AFTER 25 YEARS on the job , dovses this idea for four of his 8 man ought to he able to have [ employes, Gordon While (right «a sit-down and Ontario Motor | standing) and Lew Hungerford, Bales President J, Norval Wills | Roy Fields and Pete Goodehild "Son (standing left) heartily en- | (left to right, seated), recipi 'Veteran Employes Honored By Firm A, 8, Clark and D, Bell with ab, 32, 31 and 20 years respectively, as OMS ent 392, vice erans The four newcomers to the ranks of the oldtimers were each presented with a lounge chair hy the firm Mr, White is a master painter, Mr, Fields a trim-shop worker Mr, Hungerford a serviceman Clem: and Mr, Goodchild a salesman Four employes of Ontario Mo Aor Bales this week jointly com pleted 100 years' service with the SLompany 20 years each adding to the 160 years comple ted by the five other plus twen tyAfivers, They are Gordon White, flungerford, Roy Fields and "George (Pele) Goodehild, They oln J, N, Willson, president of N firm; L. M, Bouch, G City Airwoman 'Serves In England NATO Lew Leading Airwoman June M, major contribution to "Young of Oshawa, a machjne! strength, yRecountant operator in the Noyal AL (his base, LAW, Young will Qanadian Alr Force, Is now #erv- aor on IBM equipment which fs dng at 30 Alr Material Base, Lan used to process requirements for 3 in Nottinghamshire, Eng:| ihe contingntal Fighter Wings, . " The dautthter of W, J. Young, | ** Located near the city of Not- who resides at 180 Stevenson tingham, an area made famous repd north, wa, she was born Robin Hood and his Merry |in Toronto, | "Men, this station, the only Com:| She has served in the MCAF | monwealth Base in England, pro-| since 1988, during which time she vides the equipment that keeps derved at units In Quebec, On the Sabres and CF.100's of Can-|tario and Alberta, Prior to her L ada's Alr Division In Europe in transfer overseas, she was sta a state of constant readiness, The tioned at Rockeliffe, near Otlta ! Canadian jet squadrons are a'wa ' WAS I TO BLAME? Father Sees Son In Jail At Yule OTTAWA (CP) What are a have timed my visits to have one father's thoughts at Christmas close to Christmas with him + about his son in prison? 'Yesterday, in the "Each time 1 walk ita pathetio gates to start the journey I walted (after a visit) 1 tell myself and a if It was my fault that placed walked in this boy behind bars for seven LITTLE TO SAY years, | should remain while he goes free' p eager These are words taken from an bored article in the December issue of | : the monthly prisoner publication of the federal penitentiary at Kingston, the K, P, Telescope Anonymously written, it ap parently consists of the reflec tions, following a pre-Christmas visit to the penitentiary, of a father whose son Is serving time for robbery "Each Christmas his mother VISIT TO A STRANGER puts aside another vear, She "I do not visit the bay I called counts the days and the months my son, but a stranger," heland the years the same as he writes, "I come to see my fail: must do ure." "All she lives for Ia the Christ "Why Is my son a convict? mas when he will return, I have Was 1 to blame? Was there one not the courage to tell her our thing or was there a multitude son, my son, will never return.' of things that 1 had done wrong that brought this all about? If | Tobacco Board Meets With only someone could answer me "There have been nights when | Gov't Officials COMING EVENTS |, riLsoNxnuRa cm -- Mem I lay awake trying to understand | and understanding only that 1 : Tobacco Growers Marketing \ y 30 | Hoard and buying company rep could not At another point he says "Each year for four years resentatives will meet Monday in Toronto with top government of Is in an effort to speed up al of the 1938 crop os closed Tuesday at auction exchanges in Avimer and Tillsonburg an indefinite period with only 190,282 pounds of tobaceo-less than one-sixth of the total erop sold since the warehouse started wperations last fall The Monday negotiation ses at a meeting in To n board officials Agriculture Minister Goodfellow and Frank Perkin, chairman of the