8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Desomber 34, 1958 Toronto, Montreal Stocks Matatch Tr Can PL Maybrun Trans-Mi n Melntyre Trans PPL Meta Uran Walk GW Westes) 1008 500 5 1000 900 11:80 Net Sock High Low a.m, Ch'ge Aubelle Sales 1000 6 [J] 100 285 245 54 15% 1s LU] a} 11] 58 125 500 18% 10% 54 TORONTO » 2 4] v5 oy 3% PE Midrim 1 Milliken #4 ~ Exdividend, xr--Ex 18 +1 rights, sw--Ex-warrsnts.) Industrials Normetar . Norpax N Rank Norsp A wis Patino M rt Perron Purdex Que Ascot Que Cop Q Metal Rix Athab Roche Bireoe Stdcana Stanleigh Stanigh wis Starratt Seep RN Kullivan Teck: H L' Asbestos Violam Weedon W Malar Wiltsey 600 146 100 1073 1000 Gis TH eye ef 500 1000 300 2500 0 1500 2000 1000 Coldstrm © Denison © Haliwell « Mogul Con Sud Cop Man Coprand Cuseo Duvan Fureka Falcon Frobisher Glacier Gold Man Hoyle Jonsmith Cree wis Home Ol B Huraber Mideon Mill City N Bristol N Cont Petrol Provo Gas Quonto, Richwll Burns Cdn Brew C Br Alum Dist Besg Eeon Inv Fam Play GMC ® 500 700 2000 725 500 600 200 100 SE38CEIE ones > 5s 900 1 200 - "7 -W +1 2600 5000 Mines Algom wis 200 480 480 486 Ar Two Bylaws Best Decoration Ratified By Cobourg Body 'Of Homes, Stores PORT HOPE -- Harold Bigelow |ford, Toronto road; N. Gould, Vie- Tidal 500 Trans Can 1000 Ld 500 1" 22885 i +8 - Salvation Army Helped By Depot | COBOURG -- Cobourg Corps toys are distributed according to] COBOURG -- Two bylaws of Ontario street won first prize toria street; J. Giffens, Salvation Army was on the re-/what the child might need him-|were presented to council Mon-|\or 25 for the Christmas decora- street; G. Knight, Hope ceiving end of Christmas this self. day night, one of which reinstated tions on his home. Councillor W, north; W. Southgate, week when 26 COD Firefighters. The depot contribution was George 8. Mitchell, 345 College| A Heberle announced at Mon. Street and K, Stevenson, sent down five boxes and a large much appreciated by the Corps, street, as member of Cobourg day night's meeting of town coun. Street. B, Broadbent o pile of toys be distributed which has its regular Red Shield | Collegiate Institute Board. Mr.| oi" pach year council sets aside street north and H, Aitcheson o Christmas day to needy families services to maintain while look- Mitchell 1s now completing his g gnecial "fund to provide cash Strachan street, received honor in the area. ing after extra Christmas work. |first term, which expires Dec. 31.|gwards for Christmas decora. able mention, The fourteen members of the There are several families to be| A second bylaw ratified a gar-|tjong First prize of $5 for the best depot firefighting team, under helped with food and groceries bage collection contract let ear- Chief 'of police C. Graham, took HA +h to 10:30 a.m.; 63,000 Royal Bank Pine street William Ontario f Hope ley's Jewellery and second prize lery. Palmer's Dry Goods took third prize of $2. Honorable men- and moved at the last minute to the town arena when more than 1500 persons showed up for seats at the 500 capacity Opera House Issuing the Bid-a-Buck since the first of the month in prepara- Perrow of the losers Team standing is wi 0 0 1 J's ' Grafton Hydro 1 1 v1 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 6 4 2 0 2 the half-way r+. Reeve Declines i: Chance To Give Council Sermon 12 12 PORT HOPE Reeve Read [Budge has declined an opportun. ity to preach to Port Hope coun. cil members, | At Monday night's meeting the councillors were discussing the matter of which clergyman to call upon to deliver the opening address at the first meeting of the new year to be held at 7.30 Jan, |5. "Councillor J. M. Rosevear sald he'd heard that the rbeve had been conducting Sunday serv- loos at a church which had neo minister and that, since the reeve was familiar with the special character needs of each council A 10 6 Parnall 16 9 4 5 8 3 4 4.9 Jutaro Capt. Art Atkinson, had held a every month, lier this year to Harry Jenkins second prize of $15 and