a i lh a BO0--Anticles Por Sale (80---Anticles For Sold THE OIHAWA TIMES, Seturdvy, Bossmber 77, 1779 WE Day highest price in the ely for veed furniture, Pretty"s Used Furniture pipe ree em [XTRA I Mi od WORLD NEWS BRIEFS new, completely automatic, $126.50, ir | f vine Appliances, 00 Bond Kast, KA) vs Bo841 im TO SELL VREIGHTER throughout Britain, died Thurs n MH L | ' / aIDAIE A sutomatie washars] FOR RY gang at's " III MONTREAL (CP) -- The CNR|day, During the Second World J 9 " | } aad er has announced that the veteran War he was largely responsible others, b ORS "Po 1 y ely f OTD eee bas): phon ALUMINUM | 1 By LYNN REINZERLING (versity in Johannesburg, Natal|Newfoundland coastal freighter |for an emergency feeding plan $199, Kelly Frighanire, 81 King West . U UJ | A , ¥ / JOHANNESBURG (AP) A| University in Durban and Cape: Glencoe will be sold, The WhAoot | that was Lo have come into oper VRIGIDAIRE vel Doors, Storms, Screens, Win 8 college campus Is sprouting out !ovn University, Prime Minister Glencoe, built in Glasgow in 199), lation If Britaln's food supplies Honed, with waren ir up iol dows, Awnings end Porch / : ll RS y SRN of the rocky bush country here, Hendrik Verwoerd was so sure of wus refired from service early had failed oavaghy Irvine. Aviiances, 30 Bond] Rollins 9 avg bullt by African hands for the his large majority in Parliament ast fal) 4 dots Ye 7 ; . (training of African minds by A" me he did not wait for paris DIES AT 101 Jee East A S584) dan, | 3 . 4 wes buy all fi used furniture x NOBODY # HA 3 " fos. | ricans, mentary approval, Building st HEADED CATERING CHAIN BRANTFORD (CP) Miss pay maney for it, Contact 19 Prince | aE la {"Turfloop started last February, LANDON (Reuters) -- Monta reel hone KA #113 Jon, 2 B T DY | 4 1 a, # 2) | Well off the road in the barren . Alice Watson, who celebrated her iret oF shor Lb - gov, 4 U NOBO | ph a I. on i surroundings familiar fo every| Turfloop will accommodate 20 |61e (Huckstein, 72, president of 101st birthday Christmas Fve, paris, attachments, brushes, « son buy wir Sui Din ilk i Se ad country - born African, the cam- Sudenia by next June to train). Loom Rnivivig <4 18 Bsns 2 Friday 4 has : f ' puis is another cornerstone in the teachers comp : 92,000,000 IN JAPAN ited rebuils machines. Est male Vacuum Cleaner Repair. Ser CALL (South African government's re.| Plans call for a teachers col- vies, KA B-1081 snytime i ' ; IE {lentless pursuit of riheld (Beg-lege, a medical school, hospital,| With Western academic tradition,| TOKYO (Reuters) -- The stats rr a uaei | Br. a HOLODY | ITALY LAUNCHES SIS R SHIP OF ANDREA DORIA [i we a school for sf ronan J be will lead to Intellectual impover-| istics bureau sald Friday Japan's Donay down with rade, Only $199 ALUMINUM '| With flags waving over her | water after being launched at | expected to go Into service with- | Turf loop will be one of five conducted by the Dutch Reformed | lshment and the growth of nar- population on Oct, | was estiny HAT PR Sa | RA 5.2431 main deck, us yet vold of super- | Genoa, Italy, The vessel will | in a year, ranks among tha ethnic colleges to be established|Church and a school for wocial|row group loyalties.' ated fo total 92,000,000 - y - | structure, the new ultra-modern | replace her sister ship, the ill- | world's biggest passenger ships, |by the government in the hope studies, A village will be built) _- egient cunt . ----. XMAS spaciulal Toilet sels $107) ola, nk Ts Lets' $30) A 32,000ton trans-Atlantic liner | fated Andres Doria, as the na- | It will accommodate 1,300 pas- [that the burgeoning nationalism nearby to meet the needs of stud. bane. $10, Techsn ub 3457 Vresnire Anytime till 9 pm Leonardo' Da Vinet" hits the | tion's flagship, The