Ontario Farm Products Ma \ Board weeo hoard offi cold room attempt at until a door young stranger past the with home | cheer opened "In his eyes there was still the hoyish gladness | remem but otherwise he was a itranger and there was little to talk about "For the 20th time in four years made excuses for his mother, How can I tell him that I cannot bring her here, that what she retains is the pleture of what he was--not what he 1s be coming? I TILLSONBURG (CPM) PUPPET show brary, Saturday Wm NEW Year's Eve party Kinloch's Men's Wear Boys' and Girly! December 87, at EL tekets Juvilee § on sale Hon, 1 hoard's Delh for KINSMEN BINGO (CANCELLED) During Holiday STARTING AGAIN JAN 1959 < 00 SO 6 was sel Jirento betwe BINGO Par 8 Ha Fri Hal Sim $8, 5 3401 nan keting } Toh buyers ¥ als conte slowing sales by large a percentag offered are : oo lots Average price pald to date has 300b (been 50.40 cents a pound e | he employed as a machine oper-| Flue-Cured | the « lounge thelr with ents of cosy recogmtion years' pany, 100 com of service joint the Oshawa Times Photo Park Rinks Are Erected Park caretakers have complet ed putting up all the rinks for the winter I'he rinks are kept free of during the day #0 that skate with out interference season Now katers may The city parks commission is repairing all the equipment that has heen used in the previous summer All equipment Is ex pected to he ready spring Due to the growth of Oshawa, three n parks have heen add ed to accommodate all the na ture lovers, Trees are being trimmed and dead trees are be Ing removed, The parks' board Is happy to report that there are few dead trees In Oshawa ov very [parks Because of the new parks, men have been hired to take care of all that is necessary, Three men have been hired to take over the po:itions of men who have died In the hot house, seeds are he. |Ing planted and cared for by two men who are in charge of the greenhouse In the winter time, Dally needs of all flowers are being attended to and will be ready for replanting by Spring, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and henst wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and disiriet who are celebrating birthdays today and Christmas Day Those celebrating today are: Mes, F West!nke, 88 Wilson road north; Rus sell. Fraser, 21 Athol street west; Mrs, Betty Ann Lodge, 615 Dunkirk avenue: Mrs bert Holbrook 108 Ni street; Jean Goreskl, Verdun road Those who are celebratin on Christmas Day Mrs Tomes and Alexis Bremner, RI Oshawa Gordon Devitt Thornton's road north Welsh, 250 Athol Joan Gibbs 202 Drew street; Robert 70 John street; Lary AS Gibbon street; Atteraley, 18 Sandra Gaskell, 53 Fernhill boulevard: Mra, M Punkari, 200 Golf street; Dons ald Loscombe, 206 Nassau street The first five persons to In form The Oshawa Times of thelr birthdavs each day will receive double tickets to the Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The eur rent attractions are 'Bad man's Country" and "Jail Busters," also 'Houseboat. Black Ball Ferries Back Tn Operation | VANCOUVER (CP)--The ships of Rlack Dall Ferries Limited were back In operation teday fol lewing settlement of a fivesday strike that started when a erew member refused a job transfer from newsstand to dining hall he walkout involved 180 men Agreement between Black Rall and the International Union (CLO) 8 announced Tuesaday night hy Labor Minister Lyle Wicks of Rritish Columbia The strike started last Thurs day night when eward wa g J 17 Donald street east Runce Clancke Jackie street Jackson Seafarers' Ww an his hall re fired then from dining member I'hey ordered and into tl feller fused to work All Rlack Rall newss Five \ Pew were workers walked out and demanded wage | inerdases they in a strike HEART CONDITION A had \ partie tried to get this year It was joh the \ mmediately known 1 has lor ar condition the what the a gued had he and should be lent tewar I'he une union had rt nly he on news Term contract stipulate ™ wage n the current SIU and t Sleam the rates seamen will elve esian hed Canadian Pacil ship Service Coas chairs