H, Win. Christmas distribution, | a church service, and periodically collector, responsible for remov- Prize of $10. Last Thursday the gifts were|holds services at the Ontario Hos- ing town garbage, ashes, and| Bo tor delivery, eh Monday | pital, It is an active organization other refuse to the new dump on Justice of the Peace, Miss M. Broadbent's Bakery, Bissett El J y ? ! Business | r F J Butler appeared at but is busiest with its charity Haldimand township five miles mittee of the Port Hope B 1 Allister Florist, finer Soe Bu Dion street [at Christmas. |out of town. |and Professional Women's Club! Nijcholson File Co, to turn over the toys to Sr. Capt.| This year the Cobourg Corps | Town parking problems were had selected the contenders Matthews Conveyer each Corps officers at Cobourg. tween Colborne and Cobourg, and | petiring Reeve Jack Erskine"s po- $6 for home decoration: R. Ful- ated industries. The toys will reach children in|north to Roseneath Supporting | lice committee, Last month two -- about 32 or 35 needy homes this|the charities, the Army band has|town businesses had offered land| ( S 1 P . ready 23 homes have been regi-|several nights each week recent: ment cost | Hydro Gets d e roject stered for ald, and at least an-|ly, and collection bubbles have| First of these was land on King| | other ten are expected to be been operated since town council street west, on the site of what | Cl T By Merchants | | | Corps before Thursday morning. last meeting over a week 8g0.|yntil fire destroyed bulldings| oser 0 With the toys will go baskets of| No services will be held In the (there, The committee recom food and fruit, to make the Christ- hall Christmas day, although a mended to next year's council Lea ue Lead Tom one. The Army investigates each will be held rom i pm De property g mas "Bid-a-Buck" auction sale, family suggested to it, and ob-|cember 31 until shortly after mi A second lot, however, was re-| . i : { tains the ages of all children, The night, Jan, 1, commended for development, Of-| COBOURG Hydro moved to : { {lies at the south west corner of lead in the Cobourg Mercantile | Division and Albert streets, west Hockey League Sunday with a |of the Argosy Transport terminal, | close, scrambly 6-5 win over Gen- 0 0 ti Excellent Score between $200 and $250, Hydro jumped into a 30 first n pera on COBOURG -- 14-year-old Rus:| Accounts submitted for payment period lead on goals by Winston sell Kennedy rolled a sensational from the eight committees of Marsden, Bill Hessin and Gary) ven oo core rt ol Of Dog Pound the high single of the year In the these was a bill from the Finance closer by outscoring the Hydro as BUY bod ohoury | Sopaity Cobourg Bowl-O-Drome Little Committee to pay $4983.87 engin club -three goals to two in the : PORT HOPE =~ A total of 13; Amateur Bowling League. Opera-|oor's fees to Edgar A. Cross and middle chapter. Ross Gallagher, pos on oon orce. Port Hope's dog catcher, Mrs Hayward believe it to be the earlier this year to determine hit for the Plastics crew and One Bid-a-Buck was given to a Ruth Clarke, chairman of the highest score since the children's| whether or not Victoria Hall was| Greg McBride and Jim Hessin shopper for every dollar he spent animal committee, reported to league was formed three years worthy of renovation. [replied for Hydro 1 dak Is: 5 ") | In the third, Jim Cavanaugh SaHers Arred oi die "Of these, seven had tags and| Team standing is: Strays 49; and Carl Carlson tied the score were returned while two intag. Strikers 45; Red Wings 42; Pes. TIMES BUREAUS 5:5 but the deadlock was short. Over 1000. ged, unclaimed dogs were sold nuts 38; Go-Getters 37; Whiz ated gbout | lid Fl 9: Ki Winning gos) Refernes Karl Jel. pm, hn ted il o) bis on "We have not vet had to destroy 26: Gliders 22; Flyers 19; ng ferson and Herb Forbes meted had been so'd by 3 . a dog and we don't Intend to un. Pins 13; Cardinals 12, | M. Hackman out penalties to J. Hessin, Wa eer Murray