The Oshawa Times, 29 Dec 1958, p. 3

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- oa a er 1 CANADIAN LEGION HONORS SCHOLARSHIP WINNER Post 43 of the Canadian Le- | branch, The scholarship Is | mander; Thomas Burnett, L, R, | old, lives at 1204 Valley drive, gion honored an Oshawa stu- | awarded for general ability and | Skelton, president of Branch 43 | and has started his first year dent, Friday, when Thomas | high standing in Grade 13, In | and L, J, Mitchell, first vice- | : 1; Y, ! ' ' shemie angineeri "Bud" Burnett was presented | the above picture, left to right, | president, and president-elect of [in a chemieal one ering with a $400 scholarship by the | are; William Beaton, zone coms | Post 43, Thomas, who is 18 | course at Queen's Universily, Sarnia Bus Company Gets $85,000 Subsidy Ratepayers may soon he asked|A group of employes hustled mined by city auditors, Up until [amount to the former company by the Ontario Municipal Board|around and raised the cash to|the end of 1057 when the subsidy because of the suspension of ser to vote on the future of Oshawa's take over the system, They had|went into effect, the full amount|vice bus service thelr troubles from the outset and|(was not taken "Next year the company will City council has already ap (those who were qualified In tran "Ratepayers voted to grant the #et around $65,000 or one mill or proved an offer by a group of |#It operation dropped out leaving a subsidy equal to one|the asse After a slow slay Windsor businessmen to take over|the responsibility to those whoimill™ on the a ment, the|lt has been recapturing patronage the service on & subsidised basis, [locked in experience but were to | as require point that hy the time the Employes of the present ser nonetheless eager to progress [ monthly Cost of operation [matter ( up for renewal, the have now announced they wish to] "In 1056, the company notified [seemed to rise abnormally {full one mill may not have to he purchase it when the ORR [ran-|the city that it could not make| again the company threatened to|pald good although chise expires at the end of 1950, lends meet without assistance, A|suspend service if the eity did not|night service is only provided on Is there any parallel was made hy a transit/pay the full monthly amount of Friday nights tll H and there | could be studied before the final engineer hired by city, Thelthe subsidy, The city refused |no Sunday service, The original decision is company was torn by labor un |The VTE: uspended I'he up! is continuing to provide Sarnia, Ont, rest although service was main-| city went looking for other oper. SY Th al iy ! I i : NE loves to buy ained, It did not subscribe to the ator Fhe original firm thei Tie ath 1ay may appear some po proposals offered by the engineer|door closing behind them and of (What high but this is brought service there ; the! about by the fact that Sarnia is This is the story as compiled and there was increasing disa- fered to re | reement between the eity andleity continued other negotiations, 10 miles from north to south by a sister newspaper of The limits » ol 24 miles wide Oshawa Times I'he Sarnia Ob the company as to the cost oflgae ' ) Mind, in relation to the city $03,000 GUARANTEE I along the server and the allied suburban! 'Sarnia Transit hus traffic "Cities Bus Services Limited formed under rection of the concentrate the business was owned by three people who : Hamilton Street Railway, After aldistrict, Industry is concentrated in 1055, found that the pressure With pressures building p the bus-le August, firm put 16lon the south, residential in the to change routes, to meet the/COmpany indicated it would sus {Canadian Car and Foundry andinorthern and central sections growing city, were too much of a/pend service unless a city subsidy| Twin Coach buses Into Mileage of course, high as a load 'in view of Increasing de- was granted, The city granted an|vice, The city guaranteed to un-|result, The grid system providing mands by drivers and mainten-'luterim subsidy up to $6,750 alderwrite the service up to $08,000 oro, town transfers with ance crews, They Indicated that month for the balance of the year| This embraces the subsidy as|northssouth buses proved unpopu they planned to suspend service. 