in | for use in the! unidentified | Bus Service Purchase Condit A spokesman for the Sandwich, Windsor and Amherstburg Rall- way has explained "certain con ditions' of the proposed contract hetween that firm and the Ca nadian National Railways where- hy the Windsor group would take over the bus service in Osh. awa, J, J, Dickson, vice-president of the Windsor firm, this week wrote the following letter to the news editor of The Oshawa Times; "In the proposed contract be- tween ourselves snd the City of Oshawa for the operation of a off 0 transit system in your city, we led of Any employe when employ. |2, recently endorsed the applica) would lke to place ourselves on record with regard to 8 number of the conditions contained with in our proposal: TO LEASE GARAGE "1The company will be leas. ing garage facilities for the term Commun Are Cited of the proposed franchise, This [hire or train additional employes, relieves the city of sny obliga |persons resident in Oshawa will tion to provide facilities, be jen first Soueration "2-The company Intends to| "E~Those persons ve ploy all rig 4 of the | appHed to continue thelr employ. present operator except those ment with the Canadian Nation- | persons who have applied to con |8l Railways, and whose applica- tinue thelr employment with the tons are not accepted, will be (Canadian National . Raflways, eligible to apply for employment upon the following conditions: Jan #4, nd wien, they Ar Li v vy ey w CONDITIONS LISTED new employes, "A Their existing senlorily| "We would be very grateful if will be retained; signups and|you would publish this in your future lay offs will be earried newspaper so that it will clarify out In accordance with such sen our position in the matters men lority, tioned," "B-No medical will be requir-| City council, by a vote of 11 to iment originates; but periodic!tion of the Windsor firm over | medicals must be taken following two other proposed operators, {the same pattern as at present, The Ontario' Municipal Board "C--Age will not be a consid-|\must now rule on the transaction |eration of employment for pres. and there is a possibility the lent employes, hoard may order a plebiscite on | "D=If ## } y to the proposed transaction, ity Ches t Kiwanians Total $148,430.11 |Hold Joint The executive of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest _this sek announced the close of the 58 campaign, The ghest office reported Tuesday afternoon that a total of $148,430.11 was con tributed, The list of contributions, not previously acknowledged, Is as follows: Amount previously acknowledged Mr, and Mrs, Allen B Dover's Limited [Martin Libby | Stall Bank of Montrenl (additional) | wm. wall Mary Schmals G, Lagnaey Fran Dugusy W. Chesehore Mavis Begner J, €, Huek Staff Royal Bank of Canada H, J. Pincomhe Kay Dobos Marion Davenport Beryl M, Davies GG, H. Kerr T, ¥. H. Gourlle AE, O'Nell Adams Furniture J, MaeDermald Staff City of Oshawa (additional) | EM, Found J. Butler Paul Gagnon Jozef Jablonski J, Mangnko Cyril K, Smith Grant Elford Daniel Fleming Vdward O, McNeely Krene Waller E.G, Mackie Krnest Barker John Ashby John Beko Clare Rowman Karl Byam $147,704.81 Johnston 10.00 25.00 25.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 I] 2.00 10,00 2.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 25.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 b.00 5,00 26.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 | HAPPY CHRISTMAS William Cameron M, Crepika 8, Paterek George W. Davidson D, 1, Davis + Wi [] 12 Meetin 1.00 1.00 | 5.00 p00) Members of the Oshawa 00 | (Downtown) and Westmount Ki- 200 wanls Clubs held a Joint meeting 2.00 Tuesday to enjoy a Christmas 441 message, delivered by Fellow 1.00 Kilwanian Lowell Bock, of the 5.00 Oshawa Missionary College, 2.00 Kiwanian Rev, Harold 1, Loo Cleverdon Introduced the speak- Jo ler and at the conclusion of the #0 | Inspirational address, Darren sho [Michael voleed the sincere thanks wo Of the Kiwanlans and guests, 1000 'The Babe in Bethlehem was 8.00 God's first great gift and today wol/we worship the