Noble two hours later. less it's 'absolutely unavoidable," The following boys won hockey , Cobourg FR 2-5201 McBride of the winners and to were overjoyed with the success dog catcher William Clancy he N¢ Christmas draw: Phil Far. : of the project. Peter K : della, Doug Day, John Smith, lain Macdonald chairman of the retail merchants' pald $15 a week for his job of Maurice Bradshaw, Ted Bulger SDSIRIg tie POUNd and rounding) 12 had been the most successful Campbell, Wendy Tuggey and 12 |single venture ever undertaken by At this point Reeve Read Marg Fardella won hats as win 11 [Cobourg merchants, Budge sounded a note of warning ners among the girls. Bowling in ; as he sald he believed the com- . 26 COD follow! holiday layoff Fees Raised Ors tesis, was the fact that this was bylaw in the manner in Which It| ---v-r8 8 holiday layolt. CGE [the first time town merchants was seizing dogs and operating, | had ever worked together on a the pound | 2 Pl t At Port Hope Harwood as erers Top scorers at committee for establishing a high PORT HOPE -- Town Council mark of the season ave standard for all communities T G t M through its operation of a warm, | 0 e oney {ing of the year Monday night, R. | All except Councillor George Phil-|G, Lawless ing to say at the committee meet-| ; : lips, who was defeated at the F ings about the way the pound hy rors were stuck, Bot Munday in law is being administered,' he magistrate s court here their env-|o,,.iijors' fee from $8 a council|C, Mclvor meeting to $13. The mayor's an-|W, Hessin > cho 1 [nual salary was raised from $500 W. Turk under us," he cautioned me nt on tno € he ques he had 33 a year to $700, Ip --------,,,--r siled them, Tor PAYMON of Wages Deputy-Reeve Mike Wladyka C. Morant . . Hoffa Union May | sufficient funds to cover them, [out of his council fees. "IT at:| F I filt t S k | Magistrate. R. B. Baxter order (tended five full-dress meetings| apan armer niiirate »ask. ed that payment of $75 be paid|{hjs week and have travelled Milli . the International Teamsters' of distress declared. {ance," he commented, | Union is moving into Saskatch-| Mr, Poelstra told the court al "The fee will help to defray ewan {confused story in which he claim-/expenses Incurred through coun"| go he couldn't pay. $62.50 in taxes, The tax collector took vay 7 acr { his property McLennan of the association, the magistrate showed him the he estimated council work had [4A 1.237 acres of his propert) commenting on reports that cheques he admitted the signa-/cost him $500 last year So time teamsters President James Hoffa ture on them to be his own. The |lost from his grocery business./ : | and Jade him a potential mil for, it would be a good'opportun- A atac's acreage is in the ity for council to hear him Su . [I feel it would be too much to Japadh Used by Tlie Sitio and, x that you hear me on council [Japanese forces Estimated xuive matters all year and then hear {12 1,000,000,000 yen ($2,777,000) 3 The reeve is a lay reader for the taxes, 3 ont jor He litigation, a court the Anglican church and assists {finally agreed an injustice had churches which are without min. drive in early November to col- The Arm, visits the county gaol and Son, Clifford Jenkins, owner ' " lect and restore used toys for every Sunday morning and holds of the business, was named as field of Molson street won third Fire Captain Atkinson and Fire-|in the community all year round, the farm of J. G. Eagleson, in Rooney, of Cobourg after a com-itric, Gould's Shoe Store and Mc- F. Moore and Lt. O. Marshall, |has as its territory the area be-|the background for a report from| The following received prizes of ceived $5 prizes for best decor- year, sald Capt. Marshall. Al-|been serenading on main streets for parking purposes at develop brought to the attention of the granted permission at its second used to be Macklin's Garage | mas dinner a happler and larger special New Year's Eve watch that no action be taken with this] ~ | fered for use by Loblaws, the land | Within a point of a tie for the . . ' Caution Given | Young Bowler's | Estimated cost of development is eral Electric. 