The Oshawa Times, 24 Dec 1958, p. 20

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BO THE OIHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Dosember 34, 1950 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 8AM to 5 PM. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO WO INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | w= AgSOUN ON 2=Borristers Je=Chiropractor 1----Accountants (8~~Building Trades BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Aceounting CARPENTER work, f(raming, trim: | Services offers complete bookkeeping | ming, kitehen cabinets, NHA approved, services for small business. 184 Bond | Alterations and repairs, No Jobs (oo Sireet West, Hoom 1, Office RA 507i big or ton small, Work guaranteed, Residence, RA 3.7605, RA 33579. %, Wopkine and Company, Certified Vuntie aveoumtans, 172 Wing sireet| 10~=Sharpening Service | ant, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 53509 ---- -- " -- YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Co, t Please Note Deadlines now In etiect for this column; Births, Memerioms Corde of DEA | HS == SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! | Aveo , and suditors, Ldeensed Trustee In Bankruptey, 54 King Wireel Kast, Oshawni B, L, Yale, CA} ¥ Friedlander, B, Comm. CPA WERGER, Frankel snd Co, account ants and auditors, 104 King Sires! East, RA 8023) k MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co, Chartered Accountants, licensed 'I'rus tees, AJax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto) Hon, J, W Monteith, FAC) A, B, Mon ais, E Comm: CAj G, W, Riehl, Chl 3 Ldghtiont, CA; George W, Treth A HA 53027, 136 Simeone Birest The most complete automatic grinding equipment in Osh» awa for sharpening Hand. saws, Bondsaws (metal and wood), Lawnmowers, Skates, etc, STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke RA 3-3224 11--Business Opportunities FREE catalog; Containe hundreds of [Norin, Oshawa, businesses, farms and imeome proper: Se -------------- ties throughout. Canadas, Speciy ty {and location desired | 2--Barristers owners, Business and Pro » HUMPHREYS and Boyohyn, Barristers, | | Boliellors; WR, D, Humphreys, QC; G Ix as id 13th" 81, Dept, 103 |. Boyehyn, BA; W. A. Hillman Lu, 16 King Street West, Phones; Office, [RA 81177) Rew, HA 0.4604; or Whithy,| [MO B4761, Money to loan, CREIGHTON, Winner, Drynan and Murdoeh, Barristers, Bolieitors, Notary | Publie, Bank of Commerce ding, b Simone Bree! North, RA 3.9446; T, K 4 6 Creighton, QC; N, €, Fraser, GC) 4 coe 5t, Drynan, GL, Murdoch 2 gakes arranged, | T2--Dresmaking GREER and Kelly, Barriaters, Rolie) | PLAIN sewing, drapes, mending, sip tors, ete, Tv Bimeoe Bireet Sip, i pers, pant euffs, ohildren's elothes, HA 3:8470 fesidenes bom Mote Dial KA 52608 Jan. Greer, BA, Be, RA B-3363} _ - A DRESSMAKING, indie' and girls Kelly, BA, BCL, RA nn Duncan M wear, madeto.meature, and Albers Phillips, #, Comm, {tions, 845 Olive Avenue, Phone Ja MeGIRBON and Bastedo, Barristers, (h400, n.2 Boligitors, Clients' fupds avaliable for ee -- first mortgages, 20 Bimeoe Street North 13--Gardening & ri LEN Bowlers' Tandseaping and garden 11 AM SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 BIRTHS JACKSON == Ken and Joan (ne Saxby) wish to announce the birth of their son, 5 Ibs, 15 ean, st the Oshawa General Hospital, on Tuesday, Decem: Per 23, 1050, A brother for Joanie, Janet ond Joyele | DEATHS For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3.9533 24 King St. East, Oshany (2 doors from Kern's Drug Store) " GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service at moderate prices, RA 8-6226 390 King Street West IN MEMORIAM CLANK In loving memory of a dear mother, Stella Maude, who passed away December 4, When a mother farewell [ The stroke means more than tongue | can tell | The warld A==Dentisn Be=Nursing Services G=Optometriste Je=Survayers Ta== Veterinarians B=Building [races 9=-Building