The Oshawa Times, 24 Dec 1958, p. 21

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[47 Automobiles For Sole (50--Articles For Sale [$0--Articles For Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 24, 1958 21 0 PLYMOUTH, "50 Hillman, '48 Pon. WE pay highest price in the eity "Hor [ONE red Mary Maxim sweater, pow: hh) |) Plymouth; cheap, fia 5.1028, used furniture, Preity"s Used Furniture hoy design, size 10, Phone RA 37708, dan, 13 Bore, BA 3377), 444 Bimeos Bouth, Ie | FRIGIDAIRE 40" Flectrie range, "like MOTOROLA volumaile ear radio, only new, completely automatic, $129.50, Ir. eight months old, Cost $80 new, Best RA offer, Dial RA 55640 after 5, Jan, 1, ---- - - : BABY carringe, used four months only, FOR sale, custom built, push Aton $35, Space heater, 820, RA B-5447, 2961 1958 Chev, radio, practically new Ca Vly Mereury Taxi, 45 King East Ry 0 Live, son ee tn Contact FRIGIDAIRE 1060 washers ity. Furniture Store, 19 Frings | (ud dryers, Rated No, | over Street Phone KA B13), Saturdoy evening, hut de, vot Te, by consumers' repo) OW | WILLIAMS pianos, now af a price you deter large congregations from {overhead means lowest prices, From! oun" asiord, at Parkway Yettvision, (11 90, Kelly Frigiduive, Bi King West, | gimeoe Bireet North, BA 33043, attending Christmas services, on I i sR FRIGIDAIRE refgeraiors, veconds.|VO¥D friges w ashen wilomatles| Howard Farndale presided for toned, with warvehty, $00.90 up, Lures | GAC terms, Welly wrigianire, 8] 41 King the Sunday School hour with Wes June Davis as planist, Mr, Arthur Irvine App East, RA 8.5841, an, i - SELLING furniture oF cleaning ont ag PUNKT hart we din Hatnion taught the Adult ible LLOYD REALTY seme I get MOTORS ML MR Bi al gg en Toni, Terma ow) Rev, R, H, Love preached the {Christmas message, o« the "eg RENTAL AGENCY 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA: (8131 The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 uy Kelly TV, 81 King West, Dec, 9 ular church service, The choir Our fee Is less thon a vacancy, only screened Oust. Eost of Wilson Road) | ¥meos Street Bouth WINK and elder hurrels availaiie, ab RA 3.4494 Res, RA 5.5574 (WE'LL buy AI your used furniture wd | ofan Oshaws Hardware and Electric, contributed Christmas anthems, h 7624, under direction of Jeanine Werry, and reliable tenants, ; is i Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, pay top money for It, Contact nes | Church Street, KA 100 on 4B--Automobiles Wanted |"! or vhone RA 8113), 2 WROWNIE movie turret camera, gf gl ll peg A CAR or station wagon, vienity '53, "an, {CANDLE SERVICE new r Yimeos 3. N, ¥ sald it souldwt be done, 100k #1 aio 4 bar ght har and lights; wil fo -- 00 condition, private, MO B.5428, 3008 i S04, | The Candlelight service in the| ™E RA 8-5123 what "Ed W 1s doing, Chester: |s60, ¥hone HA ---------- fields and sofa-heds, chop to fabulo LAKESHORE 'Auto Wreckers want ears for wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA 07 "aut evening was conducted by Grant | Glover, presid. 'of the Double 31--Articles For Rent 31--Articles For Rent WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Flor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating end Circular Sanders; (we hove © complete line of sealers ond waxes); Circular Sows; Electric Drills; | 45--Reol Estate For Sele TEN acre parcels, oll Taunton West, 86000, Terms, W, MeAviey, I tor, 26 Prince Bireet BA V2812, Anni OWNER bullt new 6-room Franch h hun alow, low, low payments, Nest 4-room home, 13 aeres, school close, Tep-room hick home, 5 acres, Modern dairy {farm, 150 meres, Commercial % acre Danforth Road, 'Toronto, Tea room, ng coneern with apartment, Lots and others, Call Don Stradeskl, Oshawa, RA 5-156, nav Wilson Real Estate, Toronto, AX 34535 dan, 13 $100 PULL down FT private saie,| MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, ox + room brick bungslow in Alex.