310 score Saturday to take over council totalled $279,181, Among Wakely, General Electric crept {retail merchants' division of the dogs have been rounded up by tors Ralph Baker and Harry Associates, for surveys conducted Carl Carlson and Peter Perrow in a participating store, and some town council, ago. | lived as Glen Tryon fired the| The sale finally started about 9 out-of-town," sald Mrs. Clarke, [Kids 32; Blue Birds 26; Pee Wees Port Hope TU 5-5357 k a | i Cavanaugh, W. Marsden and W Chamber of Commerce officials Council passed a motion that/*ticks and pucks as winners o David C 1. Paul G J Pts, |division, said afterwards that it up strays. (David Connell, Paul Guy. Joanne T C dl the league resumes January 10 More important, sald Mr. Cor. mittee was misinterpreting the h |General Foods |community retailing project. "Although 1 must commend the _ raised salaries at the last meet G ) clean pound, 1 will have some. | PORT HOPE -- The two plast Laie polls this year, voted to raise the W, Lelliott de a. Ployer, Willlam Poelstra, of Pine Jud HA fp sling si th Joviet street, was ordered to make pay- . Stewart Which tubjequenty failed to pass said that no councillor who was - through the bank because of in- doing his job would make money | REGINA (CP)--The Saskatch- E. Andrus and $60 be paid B./miles in my car on council work ewan Employers' Assoclation say! Andrus within 15 days or a state for which 1 receive no allow: TOKYO (AP)---Farmer Nagao was so hard up 25 years "They are coming here, too," ed paying the men in cash and cil work," he said. sald Secretary - Manager H. L. denied Issuing the cheques, When! Councillor R. C, Everson said A Japanese court recently gave the land back to Nagao, now 77,| may be trying to gain control of complainants had attempted to" have to work Sundays to catch locals in Winnipeg. cash them through a third party. up," he said. .-- ew its hr le EB. " Imiddle of the Chitose Alr Base Preach : land military area in northern| Although I'm much tempted, p ach at you into the bar- |" The government confiscated the ™ prea you into |property in 1933 and auctioned it [Rain," replied the reeve. [been done and awarded Nagao|lsters [title to the property. 101 Birthday Celebrated BRANTFORD (CP) Miss . a. Alice Watson is celebrating her U n Official 101st birthday here today and | nio will he visited hy friends at the MIAMI, Fla. (AP)---A barrage Tahn Noble Home, where she has # of bullets struck the automobile been a resident for the past three {of a United Steel Workers 1 nion|¥€ § organizer Tuesday as he drove along a lonely stretch of road 1] The organizer, Estes Riffe, i 'was not hit by the bullets but two hours later, while talking to po lice, he suffered a heart attack "1 just feel grateful to God that ol " EC RB I am still around," the 230-pound J : ! ! Riffe told reporters who talked Miss Watson was a saleslady to him in a hospital in the ready-to-wear department | Two charges of assault and Eaton's until her retirement battery have been filed against IRitfe in connection with violence the homes of three non-union ike at workers, tear gas hombs were ing Company thrown inte two others, and two here employes' cars were damaged Since the strike started. shot. Plant officials have complained wim hasta have haan fired (ata af anhatana Bullet Barrage Greets Car Of ANS Miss Watson was born in Brant ford but spent many years of her og, life In Toronto. She is one of three centenarians who live here now She is confined to bed through some slight indispesition but is enerally in pretty good - health, 2 dh 5 The halls and classrooms at ed a Christmas conceit, one of Trinity College School in Port the highlights of which Hope, are silent as the 275 boys burlesque of Snow White have headed home for the Seven Dwarfs, by Lunior Christmas