'but the amount was to be deter-|voted, together with the unpaidilar" ) company sment f Alto the amount pak Ie me nn Service Is which survey the made" erviee company joes allowed bus em and operate RAW the the tore service but ection | oddly upon 1e¢ busing Company was west side and ervices ervice the d the for | logical Laboratory at a meeting 3 Minor Fires | CELEBRATING | Arctic Ocean ii rio yt tio | the Advancement of Science On Weekend BIRTHDAYS Floor Has Hankins reported on what the Oshawa Fire Department at Congratulations and. heat underwater world looks lke--1the . . tended three minor fives during| High Mountains wishes to the following resi | world th ough Whieh the U8, nu dents' of Osawa. and district submarines Naupilus and the weekend, A flooded oil hurner| who are celebrating birthdays vorked their way carefully owned hy Fdward Malloy, 810) today 4 WASHINGTON (AP) months Sterling avenue, was the first Vickev Knox. RR 8 [of the Arctic Ocean may he as the call, No damage was reported awa: Steve Remego dr. ogy (rugged as the Rocky Mountains The second call was a garbase| Ballard street; G, H, Gould. |® Fclentist reported today ad on a truck owned hy the City of Osh | The report was made hy geo. Using echoes awa, The garbage truck physicist Kenneth Hunking of Co. they charted lumbia University hottom ing, 281 Halg street; Mrs Ellen Gibson, 275 Ritson road cated in front of the Cedardale Station south; Elmer A, Turpin, 644 King street east; Gus Goyne, A car caught fire at 255 Thomas| 147 Cadillac street south street, but the fire was out on the arrival of the fire fighters The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of The fire department answered five ambulance calls, all result their birthdays each day will double tickets to the ing from sickness | Regent Theatre, good for a | four-week period, The curs | rent attraction is "House COMING EVENTS | bw John's | Hall, corner Rloor and Simcoe mt eee he ties 55 Rirliner Drops "cINsMEN BINGO | 1000 Feet | (CANCELLED) | Flayen Injured During Holiday Season NEW YORK (AP)---FEleven per- STARTING AGAIN TUES, |sons were injured Saturday when JAN. 6. 1959 an airliner bound from Jamaica ' Dec 30/10 New York with several Cana. |dian pasengers aboard suddenly dropped 1,000 feet and then soared 1,700 in a period of 10 sec londs The plane, a four-engined Rrit- {Ish Overseas Airways DC-7C, took {the drop in a downdraft as it was pa sing near Nassau In the Baha mas It had taken off from Montego |Bay, Jamaica, and continued on {to land safely at Idlewild Airport here, Only one of the injured was hurt severely Denis Clacy, a steward of London, who suffered | a mild concussion, | | The 10 others were treated at the airport on arrival and re oF leased NH clear Skate few Ahove submarine ago path taken hy the U.S. scientists float andering table of ice from explosions, the Arctic Ocean The floor Osh was 10 Lamont Geo "ye receive NEW Year's Eve dance at St C.PAT., BINGO Albert Street Hall, Monday, December 29. 20 games at $6 ond $8, 5 games at $25, $150 game to go. Three cards $1.00 303a WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE John Thomas, of Toronto, | | | | | | [told reporters the pilot had an nounced to passengers that one fo the valves of the radar ap-| paratus was out of order and that| while it was being repaired it was| impossible to plot the weather Just as the pilot asked the.pas |sengers to fasten their safety belts the plane dropped, Thomas sald [] "My head struck the ceiling The next thing I knew, I was on the floor of the aisle between the| seats and many others were also| | 55.53 TONIGHT $1,300 CASH PRIZES | INCLUDING $100 FREE | CASH DQOR PRIZES {thrown out of their seats | | CARTOONIST'S WIFE DIES RED