£ TVR OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey Dessmber 27, 1958 Prince MR loyd | tague Rev, 1 ficiated on the | AND MRS, CAMERON | ter of Mrs, Mildred Wiles, and I Butler sign the register | the late Mr Wiles following thelr marringe In BL | 450. ne groom fs the son of United Church Friday | . { \ The bride is the daugh- | Mr, and Mrs, 8. L. Butler, Mon George Fuex Paul's evening CAPSULE NEWS Dizzy Street Sweeper Suspended From Job PATERSON, NJ, (AP) Be-| Thursday night, At King Walter's eause he failed to drive his street |death, a chant began, Today a sweeping machine In a stralght| glass of water was placed in the Une down North Straight Street, hospital window, It must remain Seymour Rukh was #su-| there three days sponded his job Fri-| dav, Police sald that Rush ran into a parked station wagon He | 1] for aleoholle cor found unfit Photo hy Teen Dance Big Success | BOWMANVILLE 100 tended nual More tha nager IL 1 I'o 140 Teer 1 held In the tre Fi The evening's entertainment ir cluded a draw and other priz Dan { Downhb I'he High if f 5 56, dance the Teen from elty of BACKFIRE DALLAS, Tex, (AP) W. Leach, 89, went to with second degree burns Frida after trying light his In | the wind, Police sald ashes blown NO HARD FEELINGS from Lsach's pipe set fire to hi PORTLAND, Me. (AP)~Judge clothing. He burned vdward T, Glgnoux last Septem-|the chest and neck ber sentenced Karol Van Collin | a ta " 5 in He vears for an $80,000 jewel CHARGED WITH MU RDER The fudge disclosed Friday| PHOENIX, Ariz, (AP)--~A teen he sot a Christmas card from | Ake babysitter who admitted beat Van Collins which sald, 'No hard | Ing an infant to death because he feelings honest." leouldn't stand ita bawling was [charged with second degree mur: | GOOD EXCUSES dae Friday James Harold Guin yu , ?) "he 8 bakery worker, was LSARTFORD, & ou, fan. Li | cused of the Christmas Eve slay ouses for folks who got Christ ing of Thomas Fauleoner son of mas cards but neglected to send Mrs. Marian N. Faulconer, a 21 any themselves The 15,000 year-old divorcee Christmas cards, sald Postmaster PR OFFICER DIES John F. Henegham, Are still in LONDON (Reuters)--The death the post office, They can't be de- of Col. Philip Astley, assistant di Mvered because of incorrect a | rector of publie relations with Al incomplete addresses, or {llegible led forces In Egypt and Italy Tiling during the war, was announc od "we today. He once was married (o CAT HIT JAN |: actress Madeleine Carroll JACKSONVILLE, Tt today | The marriage was dissolved In| y Ryan 4 es You like any other day, But the 1930 angine didn't purr, it howled, He filpped open the hood and af mangy cat staggered out, cut up but still on ita feet, The fan of the car was bent and the radi ator punctured Charle the hospital f checked vould 1 high to school yng n and I utive ( to pipe drive alter I Mass Held First Time In New Chu BOWMANVILLE A ated to ! attended midnigh Mass In the fl t Catholle isting WAS abou theft LT tiny Wan Ir an I Romar sree t service condu ed in the Josep! Libe | is south Roman Catholics from all part of the into church desl 100 In ol servance of the in manger and celebrate the mas {conducted by the tev, F. K, Malane Construction crews jammed ned to seat county miracle worke so that the Inter wld be eo Chr std the past week lof the new vt structure [| WEATHER TORONTO (CP)-Offleial fore casts issued by the publ ING DIES weather office at 5 am {YPSY KING DIE! Ro " ; . GYY BANS (AP)--A glass Synopsis: Warm alr NEW ORLE/ in ala central states continued flow of water and a chant aida ' into the province overnight and nifified that Waiter BY early this morning temperature 'r ' : ast Draw' Dad king of the Miguel gypsy tribel,, co, ihern Ontario ranged from i more than 20 years, 1s dead, Mi seven above at London to 27 : more Bled in a hospital here Move at London te | To Face Hearing Yankees Scout |v inet i te province Cricket Star, Russies Irked {the highest In the province | Southern Ontario will be part! cloudy today and continue mild}, with southwesterly winds as a disturbance moves Acros the north country. The north continue chiefly cloudy with occasional freezing dri \ (apy followed hy a trend Aus A AY ' as the disturbance tormal Hse ges into Quebec © This i 1d loooler air