THE TIMES 4 ; WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Colder tonight, cloudy with oc Classified Adve-tising .RA 3-3492 : easional snowflurries Thursday, All other calls ,....,..RA 8-3474 » little change in temperature, Price Not Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1958 Alot Offce Deperimant. Sows. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES IRR CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE CHRIST CHILD'S BIRTH Leaking Warship May Hubmd0i | Many Religions I Slain Nurse | Hold Services { Return By Chris tmas Disappears By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Peaceful conditions fn the Moly S| services in Christian/Tland which swelled the pilgrims VENTURA, Calif, (CP) ~ The| Religious ages were reflected in the Gaza HALIFAX (CP) The dam- The navy's. Atlantic Command; The reference reads: husband of Olga Duncan, Cana {communities throughout the Strip between Israel and Egypt, aged Canadian destroyer Huron|headquarters sent an official mes "Thy words have upholden him!dian-horn nurse believed to have | World today commemorate the Non.Chr'stians from India took pounded through heavy Atlantic sage to the ship: "Isaiah 30, |that was falling, and thou hast bec n slain in a bizarre plot, has eve of the day almost 2,000 years|over most of the guard duty along swells today In an attempt to|verse 20 Philipplans 2, verse strengthened the feeble knees." disappeared. lago when the Prince of Peace that border while United Nations make home port by Christmas, |12." Weather moderated and winds| Authorities aren't concerned was born in Bethlehem, {Emergency Force troops from The destroyer Saguenay] The Bible passage reads: "And subsided to 20 miles an hour|over the disappearance of Frank| Thousands of pilgrims gathered Western nations enjoyed the re. reached the leaking vessel late|though the Lord gave you the Tuesday afternoon. The spokes:|puncan. 30. a Santa Barbara law-|in Bethlehem to offer prayers for liglous holidays. Tuesday night about 400 miles off break of adversity and the wateriman said he did not know yer, bul they said if he doesn't|peace In a world which lives in| UN Secretary « General Da the coast. Despite 35 - mile-an-|of affliction, yet shall sce thy whether the ship's captain, Cmdr. [show up today they will order the shadow of war. Many mil-|Hammarskjold and the UNER hour winds and rough seas, the teacher: + «and "wherefore; William Howe, son of former jim picked up lions more made the short pil- commander, Canadian Gen, E, L, ships were reported proceeding at my beloved, as ye have always|trade minister C, D, Howe « | Dnean 1s wanted as a witness/grimage to their community|M. Burns, joined the troops at 12 knots. {obeyed, not as in my presence|Port Arthur, had ly able toy a grand fury inquiry Friday centres or worship for Christmas| Gaza who were decorating 90 ine A navy spokesman sald the fri.| Only, but now much more in i send down a diver to Investigate | "ine death of his bride, Olga.|Eve services, {ported Christmas trees, gate Buckingham was expected absence, work out your owh bal. damage Yop from Green! Hs mother and two men are In| The theme of "peace on earth, In Baghdad, Iraqi Premier Ab to reach the two ships early to. vation with fear and trembling." | RC/ a lg WTS toh over the Jil on suspicion of murdering|goodwill to men" was repeated in'del Karim Kassem pushed back day Within an Hous fe Huron ood N ti WE ever Y¢lher, Olga, born near Dauphin, |thousands of churches, the beginning of curfew until 1 "It looks like they may make radioed the reply: 'Job 4, verse Huron un e Sag y Man, came here last year from| pr many it was a day of &m. to permit Christians to ats it by Christmas Day," he said, . (Vancouver, irritation beyond that usually tend midnight services on Christs Duncan, who separated from caused hy the last-minute rush!mas Eve and New. Year's Eve, On her way from the Mediter . his wife two weeks after their| Th | AREA olay " 7 : reks Ito t {ores e curfew has been in effect | ranean with. a Skeleton k Ti ho Dead 12 In 1 ured marriage last summer, last was| o the sores isince Kassem took power in & | , 2, Huron Mag 3 leak Le y seen driving away {rom his apart. TRAVEL SPACE SCARCE revolt last July 14, nk i 3 ay when » 20 ! BR sn ni bl | and heavy seas southeast of New- ment Sunday night. New Yorkers still were without mt pat! " --. ila wi rm - pe ha - | » » That was the day the body of [their ana Lg foundland, his estra bride was found {old strike. of delly ee Driver P mi . HI aly | Sn YOU RE JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS | In Bus Collision hubs bolle # Jonety: road 20 ued. Thousands popu f A fe J Mrs. ind Hargreaves of | Mrs. Hargregyes is especially [ expression, young Mr. Har. ADAR AL TED { \ milek f Ventura, Before that, [peted for plane space made . Mons 128 Wilson road south gol o ; arrive gs i