camel Now traftfieo Hghts multiply along | of the modern eity, the Old. Town survives with its bargain hazaars, its balconied facades, and steep, narrow lanes along which donkeys plod, Near these remnants of a way of life that modern Turks are leaving behind, far older ruins and rellos remain® Ranging from hits of Hittite and Greek soulpture to Roman baths and medieval mosques, they hint at the 4000 years of history the alte has known For Ataturk was only the latest in a long succession of men of destiny linked with Ankara Among them were Alexander the Great, Tamerlane the Conqueror, and two legendary, touched | Kings of anclent Phrygia and Lydia -- Midas and Croesu MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-311! It you have net received your Times by 7 pm, Coll BELL TAXI AR sal must he placed between TF oond 100 am, advancing surest, Red and blue) SPRUCE VI Hats - Horns - Midnight Buffet LLA HOTEL ORCHESTRA Dancing 9: 30 Till p? SPONSORED BY WHITBY KINSMEN CLUB Svehla itd bY $12.00 PER COUPLE Five inb Tickets on sale at Hick's Jewellery Snelgrove Drugs

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