Material 10==Sharpening Service 11 ==Business Opportunities Ia=Business Opportunities Wanted | 2==Dressmaking |3==Gardening & Supplies | 4==Household Repairs 18 = Instrystion | b= Insurance | 7==Money to Loon |8==Loan Wanted | Ba=Martgagm |9m=Porsonal 20e=Cart age 2) =Personal Services dd==Rodie Repair 23 =Woemen's Column Hy Month + Regina, NEW BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE work stations, Twe 8 dryers, Sickness Apply 259 Sim. Four basins forces sole 26==Farmer's Column 17 ==Fuel, Wood iB==Summer Resorts Jha Hunting 19==8ummer Properties For Sale or Wanted 10-=Lost and Found Jlo=Articios For Rent J2e=Articies Wanted Ja==Auction Sales 1==Employment Wanted Je=Female Help Wanted 3/==Male Help Wanted i8==Male or Female Help Wanted 19=Agents Wanted A0=0pportunities 41 ==Roem eng Board 42=Room ana Board Wanied 4d=Wantea To Rent ddoFor Ramt 45-=Real Estate For Sale 4b0--Real Estate Exchange d6=Reql Estate Wanted Al ==Automabiles For Sale dB Autemaobiies Wanted 49=Aytomabile Repair 80-=Articles For Sale | 8) =Swap end Barter §2-=lLegal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words of lems Cash Charge RA 5:356 , Charles C, MeGibbon, QC; | | Edgar ¥, Bastedo, QC {ing servige- lawns seeded, sodded, fer GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar: |tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed risters, Nolioitors and Notaries Publie, | pote tilled. Sidewsik slabs, patio slabs 6 King Breet East, RA 8.4717, Russell gyeryihing for your garden, RA 8.5753 J, Murphy and James A, MacDonald THOMAR M UNDLE, Barrister, Koll HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING eitor and Nftary Publie, 26% King GREEN VELVET SOD supply Sireel Kast, RA 81763. Jan, 4 (#7, SALMERSK, B.A, Barrister, Boli:| and laid NURSERY STOCK, Everything for your garden |eitor, ete, 13% Bimeos Street North: | PHONE RA 3.9020 Dial "office RA 537415 residence BA WINTER SUPPLIES JOHN A, MacDONALD, BA, Barrister and Nolieitor, 101 Kimeoe Kireet North ICE SALT WILD BIRD FEED Phone RA 88511 | RALPH §, JONEN, BA, and Thomas H NO. | SUNFLOWER SEED CROWN DIAMOND PAINT Greer, Associate Barristers and Bolo) tors, 68 Simeoe Bireet Nouth, RA 5:3525 BIRD FEEDING STATIONS PIGEON FEEDS Mortgage loans available PET FEEDS DONALD BLAKE DODDN, Barrister | COOPER SMITH CO, and Nolleitor, 26% King Street Kast. | 16 CELINA ST, Telephone; Business, RA 6:5501; Re RA 3-2312 dence, RA 8.5373 Office hours 9 to 4 [1 due Household Repairs [JOHN A. CAMERON, Rafrister, Roliel | tor and Notary Publie, IAs King Stree! | East HA 3.3208 NHA and private mort gages arranged appointment. 250 CHENTERFIELDN rebuilt, recovered Phone HA 8328) like new, Why pay more? Our rates ------ Are reasonable, Katisfaction guaran teed, Mattresses rebullt, Oshawa Up JOSEPH FP, MANGAN.QC, Kolleitor, Money to loan holstering Co, 10 Mond Hireet West Dial RA 5.011, | King Street Kast, Oshawa FURNITURE repaired and reupholater | residence, RA 5.3405 MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, id ed, See our materials for recovering Bruce KR, Dalton, 75 Charles Street, RA | eitor, Notary. Money to loan, He $1012 Block. 264% King Street East, RA § son Hesidence, Dial 34029, 4--Dentists IDR, 6, T, MIUK Open evenings by South, Fh CALL Joe, RA ANIM for carpentry painting and handyman YOUR loeal chimney eleanor, ohim neys built and repaired, gas linings in stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free est mates, RA 52007 Simone Street S5----Nursing Services | 15==Instruction [ PRIVATE teache ANDEN NURSING HOME specializing 18 years" experience (Licensed) KING ST, WEST in muscle Anomatties, eyesight and ly, Call RA 5108 [Plasser Evenines, Mon, Wed, Frio 80 puyyare teacher, student counsellor Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo a atits fi. 3 King iy RA +010 18 years' experience. Appointment only Call RA 8.1004 ple (Men - and Women), Nurses and dieticians In | T v HARVEY Dance Academy Baton, tap ---------- 7- Surveys ayer Royal Academy ballet, Highland Hegl OT HORTON and Associates, On: ster now 434 King West RA 801% tario Land Surveyors, Professional Kn June § IN MEMORIAM | gineering. 