The Oshawa Times, 27 Dec 1958, p. 1

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THE TIVES 4 WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Bunday mainly eloudy, a Witle Classified, Adve tising RA 5.3493 oolder, with a few light snow All other ealls ,...... RA 3.8474 : flurries, VOL, 87--NO, 304 Fila Net yer 2 SHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1958 A estas Shows SIXTEEN PAGES Q EUROPEANS AWAIT | CURRENCY CHANGES Fugitive Caught : Danish Kroner | British Pound 'By Fingerprints Ee reed May Lead Way i \ . | LONDON (Reuters) Indica. ment, transferable sterling would DILGO, Calif, (AT)-Dan: two shots were fired and the eon. COPE NHAGEN theirs! The | tions in various European contros (be merged In the fully converts y } © | 'HERE ; mT ' of William O'Connor, 20, one of stable was plstol-whipped, Ax a|DAnIsh government today an:| ape that an announcement on the ible variety at a single exchange BACKWOODS CABIN WHERE BHOOTING TOOK PLACE the fugitives most wanted by the|resiult a warrant charging at-| nounced the Danish kroner would) ove vinility of sterling and|r ate, Informal convertibility, ROMP and. the IPB, was pleked| tempted murder was Laken out,|De made freely convertible from | pn European ourencies is im-|which has prevailed since 1068, up near here Friday on a petty] The IBI called O'Connor a/Monday minent would become formal ice U T h Defici theft warrant chronie hogus cheque passer. Hel Trade Minister Kjeld Philips | France's expected currency re Poli 0D 56 ear CG as Fourt e 1c1t ielghhors at nearby BI Cason had been sought for taking stolen|lold a press conference this meas So sivas eonliizattion will, my is regarded here as A . a knew the big red-haired man as properly across a state boundary, ure had been decided on by the |r nn oo "m Cevnarts in Lon. Means to ourh inflafion before | Building Up Art Nelson, na gardener and|Using a number of aliases he vie government after discussions with ig hos In oni Pre od centres | he ax = nation common market andyma Himized merchants with fraudu.|the Danish National Bank, It WAR od little doubt that this long.|Pesins operation Jan, 1 . In: an effort to evade eapture,|lent money orders In Montana, |In line with British proposals for Bobbie: / ~ . . IT Grab M i 1 rder S | py S £4 't Figures Show O'Connor had gained 68 pounds, | North Dakota and Oregon, agents| convertibility of sterling fiviliel SUStRy ¢ ange world 10 MEET COMPETITION dved his hair ved, grown a big ih rod Wold | A ministry statement sald that| gay y ly Puch goods Vil in subjected OTTAWA (CP he federal sandy moustache and added a yConnor was arrested Vric AY|the par valire of the kroner would 4 0 much mo MM LILO a Convertibility of sterling would " A pA n EAR FALLS, Ont, (CP) Tom| Const. Fulford, transferred to outside the cabin door in. the government Is well on Its way I on on his arm, He insisted hi oni Warren. sharging Wim withihe unaltered, The rate of ex be confined to non vesldarta Shiu ude, Fran b prices i } A A h 0 ! i] 5 - " eo 4 1h py Lo eo - Young, 24, was charged Friday Var Falls last month, was shot snow. Albert Young was dead on|ch king up Wa fourth post-wai 16 Art Nelson A " 6 was pleked up al change would remain at 6.90% people 1ving outside Britain and i a the other five with murder in the Christmas| when he investigated the trouble (a bed In the rear of the larger deficit the other parts of the sterling). viet countries West Germs Day shooting of a woman and| Provincial police corporal Dick room and on the floor immedi: On operations in (area, 1t would not in itself make| yu "1ialy, Holland Belgium and . 