12 TVR OONAWA TIMES, Wednordey, Besember 31, 1950 Three Teams Tied For 2nd In Duplate Hockey League the Duplate Hockey League|Caps were swarming all around eee Majority Sports Scribes Say ovt. Should Help Amateurs Ee oh, Ver it dusalion Sonaud | in international competl- choose hetween the teams, Blarring for the losers was Mier Sunday's games, there Jim Snelgrove and William Nieh- has heen not|would mean greater participation are three teams tied for second ols, the latter making a very tly on and result in an overall physical|place and the first place team Is favorshle impression in his debut | TORONTO (CP)~The federal! The "no" voters included John (government should mibsidize ama- Funston of CHNE Halifax whol teur sports in an effort to de- sald "spot should have no politi-| cessive governments y velop athletes of international cal ties or control," and Al Cot: lo support any sports direc { 3 i |ealibre and for a healthier na. trell of the Vancouver Province a continning hasis education Improvement oading by Were, two-point mas of lib season . tion, the country's sports editors who commented: "In a private] Bul the hig majority of sports| Len Taylor, Kitchener-Waterloo gin, which all points fo a ver , Bi COMETS, 3 | sports training, Federal officialsshowing have said that the policy of suction, such a subsidized program {serving a misconduct penalty sceond for Sid's Kids Ross MeMaster made it 42 for. The Comets (ook over In the [the Flyers as he and Joe Lack third period and il was only the {streaked in on Ray Meleish, who spectacular net minding of Bil didn't have a chance Ferguson that saved the lead thal The Red 'Caps, with only one Lid's Kids has amassed ak 30 he : kil Y MAKES LIKE CIRCUS RIDE Park, London, Winter, a cham plon steeplechase rider, landed "right side up" unhurt LL STEEPLECHASE JOCKE Jockey Fred Winter appears | to the reins of the Mistletoe Novices' ] } y y , " y * Bid's Kids had it all over th and broadcasters sald today enterprise country, subsidized editors and broadcasters In the Record: "It 1s humihating to evenly « halanced league 1 M In the 24th annual Canadian sport is not logical" Wes Me:|CP poll think differently. Here is| have to go cap in hand hegging| FLYERS, 4; RED CAPS, on Waning { omets In the sees [Press year-end poll, 86 of the 106 Knight of CFRB Toronto sald! what some of the "yes" voters funds to send representatives The Flyers warded off a Jate COL, faine hi Je program and participating voters sald "yes" |"state-controlled sport should not had to say abroad, Most governments sub-|last period rally hy the Red ( aps) Got ik rks wy ead In the [to the question he necessary,' Jim Vipond, Toronto Globe and sidize sports as a matter of na- to nose them out 4:3 in a game on FECEE WITIOUL & reply from | "In view of Canada's disap-| Fred Wheeler of the Barnis Ob-| Mall "Support should he given! ional pride,' that was very even throughout, Fallin 00 ul a 4 pointing showing at the 1958 Bri: server said he doubted "If we|At the federal government level| FAR CHOICE {High fying defenceman ROSK| oroue Danny ep man on dan. [tish Empire Games, particularly would ever get the government having regard to the great pro. V1 ! . {MeMaster was the key figure inl | Ny Ateatitind in lin track and field, do you feelin subsidize amateny athletics be motion value of successful ath.