70 Harwood Avenue South 'wo nRAW CROWDS use Classified {Aax. Phone RA 10131 ads! Dinl RA 3.3493 for an ad writer to | F. 1, DONEVAN and Associates, Land make your sale a SUCCESS [Surveying and Engineering, 8 BOO iqgyponr, student counsellor, 13 years' Street East, Oshawa, Ontarto. RA lgynerionce, Appointment only, Call HA 51054 LILLIAN Mae Marsh Danes Educator Dancing § I, ballet, Lap, baton, pre sehnnl aon Friday and Saturday Masonic temple, RA 3785) May 0) Li breathes her last \& quite another place | Without the vile of mother's face [ yer remer od hy Igie and daugh | ter inlaw, Mildred, and grandson, Rus sell In loving memory of a dear mother, Stella Clark, who passed | away December 24, 1957 | Mother, | knew you had to ge, Just the same | miss you. s But God knew of your loneliness, And He knew of your pain, He heard your prayers And took you te he with dad again Always remembered hy daughter Violet and son-in-law, Edward Badour | CLARK Harrister Office, 1444] RA bhsn 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 37s an It not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply 2 m0 In loving memory of a and grandmother, Mrs who passed away DANAHER dear mother Margaret Danaher, Dee, 23, 1056 Ever remembered by daughter, Gret, sonindaw George and © grandson George Stonebridge Above rates apply enly te orl ginal orders for consecutive inser tions Subseauent insertions ordered at a later cate constitute a new onginal order Protessional ana Business listings $6 00 per month tor J 'ines daily Each additional line /5¢ per month, Each witial letter abbreviation § and _¢ sign figure count ay o word. Box chorged |5¢ additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am the day of §uplication By hours: Daily 5 Selurdey p1 REGULA 1 IONS» The Daily. Times shall net be || responsible for errors in advertise ments submitted Jthwise than writing, nor "for more then incorrect insertion of any vartinement nol beyond 'he pice charged tor a single insertion of the advertisements in which error 0CEUrs And alsa reserves the right to classity advert Ning aceording to i own clanification, JAUKRON In loving memory of a» ia mother, gone forever ® miss your smiling you left us to remember None on earth ean take your plage; A happy heme we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has laft a loneliness The world ean never fill whudly remembered hy attendance Tray service, the family radio, T.V, lounge, In loving memory and grandmother who passed MELNYCHUK o a dear mother Mya. Kathleen Meinyehuk av Necemher #1056 | ny heart your memaory Kye tender, fond and true) here's not & day, dear mother | not think of you wlovingly remembered hy sen Ron #4. Marilyn, Ronnle and Laurie | 6-=Optometrists eo TeeK student counsellor, Optometrist, Appointment on lingers | Pane y Mg, 3 In loving memary Kathleen Melny December 8M MELNYOUHUK ¥ my dear sister Mk. who pasied away asl pAriing wish Wid loved ta have heard, breathed In vour ear Inst parting ward; those wha have lost able ta tell The pain in the heart At not raving farewell Aadly ad and lovingly remember od hy Dorothy DONALD B TROLLOPE, Ontario hand Surveyer, 114 Alice Street, RA Mont Building Trades TONIC for your pockethook: Wa Ads, To well, vent, find a job aia) RA 2040 for ad, writing help pRICR laying, block laying, ement work. A. J, Groen, ville, MA 3.3070 ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies Le ovingly remembered by his wife and sons David Parry and Robby THURNRY In loving memory of a 8 dear father, George Thurshy, who pany of away December MM, 19046 Though your smile is None forever And your hand we cannot touch; We have such happy memories Of the Dad we loved so much Ever remembered hy daughters | ® Helen and Irene, sonsin