Leonardo, | sengers |of young J a en be chan. porrig Arh sud visitors, o DAILY CROSSWORD arta I, ums pump V0; piste 52 Legal Notices -- : ate development, Under soparats| SUARTERS ATTRACTIVE iis (Ao ale opment, er separate 8 IRD EATS TEL The government has spared no ACROSS 4, Tellurium v ALRITE TF] Chinn's, comer Hillside and Park - - . a Road. RA 370m don, 15; H M : development, the African would OIGIETEIS] AKATHS, new and used, "Oshawi's NOTICE TO CREDITORS Seaway-Opening | ears Music remain loyal to his tribal chief pains to govide beauty and com- 3 Pied game ) as DIIDMCIL (ELATT]S § Ale Ene anges ned Shileh) IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD back in the reserve and shun the|fortable living quarters, Student © Fut win ELIA 1a] 81 up. New skites $4.95 un Varpost selection in town, Drayton Cycle, 04 FREEMAN ROSE, DECEASED Year's Highlight From Furnace lure of the white man's civiliza- hoaiale Jew aps ana double 10 Employed Crusoe [BR KIERISOGIZIEN CC Band Birest Kast All persons having claims ' astén AWNINGS, plain colors, or way wiripes,| egainst the Estate of Edward | OTTAWA (CP) -- Maybe it's] Only the white men of the gov-|and laundries, unknown in most| 2" Hal (5A) CONE IE TIA IETS prompt service, ¥ree estimates, Order] Rose, late of the City of Osh ' Mrican homes, 4 we, late of the City of Os Just the holld frit, pe ENMeENt's ministry of Bantu 1 4 / 1 [LIDIA now for early delivery, Chair and table] = 4 y fled | | Just the holiday spirit, but they're 4, Burroun with rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simeos North gceased, who died on of . (Negro racial) administration and| Each hostel will have a elreu- Hl (V6 x, 412 Bimeos North, ONIN LeBLANC b ith Canad veking 1 dio pro off 17, Short sleep W bind | about the 4th day of Octo. | By JOHN LeBLANC tw Janadian ownership || # up radio programs off oll | development will intrude on the|lar concrete lounging spot re- 18, Bubme: to a AV ARRIALR, ali chaning), Tostaied,| Der 1958, are hereby notified OTTAWA (CP) ~-- C& nad a's about (Shige Jonts, ago to hold furnaces In the Ottawa area {intellectual security of Turfloop ported to have been ordered by dni mba. iG one year gustantae #29. Kelly TV, #1| 10 send in to the undersigned, | gnontest transport development of fawn - oF Cont " howe totalled Two householders In suburban When the institution is completed | Prime Minister Verwoerd him: ! (abbr) team 1 Yosborday's Answer ing West, HA 55121 Dee » on or before the 31st day of (1089 undoubtedly will be the/more than originally, but since, |" 4 and in full operation, The college self, These presumably will re 36, Baseball KELLY TV, + thorized Beatty| January, A.D, 1958, full par (have been sold down to 61 A Vista, described as solid | 80, wee off monetary , Baseba BELLY TY. Jon ilbuilicd Bestty 280 iz Ag 9 if {opening of the $4, Lawrence Sea citizens, reported ' is 19 miles north of Pletersburg mind students of their tribal or Satan pronoun team old washer on & new Beatty automatie| fou ars of hels claims, a i (way [SAVING FOR TRUCKERS + FeO? separate In-\in Transvaal province |Igins in the kraals of the African! g5 Bone (anat,) 11,7To sadden 37. New Mexico 38, Dull paly or wringer washer, 81 King West, | ted having regard only | In the thinking stage for more| A railway development during 3 IC0® of hearing "brondeasts"| At Turfloop students will be|reserves 24, Toward the 13, Plots (abbr,) 80, Sorrows BLAUPUNKT short wave vadion.