16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 24, 1958 Manchester | Girl Hurt MANCHESTER --- Vicky and Barbara McCartney secepied » ride from school, Upon arriving home they unfortunately got out of the wrong side of the car Vicky did not see another esr [e Jroadhing and stepped in front of The driver eould not avold striking her and as a result she received head eculs, hruises and was badly shaken up, She was able to leave hospital on the weekend and Is recovering at home BORROW STRIKES Borrow _eame to two homes In this locality last week, Mrg, Clin ton Midgley's mother Mrs Wheatley, died very suddenly at the home of her daughter in Brooklin, Mrs, Harold Holthy lost her lather, Mr, Thos: Balle Brooklin, Bympathy goes out to the bereaved ones Mrs. Medd and pupils and sing Ing teacher, Mrs, Randison, gave An excellent entertainment In the hall last Wednesday evening, The drills and singing merit special mention, Ranta came and dis tributed gifts, also bays of candy, for all the children PERSONALS Mrs, Allan Martyn and son Prince Albert, visited Mrs, Art Vandewoort one day 1ast week Mrs, W. 8K Taylor and Brenda and Elwood W. Croxier returned to Elliot Lake last Thursdas after a week's visit here I gine. Holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs Jack Witherspoon on Bunda were Mr, and Mrs, Don Klliott {amily spent Sunday with rela and son Earl, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce '!ives in Toronto, spoon, all of Toronto | Witherspoon and three daughters | Mr, and Mrs, Doug, Witherspoon and Mr, and Mrs, R, J. Wither: My. and Mrs, Geo, Leach and Merry Christmas to SVErYone w= we hope Santa brings you the best of everything) VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. Reliable Furniture Co. 96 KING ST. E, May the best gift of all -- the spirit of peace and good will +++ be yours always. In passing, we would ike to say: flave a sparkling holiday! UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 1817 -- LOCAL 2784 RINKERS CLEANERS 5% BURK STREET i -------- Best. Wishes MORRISON FUR CO. 12 KING WEST Ch ¢ V-- {RISTMAS GREETINGS FROM THE FOLKS at OSHAWA DAIRY LTD. Merry Ehristmas We have enjoyed knowing and sewing you this yead Hi al | 1 BIPO wid] y MANAGEMENT and STAFF Blacks LADIES WEAR ® 72 SIMCOE ST. N. o " "CHRISTMAS GREETINGS" Hambly's Beverages Fi (OSHAWA) LTD, 145 KING ST. W. TO ALL OF OUR MANY, MANY pe . GOOD FRIENDS - ugg & or, | hls» 2 & pe Coristinas is a time Ww Ne pn Wea-- . 4 for counting our blessings, r™y R---] . " W wm ------ . : for acknotuledging toith gratitude the K AD lopalty of our friends, and for expressing VA ---- appreciation and good wishes that the coming Holiday will be a happy one! Season's Greetings To All RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA TO SERVE YOU SHOPPING CENTRE ® DOWNTOWN 0