4 {x " to Len ake § { telv in f f h in the!fiscal year ending March | hm ol 8 four men, one of them his father, | Bender of led Lake sald that ately in front of a couch In the Ts A ( oy ih I A RR are WiC, He will be arraigned here Mon any difference to Britons and the HARA Young, who was flushed out of when the Gordons and the two same room was George Williams, | government alread i] 0 Re J i " J other residents Xxembot a eabin by police using tear gas, [youths areived at the Young's|/The body of Mrs, Gordon was on|the ved by 174,000,000, Finance Ing often and vorking al odd Jobsida | 3 ACES WORTH | France's uncompetitively bigh y I | He! ) . | | y i to avold using a social security TWO STERLING TYPES prices are one reason why she has harged | Kene eourt/eabin one of them yelled He's the couch, Police sald it ap | Minister FFlemin has budgeted | IRL | was charged in Kenora court) ef | [refused to accept still-wider come specifically with the murder of [standing with a gun cocked peared she had been dragged Into for a record peacetime deficit of | Ay ROMY for more than elght Holida Death ONE GOOD BELT Technically, the change would | tition trom a Britishp | Y | ot James Gordon, 26, Young was re:| David ran around one side of|the shack from outside $700.000,000 and this figure ma LAWRENCE, Mass, (AP)- |DF 10 unity the present two "Brit. | Fawropean tree trade area of 17 fut his fingerprints trapped his rented trailer in an KI Cajon|for the US, dollar and 19.54 for the eurrent [him and he admitted his identity, (trailer park. He offered no re: the pound sterling. 41 the He sald he had lived in the San|sislance | ears had sought O'Connor, who nded one week without plea. the building, Jol i the! In Kenora, provincial police in- be exceeded " oh [ ] . of non-resident sterling, In Brit. | ' Mae DE A ie out plea, i eh Hy A yo dpa bh spector Tom Corsle sald there| The business recession of thig[!8 olt-horn, He Is alleged to | Judge William E, Daly heard |i "one tune eatled American ac.| Countries. bi Russ Jl hilh BY na, SL Ley Sioned Shel were Indications the woman had|year plus government pump. have de erted from (he United 0 ow testimony about a poker count sterling held by residents! When a owvency is devalued, ice constable Calvin Russelljother they heard a shot and a " | States Army May 6, 1046 and 'eft : game and then dropped a |of lo {gold and foreign currency prices ulford. 20: Gordon's 17-year-old scream. then three more shots. Deen raped. He said her clothing priming fo counteract growin i charge against James Hester [Of the dollar area, alway has ine automatically, When the ara: oung . torn and she was bruised, unemployment hrought declining el iarge against | 4 ib! . hi er vip Police maid the pair rah to the on AY HUQ: | ovonen and gremter txpendh rel ed mone) angen ¥ ia Wake Halfway Mark [ of assault and battery on his bush Sonvactible. 1066, the other|[Ta0C Was devalued by one-sixth ( a, Aan i 3 ) i hrot i" ANAC ( | 3 Willlams' home nearby and FIVE A J ure the government's treasury thre if inada ar \ ' Miah hoping Buen able sterling and is held by all| 1 siring of for cheques and in August 1087, the franc price of gold and foreign currencies autos matically rose by 20 per cent, wife, Hester testified Friday emploving an enormous number By THE CANADIAN PRESS he was holding three aces Police said ht the constable Williams and Const. Fulford the possible whereabouts of Tom| 13 November, the government ' nin i The 4-day Christman holiday] And his wife would not lend countries outside the dollar and ware Revel Krad et 4 Lac had advanced to within 60 feet of | Young when John Bannantyne, a |operated in the red hy $70,500,600 } Ma ST haan plied period passed the halfway mark nm A-dollat fo bet the hand, sterling areas, has been Inform " Seul Indian reserve, Const, Ful-|!he cabin when they were fired prospector from Gold Pines, told and in the first eight months of Heton. B.C. fi lid a tip that|YS terday and a Canadian Press Wlhiat did the other fellow |ay "convertible, France Takin tord. his wife and three children at hy a 30-30 rifle, The police.|/them he had seen him at hislithe fiscal vear the deficit total i$ fit Neing " RM Hin national survey showed 83 per | hve?! asked the Judge Recently the difference be g ' man was fatally wounded but!grandparvents' home five miles lod $174,000,000, This compared '® WAR HVInE Tere sons had met aceldental deaths Only two pairs," replied i ey mo on qd IW are le | A tween the two rates has nar-| ne ia vy A Nth push Willams ran on to the cabin, away, with a deficit of $1,000,000 on the an L Hi ¢ a iren o ' fous the finee noon the day before Christ:| Hester, a oan | te S 0 ut ' 'entieton 160 ENCADN . community in Northwestern On.