| Gord Hunter Calgary Herald: | yo Rivers' win and played effec:| Wi or Ihe Iomeided of [amateur sport should be subsid- cause of the great amount of letes in world competition," If we compete against other! ively hoth ways e man ized by the federal or provincial] peseniment against such action Don Chévrier, CICA Edmonton: | subsidized countries, It would) ager a sooreless first period ast: coRmt | | governments?" He suggested a national lottery|' Us time ve stopped taking up seem we must he siibsidized our: yolide Bastarache capitalized oo points In\the fii eq for IFEW OPPOSED {should he held with proceeds gor|8 silver collection' to send teams selves, or forget about Winning on a solo rush to give the Red | iting A Na In pyiod, Bix other voters sald no, two ing to amateur sports {oversens," | altogether.' » [Caps the initial lead of the game noe "hous Winslaniey Ney {believed the government should (CREASED SUPPORT PRIME NEED Jal Hack, CKRM Regina: | a4 9.80 (n the second period (and ant apsiel oa aia ent " help indirectly and another 12 ex INCREASE ) | ! . Mai, w Is needed to promote our" oo "10 a0 or (he same period and William i Pal Va pressed no opinion. The "ves" This Is the second time in six] Johnny Esaw, CKRC Winnipeg: athletes, It has to he a nation: Ay Wihan duplicated the] nel had an [voters left no doubt of their feel. years that volers in the CP poll| Facilities and coaches are oir|wide effort to he effective" feat yi 8 ne ore pre La tie altway Work of lings for government aid and the have voted for government ald to prime requisite and can't he| Hal Pawson, Edmonton At 1445 of the same period second period, the Kids h d he dissenters were Just as strong In athletes, "particularly those In oanoed rough public subscrip- | Journal "With the condition that Ross McMaster, John Konarow:|a ond pli Bid pir elr views track and field who have made "WO e J p us iany government program would| Yarvou 4 | » 4 HN tedtaral government sub- dismal showings In Olympic and Nance this, first through the unl-\only "assist in the provision of hi an Harvey Wilson scored yi ig A altel the faceoff, on a Ze why not sport?' | British Empire Games since 1048 | Versities, the armed services; and adequate facilities across the A shuthie pay, "pass from dohnston and Dan. sidizes the arts, yo! I 1 f . 4 y the game, to make it two-lo-one ny Gray netted two more counts asked Bob Hanley of the Hamil. Substantially the same question Provine lal Bovernments to the country and financing a top in for ¥Viyers erg, one solo and the other with ton Spectator was asked in the 195 year-end hgh schools | structural "campaign, without ° SVU (0 minutes ater |e assistance of Doug Winsta "For a country supposed to he poll when 40 of 76 participating Pele Handley, CFCH North government control or interfer: y ©" wonsvowski was on the id A WE Winstan. progressive, we are the laughing voters returned affirmative hal- Bay: "The government should ence.' coring end of A passing duet! [i was Ron Turpin whe slaved stock of the world as far as track lols subsidize sports or Canada willl Jack Koffman, Ottawa Citizen: | ith Wilson to stretch the Flyers' off the wih of if and field sports are concerned," The Dominion and provincial continue to look silly in the face "It's our only hope of Reng aad and end the scoring for the v ets. He took ja hart. Dak [said Don Maclean of the Leth. governments have contributed ftolof the world as far as athletics anywhere" perind 4 Lom FIR lA " 5 ea bridge Herald who prefaced histhe cost of sending teams tolare concerned." | Dink Carroll, Montreal Gazelle Snelgr hittled the beat Bill Ferguson, playing his comments with an "absolutely Olympic and British Empire. Bill Trebileoe, CIO B Winnipeg: | "It's too hard (0 raise money hy dim Bne grove W Hu fier the f vil ii the . 0 fo Sid' os' ballot Games but none has subsidized "Over and above Improving our | private subscription." lead to one counter Jus Atler {SIFA game in the n or Bid's vow face off for the third period, He|Kids ( was assisted hy Jim Claus, re| Less than a minute later Doug ' ' ud . LI. [cently hack, from a back Injury, Winstanley netted a pass from a 1 | 11nton u 0 1 nis econ The Flyers were a man short at Gray, relayed hy Care and the the time, with Harvey Wilson score was 7:1 at the end of the . . Tourney Opens Is Big NHL Question The Oshawa "Y" Badminton ing, Klan Brooks, Terry Graham, Ry THF, CANADIAN PRESS (ries, eight defeats and five