| RILEY SALES A SERVICE, {NHA #8 le. Surms, Man, ian row | #2406 or RU 38) evenings, BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN Tow Trucks Kept Busy KEDRON (Staff Correr- dent) ~Blip| roads in the Kedron aes aren kept towing trucks busy on CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 USED CARS B.A, SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN 50 Bond East vine Appliances, Jan Ll Staplers; Blow Torches; Soldering Irons; Centrifugal Pump; Pipe Wrenches; Power Trowel, and many other Tools, WEBBINGS HARDWARE DRIVE-IN | ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING 282 KING ST, W, RA 3-4873 32--Articles Wanted 36--Female Help ' Wonted WANTED -- Record player, suitable CAPABLE gift or -- n for children's play room, (alr condi housework, good wi tion, Phone RA 59402, 2090 ran) live in, Phone. R WANTED ~ MAIDS - Scrap ond Poultry DOMESTICS I, TURNER | EMPLOYEES UNLIMITED RA 3-2043 We have e job for you In (collect) Toronto, Write= 36--Female Help Wanted We're singing out our best wishes to you for @ Christmas that will fulfill all your dearest dreams of abundant hap~ _piness shared with your loved ones , , + of good fellowship and good cheer . , , ond deep contentment, LLOYD AYRES REALTOR SALESMEN: OZZIE ADDISON 163 EASTHAVEN ces, Restonic che inf res, fnew, 99 up, B, F, COMBINATION [itt is SB Pt nt Ga Ui or EA, WINDOWS HIGHEST PRICES trimmed with trabrilite, $186, plus fof (GELLING furniture or cleaning 09 cents you can choose either a five | your basement? You will get your high DOORS, AWNINGS, BEST FOR LESS, PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or Biers rvs "tom " Taber." Wileon| Sai. price When you phate RA 141 CALL RA 8.8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES Furniture, 20 Churen Street, | Street Bovth F VACUUM cleaner repairs, | SKATES, new and vaed, were Ted Maldman, Mrs, L, Tre Manufactured in Whitby 314 PARK RD, §, COLONIAL ou WW makes, | parts, attachments, brushes, No. 1 Skate Exchange' |gunna, Mrs, B, Hitchen, Mrs, ALUMINUM MACKIE MOTORS FUATAR teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free $1 up, New skates 84.95 up of Willlam Woodward, Alvin selection In town, Drayton Cycle, 04 cer and Walter Davis, Will buy good clean cars, Pay MODEL HOMES OPEN off liens, Sell on consignment, FOR INSPECTION Hentals, Vaeuum Cleaner Repair Ser. Bond Street Kast ____|Snowden and Eimer Parks ve- DAY OR EVENING vice, RA 8-101 anytime, AWNINGH, plain colors, or 2o7 tripes, ceived the offering, Music was FRIGIDIARE J Toeeial iT ou Wl, i aezer, buller-keeper, nn money ow wih tke Only (18 PIAS SIE 18 ATG Cult lod by Columbus 'and "Kedron MAL plan, 43 Weekly, Welly eu | ventals, Cleve Fox, 413 Simeos North, choirs, with the theme of Li Wh Ver; od | OF AWA, service "Holy Night, Showing Sate a WA BAD Yeon 50 VOLUMER of Americana Enevelo.|of the Christmas film was inlet. XMAS specials! Toilet n Li [et Meh oA Ti Lid Vaud | mersed with the singing, of stainless steel sinks $10; fo uaed, Phone M flfew of the most heau ni a hasine $10; recess tubs $45; Be ire $50 TO 8160 allowance for your 01d | told: Christmas carols, Rev, FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENT MAY BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE These homes are located In one of Oshawa's fastest-grows ing subdivisions, Close to stems $50; sur ml $30; plastic, | vision on any new Eleetrohome, n, slee! and yan Bump and P Hip miral, Vietor or Westinghouse at Park: (Love gave the Vesper Ns ~nelude tse lee, Road, RA 35-7088 Tan Ll North ee. new school, bus service ond churches Chinn's, comer Hillside and Park | way Television, 918 Simcoe Brent) to » i BARGAINA--Tangeiies 80; finger por. TV ARBIALS, all channel, ~Tialied, ANNUAL MEET THEY FEATURE: ~ 3, ns Cub, Other Kedron folk who THE took various parts in the service "Oshawa's | EMPLOYEES UNLIMITED 76 Church St, Torente, ont. 9c STENOGRAPHER Attractive opening for experienced stenographer