holidays. On the eve School. Here we see members of the holidays the hava nresant. of tha east nranarine for the show as Mrs, T. Wilson applies Arnold the left to right; are B. Seagram, R. Maycock, C Tew T. Murray and & Newas dh during a steel workers the Adam iF nakeup to J Others in the : picture Engineer (ten am, until noon on Wednes- | decorated store went to Church. of $3 went to Sandiland's Jewel- The winners were selected by tions for store decoration went to: I re- Cobourg's Christ-| scheduled Saturday night in the Year. town hall Opera House, had to be Cortesis, | H |Only 58 Jobless Port Hope Hears PORT HOPE -- There are only taining wall be constructed which 58 persons in Port Hope who, would run north and west from having lived in the town for one! year as sole supporters of a fam- Oitatio yell to Basy street 2s lly, are unemployed, said Deputy & £00 Foo TOC r white! ) t Mond ceve Budge po y rind Mike Wiaduka at Monday endorsing the plan, that the $3500 night's council meeting, i .'building had been purchased, not | Reporting on the winter vii) {for of the building, but| TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1l-Hamiltos CBLT-TV Channel 6-~Torenis WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale [ WBEN-TV Chanpel 4é~Buffale WEDNESDAY P.M, | $0 FM 11=Theutre; Sports 6--~Rope Around The Sun b Playhouse 4~Banta Claus 2 hree Htooges wb ru ttee, h id Recision had. been reached on for the land which would provide downtown off-street | Iz=0ject that would qualify for the excelleft 75 per cent government contribu- parking. tion toward labor costs on munic-. Passing on to the matter of ipal work undertaken in the win- snow removal from the streets, | ter the deputy reeve remarked it was | 'Council then approved of his the "roughest" year he could re- motion that the frame building member but that, despite a previously purchased on Cavan breakdown of the sander, the street be torn down to make way 'streets had been kept clear of fo a parking lot and that a re-!snow. Free Skating 'For Children [5 aane ™" ™™™" | | City Dairy 60, Trouble Shooter's | At Port Hope |60, Atomics 58, TPT 57, Linton's |56, Wilson Cleaners | Dairy 56, Clou'ers 55, Churchley's | PORT HOPE - The children, |54, Hi-Ways 51, Blazers 51. {boys and girls, of all public, y,ns Bros, 50, Eldos 80, schools In the town are enjoying|o Neil's Flyers 49, Lightle's 48, two weeks of free skating at they ayeshore Cleaners 48, Civil Serv Peter Campbell Memorial Arena joo 48, Lyall N, Carr 47, Auto as the guests of the Recreation p,qy 46 Royal Grill 46, Lab [Committee of the town, Skating|ma. 7 ners [vill be held from two until four Teens, 45, Welders 44, Uptowners p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays Pp » Foden's 38, Beta Rays 37, Luck Thursdays and Friday and from |. ikes 3, Lancers 30, Joicer |Sweanor 31, Wakely's 28, Shell {UPTOWN BOWLING The Uptown Men's League has closed down until day and Saturdays. This is the . ; + fifth Christmas in a row the com- Oli 27, Ink Spots 26, AMF 19, [mittee has made this gift avail-| High Singles: Jim Benedict 366, able to the local children, To en. Tom Mix 365, John Harwood 355, sure a minimum of Injury and Bert Hosking 343, Gerry Poulin | unnecessary roughness on the ice 335. {surface the committee has hired High Doubles: Bert Wall 605, |the services of Ken Mills to act Gerry Poulin 502, Bob Brown 589, dn the capacity of a policeman Gerry Spencer 535, i | High Triples: Bert Wall 869, IMEN'S BOWLING Haggis Bowlers lead the field 840, Ron Hochu 838, [by one whole week In the Down | |a total of 39 points. In second cers 1361, Atomics 1346, {place Is Nixon's with 35, hotly! High "eam Triples: Long Bros {pursued by Centrals with 34 and|3754, Roval Grill 3713, Beta Rays | Bradford Hoshal at 33. The rest 3668, Blazers 3633 are: Royal Grill, 31; Happy's Sur- plus, 28: King Motors, 27; Cana- |dian Legion, 22; Queen's Hotel, (21; Heard's Head Pins, 18; New | Service Cleaners, 14; and