23 (odented in advance of the open hower said -- again without giv. 1 Tk A ig of Col d Qetence | detalls--that his bn will Christmas |Ike Announces rf "fi ie, sw Susie Budget Outline "ix is si bir vine - ith th le interest" Meet Held |Budget Outline oy i. 2c "a: ' Hie spending figure would be of MRS, C, MARTIN For Next Year 92,000 000 000 below this year's RD = The Christmas| waswrnamon (AP) -- Press. ¥/moted ¥76,200 000,000 total, Ab meeting of the Leskerd Woman's) gon wisciis eo sian for o 877, 100 level, a $12,000,000 000 deficit Association was held at the home gac'oer ono" ies ATUL Aor next [18 expected this year, partly be. of Mrs. Angus Loucks with 11 your wes described as unrentis leause the recession eut expected members and four visitors pres te today by the opposition Dem federsl revenues pot, Mrs, Martin opened the meet 0 PREDICTS TAXES WIGHER lng with & poem, A Christmas| gi... + " t ofl Although no generd) tax foe Draper a vin" Mow, Cons bide lane Monday, unpre crense oto be_ asked, Blo 4 22 Ald GREETINGS was in charge of the dev , Rev, Mr, Long gave sn N teresting Christmas message, he Mghtight of he yom bs Savers) Fletmas sarols Jae 07 It's time . bale tr oe Fv oi die Hien i zo SEES wi Bond 0 | / | ; the church, A Christmas yo y fo send | i M. GREENBURG Service was also planned with : i tod cove itv FISH and CHIPS ayn) [| grootings J at 1 & SOM 11D. rayer. Lunch was served by | rs, Grant, Mrs, Tennant, Mrs, Spry and Mrs, Loucks, ATHOL Pa our Following the meeting » pres | y entation of a lovely woollen | wi h E h | blanket, fancy eake plates and a cup and saucer Was made to Mrs, Ishes ac way. "" Fred Yeo (nee Ellen Cam: | - NX / | Trion or th lovely fille rl and Everyone | | : : OUR VERY BEST WISHES d | io Y if | Mri Prislle. Bradihav wre ° FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS 1) 108 il 4 EL 0 or Weaeae er A " |f ALVI RUG COMPANY ning last a Arthur J, Young, 1 TT. G. GALE LIMITED ¢ r, | 34 SIMCOE ST. §, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur N. Young and Michael, Toronto; Mr. and! 284 RITSON ROAD NORTH | Mrs, Earl Puckrin, Audley, visits ' ed with Mr, and Mrs, C, Martin II I 0 0 BU BN Mr, and Mrs, Milton Cornish, Peterborough, visited on Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs, C. Martin | ALONE Wii LIE thuny Mr, and-Mrs, Earl Duvall visit. | i od with Mr, and Mrs, Will Miller | and attended the special Christ nts unuer your mas Bervice In the Orono United Chureh Sunday evening '0 ~ POM 1 " op The Leskard School Concert 4 bY ¢, plense accept was well attended, The teachers, Mr. James Pollard, Mr, Phillip Z S, J . ur best wishes for Long and music teacher, Mrs . wo Westheuser, and pupils are to he SG Merry Chrl ; congratulated on the excellent | ol h 3 Merry iristmas program, consisting of carols, | dances, hoys' gymnastics, girls' » gymnastics and two plays, Santa | arrived bringing toys and candles -- SAM ROTISH to all the children Ciary Thompson, eldest son of gy 1 ' Mr. and Mrs, Roy Thompson Is MEN'S WEAR 1, Bein ile Mamorisl Hom: rsa | Foi 3) | Oshawa Camera Craft Centre his neck. Gary was operating a "Photographic Specialists' bulldozer for Highway Construes ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE o May this Holy Season bring you an abundance of happiness! tion Company and working aff... we -------- Grafton when the aceldent occurs red Mr. and Mrs, C. Martin, Mrs, ; | | | | {A Loucks, Mrs, L. Hamilton, Mrs, G. Eade and Mrs, A, New. b man attended the Heather Re: # ¥ -- bekah Lodge Christmas Part pr k held at the Acres Restaurant » delicious turkey dinner was : qZ -, served followed hy an exchange CR | 7% | of gifts, v IN Og LJ A 4 : The herald angels ~ 3 of the Yuletide ug" V2 wpnynor | for the Holidays 5 " * . New Officers 6 2 TR greetings fora | y MEAT A: | Od $1, Nick will soon be sliding down Are Named By 7 blessed Christmas, GATE % MARKET : . 