| 10° the claims of which the [than a half - century and four (the year was the extension of the |' uring the current cold spell, tanght in the predominant Afri-| Nationalist leaders expect the sheltered together 28, Former 40, Hebrew magic-eye tuning, 11 pusnbutions, ¥ Mm | undersigned shall then have |vears in the building, the $475, socalled "piggyback' service by In both cases, the radio wasn't can language of the region - graduates of these colleges fo side 18, Part of prime MeasIre BW, AM, LW, ear radios Three speak! notice [000.000 Canada-United States pro-| which truck traflers are carried Working and the furnace was on. |fotho, The government's plans in. head back to their tribes and use, 88, Cathedral "to he" minister 42, Weight i i a fi, 1 eel DATED ot Oct 0 ject will be opened by Queenion flat cars between cities, al A Housewife sald she heard|¢lude another college In Natal|thelr new knowledge to improve| ~~ of Rome 18, Uprising 33, Flintlike 45, Man's WINE and sider" Rasvel Tokio at) wie io ac awe nario, |g aheth and prosident Eisen: saving for the truckers and a music so plainly she thought the province for Zulus, one at Wel.|conditions in the primitive sur-| gp Strestear 20, Connecting rook nickname Rin Ju sidar barrely Avalalie, i iy Ay day of December, |} wer in June, giving deep-sea means of helping the rallways basement radio had been left on,|lington in the Cape for coloreds|roundings of the reserves (G, B,) neck of land 84, What? 46, Toward J, 1958 to the heart of [meet stiffening competition from A check showed It hadn't She | (racially mixed) and an Indian| Prof, A, B, du Preez of Pre-| 80, Wish 8 Church Street, RA 3.7624 shipping access SED tires, most all sizes 83 up, B, F.IMARY ELIZABETH LOUISE ROSE [the continent the highway carriers also "faintly" heard an announc-|college at Durban, The old, es. toria University, a supporter of |. 1, United ootrieh Bore. Ro 3434] Executrix, by her Solicitors | While the weaway is regarded| Transport Minister Hees pre. ¢'s voice tablished Fort Hare University|the government's academic Btates Sen. SELLING furniture or cleaning outl HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN as Canada's greatest transports |dieted In December that this typel W. A. Caton, transport depart for non-Kuropeans In the Cape apartheid, sald he helleves the | ate (abbr,) afl - None RA. 3819). | 6 King Street West, [tion achievement since the con: of service will he put into effect iment radio expert, sald it fs con.| Will become a college for Xhosa: colleges will develop the real| 32, Kxclama. The Oshawn Trading Post, 446 Simeoe| Oshawa, Ontario struction of the transcontinental {also aboard ships when the sea- celvable broadeasts could he|#peaking Africans leaders of the Africans and pre tion vent thelr becoming estranged 88, American from their own people, The pres Indian Street South | Dec. 13 20 27|Canadian Pacific Rallway in the way opens. He calls # "fishy: picked up off metallic objects, but INTERPRETERS NEEDED The languages to be used In the ent leaders of the African Na:| 85, "Hot sw' ONE red Mary Maxim sweater, cow last century, another accomplish- back,' that a radio receiver probahly hoy design, size 10. Phone KA 3.7708 ment rivalling it in concept came| There were major changes Inlwould he needed p Represent Canada into heing during 1058 (top transport personnel during] 11 was recalled that years ao | COHogos for coloreds and Indians ional Congress," almost entirely| 87, Chicken's 1068 D (have not been disclosed, But crit-lurhanized Africans, he sald, are enemy 299¢ MOTOROLA volumatie car radio, only Clarence Shepard re A ht months old, Cost $80 new. Best 1 SERVING EAST | i pare rein Northern Ontarlo reports efr-|j p 8 ' aliht months Lom NOW J mgned as chairman of the Board culated of broadessts bid un les of the scheme have pointed irresponsible agitators 41, Joinw offer, Dial HA 5.8640 after 5 Jan, | 0 C fli B d 0 / H 0 A ---- nLon ict 0 Y | This was the $275,000,000 nati: | of mpansnort