Mur. |ray's Taxi 10, All team and in. dividual' high scores remained the same during the week, | Combines Beaten By Trenton 10-5 COBOURG Hope Combines continued HAN {operations until after the New| [utermediate Lucky bowlers in the league's 10-5 by the onrushing [turkey roll were: Turkey, Sonny Flyers before a chilled crowd ol [Taylor, 202; chickens, Del Camp-|250 pre-Christmas fans at Co- iney, 289; Ernie Sutton, 285 and bourg Arena John Chenzler 274, A hidden score| The loss was the fourth straigh Cobourg merchants had been prize was also awarded and it for the locals and left them in Bowling | 56, Highfields |Bob Golding 858, Clint Branning | High Team Singles: Beta Rays Town Men's Bowling League with 1429, Wilson Cleaners 1413, Lan- ~ Cobourg - Port their| s,3--Today The league has now ceased tumble in the Eastern Ontario Captain Rufigaron vn MM, Hockey 11=Christmas Cartoon League as they were trounced LJ J Children's (hastre ps0 PM 6-Woody Woodpecker 4=Dinner Date 2~Benga) Lancers r "Pp, 11=~Theatre; News Weather b~News | Gti' nal Bleep "ih PM $-Niws 6~Tim MeCoy $3 P.M 6--Meet Lorraine b--Leave It To Beaver | 4.3~News; Weather | m db |6,4,3~Newy | 1. PM. | 11=Family Theatre | 6=Tablold | S~Commentary | | 8=This Is Alice Le PM, 6--Disney Presents 5,2-Wagon Train 4~Union Pacifie LU 1~Laave It To Beaver Pursuit . Wa P.M, 111,8=One of a kind 5,2~Price Is Right "wr 11-=Jamboree 6-5:2-Music Hall 4~The Millionaire | 30 P.M, | | L1=Frontier 6:5-2-Bat Masterson & l'vw Got» Neoret 0m PM, 11«8an Francisco Beat | 6--Have Gun Will Travel | B52-This is Your Life 4~Circle Theatre we rm 11-8-Close-Up B-Flight 2-Officinl . Detective "wo Pm, 11-6-4-2~News | Wanther; Sports 8--Church Service | "its P.M, 6----Carols 8 Bhock 4~Boys Cholr 2-Bports Heel n | PM, | 11==Musical Christmas 0 6Hcotland Yard 4-Church Service S=Jack Paar 1:46 P.M 1l--Late Show 6-Church Service 12:00 Midnight 8:2-Midnight Mass 1:00 AM, Holly and the Ivy THURSDAY 5.00 AM, Party Trenton| 8--~Mass { 4=Popeye's Playhouse 2-Church Service 30 AM, {11.6--Prelude to The t| Queen 4~=Susie 0.00 AM [brought chickens to Bill Wright danger of dropoing out of fourth 11.6---Queen Elizabeth and last playoff spot, and Bob Lennan who each had ® Standings are: |175. BASKETBALL Standing of the Port Men's Town Basketball League: Napanee Hope Bow, - Orono Minden P W L PTS, Cob, - Pt. Hope 16 {Trenton | Kingston I TEAM Haggis Bowlers Turck's Basketeers {Eldos O'Neill's Jets TOWN HOCKEY Standing of the [Men's Town Hockey | TEAM |Junior Ontarios 5 Nicholson File L) | Law rence Harvesters 4 I-Ways 2 | Eldos Mathews Conveyor 9 1 L] 4 8 4 9 5 8 1} 7 2 |worst game of the season in los {ing to the hustling Flyers. Aw {Scott of Trenton set some League: wl 11 [first three markers, Combine goalie Clarke Som Kemp who was scheduled to star didn't show up. COBOURG CHURCH HOCKEY Four Teams Unbeaten Haliway In Schedule COROURG still unbeaten {Church Hockey League at the was the only player thumbed to half-way mark in the 16-week the penalty box |schedule. They are St. Michael's| g; Mike' ' ! ¢ 1} Ike's A's celebrated M's In the Mite division, St. An- Christmas early by tanaing Trin: drew's Pee Wees, St. Andrew's jiy B's 15.0, Gord Kelly was the {Bantams and. St. Andrew's Mid hig gun with five goals gets. MeGly 1 Paul Cleary | MeGlynn and Pau eary chip. Results of the eighth week of pad in with two counters apiece, {play follow: 1 MITES | _8t. Mike's A's scored (sixth straight win by | Trinity 30. Tommy Gadbols got shutout {the shutout, Paul Gutteridge led Dorion got the gate, the attack with two goals, Gerry| "| St. Peter's had little trouble In Bambridge notched the other downing St. Mike's B's 8.1. Bll 0 1 2 8 2 4 4 18 2 0 4 2 Port Hope of scoring record when he tallied | + News ithe last seven Trenton goals, His| LT PTS. linemate, John Baker, scored the merville was called in to action at the last moment when George |"¢"Guiding Light 8,2--Dough Ra Mi 4~For Love or Money | a0 AM, 