BARN | TORONTO (CP) Mrs, Ruth |Dulmage, 35, wife of Ril Dul Image, co-creator of a formerly Inationally syndicated commie ad [venture strip Danny Fortune, y « inday, Born in Winnipeg TO DOOR Mrs. Dulmage was the daughter of Salvation Army bandmaster 303q Henry G, Mervitt, Bias $1.00 1 card plus free chance on $100 cash BUS SERVICE admission gives - you "BOY WILL CHERISH PAPAL Pope John XXII souvenir m on | § dience for erippled youngsters vone-legeed institutions, The youngster in Vatican dw busy Pope who visited two hos | ing the Pontill's Christmas au- | pitals and made an unprece bestows a | from Rome the ' 'Winners In Color 'Test Announced Prizes totalling $52 went out to (tin, 286 Burk 8t,, Oshawa and Jo the winners of The Oshawa Times hanna Nowaczewskl, 406 Simcoe | Color Contest |8t, N., Oshawa The contestants were divided| The winners in the under 15 into two groups: Those over 16 group were; First prize, $10, years old and those under 16|Bharon Beott, care of A, J. Beott, | years, RR 2, Oshawa; second prize, $5, The winners in the over 15|Miss Lois Glenney, Ontario group were; first prize, $10, Jean|Ladios College, Whitby; third Posnick, 164 Stacey Ave, Osh |prize, $3, Sarah Inkpen, 315 Fran awa; second prize, $5, Peter|cls $t,, Whitby; fourth prize, #2, Evertsen, 1016. King 8t., Whithy; [Dianne Bkelcher, 121 Brock St, third prize, $3, Mrs, H, Wood, 163 (south, Whitby Roxborough Ave,, Oshawa; fourth| Fifth to tenth prizes, $1 each; prize, $2, Migs Marion Glenny,| Dorothy Slater, 662 Louisa §t,, Ontario Ladies College, Whithy, |Oshawa; Susan Starr, 364 Rich. Fifth to tenth prizes, $1 each; mond St, E, Oshawa; Mary Margaret Dominik, 319 Ritson | Mark, 386 Richmond $f, E,, Ogh- Rd, 8, Oshawa; Miss Marilyn awa; Beverly Brown, 338 Masson Bray, Major Bt, Port Perry;|Bt,, Oshawa; Beverly Morris, 352 Larry Gauer, 374 Baldwin St, Arthur $,, Oshawa and Bonnie Oshawa; Miss Donna Marie Mar-| Ayers, 442 Louisa Bt, Oshawa, Six Accidents In City Saturday Tey pavement was a con-|RR4, Oshawa, Fred Roberts, Dar- tributing factor in six accidents|lington Township, RR3, Bowman. investigated by the Oshawa Po- ville and Gordon Brown, Old lice Department during the week-| York Trail, were (he drivers end, Although heavy fog shroud-| Constable A, Hobbs investiga: ed the district Sunday night and |ted, Total damage was estimated this morning, making driving|at about $460, hazardous, no accidents were re-| Four minor acelddnts occured ported to city police [on Bimeoe street south, Saturday Bernice Rajca, 59 Central Percy Northey, 767 Laurentian Park Blvd, 8., was the only per [Ave., sustained a bruised head son to sustain injuries, She suf-when his car was In collision fered concussion in an accident|with a vehicle driven hy Gaston Saturday afternoon and was re. Gourlet, 3 Bummer Heights, Tor moved to the Oshawa General|onto, Damage to their cars to Hospital for treatment [talled $500 The accident in which she sus A car driven by Larry Fogel, tained her injuries involved three 476 Cubert Street, was in col vehicles, It occurred, at 5,45 p.m, |lsion with a car driven by Frank Saturday, on Elmgrove Ave Garbas, 281 Arthur street, Dam Drivers of two vehicles invol-|age was $300, ved were Eugene Ralka, 5) Cén-| Damage amounting to $275 re tral Park Blvd, 8., and Bruno|sulted from an accident involving Riss, 96 Catherine 8t,, Belleville {ears driven by John Visnian, 360 A 'parked car, which was also| Cadillac Ave, 8B, and Ralph E, struck, was owned by Joyce Wal. |{Day, 169 Park road south kinson, Torlan Ave. Brooklin, | A truck driven by Cecil A, |" Constable Cyril H, Smith esti-| Hall, 60 Celina Street, was un mated the total damage to he damaged when it was involved | approximately $440 in an accident with a car driven The second accident occurred by Euhen Makarucha, 430 Emer Saturday, Dee, 27, at 5.05 pm, |ald Ave, Damage to the Maka lon King Bt, E, Lawrence Mayhew, rucha car was $200, Newspaper Strike Ends In New York NEW YORK (AP)~The year and $1.78 the