| - Mrs. Fulford, told by an Indian| They located Young at the month's operations a year earlier ponrn orficer after a struggle mad Mrs, Hester testified her |puiiish authorities always con | ' The fatalities listing winds up| husband knocked her against | tario about 78 miles north of Ken-|youth that her husband had been|cabin home, While three of the and an eight month surplus of rp a revolver, The RCMP sald Y \ ' ' verted transferable sterling into ora shot at, called provincial police | policemen sat out front in the car |$239,100,000 -------- [ot idnight SHadny 1 , a chair when she refused to dollars 'whenever its rate came ranc da ue Police sald the shooting oc. at Red Lake, Cpl, Render and a another broke a window in the However, ihe March 31 deficit di ra el tied 1 Viel give him the dollar, under undue pressure, 8 a shi | seo Wiice sl 0 y this ye thi 0 the Seco ! d i) | PA -- eurred shortly after midnight second officer arrived at the oabin and tossed two tear gas this year third since the Hed ol Egypt Gets Russ in After the expected announce RIS (Reuters) a a } r ' | Wor Jar STN D mishaps, There were three deaths ween | aOOK dha wday when the Gordons went scene and found Const, Fulford (bombs, Cpl, Bender sald Young| World War. was &,022,000 a oxi Thursday day and gn eurrency Williams, 47 George went for the police The officers were conferring on siatement showed Friday night party, They were accompanied Reinforcements were sent from | mother followed oeipts slipped CAIRO Menters) Soviet | and] David Willams, 16, son of Dryden and Kenora and at day-| Young gave himsel! up without November and §664,000,000 in the (nited Arab Republic representa: Ontardo led with 18 d George Williams, and John break the policemen entered the a struggle, Cpl, Bender sald eight-month period, tolal révenues|jves will sign an agreement to ot them rt Roam " deathe, abe J Young, 17-year-old brother of the Young cabin Young was earrying Const, Ful:|declined to $360.400,000 in the! day under which Russia will lend] FEE SE CEEANAY BUCCI meeting on the country's accused, The body of James Gordon lay|ford's revolver in his back pocket, [month and 82,046.000,000 In the ithe UA R, 400,000,000 rubles qonine in Br te n i frat i For oon olal situation early this morni . oumulative period (about $02,400,000 at the offiefal| Ft J SRAREREE 8 Riish Col) . . and scheduled another session | These figures compared with exchange rate) to help finance |; + Ry - A A 3 a, Man later In the day, Meanwhile, Pres hd | Chi : A corporation tax collections ofthe Aswan 1ligh Dam project, | ih \ duehee 4 (3), New| eARACAS, Venesuela (AP)-|course from the Canaries to Pe. mier de Gaulle prepared te 1 Ke tarr 005 | 1ppIng way $50,000,000 in November 1007 Premier Nikita Khrushchev an Hg i y hs a h Now 4 Boon ? Aerial searchers tried today to|dernales. it would have passed broadcast to the nation tomorrow | and BHI53.300,000 In the ¢ nounced Oct, 23 the money would dor) an ewfoundiand (Labra pin down unconfirmed reports about 140 miles southeast of Bar. MEht on the new economic meas: . month period last year F'otal he used for machiner equip "™ wid . from ham radio operators that ; ures. At Ice Barrier revenues in those periods were!ment and -other materials lack The tragic _weore mounted jo Ta iich palloon Small World bados I'rench newspapers forecast a irainst the hackground of The three men and the wife of| jayaluation of between 10 and 30 1 ht p 1 t $405, 000,000 and $3.304 000.000. re. ing in the UA TL Technicians and Canadian Hig) 4 "had landed in eastern Venesuela 1 . m \ nk a yan navi ang ghway Safety Con. | 5" a . one of them rode In a gondola be per cent for the fra ow . B g Blocking Ships pectivel OXPOrS Als d be provided. |i ance forecast of 80° traffic Mer 8 transatiantie flight neath the balloon, They had es: no, Row off} of a light plane In Labrador : I RECEIPTS / by fire, one drowning and six fat -- EE ---- to Albert Young's two-room eabin/in the snow, His revolver was came out pushing belore him his INCOME RECEIPTS DOWN " } 4 home to get some records for a missing blind grandfather, His grand-| As corpoiation Income lax ree Rubles For Dam [lites not classified hy category hd : sactions suspended