law Rud, John ny and grandehiidren Phone RA 4-332), Havold R, Stark, Lad, THURNKRY « In loving memory of a plumbing, heating and enginebring 2d deur husband ny father, George Thurs: [Simee Street South | hy, Who passed » by, whe ¥ away December HiganNnY gravel, $8.50 per load. Sereen od sand, $2.50 Yar Also Hil), nw Jol miss Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos (New and Used) Full selection of all instruments 477 Simcoe Street South 16--Insurance sintey MELNYORUK In loving memory of a dear aunt, Kathleen Melnyehuk who passed away Deo, 34, 1054 Today recalls sad memaries OF a dear aunt gone to rest, And the ones who think of her today Ae the ones wha loved her hest Ever remembered hy Evereit and Jean and family general Rowman He would not ask for Wrieving, Deal direct with|" CHRISTMAS TREES GOOD EATING a Rad XMAS trees, Nooleh vine, hulk or dividual orders, Boe up, Orono, 9 1 10, Dee, 24 CHRINTMAS trees, No, | Beotch pine, spruge and balsam, Reasonable prices Pree delivery, B08 Bloor Hireet Jost Phone RA 52400, Dee, CHOICE Christmas trees, ascarible prices, 77 Park Road South, Phone RA ", Peo " [hod one wo TURKEYS w= Freshly killed ¢elivared oven ready Banquet prices D, J, COURTICE Courtice RA 8.5392 RA 3.9916 Dec, 24 CHRISTM MAS TREES SANTA'S SHOy Cast 1000 all kinds up to 8 ft, high, Scotch Pine the Leader, Wholesale, 40¢ to 90¢ accord~ Ing to size each, Two hundred © more to ons customer, Ji R, FOWLER, 192 Verdun Rd, Oshowa FRED'S DRIVE-IN 111 KING §T, W. CHRISTMAS TREES Order now for guaranteed de- livery, Also T.V, tubes, Bar« BO chicken. Open till mid night ever, night Lots of Free Parking RA 5.2533 CHRISTMAS TREES, pruned Scotch Pine, about 2,000, Any quantity at 50¢ to 1.00 according to size, Priced be. low murket, Come early for best selection, Cut rwady for loading Leroy Hamilton, Grower, Orono, Ont, Phone IR16 CHRISTMAS TREES |, White and Red Wholesole sizes | to 20 Scotch Pine, Pine and retail feet FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 King W RA 5.1685 Dec also Spruce All 24 CHRISTMAS Scotch Pine, Spruce, Wholesale 2 TREES Red Pine and Retail 20 fh Phone HOWARD Bowmanville MILLSON MA 3.2793 CHRISTMAS TREES scotch Pine, and Balsam. 'Sprayed Drive right loca Nursery grown, Spruce frees tien KINGSWAY MOTEL 695 King St. East RA 3.7553 into BUY YOUR TREE D AND CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine and Spruce WE SPRAY TREES ANY COLOR Plenty ot Parking One Big Location 460 PARK RD, SOUTH RA 5-7426 RA 8--6031 | Pp Bring the children Dec 14 to get their tree and talk to Sante FROM S CHRISTMAS TREES The Best You Can Buy | Nursery Grown Pruned by professionals, Pine Spruce and Balsam, Apart ment, table and larger sizes, Colored-=pink, blue, white, silver and gold. Lights and decorated tree stands and Qifts, A. W, RUNDLE [BROWNIE | GENER - po SANTA SUGGESTS "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" COMPLETE LINE AT POWELL'S DRUG £TORE 35V2 Simcoe North RA 3 4734 Now $11.95 Features the world's most popular camere, Just right for voungsters or grown-ups alike, MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe North DIAL RA 3-343) COLEMAN Qil end Gos Heaters ot HOME APPLIANCES Sales & Service 90 Simcoe RA 5.5332 LOW COST MOVIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Se L] KARN'S FOR CAMERAS (KARN DRUGS LTD.) 28 KING ST, E RA 3 4621 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Gigantic Savings Regular $50 Dance Course NOW ONLY $14.50 and minors not eligible MURRAY STUDIOS RA B 168) Students ARTHUR Visit Oshuwa's Largest Downtuwn TOYLAND See our complete selection of toys I. COLLIS & SONS 50.54 King W. RA 5.6311 Opposite Centre Street Give MOVIES Christmas Movie Camera Kits from $48.25 up JURY & LOVELL "For for Everything Photographic' Oshawa-HBowmanville Whitby Don 24 THE PERFECT GIFT PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Prices as low as $79.50 AL PRINTERS LIMITED A large