8,2~Treasure Hunt Play Your Hunch "now A 11--=Dumbo 6-Children's Flims Combines played possibly their| 8:3--Concentration LY Top lar 13.00 NOON 8.2-Tic Tac Dough Neather 1.80 P.M, 11-News 6-~Prairie Xmas Card 5.2-It Could Be You 4--~8earch for Tomorrow LE} 12:45 11--All Star Theatre t 100 PM 6-Operation Christmas Movie (heatre | 2-Mid-Day Matinee | 4=~As the World Turns | 82~From The Roots | 6 4-Heart of Gold 116 PM, 11~Movie Matines 1s PM, 6-Troop Show 2:45 P. 11,8-=Nursery School "tn 5 116--Noel au Chateau de Ramzay 82-Today Is Ours The Big Payot LM PM 11,6-Open House ~The Verdiet is Yours "00 PM, 11Bugs Bunny 6-/Three Bears $5,2--Queen For A Day feria; Stories "0 11=Popeye 6--Alice in Wonderiand 2-Jungle Jim THURS EVENING | bon PM, 11Theatre; Sports b=Plaviouse 4-Film Featurette 2-Three Alooges | bl P.M, ~Chilaren » heatre 30 PM | #4=Dinner Date Theatre | 2~Huckieberry Hound "00 , 1l=Theatre; News; Weather THA l 2--Jeffs' Colle | "15 PM, B=News 6:50 P.M, p---Rifleman 42~News; Weather ae PM, | 6,4.3-News | 00 p.m, | U~Family Theatre | $= Tablovs | 8~The Lawman | 4--Btate Trooper S~Manhattan Musie TH PM 6---Broken Barrier 8~Colonel Flack 41 Love Lucy 2--Jefferson | | Drum ov P.M, | 11,6=Music Makers | 5-2~Fd Wynn 4~December Bride | na PM 11,6~The Unforsesn | 52-1 Could Be You | &=Yancy Derringer ye PM, 11-OHA Hockey 6-~Wyatt Earp [ %-3=Rehind Closed Doors 4~Zane Grey Theatre | vo PM 6~Loretta Young | $.2~Ford Show 4~Playhouse 90 non P.M, 6--Variety Show | 8:2-You Bet Your Lite 10:15 P.M, 2-26 Me on PM, 11,6,5,4,2~News Sports | ny Pw | 8~Pickwick Papers | 8--Feature Movis hae PM 11 <The Late Show 6--~Mystery Theatre 4=Film Festival s~Jack Paar §.3--Today Capt, Kangaroo AM, 8-Dr, n Popeye's Play. Lad | $=Trouble With Father 80 AM, | 8~Favorite Story 4~You and Your Family 2--Dr, Christian 10.00 AM, 8.3-Dough Re MI! | 4=For Love or Money 10.80 AM, | 4~Play Your Huneh 5,2~Tressurs, Hust 11.00 AM, 5.2~Price Is Right é~Arthur Godfrey 1180 AM, 8,2--Concentration Top Dollar 12.00 NOON 52-Tie Tae Dough News; Weather 12.30 P.M, News 5.21 could be You Search jor, Jomorrow 12:48 11=All Star Theatre 4Guiding Light i100 PF § ~, | 11,86=Nursery School 500 P.M, 11.6-Hiram Holiday b.2-Today is Owe ~The Big Payoff PM 11,6--Open House 5.2--From These Roots 4=The Verdict is Yours 11 Bu, P.M y 5.2-Queen For A Day 4~Berial Dramas 0 FM, LE 11=Popeye 6~Howdy Doody County Fair w-Fdge of Night 2--Jet Jackson FRIDAY EVENING 500 P.M, 11~Theatre Sports 6--~Hidden Pages | b=Vinyhoase Film Featureite 2-Three Stooges bu PM, 6--Mighty Mouse 4=Dinner Date Theatr | #=Wild Bill Hickock "aon PM 1.00 P.M, 11-=Theatre 6 Tablolo B~Real McCoys Colonel Flack 2--Rescue § 1.50 P.M, S~Lleave It To Beaves S=~Rin Tin Tin 4~Hit Parade 2--Buckskin "ew PM, 11.6--Here's Dufty b-2--Ellery Queen 4~Trackdown 1 an PM, 11.6-Plouffe Family é~~Jackle Gleason | a PM, 11-6---0Oldsmobile Show §:3-M-Squad 4--~Phil Slivers 1} 5 PM, 11,6--Country Hoedown 5:3-Thin Man Playhouse no PM 11:6-8:3Cavaloade of rts Vi B-Movie nee | 11=Wrestling | Premiere Perform. ance, em Feature | S=Jack Paar 1100 AM, S--Boston Blackie CPR Firemen Issue Raised Once More MONTREAL (CP) -- The issue the commission report that gaid of firemen-helpers on CPR yard the firemen are not necessary on and' freight diesel loc tions omotives-- [freight and yard diesels. The rail Four teams are goal, Blaire Sayers recorded the already the cause of two bitter way agreed to keep on all those in the Cobourg shutout, Larry Henhawke of OTS strikes and prolonged negotia- employed at the time in that has been raised once| capacity, allowing them to move again by the Brotherhood of Lo-|to other jobs through normal pro. comotive men (CLC), (three-day strike last Firemen and Engine. motion, But the union says it bowed to The question, though settled by this proposal only because of fed- May, was legislation, Terry an agreement which ended ajeral threats to end the strike by and in negotiations opened again Tuesday