Commissioners, key | vol vat) 4 out that any non-white student! The South African Institute of 48, Cry, as & BARY carriage, used four months Ons ral gas pipeline of Trans-Canada during cold weather from bed: sonterences in the future will re . $35, Bpace heater $20, RA 6.5447, 206( " i = BAS | hil heg [body that regulates raflways, springs and radiators ' Race Relations has condemned dove WIGREST prices paid for used furni OTTAWA (CP) Three sena- [Pine Lines Limited, which he@an|ninelines and some shipping. Mr quire plenty of interpreters, the ides 4, Mister "Is a Zulu professor to teach (8p) J , tors and five membe { Parlia- delivering Alberta gas to Tor gy 0 | ture, also sell and exchange Contact nhers of arlin shepard, going into private in | v " RTE Community Furniture Store. 10 Prince iment, including the speakers of |oronto on Oct. 27 after MANY dustry ts being succeeded by PROBE SHOOTING [physics or philosophy, in Zulu to|CALLED UNJUSTIFIED 45. Anesthetis Street, Phone RA A113 both houses rese an- financial and legislative tribula . i " 7 nn 0 optic " | "The p : 3 . WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price oll (as on the eh are oe ik Jed Xen fie board's general| ORILLIA (CP) Provincial uy WR a aratin Made aiication, _- 47 Touthilk ean afford, al Parkway Television, 018) 0 designed to air conflicts be.| ¥ OW. ave ts 1 mback Nin police sald Friday they still are| - SH Brac J | yy A + AY notch Simcoe Street North, RA 3:504% I Boi ) conflicts be) Por 106, there is In prospect | W. J. Matthews, chairman of investigating un shooting which re.|over embracing the ambitlous|designing, as the bill does, al 8, Performs RED Tiger. washers, av Tp een anada and United States, [s sweeping federal Investigation|the alr {ransport board, died, sulted in the death Thursday! Program It created controversy structure for the new colleges DOWN yanges, rangettes, TV and The Joint committee of legisla-| into transportation -- partieularly Pending the appointment of a nliht of 47-year old Ryerson!" early consideration and{which will make them state Instl-| 3, Revolve GVAC terme, Kelly Frigidaire id Whe Ssiabianid last sum rly the rewult o this fall's iiecemor, Mr, Shepard was Snache of Rama Indian reserve, (Drought denunciations from edu: (tutions, completely controlled by| 3, Capital of early January : yo. oe public. [man to ho cog MLL le tf , ne fod Snaghe 3 a rr fticniata in wang yoru of " ne the Idea of limiting Ha 4 ( | y N ) ently No J YH p 4 WY NOW AND SAVE Hon, Mark Drouin, Senate A100 (0 the cards for 1050 1s|CPA's franchise application, rifle Was fired a A Cad Final passage, expected soon, students at the colleges to any) h boats. Evinrude | weaker, and Hon, Roland Miche action by Parliament to ense (Which were completed early this sion In a Fawn Bay home about |will mean that Africans no longer jone ethnic group and sald "this | measure Peterborough boats, ner, Commons speaker, will head |i qicn mination" in freight rates|month hether a dog was gun shy may attend Witwatersrand Uni. restriction, so utterly at variance Motory == budget terms, Free the Canudion deiogation Progres.| #8 between different areas of the - 'mbe 4 res sive Conservative Senator Ww t country, Boat storage. Factory OP guint of Ontario and Liberal Sen.