'your il with a pack full of gifts WMS Auxiliary SYNE 37... AN RI [| recson Mey is ion a yor home ' very hoppy holiday +.» THUR ELLIOT? ATT E' PAINT and : moka It 0 very one Alice Olver for its ome of P x WALLPAPER Fe, tn hr ---- --y =m H. G. HEAL wave the eal to won. A - by Mw, B.A Clon mated by : TILE CONTRACTOR lan, Mien Jussi Webber and AD Fed land, N Jose I ha HAMPTON MA 3.2902 Special prayers of intercession } d "ad § \ were repeated In unison, Select A C I : gr | BL, y ' : i yrs and Chris {4 ) ) i i gtmag nro || : Here's hoping that yon ol perviee: pt pay I J \ B [ ¢ 4 y i " 0 , | Sy A i have a very Merry Christmas! gave readings, Mrs, 8, Lockyer v : planist, led In the singing of i May your hearts ° gars, Mire. Liev Bradley reed f hora ] 6 MINRes An 'oll eal, eASON Treasurer's ot Pato hy All the joys of the » 4 be filled with "WX Al S BI-RITE STORES Mire. NM. Routley showed ialance} ult TT s-- | s gy on han dh | b \ gladness during SIMCOE ST. NORTH Christian eftize ship secretary, ® i Mrs, E. Aoton, described an arti: . ] | ele on soolal welfare, Associate HAYDEN D. KEMP this holiday members secretary, Mrs, Charles ¥ | Pilkey, reported MW associate : ® SERVICE STATION o members on roll and contribu. 2 L v tions of $18.78, Supply secretary, v 99 BLODR $7. £43? Mrs, Charles Flliott, requested OSHAWA gifts for relief be purchased by the end of December Mrs, J. KH, McKinney, Wterature S-- | + aecrotary, suggested books for | ' WMS reading. Corresponding sec retary reported two letters of ' condolence sent and a letter of Wishing . appreciation received from Mr H. & K. HARDWARE N ¥ i V Ny p A i Again us dil is | Noscon, Jelling feeder of tel J .0, Brainy so ; | 337 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH [HEN a { guastings and bust wishes No nominations were received! 1 I= olf : Jrom Kvaning of Afternoon Aust AL I os to shawa Preshyteria # ¢ I y Se. | 5 / ---- ca------ -- < for the gayest Holiday All secretaries were reminded y / a * to present annual reports at the! J RS 4 January meeting . io -- coer, We'ne grateful for Mra. Vietor Parkin acted ax Shatrvan election of officers : p. , « d ih + for 1080 ast president, Mrs , hl' 4 N ] win ' C, 8 Thompson; president, Mrs, | | 3 \ ' . \ 4 yous patronage J fy Ra Vite. president, Mrs. |} | . oo illler; nd vice - president, : fe.) | b A # . Mrs, Charles Wilson: 3rd vice: re ; SEAN Ry \ | | past year and Rope that tt president, Mrs, R. Sonley Ay : Recording secretary, Mm, 2 : A y » il Lloyd Bradley; treasurer, Mrs FLOOR SERVICE ' X . : | will ba out pleasure to M. L. Routley; corresponding \ A | . i secretary, Mrs. Arthur Elliott; CONLIN : Misstonary * Monthly secretary ys CC 3 3 \ Mra, W. Mediand: supply secre v i ur sror you for long yeaws tary, Mrs. Charles 1, Elliott; - - 3 ' 3 community friendship secretar : | " \ : ? fos, Mra. Arthur Boyes, Mrs, | y 3 \ \ fo coms. D. E, Hamer; IMerature secre: ¢ . tary, Mrs. J. H. McKinney: ! Christian citizenship secretary, Mrs. KE. Acton; Christaln stew ardship secretary, Mrs. ( 8 Thompson; associate members' : ye | 4 | secretary, Mrs, Charles Pilkey: | ' | : | he secretary, Mr Arthur | Clllott: planist, Mrs, Sydney, : | | & LJ Lockyer | No nominations for Mission Band leader vere revelved. Nom. ; inating committee with Mrs. 8. J | ) " J E w E L L E R S Hiller will endeavor to enlist a Just a note to wish you a Very leader before January Merry Christmas and a Happy | ; Officers were duly elected and ® DIAMONDS @ WATCHES ® SILVERWARE the installation service, conduct: | New Year YULETIDE GREETINGS! od hy Rev, 8 J. Hiller, will he hatd in Fg vig 12 SIMCOE ST. §. . ann & Sarre te | (RR CLARALEE | ne or the coaperation and av. | BD San FLOWER SHOP GENERAL AGGREGATES LTD. Traditional Quality Since 1886 sistance during 198. Meeting . kind with Migpahi Benedie A be N ALERT ST i 50 BOND ST. E. SS