|2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Desomber 24, 1958 New Brunswies vi, UDWAFo EE, work as sewer And water to- wil pay 30 per cent of the pay- BATTLE THISTLE worst of all weeds on Vancouver Co TTT Manitoba 11, Saskatchewan 44, stallations, parks development, roll costs, leaving its municipal-| VICTORIA (CP) Experl-| Island, are + wing some prom Iherts 57 and British Columbia road bullding, brush clearing for ties with only 20 per cent to pay. iments to develop a method fo'ise of succ it the federal ex A | ] submitted any projects for federal 79, new roads, and bridges, {Ontario, Prince Edward Island, eradicate the Canada thistle, perimental fa... inter 0 an aide, | The program, specifically de- The program, scheduled to end Saskatchewan and Alberta will v - ree ee---- ONTARIO HAS MOST {signed to create jobs during the April 30, has been complemented add 256 per cent, Alberta has of-'g A breakdown by provinces of slack winter period, provides fed- by further incentives by five pro- fered to arrange the financing of At $3,900,000 jrofects approved gives New-|eral payments of half the direct vincial governments, Manitoba'its municipalities' shares, iv - sinrte---- - oundland , Nova Bcotls, 16, (payroll costs for such munieipa); OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal | ; " 5 : jovernment aire, comm he 0 sontribute W000 to help g / eason s nun! 5 sta Job-cres b { winter works that normally " ; | ' ? Gr eetings se undertaken in spring, In the first three weeks of the rogram, which started Dec, 1, anadian municipalities of eight - provinces submitted 887 provinel- i 4 . J/is ally-approved projects for federal . i \ §iR/ R from our entire staff assistance, { 5 5 \ yor, » The labor department has ap- PN PR ; ¢ } ' : proved 528 sets, with an ag- 4 4 \ or / i tv gregate cost of $27,000,000, The : dT A , rest are being rocessed, The ap- proved projects represent work || EVR 2 A special package of || WA . A special package of 3 Si J r 9, , of ¥ ; I we ncere. bor mine, 5 Fy Jono : ak happy holiday wishes! : 4 ey 'A p happy holiday wishes! JACK BI DDU LPH y officials administrating the pro- APPLIANCE SERVICE aod fare, wd they expect | ARTHUR MURRAY 68 SIMCOE ST. N. MAURICE BERG'S many more projects to be sub- y " ied witer new municipal «wo | Page's Hairdressing & Barber Shop I amconorone DANCE STUDIOS = - Municipalities of Quebec and ALLROOM" % sl 8 RA 8.1681 MEN'S WEAR Prince" Edward Island, whicn|| 396 PINE AVE OSHAWA BALLROOM 11% Simeos St, 8 ! decided only a feg days ago to | | enter the program, have not yet| to you and yours - BRIGHTEST %. WISHES ' WE SEND 70 YOU! LARRY MARSHALL ; and Staff Merry wish our Friends ond Customers vary Marry a Happy New Year Christmas % {" | A : ' 1g . hoo rover. TO OUR FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS / vl BEST WISHES CULLIGAN rom ARV fr | WATER | FRANK--STELLA--JENNIE--GEORGE P05 - | 7 4 i to all our friends for » TIONING i SONDITIOAIN | F R A NI K S BEVERAGES gay, colorful Christmas season. (OSHAWA) €O, LTD, RA 8.8307 Management and Staff INTERNATIONAL BARBER SHOP | BOWMANVILLE, ONT. i i 381 SIMCOE ST. 8, OSHAWA ONT. ~~ CMa 10 KING WEST Species Bolivar & Fuel Of | a ---------- C hristmas and (histmas reefin gs / Way the Meaning of Christmas be deeper / its friendship stronger its -hopes brighter as it comes to you this year MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE HAPPY AND YOUR NEW YEAR PROSPEROUS One of Canada's Great Stores for the Home