will reach southert yy considerable cloudiness and test [low light snowllurries Sunday he snowflurries are expected to be more frequent in the snow re this week belt area near. Lake Huron has been ballooned up| Reglonal forecasts valid hevond It proper propor | midnight Sunday | Hons ralbert sald. "The Yan Jake Erie, Lake Ontario, Niag i merely are Interested in|ara and Haliburton regions, To RN if out some things about this ronto, Windsor and Hamilton man. I am not an expert | Mainly cloudy with chance of a a fan" [few light snowflurries or showers | that the world baseball today Sunday Sloudy h th sunny | noni ! J re interested Intervals and a few lig AM Show hag on Yonkees 4 y struok [urries. A little colder Sunday this country like a bombs hell Winds south to southwest 18 to A The story was splashed over oday, west to northwest 18 Sun p fro sages and Australians day fe ki wy again at American! Lake Huron and Southern policies of sub idizing star ath. Georgian Bay reglons London Australians have heen dis Cloudy with chance of a few light turbed for years at exodus of snowflurries er showers today swimming stars to US. universi Sunday: Mainly eloudy with ready | ne for season | re mains to be di men ¥ ged t \ heer le, com from Ht pleted in time 0 CHIC jury A ( rOner I Fy fat! while prac \ w | on n new will A Iv KNOW VOI le In and cooling 0 RRISBANT nil Davis night move I'albert Cup capt east slight! n re today not | Klons by Sunday morning, giving baseball scout York Yankees a firm offer Australia's mal New made O'Nelll ericketer Talbert met O'Neill to erack expecting another ehild in Mel boy This until far young but only Nows Jetos cently 0 ing young feasional tours few colder with to Min 8 a 17 20 14 13 1] Max 14 LL TWO MEN tennis players for pro. today, northwest 18 Sunday {snowflurries and chance of drisele VANCOUVER (CP)---The 6,000: 115 north to northwest 18 Sunday ° palgn for substantial wage In dent of the group. The elections Winnipeg executive North Bay WTessIVe broke with the party 10 years ago To ties on scholarships and more re |snowflurries and a lite colder promis 3 Northern Georglan Bay," Kirk wee land Lake and Timmins-Kapus {kasing regions, Sudbury and «Fg Higher Wage g lor frecuing drizzle today. Sunda cloudy and a little [snowflurries. Winds south member Vancouver local of th International Woodworkers, TORONTO (OP) Tampera cof America (Ind) has swung to- tures Issued by the weather creases next year Dawson Members unseated long + time Victoria president Lloyd Whalen and Edmonton ... were held this week and results! Fort Willlam were announced Friday 8.8. Marie Three of Mr. Thompon's. sup: White River Mr. Thompson, who repudiated Sudbury active support given by the La Muskoka Airport bor Pr Communist) | Windsor after serving as an organizer, de 0 feated Mr. Whalen 2.589 votes ta'M 2.0530. Mr. Whalen had been presi: Ques the snatching Winds southwest to south 18 to 23 [North Bay: Cloudy with a Union's Aim nion 8 1 {southwest 18 to 26 today, shifting wards a faction urging a cam: (fice at # am elected Syd Thompson as presi | Regina porters were also named to the Kapuskasing party In the election and sald he!lLondon jent for 10 years Halltax 0 awa 1 rch parish priest, feverishly day and night, during Thickson vehicle was a complete ehocker problem which appeared scribed some of his r " v ' By JACK GEARIN Couple Will Make GOOD EVENING Home In Oshawa By GRACE MILLS AJAX A quiet wedding was | solemnized ¥riday, Dec, 28, 7 p.m. in the church parlor of { t, Paul's United Church, Ajax, when Mary Lou Wiles and Cam erom Lloyd Butler were married in a double-ring ceremony with ev, T. Rex Norman officiating. | The bride is the daughter of Mrs, Mildred Wiles, and the Inte Mr. George Wiles, Mary street, Ajax, and the groom ls the son of Mr, and Mrs. 8. L. Butler, Prince Edward Island A 61-year-old Oshawa-born veteran of the First World War who served overseas as a sergeant with Ontario County's 116th, holds one of the top executive positions in North [dress and corsage of red roses, | Miss Bhirley Wiles attended her | sister in a pink Viyella sheath) dress, matching feathered head-| \dress and corsage of white carna tions, Edward McGrath was best man, A reception followed at the home| of the bride where