as the fn 470,000,000. In f ne of the whx was in the orah ed rc red ernment moved foward an 4 L pected devaluation of the fra The cabinet ended a six. jo 4 " clally pegged at 420 to the dollar, deaths alone In the period from| The alr search began Friday timated that the trip would take The BeRkec. cabinet the dollar; TTAW bo} abhor Minister thi inter will fall helow the . . Wo, ¥ y sr the Jungle area of the Orin: {hres w . OTTAWA (C1 ) : i h ie of p hha LiAulL tlow tha MONTREAT CP) The pros PX Ta > ro, p y bok, delta free Weeds. Mey had Jood 9.4 growing reports that Britain plan. Mare said in a yearend m h ar nol of cel ating Nex vi oe onvic S 1V e | 1 wl year, there were 8 ace 000 three months in the 15%-by-7%: 10d to make its pound convertible sage Friday he believes unem ; urthermore, #t is encourag Lig Phin hb aol cldental deaths during a shorter he amateur radio operators 7 h-foot gondola, which was bullt |e, people living outside the ster ployment this winter will be less Ing to note thal the estimate of Christmas season, 3 of them vie: reported the balloon and Ita four to double as a lifeboat if neces: |ing area than that of last winter : Hise Frito ote AM seeking | oo) trapped in the harbor hy a . tims of automobile erashes passengers had landed near Pe: sary [ In Norway and Denmark, However, President Claude VOI Rian 1heteane much leas), ied array of ice 10 1 e ac < . dernales, a Veneruelan port onl "This was the Hrst attempt of a/meanwhile, all foreign exchange Jodoin of the Canadian Labo babi from the seasonal low in Two government leehreakers Traffic Toll the Atlantic at the northern odie tree balloon to float across 'the quotations were suspended for the Congress said in another message | ANEUSL of this year than was the BOY RINGIL learns of the wide delta. The town Is Atlantie, The purpose' was today to awalt the new currency that heavy unemployment ap. 0ase in 1967 the NR. McLean and the Ernest] KINGSTON (CP Pwo cons and Turpin had finished halt. a just 20 miles west of the tip of gtudy weather conditions and maves pears in prospect, le criticized | The government's latest esti Lapointe today continued to chip viets 'walked away from the [two-vear sentence for theft On US R d Mrinidad In the British West In | wind currents, Prince Philip was| France's ban on foreign ours governments for not taking mate indicated 361,000 unem hua al We Yoo Ne ans re [Joyceville prison farm 12 mil ext word of the fugitives was Ne 0d S dies [the patron rency transactions Friday night stronger action ployed In mid-November, an in ih \ He I yorwl ho wa | "e*Inartheast of here Friday from the Gananoque police 10 a . The report gained strength {made It certain that the govern Morte NO'KINnE ne J Ww A J "Although unemployment con: erease of 65,000 for the same time Jor 0 Yorkin ley wi \¢ hy a | They got a lft back courtesy miles southeast of Joyceville, who Still limbs when Communications Minister . | ment plathned to introduce new sre at all avincial police and the ¥potted a stolen car belonging to 11 C Osear Machado Zuoaga was) COMMUNISts Rob [financial measures as part of a year dowhilreal of their. seven | Rel Sloane of Sunbury village! oa an (am Careless Quoted fn Caracas newspapers as {general economic overhaul, Only h ' ) hal wl eh hey pursued it : p I ould OV ving: ¢ $4 the country show that goy hours at large probably made & Ve ¢ ey pu ving X Wristmas saving the balloon had landed In h h Off tourists who could prove they ; westward along Highway 2 after] VINE swelled the. Christmas enova 1ces were leaving the country by Mons 4 iid 4 ih Agents for the trapped ships, th the suel ing the other way M Mart ernment efforts to stimulate wort them wonder if it was worth the period traffic toll in the US. to. Veneriela sre also hoping that twa mare tify the 1} { tac) A y | y ) '® exe : > 0 hoping notifying the Kingston detach: (qa yy safety officials held hope NOT CONFIRMED |, BERLIN (AP) -. Secret pallce (14% Alint i Oo hal {from Communist Bast Germany ell-intormed inanclal quar inter employment are providing trouble said for Jobs atljoh ¥ ® icehreakers, the Montcalm and " ' I'K. Gordon. 