night when | for a new contract to replace that tween the union and C Gamble said, PR. {Danny Gadbols and Ray Provost the union's Canadian head, W. E. which expired May 31, it tried, in (bagged a pair each. Danny Gad- Gamble, announced he has asked vain, to raise the issue again, thelr bois was the best playmaker withthe federal labor department to ALSO WANT RAISE blanking five assists. Bob Hill recorded the appoint a conciliation board to] The union also is demanding Guy Lesage and Roger! adjudicate a contract dispute be- an 18-per-cent wage increase. Negotiations were suspended in | It the board is appointed, Mr, [October pending settlement of a the union intends Wage dispute between the rail St. Mike's B's were not quite 88 Ryan, Bruce Ravendale and Rob.|to bring up the issue of whether| Way and its 130,000 non-operating fortunate as they lost their elghth i" Wiliams consecutive game, this time a 40 light twice i verdict to Ontario Training! jankins and Sciwol, Stone paced OTS with akelly g brace of goals, singles by Lepage f and Sands, Grant chalked up the shutout, Larry Gordon of the los. ers was penalized, St. Andrew's remained aloft in second spot by trouncing St, Peter's 50. Danny Mclvor regis: i) ae goals. {tered the whitewashing Brother yjurray {John Melvor handled most of 3 |the scoring, netting the hat trick. | Mike Caine and Paul Massey scored one each, BANTAMS St. Andrew's kept right eon winning, to the tyne of 70 over last-place Grafton. Lynn Henry got his third shutout. Scott Mac. Kenzie was a two-goal man for the winners while John Anderson Purvis Kenny, Francis Harnden, Bob Bissonnett and Bob Ewart caged singles. Davis of Grafton drew the only penalty, | St. Michael's and Training ~N 'School didn't settle a thing as they fought to a 3.3 stalemate Gilbert Brocanier tallied twice | for the Irish, John Primeau get ting the other. Timms, land Saumur scored for OTS Timms, and Saylors of the School | | were penalized along with Sauve| | of St. Mike's. : St. Peter's and Trinity also! drew by a score of 1-1. Gary | Reading was the marksman for St. Peter's, John Brett countering for Trinity. Bazday, Dawe and Campbell, all of Trinity, sat out sin bin trips PEE WEES In a nip and tuck contest, Trin each blinked singles by Lary Dobkin, Gord scored for the losers. Frank Godfrey of the vie sessed the two penalties called, St. Andrew's also had an easy (time of it in whitewashing win. {less Baltimore 10-0. the Ewart were two - goal| men, Ford Blow, Ian Robertson| and Gord Stevenson singletons. under the treat. Everyone likes Note: Wriglev's Spearmin bright Christmas colours white Win Thanks! : Put an open box of Marti Wrigleys Spearmint Gum Let family and friends help them- selves to this wholesome, satisfying inexpensive. Put several boxes under your tree or around the house. They'll appreciate your thoughtfulness, the Dennis engines operating in the yards or on freight trains, helpers are needed on diesel employees--since settled talks with the brotherhood have not resumed, The CNR but is also Involved in a The brotherhood brought CPR dispute over firemen, It has {ors was as- operations to a halt for nine days asked for sole authority to dis- in January, 1957, over the same pense with the firemen on diesels problem, tree it, and it's so t Gum comes in red and green on ROV- conciliation OLD PENALTY | question and sent members back and the question now Is before a to work when the federal Bruce Mec: ernment appointed a commission {Ivor led the scoring parade with headed by Supreme Court Just Ray Chapman and|ice Roy L. Kellock to study the board, | Imprisonment for debt, an an- In May, the enginemen went cient practice in England, was scored out again and this time the strike abolished by the Debtors' Act of lended in an agreement based on'1868, To solve RA YOUR LIFE'S MADE EASIER through CLASSIFIED. ADS lems quickly, everyday prob. 3-3492 ity squeaked past Training School 10 an Rav Madhimet's Set waning