| In civil aviation, the major proved. Servge centre for (aiap § 7, Smith of British Colum. move developed from a govern | ment announcement that it would motor repairs, Open evenings bia; and Progressive Conserva ® and weekends [tive members of Parliament R,|be willing to deal with applica C, Thrasher of Essex South and|tions for franchises that could MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY |Erick Neilsen of the Yukon; and [put an end to the publicly-owned vy LIMITED Liberals Lionel Chevrier of Mont. | Trans-Canada Alr Lines' mono h w winter storage on motors, | Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 real Laurier and Willlma L,|poly on mainline transcontinental | |routes, in effect for almost a "Houck of Niagara Falls quarter-century BUY NOW | CPA APPLICATION ' $d AND SAVE | NEWS BRIEFS comassvuie num] Hf i' \ of the three forms of advertising: |sidiary of the CPR, filed an ap | PETERBOROUGH BOATS | CYRUS EATON 75 TODAY [plication with the air transport { board for a series of transcont! EVINRUD MOTORS to SHEVELAND (AF) Sovie nental routes which it sald would : id ; * . . Budget Terms Premier Nikita Khrushchev and [Mert Do ern A R d T 1 d N P Fw sina oregon me [nan Prine' Minar Nahm £8, TCA, "nde compton adio, Television and Newspaper, tors, Boat storage, Factory |have sent birthday cablegrams to|On these Pl dd en TCAs | SH % \ ' ff ered : / Ab lt opproved. Service centre, for |Canadian-born Industrialist Cyrus|® a " It motor repairs, Open evenings |Eaton, 75. today, Another greet.|™oney-losing dg w New yo i ly and weekends ing came from Dr, Adolph Scharf, |, Decision on the lEsue--Which A t MARINE STORAGE president of Austria, where an| TCA estimated could cost it some dver 1811 4 4 4 Eaton - sponsored peace confer.|$12,000,000 a year--still is under : g AND SUPPLY LTD, lence for scientists was held Jast | consideration by the air board . BROOKLIN, ONT | summer | On the waler Canada lost a . PHONE 87 |large chunk of Ita merchant navy Y P rc asing RUSSIA VISITOR TO US, luring the year, A seamen's 4 mn uences our 00 u ) ERC MOSCOW (AP) A delegation | strike immobilized the eight-ship ' ih PORTA Wat, TC trom the Unlon of Soviet Ste: fet of publicy.owned Canadian " to the greatest extent EY ties of Friendship and Cultural | National Steamships, and CNS | N g oe Best Prices Best Terms | migg left by plane Friday for alsold the vessels to Cuban inter y WALMSLEY & MAGILL [visit to. the United States The [es | OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD {group Included IL. L. Artodogev:| 'This left Canada with just 13] 11 King St. E [sky, member of the Academy of ships flying the Canadian flag RA 3.3333 Science, A. A, Vishnevsky, alon the high seas, the Srolien lan.2 corresponding member of the number In many years e bu The mo academy, and Dr. A. G. Mase |of the Canadian-owned merchant nost recent proof of this comes from a survey conducted by " He y ar Ish nistr SAVE -- SAVE | lent went under Brien Tegairy| the Knickerbocker News of Albany, New York. Over 1,000 Al THE RESULTS: ' Pp SEEK BELLIGERENT PAIR | . l od MacFadyen's Real Seal TORONTO (CP) -- Police. are C t t n bany families were asked: ALUMINUM PRODUCTS looking for a man and woman ons nc 10 COMINATION ALUMINUM who slugged Jack Javaska, 80, on STORMS AND SCREENS the head with a whisky bottle and T $16.95 EACH A toy hai het Mian he found them Volume ops ----- OF just 68 families -- were influenced to the 1 | n in his home iristmas moming i" . ; . " Fe any double hung window yi, ig" police the couple, wham 1957's Record Of the three forms of advertising radio, television or news- 0 greatest extent by RADIO, rGargigte BLM aii he had met previously, attacked 3 him when he protested their pre paper which influences your food purchasing to the greatest FULL 2 FACT Li GUARANTEE sence, He sald he found his front! OTTAWA (CP Volume of Ww PHONE RA 8.1547 [doar kicked In and the couple in| construction in Canada In 1060 extents ANYTIME A will exceed this Jars record - $7,100,000,000. by from three to ' five per cent, Harold J. Ball of w= or 240 families -- were Influenced to the Winter-Seal Kitchener, president of the 0 Construction Aswocia greatest extent by