with rapidly growing import company, Should be accurate typist with a general knowledge of office routine, Invoicing, etc, Usual employee benefits, Please apply machine, 23, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King Street East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 In writing, giving full details of previous employment, etc, to P, O, Box 524, Oshawa, Ontario, All replies will be held in strict confidence. table 824; Binger cabinet model $59; one year wuarantee, $29, Kelly bad 81] The annual meeting re Kedron Singer treadie 815; Washer and Dryer | King West, RA 5-613], Dey, 30 | Boy Scouts was held in Kedron eombination $59; Refrigerator Ws MACHINERY MOVER at through | Community Centre with Murray burner H.D, stove 830 stral frig Classified ads! To sell anything, al . hoi 8 Singer featherweight portable #89: | RA 3.5402 Sparks, of Oshawa Scout Execu Bpnce-saver and chair, new $585 new it W field ite, | tive present to present a charter we | arhorite coffee tables $9.95; Encyclo. | BEDROOM suite, hater rn gi to the local Trop, which is the pedin of America, new, save $150 at dinette et and 'frig, Apply mons 10 4 Oshawa Troc Ted Mald- pag. Filter Queen cleaner $20.50; North, Phone RA 55805 after 8 p.m. | wn, #6 man is the leader and Derek assistant, The Group chrome set 8925; skates, $2 a pair, also many more bargains to choose from [TYPEWRITER Vike new, $40. One Barnett, Werry, Elmer Parks, secre: Contaet Community Furniture Store, 19 | pair of boy's skates, size 8, #3, RA Committee include Bil Prince Street, Phone RA #1131 FRET le chairman; ONE large fish aquarium; one type MARCONI and Admiral, ool licratier, writers' large rubber planti larke San: | Rogers, Fleetwood for 1950, $199 | ry md Jon Eliott. Hoasurer! savaria plant; one chrome hird cage [Stereo Hi-Fi from $99.50, Kelly TV, WA along I executive member {and stand; one hand-crocheted tabl- (5618) Dee, 9 Walter Davis, Grent Glover, Al: cloths American flyer train set; collec: | Ju oy kg" discounts for builders, home: | ert Tregunna and Bill Snowden Kedron holiday visitors at home {som of od Josmioned aut Hata id owners, on Frigidaire built-in ovens, onting sedan ol Fas J ements, 18 gpg (00king tops, pull-down elements, Bil include Douglas Pascoe from 3:8550 Kelly AJ] 296( 37-<Male Help Wanted CREDIT MANAGER Excellent opportunity for eredit and collection manager, with 37-Male Help Wanted maton Test-Drive the KW, 3-6 and the new FIAT economy and perform» THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON For nce. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King 5t, W, RA 3.7132 ropldly growing Import company, Must hove at least 3 years' experience In collection work, must be Independent worker, [frigerators and ranges Preference given to applicants with ewn car, salary with reguler increases party employment, etc, Please apply In writing, Attractive starting Good chance of promotion for right giving full details of previous to P.O, Box 524, Oshawa, Ontario. All replies will be held in strict confidence CAR salesmen need any experienced ear Our' staff are aware of this move Apply In writing fo Box 329 Oshawa aparment for couple 2990 Phone RA 56160, Times, DEPENDABLE married man, (wo do. | pendants, to help handle loeal busi: ness, Special pay to start, steady work Write Box 323 Oshawa Times, 200¢ FULLER BRUSH COMPANY Requires five delivery men ot $1.25 per hour, car essential, two full time salesmen and two part-time salesmen to help handle local business, Write Box 322, Oshawe Times, 300¢ 41--~Room and Board hot RA beds, eontinuous water, Apply 251 Arthur Street, em, maaan NY due to expansion we salesman 296 |44--For Rent TWO - room apartment er one-room or gentleman 2071 | THREE . room apartment, twe blocks | trom downtown; heat, water and Nydro supplied, also TV aerial, No Sewers, water, streets In and paid for, sodded fronts, laun~ dry tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, 