Mrs, Wiles re celved the guests in a brown taf feta gown and wearing a corsage | of pink and white carnations , Fine, for & honeymoon in| STARTED IN OSHAWA y Fastern points, the bride wore a| Cook started with Woolworth's | black persian lamb jacket over as a Junlor in the stock room in Montague her sheath dress, white feathered thelr Oshawa store on King street Phe bride was attired in a white hat and black accessories and red (west in 1913 when he was 16, Viyella flannel sheath dress, with! rose corsage Despite the hours of overtime round neckline and short sleeves,| On thelr return Mr. and Mrs, | (dressing windows and unpacking She wore a white feathered head-| Butler will reside in Oshawa, |merchandise), he got only '§7 a {week salary | Today he Is executive vice F. OBITUARIES {president of the WwW. Wool: | worth Co,, which owns and oper- | ates 2121 stores around the world, | PATTERSON Clifton which had total sales in 1067 of | Funeral I". Patterson J. J. 8623,606,128, an alltime company Palterson, B4 vood Patterson high WY 17 at hig Inte Mrs D. Souch and Miss Fva! Today his weekly salary residence, Jsghella street, Bramp- Patlerson, Orono, are sisters of $1501, or $78,080 annually, were held Dea 2€ from Me: the late Mr. Patterson If Cook's Horatio Alger » like unery pel, Lramp-| nw career proves one thing it is that Interment was in Brampton 2Ina, ROBERT ¥, WILSON S3i0er It NO I A oh TY Flory a Gem va) Hoss ital 1 Fiday a vital necessity for young men M }. " ' own Who would climb the ladder of Mr. Pat-|evening, Dec Jean Brown| vears ago |Creenshielc heloved wife = of | SUCCESS Toronto to Robert Frame Wilson, 476 Wilson| Cook attended Albert Street past president [road north, The deceased, who Public School, the old Oshawa ipal Bowling Club, [Was In her 73rd year, had heen High Schoo! and Bhaw's Business ident of Humberside | seriously 111 for nearly a month, |B hool, Toronto (the latter for six nd 8 member ofl A daughter of the late Mr, and|months), bul he was never grad vling Club [Mrs Robert Greenshields, Mr, [uated from high school member of Wilson was horn June 20, 1886,) His first job in 1012 when he Brampton, and a at Douglas, 1 ire, Beot- was 16 was that of 8 baker's as and secretary of land and was married there Nov. sistant to the late D, M, Todd wirch Sunday | 8, 1907 on King street west, Oshawa, He vard Park| The deceased came to Oshawa|gave up school and took that to School, and Canada from Coalburn ald his widowed mother land, 10 years She Manager of the Oshawa Wool member of worth store in those days was the Church late W. F, Musselman. Cook did almost ever menial task from cloaning floors to wrapping par | cels (| His father and his uncle, the late Willis Cook, worked for the f old McLaughlin Carriage Co, now a part of General Motors of Can ada Lid Has he any advice for young he people who would succeed In to Funeral [day business world In this regard, he says "If 1 had advice to give, brief ly slated, it. would he this: a business, to be successful, 4] service in all its Iphases, and to a large degree he lable to Interpret the future It {naturally follows that a young {person entering the business {world should develop these same [qualities, fully realizing that any {business is highly competitive and, therefore, constant striving for betterment must be the ob jective," Cook still retains a deep alec tion for Canada and each sum {mer visits his estate In Port Ont,, for a vacation, When Battalion today America, He Is Herb Cook, son of the late Richard Cook and Louisa Smith Cook of Port Hope, Ont, (per CUff and two Norval and Hom for who services Toronto De ; is i} voars with the Gordon |AWE ( Toronto, U h, Of 0 retired od Brampton, He of tl Muni | seven from wh HERBERT COOK Battalion and served overseas Grace When : arke he returned home hurel Mnark member wv United ( and later at Ho ( inday Toronto store as an In September, 1920, of a manager n|Kehos ! appointed Pembroke manager and later aged stores In Sherbrooke, Qu and Vancouver, B.C 1926, he was superintendent ur § Reot an 1 wreh 8 store no Was a Presbyterian I'oronto widow, the Knox a daughter Cop his od (Dorothy Wi o Cora A One Accident At Port Hope Othe edge Y H In January moted Besides her hushand she leaves two daughters Mrs J Hell (Jean), of Oshawa and My (Jessie of beotland David Robert Oshaw . Bely to of group of stores nter and this time wa ent superintendent's from Fort William to Halifax In 1934, he went Toronto office as buyer subsequently in I'homas, o and Ar Alan, i" and } land thur, of Courtice {8eot Gavin | a and 0 January Miso surviving are 18 grand a served a PORT HOPE than one childrer rt In. held | LiChapel 20, fo a Cemelery three Ble an Acc ian Chureh Toronta road which |yic mn the or tow memorial will Armstr Monday [ ervice Mtly " one y person was Hoy ( al the 1045, he was manager of FP ad, Canada must In many the execul a jee 1958, he vice-pres appointed W. Woolworth ( f ed a qu Box Por 4 urbed hollda pas {mas and at p.m Ded Inter | hy by me in Os! "Mil owed Ie i [] 1040 office In New Yo 2% January { At 6.45 p.m, Dec Ve: roy, min r of Knox ah " Ve hicles were | ved vill cond the sor ve of t on the od In a total of $1100 in dam David O, Martin, 123 chan street, was treated In Port Hospital for a bruised leg) discharged the same fen " VAS ' {dent ul 16 Stra Cook's last August 19, he enlargement street re-unlong CITY AND DISTRICT $20,000 DAMAGE, h SONYA A $20,000 fire Linklater, 286 Walton giroved the combination treet, responded to the call and | nq vaneral store of Mr. and Mrs parked his truck behind the stall | May here Wednesday after hicle noon, As a result of the fire Mr, |¥1gin According police a north: ood Mrs. May and their five chil-[the time for retirement arrives bound car driven by Henry dren have been left homeless {he expects to reside In Port | ; h Mhickson, RR 1, Camphelieroft, 1, AU of Wo He. is un. Elgin, Fishing and. golf are his ambition on New Year's eve 8 erashed into the rear of the two i, oun |favorite recreations 4 fy les Writing to this column recent. the eity, Hope i night Experiencing engine trouble he parked his car by the side of the) road and called a tow truck, Al-| of the was store nt that time started with the firm here de \ on A home t his visit NEW YEAR'S NOTES ) Damage to the tow truck was ly in answer to a questionnaire The Come Double CHECKER SOLUTION A h 114200, to the Martin car $800, The career, Cook de-|Northminster Following is the solution to the|resarding his memories" of Oshawa this way "Looking back It seems [some of my fondest memories est hopes of the officials [Ae around my school days, Wr. and Mrs land pals, and particularly the old|qq presidents, hole, which at that the f 139, 811, 6-14, 23:16, In Friday's {ssue 18:11, 128, 11:20, White wins wreck 7 3 73 Society Given Old Documents PETERBOROUGH (CP) | MEETING of the Rotary swimming ROTARY | The new member Club of Oshawa report that YOAr will pro heon n'a spot called The Grape Vine little later I had a lot of fun/ihe lower ginging In the church cholr and attending young people's meet ngs at Simcoe Street United) Chureh," [program at the elub lur Al rled couples Hotel Genosha next Monda many of 'them Age group attend What pleases the Taggart's a thelr associates no end Is t fact that the same members a returning each year and th many are bringing friends wi them (admission Is restricted members and thelr | Young people of the church a also welcomed A | Three docwments---one bear signature of Peter Rob adder of Peterborough's roup of Irish settlers--have volved In an accident with a car| Cook Is married to the former by anonymous driven by P. Frayer, of #6 Wil-|Phyllis E, Moore of Brantford, Ident of the city to the jjam street west, Friday at 350/0nt,, and they have one daugh local historical society pm, The accident occurred at|ter, Mrs, Murray McCullough, Dr. Ralph Honey, president of MaoMillan drive and Elgin street, | Toronto, and one son, Herb Cook, ¢ soclety, sald he could not re: Damage totalled $450 [Jr., 22, assistant manager of the the name of the donor | | Woolworth store In Galt, Ont, He to be host tof COTTAGES ENTERED has two sisters In Toronto, Mrs, | the 1950 annual convention of the WHITHY Two cottages wert [Klsle Cook and Mrs, Vera Gars| June broken into at Heydenshore Park den, He has three relatives In| pected to $450 A car driven by J of 163 Park DAMAGE A. Keenan, road north 0 the t was In (ven an former re . on Poterborough | candlelight service will rio Soclet he |The passenger line eventually