second, Bene est newspaper strike in New York|fits Included Columbus Day off City's history Is over |as a ninth pald holiday and three Deliverers went back to work days of sick leave annually, to early today with a new two-year begin in 1060, Unused sick leave [oontract, Tt gave them a $5.80-a-| will be paid In wages at the new | week wage increase and henefits scale, They ratified it Sunday hy a 4-to-1] The dellverers also wson a re margin to end the 20-day walkout, [duction to 80 from 63 pound in |" The strike took an economic toll|the weight of bundles they handle | estimated at $50,000,000 The basie pre-strike wage was [AN four morning newspapers $105.02 a week published, Editions began hitting | Barney G, Cameron, president the streets of this news-starved of the Publishers Association of | eity about 2 a.m., four hours after/New York City, estimated the the strike's end, cost of the strike to the news They were the first since Dec. paper publishing business alone 11. when the nine major daily at $26,000,000 In revenue, newspapers halted operations Te city commerce department The five afternoon papers re- (sald that retsil tores, lacking sumed normal schedules normal advertising channels dur n BAY SELL 514 MILLION DAILY jug we av Moliduy_ sopping | Hundreds of news stand dealers cent of salen potential, This | stacked up piles of papers fof the ployes ran to about $5,000,000, [8,000,000 New Yorkers who norms "nou yoceas incurred by om: |aslly purchase 5,500,000 coples ployees ran to about $3,000,000, (dally, als 2 OF Other businesses were hit in. Una The deliverers voted y 001 directly, These included shippers (B47 to accept the new contractor pn wonrint dealers, and resort |Onainally Hey Bad axend for 8 hotels who used New York City iy ge I 8 3 ay lo attract gutats, « a" mn nly once before were © The contract gave the deliver major New York dailies shut ers a $3.65 pay Increase the first down completely, by an 11-day strike of photoengravers In 106) costh PHILANTHROPIST DEAD GREENWICH, Conn, (AP) Rdward John Noble, 76, business man and philanthropist who bullt the Life Savers candy mints into a multi-million<dollar operation, died Sunday at his home here, Noble paid $8,000,000 cash in 1843 for the old Blue Network, a radio system that later became the American Broade asting Com: pany, He waa board chairman of Reechnut « Life Savers Corpora: tion, FRESH KILLED LARGE GEESE CAPONS HAM FRESH PORK rt SOUVENIR | dented visit to the Itallan capi tal's big Regina Coell jail to | eonsole inmates, DOG GAVE A dog ran for help at Wind. sor, Ont,, when flames broke out at ys master's home, Dale McCandless, 10, (left) and his brother Larry, 12, are shown Family Is Seeking New Home Mr thelr and Mrs, Gordon May and five children, ranging in age from six to 14 years, who lost all their household ings when the general store at Sonya was hurned to the ground last Wednesday, are looking for a place to live furnish | THE OSHAWA TIMES, FIRE WARNING with the doberman pinscher that barked the alert to the fire In Arsene Chauvia's home at nearby Sandwich West Township, The boys called the i Handel's Messiah Mondoy, Dossmer 99, 1999 3 fire department, The interior of the home was destroyed, but no one was In the building at the time, CP Photo Presented Tonight Music lovers of the district treat this evening courtesy of The ( Handel's Messiah sented In BL, Andrew's Church hawa will he pre. by a massed choir, many outstanding from many Oshawa churehe The choir will be under the di The oratorio will be presented| the Berlin Opera House including [turned to Halle and was appoints ololsts, drawn ed organist of ver Oshawa ed in the practical part of the are to he given a rave! science as to he nhle to officiate hrough the occasionally as deputy to Ms in. Times, siructor In 1606 he was sent to Berlin 1702, but soon left to visit the cathedral United | where he heard the music of Bon. oneld and Ariosti, then head of He re in Hane and Ham'urg where Steff. The family is