3 bedrooms, hot water tank, sidewalk, gravel drives and many other extras, FOR INFORMATION: RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS Dec, 30 PHONE Specialists In balance, BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD 1271 SIMCOE NORTH parts, Wheel alignment, wheel with equipment, Newest type elec. tronic tune-up equipment, | COONEY Tur cont, gond condition, ren. [King Ktreet West, RA 6.6121 200f [yw pairs of drapes, One pair 140" nology, x 7 feet long, the other pair 288" % home from Guelph Agricultural Black background with large RA 3-4675 Ford service and latest type Doors, dows, Storms, (to one child, #65 monthly, | 56628 after 6 p.m, BRAND new solid brick, four aay home, private drive, gas heating, Whit by location, Phone MO & 3028, 409 (SINGER furnished bedroom in quiet home for business Ssntieman, APply 3 LL all RA [Colborne Street |oNE furnished room, sult young girl Lod lady, Apply 630 Simeoe fiw, North Jan, 8 | AWEDTATE "passession "modern, one: bedroom Aparime "ald equip al avail 5:3018 or RA ied FOUR" room apartment, new; ceramio tile bathroom, i rade 'avaliable ab: stainers. tes from south G plant, ry LALLA between LI 4. Room nd board Hoole | pre] des A PX La oe Ie beds, al Jf anianeas, "ss to To 4530, Apply 536 Lorraine Street ROOM and board for gentlemen, wood meals, home privileges, single beds, Close "to all south plants, hone RA $3101 or 108 Mill Street, ROOM or room and board In a i vale home, Phone RA 06083, 300 ROOM and board In Tialian home, Seven day week, Apply 248 Verdun Road a bd and a for gentiamen, close town. wy 8 Eis Ean. are [ home privileges, lunches packed, also privilege to have sandwich and tea yy id rh kitchen when on night it, ih 1g| choo! and hospital, Phone RA 3010, in downtown, meay Bell rate rent, Adults, UATY 1, RA 3.78%, 47 --Automabiles For Sale '86 PONTIAC d.door deluxe," Standard transmission, new | "Ad" condition, $1200 a.m, to 2 pm, Ask for John '8 MONARCH "battery Lucerne 4 radio, Automatic transmission, Only | $1305, King West Motors, opposite Sho ping Centre, '8 FORD custom line fordor, futone powder hiue and white with matehing upholster Clearing only, $1005 Ring West Motors, opposite § opping Centre PARTE off 40 Ford: weal meter, clock, oar , front end, Wealn, wpe axle, brakes, and frame, rea va i ind fran soor | te: uper, rovineial Tire Battery and generator, rr 6 pm, Phone RA 3 9066 after § , 48 1: | 55 GME VROLET, two-door le, Fhone 9.6640 rer Sv FOUR "room apartment af alrbort 0 | ivTRTARE Ko Tos, rent, 950 | Phone RA 34008, Children wetoome. SINCON Worth, four., aod five N DRL ph fully Sauipped. Cal THREE room A > . TWO room apartment with bathroom self-contained, central | RA 51760 or after riment, i Westar hers dryer, stove, |V Near school $3611, Bowmanville, Deo, 31 two-bedroom and refrigerator, TV Phone MArket J --- self-contained TAPartment, _ heat 399 | water ate 40 per cent, months it perttnal service al your home oil WA PONTIAC oLaireniian, ""hardiop, fully equipped 8500, in excellent cond: ton, $3078, Value new $3978, RA 5.7075 2051 gon 4 WPontiae, four , terms, Phone R 17 am to nm, & Jan, 0 x ONEV, Deluxe coach, white wall ig, beautinul metallic maroon, motor in jod Clearing, only #198, King Went otors, opposite Shopping ht WTATION wago ai fully equ Pb '51 PONTIAC sedan, futons, be green, Previous owner, General -- mechanie, Only Ha, King West Motors, Centre, W6 Af 43--Wanted to Rent TWO young men require furnished apartment in Oshawa, Write Box 319 Oshawa Times hdd priv or two Apply 304 Pine Avene: FOUR - room bungalow, aise (hres: roomed apartment, heat, ants and water supplied, RA 3-708, Deo, 2% 44--For Rent IN Neweantle, healed, one-bedroom apartment Phone MA 3.5580 Bowmanville, NEW six - roomed house, with washer and dryer, breakfast nook, hardwood floors. Available January 1, Phone MO 83413, Whitby, collect BRAND new three bedroom bungalow, automatic