ran| went to work for Woolworth's in|from the Harbor to Rossland | assistant road he pro a/franchise to the company to con. he held this posi tion for eight years and during and fre in charge of differ districts! were subsequently entered to nd 0 he went into rk president, and in June, elected executive Kelth Taggart, each attendance gets larger fe the/time was In the Oshawa Creek at|and this year more than 50 mar in are ex nd he re at th to friends) re be Ont fr 19 I'he weed on dl and documents pl Historical |] Friday night, Police discovered Oshawa; Mrs, Ida Cook, Grierson at that the break-ins this morning, Noth lavenue, was married to his late ling taken, This second brother, Will; Mrs, Mary Cook eriep of break-lns In two weeks of 240 Burk street, 1s the widow J, ( fie resort On the last/of his late brother, Howard; and Peterborough's occasion four cottages were en: Ron Cook, 85, a nephew | teachers, as well|tered. Nothing was stole Policel Cook's rise in the Woolworth of many other |sald early today that the owners hierarchy was not an overnight dents of the time Cons affair, Soon after he was trans Wool Scatter Rugs Sale 1,50 each NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY I play ime VAN Is the I'he three the one documents bear the Rey ame of Robert in area I'aylor 0 rile se hool n gnatures RA 130% minent re thad not been contacted yet Kenneth Edwards John Mason are investigating lest 1s believed to have stables and | ferred to Belleville he enlisted in ton before 1839 . al 0 RE GRR BREWIN SSR URS RIG RR Re ua NEW YEAR'S DAY brings another twelve-month of opportunity, hope and promise. For most Canadians January 1st is A HOLIDAY ~a& time for recreation and enjoyment. | Office, business and social festive fies will be happier, safer and free from later remorse if we celebrate New Year's WITHOUT DRINKING, Keep this a safe and sober holiday NOT an ""ALCOHOLIDAY" THINKING drivers don't DRINK DRINKING drivers don't THINK LIPS on it's -UNHURT AS VEHICLE F \ he and George Main Also to rest The acel dent occurred just east of Osh awa, at 30 a.m, today, A pictured above came Toronto from pas bruised roof on THE BOARD OF EVANGELISM AND SOCIAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA new to Ireland and his were even to go skiing in who when their hy anothee tu d and came | station | ok nier e not on he vehicle il end 28 § REERNRBOHRB LEY for end, rolled ever Oshawa Times Phote hi SEE VEE ANNE AAR SHG SY | | | [held fu Te chuweh [ | "for a coup) y| dancing and a buffet lunch com hi] 1 ' eake and coffee" { menu?' we asked, the original 116th Ontario County eorner the tween the company and the town| man: touncil May 5, 1608 and May 17,| various ment was signed providing for executive capacities, In January, discontinuance of the use of pas general Senger visit to Oshawa was! 1056, that it will discontinue the 1064, al the time of hug service after the expiration K1ng of the 20-year agreement One of his happlest| was with the late Miss Bertha Hawley who in| 1012 and who was floor and per sonnel supervisor at the time of new Year's An Oshawa club has one prime | to hold the biggest dry' party in| Club of United Chureh "fondest (started these 'dry' New Year's parties three years ago and thelr that | popularity has exceeded the fond | {when they are not dancing to| spproni stely 12:50 a.m, What fun can a couple have at "dry" party en New Year's? There Is nothing dull, or staid, shout these Come Double parties | which are held in the lower hall | of the church, ¥ach year the hall| Brant Mother is decorated with gay streamers, | ' balloons and greetings to give it| BRANTFORD (C , Mr» n festive atmosphere Th e| Allee Vivian Hill, charged guests sit at small tables, not un-|the brutal sxe slay' of her fke those at regular might clubs,|B-vear-old daughter Nola, one of six children in their Six Nations reservat last Nov, 17 was committed to trial Fridey by Magistrate John T, Shillington, Mrs, Hill is also charged with another ing daughter, three yearold Cecilie, However, she faced only one charge Friday. The two youngsters were found bludgeoned to death in thelr | Child Murder Charge Faces recorded tape music, ls There are also plenty of games| ever try dancing with your| hands behind your back and an| inflated