The Oshawa Times, 27 Dec 1958, p. 7

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PILOT CLUB PACKS HAMPERS A 4 5 Members of the Pilot Club of | baskets to be given avay 10 | pight; Miss Beverly Storie; Miss together before to - sort out food Oshawn got Christmas KEEP IN TRIM Shown are left to Some Nutrition Information To Put Into Daily Practice By IDA JEAN KAIN Ws fun to take a quiz learn where you stand, Test your nutrition knowledge with this quiz devised by the Pennsylvania De partment of Health Question: is it as Important to have nutritional well-being prior to pregnancy as & good diet dur ing pregnancy? Yes? No? Answer: The answer Is Yes and diet cent.) Necessa the diet of older people? sie foods the diet of the older person Question: Is protein used more lefficiently by the hody if distrib uted in three meals rather oY "Jo Aldwinckle, and all ha included in than | Lillian Beamish, Mrs, William | S GOODWILL GESTURE o Porta ath | Shaw and Mi Christ Church Evening Guild Names Officers #1 The evening guild of Christ! Memorial Church held Ws De cember meeting at the home of Mrs, Ernest Resding, Masson street, in the form of a pot luck supper | A short business meeting was held followed by the election of officers which are as follows honorary president, Mrs, 1. D.| (Cleverdon; president, Mrs, | WW, G, Jackson: vice-president, | ' Queen Mary Lodge No. 97, LOBA Installs New Officers For 1959 Queen Mary lodge No. 97, ter Margaret Phillips; fifth eom- LOBA, held its regular meeting mittee, Sister Orpha Sheffar, we { Or v Tes p iu the rons hon. ange Temple. Outer guard, Sister Annie But worthy : A YB Sand; inner guard, Sister Beryl Cowle and deputy mistress, Sister 5 Fel Bilte presided. Prayer Viliott; auditors, Sisters Elva 4 Ee ol n bs ot fo) "Sis Cowle, - Annie Boughton, Edith was offered by the CHADIAN, WS govars, pianist, Sister Marie ter Betty Atkins, Visitors were am y | welcomed from Oakleigh Lodge Blake; degree captain, ister Kay Hopkins The installation of officers took, place with past mistre Sister! Past Mistress, Sister Flya Olive Harrison, of Oakleigh Lodge Cowle was presented with her ! as installing officer, The new offi. past-mistress jewel and ister iMrs, Georae . Cane; secrelary |cers are as follows: Worthy Mis Margaret Martin wag presented Mrs, Fred Porter; (reasurer, 3 tress Bister ' Evelyn Bilton; vith a 2-year pin, The draw Mrs, GG, F. Filches | deputy mistress, Sister Gertrude prize donated by Sister Fvelyn Conveners: press, Mrs, V. G.| Logan; junior deputy mistress | Bilton, WAS Won by Bister Flva Knowler; telephone, Mrs Gordon | Sister Dorothy Phillips; recording Cowle, Sister Bilton presented {Ledlie; sunshine,. Mrs, Frnest secretary, Sister Anne Derry; fi. 811s to the visiting Sisters, Hending; social, Mrs, Clarence {nancial secretary, Sister June At the Christmas party the Corbett; parish council, Mrs, | Goodman; treasurer, B1ster tiandmade rug and baby eet Garnet White; plain sewing, Mrs, | Theresa Cleveland donated by Sister Martha Smith G, H. Elliott; dolls, Mrs. G. E.| §7 | Guardian, Sister Cora Gardner; and Sister Edith Severs were won Fitehes | director of ceremonies, Sister hy Sister Flva Cowle and Miss | , The. guild will meet the first) Diane Cowle: first lecturer, Sister Louise Gowdy Refreshments and third Thursday of _each| Rose SBecowick; second lecturer, were served hy the social eom- month the next meeting will be Sister Isobel Reid; second com: mitiee, on January 15, 1950 = | miltee, Mister Agnes Temple: | - - Tickets for the play 'Witness | 4 {third commitiee, Sister Isobel for the Prosecution', hy the Pil: | ; i di 4, Ambrose; fourth eommitiee, Bis | grim Players, on January 22 and - - : v | COURT CHARLENE | Court Charlene, Canadian Order lof Foresters, held its sixth birth. | Vernon 0O'Nell Oshawa Times Sundays and Holidays content of the average American] 40 per Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, December 27, 1958 7 Tpm. tobpm, SPECIAL GUESTS 1) 4 . i TTT PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST Parish Hall ciel hour at which games were| Karen Lynn is celebrating her longer, This is a salon method; the skin, Use the powder gen ' : ond Carpet Seles SOCIETIES | Little, Old Lady Active at 90 light downward strokes of the Photo (new Juveniles were proposed for tends church every Sunday and 50 J 4 } th anniversary on De membership Knne enjoys sockal activities, She still still bakes cakes | i qi PRESCRIPTION 3 sent to the slek, Thank-you ecards! WINCHESTER, Eng, (CP) Killen [vited to help serve the Christmas guidance council which works to Ranger for the Dunbarton dis (ime and easing the staff short: estimated at £21,500,000 mT PROMPT FREE DELIVERY The meeting was closed