Crucified s08aviour, declared Kiwanian 2.00 Bock, The 'speaker stressed the 400 great need for positive attitudes 15.00 [to thwart the negative tendencies | T, Vila ¥, Forshee J, Gooding M, Jakym B, Kosclessa ¥, Malski H. Mater John McLachlan Bruce Nugent N. Pazenyeruy H, Read M., Kissner J, Rosatl Carl Barr J, Kenking G, Muy L. Young fF, Smith Ontario Quehee Conference of Keven Day Adventists Lois J, Wells Fred Garrard Bertha Goldman Barbara McVeeters Buehler Brothers Limited Ww. D, Parkhurst H. J, Gascoigne Limited Christie Bread Limited Industrial Acceptance Cor. poration Limited Molson's Brewery (Ontario) 14d, Staff Northern Canada Supply Limited Norman White Bill Wellington Bert Mercer Tony Constable Alex Kidd Madeline Sisson Helen Twining David Pinnell Klgin Bartlett Ken Zimmerman Bill Ros Evans Loam and Gravel Supplies Marion Pooler Mrs, Jean Turk Total to dates | [ | A 3 % sponsibilities,"" he stated, "'Kiwa- nlans must not curse the dark. 50.6 10 "| rather, seek out the light to brighten this darkness,' 300 must work towards this end, 2.00 Thelr work with boys and girls 20011 an Important phase of Chris #00 tian leadership," he added, 200, In thanking the speaker, Kiwa- 10.00 {nian Michael declared that the 2.00 \peaker 'had glven to our con- $148,490.11 ception of Christmas, a new meaning." Bus Driver Finds | Lost Pay Cheque | Word that a lost cheque for $119.94 was now In process of be- ing returned to them made It seem ag If Christmas had come early to Mr, and Mrs, E, C, Niel sen of 1387 Ritson road north | Ross Dunk, an Oshawa Rall {way Co, bus driver, found the |General Motors pay cheque, made lout to Mr, Nielsen, while stop ping to plek up a newspaper on {Simcoe street north early this morning, He immediately start led {nquiring to see If he could track down the owner, An Oshawa Times reporter called on Mr, Nielsen, a tool and die maker, who has worked at GM for 19 years, to see if he {was aware he had lost hia cheque Mr, Nielsen was paid last night and came off shift today at 4.30 a.m, He arrived home just after 5 am, today and was asleep 'Brooklin Couples Club Holds Initial | | By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT | BROOKLIN + The first moet ing of the Couples Club of Brook lin United Church was. held on | Wednesday evening in the Sun. day School room of the church, | [Singing of Christmas carols open: | od the meeting, with Mr, Mat. | thew Agar as planist, | | Mr, and Mrs, Ray Hodson and | Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Jackson | conducted a Christmas worship period Mrs, J. Carnwith entertained the group with pictures of her re- [cent trip around the world: with [commentary on interesting places visited, Appreciation for {this antertainment was expressed by Mrs, Douglas Jackson, In a contest held to decide the name for this newly formed woup, Edwin Down submitted I'he United Links Couples Club." [This was chosen and the group Iwas so named, Games and lunch closed an enjoyable Christmas meeting, wih Benediction pro [nounced by the Rev, 8, J, Hillier | CHILDREN BAPTIZED | Six children were presented for infant baptism during the morn. ing worship at Brooklin United {Church on Sunday, Rev, § J Hillier officiated, y The children were: Torpance James, son of Mr, and Mvs, K, Robertson: Robert John, son of Mr, and Mrs, R. Marshall; Kim.| herly Jane, daughter of Mr, and | Mrs, KE. J, Edgar; Barbara Joan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Irwin] Gibson; John Charles, son of Mr, {and Mrs, Clinton Chambers; Dan- | lel James, son of Mr. and Mrs, | Bruce Lehman FAIRVIEW LODGE Members of the Young Peo ple's Union, Senior Choir and congregation of Brooklin United Chweeh, entertained the residents f when called upon shortly after | nine, | When knowledge of the lost cheque {sald, "No, I didn't lose [eheque, It can't be me." After going to a closet and] feeling in the inside pocket of a sult coat, Mr, Nielsen expressed | both amazement and a second (later, relief, to know that an honest man had found his cheque The Nielsen's have no children and sald the loss would