20. and Ron. [Ment of the proving lal police oy ai tatalit nt not Il Our registrations for Jo the Labrador, would soon join the aro sorcion, 20, and Hoh" | hien d | » Wal auto fatalities might not tj oy ' N fon Author p , . | ahr ( espatched a cruiser to The Civil Aeronaution Author. [ters expected the reforms to ine > evi \ , 1 Wn 98 th of the an ™ av recon S a poke the national employment Service pROVINCES COOPERATE effort to clear a path for the ald Turpin, 2, both of the Oa aie ihe flight wn alltime holiday record ity sald, however, that it had hee Joliaved to have broken into) olva"the creation of A "hoavy" have tapered down from the "a tte ! seas freighters to the St [tawa district, disappeared from The traffio tally, which soomed 4 he report, 1t|!h® West Berlin headquarters of| high, While they in he municipal winter works Overseas freighter 0 the A kating vink! The Sloane car wheeled off lan Christ Day a. | hothing to confirm the repor the Jehovah's Witnesses, West|('ane, worth 100 present frane springtime high 1 yearly | lnCentive program recently in: Lawrence ult and the compara: (the prison farm skating PKG SE TRG ECEGEL TON Christmas Day to a record: (ae supervising the search by a Berlin police said today. {an adjusted rate for the he ereased from Je usual ye ry if [troduced by the federal govern. Hvely smooth-sailing Atlantie around 3:18. pm. There were i Puls hortivwest and i ins HY a breaking pace, Stl was "substan: | communications ministry DXCA \ police sald today [frane to other currencies with a che y early fal ¢ loxing | orthwe and Joins gh Iv ahead" rT d EN Reporte 3 ag low point reached i vork details Boxing Day an tally ahead" of the 620 deaths| par searching for an hour or| Secret files containing names|gertain convertibility; and a coms N \ proximately r n > way 18 It also leads almost pre \ ' . ay PORE . ha 3 they now are at appl toh: fram pravineiat: authorities most of the conviets at the min. | Wipredicted for the four-day holl-ljwa (he plane was forced by and addresses of 1,200 residents| on monetary policy for the six the same level as last year and even now several thousands Bridge Collapses imum = security institution spent Sadie hack io Joy eetilie a day period by the National Safely] qavkness to land of East Germany were stolen, nations of the new European It the trend continues andi i ognaiiane are hard at work y the day in recreation hicle fail Bron, | Re. 5 0ARE Ve Council bi The Small World cast of Dec, | Money and othe: articles Wore sommon market--France, Italy, 1 believe it will-the figure for op "Chi otherwise be unem F : ht D il d AL 4 pm., after a search of the hi iy oe "iy make a ra and! However, a NSC spokesman re: 19 from Santa Cruz de Tenerife untouched West Germany, the Netherlands, reg eraie grounds failed to turn up the two i=, : "od i police. whe didn't ported early today that the soar-jy the Canary Islands, 68 miles| Membership in the Johovah's| Belgium and Luxembourg, The . rangement." EDMUNDSTON. NR Cp) men, they were declared on the RB the lonevilie t sit] } ne toll might not he hound fori nif the coast of Morocco, The Witnesses Is forbidden in East common market begins operas Little Chance the government." he added,(Twelve cars of a CNR fast loose. Gordon had a vear to ga CGO, B80 GRAVES ECR Y he Wldime hgh of H06 raffle] goal wan to drift with the winds Germany tions next Thursday, \ Y on & five-year streteh far robbery | Nore 1 the stolen car The pair deaths, set in a similar Christ to Rarbados, some 3.000 miles surrendered meekly and were re imas period two years ago way in the West Indies Federa . . 1 ¥ 5 ) J A) | Wy sles . 