with ani year here wants a village com- guests at a dinner sponsored by Sees Need For Single Women played, Gifts from "around the| first birthday tomorrow, Kar: | burn, Whithy, |First, apply powder base, Now, Christmas tree were exchanged en's grandparents are Mr, and | Photo by Robert Aldsworth [take a large plece of fresh ab- |erously, SBmooth away the excess powder until all is beautifully 174 Mery RA 5.0433 Still Doesn't Need Spectacles ** pectacles | SUMMERSIDE, PEI (CP) | LASTING STOVE Deborah Nemlicz, Gall Smith and Diane doesn't need spectacles [her nushand made for her when they were first married SERVICE were read hy Sister Winnifred 1onely old people are being in | All were asked to altend thei dinner and do the washing-up at prevent breaking up of home open Installation for Sister Helen (he hospital in this Hampshire will have its £10,000 government [triet, Sister Twining will he In-| age Ll stalled hy High Viee Chief Ranger Harry Phinn from Brantford with SPECIAL PROJECT PENTICTON, B., C, (CP) exchan te of gifts and refresh: munity hall, and has started a high school teachers, The club ments, Thanks were expressed 10) find with $500, Tt will earmark! was organized for students with B KING ST, E | [ 830 SIMCOE ST. S pnont ra 3 2245 OSHAWA 23, were given out to the mem Daughter of Mr, and Mrs, | Mrs, Lawrence Lyons, Oshawa, [powder the right way, make-up by the members sorbent cotton, Dip it into face Cleaned to Perfection blended into the skin giving it a Orange hall. The minutes were Mpg Charles Doucette, who cele: PRESTON, Ont, (CP) Mrs | Bamsley BROKEN HOMES Twining who Is being Installed aslojty They will get a good dinner grant raised to £15,000, Cost to Dial RA 3-3474 Brother ¥. G, Drage acting as| KITCHENER, Ont. (CP)--The Twenty - four members of the PHONE RAS 3546 the refreshment committee and (0 waif its yearly funds for the pro- high standing bers, The play will be in the The. evening closed with a #0- william Lyons, RR | Whithy, | and Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mil. |¥iIl stay flower » fresh hours -- BY THE BY powder and press the powder onto LODGES AND | NU-WAY RUG | pearl like lustre. Finish with read and the roll called, Three pated her 90th birthday here, at-| John Ratz, who celebrated her ww PROMPT Prult and flowers had heen CHEERFUL CHORF LONDON (CP)--The marriage District Deputy High Chief | (hemselves, while having a good the nation of broken families is high marshal women's institute at Bridgeport high school honors club were | Sister Florence Tippett who made ject | [the hirthday eake To Serve in Mission Field | By EDNA USHER Canadian Press Staff Writer CHRISTMAS CASH [ STRATFORD, Ont. (CP)-The| ROGNOR REGIS, Eng. (CP goodwill eommittes o id Yada |8he eady We Five hundred members of wom: ation of Women's Teachers 1s ue yh ps Pigs th a en's Institutes attended a lecture sending a cheque for #75 for James Bay ON this Sussex town on the fm. | Christmas to each of 12 exchange India 1s the goal of en portance of keeping places clean teachers from Rritain in this J ¢ goal of Mary Mac of Jitter, Afterwards, theatre at. area | led to he a mis: jendants swept up the litter they ICICLE INJURY slonary when she was 15. From had left on the floor OWEN SOUND, Ont, (CP) Both are important for good one' . health of mother and baby Answer: Yes. Each meal Question: Should a pregnant should include some good quality woman eat enough for two? protein such as milk, cheese, Answer: No, She needs to eat meat, fish, fowl or egg more of certain foods but not Question: Does calf liver have twice as much of everything, more Iron than pork liver ~ --~ > Question: Is high fat milk de. Answer: No. Four ounces of TORONTO (CF sirable for all children? pork liver has 20 mg. of fron dian women are needed to help Amwer: No. The needs of the Four ounces of calf liver has 12 recent converts to Christianity individual child determine the ad. Mg of iron cope with problems of spinster visability of using high fat milk.| Give yourself 10 points for each hood, say Rev, L. 8. Albright Question; Are teen age girls correct answer More important, Dr, Albright Is the director of more apt to be poorly nourished put the nutrition Information into the Canadian School of Missions than boys at the same age' dally practice Answer: Yes, Many nutrition) studies show that adolescent girls are more poorly nourished than adolescent boys Question: Does a good break fast promote greater ability to work during the morning" CLINTON (CP Woop es, Research shows ing is fast becoming a woman's ty hat a good breakfast, with ade- sport, judging from the success pn m » Tt ' quate protein Intake, alds con- of Mrs an Epps of Clinton END 10 POLYGAMY centration and resistance to fatl:, Two years ago she bagged the Introduction of Christianity gue, season's higgest moose in North. Means an end to polygamy, and Question! 