selection of used and rebuilt machines, 64 Celina Street PHONE RA 3.2233 STAR FLASH OUTFIT = Ree RISTMIES GIFT SUGGESTIONS Dy --------~ OI SANTA'S SHOWCASE | FLOWERS FOR SHOWCASE For Your PARTY DRESSES, HATS, GLOVES, BAGS, SKIRTS ond SWEATERS, MILLINERY WORLD RA 5.1052 5 King East GIFTS FOR HER YOUR DAUGHTER'S CHOICE Gift of Lessons, in Ballet we Tap == Baton or Highland, Frome HARVEY Sct ACADEMY RA 5.6122 424 King St. W, "A GIFT OF WARMTH" "KENWOOD" All wool blankets, Priced from 1750 TO $20.95 WARD'S 3) Simcoe St. 5, RA 5-115) SINGER SEWING MACHINES As low as $119.95 (easy terms), ® Sewing Cabinets and Baskets ® Scissors end Scissor Sets o Buttonhole and Zig-Zag Attachments SINGER SEWING CENTER 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa RA 5.5443 LAMPS we FANCY CUSHIONS IMPORTED POTTERY Choose © Gift tor Her from our Large Selection BETTY HAYDL 15 King St. E, RA 5.2686 DRAPERY BROADLOOM FURNITURE EME TENT GATE RIG GIFTS FOR DAD AUTO SEAT COVERS FOR CHRISTMAS Installed after Christmas Blankets, Packs, Cushions, etc, WIDE SELECTION at OSHAWA AUTO-TRIM Cor. Chureh and Bond St, FREE CHRISTMAS Christmas Flowers tart ti rrviratrrva I GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY a A A A wee | Hyman, QC, 22--Redio & TV Repoirs | SPECIALIZED radio and service, All makes, Pred Thompson, 197 ol Bree al RA 39793, Jang ' ELECTROHOME, RCA, VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television end service, PARKWAY TELEVISION _918 Simcoe NRA 3.3043 T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED Moved or Repaired 50-foot tower end heod $113.00 FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS Winter Wreaths=Cantre Pleces Chilstmas Corsages Ph, RA 5 1131 = We Deliver Len and Lou's T RA 5-7844 - MA 33542 T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Moved and Repaired 20-1t, aerial, $29 and up, ROLLAND T.V, RA 3-4849 23--Women's Column PECIA heal permanents, 4,00 gold waves. 80.00. Page Halrdressing, 396 Pine Avenues, RA b-5363, 24--Market Basket CARROTH and paranips, oi # Hod LT hel, Turnips $1.00 per 24093, yn % weer T elder And Shins WT, Con, 1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville, AFPLER = Gif of good "health, From 1 bushel, De Vries Farm, 1 directly north Bowmanville School (MArket Ma), 25--Pets and Livestock PUFFIN, German Shepherds, good temperament, from registered stock, Reasonable, Phone Dunbarton RE 9:1546, Jan, 34 REGISTERED Beagle pups for "wala, Wills hold til Christmas, Apply 1400 Simeoe Street North, GERMAN Shepherd pu od, males and female perament and blood | sired by an Amerioan champion, Terms, Hold Hl Christmas, Plokering B78, bid BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Eigin Street Fast, BOARDING, trimming, bathing, dé fleeing, Waubens Kennels, RA B+ 981, REGINTERED German Shepherd, ¥ months old, housebroken, all needles, loves children, 870, 614 Dundas Street East Jan, & BEAUTIFUL, HAND-SMOCKED BABY'S NIGHTIES Regular $1.98 for $1.50 HAND-SMOCKED DOLLS NIGHTIES, 50e RA 8.8700 GIFTS For All The Fam! WESTERN TIRE 74 CELINA ST, Toke adventage of Layaway ond Budget Plan, Free parks Ing opposite store, WEBBING'S HARDWARE Drive-In 282 King St, West RA 3-4873 EXCLUSIVE GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS! ® Wicker Chairs, ® Stainless Steel Kitchen Ware (lowest prices In town) ® Power Tools and Mend Tools For The Handy Man Always Ample Parking Space HOBBY CRAFT ond Models PHILIPS TELEVISION POLLARD'S RADIO AND TELEVISION 153 Simeon Street South PHONE RA 3.9512 ain Jan. 13 excellent tome POODLES FOR SALE Pedigreed French Poodle pups, B weeks old, $150.00, Call Mrs, A, Bathie, YU 85-2192, Port Perry, 26---Farmer's Column DEAD farm ok ploked up p uw Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, DEAD farm stock ploked up tempts. Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, Margwill Fur r_Farm, 'm, Tyrone, 27 --Fuel Wood DRY beach Ja A] length, split, 830 full eord. lvered In... . ball cord lots, Sle ary cedar, Pi C, Smith, 6 lar ENJOY { GIFTS FROM INDIA Genuine handmade Ivory carvings, rosewood elephants, Kashmir carving sets, Gurkha knives, inlaid coffee tables, brass, voses, trays, ash trays, planters, candly holders, bells, silk stoles, sterling silver |ewellery, ete, Very reason. Shiv priced, To view display, RA 5.2987, naan 18a-=Murigagu oY the ans, Sw al, Bite and Molielian, n King West, os Jan. 13 '| wool cutting hy burs saw and hath §.| "aw, Snow ploughing, Phone RA §-8787, AOuls ant, Osh 30-~Lost and Found LOAT = Australian do, ok, Ta treet an, 18 first and »ooond mortg chase of agreements of 37 King St awa, RA S404), MORTGAGE funds Immediately Avallable for first mortgages on mod. ern oily properties; $4000, $3000, and #2000, In separate mortgages, Five.year open; interest payable sem annually Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Orono, Phone 1 Ring 10, 00 you have seen him, "ost" BONUS With your purchase of a sult for Dad, you will receive @ Suburban or Car Coat abso: lutely FREE, Your Credit Is Good At DUNN'S TAILORS 16 SIMCOE ST, §, DOWNTUWN OSHAWA CHRISTMAS FOWL LYMER'S TURKEYS a i Bureau oan 4 19--Personal HAVE you a drinking Aleoholies Anonymous, Times, CAR leaving for Fort Willlam Dee, 87, Anyone wishing ride phone RA 3.2130 200b IF you are not living a full and happy le because of tension, fear, frustra: tion, a complex, hypnotism can help, Alo reduce weight, stop smoking, res lieve nervous pains, gain _eonfl enoe eto, Consult Edwin Heath, of ls, Professional Bullding, ost, Whitby, Daily 1 + 9 Mm, Saturday, am, «1 pm, Phone 0 54033 Whitby, Jan, 2 ORONEATRA available, three, four or five piece, good solid dance muslo, for weddings, private parties, plblie andes, hte avaliable New Year's Eve, RAB Jan, 17 Library book entitled JOURNALISM" from news. room of the Oshawa Times, Please return some, Jond 31--Articles For Rent WANTA Claus complete sulla for rent, book early, aveld disappoliiment, RA 3390, roblem? Write ox 349 Oshawa RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN wipply re liable experienved women or | aby sit. tng also to care for ohildren or elderly |" people by day or longer periods, rea sonable rates, Mrs, R, 8 Disney, RA 3.4031, Office hours, » am, 10.2 pm 430 pm, to 7 pm, Closed Th: GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. EAST OPEN EVENINGS Phone RA 3.4130 CARPENTER work i trim ming, kitohen eahinets, NHA approved | | Alterations and repairs No fobs too hig or to small, Wark giaranteed, RA 3.37 17 --Money to Loan M OMAG and healing pes, Ri CLIENT" monies avaliable for f1v at fixtures, new and used, eh gy fro rom | na second MOF M a septie tanks to sew [ng of Mahon - feasunaiie valen, nM. F. Swarts, Barrister and Notary ton an estimates re of plumbing, Dial RA S481, rater .| Publi, MW King East, Oshawa, RA ALL types dwelling repairs, roofing, siding plastering and repairs, Chim neva, new and repaired. Dial RA L107, Gordon May SHEET rock joint plastering finished. Reasonable rates ville MA 3.2607 day or evenings He would not ask for tears, MEINYOHUK Rut just 10 he remembered In loving memon of my dear wife, Kathisen Melnyohuk wha passed away December 24, 1938 4 Throughout the passing years. Her loving face 1 hone to see again| "AIWAYS remembered hy wile Ettie Though the days have' passed away and sons Mervyn, Clarence and Rey pi on dear wife and take your ne Mased you most who loved a CARD OF THANKS --_-- " hered hy NW Larry and daughter Karen |ALLATATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 130 per cent, nine months to pay, For personal service at your home, eall RA LRALL) for a free demonstration, OPEN ON SATURDAYS Dec. 24 Specially selected for fine 337 Simcos St, S., RA 3.4428 flavor, Fresh killed, dressed ond delivered. OSHAWA RA 5.0217 BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5049 Dec 24 DO IT YOURSELF! with the power tools end equipment you can rent