balloon separating you from your partner? Bald one member: | "New Year's eve can de. sat , but the tariff is t| at the Come Double Clu per | downstairs bedroom, couple -- and you can have a| ling in bed, Cecilia was found truly wonderful time, 1 think|!ving partially on the floor and that's because they attract the Partially in a baby's go-cart, right erowd -- no dead heads, Beven witnesses were called in. "This 83 Includes music and plete with tu and eranber- ries, relishes, salads, ham, fruit Hospital; EI Hill, a neighbour and the cused's 14-year - old Christine, Christine told the court thet with her brother John, oie ran jah ace "Is coffee the only drink on the no," came the reply, "They also serve delicious punch ~ made of fruit julce and ginger ale. It tastes real good, too, and I'l tell you one thing about | it doesn't carry one hangover in a carload, or in 10 carloads," THE BUS SERVICE It Is Interesting to note that the present Oshawa bus service is a continuation of a service com: menced June 18, 1605, when the first electric street car, Trolly (No, 12, made its run from the of Bloor and Simeoe [stréets north to the Four Corners to the home of Elijah a nel , and g him out of bed, he returned Thinks Rabies ' Epidemic To | Last Months PETERBOROUGH (CP) wo A rabies epidemic In Peterborough County Is expected to last until | next spring, J, H, Leslie, a local | veterinarian, sald Friday, Mr, Leslie blamed the eold 1094, which were ratified and con eather for keeping foxes mov. Pali Bunga BuiBo ing and sald the rables epidemie acts, The agreements granted alls "nicely started," | Garnett Coppaway of the Curve struct a rallway for' passenger| Lake Indian Reserve killed a fox ight service on the streets With an axe Friday when it ran Other agreements In front of his car five miles into|south of Lakefield, Herbert {respecting the operation of the Payne of Peterborough shot a allway steer on his farm northeast of On October 27, 1039, an agree: ¥innis more Towns hip Tuesday when he noted rables symptoms {n hs herd, A neighbor, Willlam Ayotte, clubbed to death a fox believed to have been responsible for infecting the animal, Agreements were signed be of Oshawa street cars and com- mencement of & motor bus serv. lee, This did not restrict or Inter. fere with the right of the rallway| A dog owned William Pres to operate its freight service, sick of Cordova Mines, northeast The present hus franchise willlof Havelock, Is under observation expire December 31, 1060, The after it was attacked by a fox, CNR, which owns Oshawa Rall-(The animal escaped before Mr, {way Co,, gave notice October 2,|Pressick or his brother Harry could kill it, Two rabid foxes were shot in the same district last week, COMING EVENTS ® party, tokets on sale BI NGO Wear, Juviles Pavilion Dee, 7 Coronation Orange Temple SAT, DEC, 27 --8 PM, 20 Regular Gomes Shore The Wealth 4-340 Jackpots te go, 1==$150 Special to go. 302¢ [Kinloeh's M | | KINSMEN BINGO (CANCELLED) During Hollday Season STARTING AGAIN TUES, JAN. 6, 1959 Dec. 30 WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30TH CLUB BAYVIEW dyron Stree South, Whitby == Games start at 8 p.m, Bus Service from Oshawa Terminal 28¢ retum Special Game of $300 2 $250 Jockpot games $20 each horizontal line Tat game == S58 numbem $200 o full card 2nd game =~ 51 numbers 5 gomes ot $30 Consolation $25 each gome 20 games ot $20 Top line must go tonight, $50 $1.00 odmission Includes | sord, daor prize and free admission tickets =~ & New Year fowl will be given away Procesds go to the purchase of Instruments for Whitby Bonds J NEW YEARS BINGO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH | | ADMISSION 50 CENTS 10 TURKEYS DOOR PRIZES Dec, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 2 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 8 P.M, CASH $1 1300.00 CASH PRIZES : PRIZES $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING Four Prizes, $50, $25, $15, $10 TWO $250 JACKPOTS (55-53) ONE $150 JACKPOT (must go) 20 games at $205 games at $30 Plus Free Pass to Person on Right of Every Regular Winner $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100 CASH DOOR PRIZES BUS SERVICE TO DOOR RED BARN (TURN LEFT ONE BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) 302¢