heat, private drive, decorate fo sult tenant. Reasonable for rig! party, Write Box 312, Oshawa Times $50 monthly, 299 ATTRACTIVE furni BUNGALOW, six-room, modern, brick, oll heated, close to schools and buses, immediate ocoupancy, Apple Hill area Phone RA 5.0101 9! THREE room apartment, heavy Sad: uk unfurnished, $35 monthly includes he dnt, oto, Adults, Apply 140 Burk | ARGATOW = New five room 3.bed: room brick, very modern, north-west section, Immediate possession, Reason. able rent. Phone Jack Appleby, RA 58544, evenings RA 3.3308 "i ARIGIT, one, and two. bedroo apartments electrically equipped, al. conits, TV antenna, parking, Apart ment 10, 101 Craydon Road, Whithy. | MO S483, Jan LARGE bright four room rnd pun Rounek TV antenna, main floor; also three room Apartment, both with tiled hath rooms; each self contained, Central lo Satin, Phone RA 51760 or after § NA | 5M THREE unfurnished rooms, "wecond floor, heated and electricity, private bath, couple only, available now, 380 Drew Street, RA 3.7586 Jan, 4 THREE room apartment, upstairs, heat and lights included private entrance, immediate possession. 634 Bloor East Wn "Hilly modern | arto, 7d LJ 296¢ FIVE = room apariment, parily fur. at cone, hot water and oll heating, Ap WOURE, nine rooms, brick ull me, two thon, Just outside olty large garage Hr Taunton, O on pe only, Phone RA 3-440, nished if required, suit three or four girls, closes to downtown and hospital, ol i htied, All conveniences, Phone RA shed rooms, avail: private home, 83 Park Road §:7pm RA 71, THREE room, WERT aparime Able Norn, ni, 40 Butterworth Aventis, Toronto 13 [By igiephone OXford 4.3943 evenings. month rent, Dec. 39 eters + room, well - coniained apart: {ment, heat, lights, and water, thres. {piece bath, private entrance, available now. RA 3.4009, ov Ey LOW . PRICED, two - room ¢ | ment 9 apartment bullding, Call to 16, RA 5.0084, 2001 IY decorated, well heated, (hres: | roo) Mm apartment with refrigerator, in Bartment building, Call after 6, RA eopt gentleman, nice ---- ng room for M2 Rimeoe Street North, RA 3.4376, 2041 BUCKINGHAM MANOR Is AUSTIN, original grey finish, motor overhauled, The ideal ear for work or ay, $403, King West Motors, opposite hopping Centre, wel SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndoloh 3.3461 50---Articles radio, | ANTIQUE colored glass, a private collection, makes RA 5:8150 11 able for the disoriminating 2091 wonable, 45 Louisa Street Sedan, gun: | @UNS, ammunition and hunting sup metal grey, green upholstery, Custom plies new and used, For the hest desl in town see Provineisl [trot West, RA | ALL PURPORE HELPER Classified ads! To buy, sell; RA 3.0408 [RADION, At Almos SUPER $5.99 gal, $5.99 gol, First Come 282 Ki record here at the lowest prices do " you to oop ot Parkway Television, 018 Sime X PAINT SALE Prices SWING SATIN WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN RA 3-4873 Railings bisque, from A wife suit riend, Hud Tire, 48 Bond 56811 swap, rent, hire, call | players, hid and North, t Wholesale KEM-TONE $1.80 qt, EVINRUDE $1.80 qt, First Choice Boar tors, and weekends, ng St. W, Jan, 11 | sonable Phone RA 5.6702 Awnings EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Screens, Win Porch ond NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality. prices and ouaranteed installations, CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5- Anytime till 9 p.m, BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS | FULL 2431 MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mo- storage, approved, Service centre, for motor repairs, Open evenings Factory MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD, BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 Les Eveniss, R Winter-Seal Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND' OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS--Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST, A 