not have asked if he had any he | my| 8 NEE WY -- Shad LL EES Henry Langlals, of General Motors' material handling de- partment, is probably the hap- plest man in Oshawa today, He was presented Tuesday with a cheque for $1504 from the | company's suggestion plan, The award was the result of his THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Decomber 24, 1958 3 -- hh suggestion that automatic transmissions be stacked in metal racks at the factory so that several could be handled at one time during shipping. Previously each was handled Individually. Shown at the presentation of transmission | WINS $1504 FOR A SUGGESTION the cheque are Foreman Ralph Gulliver, George W. 'Read, | vice-president and director of | manufacturing, Mr, Langlais | and R. J, Minter, material handling superintendent, : GM Photo, Some Helpful Tips For The Christmas Season Christmas suggestion for the even if the holidays aren't over, dangle in light sockets, Don't house that has everything built-in brain to detect booby traps fire-safe areas," the Council sald. | in Christmas trees and toys, The tip comes from the Na tional Safety Council, which says every household already has this wonder gadget, but most [don't realize It, | "I's the collective brainpower {of the family," the council sald, {And it operates on a fey basic principles: | the most combustible 2.00 of. the day, "In facing their re.|%nown and once on fire it burns {so flercely, fed by natural pitch |and resin, that It's almost impos- y mear {dinar | 2. Children's toys must | Intention of teaching the child how to use the toys. "Trees should be taken down Whitby Girl Is Bruised A Whitby girl was slightly hurt in one of three accidents report. ed In Oshawa Tuesday night, Susan Burkart, 10, 810 Henry street, thy, sustained a bruls- ed forehead when the car in Miriam Peterson, with a car driven by Stan Mitch. oll, 861 Stevenson road north, The accident occurred at the in. tersection of King street west and more than $200 damage to the cars, Mervin C, Glazier, 195 Mar- quette avenue and Gordon Gar. fleld Brock, 450 Cromwell avenue, | were the drivers of cars involved | In an accident on Simcoe street] north, Damage to the Glazier car| was $25, The other car was un-| ruined thelr Christmas, However, Mr, Nielsen said: "I am very WINS GOLD MEDAL lg pone good has x glad that someon good | Gordon W. Riehl, a partner found my cheque. deed | In Monteith, Monteith, Riehl, Christmas had come ' and Company, chartered ac- sarly / ¢ 0 Mf) early to the man who stopped t countants, has been awarded pick up a Sp pepes, lent the Soclety of Industrial and a week's pay and was awakened| oie Accountants' gold medal | [shortly after to learn of Is re yoyo hiohost marks in the | turn before realizing It was gone.| pina examinations for advanced cost accounting in Ontario, Mr, Riehl, who lives at 685 Osler street, became a chartered ac. countant in 1048 and established the Oshawa office in 1040, To Present : Bathe Award The E, E. Bathe Memorial Award will be presented, Wed. nesday, Jan, 7, at 7.30 pm, at the CRA centre, 100 Gibb St. The awards presented annual. ly to a local neighborhood asso |clation for outstanding achieve. ment in community recreation and association development, The first award, last year, went to Eastview Park, The deserving association Is Party of the Brooklin Duplicate chosen by an awards committee Bridge Club was held in the [composed of one ¢ from basement of Whitby Township the Board of Parks Managoment, Hall, Brooklin, two members from the Central Twenty + eight members sat Council of Neighborhood Asso. down to a turkey dinner complete |clations and two members from {with trimmings, the Community Recreation Asso | Following the repast, duplicate clation, Ther bridge way played, Highest| There no [scores were as follows program this year called "Play- own USA." Eastview Park wil | Mrs. A, J, Cook, Walter Wadell, |e By A Fagiiew Pax win 102; Mr, and Mrs, John H. Good. win, 92%: Mrs, Crossman, Mr, | |Glover, 80; Mrs, W, Medland, | | Mes, S. Stewart, 89; W, A, Heron, | [Fran Morrissey, 89 | 25 MILLION GO TO DRUG STORES | Drug economists have fi. gured out an average of 500 people visit the average drug store in a day with 850.000 drug stores, that's 25 million people a day To gel more people to visit your store, Join the sharp business people who use Osh- awa Times Classified Ads, Dial RA 3.3492 for an inform od, capable account represen tative to find out how you can benefit from Classified | Meeting cently with a carol singing serv: ee. Rev, 8. J. Hillier presented a Christmas message and greet. ings, At the close of choral service, the residents each received a bag of Christmas cookies, candies, ele, On behalf of the Lodge, Super Intendent Mrs, W, Coates volced appreciation to the group. BRIDGE CLUB The annual Christmas Bridge | will be a film on the Niagara Skipper Evacuates Home NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) Charles Blair, 36-year-old custod. lan of the famed river boat Maid of the Mist, once more has been forced to evacuate his family from thelr riverfront home, He says Tuesday night was the fourth or fifth" time during their 11 years in the house by the Maid of the iMst dock that! [rising waters have made them | get out Ice plugged the Niagara River [ag a combination of warm air| [end southwest winds released ice fields in the upper river and sent huge floats crashing over the Horseshoe Falls, water swirling Six Above Zero domaged, At Farewell 'avenue, a car driven by George McKay, 700 Colborne street west, was dam: aged when it left the road and clipped off three guard rail posts, McKay told police that he was blinded by oncoming headlights, Find Driver Was Impaired BOWMANVILLE Howard Portsmouth, 31, of Omemee, was fined $50 and costs and his driv er's licence suspended for a per. fod of six months upon being found guilty of a charge of im. paired driving by Magistrate R . Baxter Tuesday. Portsmouth was charged Oct, 24. by Constable Don Foules, Bowmanville OPP detachment, following an accident on High. way 115, The constable told the court that Portsmouth had been southbound when he swerved into the northbound lane and the path of a tractorstrailer, driven by Glyn Young, of Hull, P.Q. No one was injured in the en. be| 1001 "Kiwanis must take its place of (bought not only with age, interest Underwriters' Laboratories label, 2.00 leadership In the community and and physical capabilities of the| check wires for defects and don t 2.00 [in community service, Kiwanians [child In mind, but also with the overload house wiring, Turn out tree lights when not in the room |""Never dispose of the tree in a fireplace, furnace or stove where | the fire might get too hot to con- trol," SAFETY TIPS Other Christmas tree safety tips: Keep tree in a cold place until [ready to set it up, then saw off |diagonally about an Inch of the 1, The Christmas tree is one of trunk, put it in a water-containing | objects holder and keep container filled, | Don't put the tree near a fire place, radiator, television powerful electric light or othe ' or 100.00 | ness to be found In the world but [sible to douse the flames by or-|heat source, Don't run an elec. trie train around Its base, Use electric lights which bear for a long time, Make sure ends of metallic ici. |when the needles start to fall, cles and other ornaments don't 11 Children Found Cold And Hungry children ranging in age nine months to 13 dled with thelr mother pled grandmother in an unheated pation b shack, Stevenson 'road, It resulted in| Mayor James Guerin of subur- ban Cote St, Catherine sald the family had apparently been aban. doned, A bottle of frozen milk was the only food found in the shack, at a St, Lawrence Seaway construction site, Mr, Guerin sald he found the family while making his annual Christmas rounds with clothing and food for the poor, Hospital officials sald none of the children was in serious condition, but that they and the two women had pro- bably gone without solid food for a considerable time, The two women were sald to be in better gondition than the children, two girls and nine boys, Two Fire Alarms But No Damage The