pleased with iis | R PULASKI, - Tenn, (AP) Ulticers pleced together this Duncan had expressed the hellef|scarce by the strikes by two air-| For Thre Ye very special gift from Suaniw aid first child and | first glimpse. of this world. | T SLED [persons were killed and 12 in-|account of the crash: she was alive and a conviction line ce the U.S, Canada and | f ars Claus early today -- a seven. I lis world at the | Mother and son are both doing l FOR SAN A jured when a Greyhound bus eol-| The 40 passengers, scenleruiser| that his mother had nothing to do/Mexico, Many switched to nd, two-ounce son who has | Oshawa Géneral Hospital at 5 | well, | vam ©P) {lided early today with two trucks|/bus, bound from Birmingham to with her disappearance, [crowded trains or buses. Many| TORONTO (CP)--A timesave m named Roger Stuart, | am. Judging by his facial ~0Oshawa Times Photo ST HUBKRY: Que. " the [while trying to pass on a wet, Cincinnati, was passing a coal] District Attorney Roy Gustaf- more couldn't get home for the| Ing drivers' permit system undes -- - " Air Defence Comm fog-shrouded hill at twilight. truck in the fog when a south-'son has accused the mother, Mrs, annual reunion, [Which Ontario motorists renew AF , | radar '" " RCAF has announced all n IMames burst out in the bus bound semi-trailer truck loomed Elizabeth Duncan, 54, of hiring| In Bethlehem, the schedule of| them every three years is to bf a Jnterceptor points have 2nd Jotiterco ay y watch (minutes after it erashed into a|ahead. ; two men to kidnap and kill the | Christmas Eve ran from noon ort in 1960, Transport Minister T1S mas nn u ur for Ay race sled gully seven miles south of here,| The bus whipped back toward woman because she was jealous through midnight services, | aromko sald Tuesday, DEW line but a majority of the estimated/the right lane, hooked bumpers|of Olga | Between 4,000 and 5,000 foreign | The three-year system elimine Orang lamied to Pinetree [27 Passengers scrambled out or|with the coal truck and then| Gustafson said Tuesday he be tourists crowded into the bleak te® need for all Ontario motors mic L : . 4 . Xb " ; 2 g : (ist [were rescued before the fire crashed almost head-on Into thellives a fourth person may have little hilltop town 1% miles souk ists to apply for permite at the . i radar sites sald the space ve o . y , ; , } io reached them tractor-trailer, dragging the coal heen involved in the plot, One ol Yh oo same period of the year. Fach Bri ht As Never Bef IT hicle, travelling at super nhs Three of the dead were badly truck with it the men in ollie By Augustine N Jeeniom Where Christ was permit will he renewable on the peed, will approach from the burned. The others apparently| This impact broke the bus loose| Baldonado, told the police his col-| 0 owner's birthday, North Pole region were thrown from the bus {from the coal truck. Ths bus car-|league, Luis Moya, lured Olga MANY CROSS LINE Drivers will be assigned the Most likely time for sighting | "oyo py driver, who had re.leened 75° yards farther and/from her apartment hy pretend-| There were another 1,737 Chris: same permit number for as long has been determined as mid- | Goo ooo uard for 18 years of crashed to a stop upright in the ing he needed medical assistance tians from Israel, mostly Arabs as they hold Ontario permits night Dec, 24 safe driving last summer, was gulley, catching fire. The tractor- for a friend received Israell permission to, Mr. Yaremko said the new sys. iting Operations pens, basey on among the dead, He was Samuel trailer remained almost at the] cross the Palestine war truceitem Is the result of the prov Bi wnt | Canada's highest wage aver | Hundreds of families intelligence reports COMPUOC (vo, 000 50, of Murfreesboro, point of impact, |line in Jerusalem to attend thelince's demerit plan which goes ot Tg ny gq ey void eves here till hardship glthe shores and su ) p ove} be Yeats, $3d the space Tenn | The coal truck stopped, its THOUGHT FOR TODAY Bethlehem services, About 200| into operation Feb, 1, Drivers will "ting some money in a few weeks, [some families, Welf organiza: |Ramsey, which bore on th at A Jou "| Twelve persons, including one| brakes locked, The Pecnca of Tl foreign diplomats, clergymen and be penalized for violations on a They are accustomed to having tions which provided food and|city, Sleighs and toboggans wil SMescrip io ued. skbamniped of the trick drivers. were treated] The collision opened a hole in a pe ' 0 gous] [others from Israel also were points basls, Those obtaining 13 a fair. amount of ready cash pirigls goo cargo com. |At hospital. Six were released the left side of the bus through 1 ve reached middle [given permission to visit shrines demerits automatically lose their The 87-day strike against the[the long strike will distribute hun-|while skater vind-swept| SiiBle seal, Arp Kk it. The ve. |after treatment and one was sent|which some of the passengers es-| a8," has passed It, across the line in Jordan, permits, ' dreds of Christmas baskets to-[or shovel-cleared patches of {ce.