TELEVISION, Canadian tion, said Friday in a year-end The answers given in this Albany, N.Y. study are striking- tien Included ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS message Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings Like each succesilve year in ly similar to those given in other surveys n other cities. CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE the post-war period Mr. Ball - ' RAILINGS Interior and Exterior hy gg Son Whether you sell food, furniture, autos, appliances or w= or 717 families -- were influenced to the : lord : Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures J anything else, you can be sure... NOTHING SELLS LIKE 0 greatest extent by NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING "With the continuance of this LES EVENISS SALES LTD pend in 190 consruetion wire l NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. 15 PRINCE ST RA 5.4632 [largest industry with a direct la hor force of some 620,000 Les Bveniny, RA 3.2707 . Bill Galbraith, RA 8.8832 | "This larger volume will be ac Don: Howe, RA 5.0313 companied by very keen compet! tion, with the result that there WHITBY CLASSIFIED Soin . It'n Never Get Off The Ground, UNLESS... " ... No successful television operation can realize optimum audiences far many of its programs without the use of newspaper tune-in adver- tising few regular television programs have ever really gotten off the WS CRRY " . " mg it Mr. Ball said Indications are Sedan delivery, in good con: FO! p Iturnished apartment, | QR A . > dition, $300 cash or best offer. Phone ground if hat in 1950 records will be set Whithy MO 8.3466 after 4 pom. Jan, 17] Baby welcome hoth in terms of dollars and phys success. Here's a recent quote from a top agency executive responsible for one MN HOUR oll burner servioe, night and TIVE POUL no cal volume of construction . hy day. St John's Heating Service MO ed, highest market prices paid Pion Me completion of the major [RAL reverse oharges for long dis [eallect MO 83488 Whithy Jan, § \ . tance calls Jan. 9 aspects of the St. Lawrence Sea APARTMENTS for rent Two roam cutting and alterations, men's » d four roamed self contained drapery alterations v @ Possession THO after \ 4 0 something of ole i ; 3 vay : te possession. MO 8.9780 after Will loay nethin y hole in INTERESTING NOTE: In the first six months of this year, radio and television 013 Centre Nout 3 Jan, 17 the construction program, but it Jan. 0 \ p lane Torniore vi | TVVERT safety, Buy 4 dependable must J remembered that. work stations have used 10.8% mare newspaper ady ertising to promote their sta- sh for used appl [dor ding 4 bis HA PHO 1 Rl for used ABELL [far outstanding values only four per. cent of the annual tions and programs than they used in the same months last year, The moral NY | : volume of construction, Other " 4 AEPTIC tanks cleaned he SaRiATY ~ Ipawer projects of a large-scal is IF. YOU WANT PEOPLE TO SEE YOUR SHOW (OR YOUR SHOW ! tants inwtalied Walter W { N.H A, HOMES nature Should take up 2k slack CASES) USE NEWSPAPERS i 2563 He id housing represents "the main bright spot in the In Even realistic competitors know that newspapers are a must for their own ground without the use of at least some newspaper advertising! of the big television's network's own advertising way and power project in 1950 Dee ¥ Gilbert, Maria and Newman Crescent, Whitby, From $12 900 brick x tile bat fivide g ) Mors than 10,000 dwelling payme y 1 In pleted this P. THORNDYKE a . h { than the num MO 8-470 A ane 0 0) URE (Weekly) .. 3 yi.[ ) NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER [[] OLD NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIRER npletions was ' d he 1Creast roof lower-cost hous Ing tims