now staying at an rection of Wallace Young, super- ani and Reinhard Kelsor, the Oshawa hotel, The Disaster Relief| visor of music in Oshawa Publie|laiter the greatest ¢ Fund of the Red Cross is paying Schools the bill but, obviously, this cannot he a permanent arrangement poser of his day, resided, ratie com» At The Messiah, one of Handel's Hamburg he played second violin Ibest known musical masterpieces, |in the orchestra, and brought The Oshawa branch of the Ca-|was brought out in 1741, for the out in 1704 his first work, an ora. nadian Red Cross Society Is mak ing every effort to assist the fam ily In securing new living accom modation, Anyone who may have henefit of the It was not much appreciated at {the first premises in which the tamily can| BORN IN 1685 the loca Cross, asked to call of the Red live Is branch 32003, Mr; May is a plasterer RA | posers, by [which he early | One of the great German com: Handel was born at Halle {In 1606, The strong passion trade, Any work which he could |art overcame his father's oppo: be given would be greatly appree lated; An appeal for help went over the radio Wednesday night response was wonderful Mrs May sald she couldn't belleve sc many people cared what happen ed to them, The May family lost everything in the fire, The Insurance just covered the mortgage, As a response to the radio ap peal, Christmas gifts, money and many useful articles poured In In addition to the loss of thelr home furnishings, the store stock and the money in the cash regl ster, the family was left with only the clothing they were wearing One of the children, a newspaper carrier, lost $40 receipts from his paper route ALBINO DEER SHOT ' DUNNVILLE, Ont, (CP)--Con servation Officer C, R, McKeown reported Sunday he captured a wounded albino deer Saturday on a farm in Lincoln County, The animal had been shot by poach. ers and ita right front leg was TURKEYS SHOULDER almost severed, The 24-year-old, 130-pound buck was destroyed, Featuring Fresh Killed ONTARIO POULTRY 39° 49° « 49° "49 35° Le, Le, | sition to training him as a mus: |felan, and at 'he age of seven he was placed under the tuition of The Zachau, organist of Halle Cathed ady ne |¥ Igor, spirit, {ral and was soon so far } | Town Office Renovations Under Way BOWMANVILLE Renovation {of the town offices are expected | {to be completed sometime this| week as the final touches to the project got underway over the weekend The final items on the list for renovations are the installation of an acoustic tile celling and new light fixtures The acoustic ceil ing was installed last Saturday The new lights .are expected to be installed during the week During the past two weeks the offices of the town clerk and the town assessor have been re. painted and new desks and other representation, hut in| ,|erensed In reputation every year, | (land, Handel {a considerable fortune [the newly founded Royal Acads showed for the| opera Almira AMASSED FORTUNE oundling Hospital, torlo on the Passion, and his first Subsequently a resident of Eng» from Queen Anne and am celved a pension sed an head of emy of Musle, He died in London in 1760 and was buried In West. minister Abbey, As a musician his character latices were boldness (nd strength of style and a combination of lie even to compose, ED. WILSON FURNITURE 20 Church St, where A DEAL more modern office equipment have been acquired MAPE LEAF FROZEN PIE MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT MIXED NUTS iw OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES Turkey, Chicken, Beet and Steak and Kidney Lied') FOOD MARKET 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 48 TIN 39 w 39° w 19° To All Friends and Guetomers Best Wishes For A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year RA 3.3210 A DEAL , 29° RACH and invention in Me instrumental compositions, Seven years before his death he became blind but did not lose his spirits and continued to perform in pub.

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