dead Club commences its 1950 prelim: Tim Nelson and Jerry Lohnes Chief interest In the Natlonal|locks for 47 points spare, showed amazing stamingd| Carl Wallace scored for the inary ranking tournament, Mon: geveral upsets may feature the Hockey League this season, is the] However, the league - leaders in the dying minutes of the third | Comets at 15.00 on a solo effort Tim", favorite tn be doing a handstand, as he | In day, Jan, 6 at Simeoe Hall loses his seat bit still clings SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Steeplechase race, Mm Kempton | AP Wirephoto 'Sambo' Smith Tops Scorers In UAW Loop Official statistios released today {by UAW Hockey League statisti clan Jim Shaw, shows the high flying Tony's Refreshments are { | Members will he given until Thursday, Jan. 15, to complete their first round matches, After that, matches will he defaulted if contestants are not present The purpose of the Lournament is to select teams to compels in inter-club and out-of-city play Those finishing in the quarter finals of the ladies and men's singles will he those considered for placement on the tournament teams All members are requested to he on hand on Monday, Wednes day and Thursday of next week [tournaments as there are new! battle for second place, With the had n goals scored against them period and had the Flyers pretty and at 17.80 Stan. Cruwys made members who could not he seeded schedule at the halfway mark, |in 47 games (his season against well hottled up the score 7-8, netting a nice pany for Tack of previous tournament! no less than four teams are hal-|71 last season, On (he other] Tommy Sellers netted 8 nicelfpom hard working defenceman Information ting elosely for second position. | hand, they counted 152 goals thislone at 18.45 In combination with | Roger Plank There 1s a total of #5 entries in! 1Pelroit Red Wings hold the spot | season against 121 last season William Nicholls and Jim Bnel-| Danny Gray ended the seorin the tournament; 83 In the men's alone AL the moment, but things | Rome gossip : grove for the game on a pass from A singles and B52 In the ladies could Shane tonight when all six he Taronto Maple Leafs' front) Rickey Renaud was g1ven| Johnston and fhe final score was singles " P {office had a Christmas present, plenty of work in the Flyers' net 8:3 for Sid's Kids The draws for (he tournaments. New York Rangers Roston helatedly for rookie defenceman and they were lucky that time! Scorer H Shaw; Supervisor are as follows: Men's Hingles: (Bruins and Chicago Black Hawks| Carl Brewer--one gross of pucks. (ran out as the determined Red'A, Kivell; Referee, G, Gardian, Wendell Brewster vs Ab Gilbert; Are the eluhs immediately For a month, Brewer will fire . - Doug Warren vs Paul Wright | threatening the Red Wings each of the 144 pucks In an at Jerry Lohnes vs Peter Ursell;| Boston has played 36 games| tempt fo develop an effective I . Gordon Andrews vs Reg Barker; 50 far this season while the other shot, leafs general manager or S 1 est dace Robert Laviolette vs Roy Hawley: Clubs have engaged In 84 con. George Iwlach says Rrewer, William Holding vs Morris|!€sts each [who scored one goal and got four assists for the Leafs so far FAREWELL 1058! There's always something just a little bil sad, about coming to the end of another year-when the bells ring out the old year, they bring memories surging back of what the past 12 months brought, And just before one turns to look for ward to the New Year, with bright hopes and anticipations | seems fitting to take a last glance back over the shoulder, at what fa being left behind. The wars who appeared on the world's sport stage in 1058 were numerous and varied, and their perfor mances were thrilling masterpieces of entertainment for the sports fan, In hockey and foothall, outstanding names were inscribed in the records; others in baseball, boxing racing, golf. And while individual athletes were and always will be, singled out for their superb performances, the year 10588 also produced grand teams. And as always, other great names In Canadian sports of former years, were taken, To recall a few Alex Connell, former NHI, goalie: Alex Denman, the Hamilton Tiger star of a quarter-century ago; Harold Webster, the great Hamilton runner who three times represented Canada at the Olymple Games; Ril ly Boucher, another former NHI, great; 14.