1s water fattening" lern Ontario, an animal weighing his means women who would Answer: No. Water has no cal 1,200-1,300 pounds otherwise expect to be wives num oric value and therefore cannot This year on a hunting trip in| Pers two, three or four know they be considered fattening. Cut salt, the Matachewan area, 40 miles Will not marry and must find don't cut water while dieting wet of Kirkland Lake, with her Wavs of supporting themselves Question: Do American adults husband and five other male "Spinster missionaries know the on the average eat too much hunters she shot "two moose Problems these women face and fat? velghing 800-900 and 1.000:-1.100 can advise and help train them Answer! Yes. The american pounds. [ler male companions towards obtaining jobs, Medical Association recommends shol none About 40 women are taking that approximately 25 per cent of Mrs pps' husband, Elwood, courses at the School of Missions total calories should come from operates a sporting goods shop With men who are training to be fat, (Studies reveal that the fat here ministers "We want to produce mission aries who are competent not merely In theology but In seclal work and soctal life, and who un derstand what 18 Involved when a person is converted to Christian ity," sald Dr. Albright EAGER WOLKERS Among his students are a grade school teacher, a kindergarten teacher and a nurse Dorothy Naylor, 23, of Rramn tone Ont fs studying at the United Church Training Sehoal She plans to work In the poorer wrens of Canadian efties or in rural areas of Western Canada After graduating from Toronto Teachers' College she worked for a vear at a Toronto public school. She Is on the national ex peutive of the Young Peoples' Union of the United Church JUST LISTENING Single Cana el, who de Duntroon, near Collingwood. On ihe 1s attending the Preshyterian missionary and deaconess (rain ing school, She Is 21 Woman Bags Her Third Moose Moose hunt. from other religions te Christian he sald » | HAPPINESS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ASSURED SUCCESS PLEASANT TIMES N ¢ | t L GIANT PUMPKIN Mrs. Alfred Berry went out the 5 BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Eng back door to the clothesline and in Toronto, which gives specialist y qualified land (CP) A pumpkin weighing was struck on the head hv a training to would-be missionaries as a nurse at Brantford General 16 pounds and measuring five large icicle . from the eaves {among students at Protestant | |1*%Pital, and hopes to work with feet, 10 inches around has heen trough. Tt took 12 stitches to theological colleges I medicalanissionary team 'grown in this Suffolk town lelose the wound | "The single woman missionary has a distinet function In areas | where converts are being made 77 King St. E. CLEARANCE SALE Starts Monday, Dec.29,1958 9 AM. (ALL SALES FINAL) (Opposite Genosha Hotel) ANNUAL ProsperITY YEAR ROUND GOOD HEALTH Margaret Seahy, 27, of Wall Northumberland, England, came to Canada in 19656 and hopes to go to the Arctic when she has completed a three - vear course with the Anglican Women's Train ine College She qualified as a kindergarten teacher in England, and taught in Toronto when she first arrived DRESSES Reg. 16.95 to 35.00 SALE gn 19 Now MAY WE EXTEND OUR THANKS EvELEIGH CLEANERS | WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE ---- NUTTY CHEESE SAUCE 15 1h. processed American cheese cup milk, fresh or evaporated 14 cup chopped walnuts or toasted almonds Yul E TIDE GREETINGS SKIRTS Reg. 16,95 to 19.95 SALE Je _ 1] CAR-COATS Reg. 14.95 to 35.00 SALE g= : 19+ Melt cheese in top of double [boiler or over very low heat When melted stir in milk and nuts. Pour over hot cooked fresh vegetable, Makes enough for 4 sorvings. Good on hroccoli, as paragus, cabbage cauliflower green beans Ever READY TO SERVE YOU AGAIN WE THANK YOU LINGERIE AND MANY OTHER ITEMS GREATLY REDUCED REASSURED GOOD SERVICE Superfluous Hair Permanently Re maved by Flechio lysis and the new ot, fastest, eles tranie short + wave diathermy, foveal RETURN TO SCHOOL a APPROVED havc PE ws FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will he in Oshawa at the G:nosha Motel, December 18.17 : RA 3.4640 braid trim a } f et . This little lady Is going back | eolor thro to school after the holidays in | | It has af A brand new dress that is t right for the midwinter term Made of acetate woven fabrie, ed collar anc topped by a the frock is sure to keep its erisp appearance and clear | ALL HATS 1» PRICE! FLOWERS 1/3 OFF

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