| PATtMeENt, open cockp fo a Nashville hospital in very caped. Others apparently used ------------------------ -- » ply will be snow | night I's boen a normal winter so Mcle most likely wi critical condition, [the emergency door at the rear \ covered - before Christmas changed all J vearing | that, It was the costliest: indus-{shepping crowd Sudbury out-la. "Christmas card" Christma The pilot should be wes R A ly prese t-] red toque. The engines probably A » 3 ar in Car irdly presents the same Christ | It won't he Sudbury's hest : T Ho i] dispute of the year In « iid as appearance that it has in!Christmas, but it will he : p o red tuque. The engines probably en "" vo will be muffled for secrecy but W 't eripnl dt 's eco- | Other year one, The next dav, the first w It didn't cripple Sudbury's ec e fir ol Ml De Re The final order said nomy urvevs show busine Di n streets carry strin ers return to the Inco plants | I . was down 30 per cent while hin ; ; : strike Ta ted--but it did tighten!with tiny trees. Residential stree The visitor is to he escorted Jy carry the seasonal theme in di Orphan Bahy in formation to ensure that the ---------- SUDBURY (CP)--The Nickel|soon resume has brought a new, In Common with most Cana Belt never thought it would have|atmosphere "of cheerfulne and [dian communitic re fay a Christmas like this one pending. Sudbury once again be nt in family celebration Few of this city's 48,000 citi-|look ike th with one of land visitin clothing to needy cases during|zoom down i pin shores International Nic kel Company which ended less than one week ; : Other than the resurgence of (far here, with every prospect of the (ot light the posts decorated \ the spending, especial , Be 2 spending avs ranging from simple holly mission, believed to be highly an vreaths to lighted sleighs. Santa | secret, is carried out in all By THE CANADIAN PRESS travelling crush, Most businesses SHOPPING TEMPO QUICKENS , 0 \aindeor. In F st H areas of Canada successfully. Santa Claus and his reindeer|Were to close today until Mon. All that has changed since Fi There will be one visible dif 0! er ome probably will not find much fresh|day, giving folks a four-day fling, day when the strike settlement ference Christmas Dav. Sudbur Sil snow in their tour of Canada this! Colder air returned to Ontario . v . y was announced. There has be ans will see no smoke risi Over Christ Balloon 1lent Christmas Eve. But they should High expected today: Windsor 28 an increasing tempo in the shop: from the Inco smelter chimne mas . have slick travelling on the|above; London 25, Toronto 25, ping. It looked like old times|at Copper CHIT for the first time moROKTO (CP) John Christa Over Atlantic Blanket of witite wirlol remains Ottawa 12 and Sudbury and North Tuesday night as crowds since 1921 when the post-war de! \ heat . » over wide areas of the country.|Bay zero. threaded their way along the pre sion shut down: the plants per X will spend Christmas Day| PARIS (CP)--The French na 3 Ro er) oui ly-lighted busine treets Roman Cathol hureh vin [Ike most other f3-day-old boys, yal radio. station at Port Lyautey| Despite slightly milder temper- | Such frigid Northern Ontario 7 a obo. xa oan od { jo 4¢ Riddle " y M The baby, found abandoned!in northwest French Morocco re-|atures in the west, the weathe:-spots as White River, Earlton, F cel we crowded tonig for midnight}; a" washroom wa tebasket atiported Tuesday it had tried un.|man says there should be plenty | Kapuskasing and Moosonee faced Union Station last we was | successfully to communicate. with|of snow around to make it a truly|temperatures of around five be- any of the 14,000 strikers bring masses. Protestant churches will JOR ae at ae. ut il ; A atines TOrAing sou. pinced in 2 foster home Tuesday|the crew of the balloon Small|Vhite Christmas. Eastern Can- low zero today. A drop to about - we DY ihe Children's Aid Society |world ada, which warmed up a bit|25 below was forecast for tonight, He'll be one of a family of six Four British balloonists are at. Tuesday after a cold spell, was! Montreal was in for a reading along with three other society tempting to cross the Atlantic,|due for new winterdike temper-of 15 above today, dropping to ce reakers Push wards--for the holiday season. [They began their journey 11 days atures, five overnight, The weather in the Police are frying to locaic afago but have not been heard from | Trains and planes were running Maritimes will remain mainly woman who telephoned the Hos-[for a week. full schedules in the Christmas fine and cold today. Little change . pital for Sick Children Tuesday |was indicated for Christmas Day, She said she was the child's | -------- as - 1 e al | i mother and asked how she could . get the baby back | | F | MONTREAL (CP)--Old river ships downstream through the !10snifal officials said the caller | LATE NEWS FLASHES 'Queen, ami Y hands are predicting that if the/channel In the ice efused to give her name They| weather holds, ( tmas Da) We can't afford to sit around." told her ne B ould have fo Appa) ding Carols y he icebreakers: Erne before a court hearing Dec. 3 » ' . Rinomais and'N B. Meloan punch j01d. an olticer of one of the at wich the Children's Aid so.