-Col, Geo, C', Machum, one of Canada's top track and field executives; Tom Rird To ronto's grand old man of horse racing and Vincent Sheridan, an other Toronto horse racing enthusiast Hooper; Tim Nelson vs William OLD STORY not only rampaging the league i : Manning: John Lyons vs Fred The leading Canadiens' won: this season, has everything "ex standings with an unhealen sea 'Also Most Fantastic SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) international event in 10M8 and [Twenty minutes before midnight Attracted its first runners from [tonight a wailing siren will signal [the United States and Europe In the start of what is prohahly the 1049 world's higgest and most fantas:| Gordon Dickson of Hamilton Is tie sports event one of he leading foreign entries, | "A horde of The only U8, runner entered Donna Davidson and Ralph Harlowe, undefeated in vanking horse some One could check the records and come up with other such names from other lands and closer to home, we could recall those sports folk of our own community who were called to rest, But there were moments of gladness and Joyous victory too, Oshawa was once again blessed with some sports trl amphs and local fans had thelr big moments. None of which was greater, of course, than (he Sunday afternoon we listened to Whithy "Dunnies" defeating Russia to restore Canada's hockey prestige, a great day for every sporis fan In this see tion of the province, Oshawa's All-Ontarlo champlonship In Juvenile hockey, won right In Sault Ste, Marie, was another bg moment for this community, In softhall, Oshawa Tony's won the Ontario Senlor "A' title, as well as (he Reaches Leas gue honors and Seugog Cleaners' hrought the Ontario Junior SAT title to Oshawa, Larry's won thelr Senlor Raschall League echamplonship, Tn every field of sports activity, Oshawa was well represented and as we say good-bye to 1958, we ean proudly point out that our elty had a full share of the honors to he won, And now--on to 1050 and whatever it holds for all of us = and to all our readers, we extend this sincere wish for the New Year-=may It he one of health and happiness for all Smith, Tony's Berwick, Tony's J. Reid, Tony's Hradley, Mdks Mannon, Mdks Sutton, Tony's Irvine, Tony's Ford, Mdks Sneddon, Tony's L] Lintner, Relko {J | GOALTENDERS RECORD GA SO Ave 181 1M "won 400 M1 4 6 0 ARO 2 interest fa h Moscow, Coach Tarasov said the/dians. Canada's Whitby Dunlops team's late arrival was unfortus won the world hockey ehamplons nate hut ship over Russia in Oslo before "We shall forget our diffieul: last year's Canadian tour ties. We're here Just to have a Resides the veteran Sologubov, No Ama: ron friendly games with Ameri: the more famed players include can sportsmen, We know Ameri:| Centres Alexis Guryshev, Yuri visitors can athletes from other competi- Kyrlov and Venlamin Aleksam York Rang: tions and we are happy now to drov; wingers Nicholas Snetkov, game against be here and to meet them." Vurli Pantinkhov and Congtantin ELEVEN FAMILIAR FACES Loktev; defencemen Dmitril Ukos Players range in age from 18 {lov Ivan Tregubov and Genrich 25, when they|to 3d and at least 11 have taken|Sidorenkov: and goalles Nicholas Ceechoslovakia 7-1 inlpart in competition against Cana: Puchkov and Yergency Firkin L) 2 [] ? 