Oshawa Fire Department was called out twice Tuesday night, Neither call was serious. i 11.05 p.m, the fire fighters went to the home of A. Tidinek, 01 Wilkinson Ave, to check on smoke from the furnace, They found a smoking whisk broom on the heat chamber, The other call was to F', Kwlo- tek's home, 112 Olive Ave, to take care of an overheated space heater, There were six routine ambu- lance calls during the last 24 hours, MONTREAL (CP) -- Eleven from years were which she was riding, driven by taken to hospital Tuesday night 612 Green|suffering frostbite and malnutri- street, Whitby, was In collision tion after they were found hud. and erip- Beek aland disposed of out-of-doors in|use flammable decorations, Use a step ladder when trim. ming the upper branches. "Toys should stir the imagina- tion, encourage creative ability and train the child for better lv. ing," the Council sald, 'But man; times parents order things whic turn out to be dangerous," TOY SHOPPING When shopping for children's toys: Choose* toys which aren't too heavy for youngsters to handle, Check toys for small parts which may become loose and which toddlers might swallow, Don't buy small toys, marbles, Jacks, coins or beads for very young children, Make sure toy is strongly made so that it won't break and leave jagged edges, Avoid toys or play clothing which are highly flammable like celluloid and many brushed and napped fabrics. Select washable playthings col ored with non-polsonous dye or paint, Steer clear of electrical mn toys for very young children, For older children, select only those which bear the seal of approval of the Underwriters' Laboratories. Place Youth On Probation BOWMANVILLE Thomas 19, of Howard avenue, was put on a year's pro- y Magistrate R., B, Bax- |ter Tuesday. Beek had been on remand since Sept, 2 when he was found guilty of stealing an outboard motor valued at $400, The magistrate stipulated that he was to stay out of Bowman ville, the scene of the crime, during his probation, report re. gularly to the probation officer and be in his home by # p.m. Beek has just completed a probation period on a charge of driving while his licence was under suspension but the maglse trate sald that, because he was the eldest member of the family, it would be best If he could i support the family and his wid- owed mother, Beek and seven accomplices stole the motor last July and were arrested shortly after by Bowmanville police, The others were also put on probation, HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST. EAST -- HOURS -- ? AM~--6 PM. Wad, Until 12:30 P.M, Sot, Until 2:30 P.M, PHONE RA 3.4811 For an appointment wa, [ | | i | | suing collision but property dam. age was extensive, The accused was found asleep in the driver's seat following the collision, When he was rous. od by the constable he appeared) to be In a daze, smelled strongly | of alcohol and was unsteady on| his feet, During The Night | An employe of Imperial Oil Limited, 130 Court street, repor( | ed that between 8 a.m. yester| day and 8 am. today, the tem: perature varied from 3% degrees | above ero to 6 above wero, The Ligh of 38 was believed to have been reached sometime dur | ing Tuesday afternoon and the low 'of 6 degrees above zero was | recorded on the thermometer this | morning, The temperature is expected to] rise this afternoon, Wool Scatter Rugs Sale 1.50 each NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY RA 5.1202 around the house, |S Notice! GARBAGE COLLECTION CHRISTMAS and BOXING DAY dul iN for D. 25th Garbage Collection sc 25th will be picked up o Garbage normally collec 27th, collection, Please help to necessary, w and December 26th have been changed in the City of Oshawa because of the Holiday on Christmas, * Garbage normally collected on Thursday, December 26th, will be picked up on Saturday, December Garbage should be out by 8.00 a.m. on the day of not leaving garbage containers out longer than Chairman, Board of Works. n Friday, December 26th, ted on Friday, December keep the streets clean by ALTER BRANCH, of Fairview Lodge, Whitby, re Lal h)