3.2707 Don Howe, RA 5.0313 RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith, ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS RA 5.8832 45--Real Estate For Sale 45-Reel Estate 45---Real Estate For Sale APARTMENTS One bedroom apartment, elec: | trically equipped, good loca. tion, Applw 498 Simcoe St. N., Apt. 5. RA 8.8676 Dec 25 WHITBY C LASSIFIED UPERIOR Aluminum, self . storing ra, $40.50. half jalousie, $63 50; any uble hung window, $10.50, installa jon Included. Phone MO 8.38% or RA M16 Deo, 3 ROUR ofl burner service, night and St. John's Heating Service MO + reverse .oharges for long dis noe calls Jan, § dd ladies wear: drapery alterations H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South Jan, 22 VEST In safety, buy a dependable r NOW, Seo the Classified section ir outstanding values OICE Christmas nig Pine, May ANT _cuffing and alterations, as | trees Balsam he seen Across nd Union. Free delivery, G } Same Dee %| and sell used furniture, Grixt tare will pay oash for used appli furnitures, Apply basement, 131 South, MO Sam. Dee 1851 CHEV Sedan delivery, in good con dition, $500 cash or best offer. Phone Whithy MO 83466 after 4 pm. Jan. 17 LIVE POULTRY also feathers want od, highest market prices pald, Phone collect MO 8.3408 Whithy Jan, 2 APARTMENTS for rent -- od and four-roamed: self contained Immediate possession. MO 8.2780 after § o'clock, Jan, 17 FOR RENT TOBOGGANS Skill Saws, Paint Cement Mixer, Gu For Sale Mator and Trailer WILDE Spra ins, elc 2 Units, Boat $450.00 RENTAL SERVICE and SALES | Whitby, MO 8-3226 . Jen. 18 ors, ROADS SEWERS SODDED NO PIO Move In By Christmas A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NEERING STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: WILSON REALTOR RA 5-6588 BOLAHOQOD R EALTOR RA 5-6544 VICKERY & GOYNE RA* 8-5155 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 3-2265 RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6165 Dec. 24 |" fopl [form pattern, RA 8.6540 208¢ |W, ¥. GOODRICH Kiores, tives, hatler es, Kelvinator refrigerators, television Thrifty budget plan, WA 54543 KELLY TV, your authorized old washer on a new Really Butomatle or wringer washer, #1 King PORTABLE EVERY MAKE Best Prices Best Terms WALMSLEY & MAGILL OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD, 1 King St, E, RA 3.3333 don, 2 party, at their home, $AVE -- SAVE MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window regardless of size, Installa- | tion included FACTORY GUARANTEE | PHONE RA 8-1547 ANYTIME | KNOW 1S THE TIME | TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest factory con structed aluminum storm windows and doors Installed to your satisfaction et lows est prices, UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJIDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP RA 3-985) BOAT KITS $56.00 and up Open Evenings & Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd, Phone 87 BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors = budget terms, Free winter storage on motors, Boat storage, Factory ape proved, Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont, Phone 87 52---Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM | JOHN STONEHQUSE, Farm- er, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of William John Stonehouse, of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died om or about the 27th day of Oce tober, 1958, are hereby notis fied to send in to the unders signed Personal Representa- tive of the said deceased on 20 the Heatly Helen dealer offers you up to $100 for your and at the reception following, in "Dee, 20 daughter, TYPEWRITERS of celebration beer, School of Tech. and Brian Lee Reverson Toronto, t College Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee were guests at the wedding on Satur. day afternoon in Bowmanville of Cole and Grant Heron, Hall, Their grand 3. year-old ndra |Werry was the youthful