4 2 Melnick Vanstone Fielder Kunkel HOCKEY SCORES ' AND STANDINGS Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS American League WLT F 29218 M13 3 M16 11% 16 21 0 132 161 0 Rochester 1310 2116 112 28 \ Providence 1921 0 97232 Tuesday's Result Ruffalo 4 Rochester 7 Thursday's Games Cleveland at Ruffalo Springfield at Hershey Rochester at Providence OHANOHA Senior A 1 WLT F APs 0100 8 3 1120 ™ 3 314 9% 0 104 108 28 2UNTNT AM 0 Mia Tony's Relko Mdks Hoy's Roy Campanella Is to be a special eoach at thelr training camp, giving tips to BALTIMORE COLTS each received $4 National Football title on Sunday but there's a lot more on the way A hrewing company, sponsors of their home games on radio and TV gave them $25.000 and an anonymous fan has also made a similar donation vith another gift from the team's owner also anticipated ARCHIE MOORF expects to meet Yvon Durelle again, in July, In the Montreal hall park BLACK HAWKS have bought Ottawa centre Phil Mal oney from Vancouver Canucks GLEN SPENCER who pitched for N.Y. Giants in the 30's, died yesterday, at 83 EASTERN ONTARIO Senior Hockey Teague has decided to use homebrew referees, ratherethan out-of-town officials, The move AN 60On omy -one COACH GERRY RROWN of Hamilton Cabs, has announced the cash sale of Ray Preston, 19. a Rowman ville hoy, to Guelph Rillmores ROOM ROOM Geoffrion has 48 points exactly half of what he needs to hreak Gordie Howe's NHL record of 88 points and tonight's game in Toron ta will he the half-way mark in this season's schedule. Andy Bath gate of Rangers Is second with 41 points, Rocket Richard anc Dickie: Moore each have 36 tied for third WILLIE SHO¥ MAKER rode a long shot home at Santa Anita yesterday, for the 32370th win of his career which ties him with Johnny Adams lifetime total, for fourth in US, all-time list Johny Longden, Kd die Arcaro and Ted Atkinson are the top three. Shoemaker had to miss his other race when his horse reared back and his head struck Longden's face, causing a nosebleed RORRY CRAV ENS, Kentucky halfback, has been signed by Ottawa Rough Riders Geoffrion Might Set NHL Scoring Record MONTREAL Boom Room real Canadiens' buy winger. can keep up his present Atoring pace and stay free of in Juries he will be bidding for a couple of National Hockey League records The w's ofl released the Roomer comfortably on top of the s scoring pgrade with 48 points. He has scored 19 goals and collected 0 RRIGHT BRITS los Angeles Dodgers budding eatchers TIRT? for winning the for 0 : 0 Is A Pts TH LLU 19 37 of course Ruffalo Hershey Cleveland Springfield now M8 1h 8 1012 1412 1117 iN Chatham Kitchener | Sudbury S. 8 Marle Windsor North Hay Bill Mahoney Catches Mate In Point Race TORONTO (CP) RI Mahoriey of Peterborough Petes has caught in with linemate Wayne Connelly now tied for the Ontario 1 Hockey Association - Junior A many hockey ent ir ele awelz PACK Jacked vais. eddy the Other weeding in the ladies Schade: Tier Xrawaiy vt points RIVINE Nm gnaias follow In order: Doreen 3.4 4 A : IS hee Shi nse. Arrive New York jae Oetawy ere) ior Koy Seeding from number two on in : Laing Singing a rons Ho d : A goals and a like number "olen Gnaies follow: Wendell ng ve Marg di {honor Just te run in the even! New York University and holds NEW YORK (CP) Russia's game, They will play the nation. --Will streak down Avenida Sao the UK, three-mile record, also Dowton Eileen Fallows [Ti ' ™ m ; i 4 : and. elght assists for the fourth Cherry. Forest: Martha Homes vil! lendly games,' The Russians had expected a This year a record number of ner for the last two years, will position 20 points It Is much the same team that practice Tuesday, hut declined to/ #2 foreign runners are listed 10] seek to hecome the first three: tional Football League says sud- vs Mary Martin; Margaret Mas. against 20, On past performance tional Hockey League New York the race, an estimaed 3,000,000) gpagilians est rival Is Relko's Vines Van. den death periods are great, but!ters vs Linda Meese; Anne|the Russians are expected to Rangers and Roston Bruins will see it on television