| Eight Killed In Airplane Crash i, thelr way through a massive icelojoar a channel swe " arealty ciety plans to apply for tempor BOURNEMOUTH, Eng. (Reuters)--Eiglit persons were SANDRINGHAM, Eng. (CP) jam and into Montreal harbor all. We can't risk being frozen} wardship of the bo | killed and three injured when a Bristol Britannia airliner Queen Elizabeth and other mem. But for the 500 deepsea ma A div Nt 8 frozen CAS officials fave the aby his crashed near here on a training flight today. A police {bers of the Royal Family joined n pn t f ps siibih ns name, which will probably be spokesman in this south coast resort town 100 miles from [a party of villagers from nearby ors aboa e 4 oc an ol I the crews are assured .of come permanent inl ig real London confirmed the toll. The four-engined turbo-prop air Dersingham in carols at the held in the harb n wistmas dinners aboard ship, (identity is learned. The Wd the liner, now on regular service across the Atlantic, was on a royal home here Tuesday night stoeam an : The Lapointe and McLean Poe eved 1 Wu been crew training flight from London airport when it crashed I'he carollers, 22 of them. had would be more WY MWC ound away at the 30mile jamiPlaced In a foster been outside Sandringham House other da h WY. aided by. temper rox | NOME." MP's Car Bumed, Store Damaged singing Christians Awake when The men on the . a, : . , i the S , y , x 0s, and are to go i MONTREAL (CP)--Georges Valade, Progressive Conser ey were invited in by Lord are thousand § r i im R ] R k \ y Plunket, the Queen's equerry t Christn . Mn tod valtive member of Parliament for Montreal-St. Mary's said 1 Ad home, hut Chri A The icobreakers mn I t as oC ets ' They were y raw in "this ' cosmop today his car had been burned and his drug store windows y were shown into a draw a task with ca would have ' . shattered hy holligans. Mr. Valade, whose constituency lie ing room where, seated in a d 3 : ers of Montreal hor N T } icebreakers arrive, the men will (olien %o "the se-foot, tivemen| NEW 4 TIRLIMPA within Montreal's rowdy east end, told police vandals had semi-circle, were the Queen, the be on duty mano . | < AS "" Vale > res o smashed the windows of his late mode! car and poured gaso Prince of Wales, Princess Anne, level: The head of water is aboul CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP)! line over the upholstery, setting it ablaze early today. The 15 feet higher than the river level ; car was reported wrecked | | | [ the Queen Mother, Princess Mar garet, the Duchess of Kent and N + ) ) {Princess Alexandra, Sh * at Sorel, G0 miles downriver, If missile on a uecessful 4.000-milel on i ' \ cobroakers. roloacn EAM) 4 ul' 4,000-mile : | There they sang more carols, CITY EMERGENCY fis, febrdhers rics fo mae fh scr tn Aine oss] Heavy Ice Curtails Power Flow wi he Reval Fo one VISION OF CRASH IN SPIRITS PHONE NUMBERS it it once t le Fiver would days after its predecessor became NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)Hydro Electric: Power | After taking a collection for the ----- ORK WHY d RI y 'ce 10 the. biggest N. 84 Commission officials here today said that an unusually Cancer Research Fund and Brit A possibly fatal accident | Safety League and the Oshawa | smashed-up car and possible POLICE RA 5.1133 y I Ts : Fgh it. Allng. h-the heavy flow of ice in the upper Niagara River has cut power (ish Empire Leprosy Relief As:| through the use of alcohol be. | Police Department appeal to | loss of life or permanent in. FIRE DEPT. R » \ \ "at: 3 ' Ig a VAS ar prod ction at their Toronto power plant te about 90 per cent ociation, the carvellers had re the Oshawa public to co-oper jury in the hottom of the glass ' « RA 56574 p in 4 ht uehe nee ne four fter| The plant manufactures 25-cyvele power for industrial use in freshments in an ante-room and ate in their drive to keep this | above, could otherwise become HOSPITAL RA 3.2311 IpX. avaong ieebresker escus h hi Tan. Heh dowanstre The air force has shot an Atla . a fore driving could mar the holi the blasiolf of the 80-font war | Toronto, the Niagara Peninsula, and New York state custo- then continued their door-to-door| day spirit of Oshawa and Dis: | Chyistmas and New Yar acci a reality, am. Irocket late Tuesday night, mers. {tour of Sandringham village. | trict residents. The Oshawa | dnt « éree. The vision of a | ~Oshawa Times Photo i IN