flower the Church To our many friends, clients and colleagues, THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED girl in the wedding party, | Jan Heuvel, pupil at Corona. tion School had the misfortune {to be hit by a car on Ms way| home at the noon hour, on Wed. | [nesday last week Mr, and Mrs, Grant Glover | | entertained a few friends and| their children at a pre-Christmas Jeanine Werry attended with | friends, the Wednesday evening| nresentation of 1 ndel's Messiah, | (by the Toronto Mendelssohn |Cholr, in Massey Hall, HAS VIRUS Roy Hepburn is 11 with a virus pneumonia infection, Public School pupils in the area enjoyed class-room parties, and an exchange of gifts Friday| afternoon prior to the closing of| school for the 2-week Christmas vacation f Jeanine Werry was among | guests of Dr, a ° Mra, R, Clark, (at their home Woudlea Crescent, Oshawa, when they entertained the Laboratory staff of the Osh. awa General Hospital at an even. ing party and dinner, on Friday, Mr, and Mrs, J, Glover visited friends in Niagara Falls during the week-end, Mrs, H, C, Boh.| aker returned home with them "e-- Here's wishing you and your loved ones a Christmas heliday In perfect harmony with all the best life hes to offer and much hcappiness ever after ! ROY NICHOLS SALES AND SERVICE == BOWMANVILLE AND COURTICE for the Christmas * 'days. NEWS BRIEFS GROWING POPULATION LONDON (CP) -- Official fig: ures put the population of Eng. land and Wales at 45,100,000, about 202000 more than 12 months previously, Nearly 11,000,000 are concentrated In London and southeast England, WRONG SAFE LONDON (CP) ~ Thieves blew open a big safe at an office in Plecadilly and got away with less than £100, They ignored a small safe which contained cash and goods worth £1,000, FAITHFUL DONOR LONDON (CP)-M, L, Cohen, director of a firm in Whitechapel, | has been awarded the gold medal | of the National Blood Transfusion | Service for making 80" blood do nations, DAMP APARTMENTS CARSHALTON, England (CP) Tenants complained that a block of luxury apartments in this Sur. rey town is so damp that mush. rooms will grow on the walls, WEBBING HARDWARE 282 KING ST. W, PUNSTER'S NOTE [ TWICKENHAM, England (CP) An outfitter's notice in this Mid. dlesex town reads: "Our ties are {knot perfect." FINAL TOUCH CROYDON, Eng. (CP) -- Last Iift for a giant crane completing a building here was one bottle MORE POWER DEVON, England (CP)--Elec: | {tricity will be taken 10 more than 1,000 west country farms and | 5,300 cottages by the end of next or before the 10th day of January, 1959, full particus | lars of their claims. Immedi- | ately after the said date the Personal Representatives will distribute the assets of the said- deceased having regard only to claims of which they | shall then have notice | Dated at Oshawa this 11th day of November, 1958, MARION RUTH STONEHOUSE, CHARLES CAMPBELL, McGIBBON and EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, By their lic tors | Me McGIBEON & BASTERO Barristers & Solicitors 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario ting in this Essex village two boys {dons (Seating 770, opens next: February |that the {shall be the truth, the whole truth Dec. 10, 17, 24 and anything but the truth." | March, HEFTY CATCH LEXDEN, England (CP)=Fish. pulled up a bicycle, Police. re turned it to the owner NEW THEATRE LONDON (CP) The first movie theatre to be huilt in Lon West End for 20 years, SLIP OF "ONGUE DERBY, England (CP) A policeman incourt hore made the slip that every police recruit fears: "1 swear by Almighty God evidence 1 shall give Noel, noel , , , once again, the timelessly beautiful story of the First Christmas fills our hearts as we extend our best wishes that all the bless. ings of the Day may surround -- you and yours and bring you CHRISTMAS GREETINGS a wealth of happiness, MORING'S GARAGE 1373 SIMCOE ST. N

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