and, Oher leading forelgn entries stone, with a 4:00 average teemii Ne kk \ : \ 0) SCORING LEADERS more Colts won the National Donna Rusnell; Carol Hamilton question only after the games.' |. ic pi ew Adil hividay hy the late Casper Libero, edi: Hoeykinpuro of | inland. : G A Pls, PIM/Football League title in sudden|vs Donna Scott; Anita Stillman| The Russians, two days lale ' am officials tor of (he sports newspaper Al Rest time for the. race Was 1 19 Discussing the pro attitude, vs Zoe Melchert; Nancy Carter vil were. held up a day in Paris he MP 4 al rinkside (0 act as per 7 Rell said league television com: Carol Cooper; Margaret Christielfope catehing a French airliner sonal host and the Russians also He sald he does not advise sud [should he on hand in case spme shap sald team captain Nicho Tonight, the Moscow PM den death games for colleges or|second-round matches may be las Sologuhov, who noted that the il he guest of New it to perhaps three hours or/Carol Cooper, Margaret Christie, /meet a US national all star defeated more. The kids couldn't stand the|Sophie Warren, Margaret Winsley team in Madison Square Garden| » S | 27 or (ed J i Tb a y a slim one-point lead over team Holding, Anne Christie Jean| YH Jack Foster laude Root vs nue of assists as Smith for 26 total [Brewster Allan Kivell. Rill Mold Armstrong vs Mildred all-star hockey players arrived als in two later games, and also 10a0, this city's Fifth Avenue, In ie eved along with a countrys Doreen Hooper; Jessie James vs t 4 Tony's flashy netminder Joe hat lee Compete against Brazil's best, [time winner since Joaguim Gone only for championship contests, Christie vs Nancy ~ MeMillan; [show up well In thelr eight-game GAwk AT CROWDS [1,000,000 more will listen by ra:|include Peter Clark of England, went to Madis } , y MEI 1 Cree 15 27 4 death action against New York vs Donna Smith; Dorita Drew vs were delayed when American vi ) Madison: Square Garden Gazeta Esportiva to spread sports| 30:80.4 by Czechoslovakia's Emil 16 mitments would prohibit regular va Sophie Warren Margarel! for New York were squired hy a US, state de 0 (high schools {played: Doreen Holding, Margie Russians experienced a similar ops "A their NHL physical heating {and Donna Davidson Thursday night In their first iii 4 Ye y ary (3 lost-tied record at this Int 1s cept a shot to make hin point son's record hut also are doml tournaments for the past Six Dewshury; Terry Graham vs pol J it tom m a poln mate Rill Berwick, Smith's total Brnoks Carol Hamilton, Doroth Stan Brooks; William Potts va R . runners some 0 ' i i fine world's heat {this year is a .eweomer, Robert Barker Another Tony's wizard, Joe Dorothy Whiteside vs Sudden Death Play I'uesday for their first United | will tangle with University of the 7,400 metre (4.8 mile) Ban man, Stritof Drago, whe placed Ann Jones: Shirley Fielding vs invaded Canada last year, win |dress when they learned t Melnick leads the puckstoppers Melnick and Maddock's Mert! The commissioner, although Margaret MacFadden vs Bunny American series, hut coach Ana Instead [dio, The vace Is timed to end Michel Bernard of Frange, An: | to watch tk i \ § 3 15 24 Glants, does not recommend ft Marilyn Weldon; Margaret Wells! gas for the 18 players and seven ve Bruins work out in Rrazil, It hecame an'Zatopek In 193% 18 season sudden death, also a Winsley vs Donna Davidson IN GOOD SHAPE partment official and Tom Look "It's tough enough to go out|Andrews, Sue Armstrong, Mildred delay en route to Canada last! Boston ting ) NOMA ail Ts RI identical to last season--21 vieto- man," naive he, individual eoring." eure are onde No. 1 thei aba Sells; Cee) Tachaber y on A Oran of [ue pective divisions A . Russian Pucksters of 27 is made up of 12 goals and 4 Christie; BI Lyons vs Harry y pve Ge | 16 assists while Berwick, the for Waitenide Er verley 1e0rRe ANG Ramler; Ralph Harlowe (Bye but mostly un Shirley Fielding hh: Snare Af g areal 0th of Los Angeles. Velisa Mu- nowns Wh y A 08a, & Yugoslav who attends Melissa Reid, holds down third spot with Bedor; Marian Hawley vs Reryl 25 points, Maddock's pivot, Keith ('ole Carol Britton vs Josie . hy 4 \ | asl " RO Bradley hreaks Refresh Rrearton; Jean Brooks vs Belly States tour---late, WOALY, unwill Mic higan, Colorado College, Den Silvestre international vace second In 1065 and 1056, ments' monopoly with 12 goals In Football Only ing to boast and eager for a "few ver, Harvard and Philadelphia, | ¥niries number about 4,500.