at Stan's Sharpening Service (corner King & Burke) RA 3.3224, Chain Saws; Floor, Belt, Disc and Oscillating Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric ers ond mony other | J A GIFT THAT PLEASES EVERYONE afternoons, RYGIRNIO suppl fies (rubber goods), malled post pald in plain sealed en. velopes with price lst, § samples 28 oentai 34 samples 81.00, Mall Order Dept, Al, Nov, Rubber Co, Box 91, Hamiion, Ontario, Deo, ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous halr, 20--Cartage Marla Murduff will be In MOVING and oariage. Phone WA A TT06, GOOD EATING CHRISTMAS TURKEYS All quantities, all sizes, Dressed and Delivered, KEN WHATTAM 912 King St, E, RA 3.9322 CHRISTMAS FOWL CAPONS & TURKEYS DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRANK HOAG Rossland Road West DIAL RA 5.6837 TOWNLINE TURKEYS NOW FRESHLY KILLED DELIVERED OVEN READY "The best is your best buy" DIAL RA 5.4233 TOWNLINE RD, NORTH OSHAWA Dine At The GRAND RESTAURANT (Upstairs) For Christmos Chinese food our specialty, Take Out Orders RA 3.9422 A Jolly good way te remember your friends and relatives this Christmas Is to give them Books ot Famous layers Theatre Tick. ts, They are good the year round and come attractively boxed in gift cartonettes, The cost is small compared with the pleasure given, Books may be purchased by both Adults and Children and are atcepts able at all Famous Players Theatres from Coast to Coast, ARTHUR and Mary O'Hare would MELNYOHUK In loving memory fixe to extend th Anka to the mw A dear daughter, Kathleen Melny: ment and staff of Eaton's Lu RY who passed away December 24, awa, alsa friends, for the very kind 1956 messages of sympathy received, In We who loved vou, sadly miss you their recent sad hereavement xs NEWS BRIEFS In our lonely hours of Inking Thoughs of you are ever near Sadly missed hy father, mother, hre thers and sisters ROUGH AREA Jeon Melnvehuk. who passed away Pel LONDON (CP) For the 3rd series $200 oh and smiling face ime in six years grocer Philip Na bi yg a 8 | Wyndham founde his plate-glass she had a kindly ward for each {window smashed. He has also A ret Yor ib been robbed 28 times and lost avingly 9 ter Jessie. hrotherindaw Morley and goods worth £2,800 from his shop In the Notting Hill distriet, scene | of whites-Negro clashes recently of ehuk tools. 32--Articles Wanted WANTED wood Te ayer, 8-348, 2008 PIANOR, 10 Prighis oF mina atures, wu pay cash, State mae and pries, 0 Bok ny, « Oshawa Tin. your hol ou ost price when you phone Fig The Osh ading Post, 48 Simoes Street South, 2! Ll WIGRERT prices paid for used furnle ture, also sell and exchange, Contact F Store, 19 Prines Street, Phone RA 81131, CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD, IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4139 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap Iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG & METAL CO. RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR STREET EAST OPEN SATURDAYS ¥ purchased. NHA mortgage Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur Neatly doeh nan | wang FIRST and second morigage, [agreements purchased ahd sold. Hen nick and Henniek, Barristers, 31 Kink [Street East, RA 37203 18---Loan Wanted Money Available to Home Owners! Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pays ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts or purchases of any kind NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT NO BONUS For fast, friendly service call SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD Simcoe Street South RA S112) Bellvue) mw. flan ® "wale QUALITY BAKERY 77 CELINA ST, RA 5.757) For the best Christmas baked goods on the table Look for QUALITY on the label JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimates All Wark Guaranteed 50 Nassau St RA 3.7080 m.w.t Dee 17 GRAVEL Cement $9.00 per head. Road fine «nd coarse $8.00 per load. Be satisfied Dial RA $.5279 Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, MELNYOWUK In loving memory ' of a dear sister and sisterindaw, Kath. | Jon, 1§ Oshawa, Jan, 13+ 14, Phone Jan} UPTOWN MEAT MARKET DELICATESSAN 77 Simcoe St. N, Offers you the best in meat ond assorted cold cuts for your Christmas Parties KA 8.8172 172 21--Personal Service IRONING service, I will do you fot. J Fre plekup and aslvay. nephew Ri MELNYOHUK In loving memory of a dear mother, Kathleen Melnvehuk who passed away December 34, (954 Gone Is the face we laved so dear, | Silent Ix the valee we loved to Rear Too far away for sight or speec Rul nol ton far for thought wo iT Aweel ta remember him wha once Soldier hore went to Sgt, Alex Thomsow, 27, vhe of the Royal Army Secvice Corps call [\ R a 0.18 pete CE Tadios lia made to order. Alb fur coats, Seiadelting 31 King Street Rant RA LEAR] Deo 2? NEW WELCOME | WEMBLEY, England (CP)--A 1908 car offered hy a dealer for one penny to the first Wembley returning from Cyprus an ' the Regent Theatre Box Of fice or Dial 5.2304 tor im. mediate delivery CHILDREN $1.10 FOR ADULTS $2.78 JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, Redue- ing, Steam Bath and Massage, 451 Simcoe St. South, RA 5.9602 For Appointment, Open 10 am. - 10 p.m, 22--Radio and T.V, R DOICyoursell, Toat your own TV, radio and HUFL tubes, Open HII midnight, Dally and Sundays, Fred's Driven, 101 King Street West Dee. TV TOWERS completely installed, 1 YOAr guarantee, $84.50; no bolts, ne rivets, all welded. All channe! aerials from, $3: easy terms, Kelly TV, RA hough absent is Just as HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR THE ACRES RESTAURANT CHEFS TK, ISHII Dinners, Lunches Banquets Reserve new for CHRISLMAS PARTIES CHRISTMA! DINNER ond NEW YEARS DINNER | Phone MA 3.2541 heted hy daughter Rroest and grand LOCAL EXPERT FELIXSTOWE, England (CP) of A man who won a week's free Mer holiday in this Suffolk resort toy NEN providing the best suggestions on a Dow to improve the town turned out to be a local resident experts, Old floors fIMOrY BOOKS FOR SIX TICKETS who TURKEYS LIVE AND FRESH KILLED DELIVERED Courtice, Highway No, 2 JOHN BODNAR RA 3.9012 ma 29) when | wake that mor whe day would hring ¥ sudden. the shook sever ne 1 loved so dear hard to understand things have 'a be om God has planned or 1a ane sred and sadly miss ecia Formerly BOOKS ALL in . FROM or 15 Instruction "RA 3.7 15--Instruction OSHAWA COLLEGIATE OF MUSIC 311 BUCKINGHAM AVE INSTRUCTION itar, Drums RESULTS WELL.EDUCATED LONDON (CP) Applicants for a post as a teacher of English at a school in Barnes include a Pak-| iatanl, a Greek, a Rumanian, a on memory's hare | Rurmese, an Ethiopian and one! hed today Englishman CROWDED TRAFFIC LONDON (Cp Comment today's traffic tion by Vis wnt Kilmuly Karl Marx alive | vould Wve tim as Kapil Mis | He would be too busy looking tor jaome place 0 pack hla car" Proprietreis: Mrs, Royal Ishil DONOEEOOOOCOOD DDENORRY? CHRISTMAS PARTIES LLL REL SLL EEL SUE SEE THN LITTLE BUCKARQO RANCH RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR * CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS TRANSPORTATION Nord LIVING LOVABLES The Sate Way to Celebrate The Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI RA S477) 45 King § OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN TAXI SERVICK er ------ FAST T.V. SERVICE From A to Z Guaranteed expert job Call RA 8.5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Tropical Fish, Aquariums, Canaries, Budgies, Coges, stands, and pet supplies of oll kinds, Cocker puppies. A deposit will held tll Christ. mos PET STOCK ? Coline St, LN P memnary Andrew W Do on ember MODERN ( conge I yh Ac. on Piano, Piano Saxaphone, Clarinet GUARANTEED information RA §-6321 cordon 0 vere not PARTY BANOQUIL Mik Ing aged Complate Catering "RA 3.2737 | . 10, Write DANCE SUPPLY WA 5.034 nother fo a | For further |

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