1) 1 2 Big Airlines J i Jb doing 44 par el 1 oh y Sha ol pan vey harmed to the prison--only about he NSC based its hope on 4|{ion i hl anadians general o en: the Quisibis R collapses . IX miles away am, EST figures which showed| p | Ee ppo T | ¢ W Wabi edernales is about 3,450 miles| + : he " op run iy fot im Pva cars and a eahoose Italian aX Phen Mp, Sloane got his ear|this year's toll at 345 deaths. At/from the takeoff point and 300 woving their standards & J \ orl $8 fee X > ¢ At Work Soon Joyment " livin RUAINS Te' or piunget 38 foot tu the dite) hack a comparable period in 1956, the miles southwest of Barbados, If Wmen ivi : Conductor Jean-Marie Pelletier twas all over by 11 pm death count stood at 3nd the balloon followed a straight NEW 10k A Noota «Peroni. | am convinced rtoman cored "coin | GO1@CTONS IN al with all levels of govern \ antinue tod hetween ' \ \ tions continu bd ont, Industry and labor aware Kastern Afr Lin | PE LO es escaped with a shaking up BR { | LJ LJ ° ean Airline md | King ON WHINE to co-aperate towardsiy ooo feet of torn track. Officials i \ N a\ men emploved on 13 ocean ves tinues to be a serious problem there are indications economic pendulum now | from Lake Nt Peter WW mile that the| My. Starr said reports from hectie character ment Is meeting with coopera ployed were (1 not for this ay | continue to take every step freight were derailed Friday | aban ¥ 1ay role the caboose down hut e required solutions, the next!caid rail traffic on the 25.mile| - ROME (AP he Rome slots, but there ¥ nothing \ ¥ wld nothing but good | gireteh hetween St. Leonand and collector and the city's st that the pect tha \¢ \ Wi! AY were emh A Edmundston would he suspended MONEY ear tore ambi "or uw led . oud BEY nok A The CT4"s President Jodoin for at least a week today In their annual guessin Brin i In Miami Friday night, federal Said the foremost problem fac he train had 7 loaded cars Baie mediator Warren Lane said of the Init Canadians Is unemployment 'and six empties The tax office published the re ] Eastern strike We're righ! at ports of taxable income for 1% i \ submitted hy leading taxpave a stalemate, | \ 1 her \ ub . gg n't want another woman to hastily dug grave near here last|walked from the jury room one ; : 86 bb It alse publi at | A repor \ \ \ x that lon ; Pars. an etiialal mates of hos oh: tt % wave her hoy Sunday. But at midnight Christ [hour and 40 minutes later awaited word from the Air 1 earned Ni ( orney Rav Gustaf. 8 night he called in his jallers Duncan, 30, a bushy haired even Where nwa talkin Pilots A \ ) hout Mrs. Kliga have confessed to God and man with heavy, dark-rimmed pain' fo ; \ - . , : eth asked forgivenes he told them [slasses, told reporters he had ators an a on tv. To Discuss Money Reports te a Aocoot) hare of mrder Friday along He then gave a statement the|hoen asked. mostly abou a the company LONDON ( Rewts The 4 ! woah in » t \oh he is accused |S : ot atte ne A said corrobor i mather and her many marriages, Reyond ask n h ae conference tonight to tk Pund a Kil her Canadian. 8 "every £ etal ane made four of them in recent vears to some po prop ! ) ! ! A A alh Orn - (a nl \ hy Haldonada men much younger than she, § i : he dab ARLEN. Ate ¢ d ! : . he two men say Mes, Duncan tlemen ep \ A " \ fp 2) 1060 f | | \ x A hey ended in annulment or di A a MEA \ etal \ \ N promi hem $6,000 40 kill the! varce VENTURA, Calif, (AP She woman's body was found in ala shaken, delected man who & ecaiek reco ---- W, Indicted on a treasury indica N wido fay b the \ ; d he $240,000 Y Me Jive | ( ¢ { \ hi wan her son had married last; find it fantastic to boli . he \ : une. The arvied out the mur i URE | Santas eo helleve "ig : . A the : : vy carried « that tha 4 A oy Operation For McMaster wding 10 the tax \ ¢ ACIS Gor plot tast Nov, 17, they said, [ht mother killed my wife," he at i P \ " 1 ' \ s \ ring the bride Inte their cap[SMI U1 never recall her being ol j 0.10] K Me : i : " nd beating her to CTL She has never heen able der AR . 3 ; \ { \ \ . \ adel d 18 my 7" o hurt anvene or anything, She oll would have to be tnsane to have § \ MWMONTO ealonsy lay behind CITY EMERGENCY RR AR : eat N Be negotiated. : he mi : She di Lovervining ho o \ ed wh ther he would PHONE NUMBERS Name Davis Cup Players i } \ eae dls . | % ahd tn Break nT dont know he said in a done | Llow voles I haven't heard any POLICE RA 1133 \ lac Kay \lex OO : , ss UR © hele Af evidence of any Kind against hey FIRE DEPT, RA J.6) A \ R 1 gone back to When 1 do hear perhaps I'll know lang, But ROSPITAL RA 3.2211 p- a did nat is still my LIE SEALY 5 aed {80 alience since We ler son did, however, and it was mother 15h LUIS MOY A, PAID-KILLER SUSPECT : and Olmedo would play the doubles ?

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