| poptugal's Manuel Faria, win: For Championships PHILADELPHIA (AP) --Com- Doreen Laughlini Doreen Lapp NINE five games, losing (wo, ty-|was available for only 45 min. Some 600,000 people throng the calves da Silva won in 1042-48-44, with a sparkling 1:64 goals. missioner Hert Rell of the Na: vs Lottie Levine; Rarhara Lyons INR one and scoring 42 goals utes between workouts of the Na. Drilliantly lighted streets to Watehiwhen the race was strietly for AaInst averace, NMelnick's near 5 , a y Tarasov declar most of the players with the end of the year, | Amaros of Spain, Jurgens Fielder have registered the loop's elated hy the Yankee Stadium MeGrisken; Hetty Murray vs toly Tarasov declared went te J h [toni Amaros PAIR, only two shutout spectacular Sunday®vhen Balti: Esther Perry; Nancy Parks vs| "We'll be ready to answer that hig to bed, others gawked at The race was originated in 1025 Wedeking of Germany and Reijo 4 29 as a regular diet for either pro. vs Joyee Wilson; Beverly George officials reached Moscow a day doen. Jone Kirkpatriok, presi A 2 fessional or college football vi Ethelda Candy; Pauline Hillor jaier than expected, Then they aent 0 adison Square Garden 1" number of stadiums don't have 'The following have drawn byes hart, president of (he 18 lights into the second round but alse "We're tired but In good leur Hockey Association eo there and play two hours of Barker, Dorothy Whiteside winter | Earlier they will hold their first tough football without extending Melissa Hedor, Naney Carter rhe Russians are scheduled 10 practice since Dee Cl Geolfy isn't threatening the goal record It stands at 50 made hy Mont real's Maurice (Rocket! Richard In the 14.45 season. The season then was 5 games, compared with the present 70 Geoffrion began fall play in the 951.52 n has | all game Rernie Mont right on Friday, Jan. 2, 1959 Saturday, Jan. 3, 1959 ACADIAN CLEANERS RA 8.514) 0ASON season but heen to Injuries have missed | and the onl at the end of the season 14 | show Hes, onee able play in delined mes e edday He him 9 and is wo. se ago 1964-53 n all laure MM games Mahoney and and SEAN he Aon! vith © \ n seoring \Mier \ AS Geof! ne another o) time plaved 0 games hoth have 3 has collected 20 Connelly ) } wn needs Mp 10 set hy ® 8 ampionship po wil and Mn a0 The b ree A » had goals goals nSSistA record pos An Howe troit Red Wings with 49 goals and 46 assists in the 1942 The assists record for is 8, It was made by stead, now with Taranto leats, with Canadiens 16-08 season at The Roome ne goal and helped an five others to widen his margin over Andy Hathgate of New York Rangers Bathgate scored one goal and one assist, giving him a 2021 count tor 41 polns, seven behind hind ptfice © Montrealer ind Rocket Richard points. Ws St A 96, made Gordie of Catharines TeePee forward Stan Mikita is one point hehind with 20 goals and 34 assists in MM games Statistics released Tuesday covering games to Monday night Maki of St Kitts iw vil 40 patats, fol d of (Al las! week scored Wl season A season Rert Olm Maple (OSHAWA) LTD, 8 SIMCOE N, UE ------------n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n Amin how Chico a wd \ ma plac bh \ th \ 1 points Geoffrion game midway Pt hone vo \ u partner oe 299 BLOOR ST. WEST 131 BLOOR ST, EAST i } mark Wh go for the exa ' " of the season Babcock, with 4